hey Scott here Scott his animals so I'm at the guinea pig rescue during Adoption
Day and guess who showed up Guinea dad so I'm gonna see if I can get a little
interview and we can talk to them and see what it's like
being one of the most popular guinea pappas and Guinea Guinea stores out
there all right so I'll see if we can talk to him
we're going back into the back to do a bath look at all of those clean you guys
just did all that oh my gosh that's Angelina Jolie and here we are wearing
the back of the guinea pig rescue with Guinea dad and volunteer Emily and I
thought this would be a really awesome time to kind of ask any dad some
questions and just sort of you know have them on the channel there's a lot of
people out there who who have their guinea pigs on fleece Angelina and
there's a lot of people out there who who have mentioned the guinea dad and
and this stuff out there so when when he came to the rescue dance like wow this
is a great opportunity was funny cuz somebody came and was given a health
check and their pigs were on a guinea dad fleece agini dad cage liner and and
she's like hey that's Kenny then she's like oh my gosh so it's yeah I just
wanted to see maybe ask some questions about what it's like having a guinea pig
business and you know what what just like some of the feedback and and
me Angelina Wow so you you cleaned all of this stuff
this this represents as several hours worth of washing so so Guinea dad what's
your real name my name is Si nice to meet you and and so
how long have you been doing this beginning Guinea dad Wow I wanted to
start something I lhave 3 girls myself
what's the name of that Guinea dad any dad the Instagram page yeah in fact I
think I might be probably following you already did yeah so when so what was
what started it I mean did you oh so I have had two girls one of the girls tofu
she had a conjunctivitis on one of her eyes and we couldn't figure out what was
going on we went to the bed he couldn't hear it out eventually we figured out it
was because of the bedding oh please and I think calm down and also on other part
is everyone needs to remember how you guys need to watch the water bottle
really totally yes because that's where all the germs go lies yes after those
two are taken care of she's completely healed now you know that's why I started
this business Wow and and so what were the signs of the conjunctivitis what
were you seeing right so if you look at the eyes of the movie you see red stuff
popping out like inside the light red stuff oh wow yeah you know covering part
of her oh wow and you can also see like a flaky white stuff around the eye yeah
that's a you know usual sign and once once you got her off of that how long
did it take for it to clear up actually a very long time for
at least at the beginning we went to the vet and he gave us like antibiotic yeah
you know for a couple weeks that doesn't help too much but it helped
at least not grow more yeah right after taking out and taking care of all this
like other potentially germ full stuff yeah then it took about like about three
months to three months okay any pain medicine like during the whole time the
beginning yeah okay Wow and so then you you just put her on fleece and and what
the fleece that you were buying wasn't cutting it you were just started making
your own right so I started using please because of that yeah and we started
making our squeeze because my girls love to borrow yeah and you know it's so
messy like when they burrow under the line above the platform yeah yeah and I
was like there has to be a better way to do this that's all we made a pocket on
the liner so they can burrow but it's still easily manageable okay that's why
one of the reason why we did it and second reason is you know normal voice
like the conjunctivitis virus was caused by bacteria so we wanted something
antibacterial as well that's why for the middle layer we started using bamboo
bamboo yeah and and if you look on the website it's there yeah and then and
that looks really great the bamboo you can see how it how it's like resist the
water does the bamboo absorb water or is it the bamboo absorbs the water please
that's where waters pass through yes dry and the kinetic speed stays right that's
a very important to prevent bumblefoot yeah and bacterial in your growth and
the middle layer is the absorption and the bottom layer is gonna be the
waterproof material so that the urine doesn't go through and make the whole
mess out of there uh-huh so you just started making your own but
like I don't have that skill so I had to you know
a bunch of experts actually have to find sewing experts so you're not you don't
have the apron at home and you're not sewing no more no but you did do some
sewing well yes save your fingers a little bit I bet so so well what made
the jump from you know so did you actually have some made for you just for
your own so Sean here yeah there Sean business partner and other other dad so
I are more of an uncle or Guinea uncle or a Guinea dad Godfather Godfather I
think they're shouting at me let's they might be saying that they
need me back so we might have to continue this in a second but well let's
finish that train of thought real quick the godfather expert all kinds of
manufacturing okay and you guys met in school oh yeah we went to the same
school okay okay so you knew each other from school and
and did you like so but what how does it jump from from like the first prototype
or the first the first one that you put in for for your pigs like so that was
all handmade by me it was very and it wasn't and not for a business just to
