Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 2 2018

What's up lore masters? Due to how popular lore theories are, (and specific

requests to look at this one) I've decided that I'd address a conspiracy

theory that is gaining some traction. That theory is: Did Sybok attempt a

cultural coup and overthrow of the Vulcan government in an attempt to

revert all of Vulcan back to embracing emotion? First let's take a look at Sybok

himself. We can't be sure exactly when Sybok was born that said there are

theories that place Spock's birth at about twenty to thirty and this would

mean that most likely Sybok was born in twenty to twenty four so this is

basically a theory of a theory of when he was born and basically that's solid

tight evidence for track continuity the half-brother of Spock Sybok was

considered to be one of the most prolific Vulcans of his era highly

intelligent it was presumed that he would be a great Vulcan scholar honestly

I was kind of surprised when I looked into cybox history for me he comes off

as a tragic hero when cybox mother died he was raised as a half-brother to Spock

and ultimately he lost his way when he began receiving visions from what he

believed to be God unfortunately these visions weren't from

God but a hostile alien the visions completely derailed him and he began

looking into the ancient teachings and religions of his own people

Sybok would once again embrace emotion and become religious he came to believe

that the Shikari basically Eden was real this turned him into a brainwashing

villain that halted peace talks between the Klingons Romulans and Federation in

order to lure a ship out for him to commandeer he then took the commandeered

ship and put all of the lives of the crew and the diplomats in danger by

commencing what most people thought was a suicide mission and you thought the

hatred of religion started with the next generation

however the events of Star Trek 5 are outside the purview of this theory

though I may take a look at them at a later time for now let's focus on what

occurred on Vulcan now as discussed we know that Sybok embraced emotion and

again became religious in Vulcan mythology it is stated that all of

creation began at the previously mentioned Shikari this is presumably

where God was thought to reside for the Vulcans though again in Star Trek 5 were

led to believe that this planet was also Eden and whatever the Romulan version of

it was so basically all of the creation myths would have come from this within

the Star Trek realm and I'm gonna go ahead and say it when I say creation

myths I don't mean that creation didn't exist or there isn't a religion or there

isn't a true God we're talking about with in Star Trek itself so calm down in

the comments section Sybok was banished from Vulcan due to his temp - let's say

encourage others to believe the same as him and embrace their emotion and again

forego logic however I do wonder that when Spock states that well Sybok was

encouraging Vulcans that he really means the type of mind manipulation we see in

Star Trek 5 basically outright brainwashing let's talk about that a

moment first the Vulcan mind-meld is one of the most powerful and terrifying

abilities that can be used we know the capability can be utilized

to control others we see this even through walls like we see in a taste for

Armageddon the knowledge can even be ripped out of someone's skull like we

see an undiscovered country and also you can even implant a command that even the

victim doesn't realize is being implemented like in a mirror darkly in

fact it is the latter that I believe Sybok was doing that he was implanting

something into the subconscious of his victims and stating that he took away

their pain it's really hard to believe otherwise that this was just a simple

ability that you're freeing a person of their biggest regret and that would turn

them into basically sycophants that would serve you that they would turn

against someone that they had served under for decades had put their lives on

the line and disobeyed orders for had bled with and yet here we are is more

than likely this was not simply removing someone's pain so if this ability was

used on others why wouldn't he try to use it on Vulcans in fact we have

evidence that there even existed a group of Vulcans that would have willing

embraced this path known as the vataj couture translated literally into

Vulcans without logic this cult embraced this type of ideology though their

opinions on it would range from an outright rejection of logic to learning

to utilize both at the same time in fact we see in the Star Trek Enterprise

episode fusion that a Vulcan does something similar to Sybok he utilizes a

mind meld in an attempt to force another Vulcan into the fold so it's entirely

possible that Sybok realizing and recognizing the need for a motion to

learn self-knowledge found out about the vataj couture recognize their methods

and began releasing the pain of other Vulcans he would turn them to his cause

this honestly to me would fit much more with a term coined by Spock who uses

precise wording when he talks when he describes Sybok as a revolutionary he

used the term revolutionary other than just saying he was a man with different

ideals and I know some forms of revolutionary can be peaceful but

obviously some forms are not also while I don't think it's out of the realm of

reason that the Vulcans may banish someone simply for having wrong think it

seems more likely that Sybok would have been thrown out for such attempts if I

know YouTube comments and god help me I do there are probably a few people right

now commenting about how Spock didn't mention this and how it'd be a really

big deal however for the same reasons that spot never mentioned he had a

brother he'd most likely not discuss how that brother also attempted basically at

