Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 2 2018

My upcoming video game flapper Tron coming soon

Try talking to Luigi anywhere you are into him which will be nowhere because the we'd use a massive pussy all new filters

That's a that games kind of stealing each other's ideas. I mean Mario has a god damn photo mode now

Oh my god, there's so many updated notifications. What is that even more?

There's a racing helmet when this nose is proper squished in it

Where the hell am I what the fuck if I had the right gay, but I remember this part Oh can ya annoying?

That's me. Scott Schmidt. Yeah

Her husband Archie feels good. Oh there he is. It's my boy. It's Luigi

Okay. Sorry. Sorry, I mean from a high your face. You say Princess Pea, of course. I did. What did you do?

Right. So base is hiding secret with balloons. Oh my god. Where is that balloon? Well, that's definitely not it. We're too far

Guess it must be down here somewhere. I guess the balloon lots of coins for my comedic effect. Is that comedic or comedic?

It's hope in the comment section below is a comedic or comedic. Wait. What do you fucking?

Cheapskate. Oh shit. I don't know. Why do I place my balloon up here?

Here we go. This would jump up here. We're gonna find the best hiding spot ever for my balloon age

I'm gonna hide my balloon right here because I'm a crafty devil. I hope you like balloon world. Shut up Luigi

Let's do Christian because he has a nice logo, and he is a Christian and this channel is Christian friendly. I

Think I found it

Yeah, I found it. I look fucked. Well, I get it. What the fuck?

What the fuck I was

Well the balloon

Easy, I've got this Christian gonna hunt a few coins boy. I'll know the table. Oh, there it is

What that you like hid it in the tree? I'm going for bear. Come on, then bear 75 coins easy, mate

Where's the fucking thing? Oh my god Wow. I

Can't find these balloons bad bad. Gotta bury me man. You taking up my gut that money Luigi what's going on?

How the fuck do I get over there? I

Can't do it

Well, can I yes lads

Yeah, let's go Moomin it was in the same place I'm done with balloon world I swear it's in the same place

God's sake I can't do it

Yes lads, I don't know I didn't know what I just did that I'll spamming all the buttons but

road rage

Fuck you got my way bitch. Oh, she's feet. Hey, babe. Hey, babe. Hablen, Jonah Jonah until I catch a ride


Don't think she's interested to be honest nine nine nine nine for a skeleton suit what

That's marijuana seen in nutshell

For more infomation >> UNFAIR BALLOONS | Luigis Balloon World Gameplay - Duration: 3:16.


Guinea Dad Interview - Duration: 25:41.

hey Scott here Scott his animals so I'm at the guinea pig rescue during Adoption

Day and guess who showed up Guinea dad so I'm gonna see if I can get a little

interview and we can talk to them and see what it's like

being one of the most popular guinea pappas and Guinea Guinea stores out

there all right so I'll see if we can talk to him

we're going back into the back to do a bath look at all of those clean you guys

just did all that oh my gosh that's Angelina Jolie and here we are wearing

the back of the guinea pig rescue with Guinea dad and volunteer Emily and I

thought this would be a really awesome time to kind of ask any dad some

questions and just sort of you know have them on the channel there's a lot of

people out there who who have their guinea pigs on fleece Angelina and

there's a lot of people out there who who have mentioned the guinea dad and

and this stuff out there so when when he came to the rescue dance like wow this

is a great opportunity was funny cuz somebody came and was given a health

check and their pigs were on a guinea dad fleece agini dad cage liner and and

she's like hey that's Kenny then she's like oh my gosh so it's yeah I just

wanted to see maybe ask some questions about what it's like having a guinea pig

business and you know what what just like some of the feedback and and


me Angelina Wow so you you cleaned all of this stuff

this this represents as several hours worth of washing so so Guinea dad what's

your real name my name is Si nice to meet you and and so

how long have you been doing this beginning Guinea dad Wow I wanted to

start something I lhave 3 girls myself

what's the name of that Guinea dad any dad the Instagram page yeah in fact I

think I might be probably following you already did yeah so when so what was

what started it I mean did you oh so I have had two girls one of the girls tofu

she had a conjunctivitis on one of her eyes and we couldn't figure out what was

going on we went to the bed he couldn't hear it out eventually we figured out it

was because of the bedding oh please and I think calm down and also on other part

is everyone needs to remember how you guys need to watch the water bottle

really totally yes because that's where all the germs go lies yes after those

two are taken care of she's completely healed now you know that's why I started

this business Wow and and so what were the signs of the conjunctivitis what

were you seeing right so if you look at the eyes of the movie you see red stuff

popping out like inside the light red stuff oh wow yeah you know covering part

of her oh wow and you can also see like a flaky white stuff around the eye yeah

that's a you know usual sign and once once you got her off of that how long

did it take for it to clear up actually a very long time for

at least at the beginning we went to the vet and he gave us like antibiotic yeah

you know for a couple weeks that doesn't help too much but it helped

at least not grow more yeah right after taking out and taking care of all this

like other potentially germ full stuff yeah then it took about like about three

months to three months okay any pain medicine like during the whole time the

beginning yeah okay Wow and so then you you just put her on fleece and and what

the fleece that you were buying wasn't cutting it you were just started making

your own right so I started using please because of that yeah and we started

making our squeeze because my girls love to borrow yeah and you know it's so

messy like when they burrow under the line above the platform yeah yeah and I

was like there has to be a better way to do this that's all we made a pocket on

the liner so they can burrow but it's still easily manageable okay that's why

one of the reason why we did it and second reason is you know normal voice

like the conjunctivitis virus was caused by bacteria so we wanted something

antibacterial as well that's why for the middle layer we started using bamboo

bamboo yeah and and if you look on the website it's there yeah and then and

that looks really great the bamboo you can see how it how it's like resist the

water does the bamboo absorb water or is it the bamboo absorbs the water please

that's where waters pass through yes dry and the kinetic speed stays right that's

