Nightcore - Lost Boy (Male Version) - Lyrics - Duration: 4:28.This video contains lyrics on a screen
ICY HOT MASSAGE PRANK ON MY BOYFRIEND!!! (FREAKS OUT) - Duration: 6:59.foreal this aint rubbing alcohol
what is up YouTube it your girl jay and im coming back to you
with another prank video so as everyone's not here he's at work
right now and I went by Walmart and got some icy heart to do the ice you gotta
prank on him so I won out like I'm getting massage I
put some lotion onto something and then throwing ice he's hot and he ain't gonna
know what hit them so stay tuned for the video
well anything in there made me oh you know look workout day team jump give me
the alley again I said I've been doing the most points let's do it that's how
you turn up for work
how much has hurt my feet I thought I could fly this movie oh yeah it was just
boom best I can do it I was saying you know I know this I hate my job but you
know son you can just hard to work myself but now it is it's hot in this
you won't see much smell my man must my man what's good about my girlfriends
you liking something you read my bag I know when we get set up
you sure you like remember I ripped your back yesterday so I need a foot rub make
me dinner no hurry please proceed
even of any sign of her son's going to be
knowing that you're so good
maybe now pushing my big one yeah they're good
just spend a pretty money
that's all that I loose it'll just fit I think I'll say something
all right don't be so much you ask you tomorrow I'll play like you squirt it on
a lotion hello my similarly did muscles so now you a doctor okay never I let you
have it
we read no we redid it see y'all said you've dated ya know we heard don't be
making some basic Acosta's a lot back it somebody thinking
fulfill letter echo away smear so strong
no no no you put them on buses don't know you took my hazing not me on the
floor to G game she gives no love we don't know no Tuesday we don't love her
anymore no no you don't get to do it
Stony&Superbat - You could be the one - Duration: 1:32.yeah but they gave me something better
The both did.
Extra time with the people you love is the best gift of all.
If the league ever did go over to the wrong side
I want to be there somebody I can trust to keep the earth safe
Bruce Wayne
What are you doing?
I wil miss you, Tony.
I like to think I work best alone, Cap.
but the truth is
I am better because you are my friend!
Don G - Cara (Feat. Deezy & Telminha) [Áudio] - Duration: 4:12.-------------------------------------------
Bolton: N. Korea could denuclearize in a year - Duration: 1:48.North Korean leader Kim Jong-un doesn't seem ready to hand over his nuclear weapons to
the U.S. anytime soon.
The country appears to be ramping up production of both nuclear fuel and ballistic missile
components, according to multiple reports.
But the White House is apparently staying optimistic about North Korean denuclearization.
National security adviser John Bolton told CBS' "Face the Nation" that he thinks North
Korea can dismantle its weapons programs within a year.
"If they have the strategic decision already made to do that and are cooperative, we can
move very quickly."
Those are some big "ifs" from Bolton.
Although Kim has suggested his regime would move away from a singular focus on nuclear
weapons development, he's also called for a mass-production pipeline for nukes.
If recent reports are correct, North Korea's already begun working on that pipeline.
So far, North Korea's only made vague pledges to eventually denuclearize the Korean peninsula.
New nuclear enrichment activity might go against the spirit of those promises, but it doesn't
violate any concrete agreements.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is in charge of nailing down the specifics on North Korean
And unlike Bolton, the former CIA director has been wary of demanding a specific timetable
for North Korea to give up its weapons.
Bolton's comments have snarled North Korean diplomacy before.
His previous remarks on using a rapid "Libya model" for denuclearizing North Korea briefly
derailed the Singapore summit between Kim and President Trump.
Pompeo is expected to travel to North Korea later this week to lead another round of negotiations.
The New York Times reports a specific disarmament timeline will be part of the discussions.
Dance Moms: Kendall's Jazz Solo - "Hands Up" (Season 3) | Lifetime - Duration: 1:50.-------------------------------------------
The Fight Continues: Klepper Is Far from Finished - The Opposition w/ Jordan Klepper - Duration: 0:47.You are the. It's your fault coffee machine.
We can feel good that it's christmas again.
Exactly. Even if we never felt any different before.
Right. Everything's a win win it's for America. Constitution.
Bill of Rights. Yeah. Can't fight that. Flag.
The fight continues.
You, you deep state operative sent by George Soros
to take away my Second Amendment rights
and force feed me soy burgers. No. Well then prove it.
Click and subscribe and join the opposition.
Why Does Nature Make You Feel Better? - Duration: 5:45.[♪ INTRO ]
It's probably no surprise that nature is beneficial to our mental health.
From hitting the beach, to taking a long stroll through the park, multiple studies have shown
that there's something about nature that helps us feel happier, more focused, or just generally better.
But why that happens is trickier to figure out.
From what psychologists can tell, though, it's not just about getting in some sunshine
and Vitamin D. Instead, it might have to do with our sense of belonging.