coup d'etat ultimately I know that this is flimsy and there's not enough

information at all but it is a theory I found interesting what do you guys think

let me know in the comments below

hey guys thanks so much for watching if you've gotten this far then you know

that I have been having troubles with CBS if you want to see the channel

continue please consider becoming a patron at forward slash lore

reloaded I want to thank you so much for your support this entire channel is fan

funded don't forget to rate comment and subscribe I'm going to see you on the

next lorry loaded



For more infomation >> Lore Theory: Did Sybok Try to Overthrow the Vulcan Government? - Duration: 7:08.


Pirate101: Which Class to Choose? - Duration: 6:22.

Ahoy ye mateys, if you are watching this video, I assume that you are a Wiz player who is

curious about piratin', because Pirate isn't advertised much these days.

So in this guide, I will be using some terminology from Wiz to explain things in Pirate.

I hope this helps people like me who outgrew Wiz and are looking for a new game to play

that's sort of similar but more challenging.

In Pirate, there are five classes, Privateer, Buccaneer, Swashbuckler, Witchdoctor, and


Each class has a trainer, just like in Wiz, so as you level up you pick up new skills

that you can learn from your class trainer.

The class that I personally started with was Privateer, which is a tanky support class.

In Wiz, I enjoyed playing Life, especially on teams, so I could heal people.

I also have a max Balance and a max Death, which are known for support cards like Bladestorm

and Virulent Plague.

If you are the kind of person who enjoys casting spells that can help the entire team, if you

enjoy being the leader that others can rely on, then you will most likely feel comfortable

playing Privateer.

Buccaneer is the class with the highest damage.

It also has high health, which can be confusing at first, because in Wiz, the school with

the lowest health is the one with the highest damage.

But the thing about playing Buck is that you're basically like an endurance athlete.

You buff yourself up and spend all your resources on killing the enemy before you die.

In terms of playstyle I would definitely compare it to the Ice school in Wizard101, and maybe

Storm or Fire.

If you like being the star of the team, the one that does the most damage and is the most

visible, then you will enjoy playing Buck.

Swashbuckler is the stealthy assassin class.

It has low health and very few heals and shields, but it has this one special ability, which

is to hide.

When you hide, you become invisible to the enemy and therefore safe from attacks until

you come out of hidden.

Swashbucklers have two main ways of attacking, one is to poison the enemies slowly and prevent

them from healing.

The other way is to quietly put on buffs while you are hidden, and then suddenly come out

of hidden with a powerful Assassin's Strike.

In terms of the personality of the class, I think it's the most similar to Death and


If the concept of being an assassin appeals to you, then you will enjoy playing Swashbuckler.

Witchdoctor is the fragile summoning class.

It has low health and low damage, so its power comes from summoning creatures to fight for

you while you attack from a distance.

It also has drain spells to regain health, and it has tons of ways to debuff enemies

while buffing minions and allies.

It's the most like low-level Myth back when Myth minions played an important role in combat.

It's also like Death in PVE.

If you enjoy draining health from your enemies, destroying them from a distance, and expressing

your power through the dark arts of summoning, then Witchdoctor is the class that you should


Musketeer is the tricky, ranged class.

In terms of personality I think it's the most similar to Fire and Myth, because those schools

are based around finding ways to catch enemies off guard, attack around their defenses, stun

and delay them.

If you enjoy strategizing your way to victory and being the underdog who surprises everyone

with how strong you actually are, you will enjoy playing Musketeer.

