Thứ Sáu, 20 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 20 2018

I am very excited for the Provence.

I won't be there, but I know it by heart.

The team is supposed to discover the natural highlights.

I saw all of them as a child and keep them in my heart.

Like Ardèche, Verdon, Tarn or Castellan.

All of them are great places I want to see in our model.

But space is limited, it's going to be very difficult.

Only for the Gorges du Verdon, you would need the whole space we have.

It will be a challenge to show all the highlights.

I've already seen Gerhard's plan, it's a good one, but we still need to add some things.

I am curious whether the final result will look like my childhood memories.

The Provence is ready, we only need some mountains, some green and a lot of Epoxy for the water.

Have you seen the mains?

We want to create this picturesque atmosphere.

That means, you sometimes need hide an alley with a tree.

To create this picturesque atmosphere.

It's like this tree, it could also be...

The lower part is quite empty, everything just lays on top.

They're like the purchased trees we have, those pines.

You would only have to repaint the trunk.

Or to cut out some branches to get these floors.

You need something like very thin split.

You'd have to crush it.

And put it on top.

Felix, is there anything to discover?

Wow! If you could see this!

When you stand in the middle of the canyon you want to rebuild,

and see all the shapes, sizes and dimensons,

and look at the colours,

It's definitely cool.

Why this is interesting to me?

We've already seen the plans.

And when you see them, you already get an idea of what to build, you talk about it and see pictures.

But it's great to be here and see these impressive rocks.

I'm also interested in the water's colour.

We are all thinking about what to do with things like streets or sand.

It's very interesting to see it in reality.

This is a better preparation than just doing it in the Wunderland.

We have to go there anyways, Schuh.

Ok. Let's just go in there for five metres. Five Metres.

We've just found a cool push-button with Arne.

Let's see if we can do that.

Before starting with Monaco, we decided to do 5-6 push-buttons.

And less at the Provence.

That's why I'm mainly interested in Monaco, but I also want to collect some impressions from here.

When you see things like this canyon, these tunnels,

you could make something coming out of it. Gerrit wants something spooky.

Something that scares the people.

That's what just came to my mind.

Something that doesn't really fit in here, like an old monster.

Something that just stares out of this and scares the visitor.

You get the best ideas by not thinking about it, but rather by thinking about something different.

Being here at this scenery makes the ideas come automatically.

It's nothing we usually do, it's more about canyons, rocks and water.

My head is working on something stupid.

And then, I might get a funny idea we can work on.

I am here because I'm in charge for the exhibition's lighting.

You have to analyse how the light looks like, which colours are used, e.g. for the streetlights.

How do the lamps look like? We also try to rebuild the streetlights as realistic as possible.

In the Provence, there's not that much to see because we won't rebuild any big cities.

But I saw that there are hardly any streetlights.

There are hardly any lighted houses, we don't have to use that much light.

Nevertheless, I have to use some light to present the exhibition at night,

so our visitors won't be bored.

Noone will stand in front of a dark exhibition and say: "Hey cool, looks like reality."

It's amazing how high the rocks inside the canyon are.

But it also means that I can't do much lighting, you won't find any lighted canyons here.

But maybe we can add some little caves.

We are always thinking of little highlights we can add for our visitors.

We arrived yesterday.

It's a big difference. We came from the midddle of nowhere.

With a single house on thousands of square metres.

It was like: "Do we have to refuel? Who knows if we can make it to the next gas station with half a tank."

Then you come to this city where everything is built so narrow.

You only know the Formula One and the glamour.

Everything's beautiful, but there's also much large panel system-building.

I've got a different perspective because I work on Monaco and the Provence.

Here, we have to build very narrow and it's going to be very complicated.

The Provence will be softly curved, everything's gonna be easy, everything's gonna be great.

As a model builder, you immediatly realize that building this will be a challenge.

It's super narrow and sloped, it'a huge task.

What we're doing today?

We're only here for about 48 hours.

We'll do as much as possible and we'll walk a lot.

Then we're going to do a boat trip that everyone exept us has already done.

As the Provence Team, we're really looking forward to this, it's gonna be amazing!

Then it's getting stressful, we're having a final dinner.

We'll have a nice beer or maybe even two to three.

You know us Wunderlandians.

And tomorrow, we'll enter the plane with a hangover.

And the worst: Having to work on monday.

Ok, next round.

I'm so looking forward to this amazing boat trip we're going to do now.

In the Wunderland, I'm working a lot on the water.

And when you see this amazingly clear water,

the boat trip will be awesome, we're all looking forward to it.

Let's see what's going to happen, I also don't know. Let's go.

What should happen? We could only get wet.

Now it's going to be funny. Felix is going to dive to see how the water looks from below.

He has to paint its ground.

It's so cool to experience this, we're in the middle of the sea.

The Oceanographic Museum is behind us.

We've been there in the morning, now we're having a look from the outside.

It's so cool.

When you look at the water we've just passed with full speed,

there is a long, bright blue layer.

We've just said that we definitely have to remake this.

That's something characteristic if you look at all the boats and the waves.