The idea that nature is healing isn't a new one, and exposure to natural environments
has been an important part of mental health treatments for a long time.
As early as the Middle Ages, monasteries for those with mental illnesses created so-called
restorative gardens.
And in the 1800s, people designing mental hospitals would try and make sure their buildings
were surrounded by acres of natural land.
So far, modern research really supports this idea, too.
Studies have shown that being exposed to nature — whether it's a wilderness preserve or
a tree-lined city street — can improve wellbeing in a bunch of ways, both in those with and
without clinical conditions.
For example, a 2011 meta-analysis looked at studies involving a total of almost 850 participants
— mostly students.
It found that exercising in a natural environment resulted in higher feelings of revitalization
than doing the same exercise indoors.
And another study from 2012 found that walking through nature for 50 minutes provided a mood
boost and other cognitive benefits for twenty participants with depression.
There's also evidence to suggest that those with schizophrenia, ADHD, and a whole host
of other illnesses experience similar benefits from just taking in a little scenery.
So far, there are several factors that have been floated around as possible explanations for this.
One is that nature allows us to recover from stress and attention fatigue.
This is the idea that urban environments have too many things competing for our attention.
Other studies suggest that nature offers exercise opportunities, facilitation of social interaction
and development, and opportunities for personal development in general.
But a lot of these factors haven't been investigated in rigorous depth.
They also don't really explain the mechanisms of how we gain psychological benefits just
from existing in nature, rather than running around in nature, chilling with friends with
In fact, most research on the subject seems to describe the mechanisms as 'elusive'.
Which is psychologist speak for, "We dunno.
We're workin' on it."
Still, that doesn't mean we don't have a hypotheses or two.
Some researchers argue that these positive effects, at least in part, come about because
of an increased sense of connectedness to the natural world.
One significant experiment about this was published in 2009 in Environment and Behavior,
and it looked at the effect of exposure to nature on mood and problem solving.
In this study, 76 students were asked to complete questionnaires on mood, along with the Connectedness
with Nature Scale – or CNS – which measures pretty much what the name implies.
It asks participants to rate how they feel about some vaguely hippy-ish stuff, like 'Right
now I'm feeling a sense of oneness with the natural world'.
Or 'I'm feeling like the natural world is a community to which I belong'.
After rating 13 of those peace and love statements, the students were split into two groups, and
bundled onto buses for a field trip.
They took a 20-minute drive to either a nature reserve or a downtown parking lot.
Then, they spent around 15 minutes silently walking, sitting, and taking in the scenery
before filling out those questionnaires again.
The results showed that participants who went to the nature reserve reported significantly
more of a mood boost from their trip.
Their feelings of being connected to nature were also higher than those who took a stroll
in the parking lot.
Now, this in itself isn't massively surprising.
You can imagine it's probably hard to feel at one with the universe standing on a stretch
of concrete.
What was more interesting is that the CNS survey results seemed to mediate the effects
of the environment.
More specifically, when people reported that they felt part of nature, their mood boost
tended to be bigger.
So it wasn't just about seeing nature; it was about feeling like they are part of it.
The scientists behind this experiment argue that it's that sense of connectedness that
causes all those positive benefits.
And they cite something called the biophilia hypothesis as a possible mechanism for this.
The hypothesis theorizes that since, evolutionarily speaking, we're used living in natural environments,
we all have some innate urge to seek out nature.
The researchers suggest that we need to see ourselves as part of it, belonging to the
same group as the various plant and wildlife species we share our planet with.
It can be hard to prove evolutionary hypotheses like this, especially when they're as abstract
as this one.
But the concept that we need to belong to groups to stay mentally healthy is one of
the main principles of social psychology research.
In fact, it's such an important concept that having a sense of belonging with other
people is seen as a core human need in some models.
Not having this sense of belonging can lead to things like lowered immune response, and
poorer sleep quality.
And, conveniently, those are exactly the kind of functions researchers have seen improve
when we're exposed to natural environments.
So it's not that huge of a stretch to think that maybe that need to feel like we belong
extends beyond human interactions, to seeing ourselves as part of the wider ecosystem on
our planet.
It's a plausible idea, and the results of this study certainly support it.
But like with a lot of other big ideas, it would help to have more research to be sure.
If nothing else, though, studies do suggest that time in nature is really good for you.
So even if we don't totally know why, it's probably worth visiting your local park sometime.
Your brain — and your mood — will thank you.
Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Psych!
If you enjoy hanging out in nature and want to learn more about it, you can check out
one of our new sister channels, Nature League!
In it, SciShow Psych's very own Brit Garner explores all things wild — and takes you
on some field trips as a bonus.
You can find it at youtube.com/natureleague.
[ ♪ OUTRO ]
Dalek Empire | Doctor Who - Duration: 5:26.Tens of thousands of years ago the Kaleds and the Thals were trapped in an endless conflict
for the control of Skaro, their mutual homeworld.
