Thứ Sáu, 20 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 20 2018

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For more infomation >> Acoustic Rock Cover | The 20 Most Heard Rock Songs On Youtube - Duration: 1:32:19.


[ENG] LuHan × Crest Promoting video - Duration: 0:16.

Hello, what are you doing?

I am about to be on the stage

I'm still a little nervous

Don't believe it?


For more infomation >> [ENG] LuHan × Crest Promoting video - Duration: 0:16.


TOP 3 Ways to Make $100 PER DAY as a Broke Kid - Duration: 13:27.

today we're gonna talk about the top three ways to make $100 a day

welcome to the video guys so today I'm gonna identify the top three ways that I

think you should approach business here in 2018 if you're broken you're looking

to make a hundred bucks a day now these are typically going to be you know

starter ideas but they are the best businesses to start if you're broke and

you're looking for not quick fixes I hate that term but you know basically

looking to get started in entrepreneurship or online business and

you're looking for some guidance so first and foremost we're gonna get it

out of the way is obviously Fiverr and up work now this is short and sweet I'm

sure that a lot of us know what Fiverr and upwork are but you can hop on Fiverr

you can hop on that work and sell up work I don't know what up work is and

sell your skills or you know something you're good at

essentially for you know set prices so why not work you're basically a

freelancer obviously on Fiverr you're gonna sell it typically for about $5 now

you're gonna get sell for 5 bucks when you're initially ranking on getting

started but then obviously as you get more customers more reviews and so on

and so forth you'll be able to start selling it for a little bit higher hey

you know have more add-ons and I have an entire course on Fiverr I'm not trying

to sell you on that I'm not trying to sell you on anything in this video it's

just pure knowledge pure recommendations I want to help you and I want to see you

succeed because I've been in your position before and I know how it feels

so you just need a little bit of guidance so fiber you can hop on maybe

you're good at you know you know SEO maybe you're good at you know you you

know you know you know a lot about YouTube and you can help rank you know

YouTube videos maybe you don't understand you know how to search for

the best tags that are gonna help a certain video rank there's literally

anything that you can sell on Fiverr if you have a skill if you have an

expertise you can sell on these online platforms people like myself and other

businesses and you know just other entrepreneurs in general go to these two

platforms probably more than anything else in the world and they look for

people and they search these every single day looking for skills that they

can find you know and people that will do them for them so fiber network I

would suggest hop on there and start selling your time as a freelancer it's

not hard to make a hundred bucks a day that's literally you know relatively

easy to do if you get on there and you put post a lot of different skills and

you start putting in the time now obviously it'll it'll it's like

exponential so I think you're looking at this way it's like

exponential so you might start a little bit slow but in a month or two you can

start picking up traction and obviously you should be able to make $100 a day if

you're you know putting in the work and you rank your gigs and you know your

service as well so let's get them out of the way they're kind of a you know

beginner stuff most people know that but I had to throw them in here because they

still are one of the best ways to make a hundred bucks a day as a baroque

individual or a starter so now that we got those two out of the way let's get

into the cool stuff now I got two great suggestions for you here then we're

gonna go over and the second one right here I'm gonna actually show you the the

whole business model right here in about maybe 30 seconds to a minute you can

take this and you can make a lot of money doing it I don't have the time to

necessarily do this anymore but you can take this and you I promise you you can

make a hundred bucks a day doing this so it's it's your typical drop shipping

business model we're gonna drop ship from aliexpress to ebay how do you do

that essentially by differentiating yourself from other people doing the

same thing drop your shipping from Aliexpress to

literally anywhere you're gonna do it from drop Aliexpress to ebay but this is

mainly for those you know in in urban areas or typically in the United States

now there are a lot of different you know factories some are in the UK some I

believe there are some in Spain in Germany and some are there might have

been Australia and Canada I saw sometimes two but most of the time

they're in the United States so this goes for those u.s. people that are

watching this is really really gonna help you out so what you do is you come

in here and you go to any you know any category essentially on Aliexpress so

we're just going to go to bags and shoes for example men's backpacks just to give

