Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 2 2018

hello kids! today we will learn

how to draw caterpillar

First, draw the outline of the Caterpillar 🐛 .

We need to draw 7 circles.

now time for coloring!

light brown color

yellow color

red color

pink color

green color

blue color

purple color

light green grass

brown color ground

sky blue color

For more infomation >> Caterpillar Drawing and Coloring with Watercolor and Glitters | Learn colors | Fun Factory Studio - Duration: 7:47.


Người KHÔN Tưởng mình Thông Minh Đâu Ngờ Lại Không Bằng KẺ NGỐC - Triết Lý Sống - Duration: 16:59.

For more infomation >> Người KHÔN Tưởng mình Thông Minh Đâu Ngờ Lại Không Bằng KẺ NGỐC - Triết Lý Sống - Duration: 16:59.


Stop Making These 8 Mistakes That Damage Your Kidneys! - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> Stop Making These 8 Mistakes That Damage Your Kidneys! - Duration: 3:51.


Dance Moms: Kendall Marks a Leap (Season 3 Flashback) | Lifetime - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Dance Moms: Kendall Marks a Leap (Season 3 Flashback) | Lifetime - Duration: 2:29.


What If Earth Suddenly Had Half Gravity? - Duration: 3:35.

Hey there and welcome to Life Noggin.

Triangle Bobert snuck into my lab and hit the big red button on the half gravity machine

I told him not to go next to.

I probably should have made the button a little smaller.

That was my fault.

I was able to reverse everything, but it did have me thinking, what if this happened to

your world.

What if earth only had half its gravity?

Well first off, just what is gravity?

In general, we can define gravity as an attractive force that pulls two bodies together.

It's what keeps all of the planets in orbit around the sun and what keeps you from floating

off into space.

And anything with mass has gravity.

The more massive something is, the greater its gravitational pull.

So a big, massive planet like the Earth is going to pull you toward it a lot more than

one of my small pizza bagels will.

lemme just in here really quick.


Distance also matters with gravity.

The closer you are to something, the more gravity is going to draw you toward it, and

the farther away you are, the weaker the gravitational force will be.

Not only that, but gravity isn't even the same everywhere on Earth.

According to NASA and data from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment, gravity is

ever so slightly stronger over places on Earth with higher concentrations of mass.

And these concentrations can even change over time.

But what would happen if the gravity here on Earth was suddenly cut in half?

It's pretty hard to tell /exactly/ what would happen, especially since whatever would

cause this sudden change would likely have other effects, but if we look at the universe

around us, we can get a good idea of what /might/ happen.

To start off, you'd probably lose a bunch of weight.

That's because our weight isn't actually a constant.

It changes depending on where we are in the universe since it's determined by how much

gravity is acting upon us.

For instance, if you weigh 100 Newtons on Earth, then you'd only weigh about 17 Newtons

on the moon.

That's because up there, you'd only experience about a sixth of the gravity you normally

do on Earth.

So with half gravity, it makes sense that you'd only probably weight about half as


That, if you survived, and everything on Earth seemed to carry on about the same but just

with half gravity, there would likely be health consequences.

That's because your body is always working /against/ gravity.

Your muscles have to work against gravity even when you're relatively still, your

bones have to support your weight, which is affected by gravity, and even your heart has

to work against gravity to pump your blood throughout your body.

So at half gravity, and half your weight, your heart would likely become weaker, your

muscles might become smaller, and you could even lose bone mass.

These are issues that astronauts face when experiencing weightlessness, so with half

your weight, it stands to reason that similar things would happen but to a lesser extent.

But that's if everything carried on about the same, just with half gravity.

If we actually suddenly lost half of the gravity on Earth, other things would probably change

as a result.

One of those things would be escape velocity.

Since the Earth would have less gravity, how fast you would need to go to escape Earth,

otherwise known as escape velocity, would be less.

This means that you wouldn't need to go as fast to get off this planet, which might be

a good idea if all this crazy gravity stuff actually happened.