a very important to prevent bumblefoot yeah and bacterial in your growth and

the middle layer is the absorption and the bottom layer is gonna be the

waterproof material so that the urine doesn't go through and make the whole

mess out of there uh-huh so you just started making your own but

like I don't have that skill so I had to you know

a bunch of experts actually have to find sewing experts so you're not you don't

have the apron at home and you're not sewing no more no but you did do some

sewing well yes save your fingers a little bit I bet so so well what made

the jump from you know so did you actually have some made for you just for

your own so Sean here yeah there Sean business partner and other other dad so

I are more of an uncle or Guinea uncle or a Guinea dad Godfather Godfather I

think they're shouting at me let's they might be saying that they

need me back so we might have to continue this in a second but well let's

finish that train of thought real quick the godfather expert all kinds of

manufacturing okay and you guys met in school oh yeah we went to the same

school okay okay so you knew each other from school and

and did you like so but what how does it jump from from like the first prototype

or the first the first one that you put in for for your pigs like so that was

all handmade by me it was very and it wasn't and not for a business just to

make your pigs more comfortable for Toph and at what point you know did you say

these are really nice I could sell these or how did it that's a really great gray

fleece to me I should people showed interest first okay and we were talking

about the fact that they're actually better like they work better they're not

disgusting I mean is it because they look at the pocket it's

already different yeah they're praying them off they're always scared yes

that's something that a lot of people don't understand about guinea pigs even

even when they've had them for a while they say oh you know they're I don't

know why they they run away when I put my hand in you know it's like well it's

the way you're approaching but just in general it's like yeah once they once

they're caught then they're fine but the chase is what really scares them

so someone so who did you sell your first one to so it was one of the

Instagram follower I don't remember her idea at this point but actually there

were three that contact me about it before selling it to them when I when

the first person contacting I was like I'm not selling this I just made it for

my you know my baby yeah and two more people are contacting me I

was like okay maybe I'll make a couple so that like sounds like the bath part

is done and and yeah you have to get back in there well we'll pick this up

because this is very interesting and you know it like really I only heard about

Guinea dad because a lot of people recommended it in comments and some of

my videos and here you hear that name tossed around a lot yeah people are

always looking at please yeah yeah yeah that's awesome okay well we'll pick this

up in a minute okay all right all right we're back with

the Guinea dad and the Guinea Godfather let's see and Sean there's gonna be a

whole like offshoot of like fancy guinea pig suits under the Guinea Guinea

Godfather brand maybe mini fedoras tiny tiny fedoras well we'll see okay so

let's see we want to just pick this up where we left off which was sort of like

yeah how did you go from making the stuff yourself and having people on

Instagram kind of think it's cool to like turning it into an actual business

that is you know guinea pig world-famous but a

lot of people know of Guinea dad yeah I guess I thought you know their apartment

is not always the best okay so the first ones that you sold did you make them by

hand exactly the same way so so so from the very first requests you were like we

got to do this the right way and when the first person who asked you hey can I

buy this you're like I don't have one to sell and they didn't say well can't you

just make me one like you made yourself

because like cause like if you're gonna charge money and and how much did you

charge for that first one the same so it's been the same product from the very

first one it's the same product but it has been upgraded right now we're

selling 2.0 nice and are those those are

bluetooth-enabled that's that's 3.0 3.0 so so but the 2.0 the difference is

water it's completely waterproof or water-resistant okay and that's the

outside the bottom line are okay that's the where I saw the picture of the the

beaded of drop of water well because if you think about most of the other fleece

liners are just sort of handmade just with random fabric from you know the

fabric store and then u-haul pads so like what can you say about those u-haul

pads or did you ever try those yeah that was my first sounds like yeah yeah yeah

been through there

so fabric manufacturer customized everything for us Wow

so you bring Shawn in I guess so what so you you guys so you get the first

requests for orders and you're like you can come together and then make it so

you get the first requests for orders and then you're like I'm in over my head

I need the Godfather and my and so and so she's on your experience like like

and what kind of stuff have you made before guinea pig liners all kinds of

cool and you've just been doing that through school during school and after

graduation so how long after you guys grad so you knew each other in school

during undergrad one that I was in in Chicago that's my graduate

okay undergrad

okay so you guys reconnected and you're like we've got to make Guinea Guinea the

guinea pig world better we got to increase improve the lives of guinea

pigs our slogan there's a lot of dirty dirty guinea pig butts out there what's

the slogan that's your mission yeah and and that's the thing because you guys

volunteer every Saturday and you know you guys were here and you know as soon

as I heard Guinea dad it was like whoa you know you guys are pretty famous in

the guinea pig world a lot of people recommend your stuff love your products

and as I said most of the stuff that's made is just kind of homemade stuff

we've got a couple great volunteers Valerie from Valerie Zoo she makes some

really cool like cuddle sacks and and Heidi's like little fleece things like

that but yeah the most of the stuff is handmade and it's not you know people

aren't like how can we improve this how can we make this you know the best thing

it can be people just sort of like take the conventional wisdom and just you

know they just sew it up and and you know there hasn't been much improvement

but yeah the Heidi pocket the way you're talking about their prey animals it's

something that a lot of people don't you know they're trying to figure out how

can I get the guinea pig to do what I want

rather than reinforcing their own behavior how can I get the guinea pig to

be tamer rather than like where can I give them a place to hide because that's

they really want

something they want to do you want to see their behavior

and try to see how how you can help them

you don't want to stop them from

yeah so you have a YouTube channel it's all Guinea dad and and and it's would

you say on like cuz the the culture of each social media is different right so

like on YouTube your videos are more focused on how to use the products and

that kind of thing and then on Instagram is it is it just like a lot of photos of

tofu or so those are your three for three pigs and and those those are three

girls three girls and they lives together in a what size three by six a

three by six so that that actually makes me then start to think about so you have

liners do they come in specific sizes um I have to admit that my pigs are on pine

but the way you were talking about the conjunctivitis it gets me nervous it

makes me want to you know really I you know pick my pigs up every day and keep

a really good eye on them but it definitely has me concerned I'm gonna

keep a closer eye on them but do you have fleece liners for all different

sizes or or how does that work

we have 2 by 1 to 2 by 2 2 by 3 and 2 by 4 those are pore sizes and we also have

one for Midwest line so for you and your huge cage do you just take two of yours

and sort of overlap them or and you just line them up the other way okay cool

that's that's pretty awesome um so yeah I mean you know I almost thought like if

I turned it on live you know it would just be hundreds of people like asking

you questions like oh when's this what's what's next what's this so I'll try to

be that voice for those people and I apologize because you know believe it or

not we've got to do some guinea pig work here you guys have already washed a

hundred bottles you guys are already way up on me I've I've only helped a couple

couple adoptions but what's on the horizon

what's what's coming up next how are you going to improve what sir what's the

slow the the motto that the mission healthy so what is the plan for how can

can you get them to live their lives to the fullest what's next

first problem that's the movie stop their line I will be a little bit of a

toy okay yeah what what do you call it like beta

yeah beta testing period where people can subscribe

oh boy and they can so wait they subscribe and you send them you send

them an actual test so for the liner you would send them a test liner but so

that's done so just for this so for the next phase so further so and what is the

first toy did you top-secret still but is there a way that they can sign up now

is their mailing list or they sign up now and say hey whatever small

percentage yeah so get in there quick that's that's pretty exciting

tips on givin me give them your email that way you you get the first crack in

Guinea dad calm that's awesome I'm sure I'm sure people will definitely be doing

that but wait till the weights at the end of the video first what was I gonna

say oh I was gonna say I know what the first product is but I'm not gonna tell

there's got to be some perks of you know working at the guinea pig rescue so I'll