you an example and what you do is you go to this little ship from drop down menu

and you say ship from United States now I'm in the United States and I want to

drop ship this product to someone in the United States the number one problem

with drop shipping is that 20 day window if you're doing a packet that 12 to 20

days you know people don't want to wait 12 to 20 days in this Amazon Prime world

that we live in you know to get their stuff so how do you solve that problem

well you click this drop down menu and you look for somewhere that is close to

you so obviously if you're in the United States this works well like I said I've

seen it UK and I'm also seeing it in Canada and

I believe I've seen some Germany Spain and Australia as well here and there too

so if I were going to drop ship this well what would happen is I would set

literally this backpack up it says 799 to about 1725 and I might set this back

back up take the the pictures and everything write my own copy for it so

my own description literally making a new title and I'm not gonna copy this

you know like this and copy the you know the specs don't do that but you're gonna

want to make like a nice written copy you know for your description a nice

title that outlines basically what that is take the pictures slap them on eBay

and then obviously when someone buys you simply put their information into

Aliexpress and it's ships it out that way that's the easiest way to make a

hundred bucks a day as a beginner if you're not doing five or not work hands

down but obviously you don't have to spend any upfront money you just listen

on eBay and a lot of times you can get free listings on eBay you know when

you're first starting out and stuff so that's a great solution to that problem

now you don't just have to do this backpack or any backpack you can go to

another one let's go to another example really fast so let's go to let's go back

up to related categories we'll go to let's go back to home we'll go to this

time we'll go to cell phones and accessories and we'll go to let's go to

wallet cases why not and we're once again going to drop down ships from the

United States it's gonna sort it for us we're gonna pick one of these that we

feel like we can up sell on eBay so this one's 284 probably up sell that for

about 995 on ebay relatively easily so what I'm gonna do is I would take this

picture I would write a new title for this that obviously describes it really

well and I'd write some good copy that you know has keywords stuffed in there

but reads well and kind of converts and I would put this on eBay maybe for 995

then every single time somebody buys that off eBay I don't have to invest any

you know money in initial inventory because Aliexpress is holding my

inventory it also ships from the US so it ships to customers relatively quickly

and then as soon as someone buys map for my eBay listing guess what I turn around

I buy this from Aliexpress and I ship it to

to their address it's that simple that's how you can make $100 a day that's

method number two moving on now method number three is start your own agency

now this is something I've talked about a lot in droves recently and that's

because it is hands down one of the best ways to start a business if you're an

entrepreneur that's just getting into it the reason for that is because it costs

zero to start and there's literally zero risk involved now you can start an

agency based around anything and the best part about it is it's a skill based

business that a most of us are proficient in some of these things I'm

going to go through some examples with you here in a second most of us are

proficient and one of these things if not a couple of them so we can sell our

expertise our skill you know to other people that might not be as proficient

or advanced in that and on top of that even if you don't have a skill in any

one of these or can't think of an agency you can go out and learn SEO for example

you can go out and learn SEO relatively quickly in about a week or two and then

obviously be more advanced in like a month or two and literally sell that

skill to people for thousands of dollars every single month you can turn that

into an entire business not only have I done it not with SEO but somebody's I'm

gonna go through in a second with you but people do it every single day and

these are all skills that guess what the majority of companies if not every

single company out there needs so you can go out and sell this skill in

exchange for money so we're gonna go through a couple examples here obviously

number one that we're all familiar with you know Tai Lopez made it really famous

lately and that's social media marketing now I started my entire business with

social media marketing and I had two clients something I've talked about a

lot in droves recently great business to start you can still get into that

relatively easily and guess what the majority of us are proficient at social

media so you can sell that to companies another great example Facebook ad agency

maybe a Google ad agency if you're good at running ads on Facebook if you're

good at running Google ads or Bing ads or even you know YouTube ads anything

like that you can definitely sell that skill to a business because I promise

you they want that skill on top of that web design agency you if you know

anything about web design if you can design a website if you can create a

website there's so many businesses out there businesses out there that are

looking for web does and people that can build websites for

them and other entrepreneurs that are looking for that skill as well and even

if they have a website you can go to them and you can do you know give them a

couple tips to improve their website and guess what charge them a commission or

you know charge them a commission for you know anything that converts a little

bit more you can also redesign their website stuff like that there's a

million different ways I'm running through this fast because I want to give

you like the meat and potatoes of the entire you know business model I don't

want to give you know you know you know step by step this is how you do it and

this is how you don't give it any questions on any one of these drop them

down in the description below I actually did build websites for people when I was

