What's up lore masters? Due to how popular lore theories are, (and specific
requests to look at this one) I've decided that I'd address a conspiracy
theory that is gaining some traction. That theory is: Did Sybok attempt a
cultural coup and overthrow of the Vulcan government in an attempt to
revert all of Vulcan back to embracing emotion? First let's take a look at Sybok
himself. We can't be sure exactly when Sybok was born that said there are
theories that place Spock's birth at about twenty to thirty and this would
mean that most likely Sybok was born in twenty to twenty four so this is
basically a theory of a theory of when he was born and basically that's solid
tight evidence for track continuity the half-brother of Spock Sybok was
considered to be one of the most prolific Vulcans of his era highly
intelligent it was presumed that he would be a great Vulcan scholar honestly
I was kind of surprised when I looked into cybox history for me he comes off
as a tragic hero when cybox mother died he was raised as a half-brother to Spock
and ultimately he lost his way when he began receiving visions from what he
believed to be God unfortunately these visions weren't from
God but a hostile alien the visions completely derailed him and he began
looking into the ancient teachings and religions of his own people
Sybok would once again embrace emotion and become religious he came to believe
that the Shikari basically Eden was real this turned him into a brainwashing
villain that halted peace talks between the Klingons Romulans and Federation in
order to lure a ship out for him to commandeer he then took the commandeered
ship and put all of the lives of the crew and the diplomats in danger by
commencing what most people thought was a suicide mission and you thought the
hatred of religion started with the next generation
however the events of Star Trek 5 are outside the purview of this theory
though I may take a look at them at a later time for now let's focus on what
occurred on Vulcan now as discussed we know that Sybok embraced emotion and
again became religious in Vulcan mythology it is stated that all of
creation began at the previously mentioned Shikari this is presumably
where God was thought to reside for the Vulcans though again in Star Trek 5 were
led to believe that this planet was also Eden and whatever the Romulan version of
it was so basically all of the creation myths would have come from this within
the Star Trek realm and I'm gonna go ahead and say it when I say creation
myths I don't mean that creation didn't exist or there isn't a religion or there
isn't a true God we're talking about with in Star Trek itself so calm down in
the comments section Sybok was banished from Vulcan due to his temp - let's say
encourage others to believe the same as him and embrace their emotion and again
forego logic however I do wonder that when Spock states that well Sybok was
encouraging Vulcans that he really means the type of mind manipulation we see in
Star Trek 5 basically outright brainwashing let's talk about that a
moment first the Vulcan mind-meld is one of the most powerful and terrifying
abilities that can be used we know the capability can be utilized
to control others we see this even through walls like we see in a taste for
Armageddon the knowledge can even be ripped out of someone's skull like we
see an undiscovered country and also you can even implant a command that even the
victim doesn't realize is being implemented like in a mirror darkly in
fact it is the latter that I believe Sybok was doing that he was implanting
something into the subconscious of his victims and stating that he took away
their pain it's really hard to believe otherwise that this was just a simple
ability that you're freeing a person of their biggest regret and that would turn
them into basically sycophants that would serve you that they would turn
against someone that they had served under for decades had put their lives on
the line and disobeyed orders for had bled with and yet here we are is more
than likely this was not simply removing someone's pain so if this ability was
used on others why wouldn't he try to use it on Vulcans in fact we have
evidence that there even existed a group of Vulcans that would have willing
embraced this path known as the vataj couture translated literally into
Vulcans without logic this cult embraced this type of ideology though their
opinions on it would range from an outright rejection of logic to learning
to utilize both at the same time in fact we see in the Star Trek Enterprise
episode fusion that a Vulcan does something similar to Sybok he utilizes a
mind meld in an attempt to force another Vulcan into the fold so it's entirely
possible that Sybok realizing and recognizing the need for a motion to
learn self-knowledge found out about the vataj couture recognize their methods
and began releasing the pain of other Vulcans he would turn them to his cause
this honestly to me would fit much more with a term coined by Spock who uses
precise wording when he talks when he describes Sybok as a revolutionary he
used the term revolutionary other than just saying he was a man with different
ideals and I know some forms of revolutionary can be peaceful but
obviously some forms are not also while I don't think it's out of the realm of
reason that the Vulcans may banish someone simply for having wrong think it
seems more likely that Sybok would have been thrown out for such attempts if I
know YouTube comments and god help me I do there are probably a few people right
now commenting about how Spock didn't mention this and how it'd be a really
big deal however for the same reasons that spot never mentioned he had a
brother he'd most likely not discuss how that brother also attempted basically at
coup d'etat ultimately I know that this is flimsy and there's not enough
information at all but it is a theory I found interesting what do you guys think
let me know in the comments below
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that I have been having troubles with CBS if you want to see the channel
continue please consider becoming a patron at patreon.com forward slash lore
reloaded I want to thank you so much for your support this entire channel is fan
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next lorry loaded
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