be quiet I won't no matter how much Timothy hey people offer me I won't I

won't reveal the secret but I'm gonna sign up too and maybe I'll get to be one

of those first test testers okay so yeah new products but okay so what about

positive feedback or feedback in general what are people saying and and do you

take that feedback and then use that to evolve right now so we took all that do

you mind saying what some of that negative feedback was so there used to

be water resistant not waterproof layer so we fell for that before so it was

some urine was leaking so we change that into completely waterproof later

so it's completely doesn't matter how much water you Wow

we have a video on that too that's cool well let's see alright well you know

what I'm gonna put it right here Bing we'll see how long that technology

actually lasts for cuz I'm like pointing and poking and videos are flying back

and forth but you know who knows in like six months YouTube's gonna be like we're

not doing that anymore so I'll post a link to your videos in this description

as well as we'll have them in the info as long as that lasts I like doing that

it's fun because you know you always bring up something that has to do with

something else so those are some of the negative feedback whatwhat about

positive feedback I mean do you have a lot of repeat customers or people what

are people saying

that's a good so have you guys so who runs the store and is that Sean on the

internet stuff yeah I'm the CEO yeah see oh oh

that's what we cool so so where do you get where do you buy Guinea dad stuff

Amazon so I can check out the reviews they're awesome so yeah it's and if

you're gonna buy on Amazon then make sure you do it through the smile dot

Amazon hat that if you type in smile Amazon then it actually allows you to

bend to donate to charity so every a portion of the proceeds from the sale go

to a charity and the L a guinea pig rescue

maybe it's under L a pet rescue but so if you buy Guinea dad stuff on Amazon

through smile then then the L a guinea pig rescue would actually see some

benefit I'm not sure exactly what it is but so smiles always a cool tip I had to

had to take this opportunity to say hi and to you know let everybody out there

get a chance to find out more I'm actually excited to post this video and

see all the comments if you're like oh I've got ten ten liners I've got this

I've got that so yeah I guess we'll just wrap it up but yeah yeah and thank you

guys so si and Sean beginning the guinea dad

and the guinea Godfather thank you very much thanks for watching guys

For more infomation >> Guinea Dad Interview - Duration: 25:41.


Stupid driving mistakes 228 (July 2018 English subtitles) - Duration: 14:27.

Trash can. What happened? over there

he damaged the car with his garbage? Yes, I think so

compulsion be a stuntman


train of idiot . so they call in Russia a similar type of crash

joy and consequences of high-speed driving

Fortunately the driver was not injured

false start

What about him? mixed the pedals?

yourbunny you wrote!

Call a road patrol?


what is it? air suspension?

caress truck

Argentina. The driver went to heaven, a passenger to the hospital

USA Wilmington


op, some confusion brakes! I hope he did not notice?

Uncle thick skin, he did not notice, we must run away! Give way!

well that he did not run off to the side

white van syndrome

Romania. Two in the oncoming car went to heaven


Czech Republic or Slovakia?

damaged 6 car, no one went to heaven

This minivan is called a "loaf"

the rider is a little dented but alive and well

passengers loaf, too, a little dented


oh mommy

oh fell. with a shield to bite on the head to give unpleasant sensations to the fullest

it's very dangerous, of course.

Pizda - Obscene means women's important fascinating bodies but it matters "an epic bad situation" means almost the same as Pizdez

for my favorite car (chetyrochka (Lada 14)) come pizda times

damn hailstorm suka blyat!

Here is rареd by an excavator, substance! I hate it!

very bad, for the sake of the bunnywrote blyat!

pzda pzda pzda Chetyrochka! my love, you are very ill

suka yourbunny blyat wrote!

here such a heavenly turd fell from the sky


Well, how so blyat ?! God, why? suka!

arr blyat!

invisible post


go away! Oleg shoot the video (the man in the frame is the ex-husband of the driver of the car and he wants to take his daughter)

go away! open the door


do not shout. moron


this is my daughter

come with me

he did not go to paradise, and his leg will be repaired to him. The driver apparently also was drunk after football

change your seat

keep the window, good luck to you

a guy can not succumb to a woman?? No, because he's a boor

he is a snotty boor

man in the background: I do not want to interfere in your war

Attention, the doors are closing next stop is Zayarska Street

Dear passengers, be mutually polite. Give place to the elderly, disabled people and passengers with children

and follow the trolleybus in the cabin clean and tidy

happy trip

Who among you will give way first?

Attention, the doors are closing next stop - Gorlovskaya Street

For more infomation >> Stupid driving mistakes 228 (July 2018 English subtitles) - Duration: 14:27.


Ed Patrick - Man Overboard (Lyrics in CC) - Duration: 3:35.

Wild winds can't stop me now

I am without a doubt

Slip sliding,


With all that you are

I'm in,

you win

This is the start

Man Overboard

Miles from the shore

Doing my best not to be found out

No-one will find me

Under the high seas

Of your heart

Flares fly up above

Searchlights just for us

Slip sliding,


Dancing in the dark

I'm in,

you win

This is the start

Man Overboard

Miles from the shore

Doing my best not to be found out

No-one will find me

Under the high seas

Of your heart

Man Overboard

Miles from the shore

Doing my best not to be found out

No-one will find me

Under the high seas

Of your heart

For more infomation >> Ed Patrick - Man Overboard (Lyrics in CC) - Duration: 3:35.


The Real Reason Applebee's Is Struggling - Duration: 4:27.

Applebee's has been a staple of casual dining since it first opened its doors in 1980.

The chain's success peaked in the early 2000s, hitting 1,500 locations and expanding into

international markets, including Ecuador , Chile, and Jordan.

It also added healthier options to its menu, and launched its Carside To-Go service.

But according to Business Insider, Applebee's closures have been on the rise since 2016

and the chain continues to report declining sales and continuing struggles, thanks in

part to millennial shifts to fast-casual dining, and at-home cooking.

