This video contains lyrics on a screen
"Prepara a tu hijo para la vida, no la vida para tu hijo" - Duration: 5:00.-------------------------------------------
Versión completa. "Ayudamos y recompensamos con demasiada facilidad a nuestros hijos". Tim Elmore - Duration: 37:40.-------------------------------------------
Stony&Superbat - You could be the one - Duration: 1:32.yeah but they gave me something better
The both did.
Extra time with the people you love is the best gift of all.
If the league ever did go over to the wrong side
I want to be there somebody I can trust to keep the earth safe
Bruce Wayne
What are you doing?
I wil miss you, Tony.
I like to think I work best alone, Cap.
but the truth is
I am better because you are my friend!
Dance Moms: Kendall's Jazz Solo - "Hands Up" (Season 3) | Lifetime - Duration: 1:50.-------------------------------------------
What Is The Earth Worth? - Duration: 6:09.Money is a man made concept.
Over the course of history, humans have put a price on everything.
We see some things as valuable and something as not so valuable… but, what price tag
would we put on our beautiful planet?
Can you even put a price on earth?
Hello and welcome back to Life's Biggest Questions, the channel that looks to answer
exactly those.
I am your host, Rebecca Felgate and today we are asking What is the Earth Worth?
Before we dig into the goldmine of information and entertainment that is this video, I want
to ask you guys to leave your guesses as to how much our planet is worth in the comments
section down below.
Also, don't forget to leave a thumbs up and stay subscribed for more big answers.
So… the earth.
Up until we started launching rockets into space and set up our main babe the International
space station, everything of any human monetary value existed within and on planet earth.
While I am sure we can all agree that planet earth is priceless, what if we were to try
and put a value on all the raw materials we have here.
In terms of global Gross Domestic Product, we're pumping out 74.1 trillion a year.
GDP of course is the yearly value of all finished goods and services within a countries boarders.
So, anyone looking to put a price on earth ought to consider our yearly output potential.
The world is obviously filled with many expensive things – the world's most expensive car
is the Koenigsegg CCXR Trevita at around 4.8 million dollars, the most expensive piece
of jewellery is the hope diamond, valued between 200 and 250 million dollars.
The most expensive painting in the world – Leonardo Da Vinci's Salvator Mundi, sold for $450
million dollars at auction in 2017… but is it worth that?
If so, what price can we put on all of the creative potential we have as human beings?
It is almost impossible to estimate the value of all of the material items on earth – the
total value of all the iphones, all the macbook pros, all the yeezys…everything.
Stuff is just stuff, you know – and its value is fleeting.
What about land?
How much is land space worth if a parking spot in Manhattan goes for a million bucks?
How much is our real estate collectively worth, our sweeping undeveloped green pastures – cities
waiting to happen?
The estimated cost of Manhattan is 1.4 trillion.
What is the collective value of all of the available space on earth?
Well… anyone who has ever bought a house will know that that is supply and demand!
It is hard to put a price on that too.
So, I guess it is hard to quantify exactly what the earth is worth in terms of purchasable
goods and empty space because it is all relative to the consumer and buyer, so instead, maybe
let's tot up the value of our natural resources…Our liquid water, for example, something we don't
put a high price tag on because it's all around us… in a video by Life Noggin on
the topic, they set the price at 50 trillion dollars.
Diamonds – not just jewellery, but a natural resource – have been deemed valuable.
So far we have found about 3 trillion dollars worth of them.
Moreover, according to life noggin, so far we have 193 thousand tonnes of mined gold,
worth 8 trillion dollars, but again, presumably we haven't mined it all.
Our diminishing oil reserves are worth 110 trillion dollars, and our dwindling coal 70
million bucks.
But of course, once again, humans are the one who have set the price tag.
Speaking of mining, so far humans have only really explored the surface levels of our
We haven't yet dug through to the mantle.
We have a reasonably good idea of what makes up our mantle and core, but it is possible
there are other precious metals.
We do know at the centre of the earth there is a huge iron core…which if sold at market
value could be worth around 5 ish sextillion dollars.
Oh yeah, sextillion….what is that when it's at home….
21 zeros mate.
You do the math, because I sure as hell can't.
So…earth in terms of resources is looking pricey…although there is one resource we
have yet to mine….humans.