We have to create big waves and that bright blue colour instead of small waves.

Then you know that we went here with full speed. It's so amazing.

I will stay on the sea.

I don't know how the others are feeling, but I really liked being here.

Eventhough I don't have the feeling that we managed to see everything we wanted.

Maybe the time was too short, maybe we were too lazy, I don't know.

But collecting all these impressions and information was an amazing chance.

You can't get these in the internet.

Some of our clichés got confirmed, others didn't.

Of course you find the big Lamborghinis in the streets.

But at the same time, you get the feeling that there are also ordinary people living and working here.

With an ordinary daily life. It's definitely got its charme.

It's a super cool city.

It's fun with all the water.

We've always had good weather.

I really liked it.

And I really hope that you liked the Wunderland special..

And that you got an idea of what we've been doing here.

See you! Tschüß!

You realize that there's glamour, wicked cars and... helicopters.

We only had one building and thought... Felix, you're such an idiot!

The problem is that French and Italians don't turn off the siren.

If they turn on the siren, they won't turn it off again.


That's good. When you film Frederik, I can already start drinking.

Jesko, I have no idea what to say.

What was remarkable until now?

There wasn't anything special. There are many fish tanks.

I tell you my friend, all of this was stolen.

I can't tell you openly, but have you seen that glasscupboard?

There's some sea stuff inside. An eye patch, a wooden leg.

You know, put that in an old glass cupboard,

and looks like my home.

It would be awesome if you would have to throw up.

How is this garden called?

Jardin Exotique.


Jardin du Exotique.

I'll just say cactus.

These are very special memories,

That stupid train again...

The stupid train, ok.

The Wunderland's boss doesn't like trains.

I hope you... I hope...

I hope that you got an idea of what we've been doing here...

What should I say? Shit.

See, you, bye.

Oh. Ok.

That you liked the Wunderland special and you got an idea of what we've been doing here...

and yes... I forgot what to say.

See you! Bye!

For more infomation >> The Bold and the Beautiful #2: A short trip to Provence & Monaco - Duration: 13:10.


StarGear_TII [DiRT RALLY] Asia-Pacific League 2018/7/20 - Duration: 1:46:16.

For more infomation >> StarGear_TII [DiRT RALLY] Asia-Pacific League 2018/7/20 - Duration: 1:46:16.


Quando parlo mi blocco - I feel stuck | Improve Your Italian - Duration: 4:30.

For more infomation >> Quando parlo mi blocco - I feel stuck | Improve Your Italian - Duration: 4:30.



For more infomation >> XÓC ĐỈA KHÔNG TAN TRÊN ĐIỆN THOẠI, CÁCH CHƠI XÓC ĐỈA BỊP AN TOÀN - Duration: 7:34.


Prison Testimony Hope Partner | Life Without Limbs - Duration: 0:30.

I'll tell you a little story.

I was depressed out there. I took a gun, stuck it in my mouth, pulled the trigger.

It didn't go well.

Stuck it in there, it went on.

Tried it again, same thing.

Three times in a row.

I'm here for something.

For more infomation >> Prison Testimony Hope Partner | Life Without Limbs - Duration: 0:30.


Networking #1 - Introduction - Duration: 3:45.

Hey guys and welcome back to a new series on my cannel

It will be a theoretical series again

Similar to other series like cryptography, machine learning and the other stuff you saw on my channel

And this time we will be dealing with Networking

We all are connected with each other nowadays even though we don't know about it

And when I'm looking at our household, then we have something around 5 devices online

PCs, Laptops, Tablets, cellphones

Maybe even the smoke detector although he isn't connected to the WLAN, but that doesn't matter now

At least, we have enough devices online and they have to be connected to Internet somehow

I mean... I don't have to go to all of your houses to give you this video on an USB flash drive

But rather I can conveniently upload this video to Youtube and you can watch it, which is great, because it's so simple

And I want to explain to you how this works, because the data is created by me, first

This is an other thing, which has nothing to do with the internet

But still, they have to be packed into packages, which then have to go over the internet

And what's a problem now, is that the internet isn't to reliable like we want it to be

Sometimes, packages get lost, single bits are being damaged and stuff like that

And all of this has to be handled, because the data should arrive reasonable

You would be pretty disappointed if this video would contain of not audible and not visible pixels

Which do not have anything in common with what I recorded today

And we will be dealing with, how this data is arriving there. Okay...

