Alright folks, we are in beautiful Mojiko Retro for the 2018 Kitakyushu Ramen Championship.
Who's gonna win this year? I don't know. I'm just here to eat.
Look at this spot right here
These ichigo daifukus but look at how delicious they look
Oh my goodness.
I'm gonna have to come back later.
I will come back later I promise you.
And then this guy right here
I'm most interested...
in that.
That's a gigantic hunk of crab
for 400 yen.
And then
Next door is another fan favorite. This is my jam right here. (It's called Hashimaki)
That is my jam. Festival food? This is the first thing I go to
Look at that.
Yes sir.
But we got ramens to mess with over here.
You had to pre-register for a set of three tickets right
These let you eat at one of, you know, three stalls
And it was 1000 yen if you pre-registered.
Day of the event it's 400 yen per ticket for a stall.
F that.
Lady: Crisped cheese!
Boy I am... Oh I just heard somebody say Karikari cheese (Cheese crisps)
In a previous video I was eating these here
Here at Mojiko.
Off over by the Kaikyo Dramaship but
These girls were riding bikes and they just stopped and they were like, "Hey are you a youtuber?"
I'm like, "Yeah what's up!"
"Subscribe to my channel and stuff"
That's funny man. "You a youtuber?" "Hell yes."
And oh hey, there's the idols from earlier.
Let's get a look at these chicks first
These chicks were dancing earlier.
Let's see if I can get them to wave at me.
Alright, I gotta dip.
That's not my thing man. Totally not.
Let's pick some ramen. I got three spots to hit
I want to find tonkotsu or miso, because that's what I'm talking about.
I don't want no shio ramen
Or no shoyu ramen. Tonkotsu only! Or miso.
That broth looks super creamy. According to the picture, anyway.
We'll keep this place in mind
Let me see, what is this?
They won some kind of Grand Prix somewhere.
Two years in a row
This right here is hot.
Manten Ramen. Yes, I like hot. Alright.
So we got that one, this one
This one is also tonkotsu but, let's keep looking.
Alright.. Girl: Shio ramen!
Shio ramen? No no no.
She trying to get me to visit shio ramen. No thank you.
That's Hakata Tantanmen. I did not come for tantanmen.
What's that?
Yeah, no thank you.
Okay, what is this? Buta no Mura?
Let's see, this is miso ramen.
And let me see.
Damn, Kurobuta Ramen. Tonkotsu.
Let's see what this old man has in his hand.
Nah, I'm good.
I need volume
And this girl's kinda THICC.
Does it really got horse meat in it?
That would be interesting.
I don't know what that is. I'm not interested.
That's it? That's it?
Alright, well let's start at spot number one.
We're gonna start right over here.
Alright ready to go.
One bowl, correct? One moment please.
I'll be back when we're at the front of the line.
Alright, we're not quite at the front yet but let's get a closer look at the operations here.
One bowl? Thank you very much.
Oh, what is the name of your shop? I can't read it.
Ok, got it. Thank you very much.
I feel embarrassed because I can't read but whatever.
Alright, so once we get this we'll sit down somewhere and consume.
Thank you for waiting!
Thank you!
How can I do this without screwing it up?
Okay look at that
Alright, so I found this thing. We're gonna just set this up on top of here and
Let's get started
Eat a duck I must.
Guy: Where's that ramen from?
It's from Seiyouken.
Guy: Eh?
Seiyouken. It's the first stand over there..
Guy: What's this?
It's a camera. Guy: For Youtube
I'm a Youtuber. Guy: Yeah, you're a Youtuber right?
Yeah, I'm a Youtuber
Guy: He's a Youtuber!
I'm Chris Sakura.
Guy: Chris Sakura? Yeah.
Please look me up.
Please subscribe!
I'm visiting from America.
Kid: Can I shake your hand?
A handshake? Hold on, hold on, he wants a handshake.
Kid: Handshake! A handshake.
Hey! I'm Ibuki, Kokura Karasu Pageant's number 1 host! With love!
Hey! I'm Karasu Pageant's number 1 host...
I'm Taiga, the number 1 host.