According to a Wired Magazine article, a human body can be worth hum to 45 million dollars
each…so what is 45 million times by 7.5 billion.
Again…you do the math, cause honey doesn't have enough time for those zeros.
Okay, okay Rebecca….you lazy zero avoiding swine, we've sat here this long and you
still haven't told us how much the earth is worth.
Well estimations vary.
The history channel did a whole investigation into it and they estimated 7 quadrillion,
so…15 zeros… but we already know our iron core is worth more than that.
A very in depth reddit article put it at 15.8 sextillion… but at this point it is just
numbers, right?
The thing about money is that it is all relative to who wants to buy something.
How can we put a value on earth if nobody is trying to buy it?
Value is relative to demand.
Who is going to buy earth?
Some rich alien who's family made squillatrons dilatrons in plasma drilling?
Maybe something on our earth is of great value to them?
Do aliens do money?
Do aliens do ownership?
Once again, money is a man-made concept.
We can put a figure on it, sure, but really it is worth more than anything and everything
we could ever dream of.
It is our home, our life, our children's lives, our history, our future, it is all
we have got.
So that is one question answered for you – how much do you think the earth is worth, let
me know in the comments section down below.
3D Matrix: Extraterrestrial Message from Pleiadians (Taygeta) - Duration: 47:05.Good morning to everyone!
I am sorry for publishing this video a bit late
but we were very busy with the Ufology Congress here in Barcelona,
which happened Friday, Saturday and Sunday,
so it was why I took longer to present you this new video.
Well, today we will talk about an important subject.
About the 3d Matrix.
How the 3d Matrix works.
What it is based on.
It is an important subject so that then we can try to understand more and more of it all.
This subject in particular interests me a lot,
because it is something that I always sensed.
I always felt that it´s not only that there is something wrong with the society as it is,
with our beliefs, lifestyle,
but I also felt as if my awareness of the physical objects, for example this ugly comb over here,
is not the only reality of this comb.
The comb which I am touching now and of which I am aware right now.
I am touching this plastic now
and my brain interprets it, projects it in this way.
But I always felt that it is some kind of programming,
of why I am aware of this object in this form.
I sensed that this form exists on some other vibratory plane as well
to which I don´t have the access now, I don´t know why.
And I always felt trapped within the physical perception of the objects.
Inside the 3d perception, inside the physical reality.
But I always felt it wasn´t the only way in which this physical dimension exists.
And it´s not interior panick that I felt
but frustration and the sensation of being very trapped
within this limited 3d perception which I felt was imposed upon me,
and that it wasn´t natural.
It was not natural.
I saw a tree for example.
And felt: why am I being limited to perceive this tree only in this way,
and perceive only pieces of this tree´s existence?
I felt that this tree exists in some other fuller way, beyond.
But I don´t know I am like trapped, something in my brain stops me from having access to other planes of the existence of the tree.
So in this video it will be understood why it is this way.
Because it IS this way.
It is this way.
Swaruu confirmed it to me, it is this way.
So....a lot of things which they explain fit so much
in with my own intuitions which I always had since I was small.
And now everything starts to make more sense.
And the pieces of the puzzles fit in.
So this is an important video.
Let´s begin to understand more about the 3d Matrix.
Ah, one more thing.
I will see you at the end.
Because at the end I will make a short summary
of the video of today.
A short summary of the most important points.
Well, let´s begin!
Here at this point the Original Matrix was mentioned.
Something she refers to also as Initial Matrix.
The Original Matrix is another layer of the Matrix.
We are living in a sort of a matrix inside another matrix.
Where they reside, they call that Original Matrix, or Initial.
It is also some type of a program, of a game,
but it is closer to the Source.
It is a more elevated frequency
and they are more conscious from there of the operation of this game,
and they can influence it in a more conscious manner.
With their minds.
Because the Original Matrix reacts to the mind.
It is programmable with the mind.
It acts based on our beliefs and ideas.
It is just that we here are not conscious of that,
and that is why we allow ourselves to be taken
to manifest the kind of reality, based on our beliefs,
that they, the negative ones, impose upon us.
So when the Matrix 3d began,
there were Lyrians here.