This whole thing is even more complicated, as how I showed it to you

Firstly the data has to be broadcasted to a router and this router has to be connected to the internet somehow

In the internet, the data has to get to the provider, which in my case is KabelBW

And then the whole data has to be broadcasted to the next server. Partly even to servers faraway in the USA or something like that

And from there, you get the data again

And now think about it. 19 millisecond from one data package coming from my PC, going to a Google Server or sometimes even less, like 12 milliseconds, which is nothing

And how we can handle all of this, the data rate and what this all is, Round-trip time and all of that stuff

We will take a look at all of this

We also will take a look at security, which is my core theme in the last time

We will also take a look at that, because this whole thing shouldn't be accessible by everyone who gets to my cable

That would be a bit impractical. That's why we will take a look at that

We will deal with pretty much everything, that comes to my mind

Okey, I hope you are glad to see more and as always, I try to avoid previous knowledge as much as possible

Which means you should take nothing with you but interest for this series

And I try to explain everything here but if you should know anything else from an other video, I will allude it

So you can look at the series how you want to

Instead of bothering you with historical things like the telecommunication network

I want to thank you first and would be very pleased if you could give this video a like, subscribe and share it

And if you have any suggestions or wishes, write them down in the comments

That was it from my site. We will hear each other the next time, bye

For more infomation >> Networking #1 - Introduction - Duration: 3:45.


U10TV ep 204 🍯 Honey Tour in US #4 up10tion in Dallas (Feat. 쿤 & 샤오의 영어 교실) - Duration: 7:43.

It takes a long time.

It's finally here.

It took me a while to find it.

Kyujin and Wei came out to film choreography.

It's 33 degrees to 35 degrees hotter.

And come a little bit to the rain It's a little wet.

At this time, she will see this.

Do not cut it like this.

Then you can cut it a little.

Can I just sprinkle the sauce?


I do not like it at all.

It's a map.

Well, this is just right.

Prepare ~ start !!

Please follow along with you.

I do my own way of teaching.

Today Xiao is on stage

Practically for fans

It's an acceptable sentence.

Shall we try it once?

Shall we try one more time?

It is a problem that can be easily used when introducing yourself

90% !! I hit 90%.

You've learned four today, right?

At the beginning of the concert stage I'm going to make a concert at the end of the concert!




Mr. Xiao's mission is a little later in the concert I'll take it.

For more infomation >> U10TV ep 204 🍯 Honey Tour in US #4 up10tion in Dallas (Feat. 쿤 & 샤오의 영어 교실) - Duration: 7:43.


Веточки зелени из бумаги без клея - DIY Tsvoric - Duration: 10:05.

For more infomation >> Веточки зелени из бумаги без клея - DIY Tsvoric - Duration: 10:05.



For more infomation >> МУЛЬТИК ВОЕННАЯ ПЕСНЯ ПРО «АФГАН» СТИЛЬ ВОЕННОЕ ДИСКО - Duration: 4:35.


Space to Ground: Concrete Science: 07/20/2018 - Duration: 2:16.















































For more infomation >> Space to Ground: Concrete Science: 07/20/2018 - Duration: 2:16.


You Can Change Your Story - Duration: 28:31.

TERRI: You didn't get to choose which country you were

born in, which city you grew up in. You didn't even get to

choose your name. You didn't get to decide how your

story started, but you have everything to do with how your

story ends. I heard someone say, "When you write the

story of your life, don't let anyone else hold the pen."

Let's talk about discovering your gifts, your talents,

and how to write the story of your life.


TERRI: Hi. I'm Terri Savelle Foy, and you're watching

Live Your Dreams. I pray that as you invest in yourself

today, you're captivated and you're catapulted to

live your dreams. I want to talk to you about the

story of your life. I believe that my purpose is to help you

discover your purpose, and once you do, you run with it. You

develop the gifts and talents that are on the inside of you

and run with it. Here is the thing. You do have gifts and

talents that are already on the inside of you, but God leaves it

up to us to discover them, stir up the gift, and then develop.

The truth is you didn't get to choose which country you were

born in, whether it was France, or India, or Bangladesh. You

didn't get to choose the city you grew up in if it was Uptown

Manhattan or the farm life of Boyce, Idaho. You didn't get

to choose your name. You didn't even get to choose your

parents or the environment that you grew up in. You didn't get

to decide how your story started, but here's the thing.

You have everything to do with how your story ends. I want to

talk to you today about perhaps changing the story of your life.

I believe that God wants you to discover what were you created

for. What did he put you on this earth to do? In other words, you

get to decide from here on how you want the story to go. I

know. I love learning from people and different people who

just made a decision one day that they were going to change

the story of their lives. In fact, listen to some of these

story-changers. This is a lady named "Georgia Durant." She

said she was a getaway driver for the mafia. She said, "I

could have stayed in that life of crime," but she made a

decision. She made a decision to change the story of her life.

She said she now owns a stunt driving company. She said, "I

was already doing stunts illegally." Now, she's

appeared in more than 100 movies. Why? She made a decision

to change the story of her life from criminal to corporation.