Biological and nuclear weapons left the planet a contaminated wasteland and both sides were
reduced to living within domed cities, working tirelessly to finally break the stalemate
and end their Thousand Year War.
In their desperation, the Kaleds turned to their most brilliant scientific mind, a man
named Davros who promised to create a new weapon that would destroy the Thals and bring
peace to Skaro once and for all.
Thousands of children, mutated beyond recognition by the effects of the war were brought to
Davros for genetic and psychological engineering, encased in an armoured shell, and transformed
into pitiless weapons of war.
When the Thals finally breached the last domed city of the Kaleds, they were met by this
new race of determined exterminators, who would quickly annihilate not only the Thals,
but the remaining Kaleds and perhaps even Davros himself.
Peace had come to Skaro, but it would be merely the first in a in a string of worlds across
time and space whose peoples would be destroyed and brought under the dominion of the Dalek
Above all, the Daleks held the unquestioned belief in their own superiority and seemed
dedicated to the extermination or enslavement of all life in the galaxy.
This was accomplished through their formidable cybernetic technology.
Their armoured casings were near impenetrable and provided a life support system and battle
computer for the Kaled mutant within.
A specialized "cortex vault" kept the Dalek's hatred "pure," extinguishing
even the tiniest glimmer of compassion or kindness.
Consequently, individual Daleks showed little personality and were organized into a strict,
unyielding hierarchy.
A complex system of commanders, generals, councils, color-coded ranks, and dozens of
other ranks defined this structure, with even a Dalek Prime Minister and Parliament of the
Daleks assembled over their chaotic history.
Individually, Daleks were conditioned to obey a superior's orders without question, ignoring
any sense of self preservation.
In the absence of higher orders, Daleks reverted to their default directive, the destruction
of all non-Dalek lifeforms.
Various supreme rulers have held authority over the Dalek race in its entirety, but the
most powerful have been the various incarnations of the Dalek Emperor.
Individuals in this role were the embodiment of the Dalek psyche, arrogant and degrading,
but also capable of immense delusions.
At least one Emperor came to think of itself as an immortal god, invulnerable to harm and
deserving of worship.
Despite this, they were still immensely intelligent, and Emperors displayed the most individual
character of any Dalek, going so far as even to use humor, a concept unfathomable to most
other Daleks.
During times of crisis, specialized Daleks were occasionally created rivalling the capabilities
and intelligence of the Emperor.
These included the Cult of Skaro, a secret cabal designed to formulate imaginative strategies,
the black guard of the Emperor, and the Eternity Circle, a group of Daleks designed to research
temporal weapons during the Last Great Time War.
The Dalek's liberal use of time travel throughout the expansion of their Empire has made their
history impossible to determine, constantly changing and threatening to collapse under
of the weight of its own paradoxes.
It is said the Daleks annihilated entire galaxies, remaking them according to their own designs.
The Empire has fallen into civil war, been transformed into new paradigms, united under
the leadership of a revived Davros, destroyed entirely and restored to greatness.
Much of this has been due to the interference of an individual known as the Doctor, whose
triumphs over the Dalek race has led to them becoming an almost legendary figure within
what constitutes their culture and mythology.
They are known to the Daleks as the Bringer of Darkness and Destroyer of Worlds and perhaps
the only thing they truly fear.
Yet whether the Daleks have been reduced to just a few survivors or their rule still stretches
across entire galaxies, one thing remains constant.
The shrill battlecry of… EXTERMINATE!
The Templin Institute investigates alternate worlds and realities.
If you've enjoyed this video and would like to directly support us, vote in polls to determine
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Why the secret to success is setting the right goals | John Doerr - Duration: 11:52.We're at a critical moment.
Our leaders,
some of our great institutions
are failing us.
In some cases, it's because they're bad
or unethical,
but often, they've taken us to the wrong objectives.
And this is unacceptable.
This has to stop.
How are we going to correct these wrongs?
How are we going to choose the right course?
It's not going to be easy.
For years, I've worked with talented teams
and they've chosen the right objectives and the wrong objectives.
Many have succeeded, others of them have failed.
And today I'm going to share with you
what really makes a difference --
that's what's crucial,
how and why
they set meaningful and audacious goals,
the right goals for the right reasons.
Let's go back to 1975.
Yep, this is me.
I've got a lot to learn, I'm a computer engineer,
I've got long hair,
but I'm working under Andy Grove,
who's been called the greatest manager of his or any other era.
Andy was a superb leader and also a teacher,
and he said to me, "John, it almost doesn't matter what you know.
Execution is what matters the most."
And so Andy invented a system called "Objectives and Key Results."
It kind of rolls off the tongue, doesn't it?
And it's all about excellent execution.
So here's a classic video from the 1970s
of professor Andy Grove.