first starting out as well I charge 500 then that moved to 750 and

then I was getting close to a thousand when I actually stopped doing that but

you can do that and guess what you can charge a thousand dollars to build a

website and we all know that in this drag-and-drop website creation world it

might take you 2 to 3 days max to do a hardcore you know in-depth website and

you just made a thousand box so that's a great example you could also set up

sales funnels if you know anything about like you know click funnels set up a

click formal for somebody for other entrepreneurs you know even like me I'm

looking for skills like that now obviously I understand how to set up

clip set up click funnels but that just gives you another example another

example might be a copywriting agency or even an SEO agency but it doesn't have

to be surrounded about a surrounding entrepreneurship or you know online

business skills you can surround you can start an agency on literally anything so

I always go back to the soccer agency example because it kind of just expands

your mind and lets you know that you can sell a skill or an expertise to anyone

if you're good at it and people are looking for it and there's a market for

it so people always give me this this you know push back how can you start a

soccer agency Brian that doesn't even make any sense

well guess what I remember when I was younger there was this soccer agency and

I put agency and quotes on purpose because you're just simply selling your

soccer expertise or training so you can sell that to parents that are looking

for their kids to improve you know and get college scholarships you could sell

that to teams as a whole you can if you can train people you can sell that as an

agency skill so this UK elite literally used to train our soccer team for like

thousands of dollars when like 10 and they do this all across the

US I know that for a fact and they're still around today and guess what they

are a soccer agency now they position themselves as people from UK that are

good at soccer because if you know anything about from you know if you're

from the United States most you know kids and parents from the US don't

really identify with us as soccer professionals you know so if you can

kind of come from like the foreigner aspect then obviously you kind of get a

little bit more credibility so to speak but guess what these are these guys are

killing it as a soccer agency so don't tell me that you can't do that at the

end of the day you saying you can't it's just an excuse it just depends on

whether or not you're gonna take action or if you just want people to think

you're gonna take action now there are three examples really fastest rolling

through editing agency you can edit videos I guarantee there's a lot of

youtubers just in general not just not just youtubers just people or businesses

across the board that could use that skill on top of that you know maybe

you're good at video recording you know you could start a videography agency

you're gonna photography start a photography agency who I need a breather

I've said a lot in a short period of time but that is literally the top three

ways that you can make a hundred bucks as a broke person today right here right

now if you take this and you pick one of these and you take action on it you can

do it and you can do it fairly quickly I promise you that so I've done a lot of

these you know I've done the first one that I was on Fiverr I was on off work

and never really sold anything but I was on Fiverr and told a lot of things on

Fiverr I know it's possible I know it's still possible I've dropship from

aliexpress to ebay I've also dropship in a number of other formats and fashions

and on top of that I started a social media marketing agency and it was

successful when I was doing it I've also designed websites for other people and I

know a little bit about SEO as well so I'm telling you I'm not just you know

saying these things I've done them to if you're looking to make a hundred bucks a

day pick one of those they're your best bets drop a comment down below if you

have any questions on anything hit that like button and let me know that I'm on

the right track I genuinely appreciate it and I'll see you the next one

For more infomation >> TOP 3 Ways to Make $100 PER DAY as a Broke Kid - Duration: 13:27.


Aviwkila - Apa Kabar Mantan (Live Session on Youtube Pop Up Space Jakarta 2018) - Duration: 4:18.

For more infomation >> Aviwkila - Apa Kabar Mantan (Live Session on Youtube Pop Up Space Jakarta 2018) - Duration: 4:18.


Клим Жуков о Ливонской войне, часть 4 - Duration: 1:33:04.

For more infomation >> Клим Жуков о Ливонской войне, часть 4 - Duration: 1:33:04.


Repaint! Mei superhero OOAK custom doll - Duration: 16:31.

For more infomation >> Repaint! Mei superhero OOAK custom doll - Duration: 16:31.