So the Reptilians used the Matrix,
and the mechanics of the Original Matrix,
to impose the limiting ideas and beliefs
upon the race that was here, the Lirians.
They began to control that society,
and they began to generate the reality
the results of which we can witness right now.
And this Reptilian manipulation of the Matrix
we will call Reptilian Hack.
And I will talk about it in the separate video too.
Thank you for listening to the video,
and thank you for getting to this part.
I would like to make a short summary now
of the most important points.
So that it can be understood very well.
First, the 3d Matrix was installed here on Earth
upon the Earth 5d that was already here,
about 12,500 years ago.
It was installed in order to capture the Reptilians principally.
Because the Federation was very weak at that point
to keep fighting against them.
Second, the way it worked was by putting up the etheric barrier
around the Earth,
beyond which it was impossible to go.
But most of all, it was a perceptual barrier.
They have closed in a way a certain range of frequencies
of our perception.
So it was impossible to access the perception, the consciousness of the reality
in its 5D state.
Our perception got limited.
Also, of course, objects could be inserted.
Including the events, holographically.
And we will talk about this with the girl who is more specialized
in this type of programming
and in the insertions of different holographic objects and events here on Earth.
We will talk about this in a separate video.
Later we have the Reptilian Hack.
The Reptilians who were present at that time on Earth
have used the fact that the Lyrians at that time had their perception a bit closed off,
through the 3d installation,
and they used the law of the Original Matrix, the Law of Attraction,
which basically generates the reality
which we are proyecting from within,
and I will also talk about this separately.
They used this mechanics,
they used the ¨computers¨ on the Moon,
and they took control of all this
beginning to manifest the reality that sirves only them.
They used the Matrix in their own interests against the races that were present on Earth.
And this is, again, what I call the Reptilian Hack of the Matrix.
They hacked the ¨computers¨,
what we can call the computers in our language, on the Moon,
but most of all, they hacked our consciousness.
Our programming consciousness.
Now, it is important to mention that
right now these computers, the mechanisms on the Moon,
are not under Reptilian control anymore.
They are under the Taygetan control, and the Federation.
The Hack basically worked through limiting the beliefs of the people.
They have imposed certain ideas and certain realities
upon the races that were here
and they basically limited their reality.
They made them feel powerless, inferior,
they took their power away.
It is as in that famous photo of the elephant,
it is a big animal, super powerful,
but it is attached with the chain to the chair,
to the chair that is nothing to the elephant.
If it moves one step to the right, that chair will move too.
That chair means nothing, it doesn´t have any power over the elephant.
But the elephant is guided, through the training,
to think that the chair is more powerful than the elephant itself.
But the reality is that it is totally the opposite.
And it is THAT reality that we need to keep recovering
because it is our right.
It is who we are. Its not even our right.
It´s just the way it is.
This IS the reality.
We are powerful.
We are everything and we are creators ourselves.
We are the Source.
And they cannot have any control over us.
It is time to reprogram our beliefs.
And by the way, this begins with the DEprogramming of all of our beliefs.
The reality is something that Swaruu always, but always repeats,
¨the only thing that limits you there is the idea that you are limited¨.
And we are not.
We are not in any way.
We are not even limited genetically.
And I want to talk about this in greater depth in the future too.
But Swaruu told me very clearly:
You are not interfered genetically to be limited.
It was all a consciousness manipulation through the ideas.
We have been limited mentally.
The genetics does not have the power over our consciousness.
It is totally the opposite.
It is the consciousness that dominates the genetics.
So it is time to wake up to this fact.
Let´s not be slaves of our genetics
and of our own belief that makes us think that it is genetics that governs us.
And that we have been interfered with genetically by the negative beings.
So ¨what can we do? Nothing. They have closed us genetically and we can´t change that. Oh poor victims¨.
No. Yes, poor us in a certain way,
but it is time to discover that we are not victims
and we were not intervened genetically.
The genetics reacts to our consciousness.
To our mental programming.
And not the reverse.
Now, if we raise our frequency high enough,
and if we start to liberate ourselves little by little from all these limiting beliefs,
automatically, Swaruu told me this, well...everything that I say is from Swaruu, its not mine,
but yes, she told me clearly,
if this happens, if we elevate ourselves,
if we begin to get liberated little by little,
this will adjust the Matrix automatically to 5D.
