It's not a great spot.
Come in. Come join me.
This is better, huh?
Did many ONCE join me?
Hello, hello. What time is it now? 4:30?
- 5. - It's 5.
It's 5:20 now.
What are you doing? Hello.
"I turned on V LIVE and you're having a live show. Wow".
Really? What a fateful timing.
"Hello". Hello.
"What? What"? It's Sana. Hello.
"Give out spoilers". I don't... It would be no fun if I give out spoilers now.
Not many days are left.
"Are you going to give out spoilers"? No.
"Hi, Sana". Hi, ONCE.
I am not a spoiler fairy.
"Hi, sis". Hi.
Hello. Hi.
Hi! Hi!
You're studying? Fighting!
So many viewers joined while I was reading the comments.
Earlier when I started to read the comments, there were 240 viewers.
So many viewers joined now. Thank you.
Hi, hi.
Where am I?
Not telling you.
It rained so much today.
Don't forget to bring an umbrella when you go out.
What are you doing now?
ONCE, what are you doing?
I wonder what ONCE is doing now.
Nice to see you too.
I told our manager that I want to have V LIVE.
He asked me "What do you want to say for the title"?
I told him to choose one for me.
But he made a typo.
You know what it is, huh?
"Dance The Night Away". It's our title.
I keep pressing the report button when I read the comments.
What happens if I tap the report button?
Will I report someone to V LIVE?
Someone will report me.
I wrote a comment and TWICE Sana has reported you.
"Where are you now"? At wonderland.
I am not sure if you know this but
it's raining a lot.
It's rainy season. The rainy season will last for a month.
We will have rain for awhile. Right?
That's what I heard.
Who told me this? Was it our manager?
You know... What did we do?
What did Momo, Mina, and I do?
That's right. We wrote the lyrics for the first time.
They are giving me a round of applause.
But our names were not uploaded.
Now the names are uploaded and our fans love it.
So I was so happy too.
I am happy if ONCE is happy.
I am happy too.
Yes, I wrote the lyrics in Japanese.
Yes, I am alone. Fighting on your test!
Yes, be careful not to catch a cold.
"I like you". I like you too.
"Did you have any challenges"?
While we were preparing for the album... Challenges?
I don't think we had any challenges.
We had fun working and filming together...
We ate good food... We ate so much food from convenience store.
We had it way too much.
Yes, our manager said 50% of the food was from convenience store.
But it was really good.
We really enjoyed convenience store food.
That's okay.
I almost had a blooper.
There is no light here.
I only get sunlight from outside.
But it's not bright enough because of the weather.
There's a shadow.
- Buddy! -I was expecting you.
- Hello. - Hi.
- You have a lot of makeup on today, huh? - Yes.
So pretty. In article pictures, she...
Article? In the pictures from the airport, I can tell she's wearing heavy makeup now.
- Yes... - Pictures from Music Bank too.
Yes, I decided to put heavy makeup now.
I saw that when we performed "So Hot" on Music Bank...
Jihyo's meme?
- Did you see it? - Yes, there are so many.
I watched them all. So pretty.
"Jihyo's so pretty". She is.
You know they are saying you're pretty because you're on V LIVE.
- Because you're on it, I see many Japanese comments. - Really?
- If I have V LIVE, I don't get this many Japanese comments. - Really? - Yes.
About a half of it is in Japanese and other half is Korean and I see some English.
I never get something like this one.
You will get easy comments.
- Yes. - Easy Japanese, right?
All I get is "Hello".
- One Japanese fan asked "What's Aigo"? - Aigo? - Yes.
Aigo~ Please explain it in Japanese.
Aigo is...
How can I say this in Japanese? You don't have something like that in Japanese?
- We have. - You should just say it then.
Aigo means when you sit down...
- Yoisho! - This is what you say.
- Something like this. - Something like this.
Good job.
"Jihyo looks tanned".
- Should I tell ONCE now? - They don't know it yet?
I wanted to tell them after we make our comeback.
- Really? - I won't say it. - OK.
When we were on Music Bank...
- I watched it and thought Jihyo looks tanned. So pretty. - I know.
- I wore the dress and I looked very tanned compared to before. - Yes.
That's right.
- Please tell them what you were doing just now. - I had pig feet.
- Seongsu pig feet. - That's from Seongsu? - Yes.