So what's going on with this former favorite neighborhood hangout?

Here's the real reason Applebee's is struggling.

Millennial pass

It's no secret that what we eat is constantly evolving.

And thanks to millennials, how we eat has also changed.

In 2016, Applebee's launched what Business Insider called a "comprehensive business transformation"

designed to update the chain for the new generation of diners.

Locations were redesigned, kitchens were overhauled, and the menu looked completely different.

In 2015, HuffPost reported Applebee's would be rebranding as a "millennial bar," adding

trendy options like brisket nachos and sweet potato fries.

At the time, brand president John Cywinski told Fortune,

"While we certainly hope to extend our reach, we can't alienate Boomers or Gen-Xers in the


But by 2017, Applebee's execs were facing the brutal truth that not only had they failed

to get millennials in the door, they had changed so much that their core customer base was

suddenly no longer interested.

Average grub

In a world where rock star chefs, #foodpron, YouTube mukbangs, and culinary TV shows are

king, Applebee's hasn't stepped up their game to compete.

Consumer Affairs customer reviews for the chain topped out at a pretty sad 1.5 stars

as of June 2018.

Bad reviews may be keeping some young diners away, but there's also the lack of social

media excitement about the chain's food.The Detroit News noted in August 2017 that there's

just not much on the Applebee's menu that looks great on the 'Gram.

Just take this photo of the Southwestern Steak Salad from late 2017 a perfect example of

how the menu might look appetizing, but the real life dish doesn't always measure up.

Not mixing it up

The Detroit News suggests one more piece of the fail-puzzle is that every Applebee's in

the U.S. has the exact same menu and while consistency can be great, it can also be a

huge downfall in a market where "local" means everything.

The chain has no special menu to spotlight popular regional offerings.

Which is kind of ironic, considering it's called the "Neighborhood Bar & Grill."

Everyone already knows exactly what there is to choose from and that means there's no

incentive to try a new location.

Caloric overload

Every year, the Center for Science in the Public Interest hands out their Xtreme Eating

Awards and it's not an award anyone wants.

Applebee's was given the top spot in 2016 for their Build Your Sampler platter.

It's customizable, but the worst version you can create packs a whopping 3,390 calories

and a shocking 11,650 mg of sodium.

The American Heart Association recommends that adults ideally eat 1,500 mg of salt per

day, max.

But even healthier menu options can be tricky.

Order the innocent-looking Oriental Grilled Chicken Salad, and you're downing 1,310 calories

and 2,230 mg of sodium.

That leaves us hungry for someplace else.

Social media boycott

In 2013, the company ran into trouble with fans, when an Applebee's server posted a picture

of a receipt with no tip and the customer's comment: "I give God 10 percent, why do you

get 18?"

Not cool, but what really set off the chaos was Applebee's firing of the waitress who

posted the pic, claiming she had violated her contract.

But the internet was having none of it.

The entire fiasco earned more than 20,000 comments, with thousands of people calling

for a boycott of the chain.

Allegations of harassment

According to Vox, Applebee's and sister company IHOP have had more than 60 workers file sexual

harassment lawsuits in federal courts between 2010 and 2018.

Individual franchise owners were named in the lawsuits, brought by workers who claimed

to have been the victims of everything from lewd comments, to threats they would be fired

if they didn't comply with sexual advances.

Applebee's released official statements attempting to distance themselves from the perceived

abusive work environment.

But since most claims are handled privately by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission,

it's impossible to tell how many people have actually come forward.

Here's hoping Applebee's can turn it around, in the near future.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Mashed icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus, check out this other cool stuff we know you'll love too!

For more infomation >> The Real Reason Applebee's Is Struggling - Duration: 4:27.


Hayley Kiyoko Reacts to a Cover of Her Song 'Sleepover' 🎶 | Critique My Cover | TRL - Duration: 7:15.

- Hey, guys!

It's Hayley Kiyoko.

I just heard Marissa did a cover of Sleepover

and this is so cool, we are about to Skype her

and I am going to critique her cover.

♪ Come on let's sleep in my bed ♪

♪ Can I just be in my head with you ♪

(phone ringing)

I'm nervous.

- Hey! - Hello?

Hi, Marissa!

How are you?

- How are you?

- Are you at a park?

- I am not.

I'm actually at a community college.

- Oh, what community college do you go to?

- Montgomery County.

I don't go anymore but I did like it here.

- Oh, you're at the community college.

- Yes.

- (laughs) Got it.

Well, it's so nice to meet you.

- [Marissa] You too.

- This is gonna be so cool.

I'm at MTV right now.

- Mm-hmm.

- And I'm about to watch your cover Sleepover

for the first time.

- Yes!

That's one of the songs I related most to.

You just remember being in high school,

liking your best friend and here are my emotions now.


- Are you nervous?

- Yes.

- Are you ready?

- I am.

- Okay.

I'm not, I'm nervous.

Okay, here we go.

(strumming guitar)

This is so exciting.

(strumming guitar)

♪ I don't want to talk about it ♪

♪ I don't want to think about it ♪

♪ I'm just feeling low, feeling low ♪

Okay, sorry.

We have to pause this.

I'm freaking out because I remember,

I watched your Gravel to Tempo cover.

- You did, yes!

- You were like a baby!

- I was.

It was a couple years ago. (laughs)

- Oh my gosh!

I'm a big fan!


How old are you now?

- 21.

- Yeah, your hair's different.

- Yes, I shaved--

- Okay, sorry.

I had to like, now I remember you.

- Yes.

- And I'm obsessed.

This is, we're best friends.


♪ Even when you're next to me ♪

♪ It's not the way I'm picturing ♪

♪ And I'm just feeling low, feeling low ♪

♪ You wanna be friends forever ♪

♪ I could think of something better ♪

♪ I'm just feeling low, feeling low ♪

When I do my shows, everyone is singing

every lyric for every song.

I think it always blows me away

because everyone is connecting to the lyrics differently.

- Usually when I'm at concerts, what makes me cry the most

is when I turn around and watch the audience

singing back to the artist.

How does it feel to be onstage, knowing you wrote this song

and hearing every single person sing the song back to you?

- It's emotional.

It's definitely emotional.

One person's crying, one person's laughing,

one person's in their head.

Again, just knowing that people are relating to the lyrics.

- Mm-hmm.

- And feel the way I feel is really special.