You may have heard of this guy. This was Frank Abagnale. He said

from age 16 to 21, he wrote $2.5 million in fraudulent checks,

and he successfully posed as an airline pilot, a doctor, a

lawyer, and a college professor. Apprehended by the police and

served five years in prison, he now owns a fraud consulting

company. He specialized in fraud, so he turned it into a

company. Of course, his story was turned into a major film

called "Catch Me If You Can" with Leonardo DiCaprio. What am

I saying? Don't let your past mistakes stop you from changing

your story. What about this girl? This girl was struggling

to make it, ran out of money, stayed in homeless shelters. She

said, "It taught me how to take care of myself and that I

could make it through any situation." She drastically

changed the story of her life, and that was Halle Berry. What

am I saying? You don't have to let a lack of money stop you

from changing your story. God can still use you. He can still

develop those gifts, those talents that are on the inside

of you and make something with your life. Then, listen to this

guy. This guy dropped out of high school, lived in a

Volkswagen bus with his family parked in different places

throughout Canada. He eventually moved into a tent on his older

sister's lawn and parked the van in the driveway. That was

Jim Carrey. He didn't let a lack of education or money stop

him from changing his story. I hope that encourages you that it

doesn't matter what you've been through, what's been done

to you, the mistakes you've made. Maybe you didn't grow up

with a silver spoon in your hand or your mouth, but you can still

change the story of your life. In fact, I love this. I heard

someone say the other day to just imagine a local newspaper

coming to write a story about your life. What would they

write? Now, if that bothers you, don't think of what they would

write right now, but what would you like for them to write? If

the local paper came and said, "You're amazing. We just

want to run a story on you and just talk about what you've

done with your life." What would you like for them to

write? Those are some of the ways that you can identify the

dreams, the goals, the vision, the gifts that God has put on

the inside of you, or imagine running to a friend that you

haven't seen in 20 years, 10 years. What stories do you want

to tell them? What do you want to say you've been doing with

your life for the past 10 years? Here is the thing. You get to

decide what you want your story to say. You can change your

story from here on. You may have had a fine beginning, but maybe

you detoured along the way. Maybe you thought you'd be

doing more by now. You thought your life would turn out

different. Maybe you've lost some of your passion or you've

given up on some of your original dreams. Maybe you

don't even know what your dreams are. You don't even

have a dream. That was me a few years ago, but I want you to

know it's not too late. It's not too late. You haven't made

too many mistakes. You haven't wasted too much time. That's

why I close out every broadcast saying, "Don't look at the

years you've lost. Let's look at the years you've got

left because God can still do something with these years." I

believe you're watching by divine appointment. It's not a

coincidence that you turned this on. I believe God is speaking to

you today because he's saying, "I still got something for you

to do." I've mentioned many times how I love to read success

books and just learn from successful people. Something

that amazes me is so many success folks that I happened to

read, within the first few chapters, one of the first keys

to success that they all say is that in order to change, or

grow, or pursue your dreams, go the next level, they all say

this. "You must take 100% responsibility for your life."

I read that in so many books, I'm starting to catch on. In

other words, you're responsible for where you are.

In fact, I've heard Zig Ziglar say that when he was just a

young aspiring speaker, he said he went to a conference, and he

heard this motivational speaker make this statement. He said,

"You are where you are because that's exactly where you chose

to be." He said, "I was broke, in debt, and down in the

dumps," but he said, "It came through loud and clear that

I was where I was and what I was because of me," but Zig Ziglar

started making decisions to turn his life around. He changed the

story of his life. Like I said, I believe God is speaking to you

today. He's saying, "Come on. It's time to get up. Get

moving. I have so much more for your life." In fact, do you

remember the story in John chapter five of the guy who was

laying by the pool of Bethesda? You may have heard that story. I

know Joyce Meyer loves that story, and she shares it many

times, but I want to point out something different. The Bible

says that here, a great number of disabled people used to lie,

the blind, the lame, the paralyzed. One who was there had

been an invalid for 38 years. When Jesus saw him lying there

and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time,

he asked him, "Do you want to get well?" "Sir," the

invalid replied, "I have no one to help me into the pool

when the water is stirred. While I'm trying to get in, someone

always goes ahead of me." Then, Jesus said to him, "Get

up. Pick up your sleeping bag and walk." At once, the man

was cured. He picked up his mat, and he walked, but think about

this. 38 years, he just sat there waiting. Waiting on what?

Somebody to help him. He waited so long that Jesus had to ask

him, "Are you sure you want to get well?" In fact, one

translation said, "Are you in earnest about getting well?"

Why would Jesus need to ask that? Why would he need to ask a

man who's clearly sick, "Do you even want to get well?"

Because nothing had changed in 38 years. We read a story like

that, and we think, "38 years? What's wrong with him?" But

when you really put that in perspective, you think, "What

could Jesus be saying to us today?" "Are you sure you

want to get out of debt?" "Why?" "Because nothing

changed in 5 years, 10 years, 20 years." "Are you sure you

want to lose weight because you've been complaining about

it and talking about it for 17 years?" "Are you sure you

want to get that degree or start that business, or write that

book?" "Why?" "Because you've been talking about it

for seven years, 12 years, 38 years." What is it that Jesus

could be saying to you and me because nothing changed in the

past 3 years, 5 years, 17 years? When I read that story and I

just begin thinking about my own life, I just begin to wonder,

"What could Jesus be saying to us?" Just like he told that

invalid, he gave him three commands. He said, number one,

"Get up," number two, "Pick up your bed, that mess

you've lying around in. Get it cleaned up," and number three,

"Walk." What could God be saying to you today? He could be

saying, "Get up. Pick up your music and sing." "Get up.