- It's so good. - It's super good.
You should try it too.
It's really good.
Is that emoji new?
- Ours? - Yes.
- I know. The one with the names? - Yes. - I know. - I've never seen it.
- "How are you"? I am good. - "How are you"?
"When will you read my comments?
"Pleas say Jongsung I love you".
- No, but she said it. - I know. I was going to say no.
I read your mind, huh?
"Please come to our school festival". Where is it?
Tell us where... I will report you...
"What are you doing today"?
- Now. - Now?
- The one in the beginning is now? - Yes, it is. - Now.
- "Do you like your new song"? I do. - Me too.
You have to listen to it several times to... How can I explain this?
You have to listen to it several times to fully admire it.
- Yes. - It's a great song for night time.
Summer night.
It's flying so fast.
I think it would be perfect for driving when you go on a summer vacation.
- I think it would be a great song for that. - Yes, it will definitely make you upbeat.
Sana, you wrote the lyrics. It's been released.
- Yes, I talked about it. - OK, got it.
I've been eating all day since this morning.
Our MV is made.
We watched it already.
- Yes. - We watched "Dance The Night Away" MV already.
It's very...
- It's like a documentary. - Yes.
- We talked about it while filming it too. - Yes.
- We were with nature. - That's right.
I guess this can be a spoiler.
- That's right. We fooled around a lot when filming it. - Yes.
- We had so much fun through out the process. - We went crazy in the end.
Yes, we...
"Are you saying we should watch it several times to understand it"? No, it's not complex.
The members appear many times.
Among the our MVs, I think I watched this the most.
- Since when they showed it to me. - Really? - Yes, I watched it several times a day.
I watched that one a lot.
- "What is Love". - Oh~ "What is Love".
- I watched it so many times. - I couldn't watch it because of the "How are you" scene.
So I didn't watch it many times.
"I guess Jihyo looks good in it". All the members look good in it.
Jihyo... What were the Jihyo's scenes?
I can't remember it.
For this MV, it's hard to say that one individual member's scene is nice.
- The picture looks nice. - True.
- It will make you want to go on a trip. - There 2 or 3 scenes I like.
One is Tzuyu helping Chaeyoung.
- That's a cute one. - And... - And Dahyun's scene? - Yes.
- Those two scenes. - Yes. - This is a spoiler. - Yes, it is.
You will watch it several times too.
They look so cute. Really.
I wasn't going to give out spoilers but this is fun.
I see so many taxi comments.
- You didn't read it purposely, huh? - I always get it as if it's a background.
"Where is Momo"? In her dream.
Not everyone is here.
- Jeongyeon isn't here yet. - Yes, how are you Jeongyeon?
- Jeongyeon, are you watching this? - Is she coming now?
Jeongyeon is coming. Nayeon went somewhere.
- Really? - Yes. - Where? - Hospital.
That's right.
"Momo is sleeping, huh"?
It's dinner time and prep time... They don't know what we're doing.
They don't know it. Should we tell them?
- I think it doesn't matter since they know it already. - They know it? How?
They know this will be released.
- But if we tell them, people on our side won't like it. - I know.
We like it but... We don't care if we tell you or not.
But we can't do that for our social life.
We need to follow the rules.
"Is it Pocari"? We won't do this for Pocari.
Pocari? We would go overseas for it.
- Maybe we're overseas now. - Yes, we are. Don't you hear English?
- For you, you're overseas. - That's right.
Because of the typhoon, we have heavy rain and the weather is bad.
- Be careful. - We have heavy rain because Jihyo is here.
I think you look like this animal nowadays.
- Really? - You look like something.
What is it?
No, not that one. You look like something.
My mole on the nose is showing well today.
- Why? - Recently, it's been... - Maybe it's tanned too.
That's possible since mole is dark.
"Sana, you are lucky because you're always overseas traveling".
I feel like I am overseas when we're working in Japan.
- Because I have pack. - Yes.
I became so close to my carry-on.
- So close. - We don't take out our stuff from carry-on.
- Because we can just take it and go. - Yes.
Because we go overseas so often.
- We come back and leave in two days. - Yes.
- But we don't have overseas schedule for awhile. - That's right.
- For a month. - Because we will make our comeback. - Right?
We have to do our best for our promotion.
