hey guys so I'm back with another video and today is going to be at my Retell-
a-thon TBR this is a brand new read-a-thon that is coming to us which the
theme of is to read retellings whether that be fairy tales, history, events in
history or other famous stories such as Sherlock Holmes this read-a-thon is
running from July 8 to July 15th and is being hosted by some of my favorite
people here on booktube which is Liv from readbyLiv Spence from common
Spence Cara from wildbookgarden Mikayla from mybookself and Lea from
Lea Bex I am so excited to get into this I own quite a few retellings that
have been sitting on my shelf for a while that I really need to get around
to and this is the perfect read-a-thon to do it for so there are five
challenges for this read-a-thon and they all obviously have to do with retellings
also you can't tell because of where my camera is that but my tank top is
actually based for this read-a-thon and it's the Sleeping Beauty tank top
but I got a hot topic like forever ago and I actually completely forgot I own
this tank top till I was home earlier this week and found it in my closet was like
that's perfect I also dug this tank top out of the
dirty laundry just so I could write for this video is that gross there are five
challenges for this read-a-thon challenge number one is love at first
sight read a retelling of your favorite fairytale and if you couldn't tell from
my tank top that Sleeping Beauty is my favorite fairytale
sleeping beauty has been my favorite princess since I was little and I've
always loved Sleeping Beauty I love it in one day I will find my prince philip
and we will sing once upon a dream because it's my favorite song from
singing Beauty I was like so much anyways obviously since Sleeping Beauty
is my favorite and I actually own quite a few Sleeping Beauty retellings that I
just haven't gotten around to reading I picked a Sleeping Beauty retelling
Andrews I'm going to be reading a wicked thing by Rhiannon Thomas I've owned this
book for a little while I think I recently hauled this one actually it is
a sleeping beauty retelling and other than that I really don't know or remember anything else
about this and so I'm super super excited to get into it because I need
Sleeping Beauty in my life and I feel like sleeping beauty is one of the fairy
tales that is just very rarely retold at least for me I've been seeing a lot of
Sleeping Beauty retellings a lot of time you know it's like Cinderella it's a lot
of Cinderella challenge number two is true love's twist read a genderbent
retelling or a lgbtqia+ retelling and for this I am kind of mixed I have two
books on my TBR it'll depend on which one I pick up because I don't own either
of them right now and for right now I'm currently reading a study in charlotte
by Brittany Cavallaro which is a gender bent Sherlock Holmes retelling and I'm
very much enjoying it so I might cuz I should be done with us on this
read-a-thon starts so I might just go ahead and pick up the last of August
which is book to you in the series or I might read it down among the sticks and
bones which is the second book and the way we're children series that deals
with two characters from the first book and it's kind of like they're prequel
novel I might pick that one up it just depends what mood I'm in when I get
next get on Amazon. Challenge number three is a faraway Kingdom read a
retelling from your heritage and I am personally a whole bunch of white I'm
not quite sure what my heritage is on my mom's side she's never really talked
about it but I know my dad side I'm German Scott Irish
I'm assume on my mom's side it's kind of the same so if you ever wonder why I
talk about burning so bad like Sun burning so bad and like always being
ghostly pale you can blame it on my Irish side
I like I've stated am part German I think if I've done the math correctly
I'm 1/16 maybe less I'm not entirely sure but I have the perfect retelling
foods I don't know if it's technically retellings I think they're technically
the originals like the original original but anyways I'm gonna do it anyways I'm
going to be reading at some of the stories out at this beautiful edition of
the Grimm's fairy tales that my dad got me forever ago for Christmas I still
have not touched this one is actually this is the Bicentennial edition this is
the 200 year edition of this and I have just not touched it it's so pretty and
it's annotated I just really need to read it if I'm correct I which I think I
am the Grimm's fairy tales were originally published in German I think I'm pretty
sure oh my god I've never seen this naked look at this naked look how pretty
that is okay anyways there are like 50 stories
in here obviously I'm not gonna try to read all of them for this read-a-thon
but I would like to read a couple like kind of breaking up between it finishing
other books for this read-a-thon and I just really need to freaking read this
really bad I've owned this for way too long and I wanted to read the Grimm's
fairy tales for way too long and I just keep putting it off so I'm finally gonna
do it challenge number four is under a spell
read the group book and the group book is The Surface Breaks by Louise O'Neill
this is a from what I've heard a very feminist retelling of the Little Mermaid
now I personally do not normally read group books for read-a-thons unless I am a
co-hosting or like it's an older book and I already own it but majority of the
time the books are new releases and I'm like I really don't read that many new
races oh this year I am breaking I read quite a few new releases so far but I am
making an exception to my normal rules because one some of my favorite people
on booktube obviously which are my friends are hosting this read-a-thon and two
- it's a mermaid book and I love mermaids and I have not read enough
mermaids in my life so I need to read more because I want to like make my
brand like a mermaid books cuz I own so many mermaid books but I've heard them
but I'm gonna read this one because it's mermaids and how can I not and finally
challenge number 5 is unhappily ever after read a retelling with a dark twist
whether that be unhappy ending told from the villains
point of view or just has very dark themes over all and for this one I've
actually owned this book for a while and I've been meaning to pick it up I am
going to be reading once upon a dream by Liz Braswell this is one of the books
in her retelling series so far there are three books out and they each deal with
the villain from the story and kind of think what happened if the villain had
one in the end this one is obviously a Sleeping Beauty retelling because I'm
trash for Sleeping Beauty and I've owned this for at least two years and I really
need to read it because I need to and Sleeping Beauty if you're interested in
the other two books in this series one of them I know for sure I'm not quite
sure what the titles are so I'll put a picture here but one is a Beauty and the
Beast retelling which my roommate actually does that I kind of want to
read and then the other one is an Aladdin retelling and from what I've
heard the allotted one apparently is the best in the series so far so I'm excited
to jump into these I probably if I really enjoy this I'll have to read the
other two because who doesn't want to read books about villains so that's it
for my TBR please let me know if you are joining in and retell-a-thon because i
would love to know also let me know your TBR down below in the comments or if
you've made a video please link the video because I would love to go watch
it and if you're planning on reading any of these books please let me know if you
want to buddy read anything so that's gonna be it for this video don't forget
to it like and subscribe until then I will see you guys in my next video bye
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