Because it was programmed this way.
To react to what our consciousness generates.
If our consciousness begins to vibrate at the 5d consciousness,
outside of all these limits,
the Matrix will automatically adjust the reality to 5D
and will liberate us this way to our more natural state.
Because 5D is our more natural state.
And I mean...more natural in the material plane, because there are also more etheric planes, as I already said in the first video.
Yes, with the help of the Taygetans and other races that are out there helping,
with their help from up there, and their ¨little¨ adjustments of the frequencies,
and with us here, and our efforts and work from within,
manifesting new beliefs,
together we will mark a new way,
together we will get free,
and we will reunite with them.
We will go back home.
Because it is what they want.
Swaruu always tells me: Wake up already! Come back home!
It is your home.
We are being missed over there,
and, as we know, we too miss being that more elevated state.
So it is time time. It is time.
And it is a very exciting time.
Well, until next time!
In the next video we will talk a little bit more
about the 3d Matrix with our expert in the mechanism 3D.
I will also explain the Original Matrix, the Matrix Hack,
and later we will begin with the keys, more practical keys,
to get out of the Matrix.
Thanks a lot to all of you
for being patient with this video, a bit long perhaps,
and see you next time!
[World Trip Tips] How to get 🇮🇳Indian Visa in Laos (9 documents to be prepared) - Duration: 11:03.Hello, everyone.
This is my second video shooting in Goa, India.
Before I begin, I would like to thank all of you for watching my first video.
It was a bit clumsy but thanks for leaving comments as well.
Today, I would like to tell you how to get an Indian Visa.
I think most of people who do long term travels might prepare their visas while traveling.
When we were traveling in Laos, we got a confirmation on housesitting in Goa, India.
So we went to the Indian Embassy in Vientiane, Laos to apply for the visa
and we got 6 months single entry Indian Visa.
There are some documents to be prepared in advance.
In this video, I would like to tell you about what documents you need to submit
when applying your 6 months Indian Visa in Vientiane, Laos.
9 documents to be prepared to get Indian Visa.
These are the documents to be prepared. 1.copy of your flight to India( inbound and outbound)
2.copy of your accommodation 3.copy of Bank Account Savings 4 passport sized photos x 2
5.Online Visa Application Form copy of your passport copy of your Laos visa
8. your passport application fee in US dollars.
First, let´s talk about your fight ticket to India.
We booked a flight entering India and submitted the copy of the flight ticket.
So the officer at the embassy asked us to write down the reason why we had not booked a flight leaving India.
So if you do not want to go through the hassle
then be prepared to submit a copy of flight tickets entering and leaving India.
I almost got rejected entering India since I did not have a flight leaving India.
so I recommend booking flight tickets for both entering and leaving India.
The second one is a copy of your first night´s accommodation in India.
You can print out the booking reservation and submit it to the embassy.
In our case, our first accommodation in India was the housesitting place.
So we thought we might write down the address and phone number of the house but
but we changed our mind and just booked a cheap guesthouse on
and printed out the booking confirmation page and submitted it.
We thought this way was easy and simple.
We canceled the booking when we got the visa and got 100% refund.
Up next is a copy of Bank Account Savings. I was a bit concerned about this. t easier than I thought?.
Since my primary bank is in Korea so I wondered if I had to go back to Korea to get the document.
But I sorted out quite easily.
I guess everybody uses online banking these days.
So I went to the online banking website and changed the language setting into English and
took a screenshot of the page where it showed both my bank account savings and my name.
Then I printed it out and submitted it to the embassy.
I was a bit afraid that it might not be accepted as an official document but it was okay.
The 4th one is two passport sized photos.
When I looked it up on the internet, it says the right size for the Indian visa is 5×5 cm.
But I don´t think the photos we submitted were 5×5 cm.
Those passport sized photos were taken in a photo studio in Korea.
We used them to submit to the embassy and it was okay.(We measured the size and it is 3.5cm X 4.5cm)
The next one is very important, Online Visa Application Form
You can fill in your visa application form online and print them out.
I will put the website address in a video description below but you can go to this website.
and click regular visa application. Here you have 3 pages long visa application form to fill in.
when you are done, it should be saved in pdf file. You can either print them out on the spot
if its possible. Or you can send the file to your email or save it in USB to print out later.