- "I saw you my dream". - I wonder what your dream was about.
- "The sun is up in Ulsan". - Really? The typhoon is gone already?
- The sun is always up. - It's not gone, right?
"Jihyo has nice blanket".
- Our goods blanket. - Who is it? Tzuyu.
Earlier I had Mina.
- It's Mina. - Right? - Yes.
"Are you excited because you will be at KCON LA"?
In LA...
- We're so excited. Right? - Right.
Right? We're so excited about this.
Mi-Sa-Mo, did you write lyrics in Japanese?
I told you that we wrote it in Korean.
- Look. - "Jihyo looks like a career woman". Why?
- That's true. - Now? - Yes.
- You should look like one. - My hair is...
I braided my hair because my hair is curly.
If I take it off, my hair will look curly.
So I braided my hair. If I take it off, it would look messy.
So I tied my hair. The braids are everywhere.
- You tied it? - They did it for me. I asked.
They said you look like a sheep because of the blanket.
I look like a sheep because of the blanket?
Isn't because I look like a sheep?
"What's your favorite convenience store food"?
My favorite?
- My favorite? - For me, sushi from 7-Eleven Japan.
For Japan, I like cold noodles.
Hiyashi Chuka.
For Korea...
That dumplings you microwave.
- That dumplings and Sesame ramen... - When we go to Inkigayo... - Yes.
You should dip it in Sesame ramen... It's so good.
"Did you ever want to change your hairstyle"?
Do you have a hairstyle you want to try?
I want red hair.
- Super red one. - You will good with it.
- Really? - Yes. - I want to try it.
- I want to but I am scared to damage my hair. - Yes.
- I don't want it to be gone. - I want to cut my hair short.
Please try it.
But I will regret it for sure.
Really? Regret it then.
- Regret it and get extension? - Yes. - Really? - Yes.
- You can just get extension. - My hair is so damaged so if I cut it this much...
- It's better. - But I know I have to grow it out for 1 year to get this long. - Yes.
I think it took me 3 years to grow my hair this much.
Right? 2 to 3 years?
"Sana, I want to see you with medium hair".
I really like that hair style for you.
When we were on "Music Bank" for "I'm Gonna Be A Start".
- Yes. - Your hair was light and short.
You looked really nice with the hair style.
I should try it next time.
"Jihyo, no short hair please". I saw that. Told you.
Who is that? I will report you.
I want Jihyo to get short hair. You looked so pretty in the picture on Instagram.
- That one? - Yes. - But... - I said it at least 3 times, huh? - Yes.
I said it so many times.
- "Cl-iming"... - What is Cl-iming?
What is Cl-iming? He's sleeping.
What is it?
"Jihyo and Sana, where do you want to go for a vacation"?
Where should I go?
I will stay in Korea.
- Really? - Yes.
I want to go to the country where my favorite perfume is from.
- That's where the HQ is. - Yes.
I want to test all the perfumes.
- That would be nice. - Yes.
Or I want to go to a country where the soaps smell good. Hawaii or Guam would be nice.
Somewhere related to scent.
I see.
For me... I watched a movie called, "Little Forest".
- It's about cooking, farming, and sleeping in remote area. - Yes.
- I want to try that at where there is nothing. - I know.
That's a good one.
- I think that's true happiness. - Yes.
Going on a school trip with your friends...
It will become a great memory for you.
"Did you see the outfit ONCE put on for the teaser pictures"?
- Why? Because we were revealing so much? - What? - We weren't... Were we?
- No. I wore off-the-shoulder top. - Right? I wore a tank top.
I wore a tank top for the first time in this MV.
- Right? You wore tank tops for almost everything, right? - Yes.
- Yes. - For the first time, I revealed my arms which I don't want to show to others.
- Because they are fat. - ONCE, take a screen shot.
- No. - But you look good in it.
- I was so excited. - Excited? - So I was tanned.
- And got tan lines. - I know.
When we make our comeback... I got tan lines because I wore sleeveless shirts.
I will upload the picture showing the tan lines.
It was really bad.
Yes, all of us were tanned.
"Jeongyeon's outfit was very revealing".
- I think I know it. - Jeongyeon's off-the-shoulder top? The blue one? - Yes, the green one.
"Cheer Up" was in Shin-chan?
I didn't know. I think I watched it.