(Video) Andy Grove: The two key phrases of the management by objective systems
are the objectives and the key results, and they match the two purposes.
The objective is the direction.
The key results have to be measured,
but at the end you can look and without any argument say,
"Did I do that, or did I not do that?" Yes. No. Simple.
John Doerr: That's Andy.
Yes. No. Simple.
Objectives and Key Results,
or OKRs,
are a simple goal-setting system
and they work for organizations, they work for teams,
they even work for individuals.
The objectives are what you want to have accomplished.
The key results are how I'm going to get that done.
Objectives. Key results.
What and how.
But here's the truth:
many of us are setting goals wrong,
and most of us are not setting goals at all.
A lot of organizations set objectives and meet them.
They ship their sales, they introduce their new products,
they make their numbers,
but they lack a sense of purpose to inspire their teams.
So how do you set these goals the right way?
First, you must answer the question, "Why?"
Because truly transformational teams
combine their ambitions to their passion and to their purpose,
and they develop a clear and compelling sense of why.
I want to tell you a story.
I work with a remarkable entrepreneur.
Her name is Jini Kim.
She runs a company called Nuna.
Nuna is a health care data company.
And when Nuna was founded,
they used data to serve the health needs of lots of workers at large companies.
And then two years into the company's life,
the federal government issued a proposal
to build the first ever cloud database for Medicaid.
Now, you'll remember that Medicaid is that program
that serves 70 million Americans,
our poor, our children
and people with disabilities.
Nuna at the time was just 15 people
and this database had to be built in one year,
and they had a whole set of commitments that they had to honor,
and frankly, they weren't going to make very much money on the project.
This was a bet-your-company moment,
and Jini seized it.
She jumped at the opportunity. She did not flinch.
Well, it's a personal why.
Jini's younger brother Kimong has autism.
And when he was seven,
he had his first grand mal seizure
at Disneyland.
He fell to the ground. He stopped breathing.
Jini's parents are Korean immigrants.
They came to the country with limited resources
speaking little English,
so it was up to Jini to enroll her family in Medicaid.
She was nine years old.
That moment defined her mission,
and that mission became her company,
and that company bid on, won and delivered on that contract.
Here's Jini to tell you why.
(Video) Jini Kim: Medicaid saved my family from bankruptcy,
and today it provides for Kimong's health and for millions of others.
Nuna is my love letter to Medicaid.
Every row of data is a life
whose story deserves to be told with dignity.
JD: And Jini's story tells us
that a compelling sense of why can be the launchpad for our objectives.
Remember, that's what we want to have accomplished.
And objectives are significant,
they're action-oriented,
they are inspiring,
and they're a kind of vaccine against fuzzy thinking.
You think a rockstar
would be an unlikely user of Objectives and Key Results,
but for years, Bono has used OKRs
to wage a global war against poverty and disease,
and his ONE organization has focused on two really gorgeous,
audacious objectives.
The first is debt relief
for the poorest countries in the world.
The next is universal access to anti-HIV drugs.
Now, why are these good objectives?
Let's go back to our checklist.
Significant? Check. Concrete? Yes.
Action-oriented? Yes.
Well, let's just listen to Bono.
(Video) Bono: So you're passionate?
How passionate?
What actions does your passion lead you to do?
If the heart doesn't find a perfect rhyme with the head,
then your passion means nothing.
The OKR framework cultivates the madness,
the chemistry contained inside it.
It gives us an environment for risk,
for trust,
where failing is not a fireable offense.
And when you have that sort of structure and environment
and the right people,
magic is around the corner.
JD: I love that.
OKRs cultivate the madness,
and magic is right around the corner.
This is perfect.
So with Jini we've covered the whys,
with Bono the whats of goal-setting.
Let's turn our attention to the hows.
Remember, the hows are the key results.
That's how we meet our objectives.
And good results are specific and time-bound.
They're aggressive but realistic.
They're measurable, and they're verifiable.
Those are good key results.
In 1999, I introduced OKRs to Google's cofounders,
Larry and Sergey.
Here they are, 24 years old in their garage.
And Sergey enthusiastically said he'd adopt them.
Well, not quite.
What he really said was,
"We don't have any other way to manage this company,
so we'll give it a go."
And I took that as a kind of endorsement.
But every quarter since then,
every Googler has written down her objectives and her key results.
They've graded them,
and they've published them for everyone to see.
And these are not used for bonuses or for promotions.
They're set aside.
They're used for a higher purpose,
and that's to get collective commitment
to truly stretch goals.
In 2008, a Googler, Sundar Pichai, took on an objective
which was to build the next generation client platform
for the future of web applications --
in other words, build the best browser.
He was very thoughtful about how he chose his key results.
How do you measure the best browser?
It could be ad clicks or engagement.
No. He said: numbers of users,
because users are going to decide
if Chrome is a great browser or not.