The most important thing is to print them out in color Or else the visa application could be rejected.
So we printed out all the documents in color just in case.
The 6th document is one copy of your passport.
and the 7th one is one copy of your Laos visa.
Koreans can stay upto 15 days in Laos without visa.
So I took advantage of it and stayed longer in Laos through visa runs several times.
So I did not have Laos visa and copied the passport page showing the stamp given when entering Laos.
The 8th one is your passport.
When you apply for Indian Visa, you leave your passport at the embassy.
They say it takes 5 working days for the visa to be ready
but I looked it up on the internet and some people said it took 7 days or even 10 days.
So just be reminded that you will be traveling without visa during that period.
We used the time to travel to Luang Prabang and Houay Xay for Gibbon Experience.
So it took 7 days for us to pick up the visa.
We got apporved for Indian visa. yaaaaaaaay
The last one is visa application fee.
The fee can vary depending on your nationality.
However, we paid the same amount, 100 US dollars each.
We thought it was a bit expensive for the moment
but when you divide it into six months, it is not that much. We gladly paid for the fee.
Oh, there is 2 dollars of service fee. So each paid in total of 102 US dollars to get 6 months single entry visa.
Now I would like to mention about some strange information you need to fill in for the application.
You are asked about your religion.
You can not choose ¨no religion¨. So I just chose buddhism. I let you know about this just in case.
You are required to upload a digital photo at the end of your visa application form.
The photo should be the same as the passport sized photos you submit to the embassy and
the size should be resized to 350X350 pixels to be able to upload it.
If the digital photo is not in 350X350 pixels size, it won´t be uploaded
so make sure to crop it to that size and use it when filling in visa application form.
when filling in the application form, you can also choose either single or multiple entry.
We did not think much and choose single entry
but we could have chosen the multiple entry option because 6 months can be long.
So I just like to say you have the options.
I am not so sure but multiple entry probably charge more(if anybody knows, please leave a comment below, thanks :)
Lastly, you are asked to write down reference in India.
We put our housesitting place address, the owner´s name and phone number.
but I looked it up on the internet and most of travelers put their accommodation information there.
So you can put your accommodation info on that section.
One more thing, the Indian embassy in Vientiane receives visa applications only between 9am - 11am on weekdays
and visa pick up is only between 4pm - 5pm on weekdays.
If you have any questions or anything, please leave a comment below.
If you like this video, click like and please support us by clicking subscribe button.
Please come visit our website and check our travel stories and photos and
follow our instagram and facebook page.
Thank you for watching. See you again in India!
ZeoN Yiğit Alp Çavdar'ın Yeni Şarkısını İzliyor! |Yiğit Alp - Gerilim (ft. İzam) #200K - Duration: 3:00.-------------------------------------------
SANAM TERI KASAM REMIX SONG Musical World 2018 - Duration: 3:52.SANAM TERI KASAM REMIX SONG Musical World 2018
Back To Yoga | Daily Vlog #423 - Duration: 16:28.Good morning, it's July 1st. 2018. Today is a Sunday. I've been cleaning my room a little bit
I just started so still kind of working at it. Um, I threw out all the trash
I'm making a pile of dishes to go wash but I have not washed them yet. I'll do that
Soonish I need to do laundry, but I don't think I'm gonna do that today
Because I don't have enough quarters and I think the building that has to change machine 1 it's far away
it's about almost as far as you can get from this building and
I don't think it's open today. It might be I'm not sure
Not gonna do that today. I don't think and
I do need to go pick up some flags later because someone from the color guard a new member
wants to practice
Since I'm captain like she came to me and I was like, yeah, let's practice so I have to go get us some flags
One thing Amy was supposed to Amy's our director
Amy was supposed to leave out the flag so that I could pick them up after work on Friday
But she forgot so she told me
That someone is gonna be in the building on Sunday to have a key that I can go to
To get the flag, so I'll have to walk over there later
Then I need to film a video today. I think I'm gonna film the like college hacks video. It has also been extremely hot. I
didn't go outside this building at all yesterday and it went up to like
94 degrees and it was like feels like 100 degrees. So
Not looking forward to being outside. There's no where indoors we can go because it's it's Sunday and it's summer so everything's closed right now
So we're gonna have to try to find a shady spot and fortunately she's not coming until the evening
So hopefully it'll have cooled off a little bit, hopefully
Anyway, that's it for now
It just looks hot.