- I think it's been awhile. - Really? - Yes.
- Wow. - On my birthday, Doraemon said Sana, happy birthday... - I saw it.
- I was shocked. - I envy you.
I wish Thor would say happy birthday to me.
- Thomas. - Not Thomas.
- Thor. - Jihyo, happy birthday! Choo, choo.
- "Which teaser will come out tonight"? - You are a fast reader.
- I was like, tonight what? - Really?
- You are so fast. - Maybe...
- Maybe that's why you see more Japanese. - Maybe.
Because you can read things instantly.
- "TT was in Shin-chan". - I think I saw that one.
- Really? - Our manager...
- "Sana, did you have sesame leave ramen with Jeongyeon"? - Only I had it.
- What's sesame leave ramen? - It's new.
I told Jeongyeon about it and bought it.
But I didn't see her so I ate it.
- Someone said... - Come. - Sana...
- I don't have lip makeup on. - It's okay.
Sana what?
- It's okay. - I don't have lip makeup on. - It looks dark.
Just say it.
-Hi. - It's okay. - You look okay. - Really?
- It's dark here. - I see.
Have fun, bye.
Someone asked "What's your Sohwakhaeng".
- What's that? - Sohwakhaeng. Guess it. It's an acronym. - Sohwakhaeng?
Camcorder in the screen?
- What? Sohwakhaeng. - Haeng?
Is it digested?
- Hwak! 3-line poems out of nowhere. - Should we zoom in?
- Haeng. - Show it in action... I don't know.
What is it? It means small but certain happiness.
That's what it means. Am I correct?
- Small but certain happiness. - Wow, it's nice. - Right?
Someone asked, "What's your small but certain happiness"?
- For me, it's lower-body bathing. - Small but certain happiness.
- When you have lower-body bathing? - Yes.
- Lower-body bathing... - Didn't you have it yesterday?
- No, it was two days ago. - Was it?
- Was it yesterday? I think I had it in the morning. - I think it was two days ago when Produce 48 was on.
That's right.
- We are so into Produce 48. - Yes.
- It's so good. - Momo is into this girl.
- Japanese... AKB48... - Was it AKB? Or HKT?
I can't remember the name well but she's from Group F.
- Her lips look like this and she's so cute. - Yes, she's so cute.
I can't believe it. She's way too cute.
- Really... - That one. "It's too hard".
- And she smiles like this with her clothes like this. It was so cute. - I know!
I agree.
We're into Produce 48 because it's very interesting.
It is.
- And the one with hanger face... - Hanger.
- You know the judges in front were... - Judges... Yes.
It was so funny.
"Yes, you're cuter".
Japanese fans are surprised because of Japanese.
Because I said, "It's hard".
It's hard.
- Let's speak in Japanese for a minute. - OK.
Can you do that? Am I going to be the only one speaking?
- Let's do it. - Start.
Say something to me.
- Did you eat? - We ate together.
- Pig feet. - We ate together.
- Was it good? - Tonsoku. - Tonsoku?
It was good. The sauce was so good.
- Do you understand? - Yes.
- Liar... Hey. - Say it one more time slowly.
Sauce was very good.
- Sauce was very good. - Yes.
Why do you interpret only?
I also...
- I think so as well. - As well.
- I think so as well. - I think so as well.
I think so as well.
- I think so as well. OK. - Yes.
It's been more than a minute.
Then read some comments.
- In Japanese? - Someone wrote, "That was 10 seconds".
Really? Then let's try more. OK.
- Say Jimami Tofu. - Jimami Tofu.
Do you know what it is?
- Tofu? - Yes, it is.
- Something like soft tofu? - Not that.
- What we ate in Okinawa? - Yes, something cheesy. - Yes. - That.
- Jimami Tofu. I didn't know about it either. - Jimami Tofu.
- Momo liked it. - Yes.
Mina bought it in convenient store.
"Are you cold?" Am I cold?
Not cold.
That's right.
It's funny how you speak in Japanese. Speak some more.
Is that it?
They say that I'm smart. How do you say "smart" in Japanese?
- Smart. You're smart. - Smart.
I am smart.
- How about this? - I can't read Katakana. - No?
- Mi... What's that? - Show me.
- You have to make it long. Show me. - Show me.
Show me.
