Understanding how you create the illusion of time, how it works, and how to
take control of it in the physical and non-physical is of high importance if
you wish to create your life by design, instead of by default. Time is a
trickster. The biggest trick time plays on us is to make us think that it's real,
and that we are under its control. Yet time is nothing more than a persistent
illusion. Einstein once said that no matter how persistent the illusion of
time, it is still an illusion. Our conscious minds can only process a small
amount of information. They need a logical structure. Without that structure,
our conscious Minds can't function properly, so time provides that structure.
But that doesn't make it real. It is important to note that only our
conscious mind functions according to time. Our subconscious mind does not
understand the concept of time. Past present and future are all one to our
subconscious mind. That's why it's important to focus all of our goals in
the present. Because that is the only time that our subconscious mind truly
understands. Quantum physics shows us that the only time that truly exists is
now, and the only place is here. Anytime something happens, it happens now.
Even though your mind often wants to live in anticipation of the future or in
a memory of the past, everything happens now. W hen you think about it, when do you
remember your past? You remember it now. When do you dream of your future? You
dream of it now. When do you learn from your past? You learn from it now. When you
were actually in your past, it was still now. In other words, if someone asked you
at that time what you were doing, they would say "what are you doing now?" Their
reference would be to that present moment. There is nothing that you can do
in any other moment except now. If you don't believe me, try it do something
yesterday or tomorrow right now. It's impossible. And if you say
I will do that tomorrow, and then tomorrow comes, when are you doing it?
You're still doing it now,. Even tomorrow is happening now. This moment is where we
are all creating what we call our future. What you are being, living, thinking, and
feeling in the present moment will determine what you call your future. I
would like you to think of your present moment as your point of power, because
it's the only point where you can exercise your full power. Consider this,
all your hopes for the future and even your memories of the past
can only happen in the present moment. The present is that one point where
everything comes together. When does life start, and when does it end? When is it
that we meet every challenge? When do our problems start, and when are they
resolved? When do we feel pain? When are we healed? When do cause and effect take
place? All of this can only happen in the present moment. We have been taught that
these moments are separate from each other, but in fact they all take place in
the no. No matter what happens in life, it's always now. Nothing ever happened in
the past, it happened in the now. Nothing will ever happen in the future, it will
only happen in the now. When you think of the past, it's stored in the mind as a
memory. The past is a former now. And when you think about the past, when do you do
it? That's right you do it now. When the future arrives, it arrives now. And when
you think about the future when do you do it? Right again, you do it right now. So
you can see that the past and the future have no realities of their own. Their
realities are borrowed from the now. Most people are willing to ransom their
present moment for some future outcome. Ideologies such as
communism, socialism, as well as most religious belief systems, operate from
the assumption that the highest good for all lies in the future. The end is always
an idea in the mind, projected into the future when goals and solutions, whatever
form they take: happiness, fulfillment, equality, liberation, salvation, and so on
will be attained. But this is insanity. Achieve equality, liberation, happiness, or
anything else in the future. When it happens, it will happen now. Are you the
type of person who is always trying to get somewhere or be somewhere other than
where you are right now? Are you focused on achieving success, pleasure, or
excitement in the future. What we need to understand is that all unhappiness is
caused by resisting and denying the present. We think our problems are caused
by our current situation in life, but in fact it's our attachment to the past and
the future, and denial of the now that is the real problem. If this is true, and I
guarantee that it is, then ultimately there is only one problem in life: not
living in the now. You cannot be unhappy and fully present in the moment. It is
impossible to have a problem when you are focused in the now. Why is this true?
When you live in the now you either handle what is in front of you, or you
accept the situation as it is in the moment. Those are your only two choices.