Two tickets to Mars please!

I would like to chill with the aliens.

Let us know in the comment section below what we should talk next!

Curious to know what it would take for the earth to explode?

Check out this video.

it only carved out a chunk of Earth a few kilometers deep.

Asteroids that are bigger, denser, or made of different materials could have the ability

to hit us with enough power to shatter our planet.

As always, my name is Blocko, this has been Life Noggin, don't forget to keep on thinking!

For more infomation >> What If Earth Suddenly Had Half Gravity? - Duration: 3:35.


HAFİF TATLILARDAN Meyve Aşuresi Tarifi - Duration: 1:18.

For more infomation >> HAFİF TATLILARDAN Meyve Aşuresi Tarifi - Duration: 1:18.



For more infomation >> COMO EMAGRECER COM SAÚDE [3 A 5 QUILOS EM UM MÊS] COM EXERCÍCIOS PARA EMAGRECER - Como perder Peso - Duration: 5:32.


Jak přežít ve škole - učitelka mi dala třídní důtku - Duration: 10:02.

For more infomation >> Jak přežít ve škole - učitelka mi dala třídní důtku - Duration: 10:02.


CS:GO - САМЫЙ КРАСИВЫЙ ЭЙС - Duration: 5:27.

For more infomation >> CS:GO - САМЫЙ КРАСИВЫЙ ЭЙС - Duration: 5:27.


Pepa Pig Princesses Coloring Pages | Colors for Children | Coloring book Collection - Duration: 25:16.

Pepa Pig Princesses Coloring Pages | Colors for Children | Coloring book Collection

For more infomation >> Pepa Pig Princesses Coloring Pages | Colors for Children | Coloring book Collection - Duration: 25:16.


The lasting appeal of picture book characters - Duration: 2:03.

"The man sends Joggeli out to go and shake the pears."

"Joggeli doesn't want to shake the pears, the pears won't fall down!"

The verses about Joggeli and the pears

are still heard in nurseries today.

Over 100 years after it was published.

Children experience the book.

When they have their own children

they're happy that it's still around.

This has produced some true everyday classics

that are told again and again down the generations.

And then it makes no difference to the people

telling it whether it's of their time or not.

Between the wars

advertising mascots became book figures such as Globi.

You can use Maggi soup points to buy toys

and this still-current song book.

In the 1967 book "Reise nach Tripiti", Hans-Ulrich Steger, also a political

caricaturist, combined criticism of Switzerland

with the story of his teddy bear:

He leaves rainy old Switzerland to go and live abroad.

And while picture books always used to show

people going and coming back, we can say

that these characters don't come back.

They remain in this bright, colourful land

under the Mediterranean sky and have a nice life.

Popular for 70 years: Pitschi the kitten.

That's because of the pictures.

We also know that in Switzerland texts written in high German are also

told in dialect, so we don't know exactly how it is told,

but the pictures stay with you.

And this gains momentum in a family.

By the way, with regard to "Pitschi", I can say:

I know dozens of families with a cat called Pitschi.

You can immerse yourself in the soft, colourful world

of picture books at the National Museum Zurich until mid-October.

For more infomation >> The lasting appeal of picture book characters - Duration: 2:03.


Sabyasachi chakraborty movies list - Duration: 7:11.

Popular Kolkata Bangla movie actor Sabyasachi chakraborty movies list

For more infomation >> Sabyasachi chakraborty movies list - Duration: 7:11.


STRONG BUTT_BRUNA LIMA!! - Duration: 14:45.

For more infomation >> STRONG BUTT_BRUNA LIMA!! - Duration: 14:45.


Tweak The Environment - Ep. 43 - Duration: 2:59.

In today's episode, we'll look at an example of how tweaking the environment improved donation

rates even among the least likely to donate.