So he had this one three-year-long objective:
build the best browser.
And then every year he stuck to the same key results,
numbers of users, but he upped the ante.
In the first year, his goal was 20 million users
and he missed it.
He got less than 10.
Second year, he raised the bar to 50 million.
He got to 37 million users.
Somewhat better.
In the third year,
he upped the ante once more to a hundred million.
He launched an aggressive marketing campaign,
broader distribution, improved the technology, and kaboom!
He got 111 million users.
Here's why I like this story,
not so much for the happy ending,
but it shows someone carefully choosing the right objective
and then sticking to it year after year after year.
It's a perfect story for a nerd like me.
Now, I think of OKRs as transparent vessels
that are made from the whats and hows of our ambitions.
What really matters is the why that we pour into those vessels.
That's why we do our work.
OKRs are not a silver bullet.
They're not going to be a substitute for a strong culture
or for stronger leadership,
but when those fundamentals are in place, they can take you to the mountaintop.
I want you to think about your life for a moment.
Do you have the right metrics?
Take time to write down your values,
your objectives and your key results.
Do it today.
If you'd like some feedback on them, you can send them to me.
I'm john@whatmatters.com.
If we think of the world-changing goals
of an Intel, of a Nuna, of Bono,
of Google,
they're remarkable:
ubiquitous computing,
affordable health care, high-quality for everyone,
ending global poverty,
access to all the world's information.
Here's the deal:
every one of those goals is powered today by OKRs.
Now, I've been called the Johnny Appleseed of OKRs
for spreading the good gospel according to Andy Grove,
but I want you to join me in this movement.
Let's fight for what it is that really matters,
because we can take OKRs beyond our businesses.
We can take them to our families,
to our schools,
even to our governments.
We can hold those governments accountable.
We can transform those informations.
We can get back on the right track
if we can and do measure what really matters.
Thank you.
What Is The Earth Worth? - Duration: 6:09.Money is a man made concept.
Over the course of history, humans have put a price on everything.
We see some things as valuable and something as not so valuable… but, what price tag
would we put on our beautiful planet?
Can you even put a price on earth?
Hello and welcome back to Life's Biggest Questions, the channel that looks to answer
exactly those.
I am your host, Rebecca Felgate and today we are asking What is the Earth Worth?
Before we dig into the goldmine of information and entertainment that is this video, I want
to ask you guys to leave your guesses as to how much our planet is worth in the comments
section down below.
Also, don't forget to leave a thumbs up and stay subscribed for more big answers.
So… the earth.
Up until we started launching rockets into space and set up our main babe the International
space station, everything of any human monetary value existed within and on planet earth.
While I am sure we can all agree that planet earth is priceless, what if we were to try
and put a value on all the raw materials we have here.
In terms of global Gross Domestic Product, we're pumping out 74.1 trillion a year.
GDP of course is the yearly value of all finished goods and services within a countries boarders.
So, anyone looking to put a price on earth ought to consider our yearly output potential.
The world is obviously filled with many expensive things – the world's most expensive car
is the Koenigsegg CCXR Trevita at around 4.8 million dollars, the most expensive piece
of jewellery is the hope diamond, valued between 200 and 250 million dollars.
The most expensive painting in the world – Leonardo Da Vinci's Salvator Mundi, sold for $450
million dollars at auction in 2017… but is it worth that?
If so, what price can we put on all of the creative potential we have as human beings?
It is almost impossible to estimate the value of all of the material items on earth – the
total value of all the iphones, all the macbook pros, all the yeezys…everything.
Stuff is just stuff, you know – and its value is fleeting.
What about land?
How much is land space worth if a parking spot in Manhattan goes for a million bucks?
How much is our real estate collectively worth, our sweeping undeveloped green pastures – cities
waiting to happen?
The estimated cost of Manhattan is 1.4 trillion.
What is the collective value of all of the available space on earth?
Well… anyone who has ever bought a house will know that that is supply and demand!
It is hard to put a price on that too.
So, I guess it is hard to quantify exactly what the earth is worth in terms of purchasable
goods and empty space because it is all relative to the consumer and buyer, so instead, maybe
let's tot up the value of our natural resources…Our liquid water, for example, something we don't
put a high price tag on because it's all around us… in a video by Life Noggin on
the topic, they set the price at 50 trillion dollars.
Diamonds – not just jewellery, but a natural resource – have been deemed valuable.
So far we have found about 3 trillion dollars worth of them.
Moreover, according to life noggin, so far we have 193 thousand tonnes of mined gold,
worth 8 trillion dollars, but again, presumably we haven't mined it all.
Our diminishing oil reserves are worth 110 trillion dollars, and our dwindling coal 70
million bucks.
But of course, once again, humans are the one who have set the price tag.
Speaking of mining, so far humans have only really explored the surface levels of our
We haven't yet dug through to the mantle.