If you think about it, when you have a so-called problem, what it really means
is that you're worrying or mentally dwelling on a situation without having
any true intention or possibility of taking action now in this moment. You
cannot have a problem in the present moment. You can only have problems when
you are out of the present moment. Perhaps you are seeking answers to your
questions or problems. Notice that sometimes you receive your answer, but
most of the time you don't. Why? Because you are not here in the present
moment when the answer arrives. The answers you seek can come from many ways
and at any time, but they will always come in the present moment. If we spend
most of our time regretting and living in the past, or worrying about the future,
we place ourselves out of the present moment where all the creativity and
answers take place. Does it make any sense at all to desire, request, yearn, and
pray for that which is closest to your heart and necessary to your life, and
then not be present and paying attention when the answer arrives? This makes no
sense at all. Our point of power can only exist in the present moment. We create
from this moment whether the materialization appears instantly or
later as a complex event of cause and effect. However all creation takes place
in the now. If we really understand this truth we will have an inexhaustible
supply of usable energy at our command. It's only our thoughts, attitudes, and
emotions used in the moment that have any power. It's not what occurred to us
in the past that forces us on a path that we would rather not be on. It's how
tightly we hold on to that past, reliving its trauma and drama that brings it into
our present moment where we relive it. When we constantly worry and re-examine
the past in order to discover what's wrong with the present, we reinforce the
building blocks that will create exactly the thing or experience that we're
trying to escape. Why does the mind habitually resist the present? It is
because the mind or your ego cannot function and remain in control in the
present moment. Your mind or your ego wants to be in control. But in order for
the mind or ego to remain in control it must continually seek to avoid the
present moment with the only thing that it knows - the past. The mind conditioned
by its past, always seeks to create what it knows and is familiar with, even if
it's painful. The mind does not like the unknown. The unknown is
dangerous because the mine has no control over what it does not know or is
not experienced. That's why the mine dislikes and ignores the present moment.
Because it's powerless in the present moment. By banishing all doubt and
trusting your natural inner guidance system, you clear the space for this
power to work through you easily and effortlessly in the present moment. Let
me ask you this - can you be free of your mind whenever you want to? Have you found
the off button? If you are constantly focusing on the past or the future,
you're not using your mind, your mind is using you. You probably didn't even know
that you were its slave. It's like being possessed without even knowing it. If you
find it difficult to live in the now, try this: stand back and just observe the
habitual tendency of your mind wanting to escape the now. You will observe that
the future usually seems better or worse than the present. If your imagined future
seems like it will be better, it gives you hope pleasure and anticipation. If it
seems like it will be worse, that creates worry, fear, and anxiety. What
you want to realize here is that both our illusions. As you do this, don't judge
or analyze what you observe. Watch your thought, feel the emotion, observe the
reaction, and just become the silent watcher. This will help you to focus on
the present moment, because the moment you realize that you are not present, you
are back in the present moment. All it takes is a single choice, a simple
decision that no matter what happens, you will no longer try to live in the future,
or in the past. Let me ask you a question: are you worried about something right
now? Do you have a lot of what-if thoughts about the future? If this is the
case, ask yourself: what problem do I have
right now? Not tomorrow, not five minutes from now, but right in this moment. And
what you will discover is that you have no
problems in this moment. Check this out. If you fully understand what I'm saying,
all your so-called problems will disappear. Are you waiting to start
living? If you develop this pattern of waiting,
no matter what you achieve or get in the present, it will never seem good enough.
Why? Because when you do get what you want, the future will always appear to be
holding something better. This is a recipe for permanent dissatisfaction,
non-fulfillment, and unhappiness. How much of your life do you spend waiting for
the next holiday, a better job, a raise, for your children to grow up, to achieve
success, to make money, to meet someone to be important, or even to become
enlightened? Waiting is a state of mind. Basically it means you are not living in
the present.That you want the future to arrive, but the present moment is not
good enough. But the present is all you have, there is nothing else. The key to
breaking those old patterns of present moment denial and present moment
resistance is to withdraw our thoughts from the past and from the future when
they're not needed. Should an urgent situation arise that you need to deal
with now, your actions will be clear and decisive if you are in the present
moment and not in the past or the future. When you are in the moment your, response
will not be a reaction coming from the past conditioning of your mind, but from
an intuitive present moment awareness of your present situation and the options
that are available to you. Remember that every moment you are sending out your
vibrational energy. The way you communicate with the universe is through
your feelings, not through your thoughts. This vibrational energy is magnetizing
and attracting everything back to you. If you send out a vibrational energy that
you don't have what you want in the present moment you, will end up with more
of the same - not having what you want. Now that you understand your true point of
power, ask yourself "what could be more beneficial than using
this moment to send out a vibrational energy or a thought that's in alignment
with what I desire?" And the answer is nothing is more important. So the message
is clear - let go of the past, forget about the future, and create whatever you
desire right now in this moment.
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