So I was going to talk about the taste
Before I got interrupted, but it's all good.
This kind of tastes kinda bland. Let me try the soup.
I dunno, the soup is really thin.
I mean, it is tonkotsu but maybe it's just because we're here at a festival
It's probably different eating it in their restaurant.
Hey, at least the char siu is on point
Kid: Please accept this.
Are you for real? Where did you get this?
Are you for real? He gave me a one dollar bill.
I gave it to him!
Actually I can't accept this.
I mean, it will make for YouTube but
Guy: Tell him it's "So you can do your best"
Kid: Please do your best! Ok, I will.
Guy: Look at the camera and say it.
Please do your best!! Thank you very much.
Thank you very much!
Really, thank you for this.
What is this, they gave me a dollar!
I have to frame this dollar now and be like, I got this from some random people here at the ramen festival.
Where'd he get that dollar from though!?
Where did.. how? Why does he have a dollar??
I knew that just having this camera out would attract attention.
That is super cool. That is totally okay.
(Japanese: Feel free to crash my videos lol)
I'm so cool with that.
Hopefully he goes home and tries to find me and...
Thank you.
That made this ramen taste a whole lot better
That is funny.
Hold on. Maybe it's this moment here that propels me to be like a local...
Locally known person even though I don't even live here
Holy smokes
These are fried pork fat.
You know what, I haven't even tried the other places but just because they had this I'm voting for them.
I'm gonna go over there and place a vote. Seiyouken.
I have not even tried anything else but you guys win.
Right here.
Alright, I don't wanna get too full so I'm gonna throw this out.
Let's go to round number two.
Look at this guy.
Dump it!
That pot has got to be hot, son.
This place right here, what is this?
But they are located in Kokura Minami-ku!
Maybe I should give these people a shot but I want miso. Damnit.
Miso right there.
Would you like some miso ramen?
Hey look, I just got a pack of tissues for this place.
Alright, look straight ahead.
They got eggs in that tank. You telling me that they're gonna give you eggs on this ramen? Alright!
It looks really good.
Let's take a look at the operations here.
Alright, so this is miso ramen from Suzuya.
Let's find a place to eat a duck.
This old man with the monkey is still out here.
He's out here all the time.
And here we go. Eat a duck I must.
Ah, you know what, maybe I should show you all what this looks like up close.
Alright, let's eat some ducks here.
Actually, let me taste the soup first.
For these guys being mobile this soup is pretty damn thick.
I like it.
What I kinda don't like is that there's a whole boatload of moyashi (bean sprouts) in here.
I mean nothing's wrong with moyashi but...
Where the noodles at?
And the meat. There's like hardly any in here.
It's like little tiny chunks.
I want big slices of char siu.
The noodles are nice and firm.
But the soup is good.
I wish I could have ramen like this in Vegas.
That dude with the monkey is always out here hustling that monkey.
I really like this soup.
I think I'm gonna finish it.
This soup is good.
I love miso ramen.
So there was a guy pushing a little cart collecting trash and he told me, he goes
"Did you go vote yet?" I'm like Vote? What are you talking about?
And he's like take your empty bowl and go vote.
And he was like that's the only way you can vote.
I'm like oh wow.
So I threw away the first bowl not even knowing but
I'll just tell them hey I just didn't know. I didn't know that's how you vote.
So let's go vote.
This is gonna take a while so we'll be right back.
There's a guy up ahead with a coat.
See that? Hold on.
His coat says, "When I die I'll go to heaven because I spent my time in hell."
Dude that is hilarious.
Alright, we're here to vote and I guess you give them this...?
Wait I think I messed up. Where do I get the vote thingy from??
Hi, excuse me but...
Staff: You have to go to the next tent and exchange that for a ticket. Oh is that so?
Alright, so I guess I gotta go over here to get the little voting ticket.
Son of a biscuit.
Excuse me.
Thank you!
Alright, so let's place a vote for conservative ramen values and stuff.
Alright, I get to stand in this long ass line again.
But now we can rock the vote.
How'd these guys get so many voting tickets?
Okay. Where is Seiyouken. Seiyouken. Seiyouken? Where? Where? Where? Where?