Pick up your Bible and preach." "Get up. Pick up

your resume and go get that job," or, "Get up. Pick up

that manuscript and start writing that bestselling

book." "Get up. Pick up that realtors license and sell those

houses," or maybe even, "Get up. Pick up your bottom and get

to the gym." I'm not trying to be hard today, but I'm just

saying. When I begin to read that story and start thinking,

that's an illustration to us. What could God be telling us

that it's time to get serious? It's time to stop lying

around, year after year, waiting for somebody else to come along,

pick us up. In other words, quit talking about it. Quit waiting

for someone to encourage you. Quit waiting for somebody to

outline your plan for you. Quit waiting for one day. Clearly,

the Lord is telling us, "You pick yourself up, you clean up

your mess, and you start putting one foot in front of the other

and get moving." I believe that God has given you certain

gifts, certain talents that are already on the inside of you. In

fact, it shows us in the Word of God in First Corinthians 7:7,

"Each man has his own gift from God." It doesn't say

some men or most men. It says each of us have a gift from

God," so there's something in you that God wants you to

stir up. He said, "Stir up the gift of God that's in you,"

and then we see in Proverbs, once you discover that gift, God

said in his Word he will not only make room for you and bring

you before great men, but he will use your gift to prosper

you, so your gift is supposed to bring financial increase in your

life. You might say, "Well, Terri, I don't have any

gifts." You do. You just have to discover them. In fact, one

of the ways that you can locate your gift is things that just

come natural to you. Think about the times that someone has said

to you, "You are so good at that," and you thought,

"Anybody can do this," but the truth is not just anybody

can do what you do the way you do it. It could be baking

cookies. It could be cleaning house. It could be organizing,

administration. It could be finances. It could be dance, or

sewing, or selling, negotiating. Whatever it is, those are gifts

that God specifically put on the inside of you, and he's

expecting you to stir it up and run with it. In fact, I heard

Rick Warren say, "When we get to heaven, God is going to ask

us two questions. Number one, "What did you do with my son,

Jesus?' and number two, "What did you do with the

gifts I gave you?" That's how important it is to the Lord

that you not just wait around another year, another year with

no change. God is speaking to you today. Get up, pick up your

bed, and walk. Now, I want you to think about what that means

to you specifically, and when we come back, I'm going to share

with you a few ways or I want to break this apart and show you

what God is saying when he says, "Get up, pick up your

bed, and walk." Watch this, and I'll be right back.

ANNOUNCER: Your talents and abilities are a gift from

God, and discovering and developing those gifts

can dramatically change your life. That's why Terri

is offering you her three-part teaching called

"Your Gift" today. In this motivational series,

you'll be inspired as you discover how to unlock, develop,

and increase your gifts, how your personality compliments

your purpose, how your capability support your calling,

and much more. It's never too early or too late to know what

God wants to do with your life. Plus, for a limited time, when

you request Your Gift, we'll also send you The Story of Your

Life bonus CD. You didn't have a choice on how your story

started, but you have everything to do with how it progresses, so

don't delay. Call toll-free 800-795-5597 or visit

us online at to request your copy of

Your Gift along with The Story of Your Life.

TERRI: So we're talking about changing the story of

your life, discovering your gifts, your talents, that

uniqueness that God has given you. It may not be

a talent like singing, or writing music, or playing

instruments. It may be a gift that you never recognized as a

gift because it comes so natural to you that you didn't think

it was a gift, but God is saying to you today those are gifts he

gave you. Those are talents that he is fully expecting you to not

only discover, but develop in your life. In fact, I heard

somebody say the wealthiest place in the world, it's not

the diamond mines of South Africa or the oil fields of the

Middle East. They said it's the graveyards. It's the

cemeteries. In the grave, there's books that were never

written, churches that were never planted, businesses that

were never started. Don't go to the grave with your dream

still in you. Here's the thing. It's not too late to

discover your gifts, and develop them, and change the story of

your life. That's exactly what I did. In 2006, I just sat

quietly and wrote what would I want someone to say about my

life. How would I want people to describe me? I really began to

think about it. In essence, I was writing my dreams, which

became like a GPS to drive me to what I'm doing today. When you

just get alone with God and you just say, "What is it that I

feel like God is speaking to me?" he's going to answer

you. The Bible says, "My sheep know my voice," so God wants

you to hear his voice, and he wants you to know his will or it

wouldn't be called his will, right? The will of God.

Sometimes, we just have to shut everything down, get away by

ourselves, and just listen, and start locating those gifts. Of

course, in this series, I've given you five questions to

ask yourself to even help you identify your gifts, your

talents, and what God wants you to do. I was talking about this

story in John chapter five about how Jesus gave very clear

direction to the invalid who had been waiting by the pool for 38

years, waiting for somebody to come and help him. Jesus could

have said, "Bless your heart. You've been through so much.