Is it raining in Japan now?
It's raining a lot in Korea.
- It's raining. - It's raining.
I heard that there's something more intense than "mezza" in Japanese dialect.
It had something to do with that word.
They taught me when I was in Japan this time.
Yabai... Mecha...
Mecha Jacha?
- Mecha-kucha. - Mecha-kucha. I think that's it.
Mecha is good. Mecha kucha is good.
Yes, yes.
Someone wants to kiss you.
- Really? - Did you read it? "OMG Sana".
Oh yeah.
- It's Jihyo's. - Yes, it's mine.
Wow. What's wrong?
Someone wrote in Japanese, "Sana will marry me".
No. Not yet.
A fan is going to enter the military for service. Way to go!
- Way to go! - It must be difficult.
It's not raining in Busan right now.
You're good.
"Jihyo, Sana"...
What is this?
- I know this. - Feeling. Get the feeling.
Jihyo, Sana... Love.
- It's a very easy word. We say it a lot. - I know. A lot.
What is it?
- Cute. - Cute.
Read this.
- Sunburnt? - Yes.
- Do you know what it means? - Nope.
- Sunburnt? - Oh. Sunburnt?
- You can say, "I'm sunburnt". - "Sunburnt".
I'm Mecha-kucha sunburnt.
Yes, that's right.
It's amazing because someone requested to be winsome in Japanese.
- It's interesting that there's no such thing in Japan. - Nope.
- I guess it's because it's in your lifestyle. - That's right.
So there's no word for acting winsome?
- "Winsome". - Winsome?
But we use the word to describe someone who's winsome.
We don't say winsome when you have to act winsome on purpose.
So when I came to Korea for the first time people asked me to act winsome and I was like, "How?"
I was like that.
- I guess that's why it's difficult for me to do it. - Yes.
- I guess so. - I guess it's more cultural.
"Jihyo, please wait for me for 10 years".
Ten years... When would that be? But then one day, this video will be used 10 years later.
- I know. - Ten years, when would it be? And I'd go like this. - I know.
- After 10 years. - And we will be watching the concert.
And we'd be like, "We were like that". "Sana".
- "You were sunburnt". - I know.
"And now you're white".
The comments are disappearing faster.
We should read this. This.
"I like you".
Good job.
If you write in hiragana, I will read them.
If you write in Hiragana, Jihyo will try to read it.
I think that ONCE fans' Japanese will improve.
- Right? - Yes. - It will.
When I watch ONCE fans I always feel that
they are growing with us.
- In the past, the cheering was... - I know. - Right? They improved a lot.
- And their response got better. - And what's amazing is that
- their cheering was much better on the last day of the concert. - That's right.
It was funny and cute.
"I miss you. I will do my best on my test".
We will work harder.
- Swell? - Hu...
No? Huyake... That's not Hu?
- Jihyo will look swell now. Please take good care of her. - Hi?
- No... - You have to stay swell.
No, I am sunburnt. So pretty.
- Sana, don't you watch "Avengers?" - Nope.
I only watch the magic-related movies.
There's the magic guy, Dr. Strange.
- You said that it's not magic. - He's a wizard. - Really? - Yes.
- Doctor... - Dr. Strange.
It sounds like chicken.
Dr. Strange. And Wanda uses magic as we
Our nail staff will love this now.
I did my nails as well.
I was scolded for biting my nails.
So I didn't bite it this time.
ONCE, Jihyo should be scolded. Scold him.
Me too... I should scold her after this V LIVE.
If I bite my lips again during the V LIVE,
please leave me a lot of comments.
But you may not be here when you get scolded. Give me 50,000 won for penalty.
- Then give it back to me later. - No, let's go and watch a movie.
- Let's buy some popcorn. - Then let me show you a movie and feel great.
No, I will order what I want to eat.
Caramel and plain popcorns, buttered squid...
- Pig. - I'm a pig.
What kind of sound does pig make in Japanese?
Like this? That's what pig does?
Is that why it's pig?
Let's call Momo a "pig".
But the sound is similar to this.
- In the car... - The horn sound?
"What's your phone?" I'm going to change soon.
- What are you changing into? - I don't know, but my cell phone's weird.
I will get a new one when there's a new one. Wouldn't there be one in October?
- There's not much time left. - It's always out in October and it might be in Korea in November.
