Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 2 2018

I think it's time to play the game.

We're playing the game?

Kids, I changed my mind.

I'm staying on as head of the company.

He's going to blow the firm's credibility.

I was about to be announced.

It wouldn't necessarily be you.

I'd want the top

Who's in charge right now?

I am.

It's my company.

The only way he'll respect you is if you try to destroy him.

For more infomation >> Succession • HBO On Hulu - Duration: 0:31.


Lele Pons Shares Her Secret To Instagram, YouTube Stardom | TODAY - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> Lele Pons Shares Her Secret To Instagram, YouTube Stardom | TODAY - Duration: 3:47.


Easy Iceland Visa || Requirements || Europe || for Indians/Pakistani - Duration: 10:12.

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For more infomation >> Easy Iceland Visa || Requirements || Europe || for Indians/Pakistani - Duration: 10:12.


100 Subscribers Montage SUPER EDITED (BETTER THAN CALEB?) - Duration: 3:40.

Are you kidding me?

Deviates from everything

It's good that I recorded it.

will stay in the video

For more infomation >> 100 Subscribers Montage SUPER EDITED (BETTER THAN CALEB?) - Duration: 3:40.


Suits Season 8 "Steamy" Promo (HD) - Duration: 1:01.

It's strawberries and whipped cream.

That was 13 years ago.

Too soon?

You're an idiot.

If you think I couldn't turn you into a puddle, you are wildly mistaken.

Are you naked under there?

This is my sex robe.

You know I care for you deeply and in a completely asexual manor.

You're not gonna try to hug me, are you?

I'm gonna pass.

I'll get the bananas.

Please, you're gonna be the mother of my child.

I got the bananas.

Suits new season premieres Wednesday July 18th at 9pm on USA Network.

For more infomation >> Suits Season 8 "Steamy" Promo (HD) - Duration: 1:01.


Mom Thinks I'll Be A Different Person, I Won't! | World's Strictest Parents - Duration: 1:30.

Before lights-out Sanji gives the teens a letter each from home it's to remind

them of why they're here got some pictures ones were bad ones what say via

PlayStation our ones of my ashes it along those that kind of three main

things are we missing yes not much I wouldn't do to pay that

man just a bet with no PlayStation with TV it's kind of like a life guidance

thing just like how she hates seeing to read it from when I get back she said

I'm sorry I think it get difficult between us I've been trying to work out

why that sometimes we're because sometimes we have quite face but then

you seem to move away from me and get angry eating angry with everything I say

and do and I really wish more than anything for us to have a good

relationship I think she's expecting this trip to like to change me as a

person completely and I've said too heavily that's not was probably not

gonna happy

For more infomation >> Mom Thinks I'll Be A Different Person, I Won't! | World's Strictest Parents - Duration: 1:30.


Top 10 The Hottest Places on Earth - Duration: 3:49.

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Please SUBSCRIBE to the channel!

For more infomation >> Top 10 The Hottest Places on Earth - Duration: 3:49.


Arapça En İyi Müzik 2018 Арабский 2019 █▬█ █ ▀█▀ - Duration: 5:44.

For more infomation >> Arapça En İyi Müzik 2018 Арабский 2019 █▬█ █ ▀█▀ - Duration: 5:44.


✏️ Dance Moms: Maddie's Lyrical Solo - "I'm On My Way" (Season 3) | Lifetime - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> ✏️ Dance Moms: Maddie's Lyrical Solo - "I'm On My Way" (Season 3) | Lifetime - Duration: 2:05.


I Wore Clothes From Latina-Owned Stores For A Week - Duration: 10:15.


- She knows how to have fun!

(upbeat music)

This week I'm only wearing clothes

from Latina-owned stores.

I'm super excited because I'm going to interview

Latina business owners

and they're going to get to style me for a week.

So I'm half Peruvian and I'm half Persian.

I really wanna delve into my Latina side

and get reconnected with my roots.

By doing this I'll be able to

meet other Latinas in the community

and learn a little bit more about myself.

(upbeat music)

I'm here with Noelle.

She's a creative entrepreneur at Mi Vida.