Here, let me help you up." No. He gave him three commands in

his heart of compassion. He said, number one, "Get up,"

number two, "Pick up your bed," and number three,

"Walk." I want to break apart those three points because

this is how God speaks to us today. I believe, number one,

he's saying, "Get up." What does that mean? That

basically means nobody else can do this for you. You have to

pick yourself up. You have to make the decision to not wallow

around another year, complaining about the conditions, waiting

for somebody to pick you up. We have to take responsibility for

our lives. Even with my dad being Jerry Savelle, I

couldn't just sit around year after year waiting for my dad to

say, "Terri, come on. Let me help you up. Let me show you

what God wants you to do with your life." No. I had wasted

enough years of my life. I finally had to get to the point

where I said, "Get up. Nobody is going to tell me what to do

with my life." I had to take 100% responsibility and so do

you. One of the things that drives me is judgment day. When

I heard someone say that that when judgment day comes and

it's going to come, when we all stand before God and give an

account for our lives, God is going to hold us accountable for

what he called us to do on earth. Now, think about that.

What you did and what you were called to do, it could be two

different things. Hopefully, not. When I began to think of

that, "God is going to hold me accountable for ministering to

people, for impacting the nation of France for helping teenage

girls. I better get with it." Now, I heard Brian Tracy say

there are three essential conditions for change. Number

one, you must sincerely want to change. That has to do with your

desire. You got to have a desire to want to change to say, "I

don't want to live like this anymore." Number two, you must

be willing to change. There's nothing more powerful than a

person's will, and then number three is you must be willing to

make effort. You have to make the effort. The Bible says that

faith without works is dead. One translation says, "Faith

without corresponding action is useless." I love one of the

statements I heard Joyce Meyer say. She said when she had been

wallowing around in self-pity and complaining about her life,

she said one day, the Lord spoke to her, and he said, "Joyce,

you can be pitiful or you can be powerful, but you're not going

to be both." That's a powerful statement, isn't it?

See, one thing that separates winners from losers more than

anything else is winners take action. What I mean by that?

They get up. They say, "I'm not living another year in this

condition. I'm going to get up." Number two, Jesus told

the man, "Pick up your bed." I think it's funny that he

said that because to me, that means pick up that mess you've

been lying around in physically and mentally. Now, let me

explain this because you might be like, "What? Come again."

I heard somebody define the word "mess." It means a lot of

things, but the definition of mess is any disagreement with

the way you desire things to be in the way they actually are.

When you think about a mess being defined like that, your

finances could be a mess. You desire them to be one way, but

this is how they really are. Your house could be a mess. Your

weight could be a mess. Your marriage could be a mess. Your

career could be a mess. What is a mess? It's any disagreement

between the way you desire it to be with the way it actually is.

I believe God is telling us, "Get things in order. Get

things straightened out. Put together. Pick up the mess

physically and mentally." Now, I'll explain this because when

I began turning my life around, one of the first words I ever

heard the Lord say, he didn't say, "Terri, you're going to

have a television ministry." If he had, I probably would have

freaked out. Do you know? One of the first directives I ever

received from the Lord was this, "Clean up and clean out,"

and I seriously thought, "Is that the voice of God or the

voice of my mom?" because surely, the Lord is not telling

me to clean my house, but I didn't know. Is this God or

me? Am I making this up? I took it literally, and I started

cleaning my house one room, one section, one day at a time. I

just went to one room and started cleaning the house, but

that's not all I did. I took with me a CD player and a CD,

and I pushed "Play." Now, I thought that I was just cleaning

the outside, cleaning the refrigerator, cleaning the sock

drawer, but God was cleaning me on the inside. As I began

listening to faith-building messages...The Bible says,

"Faith comes by hearing." I never dreamed that this two

things, a CD player and a CD, would be destiny decisions that

would alter the rest of my life. This is how I changed my life.

As I'm cleaning things out, I began to hear things like,

"Forgive," that there's consequences to unforgiveness.

During that time in my life, I was separated from my husband.

I'm falling apart. I was depressed. I had no vision for

my life. I'm cleaning out my sock drawer hearing, "You

better forgive. There's consequences. Number one, God

can't forgive you." As if that isn't bad enough. Matthew

6 tells us, "But if you do not forgive men their sins, your

father will not forgive your sins." That's pretty

serious. Then, I began to hear things like, "Your faith

won't work," or, "Satan gets advantage over you."

Then, I heard this, "Forgiveness doesn't make

them right. It makes you free." As I began to hear

things like that as I'm cleaning out the kitchen pantry,

I thought I'm just cleaning this mess in my house, but God

was cleaning the mess in my heart. I believe that's what

God is saying when he says, "Pick up your bed. Get this

stuff cleaned up and cleaned out." "The only way to move

into the future is to let go of the past." I love that scripture

or that quote from Robert Kriegel. Number one, God is

saying, "Get up. Pick up your bed." Number three,

"Walk." Walking is a part of body language. I discovered that

in college that body language, we communicate through body

language more than ever speaking a word. When you walk, your feet

tell a story. When we walk, when we have vision, we actually

walk a different way. We have a little pep in our step when we

have a vision for our lives. I believe God is telling you today

that when you have vision, you have purpose, you're going to

start walking into your destiny, but you got to get a vision

before your eyes, and I'm not going to go into much of that,

but I want you to think about what you need to walk towards.