We have a reasonably good idea of what makes up our mantle and core, but it is possible
there are other precious metals.
We do know at the centre of the earth there is a huge iron core…which if sold at market
value could be worth around 5 ish sextillion dollars.
Oh yeah, sextillion….what is that when it's at home….
21 zeros mate.
You do the math, because I sure as hell can't.
So…earth in terms of resources is looking pricey…although there is one resource we
have yet to mine….humans.
According to a Wired Magazine article, a human body can be worth hum to 45 million dollars
each…so what is 45 million times by 7.5 billion.
Again…you do the math, cause honey doesn't have enough time for those zeros.
Okay, okay Rebecca….you lazy zero avoiding swine, we've sat here this long and you
still haven't told us how much the earth is worth.
Well estimations vary.
The history channel did a whole investigation into it and they estimated 7 quadrillion,
so…15 zeros… but we already know our iron core is worth more than that.
A very in depth reddit article put it at 15.8 sextillion… but at this point it is just
numbers, right?
The thing about money is that it is all relative to who wants to buy something.
How can we put a value on earth if nobody is trying to buy it?
Value is relative to demand.
Who is going to buy earth?
Some rich alien who's family made squillatrons dilatrons in plasma drilling?
Maybe something on our earth is of great value to them?
Do aliens do money?
Do aliens do ownership?
Once again, money is a man-made concept.
We can put a figure on it, sure, but really it is worth more than anything and everything
we could ever dream of.
It is our home, our life, our children's lives, our history, our future, it is all
we have got.
So that is one question answered for you – how much do you think the earth is worth, let
me know in the comments section down below.
Турция: Русские смотрят футбол в Аланье - ор выше гор. Кино и закат на Клеопатре - Duration: 13:54.-------------------------------------------
An Introduction To Love In Action - Duration: 3:03.My name is John. During 21 years building centers and programs to help homeless
people in the Bay Area I realized that love is the key element and sometimes
the missing ingredient for helping people in need I found the same to be
true while working in hospice supporting dying people and their families. This
lack of love pervades our society and makes inevitable the overwhelming
suffering described daily in the media and the increasing hatred and lies that
are no longer hidden in shame. I wrote a book called love in action and this is
my response to our situation Love in action distills would have learned
helping over 20,000 people and through decades of spiritual practice. With Love in
Action I'm on a mission to change the world.
My vision can be well stated by the words of Bishop Michael Curry who
preached at the Royal Wedding. Bishop curry said "imagine a world where love is
the way. Imagine our homes and families and love is the way. Imagine
neighborhoods and communities where love is the way. Imagine governments and
nations where love is the way. Imagine business and commerce when love is the
way. Imagine this tired old world when love is the way. Unselfish, sacrificial,
redemptive. When love is the way that no child will go to bed hungry in this
world ever again when love is the way poverty will become history. when love is
the way the earth will be a sanctuary. When love is the way we will lay down
our swords and shields, down by the riverside, to study War no more. My vision
is to help individuals like you through Love in Action to heal the world, and in
so doing to heal themselves. My goal is for a million people to read listen to
or otherwise engage with Love and Action and start practicing this more and more
in their lives. About a thousand people have done so already,
so there's only 999 thousand to go. Hope you'll join me. My love and blessings to you.
Dz HB Vlogs | vlog #15 | Im Back ...! - Duration: 9:23.-------------------------------------------
3D Matrix: Extraterrestrial Message from Pleiadians (Taygeta) - Duration: 47:05.Good morning to everyone!
I am sorry for publishing this video a bit late
but we were very busy with the Ufology Congress here in Barcelona,
which happened Friday, Saturday and Sunday,
so it was why I took longer to present you this new video.
Well, today we will talk about an important subject.
About the 3d Matrix.
How the 3d Matrix works.
What it is based on.
It is an important subject so that then we can try to understand more and more of it all.
This subject in particular interests me a lot,
because it is something that I always sensed.
I always felt that it´s not only that there is something wrong with the society as it is,
with our beliefs, lifestyle,
but I also felt as if my awareness of the physical objects, for example this ugly comb over here,
is not the only reality of this comb.
The comb which I am touching now and of which I am aware right now.
I am touching this plastic now
and my brain interprets it, projects it in this way.
But I always felt that it is some kind of programming,
of why I am aware of this object in this form.
I sensed that this form exists on some other vibratory plane as well
to which I don´t have the access now, I don´t know why.
And I always felt trapped within the physical perception of the objects.
Inside the 3d perception, inside the physical reality.
But I always felt it wasn´t the only way in which this physical dimension exists.
And it´s not interior panick that I felt
but frustration and the sensation of being very trapped
within this limited 3d perception which I felt was imposed upon me,
and that it wasn´t natural.
It was not natural.
I saw a tree for example.
And felt: why am I being limited to perceive this tree only in this way,
and perceive only pieces of this tree´s existence?
