Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 2 2018

hello kids! today we will learn

how to draw caterpillar

First, draw the outline of the Caterpillar 🐛 .

We need to draw 7 circles.

now time for coloring!

light brown color

yellow color

red color

pink color

green color

blue color

purple color

light green grass

brown color ground

sky blue color

For more infomation >> Caterpillar Drawing and Coloring with Watercolor and Glitters | Learn colors | Fun Factory Studio - Duration: 7:47.


How to Visualize Your Dreams Into Reality - Duration: 10:14.


TERRI: Bonjour. Hey, it's Terri Savelle Foy, your cheerleader of

dreams. Hey I pray as you, invest in yourself today, you're

captivated and you're catapulted to live your dreams. In fact

today I wanna talk to you about how to visualize your dreams

into reality. I'm standing here on the stunning French Riviera

in Nice, France, right here on the beautiful Mediterranean sea.

Do you know everything that I'm doing in the present, I

visualized in the past. Everything I'm doing, everything

from coming to this nation, getting to minister here. We

just had a conference, an Icing conference for women,

but you know what, I visualized that in the past, I imagined it

on the inside before it ever showed up on the outside. Well,

I've heard stories about the African Impala, you know the

little animal, which I thought was a car, but it's an animal.

Well I've heard how the African Impala can jump 10 feet high and

30 feet long. Now think about that, 10 feet high, 30 feet

long. However, you will find them at the zoo behind a four

foot fence and they won't even attempt to get out. Do you know

why? Because the little Impala can't see over the fence. Here's

the thing, they will never attempt to jump where they can't

see first. Now think about that, they have the ability to jump 10

feet high, but they won't because they can't see where

they're headed. Well, it's the same with you. You have to see

where you're headed before you start taking steps towards it.

Well where do you see it? In your imagination, you visualize

where you wanna go before you go there. Well, I think about in

the Bible how God said to Jeremiah, he said, "Jeremiah,

what do you see?" Well Jeremiah began to tell him, he said, "I

see a branch, blossoming in late winter, branch of an olive

tree," and he started describing what he saw. Then the Lord said

back to him, "You've seen well." Then he said, "I'm watching over

my word to perform it." Well then God came back to Jeremiah

another time, he said, "Jeremiah, what do you see?" Now

what if Jeremiah had said, "Nothing."? Well see, if you see

nothing you can expect nothing. You've gotta see something

before you can have something. You have to use the gift of the

imagination and visualize where you wanna go. In fact, in my

book Imagine Big, I told the story that I heard from Jack

Canfield about a woman named Glenna Salsbury. Now in this

story Glenna, early in her career, this is what she said,

she was a single mom with three daughters, she was way down with

the house payment, a car payment and a need to rekindle some

dreams. Glenna attended a seminar that focused on your

imagination and visualizing where you wanna go in life. So

the speaker pointed out that our minds think in pictures. We

don't think in words, we think in pictures. He said, "As we

vividly picture what we desire, it will become a reality." Well,

Glenna was so moved by this, and of course she knows the Bible

says that God will give us the desires of our heart, she also

knew proverbs 23:7 that says, "As a man thinks in his heart,

so does he become." In other words, what you think about, you

bring about. Combining God's word with visualizing, she said

she made a dream book. She arranged photos of all the

dreams she wanted into the album, bringing these images to

her mind. She said that pictures included a woman in a weeding

gown, 'cause she was believing to get married, a good looking

man in a tuxedo, an island in the blue Caribbean where she

wanted to go on her honeymoon, college diplomas for her

daughters, a female vice president of a company, because

she wanted to be the first woman vice president in that company,

and she even put like a graduation cap, believing that

she could graduate from seminary. Eight weeks later

Glenna was driving down the California freeway, and she

noticed this beautiful red and white car following her. She

looked at the driver, he looked at her, they made eye contact.

First she was a little creeped out. They ended up following

each other, pulled over, met and a few years later they got

married. Well this is the funny thing, all of a sudden she said

more images in her album started happening. While they're

planning the wedding, Glenna's fiancé told her he found the

perfect honeymoon spot in the Caribbean, and she had never

told him about her dream book. Well not only that, she said she

kept it a secret when they were moving into their new home,

which was also exactly like the picture in the dream book.

Glenna eventually became vice president of human resources in

the company where she worked, completed her masters degree and

became one of the first women admitted as a doctoral candidate

at Fuller seminary. Everything she started putting in her book

became a reality. Well, this is a major point. The more specific

the images are, the more likely you are to stay focused. So take

the time to imagine where you wanna go, what you wanna have,

who you wanna meet, where you wanna live, what you wanna

drive. Start putting pictures and images with those goals.