- I'm a proud Chicana.

My family has lived here in Los Angeles

since the turn of the century.

Just having these LA roots with the Mexicana background

is all of what you see here.

- [Shila] How would you describe like

the clothing that you sell here?

- I like to think that this style

is a reflection of like a city girl.

Our focus right now is to really shine.

Mi Vida, you know, my life.

It's living your life the way that you choose,

that always shines brighter on those around you.

Our store really operates as a non-profit,

because everything we do is recycled back

to the artists that create the goods

and hosting more events.

We'd really love to see Shila rocking

some of our muscle tanks which are really popular.

- I'm obsessed with these earrings,

they're beautiful, they have the Virgin Mary on it.

In the Latin community the Virgin Mary is someone

who is there to protect you and guide you.

This shirt definitely brings nostalgia back to

before I went to college and my mom gave me a rosary,

and said "Here, take this, if I'm not with you,

"the Virgin Mary will be."

Having the Virgin on your chest,

it's like gosh damn, I gotta be the best version of myself

I can be, wearing that.

- It's magical, it's ancient, it's full figure.

I love your outfit so, so, so, so much.

Treat that shirt right or I'm gonna pull your hair.

- Oh my God.

I love the message of the shirt,

and the way that it made me feel on the inside

and on the outside.

The next store that I went to was called Wasi Clothing.

- It's a Latina, brown-owned business,

small business, all eco-friendly, all handmade in LA.

I do source my stuff from Bolivia,

so I like to represent my culture and my ancestors.

I also do custom sizing because a lot of us are curvy.

I make custom sizes for them, so they like that a lot.

'Cause we've got hips.

When I make the clothes I have to be in a good place,

because whatever I'm making, you know,

I think that energy is transferable onto the clothing.

So I think I'm gonna style you in some, like,

colorful, fun fabrics with like a funky print.

So we'll have a lot of fun with that.

- Llamas on my shirt and llamas on my shorts.

It's gonna be a good day.

I just could see myself wearing that outside,

out with friends,

but I also saw myself wearing it to sleep too.

It was kind of like a two-in-one outfit.

Alpacas and llamas are all around Peru,

so it's really cool to have them all over my shirt

'cause they're actually one of my favorite animals.

What are your thoughts on my outfit today?

- Uh.

- I don't know if he's about to shade me or compliment me!

- I love the design, the llamas, everything's perfect.

I'm sensing it's Peruvian.

You could definitely tell it's like representing a culture,

because of the plants and the llamas,

and I think it's really trendy.

- I love the cactus, the animals, it's so cute.

And I think it really reflects your personality.

- Um, I don't know what that means,

but I guess I remind them of llamas maybe?

The best thing about llamas

are not that they're cute and fluffy,

but all the llama puns that exist in the world.

Like (speaks in foreign language)

llama call ya later!

Then I went to Valfre.

- It's named after me, my second name.

I quit my job and I started like my blog full time.

Honestly, it started like with five views a day,

and I always say this, that like three were my views.

I love, like, not in a bad way,

but like stalking our customers.

But I really like to see how they style like

our garments and our pieces.

I wanna style you like in one of our newer pieces.

- So I decided to add a red jacket and add

some earrings that I got from Mi Vida

that say bidi bidi bom bom.

I know that Valfre loves when their customers

kind of make the outfits their own,

so I'm deciding to add a little pop of color with this

and give it a little bit of, like,

'80s Michael Jackson vibes meets Posh Spice?

It was cool to kind of wear it out

and wear it out to Chloe's birthday.

(upbeat music)

- I love how the top and bottom matches,

but you leave some stomach open.

So sophisticated but so chic.

- Who is this babe?

Oh my gosh, she never goes this bold.

So now I find out it's for a video.

- These pants, I want them,

like I want them so bad.

You're showing off all the goods that God gave you,

I'm here for it.

- I was a little concerned about the outfit,

cause I was like oh maybe this is

a little too much for the park,

but honestly, people loved it and I had a great time

at Chloe's birthday party,

so I'm excited for the next outfit.

I went to Hija De Tu Madre.