All of the Pirate classes are good at soloing, because in Pirate you get to use companions.

If you like to solo in Wiz but find yourself having to use multiple accounts or crown shop

minions to get through the toughest fights, then you will most likely find Pirate easier

and more fun.

If you are looking to play this game with friends, family members, or a significant

other, here are some viable team combinations:

Privateer, Witchdoctor, and/or Musketeer work really well together as a ranged team because

they can all use will and mojo buffs for their bombs and long-distance attacks, and they

have ways of protecting each other with barriers, buffs, and summons.

Buccaneer and Swashbuckler is a good melee duo.

Buccaneer can take damage for Swashbuckler, and Swashbuckler can use a group hide to protect

them both.

They both have good tools to keep each other safe and build each other up.

Musketeer and either Buccaneer or Swashbuckler is another good team.

Musketeer can use traps, ranged attacks, and all sorts of tricks to keep the enemies at

bay while their melee partner finds opportunities to attack.

An all swashbuckler team or an all musketeer team can also be fun to run, kind of like

tempest spamming in Wiz.

Finally, Privateer and either Buccaneer or Swashbuckler would be the classic supporter

and hitter team, like Life and Storm in Wiz.

I hope this video helps you out if you're interested in trying Pirate.

Feel free to recommend this video to others, and comment below if you agree or disagree

with anything I've said.

Thank you so much for watching, leave a like, and I will see you in the next video!

For more infomation >> Pirate101: Which Class to Choose? - Duration: 6:22.


Antonio Moraes - "There For You" (Official Video) - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> Antonio Moraes - "There For You" (Official Video) - Duration: 3:40.


It Gets Better Video: Jenni and Lisa 2015 - Duration: 3:51.

So I grew up in a conservative midwestern Asian American family, and when I came out

in my mid twenties it was not okay in my community to be gay.

I was living with my parents at the time and I had to move out.

And I was also part of a very strong faith community and they did not accept me for being

gay, and so as a result of that I lost a lot of friends, too.

So I knew I was gay from a really young age and growing up in Catholic school I had never

met a gay person, no one in my family, I had no friends who were gay.

Most of my childhood I felt really awkward putting on a Catholic school uniform, wearing


I just tried to fit in.

I had a boyfriend, I tried to just get through it but I never allowed myself to really dream

about the future in a positive way because I just thought the future was going to be

very lonely.

When I was in college, a very close friend of mine told me that her sister was gay and

that she just had an idea of why people were gay, and that scared me.

Because I knew that she knew that I had this big secret, and when I told her I had never

felt so scared in my life.

Because I just didn't know what was going to happen and I didn't know who I was going

to be knowing that this secret was out.

I had to move to a new city and I needed to find a new community.

So I went out looking for churches that were open and accepting and I met an amazing pastor

there who told me that it was okay to be me.

That it wasn't sinful to be me.

And that really changed my life and it gave me the confidence to go out and try to find

more community.

But when I started to ask for help and started to try and find community I was blown away.

My life got so much better, I became an HIV social worker, I volunteered in the gay community.

I met people like me and the funny thing is, people liked me so much more than the fake

self that I was when I wasn't allowing myself to be my full self.

People thought I was interesting.

People thought I was unique.

People loved my ideas.

And so it just really improved my life, like a hundred percent.

When I met Jenni I really allowed myself to dream and think, my god, I can have a family.

We can have a normal life, we can be accepted.

I saw my family love her and I realized the future was very bright.

I just, I couldn't even tell you what it's like to meet somebody who just makes you so


And together we decided to go on this trip around the world because we really wanted

to find other people with stories just like ours.

Jenni and I traveled for a year and we traveled to fiftteen countries, and it was really then

when I realized we have this whole global family.

You know walking into Asia and seeing women wearing ties and going to Africa and seeing

people with faux-hawks like mine and going to South America and, you know, walking into

an LGBT center and feeling at home.

The world is a very big place, we have this great chosen family that you are a part of.

So trust me, it gets better.

You're a unique person and a very loveable person and I can't wait to see who you become.