There's a principal in the word of God that you become what you

behold. See, whatever you keep before your eyes it will

eventually show up in your life, but you have to keep it before

your eyes. Even in goal setting they say, "Keep your goals out

of reach, but never out of sight." You have to keep 'em in

front of you. Well, this reminds me of a story in the Bible of

Jacob. You remember where Jacob wanted to marry the beautiful

girl Rachel and he worked for his uncle for 14 years, finally

got to marry Rachel. Well one night Jacob had a dream, and he

had ... God began to speak to him. In this dream God began to

tell him, he said, "Jacob it's time for you to leave, take your

family, move off," and he said, "But before you go tell your

uncle Laban that you demand that he gives you all the speckled

and spotted cows. Well, Jacob went to his uncle and he said,

"I'm leaving, I'm taking my family, but you have to give me

all the speckled and spotted cows." His uncle looks around

the field and mostly sees solid color cows, so he says, "You got

a deal." Well, what his uncle didn't realize was God gave

Jacob a strategy. And I'm sure it looked just like this, but

God told Jacob, he said, "Before you go I want you to go get some

branches off the tree, get a knife and streak those branches

and make them look like sports. Put spots all over these

branches." Then he said, "I want you to take those branches and

put them in the watering trough with the cows, so every day when

those cows are drinking water, solid color cows, they're

looking at spots, looking at spots, looking at spots." He

said, "When those cows are ready to give birth hold those

branches up." Now think about this. Those solid colored cows

gave birth to speckled and spotted offspring, with no

logical reason other than whatever you keep before your

eyes, it will eventually show up in your life. I've even heard

where Jacob walked away with 75% of the livestock because of this

principle. Well do you know what I learned from this? Three

things. Number one, this was God's idea. It didn't come from

Glenna Salsbury, it didn't come from Jack Canfield, it didn't

come from Steve Harvey, Jim Carrey, people who practice

this, it came from God's word, he's the one who wrote this.

Number two, it ties in perfectly with the law of attraction and

Proverb 23:7, "Whenever a man thinks about, so does he

become." And number three, are you ready for this? If it don't

work for a cow, surely it'll work for us. So I wanna

challenge you, give yourself permission to dream. Add images

to your top goals, keep them before your eyes, look at them

consistently and start believing God for them. In fact, just to

help you out, this month I wanna give you chapter one absolutely

free of my book Imagine Big. Now all you have to do is click the

link in the description and I will send you chapter one

completely free, because I wanna help you start imagining. I'm

gonna teach you how to get started. Because most people,

that's what they tell me, "Terri, I don't even know where

to start." Well, I'm gonna walk you through that process and I'm

gonna help you get started. Take advantage of that, chapter one,

click the link into the description and you can get

started visualizing your future. So don't forget, I'm cheering

you on, be sure to follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, so

I can keep you motivated to live your dreams.

From the French Riviera, au revoir.

TERRI: Icing means something added

to something good to make it even better.


For more infomation >> How to Visualize Your Dreams Into Reality - Duration: 10:14.


Người KHÔN Tưởng mình Thông Minh Đâu Ngờ Lại Không Bằng KẺ NGỐC - Triết Lý Sống - Duration: 16:59.

For more infomation >> Người KHÔN Tưởng mình Thông Minh Đâu Ngờ Lại Không Bằng KẺ NGỐC - Triết Lý Sống - Duration: 16:59.


MTB center bike park jump line - Duration: 5:29.

Finally, is arrived the weekend

Peoples goes to the sea

But here in Oristano, in via Ghilarza n°1

someone is still working..


With a drill and a loot of patience

He work hard to build something of new

I'm here to help with works

But here, with a bike close to me

the temptation is very high..

Outside the sun is Very strong

but here you can enjoy the shadow under threes

I can't resist...

and I enter to have some training

with sloped curves

I heard peoples working..

feeling like guilty, I decide to go to help

I give a look over the pump track

and I see Massimo, that works hard..

Massimo: "And if I moove that board..?"

Massimo: " Here we will build the landing for the jump"

We are working over

the new Jump area

with some different ramps

to gradualy encrease skills level

increasing difficulty step by step

It's needed a loot of work..

I take a showel and I go to help Massimo

Massimo: "Here the dirt it's not enought.. "

We dig, showel and moove the dirt.

drill and screw.....

and we make some test, more or less "official"..

If all those movements, let you feel tired..

don't worry, we are building

also the Relax area..

where you can enjoy the trees shadow

You just need to come here

to met Massimo and Maurizio

in the MTB center in Oristano

they are also building some strange machines ...