I was using cell phone a while ago, and the battery percentage.
That was gone all of a sudden.
- It's in the setting. - No, it just disappeared.
- So? - So I turned it off once and turned it on again, and it was OK.
I'm thinking of putting all my pictures into the computer,
but I don't know how, so I'm thinking of buying a new computer.
- You know the HP computer? - Yes.
I went to check it out with the manager, and the color was amazing.
There were gold pink and black. I bought it because I loved the color.
But when I opened it, it was too difficult to use, so I only used it for 3 or 4 times.
So I'm thinking of buying a new one.
- MacBook? - Yes.
- It's difficult to use. - Really? - And I bought a heavy one.
If you're going to buy one, buy a light one. You won't use much anyways.
- Isn't it easier to transfer the pictures? - I bought the separate hard disk drive.
It's better to transfer there.
- Really? - Yes.
Chaeyoung's always saying,
"Just sell it and buy a new one".
- "There's rose pink". - That's right.
"Marry me".
- Marriage... - It's not that easy. - Nope.
You have to choose the person that you'd like to spend your life with.
- You never know what we're like. - Nope.
- We're crazy in the dorm. Is it OK? - I know.
- We get a comment about taxi all the time. - I know.
It's there every minute. Did you see that?
What do you mean? "What's your nail color today?"
- It's like this. - It's like this.
- You can't see. - Here's the camera.
I guess I bit my nails again.
- Look. - I went like this again.
They want you to recommend a Japanese drama. Don't you watch a lot of variety shows these days?
- Yes, but I shouldn't mention it. - OK. OK.
Encore concert? Plans for that
are not yet determined.
Not yet...
It's not decided.
But we're preparing something more amazing.
- Really? - Something other than the encore concert.
You were with me when you heard it.
But our schedule is super tight
and it may be postponed, but we will try to come back as quickly as possible.
- Can we talk about this? - What?
Jihyo mentioned how she would cut her hair short next time.
But for the next song, Jihyo will shave her head.
Yes, but you will still love me ONCE, right?
Jihyo jokes about it, but you know what Mina says?
She always says that she will be very pretty when she shaves her head.
- Mina? - Yes.
- She does? - She is confident that she will still be pretty when she's bald.
- Really? - Because her dad is bald.
She says it a lot. Anyways, Jihyo will shave her head as well.
- I look different with hairs, so... - You will be very pretty when it's bald.
It will be very pretty if you shave it and sprinkle some sparkling stuff.
- Yeah, it will be pretty. - You don't mean it.
I want to lie.
How about sharing your troubles?
- Shaving... - I guess it's this fan.
Let me read this.
Yabuki Nako.
Don't you think it's the one?
I think so.
- Anyways. - The one with the lips like this.
Are you here for the V LIVE?
Aren't there couple items for partners?
- Couple item? - Here it is.
Our faces are the items because we're a couple.
- I saw that. - What?
Apink's Hayoung left in the comment for the V LIVE.
I guess that someone left a comment that you're a big fan of Apink.
And she saw that and said,
"Really? I like Sana a lot as well".
- I saw that. - Thank you. Isn't she 1996-born? - Yes. - Right?
"How tall are you?" Did you read that?
Jihyo is as tall as a bubble tea.
I mean in a good way. I love bubble tea. And you're like that.
- Bubble tea Sana? - No, you're like that.
- I want to say whatever. - I know.
My head has been twisted since we talked about bald head.
I can tell you how tall Jihyo is.
About half the shoes rack.
I agree.
People think that I'm taller than I am.
- They say that I look tall, and I'm smaller when they see me. - Really?
- I guess you have good proportions. - Let's not meet each other in real.
I read a lot that Jihyo is prettier when you see her in reality.
- Face? - Yes.
Do I look different?
You're actually whiter than what you look on screen.
- Really? - Jihyo is very pretty.
I look like dinosaur today.
I really want to go to magic world.
- Isn't there any funny stories? - It says, "Sana, stop harassing Jihyo".
No, it's always the opposite when the camera is off.
Her hand is on my back.
When did I harass you?
When? Countless.
Please make promises for having more than 400 million views for "TT" music video.
- Jihyo will shave her head. - If we get 400 million views,
I will go to Sana's room when she's sleeping, I will take her pictures and post it.