For more infomation >> It Gets Better Video: Jenni and Lisa 2015 - Duration: 3:51.


Don G - Te Conheço Bem (Prod. Ghetto Ace) [Áudio] - Duration: 4:24.

For more infomation >> Don G - Te Conheço Bem (Prod. Ghetto Ace) [Áudio] - Duration: 4:24.


Channel Strikes, A Backup Channel, Vimeo and more - Duration: 7:04.

For more infomation >> Channel Strikes, A Backup Channel, Vimeo and more - Duration: 7:04.


DROESONE & PILAR LEVIN - MOMENTOS (Prod.Black South) - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> DROESONE & PILAR LEVIN - MOMENTOS (Prod.Black South) - Duration: 4:00.



For more infomation >> O CLIP VÍDEO MAIS FAMOSO DO YOUTUBE - Duration: 3:47.


Cyberpunk 2077 - 4 Playable Character Classes (Wait... What?!?) - Duration: 12:32.

Greetings Earthlings!

Welcome to the MadqueenShow!

I am your host the MadQueen!

On today's menu, we have a new Cyberpunk 2077 video for you, and today, we're going

to talk about the playable character classes in the game

and I must confess I may or may

not feel a little ashamed that it took me so long to realize that there are actually

4 character classes that are playable and not 3, so my apologies for that.

And honestly, I can't believe that it took me so long to realize because I did mention

it myself in the video where I dissected the lore of the trailer.

But, yes, people make mistakes, my apologies

If you are relatively new or totally new to the Cyberpunk universe, I'm going to put

links in the description to the videos that talk about each individual thing exclusively,

so if you, for instance, lose the thread of my explanations because I talk about the megacorporation

Arasaka or I talk about Netrunners and you don't know what these are, and you'd like

to know, you can stop this video, go to the Arasaka or the Netrunners video to learn everything

about it, and it would not only help you understand this video better, it'll most probably hype

you even more.

According to the demo that we could see at E3, Cyberpunk 2077 has 4 different playable

character classes which are: Solos, Netrunners, Techies, and Crystaljocks.

So, why aren't Crystaljocks mentioned anywhere when talking about the playable character

classes: because is a base class, and I will explain this better and longer when we talk

about this class.

First: Solos, my favorite character class because I'm a simple person and I always

rather solve situations shooting, especially in video games, because when you try a non-lethal

approach, usually enemies don't want to collaborate.

Solos are people that make a living as mercenaries, they can be found doing both: street jobs

that usually are more illegal than not or foot soldiers for big mercenary contractors

such as the megacorporations Arasaka, Militech or Lazarus, although, let's be honest, Arasaka

doesn't have the best job environment if you're a solo because the corporates of

Arasaka don't feel the same loyalty for their operatives as they feel for their clients.

The funniest thing about this character class inside the Cyberpunk universe is that people

tend to believe that is the most OP class when it comes to combat and no, there's

always someone who has a bigger gun and that is crazier than you.

The characters of this class are usually drug addicts, they took combat drugs for too long

to have this edge on combat, and they are quite prone to put as much cyberware in their

body as possible, so they're usually people that are not especially known for their empathy

and loveliness.

Their special ability is combat sense, that gives them some advantage in combat situations,

they are more aware of their surroundings, and they usually shoot first like Han Solo.

If you'd like to know more about this character class, you'll find a link in the description

to a full video dedicated to them.

The second playable character class we can find is Netrunners.

Netruners are hackers that use the net to hack computers, no matter if we're talking

about lifeless computers, like data fortresses, or the computers that people have inside their

bodies to manage their cyberware.

So, Netrunners and Crystaljoks are both hackers, but the big difference is that Netrunners

use virtual reality interfaces, meaning the net, to access to things, while Crystajocks

use apps and viruses, they are more like "plug and play", so they have an approach to hacking

that would be more similar to the concept of hacking we have nowadays.

The fact that they put Netrunners as one of the playable character classes and they make

a difference with Crystaljoks is not proof enough, but I believe that is really close,

that the Net is going to be in the game.