- So I'm really inspired by my culture.

I'm Mexican and I identify as a Chicana,

so everything that I do in my business is inspired

by my cultural identity.

- [Shila] What is the thing that you want young girls

to feel when they're wearing your outfits?

- I want them to feel super proud

of where they come from.

You know, like I have immigrant parents who

came to this country because they really wanted

a way better life for me.

I want people to also kind of reclaim their identity

and feel really proud when they wear a jacket

that has their Latin-American flag,

or La Virgen de Guadalupe, or Frida Kahlo, you know?

There's so much pride in all of these images.

- I know you love to give back to the community;

Can you tell me a little bit about the stuff that you do

in order to give back?

- Recently I had a pair of gold hoops that said, um,

F Trump on them,

and I donated $19 of every sale

to organizations that help undocumented immigrants.

And now we have a new product that I'm wearing,

and it says Anxious, it's a little gold necklace,

and I'm donating a percentage of those sales

to organizations that help women of color in mental health.

I want you to wear a signature Hija De Tu Madre jacket

that reps your identity or a part of your identity.

- Today I'm feeling very patriotic

and I'm like, what better way to fully embrace

my Peruvian side than to go to a Peruvian restaurant,

then invite my friends from Pero Like

and Suze down to join me.

We got to have some chicha morada with lomo saltado.

- If you got fries you gotta have ketchup.

(speaks in foreign language)

- I feel like whenever I get my lomo saltado,

I get ketchup too.

- You cannot put ketchup on lomo saltado.

- I do!

- This is a sin!

It was a good experience to kind of share

a little bit of my culture with them.

What are your thoughts on this jacket?

- I love it.

That is such a cool design!

Like I love how it's all made of sequins.

That is so pretty, it's like a really cool,

unique way of putting a flag on a shirt.

- You're from Peru?

- Yes!

- I saw your jacket, I didn't know!

- This is why I should wear this jacket more often.

- I thought you were Argentinian, no?

- Did you really?

You thought I was Argentinian?

I felt very prideful to be Peruvian,

and to be wearing my denim jacket.

(bright music)

I'm here at Kaleidoscope Kollective,

and I'm here with the owners and the wonderful ladies,

hi y'all.

- [Together] Hi!

- I'm Michelle Smith Miza.

- I'm Maribel Reveles.

- I'm Karla Lopez.

- I'm Virgina.

- So usually we cater to women and women who love

to express themselves with color and adornments,

that are not afraid of standing out.

- What is the thing that keeps the store running,

like what's the motto?

- To reflect your beauty and creativity to one another.

And I think that's why a lot of people comment

that it feel so good in here,

because I think that it's intentional

so it permeates the space.

- The other motto is women supporting women.

Often in this world you're isolated,

and especially as you get older and you get more into

your career or your family.

So this is not only like a place

where we're supporting your business,

it also becomes a circle of women

just supporting each other in whatever way.

It's often a man's world, so what better time

for women supporting women.

- They were the Latina version of Cheetah Girls.

They helped me choose my outfit,

and they were each putting their input.

They're like oh this would look cute with this.

Out of all of them they chose the camo outfit for me,

and it had like a picture of Frida on the back of it,

and I wore like a black tank top with some shorts.

And it was really cool, 'cause they repurpose

all their clothing as well.

The thing that I love about Kaleidoscope Kollective

is that the pieces are so unique that

you can't find them anywhere else,

and it's truly one of a kind.

- So I love the street wear aspect of it,

it feels like a natural street wear item,

and the fact that it has Frida Kahlo,

a pretty iconic Mexican artist,

like that's next level.

- They repurposed old outfits and then like

created it and made it their own, which is really great.

- It reminds me a lot of, um, Destiny's Child.

♪ I'm a survivor ♪

I love how like, the embroidery there's so much detail.

- I love that Frida was on the back of it

because she's such an icon.

And I'm glad that I met these amazing Latina women.

I think that they're so passionate about what they do,

and you can just see it in their work.

'Cause you want to wear something that makes you feel good

and if the person that's giving you

that clothing has that energy,

I think that it's transferable to many people.