I forgot to cut an annoying branch..


definitely better...

Thank you for watching the video

if you liked press tumbs up and comment

please to subscribe and activate notification bell

will be updated about new videos

thank you again and see you next time! Bye!

For more infomation >> MTB center bike park jump line - Duration: 5:29.


Nanatsu no Taizai 2 ตำนานอัศวิน 7 บาป : สรุปเรื่องราวจิตใจที่กำลังจะหายไปเเละภาคต่อ ! [7บาป] - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> Nanatsu no Taizai 2 ตำนานอัศวิน 7 บาป : สรุปเรื่องราวจิตใจที่กำลังจะหายไปเเละภาคต่อ ! [7บาป] - Duration: 5:01.


Stop Making These 8 Mistakes That Damage Your Kidneys! - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> Stop Making These 8 Mistakes That Damage Your Kidneys! - Duration: 3:51.


[진여사|ENG] 3. 리얼북은 무엇인가? What is a Real Book? - Duration: 9:08.

For more infomation >> [진여사|ENG] 3. 리얼북은 무엇인가? What is a Real Book? - Duration: 9:08.


Nightcore - On My Way! | Lyrics - Duration: 2:59.































For more infomation >> Nightcore - On My Way! | Lyrics - Duration: 2:59.


Sierras de Los Filabres, María y Cabrera, naturaleza inesperada. Almería - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Sierras de Los Filabres, María y Cabrera, naturaleza inesperada. Almería - Duration: 1:10.



hey welcome back to another axe family video I hope you're doing well hope you

got a smile on your face cuz it's a beautiful day today we're gonna go on

the inside of the Oscar Meyer mobile the Wienermobile

my name is Tony boloney's actually built on a Chevy chassis pretty much like a

like a box car like a UPS truck pretty much everything else is custom built

it's fiberglass actually that's everything's made out of yeah she's 27

feet long and 11 feet tall but that kind of turns into more or less about 60 hot

dogs long in about 27 hot dogs jool tires in the back there's a single

set in the front she's actually super easy to drive believe it or not the

funnest part about driving her honest he's seeing all the like all their fans

so when people just stick their head out the window they're waving at us honking

trying to get our attention and it's just so much fun just seeing so many

like happy people as we drive by this is really cool yeah watch your step we

spill it on the floor sorry about that but go ahead and take a seat shot this

is the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile the 27 footlong hot dog on wheels

it equates to 60 hot dogs long food pretty big vehicle its buns & buns of

fun driving around the US with it so we're actually stationed in the West

Coast so my partner Tony baloney and I are out west from California to Colorado

just just spreading the love of hot dogs and um you know the good news about

Oscar Mayer and everything that's going on with them so yup so right here you're

sitting shotgun if we were taking you for a ride it remind you to buckle your

meat belts before we hit the road so we've got you know lots of fun puns so

you know this is our vehicle it's usually just the two of us but you know

we can take some other folks for a ride you can Tennessee back there all of the

ketchup and mustard colored seeds always blue skies in the Wienermobile so

even when it's a rainy day for us you know it's always happy and sunshine in

the Wienermobile this is our bun roof too so for parades and stuff you know

yeah I like to open our bun roof and say hello to ask her our fans around so as

hot doggers we're on the road for a year and promoting oscars hot dogs so a year

ago they actually took out all added nitrates and nitrates artificial

preservatives and byproducts to make all of their meats you know of getting a

better hotdog in every hand so that's really our goal is just gout here gave

out coupons and weiner whistles and say hello to everyone let's go so we've been

on the road for almost five months now awesome just like video vlogging as

you're going around you don't see what you find what other cool things are used

to come across all sources oh my gosh there's a guy that is the engine it's me

super hot

you see in there so the engine down there is a v8 6.0 liter engine runs on

high-octane mustard there's also a lot of different vehicles on the road so

this one specifically is Oscar Mayer I like to film pop off your big Oscar six

Wienermobile vehicles on the out on the roads we also have a fleet so there's

like a wiener drone a wiener Roberge having a Land Rover

thank you guys for the private tutors yeah good luck on your adventure in your

journey traveling so we know a little bit what it's like so hope you have a

good time so if you're new to the channel push that subscribe button all

the way in there's a big thumb war going on in YouTube so hit that thumb war

button and we'll see you guys later hats off to you

hats off to you

For more infomation >> WHAT'S INSIDE The OSCAR MAYER WIENERMOBILE ??? - Duration: 4:00.