Lee Ross, who we met in last week's episode, and his co-author Richard Nisbett, in their

book "The Person And The Situation", tell a story of tweaking the environment to change


They described research into why college students donate canned-food to charity and why they


Researchers interviewed students at Stanford and asked them to categorize their dorm-mates

into most likely to donate, a.k.a. the "saints", and least likely to donate, a.k.a. the "jerks".

The research question was, "Can we alter the situation so that the jerks donate too?"

They provided the students with one of two different letters.

In the control group, the letter was simply asking them to bring canned food to a booth

on Tresidder Plaza.

The other letter provided a map to the booth, a precise request for a can of beans, and

a suggestion to think about a time when they would be near Tresidder Plaza, so that they

wouldn't have to go out of their way.

The letters were randomly sent to "saints" and "jerks".

When they tallied up who had given and who hadn't, only 8% of the "saints" who

received the control letter gave and 0% of the "jerks" did.

Among those who received the detailed letter, 42% of "saints" donated and 25% of "jerks"


In other words, a "jerk" with a map was 3 times more likely to donate than a "saint"

without one.

As you go about your day, notice how your path has been tweaked.

Traffic engineers affect your driving behavior.

Grocery store managers want to keep you in the store longer so they put essentials like

milk at the back.

Office managers create open floor plans to encourage collaboration.

Many ATMs force you to remove your card before dispensing the cash so that you don't forget

to take your card.

Environmental tweaks are all around.

Now think about the changes you are trying to create for your team.

Are you trying to encourage more collaboration?

What subtle environmental tweaks can you make so that collaboration becomes easier?

Are you trying to create greater flow by limiting work-in-progress?

What ways can you shape the path so that people aren't tempted to pick up a second task

before completing the first one?

When trying to change behavior, we often reach for carrots and sticks, but we need to realize

that we actually have access to more tools than that.

If you change the path, you can change behavior.

If you're watching this on YouTube, don't forget to hit the Subscribe button so you don't miss an episode.

On LinkedIn, click the Follow button next to my name.

On IGTV, you can just click the person icon with the plus next to it.

For more infomation >> Tweak The Environment - Ep. 43 - Duration: 2:59.


How To Use Canva Create A Clickable YouTube Subscribe Button Watermark To Get More YT Subscribers - Duration: 7:38.

One thing that almost every YouTube creator would like to have is more

subscribers. We can't all be like Casey Neistat and get a new subscriber

every one or two seconds. So I'd like to show you how to use the Canva website to

help you create a clickable subscribe button that'll show up on all your

YouTube videos. Go to the Canva website and create a free account if you don't

already have one. Canva does have a paid option that will give you more features,

but the free account will work just fine for us. When you've logged in you'll see

a page similar to this and a section that says "Create a design". And there's

some preset, pre-made design templates there for different purposes. But we want

to go and click on "Use custom dimensions", and put in 800 by 800 pixels and click

, "Design". Then we get our workspace right there and there are several choices here.

These are Canva layouts that are already pre-made. Click there and there

are Elements, different shapes. There's text that you can add. Different fonts.

There are different colored solid backgrounds and textured backgrounds.

And this is a section where you can upload your own images. Well we're gonna go to

Backgrounds first. And I want something that's kind of a YouTube red.

There's all kinds of colors you can use. But there's a red. I really want one darker.

So you can click there and there's a color wheel when you can drag the little

dot to wherever you want to on that color wheel and pick a color. I'm gonna

pull it further into the red and have a little darker red going on. It also gives

you the color code for the color you've created. You can write that down in case

you want to use it for another project. If you have a paid account it stores

that for you. And now let's go to elements and then shapes and I want a

white square to put on my red background. These say Free. A paid account has more options.

And there's our white square. And you can move it around and it'll tell

you when it's centered vertically and horizontally.

There it's just right in the center vertically and horizontally. So I'm going

to move it up a little bit vertically and pull it up. Shorten the

box so there's room below for text. And then now I want a triangle; something I

can use to simulate a play button. So it puts it in there. And it's white, so I

don't want it white. So you can go up here and select a color. It has your

basic options but it also has the red that I just created. So we can click on

that to get the same color of red. So there you go.