make your pigs more comfortable for Toph and at what point you know did you say
these are really nice I could sell these or how did it that's a really great gray
fleece to me I should people showed interest first okay and we were talking
about the fact that they're actually better like they work better they're not
disgusting I mean is it because they look at the pocket it's
already different yeah they're praying them off they're always scared yes
that's something that a lot of people don't understand about guinea pigs even
even when they've had them for a while they say oh you know they're I don't
know why they they run away when I put my hand in you know it's like well it's
the way you're approaching but just in general it's like yeah once they once
they're caught then they're fine but the chase is what really scares them
so someone so who did you sell your first one to so it was one of the
Instagram follower I don't remember her idea at this point but actually there
were three that contact me about it before selling it to them when I when
the first person contacting I was like I'm not selling this I just made it for
my you know my baby yeah and two more people are contacting me I
was like okay maybe I'll make a couple so that like sounds like the bath part
is done and and yeah you have to get back in there well we'll pick this up
because this is very interesting and you know it like really I only heard about
Guinea dad because a lot of people recommended it in comments and some of
my videos and here you hear that name tossed around a lot yeah people are
always looking at please yeah yeah yeah that's awesome okay well we'll pick this
up in a minute okay all right all right we're back with
the Guinea dad and the Guinea Godfather let's see and Sean there's gonna be a
whole like offshoot of like fancy guinea pig suits under the Guinea Guinea
Godfather brand maybe mini fedoras tiny tiny fedoras well we'll see okay so
let's see we want to just pick this up where we left off which was sort of like
yeah how did you go from making the stuff yourself and having people on
Instagram kind of think it's cool to like turning it into an actual business
that is you know guinea pig world-famous but a
lot of people know of Guinea dad yeah I guess I thought you know their apartment
is not always the best okay so the first ones that you sold did you make them by
hand exactly the same way so so so from the very first requests you were like we
got to do this the right way and when the first person who asked you hey can I
buy this you're like I don't have one to sell and they didn't say well can't you
just make me one like you made yourself
because like cause like if you're gonna charge money and and how much did you
charge for that first one the same so it's been the same product from the very
first one it's the same product but it has been upgraded right now we're
selling 2.0 nice and are those those are
bluetooth-enabled that's that's 3.0 3.0 so so but the 2.0 the difference is
water it's completely waterproof or water-resistant okay and that's the
outside the bottom line are okay that's the where I saw the picture of the the
beaded of drop of water well because if you think about most of the other fleece
liners are just sort of handmade just with random fabric from you know the
fabric store and then u-haul pads so like what can you say about those u-haul
pads or did you ever try those yeah that was my first sounds like yeah yeah yeah
been through there
so fabric manufacturer customized everything for us Wow
so you bring Shawn in I guess so what so you you guys so you get the first
requests for orders and you're like you can come together and then make it so
you get the first requests for orders and then you're like I'm in over my head
I need the Godfather and my and so and so she's on your experience like like
and what kind of stuff have you made before guinea pig liners all kinds of
cool and you've just been doing that through school during school and after
graduation so how long after you guys grad so you knew each other in school
during undergrad one that I was in in Chicago that's my graduate
okay undergrad
okay so you guys reconnected and you're like we've got to make Guinea Guinea the
guinea pig world better we got to increase improve the lives of guinea
pigs our slogan there's a lot of dirty dirty guinea pig butts out there what's
the slogan that's your mission yeah and and that's the thing because you guys
volunteer every Saturday and you know you guys were here and you know as soon
as I heard Guinea dad it was like whoa you know you guys are pretty famous in
the guinea pig world a lot of people recommend your stuff love your products
and as I said most of the stuff that's made is just kind of homemade stuff
we've got a couple great volunteers Valerie from Valerie Zoo she makes some
really cool like cuddle sacks and and Heidi's like little fleece things like
that but yeah the most of the stuff is handmade and it's not you know people
aren't like how can we improve this how can we make this you know the best thing
it can be people just sort of like take the conventional wisdom and just you
know they just sew it up and and you know there hasn't been much improvement
but yeah the Heidi pocket the way you're talking about their prey animals it's
something that a lot of people don't you know they're trying to figure out how
can I get the guinea pig to do what I want
rather than reinforcing their own behavior how can I get the guinea pig to
be tamer rather than like where can I give them a place to hide because that's
they really want
something they want to do you want to see their behavior
