TERRI: Bonjour. Hey, it's Terri Savelle Foy, your cheerleader of
dreams. Hey I pray as you, invest in yourself today, you're
captivated and you're catapulted to live your dreams. In fact
today I wanna talk to you about how to visualize your dreams
into reality. I'm standing here on the stunning French Riviera
in Nice, France, right here on the beautiful Mediterranean sea.
Do you know everything that I'm doing in the present, I
visualized in the past. Everything I'm doing, everything
from coming to this nation, getting to minister here. We
just had a conference, an Icing conference for women,
but you know what, I visualized that in the past, I imagined it
on the inside before it ever showed up on the outside. Well,
I've heard stories about the African Impala, you know the
little animal, which I thought was a car, but it's an animal.
Well I've heard how the African Impala can jump 10 feet high and
30 feet long. Now think about that, 10 feet high, 30 feet
long. However, you will find them at the zoo behind a four
foot fence and they won't even attempt to get out. Do you know
why? Because the little Impala can't see over the fence. Here's
the thing, they will never attempt to jump where they can't
see first. Now think about that, they have the ability to jump 10
feet high, but they won't because they can't see where
they're headed. Well, it's the same with you. You have to see
where you're headed before you start taking steps towards it.
Well where do you see it? In your imagination, you visualize
where you wanna go before you go there. Well, I think about in
the Bible how God said to Jeremiah, he said, "Jeremiah,
what do you see?" Well Jeremiah began to tell him, he said, "I
see a branch, blossoming in late winter, branch of an olive
tree," and he started describing what he saw. Then the Lord said
back to him, "You've seen well." Then he said, "I'm watching over
my word to perform it." Well then God came back to Jeremiah
another time, he said, "Jeremiah, what do you see?" Now
what if Jeremiah had said, "Nothing."? Well see, if you see
nothing you can expect nothing. You've gotta see something
before you can have something. You have to use the gift of the
imagination and visualize where you wanna go. In fact, in my
book Imagine Big, I told the story that I heard from Jack
Canfield about a woman named Glenna Salsbury. Now in this
story Glenna, early in her career, this is what she said,
she was a single mom with three daughters, she was way down with
the house payment, a car payment and a need to rekindle some
dreams. Glenna attended a seminar that focused on your
imagination and visualizing where you wanna go in life. So
the speaker pointed out that our minds think in pictures. We
don't think in words, we think in pictures. He said, "As we
vividly picture what we desire, it will become a reality." Well,
Glenna was so moved by this, and of course she knows the Bible
says that God will give us the desires of our heart, she also
knew proverbs 23:7 that says, "As a man thinks in his heart,
so does he become." In other words, what you think about, you
bring about. Combining God's word with visualizing, she said
she made a dream book. She arranged photos of all the
dreams she wanted into the album, bringing these images to
her mind. She said that pictures included a woman in a weeding
gown, 'cause she was believing to get married, a good looking
man in a tuxedo, an island in the blue Caribbean where she
wanted to go on her honeymoon, college diplomas for her
daughters, a female vice president of a company, because
she wanted to be the first woman vice president in that company,
and she even put like a graduation cap, believing that
she could graduate from seminary. Eight weeks later
Glenna was driving down the California freeway, and she
noticed this beautiful red and white car following her. She
looked at the driver, he looked at her, they made eye contact.
First she was a little creeped out. They ended up following
each other, pulled over, met and a few years later they got
married. Well this is the funny thing, all of a sudden she said
more images in her album started happening. While they're
planning the wedding, Glenna's fiancé told her he found the
perfect honeymoon spot in the Caribbean, and she had never
told him about her dream book. Well not only that, she said she
kept it a secret when they were moving into their new home,
which was also exactly like the picture in the dream book.
Glenna eventually became vice president of human resources in
the company where she worked, completed her masters degree and
became one of the first women admitted as a doctoral candidate
at Fuller seminary. Everything she started putting in her book
became a reality. Well, this is a major point. The more specific
the images are, the more likely you are to stay focused. So take
the time to imagine where you wanna go, what you wanna have,
who you wanna meet, where you wanna live, what you wanna
drive. Start putting pictures and images with those goals.
There's a principal in the word of God that you become what you
behold. See, whatever you keep before your eyes it will
eventually show up in your life, but you have to keep it before
your eyes. Even in goal setting they say, "Keep your goals out
of reach, but never out of sight." You have to keep 'em in
front of you. Well, this reminds me of a story in the Bible of
Jacob. You remember where Jacob wanted to marry the beautiful
girl Rachel and he worked for his uncle for 14 years, finally
got to marry Rachel. Well one night Jacob had a dream, and he
had ... God began to speak to him. In this dream God began to
tell him, he said, "Jacob it's time for you to leave, take your
family, move off," and he said, "But before you go tell your
uncle Laban that you demand that he gives you all the speckled
and spotted cows. Well, Jacob went to his uncle and he said,
"I'm leaving, I'm taking my family, but you have to give me
all the speckled and spotted cows." His uncle looks around
the field and mostly sees solid color cows, so he says, "You got
a deal." Well, what his uncle didn't realize was God gave
Jacob a strategy. And I'm sure it looked just like this, but
God told Jacob, he said, "Before you go I want you to go get some
branches off the tree, get a knife and streak those branches
and make them look like sports. Put spots all over these
branches." Then he said, "I want you to take those branches and
put them in the watering trough with the cows, so every day when
those cows are drinking water, solid color cows, they're
looking at spots, looking at spots, looking at spots." He
said, "When those cows are ready to give birth hold those
branches up." Now think about this. Those solid colored cows
gave birth to speckled and spotted offspring, with no
logical reason other than whatever you keep before your
eyes, it will eventually show up in your life. I've even heard
where Jacob walked away with 75% of the livestock because of this
principle. Well do you know what I learned from this? Three
things. Number one, this was God's idea. It didn't come from
Glenna Salsbury, it didn't come from Jack Canfield, it didn't
come from Steve Harvey, Jim Carrey, people who practice
this, it came from God's word, he's the one who wrote this.
Number two, it ties in perfectly with the law of attraction and
Proverb 23:7, "Whenever a man thinks about, so does he
become." And number three, are you ready for this? If it don't
work for a cow, surely it'll work for us. So I wanna
challenge you, give yourself permission to dream. Add images
to your top goals, keep them before your eyes, look at them
consistently and start believing God for them. In fact, just to
help you out, this month I wanna give you chapter one absolutely
free of my book Imagine Big. Now all you have to do is click the
link in the description and I will send you chapter one
completely free, because I wanna help you start imagining. I'm
gonna teach you how to get started. Because most people,
that's what they tell me, "Terri, I don't even know where
to start." Well, I'm gonna walk you through that process and I'm
gonna help you get started. Take advantage of that, chapter one,
click the link into the description and you can get
started visualizing your future. So don't forget, I'm cheering
you on, be sure to follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, so
I can keep you motivated to live your dreams.
From the French Riviera, au revoir.
TERRI: Icing means something added
to something good to make it even better.
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