If you like any of the outfits that I wore,

or want to check out their websites,

there will be links below

and you can help support these amazing talented women.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> I Wore Clothes From Latina-Owned Stores For A Week - Duration: 10:15.


Counting Cars: A Continental Flip (Season 7, Episode 4) | History - Duration: 5:07.

For more infomation >> Counting Cars: A Continental Flip (Season 7, Episode 4) | History - Duration: 5:07.


【ヒヤ.生】ヒヤのロックマン4 - Duration: 3:50:29.

For more infomation >> 【ヒヤ.生】ヒヤのロックマン4 - Duration: 3:50:29.


TOP 25 BALLY DANCER OF THE WORLD | বিশ্বের সেরা সেরা 25 বেলী ড্যান্সারের নাচ দেখুন | KHULNA MUSIC TV - Duration: 5:47.

সেরা 25 বেলী ড্যান্সারের নাচদেখুন

সেরা 25 বেলী ড্যান্সারের নাচদেখুন

সেরা 25 বেলী ড্যান্সারের নাচদেখুন

সেরা 25 বেলী ড্যান্সারের নাচদেখুন

For more infomation >> TOP 25 BALLY DANCER OF THE WORLD | বিশ্বের সেরা সেরা 25 বেলী ড্যান্সারের নাচ দেখুন | KHULNA MUSIC TV - Duration: 5:47.


Netflix Isn't Captioning Properly, And That's Something To Complain About - Duration: 10:34.

(pen scratching)

(pokemon game music)

So today we're going to talk about a subject

I haven't talked too much about and that is captions.

Well I did just talk about it recently

in regards to video games but I'm thinking

more along the lines of like Netflix and stuff, you know.

Something that so many of us use.

And this comes at a good time because last night

I actually just launched a new shirt campaign.

A little something that I made up called,

My Accessibility, My Choice.

So if you are deaf, disabled or deaf-disabled.

So if you need any sort of accessibility you know,

you've got chronic pain or chronic illness.

You know or just whatever, you need accessibility,

there's a shirt in case you want one.

So I'll have the link down below.

So a show called Queer Eye, I think a reboot of it,

just popped up on Netflix pretty recently.

The second season, I think.

And a lot of people have been enjoying that.

And season two of Luke Cage, which I need to watch,

has also just popped up and those two shows

brought up something very interesting.

And that is the lack of proper captioning.

I think Vilissa Thompson.

If I'm saying your name incorrectly, I'm sorry.

Brought it up first while she was watching,

or while they were watching the second season of Luke Cage.

They noticed that the Jamaican characters,

the way that they were speaking,

AAVE, and you know the dialect.

I could be getting these terms wrong.

If I am, I'm sorry.

But basically, what they were saying actually,

the words that were coming out of their mouth,

the captions were not writing exactly what they were saying.

So think of it as more of a cleaned up,

quote, quote, version of it.

Netflix essentially like, translated it into "proper English".

And, that's a no-no.

And then not too long after that, my friend Rogan,

who you may know, I've talked about him before.

Brought up the fact that Queer Eye season two

and the captions just aren't, there.

Or actually I think he brought up Netflix in general,

shows in general.

Whereas Chrissy who by the way, also has a YouTube channel

brought up specifically Queer Eye.

And other Twitter accounts started following along,

Mortuary Report, you know, it started becoming

this big thing, Rogan's Twitter thread especially blew up.

And it got to the point where the host of Queer Eye

actually said something about, you know, the fact

that Netflix should be stepping up their game.

And Netflix has also made a comment about

how they're trying to do better and stuff like that.

So what Netflix was doing with Queer Eye was that,

they would be saying something and Netflix would bleep it.

So if Queer Eye said fuck, or shit or whatever,

Netflix captions would be changing the word to crap.

Or they would just bleep it, altogether.

Which again, is a no-no.

I mean we can tell when words are,

when they don't match up.

I am not a great lipreader, if I lipread,

it's an attempt to lipread while also using

the hearing that I have left.

I'm a terrible lipreader.