♪ Sleeping here right next to me ♪

♪ But will you ever mess with me ♪

♪ No ♪

♪ At least I got you in my head ♪

♪ Oh, yeah ♪

- Oh, I love it.

It sounds so sad!

This is one of my favorite songs just 'cuz I feel like

Sleepover was my whole experience in school.

- Yeah.

- And just kind of dreaming and wishing and wanting

and so I love it.

It's so great.

♪ My head ♪

♪ Sleepovers in my bed ♪

You've got such a great voice.

- Thank you.

♪ At least I got you in my head ♪

♪ My head ♪

♪ My head ♪

- So when I started writing music, this is how I did it.

I was just sitting on my floor like this playing guitar.

- Yeah.

- And so it's so cool to hear these songs

that I've produced in a studio

and to just hear it broken down

how I used to write my music.

- Yeah.

- Just on the guitar.

♪ At least I got you in my head ♪

♪ Got you in my head ♪

(strumming guitar)

Do you write your own music?

- I do.

My dreams are to probably record some, maybe.

- That's awesome.

- Make a little album (laughs).

- [Hayley] Yeah!

- Yeah.

- You need to do that.

It's a really good experience to just get in the studio

because once you get in the studio,

your sound starts to evolve

so I think you getting in the studio and experimenting

with loops and harmony and all those things,

it's gonna really make you blossom as a songwriter.

- Yeah, definitely.

- Do you have any questions for me?

- How does it feel to know that so many queer people

look up to you, especially queer youth?

- I don't know, it's interesting 'cuz for me,

I've always been myself and you don't see

a lot of that representation in the mainstream

and so, just to be able to meet people across the country

that feel the way I feel is really validating.

- Yeah.

- And so, it gives me purpose and it makes me really happy.

- There aren't very many people

that are Asian-American queer in the music industry.

- Yeah.

- So I was wondering how that, I don't know, impacts you?

There are so many cis white men in the industry

and how it feels knowing that you stand out?

- I think the hardest part for me

is really getting that respect from other people,

especially singing about women.

So that's been hard, just letting people understand

that it's not a concept and it's a part of my life.

As far as just being half Japanese,

I think that it's exciting

because there are few artists that are Asian-American.

- Yeah.

- And so it's nice to, I don't know, meet people like you

and hopefully you're like, "Oh, I can do this."

I think we all just need to see someone do it

to prove that it's possible.

- All right, thank you.

- Marissa, it was so nice to meet you.

Good luck with everything.

Keep doing what you're doing

and come see one of my shows soon.

- I want to thank you so much for listening to my cover.

It meant so much to me.

- You're welcome.

Thank you!

All right, bye Marissa!

- See ya.

- So cute!

I watched her videos like so long ago.

She's all grown up!


Thank you guys for having me.

My name is Hayley Kiyoko and let's do this again.

For more infomation >> Hayley Kiyoko Reacts to a Cover of Her Song 'Sleepover' 🎶 | Critique My Cover | TRL - Duration: 7:15.


Envion Ionic Pro 90IP01TA01W Turbo Ionic Air Purifier Review! Envion Ionic Pro Turbo Air Purifier?++ - Duration: 4:01.

Envion Ionic Pro 90IP01TA01W Turbo


Air Purifier Review

Envion Ionic Pro 90IP01TA01W Turbo Ionic Air Purifier Review

Envion Ionic

Pro 90IP01TA01W Turbo Ionic Air

Purifier Review

Envion Ionic Pro 90IP01TA01W Turbo Ionic Air Purifier Review

For more infomation >> Envion Ionic Pro 90IP01TA01W Turbo Ionic Air Purifier Review! Envion Ionic Pro Turbo Air Purifier?++ - Duration: 4:01.


Girls moaning loud 💨 Orgasm #6 - Sound Effect (HD) - Duration: 0:18.

Subscribe this Channel!

For more infomation >> Girls moaning loud 💨 Orgasm #6 - Sound Effect (HD) - Duration: 0:18.


How do I get professional photography for my dropshipping store? - Duration: 4:06.

Hey, it's David with Oberlo, and it's question time!

This week we're answer the question: "How do I get professional-looking photos for my

dropshipping store?"

This is a great question, because your product photos are vital to your success in dropshipping.


Well, as a dropshipper, you will always be competing with other businesses selling the

exact same products as you.

And having unique professional photos of your products is one of the best ways to differentiate

your brand.

Okay, but how do you get high quality photos for your store?

Well, there are three main methods.

Find existing photos online and edit them, Have a professional service take them for

you, or…

Take new product photos yourself.

Here at Oberlo, we recommend that you order a product for yourself, and take your own


The added benefit to this is that you can check the product's quality and test it

out for yourself.

But, let's take a quick look at each of the three options.

First, you can find the photos of your products online, and then edit them for your store.

If you're using Oberlo with Shopify, it's extremely easy to add the existing product

images to your store.

You can then download these images to edit them.

Or, use Shopify's built-in image editor.

This lets you crop or resize the image, change the lighting, add text, and more.

Now, you might be thinking, "That's great David, but how can I remove the watermarks?"

Firstly, we wouldn't recommend that you do.

If an image is watermarked, it's almost certainly copyrighted.

In which case, you don't have the right to use the image at all.

But, if you reach out and get permission to use the image first, there are ways that you

can remove the watermark.

You could use professional editing software like Photoshop.

Or, you can download a program like which makes it relatively easy to do.

This program is $19.99.

Or, you could visit a site like Fiverr, or Upwork to find an photo editor to do it for


Lastly, you might also want to change the image so it has a plain white background.

Again, you can do this with a tool like Photoshop, or a free online alternative like

There are links to all of these resources below in the description.

Now, if you'd prefer to create unique images, you could choose…

Option 2: Send your products to a professional photography service.

A quick Google search will present many of these services.


This service makes professional product photography a breeze.

You simply ship them your product, and they take the pictures, and edit them.

Plus, you don't pay anything until you've approved your new product photos.

If you order over 31 photos, the cost is $15 dollars a photo.

Alternatively, you could visit to find a service to help you.

But, if you don't have the budget for a professional service, or you just want to

test out the products yourself, you could go with...

Option 3: Take Your Own Photos This is the option we recommend.

It's a great way to create images unique to your specific brand.

Simply order one of your products, and then get to work!

There are a few big benefits here: First off, it forces you to order your products, which

gives you a chance to interact with suppliers, to evaluate the packaging, and to gauge shipping


Your own photos are also nice because nobody else has them.