I felt that this tree exists in some other fuller way, beyond.
But I don´t know I am like trapped, something in my brain stops me from having access to other planes of the existence of the tree.
So in this video it will be understood why it is this way.
Because it IS this way.
It is this way.
Swaruu confirmed it to me, it is this way.
So....a lot of things which they explain fit so much
in with my own intuitions which I always had since I was small.
And now everything starts to make more sense.
And the pieces of the puzzles fit in.
So this is an important video.
Let´s begin to understand more about the 3d Matrix.
Ah, one more thing.
I will see you at the end.
Because at the end I will make a short summary
of the video of today.
A short summary of the most important points.
Well, let´s begin!
Here at this point the Original Matrix was mentioned.
Something she refers to also as Initial Matrix.
The Original Matrix is another layer of the Matrix.
We are living in a sort of a matrix inside another matrix.
Where they reside, they call that Original Matrix, or Initial.
It is also some type of a program, of a game,
but it is closer to the Source.
It is a more elevated frequency
and they are more conscious from there of the operation of this game,
and they can influence it in a more conscious manner.
With their minds.
Because the Original Matrix reacts to the mind.
It is programmable with the mind.
It acts based on our beliefs and ideas.
It is just that we here are not conscious of that,
and that is why we allow ourselves to be taken
to manifest the kind of reality, based on our beliefs,
that they, the negative ones, impose upon us.
So when the Matrix 3d began,
there were Lyrians here.
So the Reptilians used the Matrix,
and the mechanics of the Original Matrix,
to impose the limiting ideas and beliefs
upon the race that was here, the Lirians.
They began to control that society,
and they began to generate the reality
the results of which we can witness right now.
And this Reptilian manipulation of the Matrix
we will call Reptilian Hack.
And I will talk about it in the separate video too.
Thank you for listening to the video,
and thank you for getting to this part.
I would like to make a short summary now
of the most important points.
So that it can be understood very well.
First, the 3d Matrix was installed here on Earth
upon the Earth 5d that was already here,
about 12,500 years ago.
It was installed in order to capture the Reptilians principally.
Because the Federation was very weak at that point
to keep fighting against them.
Second, the way it worked was by putting up the etheric barrier
around the Earth,
beyond which it was impossible to go.
But most of all, it was a perceptual barrier.
They have closed in a way a certain range of frequencies
of our perception.
So it was impossible to access the perception, the consciousness of the reality
in its 5D state.
Our perception got limited.
Also, of course, objects could be inserted.
Including the events, holographically.
And we will talk about this with the girl who is more specialized
in this type of programming
and in the insertions of different holographic objects and events here on Earth.
We will talk about this in a separate video.
Later we have the Reptilian Hack.
The Reptilians who were present at that time on Earth
have used the fact that the Lyrians at that time had their perception a bit closed off,
through the 3d installation,
and they used the law of the Original Matrix, the Law of Attraction,
which basically generates the reality
which we are proyecting from within,
and I will also talk about this separately.
They used this mechanics,
they used the ¨computers¨ on the Moon,
and they took control of all this
beginning to manifest the reality that sirves only them.
They used the Matrix in their own interests against the races that were present on Earth.
And this is, again, what I call the Reptilian Hack of the Matrix.
They hacked the ¨computers¨,
what we can call the computers in our language, on the Moon,
but most of all, they hacked our consciousness.
Our programming consciousness.
Now, it is important to mention that
right now these computers, the mechanisms on the Moon,
are not under Reptilian control anymore.
They are under the Taygetan control, and the Federation.
The Hack basically worked through limiting the beliefs of the people.
They have imposed certain ideas and certain realities
upon the races that were here
and they basically limited their reality.
They made them feel powerless, inferior,
they took their power away.
It is as in that famous photo of the elephant,
it is a big animal, super powerful,
but it is attached with the chain to the chair,
to the chair that is nothing to the elephant.
If it moves one step to the right, that chair will move too.
That chair means nothing, it doesn´t have any power over the elephant.
But the elephant is guided, through the training,
to think that the chair is more powerful than the elephant itself.
But the reality is that it is totally the opposite.
And it is THAT reality that we need to keep recovering
because it is our right.
It is who we are. Its not even our right.
It´s just the way it is.
This IS the reality.
We are powerful.
We are everything and we are creators ourselves.
We are the Source.
And they cannot have any control over us.
It is time to reprogram our beliefs.
And by the way, this begins with the DEprogramming of all of our beliefs.
The reality is something that Swaruu always, but always repeats,
¨the only thing that limits you there is the idea that you are limited¨.
And we are not.
We are not in any way.
We are not even limited genetically.
And I want to talk about this in greater depth in the future too.
But Swaruu told me very clearly:
You are not interfered genetically to be limited.
It was all a consciousness manipulation through the ideas.
We have been limited mentally.
The genetics does not have the power over our consciousness.