Like I haven't even like even yesterday I didn't open the blinds
Because my bed is right next to the window so if they're open it just like
Makes me really really hot. I'm even hot just like standing at this window
Alright, so I'm about to go wash dishes after I've re-put my hair up. I'm pulling hair out of my brush right now
It's a lot of hair
Um, I was gonna make a time-lapse like bring you all with me and make a time-lapse of me washing dishes
But I kind of felt like you know, and I'd be kind of boring
Um plus like there are genuinely dirty dishes. So like why would you want to look at that?
I am a slob and I'm covered in hair now
I only brought I don't know why I just like forgot but I only brought one hair tie when I moved in
So like I only have this one to use and now it's covered in hair
um, I
Can do a quick little time lapse of me making my bed when I get my hair up
um, but yeah after I wash dishes I'm probably gonna
Hang out just for like a little bit and then take a shower
And I still need to go
Get the flags I messaged the girl who wants to meet up and ask like hey, are we still meeting up?
I assume we are but she hasn't responded
So just waiting on that
and yeah now you can watch me make the bed
Alright I'm all done washing my dishes the thing is I don't have
Drying rack and I'm running low on paper towels and I don't have the money to get more paper towels
So my hands are still wet. My phone is like slipping out of my hand
So I put them all in the pot that I wash
hoping that can work at the drying rack and
I'm just hoping that this is good enough
Alright, so I want lunch, but I can't decide
What I want to eat. I'm not really interested in anything that I have and I don't have money to go get more food
Let me explain that so it's not like I'm not like dying or anything like I'm not like oh my god
I have no money. I don't have any money. I have four dollars
Why am I sharing this? What happened was?
It turns out I'm not getting paid when I thought I was gonna be getting paid when I moved in here and started working
So I came with some money obviously and I was like, okay, this will last me to my paycheck
Which should be on this day, and then I found out that I'm not getting that paycheck
For another two weeks after the original day that I had thought and I didn't know that until like a few days before I thought
I was gonna get the paycheck. So I
Already didn't come with like a ton of money. And then I was spending more of it than I should have thinking
That I had I was gonna be getting paid soon
Now I don't have money I get paid
I'm not gonna say when but I get paid this week
So I've got a little bit longer to go
But I'm not enjoying any of the food that I have
I kind of want to eat cereal which I shouldn't because I eat cereal this morning
And also I only have enough almond milk for one more Bowl, which I want to stay for tomorrow. Oh
No, I need to I need more almond milk. I don't feel like making a sandwich. I
Have some hot food or well frozen food that to be made hot
But I don't want to go cooking right now
Plus those are more dinner foods
Anyway, because if I eat one of those now, basically I'll be eating a sandwich for dinner
and then I have some like canned foods that I like always save
One cause they are not interesting and two kind of for emergencies. They don't have a can opener
So I'll let you know what I decided to eat I
Have some tomato soup I wouldn't mind eating but I don't have anything to go with it. I have a ton of spices
So like I can spice that up and I have like I don't I'm not big soup fan
So I don't really know what people eat tomato soup was I know people eat grilled cheese, but since I'm vegan
I'm not gonna be making grilled cheese and
Put this on a selfie stick. Alright, I'm holding this on a selfie stick
If you're not in the cameras, I'm just gonna let you know
IPhones don't have the greatest stabilizer, which means this might be shaky
We'll see
anyway, I don't even know why I decided to do this I think because like I like being able to show more than just like
An up close of my face, which I think some people like I just know I like to see more of what's around me
Anyway, so I have tomato soup a bunch of seasonings. I don't know what people eat tomato soup with I have bread I
feel like that's something people eat tomato soup was but I don't
I'm not like
Intrigued at the thought of just dipping whole wheat bread into tomato soup
I don't know what I wish I started my baguette because maybe that would have been bad. I don't know. Honestly, I'm not into
soggy bread anyway
So these really didn't solve any issues. I have sugar. I don't have tea. I really have been wanting tea
No idea what I want to do I have syrup I have chia seeds
Vegetables that need a can opener and that I don't have
Again I'll update you when I figure it out again now, I'm back to the not selfie stick
so I think I'm just gonna make sandwich and then I
Texted Roshan and asked if she has a can opener and if I can use it and if she does I will
Make some kind of vegetable
Hey. I hope you can hear me cause I'm moving around the room
I'm about to film a video and Roshan's bed is gonna be in it so I'm gonna try to make her bed
I don't understand this blanket
It's a very weird shape blanket Oh cuz I think the tag is on the side Ihope I'm being loud enough that you can actually hear me
That's the thing that's actually a little bit weird I've always had like the longest time
I've always had a bed up against the wall. So when I make the blanket
The end goes at the wall, and then this just hangs over but right now my bed is in the middle
So when I was making it earlier
I was like how to make these sides even I ended up making this side longer because I was like this side
It's gonna be the one of the video and why am I talking was like my head up here?