If you give me no sound whatsoever, I'm really bad at it.

But I can tell when something does not match up.


If you give me the words to go along with it,

I will notice when something does not match up.

And honestly it's just silly.

And some people on Twitter were saying, well,

what if kids are watching the show?

They're sayin' the word anyway.

So are you really, really, right now?

They're sayin' the word out loud anyway.

So like.

That's about as much logic as Epic Games

and Fortnite, right there.

And then when it comes to scripted shows like Luke Cage,

the law has a very like descriptive,

concrete way of going about things.

So to give a little bit of background information.

In 2011, Netflix got hit with a lawsuit,

a violation of the ADA because

they weren't captioning their content.

The National Association of the Deaf,

actually filed that lawsuit.

Netflix lost and you know they had to start

captioning their content.

Personally, I've never actually noticed a huge,

I never noticed a whole lot of mistakes

when watching Netflix.

I did notice when I was watching CSI Miami,

the two caption files--

The particular episode that I was watching,

it had the caption file of the next episode.

And the next episode had the caption file

of the episode I was actually watching.

So they flipped it.

And I did report that, and they said they were

gonna check it out and I don't know if they ever changed it.

But it looks like they're droppin' the ball

pretty recently, you know with stuff like this.

I think I noticed.

I was watching a documentary about serial killers.

Yes I'm into the crime stuff.

That might scare some people, I don't know.

But I was watching a documentary about serial killers.

And a lot of the stuff was like paraphrased, if you will.

Like they tried to shorten it.

Now going back to the whole law thing, ADA and whatnot.

The FCC has their standards and I think even Netflix

has their own list of standards, which hello.

And the fact is, if you get a script,

the captions have to match the script and you know.

It's just, you gotta follow what the people are saying.

You can't shorten it and you can't try to clean it up.

You can't change a specific language or dialect.

Because one, especially if you're doing it with like,

something like Luke Cage, you look

a little racist first of all.

You just can't do it.

And it's just not accessible.

So hearing people get access to that information,

and yes even entertainment, is information.

You get information from educational

documentaries about World War Two.

And you get educational content--

You learn things from fun sit down,

good, feel good TV shows like Gilmore Girls.

Two completely different genres.

But ya still learn something from both of them.

And if the hearing folks get access to that information,

why are deaf people, people with auditory processing

disorder, people learning, let's say English,

or you're using English captions.

Learning, you know, English as a second language,

why are they not getting, why are we not getting

that same type of access.

It makes no sense whatsoever.

And it's good to see that the host of Queer Eye

was like, wait a second, this isn't right.

We need to fix it.

And that made it blow up even more

to the point where BBC wrote an article

and featured Rogan, Chrissy, Ace and I even got

a little bit of a mention, which I completely

did not expect it because I didn't comment on it too much.

I retweeted threads because, this was their moment,

this was my friends' moment.

They were talkin' about it, let's share that.

But they did mention me a little bit

'cause of the #NoMoreCRAPtions thing.

Which by the way, shirt for that on sale on my birthday

on July 16th, link down below.

You can get notified later.

So that was great and other hearing people were on board

about, "Hey, I use captions."

"I'm hearing and all of that."

"Technically I don't need captions or whatever."

"But I like to use them because sometimes I might

miss something or ya know, the audio isn't too great."

So yay!

A lot of people are like yes, let's do this, we need this.

And then you brought on the other types of people

that were like, "You know, there are more important things

to complain about than this."

And I was like, oh Karen.


I have a whole article that I just posted on Medium.

You can look at that, if you're into the reading thing

and I can put it better in words and write more there.

First of all, I just wanna.

I feel like people don't understand this.

But you can care about more than one thing at once.

Yes, there are things that might be worse

than lack of captions.

You know, there are people dying and starving in the world.

I understand.

But you can care about both.

We're just talking about this specific thing right now.

Two, it is important because one, it's the law.

It's a ADA violation.

There's a reason that George Bush Senior

made it into a law in the first place.

The Americans with Disabilities Act.

So, follow it.

And three, can I just mute anything that you're watching

so you know what it feels like?