This makes your website, your product pages and your advertisements stand out from the


And if you've seen some of the default product photos out there, you know that you don't

necessarily want to be part of the crowd.

Finally, having your own product photos will prevent people from identifying your suppliers.

As you may know, Google Images has a feature that lets you upload photos, and then Google

will tell you where the photos came from.

So someone could very easily reverse engineer where you are getting your products.

Using your own photos gives you that extra bit of secrecy and prevents your competition

from scoping out your suppliers.

If you're ready to try your hand at being a shutterbug, the Oberlo blog has TONS of

content about how to create compelling product photos – we've dropped some links in the

comments below.

And, if you have a question about dropshipping, let us know in the comments below!

We check the comments every day, and would love to answer your question in our next video.

Thanks for watching, and if you'd like to see more videos like this, be sure to hit

the subscribe button, and turn on the notification bell.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> How do I get professional photography for my dropshipping store? - Duration: 4:06.


MediEvil #4 - Perdido no jogo e cada vez mais difícil. ( PT-BR, legendei diálogos ) - Duration: 19:03.

For more infomation >> MediEvil #4 - Perdido no jogo e cada vez mais difícil. ( PT-BR, legendei diálogos ) - Duration: 19:03.


All About Secrets (秘果) - Episode 8 [Eng Subs] | Chinese Drama - Duration: 35:04.

For more infomation >> All About Secrets (秘果) - Episode 8 [Eng Subs] | Chinese Drama - Duration: 35:04.


USA OWNS LOTS OF GUNS, Kalifornia Key to Compliance, Gemtech is DEAD? - TGC News! - Duration: 11:43.

This week on TGC News, Guns behind every blade of grass, a new Cali-Compliant solution for

AR's and Gemtech, as we know it, is dead.

Welcome back to another episode of TGC News, the only gun news show that covers things

you actually care about, my name is Jon Patton.

Before we get cracking, I just want to let all of you know that our Patreon giveaway

gun got turned up a notch this month.

Since we are doing a Ruger American in 6.5 Creedmoor, our friends at MDT offered to throw

in one of their chassis systems to sweeten the deal.

We'll be featuring the gun in an upcoming accuracy comparison video but if you want

find out more, head over to

Now, the news.

Our first story this week will make you beat your chest and say Merica.

According to FBI statistics, for the last 8 months, from October 2017 to May of 2018,

there have been over 2 million background checks called into the NICS system.

16 MILLION background checks and 11.3 MILLION of those happened since the beginning of 2018.

Gun ownership is strong in this country.

It should come as no surprise then, that according to a new study done by Small Arms Survey,

the American public owns approximately 87 times more firearms than the US military.

They are saying that the US populace has about 393.3 million firearms.

And according to a different study they did, the US military has about 4.5 million firearms.

Now, this data is likely not 100 percent accurate but even if its close, that is some really

cool data.

Think of it this way, at those numbers, there is one 1.2 firearms in the US, privately owned,

for every single person in the country.

Yes, that includes gun grabbers.

Now obviously that's not saying everyone in the country owns a gun but it is pretty wild

to consider that we could literally arm every single person in the country.

Now consider how much ammunition is contained within our borders.

I think the most interesting thing about this data is that even though we have enough firearms

to arm the entire country, crimes with firearms dont increase at the same rate as firearms



What do you guys think about these studies?

Are they worth taking into account when discussing gun stats in the US or is there no way for

them to be accurate enough for your needs?

And in Communist California news, there is another really interesting part designed for

those of you in Cali to deal with the ridiculous legislation that has come down over the last

few years.

At this point I'm struggling to keep up with the massive list of things that you're not

allowed to have in California.

Well this thing claims to allow you to avoid removing all of that stuff, your pistol grips,

collapsible stocks, vertical grips and flash hiders and whatever other nonsense has been

banned in the last 5 minutes in california.

How do they do this?

Well the product is called the Kali Key and its made by a company called JL Billet.

It is essentially a replacement for your charging handle and the gas key on your BCG combined

into one part that turns your rifle into a bolt action.

You take off the gas key and replace it with the kali key.

No other modifications required.

I was curious to see what would happen with the gas tube because it looked like the Kali

Key and the gas tube might interfere and hit.

Well, it actually has a cut-out to allow gas to come towards the side of the receiver,

in the forward portion of the Kali Key.

Not sure how much that might affect blow back to the shooter but in their promo videos it

doesn't look bad at all.

Now, the biggest downside to this thing that I can think of is the fact that if you want

to shoot quickly, you are racking the gun every single round.

But I suppose you might become a boss at malfunction clearing.

Either way, like I've said before here, the crazy laws that come up in california and

other states drive innovation and this is no different.

The price?

75 bucks.

I suppose that's the toll to keep all of your other trinkets on your rifle intact.

What do you guys think of this thing?

We have a huge audience in California so sound off and let me know if you guys would sacrifice

the semi auto functionality in order to keep the other parts.

Gemtech as we know it, is dead.

Now, what I'm about to tell you isn't in a press release or anything of the sort.

This is information from the source and as far as I know, they've made effort to keep

things quiet.

This all started in July of 2017.

We talked about the Smith and Wesson/American Outdoor Brands acquisition of Gemtech as well

as the following lawsuit where Gemtech sued Big Blue for killing a potentially massive

sale and then the subsequent dismissal of that lawsuit based on location.

It's been kind of a mess.

Well, on June 27th, the management of American Outdoor Brands or AOB called a surprise meeting

with the few remaining Gemtech employees.

We all know where this is heading.

Essentially the employees were told that they have approximately 6-9 months left before

the brand is moved to Springfield Massachusetts and that they will no longer be employed.

They were offered severance packages and pretty much told sorry about your luck, the industry

is down and blah blah blah.

This reminds me of what happened with AAC several years back when they were acquired

by Remington/Freedom Group.

A big company came in and everyone hoped it would take the brand to a new level.

Where is AAC now?

Struggling to compete in a market they helped to create.

I hope that big blue has a plan to keep this brand going because the last thing I think

we all want to see is another great brand crushed by corporate America.

As always, Time will tell.

This week on our Good Guy with A Gun segment, we are transported to Memphis Tennessee on

the evening of June 1st.

As a unnamed homeowner was arriving home, he noticed that his dog was going crazy in

its cage, and realized that someone was in the home and he was being robbed.

He decided to enter and it was at that point that the 2 people inside noticed him and started

panicking and drew their guns.

The homeowner was able to get to a hall closet and grab his AK47 and proceed to defend his


It was at that point that he opened fire and killed both men.