Right. So now we have that
She has this blanket
I'm into the look of like
blankets on top like that
like I know a lot of people like to have
Like an extra blanket at the foot of the bed and like I get that I don't like the way that looks
So I'm gonna fold this
Then she's got These two pillows
This throw pillow there
All right better
All right, I filmed my video. I think it went okay
Now I have to go pick up flags. The only thing the person I'm suppose to be spinning with tonight. I
Messaged her this morning and I was like, hey, are you still coming up and it's like four hours later, and she hasn't responded
so I'm
What I'm doing now is I have to go get the flags which are kind of on the other
not the far far other side of campus, but like I'm at one end and they're pretty much like in the
far middle
it's not gonna be the greatest thing in the world if I go all this way and
She ends up not coming
But it could be worse I guess
But yeah, I checked the weather before I left and it says feels like 101 degrees so I really am
Alright, Not gonna lie, I
made it to the Arts Building, which is that building behind me and I
Find the person was supposed to find to get the flags. She has no idea I'm talking about like she wasn't expecting me. So
Then we have to try to figure out how to find the flag
once we kind of find out I
Get a message from the girl that I'm supposed to helping say she's saying she can't make it
Which is what I was afraid of and why I texted her this morning, but she had to wait until now to text me so
I did all this
Hello vlog, I don't mind the lack of shirt
I'm still wearing like a bra, but it was really hot when I got back and I have the room to myself
So I was like why put a shirt back on so you're right. Um, I don't have anything else to really vlog today
So it's kind of why I'm just doing this update. I've been watching videos
I've been
Downloading clips onto my laptop. I'm about to start editing when I filmed earlier
and I think I'm gonna get another new feature game that I have like a gift card for I
Think I'm gonna edit a good portion of my video and then reward myself with
that game
So yeah, what just a fire comment, so I have the game
Turn that I've actually had this game in my library, which is great because I was literally about to buy it again
But I knew I had a couple names feature games in my library
And I thought I had played them all. So I was like, well, let's just check and see what I have
Maybe it's been long enough that I'd be okay to play one of the ones I already have again
So I checked and I already had this in the library and I was like, this is a second time
This has happened too. Cuz yesterday I got like bought a game
I was gonna buy one because a lot of the older ish ones are like five dollars or less and there was one that I
Wanted but I don't remember. I think it's also like I knew I had some Nancy Drew games on Steam
So I was gonna give this one game and I was like, okay
Well, let's go to steam and see what I have on there
Which I also thought I played them all and then I had the one that I was looking for
Already in my library and then it literally just happened today on Amazon. So
Lucky me. So right now I'm making dinner. That's the kitchen right there
I'm waiting right outside the kitchen if I just have something in the oven
watching vlogs, um question, so I'm looking into getting a screen recorder so that maybe I can
Record like me playing Sims or any other games. I have I have Nancy Drew games. I have Stardew Valley
stuff like that
So I tried downloading some free ones, but I couldn't get them to work
So I'm probably gonna have to buy one like in the future
So two things one if you know of a good free screen recorder
Let me know what that is and two if you're interested in seeing any of those things
Let me know so that I don't waste the money for nothing
All right. I'm about to do some yoga and then I'll probably end the vlog. I'm gonna do a time-lapse
Of me doing yoga, which I haven't done
Before honestly no matter where I put the camera
I'm either gonna have a bad angle or bad lighting. Okay, I'm gonna go for the bad lighting
I don't want to turn the lights on because I like to do yoga and dim lighting so I'm gonna keep it like this
But I I'll figure out where I'm gonna put the camera
Okay, so this was just a very simple yoga routine
Um kind of a day wanted to get back into it. I used to do yoga a lot
I used to do it every single day and then I stopped partly because it does take up time and
Really No good excuse I just stopped. So yeah. It was just a simple day one. Nothing too challenging