- Indeed. - I can do it.
I sleep later than you sleep.
- True. I can't stay up till then. - Right?
If we get 400 million views,
I will take a picture of Jihyo using her cell phone on the massage chair.
OK. Then I will take a picture of Sana when she's washed
and her hair is tied up like this
and sitting in front of the dressing table.
- Yes. - I will for sure.
- Let's make a promise for 400 million views for sure. - For sure?
What should we do?
Let's do another V LIVE for that.
- That's nice. - Right? - And...
- Let's have Dahyun make double eyelid with the glue. - OK.
- We should do that for sure. - Right there. - Yes, in front of the camera. - OK.
- We don't need Dahyun's opinion? - Nope. - OK.
And... I'd like to do something more.
Is there anything else?
What the.
You always speak like that when you speak in English.
What the.
"Jihyo and Sana, the location is at the beach".
"Swimming while you're singing and dancing in the recent music video".
Are you happy?
Are you happy?
- Are you happy? - No, no.
It's whether the seed is on the ground.
Don't lie.
Don't. It's not funny.
- "Sana, please say that you're a couple". - No.
- Why? - Because you're bad.
- OK. - Didn't you see my Instagram posting?
- You didn't, did you? - You posted that?
- The one you posted when I did the V LIVE? - Yes. - I saw that.
- You did? - Yes. - Then you should call me that.
I left you the emoticon.
What is that?
- We're a couple. - Yes.
- So you're "ple". - OK. - Then what am I? - "Cou".
- I won't do it. - Why? - Don't look at me like that. I won't say it.
If we get 400 million views, let's have Jihyo call me as "Cou".
- I don't want to. - Why not? Why?
She's like this.
I learned it from Jeongyeon.
When would "Ask in a box" be out? We didn't film it yet.
In the schedule, we will be doing it in a few days.
Please say something funny.
"Can you say that I love Indonesia?"
"Can you say that I love Indonesia..."
What does that mean?
Can you say that I love Indonesia?
Does it mean that Indonesia and I love you?
- What does it mean? - I mean...
My country and myself love you.
I guess so.
"Can you say hi in Chinese for Taiwanese fans?"
- Hello. - Hello, I'm Sana.
I'm Jihyo.
- I am Jihyo. - Where's your dad? Where's your mom?
You learned it from Tzuyu when she's talking on the phone, right?
Really? Is that so? No?
I forgot Chinese.
- Chou Tzu-yu. - Do you want to eat?
We ate pig feet. Did we eat?
We ate... Is that it?
I don't know. I think "ma" was for questions.
- You're good. - It says that you mimic well.
There's the very funny one.
Nayeon mimics what Momo says to Japanese ONCE fans.
She always mimics that. What was it?
"ONCE is so good".
"ONCE is so good".
Nayeon always mimics that and it's super funny.
- You should watch her doing it. She's doing it all of a sudden. - All of a sudden.
Was it when we were practicing? She said that all of a sudden.
"ONCE is so good".
Saying, "I can say what Momo says often".
"ONCE is so good".
And her tone was super funny.
I'm reading it quickly because you will turn it over.
I said something about seed.
- It's because it's super funny when you read in Japanese. - Really?
It becomes something funny when you get a syllable or two wrong.
It's super funny.
I knew it...
- "Japan is otsuidesu". - Otsu!
It's hot.
- I guess I always get confused between "re" and "wa," and "oh" and "ah". - They look similar.
You know, "Good job".
When you say it to friends or colleagues,
you can say it in short.
- "Good job". - Then can you shorten other things?
- "Hi". - Yes, you can say "Hi".
How about "Good morning" and "Good night?"
- Totally. You can say that. - Really?
Everyone, good night.
That's funny.
I would've made a lot of fun of Japanese members if I were Korean.
- Chiba Erii. I think it's the name. - Really?
- I don't know. - I think it was Chiba Erii.
- It's not important. - Nope.
Why wouldn't it go on?
You have to click till the end.
- ONCE fans will use them from now. - Good night. Good night.
What was that?
Son Heung Min. What is this?
Son Heung Min. Oh. Korean soccer player.
- Son Heung Min. - I thought that it was a name of a fan in Japan.
- It's written in Hiragana. - Son Heung Min.
Good night. Good night. Hi. Hi.