And you can also click this button and it would change anything that's white to

that red you just selected. I don't really want that but that shows you what

it can do. So then I want to pull this up a little higher and then I want to trim

it down - resize it a little bit. Make it smaller. I'll center it there for now.

And then I want to rotate it. Have it point to the right to look more like a play button.

Then I want to resize it again. Make it smaller and pull it down there.

It's kind of centered. I'm gonna make it a little smaller so it'll stand out more.

And now I'm gonna select text, and put some text underneath it. I want it to say

"Subscribe". There's lots of different choices here, but I want something simple.

Something that will stand out well and be very readable. So I'm going to go down

to the example that has the word "Dazzle", and select it. And that'll place the text

box over in the work area. And it tells you at the top of the work area there

that the font name is "Glacial Indifference". And you can resize this box.

I want it to eventually end up being the full width of that area at the bottom.

It comes with pre-filled text, and you'll want to delete that.

Delete that par fumeor however you say it. And then we'll pull this out some more to get it edge-to-edge.

And delete the "Dazzle" text and I want to put in "Subscribe".

So we've got that. There's the Glacial indifference font indication and that is

the size of the font. Not big enough, so I'm gonna try 88. A little too big. I'm

gonna go back and hit 80. And that's pretty good. I might try a little bigger.

I'm gonna try 85. So you can actually go up and type that in there; whatever font

size you want, and hit enter. And it pulled it across a little more.

So I'll leave it there and then get it centered again horizontally and vertically in

that lower section. And there you have your basic subscribe button. You can save

it, although it automatically saves pretty often. And then you want to

download it into whatever folder you've got set up for this. PNG is the default

recommended file format here for saving, and it's one that YouTube also

recommends. And so Te're gonna save it there. there are other things that you

can create besides just a "Subscribe" button that'll serve the same purpose.

You can upload your own image. This is a graphic I use on one of my channels. I'm

gonna pull that out and fill that work space. That 800 by 800 size, and Save that.

You can also upload a picture of yourself or in this case, me. Although I

decided I didn't want my face staring back at everybody on all my videos. Or if

your channel is all about cars, you could upload a graphic of a vehicle and that

would make a great watermark. So what do you do with what you've just created?

Well, go to your channel. Be sure you're in Creator Studio. And then go to the

left-hand column and select Channel. And under Channel, select Branding.

And under Branding, there's a button that says, "Add a watermark". Click that and it

gives you some guidelines about the recommended file format. That's either

PNG or GIF, although you can use JPEG. And the maximum file size is one megabyte.

And then hit "Choose File" and go to where you saved that, and select your Subscribe button.

And then hit "Save", and then it shows you your uploaded watermark. So hit

"Save", again, and then it shows you your watermark here. And it says, Showing on

all your uploads". And over here you can choose when it displays. You can choose

for it to show at the end of the video, choose a custom start time, or have it

show for the entire video. I'm going to choose, "Custom start time", and have it

start showing 10 seconds into each video. And click "Update". So let's take a look at

a video, and see how that SUBSCRIBE button looks. There it is in the lower

right hand corner. And if they do click on that image, it takes them right to

your channel. They can see what you're all about, and if they want to, they can

subscribe. It's a great benefit having this watermark on all your videos. I know

it helped my channel after I added it to all my videos, and I really believe it

can help you too. Thanks for watching! Please subscribe to my channel if you

would, and have a great day. Bye!

For more infomation >> How To Use Canva Create A Clickable YouTube Subscribe Button Watermark To Get More YT Subscribers - Duration: 7:38.


2018韓國愛豆新歌MV Youtube點擊量TOP20! - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> 2018韓國愛豆新歌MV Youtube點擊量TOP20! - Duration: 2:30.



I am interested in sensing or seeing what I encounter when nothing is there.