Where's Seiyouken?
Sorry, but they are a guest shop so you can't vote for them.
Ok fine, I'll vote for Suzuya.
That Seiyouken place is a guest so you can't vote for them.
And that's straight up bullsquat so I just voted for Suzuya.
The miso ramen that I just had.
Because there's... I couldn't vote for the good stuff!
That really sucks because I wanted to vote for Seiyouken but I can't so...
Whatever, just give it to Suzuya.
I got one more ticket. But I'm kind of full now.
I'm not full to where I can't eat any more but I want to eat more stuff over there
Like the stuff that we saw at the beginning. So what do I do?
Alright, just to be a good sport
I'll go with them because they're from Kokura Minami-ku and we got to represent so alright.
I will give them a shot.
I just realized something. You see this guy?
There he is.
That's him bro.
That's him right?
That's him.
That's him in the flesh
I thought it was just some dude. You know?
That's actually the dude right there.
That's dope.
The last ticket.
Thank you!
Ok, let's go
Let's try this out.
Alright, I gotta find somewhere else to sit now I'll be right back
Look at these guys.
Where'd they come from?
I see a table but no chairs.
These guys are like "There's no chairs!"
Yeah, ain't no chair.. Oh look at this little guy
Oh look at this. Just opened up just for me.
But I want to move this to the other side
What sucks is that these folks are singing their songs right behind me so...
Wow. Whatever.
Ok, so hopefully this song that they're playing is not registered on Content ID on YouTube
But alright. Eat a duck I must.
Let's see what Buta no Mura from Kokura Minami-ku is all about!
Dude. I'll tell you one thing, that this soup is really thick. Hold on, I gotta show you this.
Look at how thick that soup is son.
Boy. Wow, I think this is gonna be a hit right here.
Let's try the soup first.
I gotta go visit them. I gotta go to their store.
This soup is so ridiculously thick.
It's just like... the creamiest essence of the pork.
Oh my goodness dude. I just want to go back over there and be like just fill my bowl up with soup. I will pay yall.
Oh my goodness. I'm not even pulling your leg.
I don't even care about the noodles at this point, it's all about that soup!
Okay. I'm gonna go get another ticket.
And I'm gonna put that dude's face in the box because that noodle merchant makes a mean soup.
Ohh dude. It is so rich.
So I like Kotteri (rich) ramen but this is HELLA Kotteri.
I'll say this.
Ichiran ain't nothin
compared to this. This soup is so rich.
Did you see how thick it was just moving it around in the bowl? It does not go anywhere dude.
Yes. Yes.
That dude, holding his finger up like that, he knows.
He has the ramen secret.
I'm afraid to even eat this.
Because look, it's just mostly fat.
That dude knows how to make a mean tonkotsu, man.
Okay, so all I have left is soup and this.
Just eat this.
It tastes like they marinated it in soy sauce too.
Should I spend another 400 yen to go back there for another bowl? Holy smokes dude.
But you know what, this made my day right here.
I wanna go there.
I was gonna say I'll go there tomorrow but they're probably closed for the weekend to run this.
Oh my goodness.
I just have to say this.
I've never had tonkotsu like this before.
If this is the quality that he's busting out at a festival, just imagine what it's like at the store!!
Oh my goodness, I gotta vote for him.
I have to vote for him and then I'll
tag him in this video and then I'll email them or whatever
If they got a Twitter or something I will tell them to watch this video
Because dude, if they don't win, if they don't win this I will be so disappointed.
Dude, they could bring this to Hakata and smash all them cats.
Oh my goodness.
I'm gonna go cast a vote. I'll be right back.
Alright, this is going to Buta no Mura.
The most delicious ramen ever.
And with this vote, they will absolutely win.
Alright, so I didn't film this part but I went to their booth and I showed them me sticking the vote in the box.
And I told him that I've never had tonkotsu like that in my entire life
And I told them "You guys didn't go full power for this festival did you?
"I bet you when I go to the store it's gonna be even more better" and he was like "Yeah."
Dude! I wanna go visit that store now. Dude dude dude.
Oh my goodness.
Okay, so...
I'm done with eating.
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