Because why the fuck would you have Netrunners in the game without a net to run?

And if this is true, and the net is a part of the game, I would really like you to take

a second to realize this: we haven't seen shit about Cyberpunk 2077 yet.

We got so hyped with the trailer, so hyped with the demo, and only with that we already

said the game is huge.

Guys, is more than likely, that we only saw a fraction of the game.

I'll make a complete video to explain all this, because I've been analyzing things

we saw, no proof yet, but It looks like.

Soon a video about this, but if I'm right, we're about to go mental.

Back to the building, netrunners. So while the concept that comes to mind is that Solos

are a combat class and Netrunners are a class that would most probably go for a non-lethal

approach, this is not true.

You can also kill using the net, there are this wonderful programs called Black ICE.

What is an ICE?

ICE is an acronym of Intrusion Countermeasures Electronics and is a term used in cyberpunk worlds,

that was popularized by William Gibson, to refer to security programs which protect

computerized data from being accessed by hackers.

There's a deadly version of the ICE, called Black Ice, that is the most common and comfortable

way to flatline someone who is connected to the net, although if you're powerful enough,

sending a hit squad to the apartment of the netrunner you want to kill is also a very

effective countermeasure.

Maybe not that legal, but dead people usually don't press charges.

So, there's combat inside the net.

How is the combat inside the net?

That is something that I don't dare to predict or theorize about, because they have a lot

of options, if any I will make a video about this in the shape of a wishlist, because as

I always say: I might be wrong but at least I need to be convinced, and at this point

certain information makes me hopeful but I don't have enough data to build a proper theory.

Then we have a different character class: the techies.

And, as this is Cyberpunk and in this universe, the body of people is usually composed in

a good part by cyber enhancements, half of the medicine is related to mechanics, so this

class includes MedTech, also called ripperdocs if they don't have a "respectable" position.

When people talk about Techies being a playable class, there are a huge portion of people

who believe that this is a very lame and useless class, and when I hear that I must confess

I can't help but laughing.

With love, but, yes.

Let's see who are the techies we saw in the trailer and in the demo?

Yep, the fucking Trauma Team.

Being part of a Trauma Team unit is the dream job of all Techies unless the possibility

of an extraction when you work as a researcher in a megacorporation is not something that

scares you.

And what I'm going to say next is Dogma, and not by the nerd meaning of Dogma but the

religious meaning of Dogma

Repeat with me: the Trauma Team kicks ass.


Not all members of the Trauma Team are techies, you usually have also a Panzerboy and usually a

couple of solos, but still.

All of them kick ass.

Techies are a great class for everything related to fixing, modifying, and crafting, neat little

gadgets like hunter-killer robots or other fantastic and useful devices.

And as Cyberpunk 2077 is going to have a multiclass skill tree, You can be a Techie and be killer

with guns as well, or you can use a cyberlink and take advantage of the marvelous options

that a world full of technology gives you when you're not great with guns and you

want to shoot anyway.

I must confess that, originally, well if you watched my videos you already know, because

I said that plenty of times, the only classes that I was taking for granted that were going

to be playable in the game were solos, netrunners, and cops, but on a second thought I believe

that techies make a lot more sense than cops, especially considering how the community wanted

to have complex crafting mechanics like we had in the Witcher 3,

and this is the ideal class for that.

Then we have the fourth character class: Crystaljoks.

Crystaljoks are some sort of Netrunners that appeared in the supplement Hardwired.

The thing with this supplement is that it's not exactly a supplement of the game, it changes

a lot of things because is like a parallel universe.

In the universe of Hardwired the net doesn't exist as we know it in the standard Cyberpunk timeline,

so Netrunners were adapted to the special needs of this particular universe.

So, rules were changed and also the way of hacking was changed.

After that we got that infamous third edition of Cyberpunk, which although was officially

discontinued for the video game, I had the hope that CD Projekt would take the good parts

of it to implement them into the video game, and I also hoped that we would both agree

in which parts of the third edition were good, that's why you heard me more than once saying

"according to the third edition", and then I had a lot of comments saying

"Are you sure? Isn't third edition discontinued?"