I'm Paul Spengemann, artist. I live and work in Hamburg.

Paul Spengemann is our guest in Double Feature.

We are here in the esteemed Palmengarten in Frankfurt.

My first question to you is:

Why here?

Of course it is a good location or a good format which might also

find an echo in the film that I am going to show tonight.

It's a new piece called "Walking Stick"

which deals with among other things the genre of the wildlife film,

the documentary, the nature or animal film.

What is often the case in your work

is that the observer, the key player in the film,

is the camera itself.

And that by means of this device

the film gains multiple meanings.

It is definitely important in the whole process

to reach a point at which this reveals itself,

a point at which the language and also the effect

is unmasked, or at which they are fulfilled.

I chose the location with that in mind.

It's important for me to work with spaces that are related to me,

spaces that are very simple

which others can perhaps relate to as well.

I want to work with a very simple setting

and almost give it the feel of a chamber play.

That means that the film doesn't leave this space for its duration.

After about three minutes the viewers accept the conditions.

Once these conditions have become clear

people can focus on other things.

It's important to me to make that clear at the simplest possible level.

In "Walking Stick" the camera is very actively turned on and off.

It shows my attempts to try out various courses of action.

It is important to me to play with things which I perhaps haven't understood myself.

Perhaps you also ask these kinds of questions yourself

when you think about how people watch adverts,

how people watch a nature film.

There seem to be exactly the same protagonists involved.

That creates a tension in the film which could also be seen as melancholy

when compared with this reality.

I think there is a certain melancholy inherent in the production resources.

Meaning that someone in my position doesn't have the opportunity

to travel round the world to get a particular shot

or to shoot material in a specific jungle.

Instead it is constructed in such a naïve way

that I produce it in spaces that are connected with me.

And for "Walking Stick" that's my living room.

It doesn't need to be my living room

but an accessible private context which everyone has got themselves,

at least ideally.

You may not have an exotic animal but instead you build one yourself.

In your film "Walking Stick" there's this kind of grasshopper

which was put together from small twigs.

You actually constructed it from parts taken from a ficus tree.

In the end this "insect" writes a word as if it's crying for help.

It lies there with a spotlight shining on it.

And then it moves about and "writes" six letters.

When you read them they say: "OH DEAR".

- Oh, dear. - Oh, dear. Oh, dear.

- Is that Shakespearian? - Perhaps it's Shakespearian.

First of all I think it was important to me

to create a character who cannot be completely understood

and to play on that actively.

It is always part of such a hypocritical experience of nature

that something remains hidden.

And a lack of understanding is ideally the motor behind any thought processes.

I wanted this object to express itself at some point.

So I actually went even further back than Shakespeare.

To me it worked as some kind of hieroglyph.

Something is being expressed

and in the end it turns into the phrase "OH DEAR".

But its meaning cannot be pinned down.

What is being expressed here is important.

It moves it's body to represent the shapes of the letters.

Is it just me reading the message? Does it actually communicate that?

Is it really communicating with me or is it just me reading it?

That's how it's set up in the film. There's a text provided saying: "OH DEAR".

But rather more often

people actually only read one or two letters out of the whole.

And that corresponds to the vague state of affairs

which I so like about this scene.

It also conveys the relationship to the object that I wanted.

During shooting [the insect] was for me

like my own little animal, my own phantom

which didn't get any attention in the past year

or was overlooked and now appears all of a sudden.

- That it's made of exactly 13 parts... - "Die-wilde-13"-parts.

That's down to nature. Physiognomically it is very similar

to a real "walking stick" or the "stick insect" as it is called.

Back to the interest of the camera.

Because today anyone could potentially make a film, and many people actually do,

the question arises in how far the filmic vocabulary

of the nature film is being utilized here.

In this way it turns into a kind of archaeology of nature films.

It has a sadness which leads to the question:

How do you get out of this?

Yes, how do you get out of it?