and try to see how how you can help them
you don't want to stop them from
yeah so you have a YouTube channel it's all Guinea dad and and and it's would
you say on like cuz the the culture of each social media is different right so
like on YouTube your videos are more focused on how to use the products and
that kind of thing and then on Instagram is it is it just like a lot of photos of
tofu or so those are your three for three pigs and and those those are three
girls three girls and they lives together in a what size three by six a
three by six so that that actually makes me then start to think about so you have
liners do they come in specific sizes um I have to admit that my pigs are on pine
but the way you were talking about the conjunctivitis it gets me nervous it
makes me want to you know really I you know pick my pigs up every day and keep
a really good eye on them but it definitely has me concerned I'm gonna
keep a closer eye on them but do you have fleece liners for all different
sizes or or how does that work
we have 2 by 1 to 2 by 2 2 by 3 and 2 by 4 those are pore sizes and we also have
one for Midwest line so for you and your huge cage do you just take two of yours
and sort of overlap them or and you just line them up the other way okay cool
that's that's pretty awesome um so yeah I mean you know I almost thought like if
I turned it on live you know it would just be hundreds of people like asking
you questions like oh when's this what's what's next what's this so I'll try to
be that voice for those people and I apologize because you know believe it or
not we've got to do some guinea pig work here you guys have already washed a
hundred bottles you guys are already way up on me I've I've only helped a couple
couple adoptions but what's on the horizon
what's what's coming up next how are you going to improve what sir what's the
slow the the motto that the mission healthy so what is the plan for how can
can you get them to live their lives to the fullest what's next
first problem that's the movie stop their line I will be a little bit of a
toy okay yeah what what do you call it like beta
yeah beta testing period where people can subscribe
oh boy and they can so wait they subscribe and you send them you send
them an actual test so for the liner you would send them a test liner but so
that's done so just for this so for the next phase so further so and what is the
first toy did you top-secret still but is there a way that they can sign up now
is their mailing list or they sign up now and say hey whatever small
percentage yeah so get in there quick that's that's pretty exciting
tips on givin me give them your email that way you you get the first crack in
Guinea dad calm that's awesome I'm sure I'm sure people will definitely be doing
that but wait till the weights at the end of the video first what was I gonna
say oh I was gonna say I know what the first product is but I'm not gonna tell
there's got to be some perks of you know working at the guinea pig rescue so I'll
be quiet I won't no matter how much Timothy hey people offer me I won't I
won't reveal the secret but I'm gonna sign up too and maybe I'll get to be one
of those first test testers okay so yeah new products but okay so what about
positive feedback or feedback in general what are people saying and and do you
take that feedback and then use that to evolve right now so we took all that do
you mind saying what some of that negative feedback was so there used to
be water resistant not waterproof layer so we fell for that before so it was
some urine was leaking so we change that into completely waterproof later
so it's completely doesn't matter how much water you Wow
we have a video on that too that's cool well let's see alright well you know
what I'm gonna put it right here Bing we'll see how long that technology
actually lasts for cuz I'm like pointing and poking and videos are flying back
and forth but you know who knows in like six months YouTube's gonna be like we're
not doing that anymore so I'll post a link to your videos in this description
as well as we'll have them in the info as long as that lasts I like doing that
it's fun because you know you always bring up something that has to do with
something else so those are some of the negative feedback whatwhat about
positive feedback I mean do you have a lot of repeat customers or people what
are people saying
that's a good so have you guys so who runs the store and is that Sean on the
internet stuff yeah I'm the CEO yeah see oh oh
that's what we cool so so where do you get where do you buy Guinea dad stuff
Amazon so I can check out the reviews they're awesome so yeah it's and if
you're gonna buy on Amazon then make sure you do it through the smile dot
Amazon hat that if you type in smile Amazon then it actually allows you to
bend to donate to charity so every a portion of the proceeds from the sale go
to a charity and the L a guinea pig rescue
maybe it's under L a pet rescue but so if you buy Guinea dad stuff on Amazon
through smile then then the L a guinea pig rescue would actually see some
benefit I'm not sure exactly what it is but so smiles always a cool tip I had to
had to take this opportunity to say hi and to you know let everybody out there
get a chance to find out more I'm actually excited to post this video and
see all the comments if you're like oh I've got ten ten liners I've got this
I've got that so yeah I guess we'll just wrap it up but yeah yeah and thank you
guys so si and Sean beginning the guinea dad
and the guinea Godfather thank you very much thanks for watching guys
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