Didine_Canon_16_2018_Aicha_La_Vie (music officiele) - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> Didine_Canon_16_2018_Aicha_La_Vie (music officiele) - Duration: 3:24.


Champions Destiny - Bryce Overview - Duration: 2:21.

Bryce is a versatile, skillful warrior who never retreats from a challenge.

Having mastered the perfect balance between offensive and defensive power,

Bryce exceeds at the front line, bringing the fight directly to his enemies.

Bryce specializes in melee combat. Royal Slash is a powerful offensive ability

that allows him to quickly clear out waves of minions while breaking other champions' defenses.

Imminent Charge increases Bryce's speed and tenacity for a few seconds.

Use it to flee a fight when your health is running low or to close up distance with an enemy.

You can also use it as a battle initiator or to rush a tower that is under attack.

Bryce's Ultimate, Knight's Law, summons a path of swords that chases the target,

dealing high levels of Physical and True Damage to everything standing in its way.

It's especially useful when enemies are grouped together

and will ravage the health out of other sturdy Warriors and Tanks.

Thanks to his passive skill, Bryce is constantly regenerating a percentage of his Health Points over time.

Because of this, he's a very versatile addition to any team

and he'll last longer than other Champions if he paces himself.

When equipping gear items, focus on those that increase your offensive abilities,

but also get some defensive pieces to survive the heat of the frontline.

In terms of Mastery skills, you also have a lot of options. Use Energize of Blink as offensive masteries,

as they'll give you the power to chase and finish off enemies.

If you prefer to play defensive, then Recover and Energize are both good options.

Bryce can naturally hold off other Warriors and Tanks

but he's weak against ranged classes, such as Shooters and Mages.

When playing as him, look for opportunities to clear lanes of minions

and keep an eye open for any incoming ranged enemies.

In team fights, let him take the initiative at the front but make sure

there's a teammate around to cover his back at all times.

Use Royal Slash to debilitate big groups of enemies,

making them an easy pick for your ranged allies.

And if you need to come back to the fight quickly,

you can always use Imminent Charge to gain that extra speed and catch enemies off guard.

Get ready to carry your team forward with Bryce.

For more infomation >> Champions Destiny - Bryce Overview - Duration: 2:21.


What is a Value Bet - The Basics of Sports Betting - Duration: 1:01.

So what is a value bet

Imagine a coin flip where you can bet

on either heads or tails

The odds should be 2.0 on each side

which means 50% probability of hitting one of the sides

So if you are able to place a bet

on odds that are higher than 2.0 on a coin flip

You would have a value bet

In the sports betting world

any kind of information that impacts the game

will change the odds

Imagine a football match between Brazil and Germany

In the beginning, the odds on Brazil to win were 1.8

then one hour before the game big news came out

All the German players got the flu

Some bookmakers will drop their odds

from 1.8 to 1.3 immediately

while others will be slow to react to this information

So you can bet at 1.8 at the slow bookmakers

while the real odds now are 1.3

This is a value bet

Trademate signals when value bets happen

So that you can beat the bookies

at their own game

For more infomation >> What is a Value Bet - The Basics of Sports Betting - Duration: 1:01.


모리아티 때문에 배가 고픈 베네딕트 컴버배치 [한글자막] [KorSub] - Duration: 0:33.

For more infomation >> 모리아티 때문에 배가 고픈 베네딕트 컴버배치 [한글자막] [KorSub] - Duration: 0:33.


NEW DIGS. WHO DIS? | The Marlon Way - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> NEW DIGS. WHO DIS? | The Marlon Way - Duration: 1:02.


I like black beaches 💦 | A day at Santorini's black beach - Duration: 9:28.

so we decided to go to the beach

to take a swim, take a dive

and really feel the energy of the Santorini beaches

you know Santorini beaches

are not like in other islands

you know like


and kind of you know white sand, no

here you can find either black beach

black beach? it didn't sound very good

with black sand

because of the volcano

the sand is black

or it's the red beach

and we are heading to the black beach

right baby?

yes baby

do you like the black beach baby?

i like black beaches

Yes ! Let's go !

a little train !

there is a little train also here !

in Santorini there is

there is always a little train

and a little bus

and now we are here

look how black this beach is

we will show you closer

we are going to a special great beach bar

called "Wet"

"Wet Stories" to be exact

what about the hat?

it's moving

a great idea..

it's windy

a great idea to bring your hat here yes

of course i bring my hat

of course i will

what do you mean?

why did i buy this and carried it

all the way from London

to not to wear?

in this kind of wind? In Cyclades?

yes the Cyclades should not be so windy

do you like the black beach?