It is totally the opposite.
It is the consciousness that dominates the genetics.
So it is time to wake up to this fact.
Let´s not be slaves of our genetics
and of our own belief that makes us think that it is genetics that governs us.
And that we have been interfered with genetically by the negative beings.
So ¨what can we do? Nothing. They have closed us genetically and we can´t change that. Oh poor victims¨.
No. Yes, poor us in a certain way,
but it is time to discover that we are not victims
and we were not intervened genetically.
The genetics reacts to our consciousness.
To our mental programming.
And not the reverse.
Now, if we raise our frequency high enough,
and if we start to liberate ourselves little by little from all these limiting beliefs,
automatically, Swaruu told me this, well...everything that I say is from Swaruu, its not mine,
but yes, she told me clearly,
if this happens, if we elevate ourselves,
if we begin to get liberated little by little,
this will adjust the Matrix automatically to 5D.
Because it was programmed this way.
To react to what our consciousness generates.
If our consciousness begins to vibrate at the 5d consciousness,
outside of all these limits,
the Matrix will automatically adjust the reality to 5D
and will liberate us this way to our more natural state.
Because 5D is our more natural state.
And I mean...more natural in the material plane, because there are also more etheric planes, as I already said in the first video.
Yes, with the help of the Taygetans and other races that are out there helping,
with their help from up there, and their ¨little¨ adjustments of the frequencies,
and with us here, and our efforts and work from within,
manifesting new beliefs,
together we will mark a new way,
together we will get free,
and we will reunite with them.
We will go back home.
Because it is what they want.
Swaruu always tells me: Wake up already! Come back home!
It is your home.
We are being missed over there,
and, as we know, we too miss being there...in that more elevated state.
So it is time time. It is time.
And it is a very exciting time.
Well, until next time!
In the next video we will talk a little bit more
about the 3d Matrix with our expert in the mechanism 3D.
I will also explain the Original Matrix, the Matrix Hack,
and later we will begin with the keys, more practical keys,
to get out of the Matrix.
Thanks a lot to all of you
for being patient with this video, a bit long perhaps,
and see you next time!
LED Wraparound Fixtures - LB LED from Lithonia Lighting - Duration: 1:29.For new installation or replacement of an existing linear surface mount
lighting fixture look no further than the LB LED wraparound fixture from
Lithonia Lighting by Acuity Brands. This product provides a similar look to an
existing fluorescent wrap at an affordable price making the transition
to LED a simple one. Available in both two and four foot versions these LEDs give you
the flexibility for use in multiple locations no matter the size of the
space. With color temperatures of 3500 and 4000 Kelvin they cast a soft cool
white light to create a bright environment. The fixture has the
equivalent brightness of 232 Watt fluorescent light bulbs. It has a long
life up to 50,000 hours while consuming a fraction of the energy. There is
virtually no replacing of light bulbs and operating costs are reduced. A lot of
thought was put into the design of the diffuser. The linear side prisms help
control brightness while the prisms along the bottom help distribute the
light for a nice clean appearance. Add bright light to a commercial space
garage or utility room while saving time and energy with the LB LED
wraparound fixture from Lithonia Lighting by Acuity Brands.
Taco Tuesday! Vegan Tacos mat Weidenröschen! - Duration: 4:37.-------------------------------------------
Parler des vacances part 1 (Subtitles in english) - Duration: 3:57.I hope you're well ! "Curiosités Françaises" affords you listening, reading, practice the
French language.
I am your new partner in this challenge; I share tools to improve your understanding
of the daily life of the French and get to know each other.
The subject of the week is the following and I wish you all a very good day !
We are still talking about the summer holidays, summer is also often the opportunity to learn
a language, so the objectives of this week are clear enough you can then continue
the challenge of the week, by contacting me on the Facebook group or by the website.
At the end of the module of the week you will have notions and vocabulary for
Talk about your holidays
Talk about the past
Know how to ask questions and answer
And tell your experiences
Fistr of all I'll introduce some words to remember
School holidays
Holidays bank
A few words of vocabulary to know the means of transport
To fly
Traveling by train to
Take the bus To travel
A trip To go on foot
To wander around
Of course during holidays you have to find a place to sleep here are some words
4 star-hotel**** To book
To camp Youth hostel
Non-exhaustive activity of what you can do To go sightseeing
Guided tour To look the landscape
To make a good restaurant
With the list proposed above
Find the right french word
First sentence
This is the day when shops and offices are closed it's a …?
We can swim on a large surface of cold water, we are at the ...?
I like to visit the old cities and see the most interesting monuments I make of...?
Which is the word that does not fit?
A train - a plane - un bus
A tent - a caravan - a school - a hotel
The mountain - the sea - the river - the lake
Work - dive - shopping - go sightseeing
Running - walking - to sewing
The correction of exercises can be found on the blog, you will find the url in the description
bar below.
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