- Good night. - How about this one?
- Good night. - Good night.
- This... - "Do you like Sana"?
- Good night. Hi. - Hi.
From what time do you say "Hello," and from when do you say "Good night?"
I think it's "Hello" from 12.
- At noon. - Then from about 6, you say "Good night?" - Yes, from about 5 or 6.
- Got it. - Got it.
You want me to talk about the new building?
Our practice room is in the basement.
I envy the trainees these days.
- Have you been to their practice room? - It's amazing.
- Is it better than ours? - Yes, there are a lot of practice rooms.
- There was more than three. - Really? - Yes.
I think there were about 4 to 5.
What I love about the new building is that
- the facilities are much better. - Yes.
Before, the air in the vocal room was very bad and there was no ventilation.
- And it wasn't sound proof, that it was very embarrassing to practice. - Nope.
I could hear everyone singing as if they were singing next to me.
Now, it's very sound proof.
And it now does look like a practice room.
- Yes, it does. - Before, it felt like an office room with audio facilities.
And the best part is that the company is in one building.
- I love it. When we give out our CD. - Yes, that and
- I'm JYP artist, but I don't know the faces of the staff. - Yes.
- Even though they have the staff card, you never know when you're outside. - Nope.
That's the best part.
- And the cafeteria. - Cafeteria. - I heard that it's very good. - Yes, I heard.
I heard that the seaweed soup is very good.
- Let's do a V LIVE later in the cafeteria. - Sounds good.
It seems that the number of vocal practice room has nearly doubled.
- Really? - It's amazing.
- There's no place to stay as a trainee, so we need a lot of vocal rooms. - Yes.
There's even a change room.
- Isn't it amazing. - That's amazing. We had to change in the washroom because of CCTV.
- And it was uncomfortable. - Yes.
They could leave stuff in the room.
"Who is the loudest person at dorm?" TV?
- Yes, TV. - TV is the loudest. - Or the manager.
"Am I the only one who can't see it clearly?"
- No, it's not high-definition. - Nope. - I guess it's because it's dark here.
"Sana rookie..."
"Who snores?"
Last time, I slept with Jeongyeon. Why did I do that?
I don't remember. Why was that?
Weren't you roommates in the hotel?
You go to Momo's room sometimes.
- Momo and Jeongyeon's room. - Oh yeah. - Jeongyeon was alone in the room.
Mina went to her house in Japan.
And when I go overseas, I usually share my room with Mina.
But I was alone, and it was super scary.
So I went to Jeongyeon's room and slept with her.
But she was snoring so much.
- Really? - She doesn't usually snore. - Nope.
I guess she was very tired.
It was very difficult for me to stay there. My ears are sensitive when I sleep.
So I came back to my room and slept.
- It's not easy to fall asleep when the person next to you snores. - Nope.
- My dad snores a lot. - Oh.
My mom and dad... My parents love to drink.
And when they drink once in a while, they snore a lot.
- Because of drinks? - Yes, they snore after drinking. - Really?
- I guess that may be the case for my dad. - My dad doesn't snore like this.
When he snores,
he goes like this.
I guess he's mouth is closed when he's sleeping.
And he breathes like this.
So my mom says that she can't sleep with him when he's drunk.
- Because he's saying that. - That is cute.
- I can't imagine that. - My dad? - Nope.
Don't you sleep altogether? Your family?
- Your sisters? - We... I guess they sleep with my parents.
When I go home, we sleep separately because we can't all sleep together.
It must be difficult for the sisters the day after your dad drank.
- So they don't want to sleep with him. - No?
- Because he makes that sound. - So funny.
- I love hearing how your family sleeps together. - I know.
- I like TWICE. - I don't like.
I don't like Jihyo.
- Do you know what it means? - I don't like Jihyo.
"Jihyo, do you make that sound after drinking as well?"
"Jihyo might be scolded". For saying that?
"When will you be on V Plus?" Next time.
- Shall we do it now? - We could. Shall we do it now?
All of a sudden?
You said it.
- It's been 57 minutes. - We've done it for long.
- Shall we do it for 2 more minutes and say goodbye? - OK.
A fan says that my dad is Purin for making that sound.
"No V Plus".
- I want to do it when you say no. - Right? - Yeah.
Let us go now. Let's meet on V Plus.
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