Guess what?

We saw the trailer and RED didn't disappoint on that.

So, according to the third edition, the third edition of Cyberpunk that takes place in 2036

after the 4th Corporate War, this edition changed a lot of things, one of them being

the net, as after the 4th Corporate War it was destroyed.

Third edition netrunners are closer to Crystaljocks than Netrunners in the second.

So, what does this mean?

That we have one playable character class in Cyberpunk 2077 that is Netrunners, which

corresponds to how netrunners were in the second edition, and we have another playable

character class that is Crystaljocks that is how netrunners were in the third edition.

What do netrunners in the third edition do?

Instead of wandering around the net looking for things, Like V did in the demo, they look

for the source, plug themselves into the source and hack it.

The difference between Crystaljocks and the other three character classes in the game

is that this is a base class.

As Cyberpunk 2077 has a multiclass system, you can be a Crystaljock and then choose what

other class to be depending on your gameplay, but no matter how you play there are going

to be several game mechanics that are basic and you'll have to go through them regardless

of your general approach to the game, like hacking people

that is something we saw in the demo.

But hacking people without using the net is a thing that only a very specific character class

knows how to do, so I believe that's the reason why the game gives us a base character class since

the beginning and then another character class depending on the style of gameplay.

And, honestly, it took me a while to add two plus two together, but if crystaljocks are

the netrunners of the third edition, that puts us closer to constructs.

Imagine constructs as a countermeasure if we try to hack a high-level corporate…

I'll order this idea and put it in place and I'll make a video about it.

Well, folks, thanks for watching, I hope you found this information useful and amusing.

Don't forget to take a look at our character class playlist to learn everything about the

character classes in the game, playable or not.

See you in next videos and stay being amazing

For more infomation >> Cyberpunk 2077 - 4 Playable Character Classes (Wait... What?!?) - Duration: 12:32.


Fifty to One - An Ultimate Custom Night Song - Duration: 2:43.

enjoy the video lad

For more infomation >> Fifty to One - An Ultimate Custom Night Song - Duration: 2:43.


Democrats criticize cuts to dental, vision insurance for Kentucky Medicaid recipients - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> Democrats criticize cuts to dental, vision insurance for Kentucky Medicaid recipients - Duration: 1:37.


السلام النفسي ◆ الثقة في النفس ◆ كلام مهم جدا للدكتور طارق السويدان - Duration: 22:52.

For more infomation >> السلام النفسي ◆ الثقة في النفس ◆ كلام مهم جدا للدكتور طارق السويدان - Duration: 22:52.



For more infomation >> REACCION: COREANAS VS. MEXICANAS - Duration: 8:11.


LAW OF ATTRACTION explained by Hans Wilhelm - Duration: 8:05.

Hi I am Hans Wilhelm. Today let's talk about the Law of Attraction. It is one of the most

fundamental laws of the universe which says that "like attracts like" and "unlike

repels unlike". This law rules our entire life, the world around us and all the decisions

we make. You will notice that in almost all of my videos I mention how this law impacts

us and how we can use it.

It begins well before we are born. Our soul is a vibrational energy body that reflects

our current state of consciousness with all its karmic burdens. To incarnate and be attracted

to planet Earth it requires parents - in particular: a mother - who are of similar

vibration. Like attracts like. Therefore, we always choose our parents according to

who we are.

And we also choose everything else in our life according to who we are and what we sense,

feel, think, say, and do. Consciously or unconsciously we are continuously transmitting energies

that attract or repel everyone and everything in our life. After all, all of life is communication

= sending and receiving. It just shows how powerful we are.

The people around us and the circumstances we find ourselves in are all the result of

the Law of Attraction. Again, there are no coincidents. They are in our life because

they represent something about ourselves and have pulled us together through the Law of

Attraction. They resonate with something in us, be it good or bad, positive or negative.

They are mirroring something of ourselves back to us and therefore they a perfect tool

for self-recognition and growth. The outside world reflects what is in us.