I did honestly think it was going to be tougher. I
Should have looked through the video
Before I started because there was a couple things I didn't go all-out on because I thought it was gonna get tougher from there
So I was like, let's save some energy and then it was over before I knew it. So I do kind of wish I had
Gone more out with that, but I'll know for tomorrow One thing that sucked though right at the end
I was like
You know relaxed feeling good feeling been feeling calm feeling good about myself and then people just screaming in the hallway
Oh insert the clip here
So yeah, that was annoying
And they kind of break my mood a little bit, but I'm still fine. I really do miss doing yoga every day
I think the thing that I really really love about yoga is I've come to truly understand that it's about
what you can do in the moment and not
What you can't do it's not just about
What you hope to do in the future like like yeah
You do have goals and like I hope to be able to do this pose
This way at some point, but I'm happy with what I can do now. I
Don't know. It's just it's very nice to like be able to let yourself feel proud about what you can do. Even if it's not
The most impressive anything anybody's ever done. So I appreciate that
I am gonna end this vlog here though. If you like this video give it a thumbs up so I know
Subscribe if you want to see more of my videos hit the little bell if you want to be notified about those videos
And comment down below any kind of video that you want to see I also I'm going to be posting
Questions. I don't know why I said post. I'm gonna ask them on here questions every day
I want all of you to comment down below your answer and maybe comment on each other's
Comments as well get to know each other. I want to get to know you
So my question for today is if you could be fluent in any other language that you are not currently fluent in right now
What would you want to be fluent in I?
Don't have to say my answer is definitely American Sign Language
But I am currently learning that so if I were to pick a different one
I'd have to say Spanish because I feel like that would be the most useful to me. I
or maybe French if I feel like French can be difficult to learn the accent is really hard
Though that's my answer. So
Until tomorrow remember to inspire other stupid things and be happy
Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan Lifestyle ★ 2018 - Duration: 10:21.Shaikh Khalifa is married to Her Highness Shaikha Shamsa bint Suhail Al Mazrouei, and
together they have eight children: two sons and six daughters.
He is also a grandfather to several grandchildren.
Born in 1948, in the Eastern Region of Abu Dhabi, Shaikh Khalifa is the eldest son of
Shaikh Zayed and Her Highness Shaikha Hessa bint Mohammed bin Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan.
Shaikh Khalifa full name is Khalifa bin Zayed bin Sultan bin Zayed bin Khalifa bin Shakhbout
bin Theyab bin Issa bin Nahyan bin Falah bin Yas.
Although there was no formal system of education at the time, Shaikh Khalifa received his early
education in Al Ain, the Emirate of Abu Dhabi's second-largest
city and
the traditional home of many of the local tribes.
After his father's passing and his accession to the role of the President of the UAE, Shaikh
Khalifa launched an initiative to evolve the nomination
system for members of the Federal National Council, which was seen as a first step towards
the establishment of direct elections in the UAE
Shaikh Khalifa is renowned as being a good listener, modest, affable and interested in
his people, frequently conducting direct outreach through
official missions and other occasions.
As a result he is much loved and revered.
His hobbies include fishing and falconry, both pastimes he developed a love for from
his late father.
These interests have extended to personal support he has given to a number of environmental
initiatives, including breeding and release programmes
for falcons and the Houbara Bustard in the Arabian Peninsula and Central Asian regions.
The president is also interested in a variety of other sports, especially football, where
he enjoys inaugurating or attending the main sporting events.
Shaikh Khalifa Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan/Net worth:1.63 billion USD
How to Stop Windows Updates | how to Block Windows Updates - Duration: 3:40.This video contains that "How to Stop Windows Updates | how to Block Windows Updates".
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