If God has put a desire in your heart to be a missionary or to

go on a trip somewhere overseas, go get your passport. Keep it

before your eyes and start walking towards it. If God has

put in your heart it's time to go back to school and get your

degree, get a diploma. Put your name on that. Put it somewhere

in sight because you move towards what you consistently

see, but you got to see something. You got to see

something to move towards, so I want you to keep something in

front of you that reminds you of your dream, that keeps you

focused. Like I said before, I believe God has you watching on

purpose. It's not a coincidence. I believe he wants

you to stir up the gift that's on the inside of you. I want you

to get this special package that we're offering, Your Gift and

The Story of Your Life, and you're going to identify.

I'm going to help you locate the gifts, the talents that God

has put in your heart that maybe you never saw as gifts. I've

listed five questions that I discovered just from research

how to locate your uniqueness. What is it that God wants you to

do? These questions will help you identify. That's how I

identified the outreach of this ministry and the mission field

of this ministry. I thought I just love the French language. I

had no idea that was a gift God gave me to impact the nation of

France. I believe this is going to help you. There's a

personality summary in here to help you discover your type of

personality. You're going to have fun with this no matter

what age you are. If you're 50 years old and you're still

saying, "I don't know what I want to do when I grow up," I

understand. I'm not quite 50, but it took me a while to

finally realize I do have strengths. I just didn't know

it was a strength, but I believe you're going to have fun

listening to this. Start making note, answer the questions, and

then listen to The Story of Your Life. It doesn't matter how

old you are. It doesn't matter how many mistakes you've made.

God still says you can change your story. In fact, I heard

Jack Canfield. He said, "Quit waiting for permission,

reassurance, someone to change, the right person to come along,

the kids to leave home, someone to discover you, a clear set of

instructions." He said, "It's time to get moving."

This is one of the reasons it's so important.

Ecclesiastes 9:10 says, "Whatever your hand finds to

do, do it with all your might for in the grave, where you're

going, there's neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor

wisdom." What is the Lord saying with that scripture?

He's saying, "Don't take your gifts to the grave." He

puts you on this earth to use that gift. It may be a gift for

baking, for decorating, for cleaning, for organizing, for

negotiating, for filing taxes. God has given you a gift, but

you have to discover it and develop it, and this is what God

promised. When you discover your gift, two things. He will make

room for you and bring you before great men, and your gift

will prosper you, but like Timothy says, you have to stir

up the gift of God, which is in you. I want to challenge you. I

hope the Lord is speaking to you today. I'm believing in

Jesus' name. You're going to hear his voice like never

before. No more confusion. You're going to know, "This

is what God has put me on this earth to do." I believe

you're going to enjoy this package, and I want you to know

that we pray for you. We love you. We appreciate you more than

I could ever say, so let me just remind you. Don't look at all

the years you've lost. Let's look at the years you've got

left and start developing those gifts, those talents, that

uniqueness. It's only inside of you, and stand before God and

say, "Lord, I did exactly what you put me on earth to do."

Thank you for watching. I'll see you next time.

ANNOUNCER: Your talents and abilities are a gift

from God, and discovering and developing those gifts

can dramatically change your life. That's why Terri

is offering you her three-part teaching called "Your Gift"

today. In this motivational series, you'll be inspired as

you discover how to unlock, develop, and increase

your gifts, how your personality complements your purpose,

how your capabilities support your calling, and

much more. It's never too early or too late to know

what God wants to do with your life. Plus, for a limited

time, when you request Your Gift, we'll also send you The

Story of Your Life bonus CD. You didn't have a choice on how

your story started, but you have everything to do with how it

progresses, so don't delay. Call toll-free 800-795-5597

or visit us online at to request your copy

of Your Gift along with The Story of Your Life.

TERRI: Icing means something added to

something good that makes it even better.


For more infomation >> You Can Change Your Story - Duration: 28:31.


Abraham Hicks - Clarifying the steps to manifesting your desires - Duration: 6:28.

so now where are you so from what you said it seems to me that step 3

that even in step 3 nothing is necessary processes aren't necessary

there isn't anything required well in all of it let us be clear you create

your own reality and you do it through thought so you did step one by thinking

and your inner being is doing step two by thinking and step three is a thinking

process too but what we've noticed about so many of you is that when you go to

think about something you can't go far beyond where you have been thinking

about it because that's where the momentum of the thought is so that's why

if you can accept that step one and step three are separate thinking projects and