For me, I think the major difference is

that I produce the material myself.

That makes a big difference to this question

because there's a huge amount [of material] that can be deconstructed.

Of course, you could rely on found footage, like many people do.

You could use existing material because there is such a lot of it.

You could potentially write your film with material which already exists.

But I still believe in the process of

physically engaging with things.

And I don't just want to deconstruct something.

I am interested in feeling or seeing what you really encounter

for example when a narrating object or factor is missing.

What develops in the studio, what do you encounter

when there isn't actually anything there?

I have more of a spiritual belief in the ghost of something.

I believe it could be lying there like a piece of music

whose notes haven't yet been turned into a catchy tune.

For more infomation >> DOUBLE FEATURE CONVERSATION. PAUL SPENGEMANN - Duration: 9:25.


Turisteando en Corea: El muro de Seúl, COREA | #FundayKorea - Duration: 5:08.

Hi, guys! I'm Zyanya and welcome back

to a new video!

This video is a little different cause this time I'm gonna take you on a little adventure

to the Seoul City Wall, or Hanyangdoseong,

which it's the Korean name.

It's beautiful! I had already been there with a friend,

I'm gonna leave some pictures here, around my face

I went there a year ago but I went to another section of the wall.

Because the wall is divided in 6 sections, I think...


There are 6 different sections that you can visit

and each one is different from the other

This time, thanks to my friends over at Funday Korea Networks,

I went to a new section that I hadn't visited before

(it's not new, just new for me)

It's close to Dongdaemun, as is the museum

where you can go see

all about this wall!

It's super interesting!

I don't know why, but it's not a place that many (foreign) people know of,

but it's super beautiful!

And the views that you can see from the different peaks

are incredible!!! So...

I recommend you going, a 100%!!

The wall is 18.6km long

And it was built on top of the mountains that are in Seoul (to surround the area)

And it's name is "Hanyangdoseong!

Because what we know now as "Seoul" used to be called "Hanyang"

So it's literally the old name for "The Seoul City Wall"

And the wall was built to protect the city

from invadors and wars,

and to protect the royal family as well.

It was built 620 years ago

back in 1396!

Close to 200,000 people helped build it!

between them and the government the wall was built,

to protect the city.

It's a historical site!

Even though it's 18.6km long,

Only 12km are considered a Historical Site.

Make sure to go visit, they're amazing!

Around the wall you can see,

Wonderful views, by day or night!

And you can also see,

Different kinds of stone that were used to build it and fix it.

There have been some reconstructions,

because when Seoul started to modernize,

some parts suffered.

So they had to be fixed, or removed, etc.

That day there was also a group that was playing traditional Korean music

It was super cool!

And because that day was the match between Mexico and Korea (World Cup)

They played "Bésame Mucho" It was incredible!

They were playing with leaves!

It was super, super cool!

So I'm gonna stop talking and show you

If you come with your bf or gf...

your SO,

take them there!

It's super romantic, there were tons of couples wandering around!

I really recommend you to visit!

I know it's a short video,

but I wanted you to know about this place.

Thank you so, sooo much to our friends over at Funday Korea Networks,

for making this possible! Love you, guys!

And thanks to all of you!! Leave a comment down below

let me know what other things you wanna see!

The next video it's on its way so get ready for next week!

It's gonna be very interesting!

Like it, subscribe and click the notification bell!

Check out our social media, you know what you have to do ;)

I love you toooons, see you soon!! (Say bye, Nala)


For more infomation >> Turisteando en Corea: El muro de Seúl, COREA | #FundayKorea - Duration: 5:08.


Oporadire জানি আমি অপরাধীরে গানে চিত্র নয়িকা ফারিনের অসাধারন নৃত্য Best Actor Farin khulna music tv - Duration: 5:15.

For more infomation >> Oporadire জানি আমি অপরাধীরে গানে চিত্র নয়িকা ফারিনের অসাধারন নৃত্য Best Actor Farin khulna music tv - Duration: 5:15.