He later stated that he did regret the fact that they died but he said it was either me

or them.

And in that equation we all know that self preservation wins every time.

It's time for more Friendly Fire, the segment where I answer your questions from all over

social media.

The questions are coming from the TGC Patriots over on our patreon page.

Well that's kinda tough because there really aren't a ton out there.

I really like the 50 beowulf I built as my first AR, I really think the Barrett 50bmg

rifles are a riot to shoot and I have this 500 automax that just came in for testing

that could be something awesome too.

You're asking me to pick my favorite child haha.

That's a damn good question.

It blows my mind that there are still shops out there with dudes behind the counter saying

things like "that gun you want to buy belongs in the trash" or simply pretending like the

choices they've made in their lives are the only good ones to make.

Gun owners are not one skin color or sex or sexual orientation or political party member

or education level, so why treat customers like they are?

Good question man.


And hey, if you want to ask a friendly fire question, send it to me over on!

That is it for this week's show.

Guys if you disliked this video, hit that button, if you liked it, hit like, get subscribed

and consider supporting us via the links in the video description below.

We have a new amazon affiliate store as well as a link to purchase cool shirts just like

this one and of course links to find us all over your favorite social media platforms!

And as always, thank you all for watching, we'll see you soon.

For more infomation >> USA OWNS LOTS OF GUNS, Kalifornia Key to Compliance, Gemtech is DEAD? - TGC News! - Duration: 11:43.


Beytuber Brawl : My First WBO Beyblade Burst Tournament Battles - Duration: 10:57.

hi guys welcome to the Blast Zone as you can see I'm still in New York City after the

Beytuber Brawl I'm gonna show you some highlights from the Beytuber Brawl my

battles are so crazy I thought it was gonna win but my hell salamander it's

really key T so yeah before we get into that this month I'm giving away to

revive Phoenix's so be sure to subscribe check out the roles and the details in

the description below stick around for my last battle because it was really


Theo's baby a110 you anyone I'm starting one egg later will do

yeah but the palm if you get this thing just friction driver this uh what's it

called rubber on the edge it literally does nothing I was battling with it and

I could never get no I don't know because it's fully made out of palm so

maybe it'll have some like use because it's a round palm driver but besides

that I don't envy and one better and see you later

t1 vapor Halen ha ha ha excellent laters present your plates to each other

excellent job three two one go

excellent launches by the way

round one goes to naked c32

right now it's been finished Nathan c220 all right ready three two

one go

eighty-three we're going to lay that master always wet inside up there

forever and still be active

three right now and L very day of three reinhabit l bear opinion three Nathan

with a320 sweet guys shake hands that was an awesome battle

I'm doing for this ice city event my fault

high speed in tenth place okay

- one two three eight tubes

can I get a train this is whimpers - the baby's neck she trains with her - Jacob

stick a train this is wit birth - they insist

laterz ready

for how's it going oh my god

I can feel that it's a little different this time because me revive Phoenix's

parts three two one go shoot


patiently final call final all family

thank you so much for watching my bait SuperBrawl highlights my guides have fun

For more infomation >> Beytuber Brawl : My First WBO Beyblade Burst Tournament Battles - Duration: 10:57.



Hey everybody this is Randy Santel 'Atlas' with Atlas & Zeus Promotions and

proud owner of! Very very excited because it is the final day

of the trip! I'm going for win number 60 of the trip which is awesome and overall

win number 541 I am again in San Jose, California I am at Mori Kitchen and I'm

taking on their Ramen Challenge! Now I've got 25 short minutes to finish this

thing, if I fail it's going to be $29 but if I win I'll get the meal free I'll get

a sweet t-shirt and I'll be the sixth person up on the wall of fame, joining my

friend Dr. Ramsey the Mantis Hilton let's get this challenge started!

All right like I said I'll be the sixth person to finish this thing if I do in

out of many many attempts! It looks awesome! we've got pork on top we've got

all the ramen noodles below we've got bamboo here we've got green

onions we've got mushrooms we've got iodine filled seaweed

let's get eating! Let's get it down! It's the last challenge of the trip so let's

dominate then we got to get to the San Francisco Airport. 1, 2, 3. . .Boom!

Alright broth is required too, if it's too hot I'll add ice.

The pork was delicious, very tender and succulent now let's get all these

noodles now!

Leave no doubt! Five minutes and 28 seconds for the Ramen Challenge here at

Mori kitchen in San Jose California that was freaking awesome! I got the $29 meal

for free I'll get a sweet t-shirt to add to my collection, which is one of many

that I've won during this awesome trip! and I'll be the sixth person on the wall

of fame! Finally number 60 of our tour! Had an awesome time all over Australia

Singapore, New Zealand, and Chicago and now San Francisco! Thank you to Mori

Kitchen, thank you guys all thanks for everyone who's followed our tour, it was

overall win number 541 thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Giant JAPANESE RAMEN CHALLENGE in CALIFORNIA!! - Duration: 4:07.


Top 10 Scary Prison Tattoos And What They Mean - Duration: 5:09.

How's it going all of you most amazing top 10ers?

I'm your host Landon Dowlatsingh and welcome back to another most amazing top 10 video.

Before we get started I want to know, what do you think is the worst possible crime to


Prison tattooing is a tradition that has been around for a very long time.

Instead of looking beautiful, prison tattoos contain intricate and interesting meanings.

So here are the top 10 most common prison tattoos and what they mean.

Starting us off in at number 10 we have The Cobweb.

If you see an inmate with a cobweb tattoo on their elbow, it means that they are serving

a long prison sentence.

The tattoo is commonly found on the elbow because it signifies that the inmate has been

sitting around for so long that a spider made a web.

It also signifies criminals trapped behind bars.

Number 9 takes us over to The letter M. Inmates with tattoos of the letter M usually signify

that they are in the Mexican Mafia.

This is a huge prison gang that has members all over the country.

The Mexican Mafia has a lot of power both on the street and in the prison system.

Dagger through the neck pierces its way into number 8.

In Russian prisons, a dagger across the shoulders and through the neck is probably one of the

most infamous and scary tattoos in the prison system.

It signifies that the person has killed someone in prison and is available for hire.

So, guards should watch this person more closely and if you see it on someone, stay far far


Next in at number 7 we have the Aryan Brotherhood.

This prison gang makes up one percent of the inmate population but they are responsible

for 20 percent of the murders inside of the US prison system.

So when prison guards see this tattoo, they know who they are dealing with.