For instance, if we are emotionally charged when we see images of war or fighting, then

there is also a war or fighting going on within ourselves. Anything that is emotionally unwanted

in our outer reality is potentially something in us that is not yet healed or loved. Everything

is here to teach us unconditional, unlimited and all-inclusive Love.

So, we have the amazing power to influence the circumstances as well as the choice of

people in our life when we consciously become aware of our sensations, emotions, thoughts,

beliefs, words and actions and then deliberately change them. But before we do that we explore

what messages they have for us and then clear up whatever is negative or unloving in us

and our relationships. That is truly "living in the Now". Having

peaceful thoughts will attract more peace and kinder situations into our world.

Many new age teachers claim that by deliberately using the Law of Attraction to our advantage

we can attract and allow boundless abundance, wealth and happiness such as a grand villa,

a sports car or lots of money. Unfortunately, this doesn't always work out. Because our

intentions are too often based on selfish desires for ourselves and not based on selfless-love

and service for our neighbor. Our Higher Self will not cooperate with the desires of our

ego for pleasure and comfort. The Higher Self has much higher ambitions for us. It knows

life is not about getting, but about becoming. There is much more about it in my video "Why the Secret Didn't Work".

The Law of Attraction also influences our thinking. We usually believe that the thoughts

we are having are our own. But not necessarily so. We can pick up the thoughts from other

people if there is something in us that resonates with these thoughts. The realm of thoughts

is densely populated with free floating thought forms - also called vagabond thoughts - that

hang around us like heavy mud or oil slicks. They can poison and take over our thinking

and lead to creating more negative karma.

And it is not just vagabond thoughts that can poison us. This can also be done by negative

astral entities. All our negativity, vices and weaknesses are potentially portals for

negative energies or entities to be attracted to us according to the Law of Attraction.

They can attach themselves to us and influence and even possess us.

But when we upgrade our vibration through life and love-affirming thinking, speaking

and acting we no longer become a magnet for them. We have that power in us.

Our karma is also subject to the Law of Attraction. Karma is the result of our inability or unwillingness

to solve a problem with love. Whenever we think, say or do something unlovingly it is

not only stored in our soul and body but most of all in the repository planets of identical

frequency of the material and semi-material universes. Like attracts like. When these

constantly moving planets are full or reach a certain position they download our karma

back to us - either in this life time or many life-times later. It may manifest in

many different ways, from an unpleasant sensation or emotion to illness, and blows of fate.

In other words, everybody can only reap in life whatever he himself has sown.

But karma is not necessarily a bad thing. It just shows us how infinitely powerful we

are by having created this situation we are facing. It's a teaching tool to bring us

gently back to love. Through forgiveness, love and service we can speed up our return

Home to the pure Heavens - from where we once came. Because eons and eons ago we left

our spiritual Home - these pure Heavens. We did this through negative and

selfish thinking. It immediately changed our vibration and we could no longer stay in the

high vibration and consciousness of Love and unity. By having changed our vibration, we

ejected ourselves through the Law of Attraction into the far regions of space where we now

incarnate from time to time into the material universe. We became these fallen angels in


Our final test comes at the moment of our transition back into the spiritual world - the

event we commonly call "death" when the soul separates itself from the physical body.

Have we increased the vibration of our soul by having learned our life-lessons and became

more loving in our earthly life time? Or have we squandered our short time here on Earth

by increasing our selfishness. The energy of all our feelings, thoughts, words and actions

throughout the lifetime determine to which spiritual realm our soul will energetically

be drawn to. This follows the law of spiritual gravity which is another word for the Law

of Attraction. Will it be a higher level than we had before our birth or will it be a lower

level? Or will it just be the same level as before with little to no signs of progress.

Luckily most of us are now on our way Home, back to the pure Heavens. But we can only

enter the pure Heavens again if we carry the Heavens in us - which is pure Love - because

like attracts like. Are we ready to use our life time here on Earth to grow in love and


I am looking forward to seeing you in my next video.

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