The Products MOST Often Used In The World - Duration: 10:36.

We all need different things at different points of time.

And since it is not possible for us to make all those things by ourselves, we depend on

others to provide us with those products or services.

That was how the barter system was set up and money has since then become the primary

mode for exchange!

So what are the things that we desire the most?

Lets take a look at some of the best selling things in the world!



Be it kids or adults, the play station is definitely one of the most endearing things

we can own.

It gives us countless hours of fun and bonding with friends as well!

And while there have been many versions, all of them have been pretty popular and many

have even upgraded to keep up with the latest in gaming.

It is estimated that around 320 million units of the different models of the playstation

have been sold to date!

Guess we all like to have a good game every now and then!


Rubik's Cube.

Mind twisters have always been fascinating.

Be it kids or adults, the pleasure that we get from actually solving the Rubik's cube

cannot be described in words.

And the repeated failed attempts might lead to a lot of frustration, but it just means

that people come back for another try.

So much so, that it has become the largest selling toy in the world and 350 million units

have been sold already!

And to think that it was originally developed to teach 3d geometry!



In 1966, Japan witnessed a new car.

It is was a stylish car and was a much desired one, even as far away as the US where it launched

in 1968.

The car was the Corolla by Toyota, and it has become one of the highest selling products

in the market since then!

From the time that it hit the market, the Corolla has sold 40.7 million units, which

is the highest for any car!

Constant upgrades over the years has ensured that the Corolla remains one of the most sought

after cars in the world!


Star Wars.

An epic saga that changed the way movies used VFX, Star Wars is a franchise that has many

passionate fans.

So much so, that even decades after its initial release, it is still one of the most loved

films ever!

And that of course means big money!

Collectively, the Star Wars franchise has raked in total sales of 4.6 billion dollars

and that includes movie tickets, memorabilia and others!

And considering that the new movies have also been extremely popular, this number can only

be expected to go upwards!



While tablets were all the rage at one time with many companies entering the market, there

are only a select few players remaining today.

And none of them stands as tall as the iPad.

It is estimated that around 211 million ipads have been sold till date and even though their

popularity has diminished since its release thanks to phones that are getting smarter

every day, iPad is still a pretty envious thing to own!

Not to mention that it keeps getting upgrades every now and then and is a real convenient

gadget to carry around! 13.

Mario Bros. Franchise.

In 1981, the Donkey Kong arcade saw the debut of a new game.

Super Mario.

And it sparked off a worldwide love for the game which featured a plumber running through

countless obstacles to save the Princess!

Since its debut, it has featured in 115 titles and also its own cartoon series!

More than 262 million units of the game have been sold till now and considering that its

popularity hasn't really waned, we guess that Mario will be around for much longer!


Michael Jackson's Thriller.

If the title of the King of Pop is deserved by anyone, it is Michael Jackson.

The insane amount of talent that he possessed will probably never be seen again since his

demise but that does not mean that his popularity has taken a hit!

His album Thriller is not just the best selling album of all time, but also ushered in the

entire MTV generation!

More than 70 million copies of the album have been sold till date and the moonwalking legend

still has a long way to go!


Harry Potter.

Considering that it is in fact a book, many bibliophiles will be happy that it has found

its way on this list!

The endearing tale of young wizards fighting evil ones made many kids hope for a letter

on their 11th birthday and while that may not have happened, they still were in love

with the books and the movies.

So much so that the movies earned a combined 7.7 billion dollars while the books sold 450

million copies!

Not to mention the action figures and the spin offs!

And perhaps the best example to gauge its success is that people actually lined up for

hours to get the latest copy of the book!



The catch line of Apple, if you don't have an iphone, you don't have an iphone actually

captured the sentiments of its loyal followers pretty well.

Owning an iphone is all the rage today in the world, and you are kind of looked down

upon if you don't actually own one!