i like, i told you i'm a fan of black beaches

the water here is crystal clear

ah so nice


yes i like what i see

do you mean the black beach or..

you and the black beach

the black beach and the boy with the black t-shirt

yummi you

see you later

i don't know if it is very obvious how black this beach is

because you know it's too sunny

yes i don't know

i think it seems like regural sand


is it obvious that it's black

you think?

and this is Perivolos


its's our favorite part in Santorini to take a swim

it's the longest black sanded beach

why is it black sanded?

because of the volcano darling

and the volcano is still active

so, be careful when you come here

how can you be careful of the volcano?

that's a good question

just keep it in mind

you know.. maybe..

just say goodbye to your families before you visit

just in case

no no it won't happen

you will come here and have a great time

if you come in Perivolos

it's the most famous place for its beach bars

you can relax , you can see how we can relax

all the young people are here

like us

you can

dancing, clubs, bars, cocktails


refresh your self

refreshing with cold teas

if you are really young i mean

like us like us

yes yes

full of life

there is also water sports

if you wanna try

show them

i'll show you, here you are

and there is a lot of beautiful people

like my wife

what are you talking about?

i didn't notice, they just told me

i don't think i'm glamorous enough

for the black sanded beach

yes you can stay like that, yes

ah very nice

ah very nice


now you can talk about the beach

are you sure my majesty?

it's not majesty now

i'm a slave again

no, it's like..

it's like?

Sophia Loren or something

if Sophia Loren went to Perivolos for swimming

wouldn't she wear the hat?

she would wear a hat

i don't know if she would be with me though

now you have a Sophia Loren of your own

Hello Sophia.. how are you?

what else can we do here?

we can get drunk

get in love

i want to take a swim

you wanna come with me?

will you swim?


so, time for a swim

and while you are in Greece

it's really important to try the fruits

because there are plenty of fruits

it's not like in other countries when you go

you just buy one apple or one...



here you go from the supermarket with bags

and we have a lot of fruits

like strawberry

and with cold refreshing tea this would be amazing

what baby?

to dive

we came to the beach

you sit all the time here

i want to swim

it's my stomache

i want to relax

Let's go dive

i want to chill

very nice it is

it's obvious



no, stop relaxing

come on baby

we are on vacation

come on baby, let's go ok?

one dive

one dive

yes, yes

don't be such a ... ayto

what is a ayto?

i don't know

who knows?

you understand?

you don't understand

you don't understand



i will take this so i can take you with me



yes, we will swim all together

so, let's go baby

ok, let's go

ah great, great


all this time


no, wait wait wait


it's frozen

this is not a sea

it's the aegean, it's always like this


no, no it's really cold

it's really nice for your skin

tight skin

tight a*s

you convinced me to dive

no, no i changed my mind

i'm not diving

bye bye

ok, inside the sea he took my phone

into the suitcase

so i think he better close it very well

and he won't ruin my phone

what do you think?

is he enough responsible?

who can say?

can you see me?


the sea was really cold, not a good idea

he is still in there?

good for him

baby i'm really proud of you

because it's too cold

you lost

why? was it a game?

a contest?

it was amazing


so cold but so


it's amazing

ah very nice, i will see the "plana'

do you wanna grab a bite?

yes, i'm kind of hungry

do you want something to eat?

yes please

let's go

so this is...

i don't know if you can hear us

can you?

it's so loud the music, so..

ok, but we can show you the salads

that just arrived

greek salad and kolokithi salad

how is kolokithi?


ah very nice the beach was

ah the Perivolos, ah the Perivolos

we had a great time baby

very nice

did you like it?

look at reketes

we have to talk about raketes

volley, beachvolley

a lot of this happens in Greece

a lot of raketes

and beachvolley

and we are really athletic

ah sorry, what can you do?

we are

athletic very much

i can't find the car keys, is that a problem?



you better find the car keys

we are athletic, we can run

no you better find the car keys please

we can walk you athletic little thing


he found the keys

good for him

because he would be very sorry

if he didn't find the keys

i will be a slave again

For more infomation >> I like black beaches 💦 | A day at Santorini's black beach - Duration: 9:28.


59 | Registering the New Shogun (Insurance and Montenegro Vignette) - Sailing Around the World - Duration: 10:26.

♫ Music ♫

We spent the last month preparing the boat to leave.

But in parallel, we also take care of the documentation.

Buying a boat isn't about only paying and sailing,

there's a bit of bureaucracy even in Europe and the United States.

First you have to decide the flag and then enter the documentation and wait to get there.

Only then you can get the navigation authorization in the country that you are.