Because I just.

I mean I guarantee you that if I was in the same

room as someone who said I did not need captions,

was complaining about captions and blah blah blah.

And I've dealt with that in the past.

I guarantee you that if it was muted,

if I just muted it and went ha ha.

You know, as a little petty revenge,

they would get very upset about that and be like

"I have no idea what's going on."

It's just like when you play something

that's in a foreign language.

So say they only know English and you're like,

I wanna put on a Korean movie and then they're gonna

complain because there are no English subs.

Well Karen, now you know how we feel.

But of course there's the other side to that

which a lot of people have no problem

with watching foreign films, foreign TV shows.

They're caption it, or they'll subtitle it.

And you know all of that.

But then when it comes to.

It's just like when you watch YouTube, right?

And like I know of a particular makeup vlogger

who would sometimes make videos in German

and would subtitle it into English.

But if she makes an English video,

which was her primary language on YouTube,

she wouldn't caption it because I don't know why.

But that's kind of what it reminds me of

that they'll speak a different language

and then subtitle it into English because, money.

But when it comes to being accessible to that audience,

like a deaf audience, who would know

that spoken language, but can't hear it.

You know?

Do you get where I'm going with this?

It's just weird to me.

So that's what's up with the whole Netflix thing.

Hopefully, you know, after that whole thing,

Queer Eye is better captioned.

The Luke Cage captions are the way that they should be.

Especially Luke Cage, oh my goodness.

If you've noticed any problems, feel free

to talk about it down below.

I've seen a lot more responses on Twitter,

you know, about other TV shows.

I haven't watched Netflix in a very long time.

I've been too obsessed with Twitch

to watch Netflix and stuff.

But you know, just, let's have a conversation

about it down below.

And before I go, if you haven't,

consider pledging on Patreon.

I have perks like letters and whatnot.

And writing, exclusive writing content.

Don't forget to check out the shirts

and the Medium article that I wrote.

And I will see you later, bye.

For more infomation >> Netflix Isn't Captioning Properly, And That's Something To Complain About - Duration: 10:34.


pothwari sher 2018 raja abid vs ch mukthar new HD - Duration: 20:48.

پوٹھوہاری شہر نیو 2018

For more infomation >> pothwari sher 2018 raja abid vs ch mukthar new HD - Duration: 20:48.


Der Informationskrieg der Pharmaindustrie | 02. Juli 2018 | - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Der Informationskrieg der Pharmaindustrie | 02. Juli 2018 | - Duration: 0:54.


Vans Warped Tour - Things You Might Not Know - Duration: 5:48.

I'm thinksojoe, this is "Things You Might Not Know," and today we're going to talk

about Vans Warped Tour!

(Intro) For many of my teenage years, I spent one

day every summer out in the blistering sun at a place in Buffalo called LaSalle Park,

watching all my favorite punk bands performing at an event called the Vans Warped Tour.

The summer punk-rock staple is currently embarking on it's final run as a full fledged cross-country

tour, and believe me when I tell you, it leaves a gaping hole in my heart to see an annual

event that I loved so deeply when I was younger vanish into the ether.

But let's be honest, the Warped Tour that I knew as a teen has been gone for quite a

while anyway.

Back in the '90s, Warped featured not just amazing bands playing all day, but also extreme

sports such as skateboarding and BMX biking.

I even once saw Steve Caballero, whom you might know from Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2,

play guitar with MxPx one year.

Now, Warped Tour in 1995 did not have the Vans sponsorship, and in fact was almost not

called Warped Tour at all.

The original name for the tour was going to be "The Bomb," which was popular slang

for "cool" back in those days.

However, the day Warped founder Kevin Lyman was going to announce the tour, the Oklahoma

City bombing took place.

After deciding that "The Bomb" would be disrespectful to the victims of that tragic

event, he took the name of Warp Magazine, whom he had worked for previously, and gave

the tour it's famous name.

In 1996, Vans became the main sponsor of the tour.

In truth, Lyman needed a sponsor to keep the tour going.

The 1995 tour made no money, and promoters refused to pay for another edition of the

event for that very reason.