As many as 516 million people have bought iphones till date and the company has been

banking on its success to bring out more and more upgraded phones into the market.

And each time, the launch of an iphone is a big deal!

And we may not be very surprised that many of you are actually watching this video on

a iphone!


Memory Cards.

With the world going digital, we all need a place to store our data.

Be it phones, cameras or even music players, an sd card is something we cannot do without!

Where would all our holiday pictures go otherwise?

And while there are many players in the segment, Sandisk has emerged as the leader!

So much so that it has almost become synonymous with memory cards!

An easy way to gauge its success is that Western Digital recently acquired Sandisk with a 19

billion dollar deal!


Tide Detergent.

We all wear clothes and they all get dirty.

So obviously, any product that helps us wash them is definitely something that would be

used a lot.

And it turns out that it is Tide which is the most used detergent in the world.

It was first introduced in 1946 and since then, total sales have been estimated at a

mind boggling 77 billion dollars!

So huge is the market share of Tide that in the US, its next biggest competitor is almost

half its size!

Tide's riding the ride after all it seems!


Microsoft Office.

Of course this one had to feature on this list.

All of us are using its products.

Be it in phones or on computers, as word or power point or excel or outlook, MS Office

is the highest selling software in the world.

1.2 billion people in the world are using Microsoft Office on a day to day basis.

What makes it so popular is that not only is it just Microsoft Windows that uses it,

but even mac users cannot work without having MS Office!

Talk about a universal product, right?



Chips are the ultimate munching food.

Whether it is watching a movie or a game or a drive or just idling around, nothing is

complete without having a packet of chips.

SO much so that around 663 million bags of chips are sold every year.

Want to put it in perspective?

If all of the lays packets sold every year are collected, the accumulated weight would

be more than an aircraft carrier!



No matter how many researchers and scientists and doctors tell you that smoking is harmful,

smokers will always smoke!

And in the days before the ads were banned, a lot of credit for people taking up smoking

could go to the Marlboro man as he was absolutely the man we all wanted to be.

And even though he is no longer visible, there is little doubt that Marlboro remains one

of the most smoked cigarettes in the world today.

In fact, if you total up the sales of Marlboro and adjust it for inflation, you would get

an astounding figure of 5 trillion dollars!

Imagine that much money going up in smoke, quite literally!


Angry Birds.

Games are always fascinating and are a great way to kill time.

And one game that really caught everyone's fancy was angry birds.

There was a time that everyone was playing it!

2 billion people in the world downloaded this game.

That means, if you assume that one person downloaded the game once, 1 out of every 3

people in the world has used it!

And with numbers that big, we wonder if the angry birds are smiling on the inside!



All of us have teeth and we all like to take care of it so that we always have them!

And Colgate has easily emerged as the number one brand to do that.

It is estimated that Colgate is already used by 2/3rd of the households in the world.

But has that huge market share slowed them down?

Not really because they recently gained 40 million additional households!

That basically means that every time we grin and bear it, the smiles of the Colgate owners

gets wider as well!


Boeing 737.

While the 747 may be the more popular sibling from Boeing, in terms of pure numbers, the

737 is the rightful king.

It was first introduced in 1968 and has since then sold 13,000 jets!

And if you take into account that the cost for each jet is 72 million dollars, that makes

for a whopping 936 billion dollars in raw sales!

Guess flying is actually much more in demand than we give it credit for!


Coca Cola.

If there is one thing that is a given whenever you are having a meal or a take out, its coca


The soft drink has actually become a worldwide phenomenon and it is estimated that 2 out

8 people in the world drink coke every day!

That is almost 1.8 billion coke servings every day!

And with so much business, it is hardly a surprise that the actual coca cola recipe

is one the most heavily guarded secrets in the world!

So those were some of the things that people have been using a lot around the world!

And we are sure that you must also have used either one or more of these brands.

Do let us know why you think they are so popular in the comments section below and remember

to subscribe to our channel to get the latest updates on all our videos!

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