We came here in the nautical shop today to buy our flags.

And one more polishing paste.

And we finding everything absurdly expensive here in Montenegro, especially.

We just spent 40 euros on 3 flags and a polishing paste ...


In this episode we will show you how this process was and some things that we discovered along the way.

Today me and Betinho left to celebrate Valentine's Day.

We walked 5 kilometers, then I found a euro and gave him a Coke as a gift.


♫ Music ♫

But first, we would like to thank the new supporters who have come in the last few days

and also, of course, the usual supporters.

With this financial support, we are able to produce much more content

and we already think of having two videos a week.

If you want to be part of this supporters team, access our

or Patreon in the video description.

♫ Music ♫

Look, when we can find meat, it rains.

- Hey Renato, approved? - 100%, so good!

- Cassia, is the meat approved? - It's delicious!

What's up, Betinho?

♫ Music ♫

Nina gave us support to do the documentation through her partner who is in Slovenia.

Tomorrow we'll probably get our boat document,

which decided to make a long trip ...

It went through several countries to get here in Montenegro.

They made a mistake in the country, it went to Germany, came back ... Anyway.

We have been doing this since June 1st, it was the day that we started the documentation part.

So it took a week and a half, I think.

They say they will deliver until today, the 21st.

Until midnight.

But there's no way we can stay until midnight at the house where Beto ordered to deliver.

So let's see, if they call, we'll get a cab and get it.

But no news so far...

But it will get here.

What's up Betinho, this is it?

We changed our meeting place because the DHL guy couldn't find it.

How exciting!

♫ Music ♫

Come on Betinho, the most awaited moment!

After 20 days.

Uhul, Shogun, I want to see the name! Shogun, Shogun, Shogun!


Oh, how great!

And this little card? Is there a card there?

- It's the registration. - That cool!

Now the boys came here for the sticker. Where's yours, Renato? Let me see.

Pharea, wow!

And ours, Betinho? Then we will open ... Wow, there are several!

♫ Music ♫

Half the things are done.

Document done. Withdrawn.

Sticker. Now it's only missing...


Insurance and pay the vignette from Montenegro, so we can get out on the boat.

There are only two things left, it's almost over. But it won't be today either.

A toast! To the document, to the stickers, uhul!

We just did the insurance.

The insurance here ... We decided to do in Montenegro, which is valid only in Montenegro.

It is valid for 30 days and we paid 88 euros.

We'll go to the bank now.

And then arriving in Croatia, we have already talked, already chose an insurance, we know the price and everything,

there in Croatia that we will make the insurance that will be valid for the entire Adriatic

and which is valid for one year.

Then we'll show you the costs later.

Because we have to do a inspection, someone has to go on the boat ...

So we preferred to do this in Croatia than in Montenegro.

Because we're going to stay here for another 20 days.

So we took this one for 30 days.

Now all is missing is the vignette.

And it's over, we can leave the marina. Thank God!

♫ Music ♫

Ready! Shogun is already renamed.

We took the name that was here, which was Snail, but the name of the boat was very small.

And now we have Shogun here and we also put the registration number down there in the bow.

And in our boat we also put Shogun.

♫ Music ♫

Yesterday we got the document, insurance and then today we came to do the vignette.

The vignette is a document that you need to pay in some countries and have this monthly, annual authorization ...

Fortnightly, you choose.

In the case of Montenegro, we will ask for a monthly one, but it could be a week or three months.

And then we came to the port, which probably will not be the one that we will leave the country,

but we came to the port, that's where we're going to do it.

And why did we come on foot and not with the boat?

Because as our boat ... For now, it is from nowhere, no one knows it is here in Montenegro.

So we had to come on foot exactly because we can't move the boat yet.

Let's do it now and we'll show you how much it costs.

♫ Music ♫

We just left the harbor master.

That's where we made the vignette.

So we paid 85 euros for the boat vignette for a month.

And also had a tourist fee that we did not know about.

According to the size of our boat, we paid 25 euros.

This tourism fee is valid also for one month.

So it was 110 euros? Is my math correct?

Plus the insurance.

Oh yeah, plus the insurance that we did yesterday that was also 88 euros.

All this for only a month here, okay?

If it is more, it increases.

Now we have come to celebrate, since the boat is ready to leave.

Since we've already spent a lot.

To stay here for a month.

Let's throw everything up in the air.

♫ Music ♫

Beto is already gluing over where it was.

This sticker is pretty hard to take it off.

Are you playing?

I'm registering our MMSI.

MMSI. Explain.

It's our VHF radio code.

Worldwide unique code.