In a bit of fortuitous weather, a blizzard postponed a meeting between Lyman and Calvin

Klein – yes, fashion icon Calvin Klein – not to be confused with the alter ego of Marty

McFly in 1955.

While the CK representatives were stuck on an airport runway for 24 hours due to the

inclement weather, Vans called Lyman.

And given Vans' popularity among the skate crowd, I think it's safe to say they're

a more appropriate sponsor than Calvin Klein ever would have been.

A unique aspect of Warped Tour has always been that the bands do not play at the same

times in each city.

Lyman previously worked as a tour manager for Lollapalooza and noticed that fans would

know the schedule in advance and only show up when the main bands would take the stage.

With the schedule changing at every stop, 90 percent of Warped Tour fans show up as

soon as the gates open.

Warped Tour doesn't only feature national acts.

The Ernie Ball stage has traditionally served as a place for local bands to showcase their

talents in a battle of the bands.

Also, another Warped tradition is what's called the "BBQ Band."

The "BBQ band" gets to perform on the tour on the condition that they prepare the

post-show BBQ for the other bands and crew.

The BBQ goes through 300 hot dogs, 300 hamburgers, and 100 veggie burgers on a typical tour date.

Some facts about Warped alumni include the following:

• The 1995 Warped Tour had a rule disallowing dogs and friends.

Sublime broke both rules and were temporarily removed from the tour.

• During a 2000 Warped Tour performance by Green Day, their security guy blew off

his fingers in a pyrotechnics accident.

Fireworks have been banned from the tour ever since.

• During their 1997 summer on the tour, Sugar Ray performed on the Volcom Stage, which

was usually two feet high and stacked on picnic tables.

They were selling 70,000 albums a week at that point.

• The Buzzcocks refused to perform until they got a bottle of champagne.

Lyman states that they are the only band to demand something from the tour, and stated

to that "they got it, because you've gotta respect your punk rock elders."

• Artists such as Eminem, The Black Eyed Peas, Beck, and Katy Perry have all performed

on Warped.

Perry, in particular, recognizes the tour as her big break.

• Eminem's group D12, and fellow Detroit rapper Esham were kicked off of the 2001 tour

after D12 allegedly attacked Esham for mentioning Eminem's daughter in a song; Eminem himself

was not involved in the incident.

The traditionally punk-rock Warped Tour paired up with the heavy metal minded Ozzfest in

1998 for a single date in Somerset, Wisconsin.

39,000 fans showed up for the show; Warped representatives included Rancid and Bad Religion,

while the Ozzfest contingent featured bands such as Tool, Limp Bizkit, and of course,

Ozzy Osbourne himself.

In recent years, the tour has featured a "reverse day care."

Parents attending with their kids can attend for free with their kid's paid ticket.

There is a special tent for said parents, that has air conditioning and cold drinks.

It's another brilliant move by Lyman, in the same vein of the aforementioned per-city

scheduling, as it allows kids who normally wouldn't be able to go because their parents

didn't want to drive to the venue and back twice to bring their parents to the show.

Finally, Warped Tour is an extremely charitable event.

In 2013, The Feed The Children Now tent collected 330,000 pounds of food throughout the duration

of the tour.

Warped Tour blood drives have been named the Red Cross' independent blood drive of the

year several times.

25 cents of each ticket purchased goes to a local charity as well.

So, did YOU know about these Warped Tour Facts?

How many Warped Tours have you attended?

Which one of these facts surprised you the most?

Leave us your thoughts and comments, as well as suggestions for upcoming topics in the

comments below.

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For more infomation >> Vans Warped Tour - Things You Might Not Know - Duration: 5:48.


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They are short, apparently ugly and shy.

Probably shy because of how people perceived them.

They are nocturnal creatures never appearing during the daytime and they would enter households

when the inhabitants are sleeping.

They would come into houses just to keep warm and sit near the fire.

They are said to be invisible except to certain people with a gift to see them.

Normal people could only see them when they are touching those that has the power to see


Also, they have a thing for musicians, often kidnapping or luring them into their dens

and then asked to perform.

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