that the step one part of it you could consider it done and if you would just

put the emphasis upon how you feel in other words the thought comes first and

then the feeling comes next let's be clear about that but caring about how

you feel and then guiding your thoughts accordingly is a really helpful thing so

let's say you did meditate and you managed to quiet your mind we can talk

more about that if you want to in a little bit and in quieting your mind you

allowed your vibration to rise and when your vibration rose you were vibrational

equivalent and so impulses and thoughts began to occur to you that as you

followed them paid off you started a rendezvous you started to actually

witness your desire becoming more and more vivid in your experience you're

having more fun and the manifestations are coming into your experience and so

the thoughts are coming and they feel satisfying when they come after

meditation and after those satisfying moments directly following now you're

back out into your day and if you're like most people you are better prepared

for this day than you have been in a while because you did clear your

vibration and your vibration is higher which means you'll be more aware when it

dips if it dips and it usually does but your knee-jerk reactions

we'll be more in your control because at the very beginning of something that

happens you'll have a clear vantage point where you could ask yourself the

question is this a satisfying train of thought that I'm embarking upon and if

it isn't then since it just got started it would be rather easy for you to pivot

then to choose something else to think about Jerry always told the story about

the log in the fireplace that put a spark on his beautiful sweater and if he

brushed it off instantly no problem but if you didn't notice it and allowed it

to be there for a minute it would burn a hole in the sweater and it's the same

sort of idea is that if you flick the thought off by redirecting your thoughts

to something that's more satisfying then the momentum of that thought

if you don't renew it those 20 year-old or 10 minute old it doesn't matter how

grievances that are in the way of what you want will dissipate into nothingness

because and here's the point we really want you to hear because your inner

being who is a bigger part of you the vastly bigger part of you never gets

hold of one of those and offers any vibration about it and in fact that's

the very reason that you feel negative emotion at all in other words you feel

satisfaction when you're flowing with what your inner beam knows about this

and this and this and this and this and you feel dissatisfaction when you move

in opposition to what your inner beam knows about this and this and this and

this and this so your inner beam knows your worthiness when you think otherwise

you feel unsatisfied your inner beam knows your potential when you think

otherwise you feel your dissatisfaction it's a very clear and easy to understand

process of guidance so simple that most of you want it to be more complicated

for it to really be valid for you yes yes so that's like it's like feeling or

I don't surf but I'd imagine surfing you can feel where to go with it which is

almost intuitive or I don't know with surfing let's see if we can dovetail

that analogy into this there is an inevitable wave

that is doing its thing what you really desire is doing its thing and you're

right you want to position yourself Esther sat for a whole morning at the

beach in San Diego not too long ago and watched surfers and some of them were

more proficient than others some of them were beginners but what she learned just

by watching them in those few hours as she watched was that the ones that were

really successful at it understood that the wave was coming and they were

willing to wait for it but they didn't just wait for the wave to pick them up

and carry them they positioned themselves so that they were in

vibrational sync with the wave in other words if they had no momentum going at

all the wave just washed over them tumbled them off their board and it was

not fun at all but when they knew it was coming and they got on their board and

they began moving in the direction of the wave at the approximate speed of the

wave when the wave came they were up to speed with the wave when they stood up

on their board and they had a really nice ride and this is you're right

a similar sort of thing you're positioning yourself in the vibrational

wave by being up to speed with it and aware of it so that when it comes you

receive it and off you go for the fun that it provides yeah we like that

analogy yeah that's great well so unless my second question which

you probably know is going to be useful I won't ask it we appreciated the

conversation that we just had and we think you know what to do okay yeah

thank you yeah yeah thank you

For more infomation >> Abraham Hicks - Clarifying the steps to manifesting your desires - Duration: 6:28.


The Solid Rock - Duration: 2:37.

My hope is built on nothing less

Than Jesus' blood and righteousness

I dare not trust the sweetest frame

But wholly lean on Jesus' name

On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand

All other ground is sinking sand (2x)

When darkness veils His lovely face

I rest on His unchanging grace

In every high and stormy gale

My anchor holds within the veil

On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand

All other ground is sinking sand (2x)

His oath, His covenant, His blood

Support me in the whelming flood

When all around my soul gives way

He then is all my hope and stay

On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand

All other ground is sinking sand (2x)

When He shall come with trumpet sound

Oh, may I then in Him be found

Dressed in His righteousness alone

Faultless to stand before the throne

On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand

All other ground is sinking sand (2x)

For more infomation >> The Solid Rock - Duration: 2:37.


WienMobil: Citybike fahren mit Fabio Wibmer - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> WienMobil: Citybike fahren mit Fabio Wibmer - Duration: 1:27.



For more infomation >> UNKNOWN ABOUT FEMA ZOMBI RESEARCH SCENARIOUS - Duration: 11:28.


JESHUA - O EU Interdimensional - Duration: 15:56.

For more infomation >> JESHUA - O EU Interdimensional - Duration: 15:56.


[ MV LYRICS OFFICIAL] Đẹp Nhất Là Em 우리사이 Soobin x Jiyeon Vietnamese Ver - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> [ MV LYRICS OFFICIAL] Đẹp Nhất Là Em 우리사이 Soobin x Jiyeon Vietnamese Ver - Duration: 3:08.


[ENG] LuHan × Crest Promoting video - Duration: 0:16.

Hello, what are you doing?

I am about to be on the stage

I'm still a little nervous

Don't believe it?


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