That identifies us as much as when we call, or if there is any danger.

So they already know which boat it is, etc.

♫ Music ♫

Today, another step is completed. The radio.

For you who like to know the prices ...

Today we bought a nautical silicone, which in Brazil is usually about 15 or 20 reais

and here it was 13 euros.

But WD is cheaper and so is Cicaflex.

After this steps, we were able to take the first tour with Shogun, to test it while sailing.

Time is starting to get short as Google's quarantine is ending

and we need to pick him up in Venice, Italy, on August 19th.

In the next video, we'll show you our first tours with Shogun.

We went thought a big anchor test, with winds of more than 30 knots.


Don't forget to leave your like and comment and share the video.

This helps the channel a lot, we count on you!

Hug and good winds!

♫ Music ♫

For more infomation >> 59 | Registering the New Shogun (Insurance and Montenegro Vignette) - Sailing Around the World - Duration: 10:26.


Dance Moms: Kendall Marks a Leap (Season 3 Flashback) | Lifetime - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Dance Moms: Kendall Marks a Leap (Season 3 Flashback) | Lifetime - Duration: 2:29.


What If Earth Suddenly Had Half Gravity? - Duration: 3:35.

Hey there and welcome to Life Noggin.

Triangle Bobert snuck into my lab and hit the big red button on the half gravity machine

I told him not to go next to.

I probably should have made the button a little smaller.

That was my fault.

I was able to reverse everything, but it did have me thinking, what if this happened to

your world.

What if earth only had half its gravity?

Well first off, just what is gravity?

In general, we can define gravity as an attractive force that pulls two bodies together.

It's what keeps all of the planets in orbit around the sun and what keeps you from floating

off into space.

And anything with mass has gravity.

The more massive something is, the greater its gravitational pull.

So a big, massive planet like the Earth is going to pull you toward it a lot more than

one of my small pizza bagels will.

lemme just in here really quick.


Distance also matters with gravity.

The closer you are to something, the more gravity is going to draw you toward it, and

the farther away you are, the weaker the gravitational force will be.

Not only that, but gravity isn't even the same everywhere on Earth.

According to NASA and data from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment, gravity is

ever so slightly stronger over places on Earth with higher concentrations of mass.

And these concentrations can even change over time.

But what would happen if the gravity here on Earth was suddenly cut in half?

It's pretty hard to tell /exactly/ what would happen, especially since whatever would

cause this sudden change would likely have other effects, but if we look at the universe

around us, we can get a good idea of what /might/ happen.

To start off, you'd probably lose a bunch of weight.

That's because our weight isn't actually a constant.

It changes depending on where we are in the universe since it's determined by how much

gravity is acting upon us.

For instance, if you weigh 100 Newtons on Earth, then you'd only weigh about 17 Newtons

on the moon.

That's because up there, you'd only experience about a sixth of the gravity you normally

do on Earth.

So with half gravity, it makes sense that you'd only probably weight about half as


That, if you survived, and everything on Earth seemed to carry on about the same but just

with half gravity, there would likely be health consequences.

That's because your body is always working /against/ gravity.

Your muscles have to work against gravity even when you're relatively still, your

bones have to support your weight, which is affected by gravity, and even your heart has

to work against gravity to pump your blood throughout your body.

So at half gravity, and half your weight, your heart would likely become weaker, your

muscles might become smaller, and you could even lose bone mass.

These are issues that astronauts face when experiencing weightlessness, so with half

your weight, it stands to reason that similar things would happen but to a lesser extent.

But that's if everything carried on about the same, just with half gravity.

If we actually suddenly lost half of the gravity on Earth, other things would probably change

as a result.

One of those things would be escape velocity.

Since the Earth would have less gravity, how fast you would need to go to escape Earth,

otherwise known as escape velocity, would be less.

This means that you wouldn't need to go as fast to get off this planet, which might be

a good idea if all this crazy gravity stuff actually happened.

Two tickets to Mars please!

I would like to chill with the aliens.

Let us know in the comment section below what we should talk next!

Curious to know what it would take for the earth to explode?

Check out this video.

it only carved out a chunk of Earth a few kilometers deep.

Asteroids that are bigger, denser, or made of different materials could have the ability

to hit us with enough power to shatter our planet.

As always, my name is Blocko, this has been Life Noggin, don't forget to keep on thinking!

For more infomation >> What If Earth Suddenly Had Half Gravity? - Duration: 3:35.


Anthem - PC Gameplay Impressions! - Duration: 3:37.

[Julian:] Hello and welcome to GeForce.

I'm Julian. And look, it's Meg!