The Aryan brotherhood gang has other tattoos to look out for too such as AB or the swastika.

Five-point crown makes it into number 6.

This is the symbol of the Latin Kings gang which is one of the biggest Hispanic gangs

in America.

Sometimes the crown will have the letters ALKN with it which stands for Almighty Latin

Kings Nation.

Now in at number 5 are Three dots.

This is a very common prison tattoo that represents "mi Vida loca" which means my crazy life.

This tattoo is mostly found on the hands or around the eyes and although it's not associated

with any gangs, in particular, it is associated with a gang lifestyle.


dots makes its way into number 4.

This tattoo is very different from the three-dot

tattoo because this one represents the amount of time done in prison.

It is also known as the quincunx with the four dots on the outside representing four

walls and the fifth dot on the inside representing the prisoner.

Next up in at number 3 is Barbed wire.

This is a pretty common tattoo in Russia.

If a prisoner has the barbed wire across their forehead, it usually means that he has a life

sentence without the possibility of parole.

But barbed wire tattoos done in other countries can mean signify the number of years that

a person has served in prison.

The clock with no hands comes into number 2.

This tattoo has an obvious meaning.

It represents someone doing a lot of time.

A lot of inmates with lengthy sentences will get this tattoo on their wrist with watch

straps and all.

Finally in at number 1 is The teardrop.

This is probably one of the most widely recognized prison tattoos out there.

The teardrop has different meanings from around the world.

In some places, this tattoo can mean a lengthy prison sentence or in other places, it could

mean that the inmate committed murder.

If you see an outline of a teardrop it could mean that the inmate attempted murder or it

can also mean that one of the inmate's friends was murdered and that they are seeking revenge.

Well, there you guys have it…

For more infomation >> Top 10 Scary Prison Tattoos And What They Mean - Duration: 5:09.


Dance Moms: Zack's Solo - "Resuscitation" (Season 3) | Lifetime - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Dance Moms: Zack's Solo - "Resuscitation" (Season 3) | Lifetime - Duration: 2:03.


Where am I Moving? | Contest & Prizes!!! - Duration: 4:30.

officially 12 days until I will release to you guys my upcoming move and I'll

tell you all the details of everything that I am going to be doing hey everyone

welcome back to my channel today is gonna be so exciting so let's start the

beginning if you're new to my channel my name is Leah and I'm an American living

in Switzerland right now but I am going to be moving soon so I know that you

guys are so interested in where I'm going next hey I understand I'm

interested too I'm so excited about that my next adventure but I'm not quite

ready to share it to the world and I don't want to keep you guys waiting so I

am doing a countdown right now so it is officially 12 days until I will release

to you guys my upcoming move and I'll tell you all the details of everything

that I am going to be doing go on July 15th I will post the blog sharing with

you the details but everyone keeps asking me where I'm going everybody's

very curious they're kind of like guessing like it's a game so I'm like

hmm thinking cap that's making a game so that's what we're doing it's contest

time so I decided to create a contest for you guys and you guys can guess

where I'm going next and the winner will get it some Swiss chocolate

of course duh so here's how it's gonna work first of all click the link below

and it's like an online survey you can just enter your name and your like email

and stuff and then which country you feel like I'm going to and then you

press send so the contest is going to be until July 13th

that's Friday it will be closed after that so then I have time to look at the

results and of course get that vlog ready for July 15 okay so here's the

rules number one you need to be subscribe to my channel number two you

need to be following me on one of my social media I understand that not

everybody has everything so I won't make you follow me on everything but you need

to be following me on one of those platforms whether it's Instagram

snapchat or my facebook you can only enter one time of course he's entered

all the information else you will not qualify for this a few disclaimers so

number one I have told a few people actually a few my subscribers also know

where I'm going don't say a word and also sorry you're

not allowed to be a part of this contest sorry but you get the great opportunity

of already knowing my next move so I know that there's only so many

countries in the world and there's way more subscribers than countries so if

there's a high probability that more than one more than two more than three

of you guys will guess correctly and because of that I'm sorry I cannot send

chocolate to everybody I can't afford that I'm really sorry so the first

person who guesses it correctly will get the chocolate okay so that means to

hurry and click on this link as fast as you can and enter and make sure that

you're following me on what you need to follow me on so you can win because the

first person with the right answer is to get the chocolate anyways I hope that

you guys are excited about this because I really am I feel really bad for not

telling you guys but I actually have to for personal and professional reasons

and I'll share that with you on July 15th why I had to wait so long

so hurry what are you waiting for click on that link and if you like this video

if you're excited for the contest do a big thumbs up and I hope that you are

counting down little days with me so only 12 more days until you guys know

where I'm going and then we can talk about it now I'm so excited I can't wait

to do vlogs in preparation for my next loop I cannot wait I will talk to you

guys in my next video bye

For more infomation >> Where am I Moving? | Contest & Prizes!!! - Duration: 4:30.


Wolverine vs Silver Samurai (Part 1) | The Wolverine (2013) Movie Clip - Duration: 3:00.

Mariko, get out!

Come on.

This is not the way.

Two hands.

Hey! Bub!

For more infomation >> Wolverine vs Silver Samurai (Part 1) | The Wolverine (2013) Movie Clip - Duration: 3:00.


Wolverine vs Silver Samurai (Part 2) | The Wolverine (2013) Movie Clip - Duration: 2:57.


Don't look so shocked.

With you at my side, I survived Nagasaki.

Surely, I could survive this.

It's all right. It won't take long.

Dr. Green and I have been waiting.

It's only this armor that's kept me alive.

We built it to make me strong, so I can take what you would not give.

And transfer your unwanted healing...

to my body.

My legacy must be preserved.

Your mistake was to believe that a life without end...

can have no meaning.

It is the only life that can.

Hold on.

We are almost there.

The peace, the peace you've wanted.

Your reward.

You know, I'm giving you the very death...

you longed for.

This feeling...

to be invincible...

like you.

You are a monster.


It's me. Your grandfather.

I buried my grandfather.

You asked me to come say goodbye.


For more infomation >> Wolverine vs Silver Samurai (Part 2) | The Wolverine (2013) Movie Clip - Duration: 2:57.


【W杯】日本vsベルギー、乾貴士のゴールがガチ凄いwwwww(動画あり) - Duration: 0:21.

ロシアW杯🇷🇺 決勝T ベスト16ベルギー🇧🇪 vs 日本🇯🇵後半7 、乾貴士が無回転スーパーゴール!得意の角度から決めて日本代表が追加点

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