[Meg:] Woah, it's me! [Julian:] Hi Meg!

[Meg:] Hi! [Julian:] Welcome to the studio.

Meg and I just got done

playing the demo for Anthem.

I mean, I was all about this game

beforehand, but I'm pretty pumped

about it now getting my hands on it. [Meg:] Yeah.

[Julian:] What's your reaction to the game?

[Meg:] So, initially, I was a little bit on the fence about Anthem.

I'm a long time, like, huge BioWare fan.

Dragon Age is my favorite game ever.

I also love Mass Effect, of course.

And so, seeing that they were taking

this game in a very different direction,

focused a lot more on, you know,

co-op gameplay and combat,

not as much on the story, I was a little like, hmm.

But now, after getting in, I got an amazing impression.

I think the story is going to be fantastic,

and I think it's going to be a really

great experience to play with your friends.

[Julian:] Yeah. I'm the kind of person who just jumps in.

I'm all onboard as soon as I see a trailer.

They even remarked like, I just dove into some

black abyss right away without looking.

So, I think I'm ready to get hurt again all the time.

But this game really, I mean, met the expectations

I had for playing through the demo. [Meg:] I agree.

[Julian:]What were some of the things that

you enjoyed about Anthem?

[Meg:] I love the flying, obviously.

You've got like, those little jetpacks that you can fly.

And, I found it really easy to transition from walking,

and running and flying.

It wasn't, kind of, like an annoying thing

where you had to go out of your way.

It felt very seamless. [Julian:] Yeah.

It was a game that we had exactly five seconds of like,

here's what all the buttons are.

Go! And you just jump in

and then you feel right at home.

So, that I thought was a great work.

I really like also the variety

of the things that your javelins can do.

We were just in one suit—the ranger.

[Meg:] Right. [Julian:] And, we could use

some frost grenades.

[Meg:] Those are awesome. [Julian:] We had a charge up pulse.

We, of course, had an assault rifle,

and then a submachine gun,

and then the super, which was like

Iron Man's multi-targeting missile pack. [Meg:] Yeah,

that was so cool. [Julian:] It was sweet.

What stands out most in your mind having played it now?

[Meg:] Ooh, I think, definitely the combat.

Something that I loved was getting combos.

So, you know, when you threw the frost grenade,

then you could fly down in melee,

and then you got a combo, and basically

like, instakilled whatever you are attacking.

And, it just makes you feel really awesome

and cool, that you're really good at games.

Julian:] I was all about the melee.

I was picking fights with the largest monsters.

[Meg:] Err... [Julian:] Like, all - just beating

on their big toe with my – just hammering away.

And, the cool thing about, you know,

we had it here actually at Nvidia.

Well, that's the only place at E3 proper – [Meg:] Yeah.

[Julian:] that people can get their hands on it.

So, that was pretty sweet. [Meg:] Right.

Playing it on the PC, of course. was just frickin' gorgeous.

[Meg:] Yes, oh my God. [Julian:] We did get a taste of that mix

of what it's going to be like between

the multiplayer and the single player.

Obviously, we played together, we had a few other

people in the demo with us.

But the way they described handling the single player was exactly

what it was advertised as, right?

It's just you, you have characters

telling you the story and what's going on,

and what your objectives are,

they're all really well-animated,

gorgeous-looking, very like, realistic human.

And then, you jump in into the javelin,

you pop out into the actual world,

and you're in the multiplayer all of a sudden.

[Julian:] So, it did have [Meg:] Right.

that nice tradeoff between the single player

and the multiplayer. [Meg:] Yeah, like

you said, I think this is definitely going

to be a really fun experience

to play with friends, like, I'm already

imagining who I want my squad to be,

and I think it's just going to be a blast.

[Julian:] Is it me?

Am I…? [Meg:] Of course!

[Julian:] Jeez! You're so sweet to lie like that.

[Julian:] We had a blast.

I think I can speak [Meg:] Yeah.

[Julian:] for the both of us on that. Definitely a lot of fun.

It's pretty much as advertised. It's beautiful.

The combat's really interesting and fluid and seamless.

And, it looks like it's going to have

a story built in the background

that I'm also really going to enjoy.

So, you guys, thanks for checking out Anthem.

Meg, thank you for hard carrying me through that demo.

[Meg:] You're welcome.

[Julian:] Thank you all for tuning in here on GeForce.

We've got plenty of coverage here from E3.

We talked to devs. We played games.

Meg's out there on the floor checking out all the cool stuff.

So, be sure to tune in to GeForce, and check out

all the other coverage here from E3.

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