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সেই ফরিদ উদ্দিন মাসুদ আর নেই?Cosine BrothersOld Forid Uddin Masud is nomoreBorhan Ashrafi QF M.Ullah - Duration: 5:24.





For more infomation >> সেই ফরিদ উদ্দিন মাসুদ আর নেই?Cosine BrothersOld Forid Uddin Masud is nomoreBorhan Ashrafi QF M.Ullah - Duration: 5:24.


guru purnima greeting card | guru purnima english | guru purnima whatsapp status card - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> guru purnima greeting card | guru purnima english | guru purnima whatsapp status card - Duration: 1:08.


How To Do/Improve Your Tilt FAST! - Duration: 2:48.

After the warm-up start with doing front and side lunges.

Then do straddles.

Next do side kicks.

Now do splits and oversplits.

Before doing a tilt you must be able to do an leg hold and bow&arrow

Now try to do a tilt with for example chair, as a help.

Then you can try to do a tilt without help :)

For more infomation >> How To Do/Improve Your Tilt FAST! - Duration: 2:48.


【火速起底】與大劉對罵短裙少女 o靚模Diva曾參加選美 - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> 【火速起底】與大劉對罵短裙少女 o靚模Diva曾參加選美 - Duration: 2:44.



Do you know your financials, if something

happened to your spouse or life partners,

tomorrow? Would you have access, power and

control to be able to drive your

personal and financial life forward,

without missing a beat. Now, God forbid

that this should happen to you, but as

I've mentioned in previous videos in

this series,

sadly "Shit Happens" in life. Ask yourself

these questions - Do you know where the

key to the safety deposit boxes or

perhaps the combination to your safe? Do

you know all the passwords that we live

with today, so you can gain access to

your life and your finances? Can you find

the water, the gas, the power shutoff

valves in your home and even in your

vacation properties, if you had to turn

them off in an emergency? Because here's

the truth - around 2,500 sudden deaths

occur every day in the United States. 58%

of Americans die without a will.

That's a staggering percentage. 70% of

women will outlive their partners. Now if

any of this has given you one of those

Holy Crap moments, and you have realized

you or your partner don't have a clue

what to do should something happen to

the other, stay with me to the end of

this video for your solution. Hi, my name

is Sue Ferreira, founder of Wisdom To

Wealth Mastery, where I show you how to

take your wisdom to the world with video,

to grow your reach, influence, impact and

income, so subscribe to my YouTube

Channel to learn more about how to take

your message to a wide audience. Click

the "Subscribe" button below and then

click the little bell icon above here to

receive a message, each time I upload a

new video. In this video, I'm taking a

slightly different tack and we're

talking about a subject most of us would

rather not contemplate. We'd much rather

keep our head in the sand - that of the

sudden death or incapacity of a loved

one. In my 40-plus years as an

anesthesiologist, every day I saw

people's lives change in a second.

A fatal or a permanently disabling motor

vehicle accident, an unexpected diagnosis

of a terminal illness, a stroke, many, many

more situations - life-changing events for

the patient, but they're also

life-changing for the spouse, the partner,

the kids and the family, generally. If you

lost your loved one today, your grief is

going to consume you,

but will you also be forced suddenly, to

deal with all the "other stuff". Here's a

quote from DM, who has experienced

this nightmare. "My husband had a stroke

three years ago, he always insisted on

paying the bills and kept me out of it,

but once he was incapacitated, I was on

my own to discover who got paid, when and

how. In addition, I had no idea what his

passwords were. I found various ones

scribbled on a piece of paper. Also my

name was not on most of the accounts, so

it was a huge hassle trying to access

and have the banks and institutions

cooperate with me. It was a very, very

stressful time and it was unnecessary. If

we had had a plan in place ahead of time,

it would have taken much of the stress

off my shoulders.

In my own life, a close friend of mine

was suddenly widowed, just a few weeks

before she was due to retire. She'd been

looking forward to it so much. She was

going to retire from decades of giving

to others, as a nurse in the Operating

Room and you know, her pension would have

been small, but it disappeared completely

when she discovered that her late

husband's business was bankrupt, and she

was now facing a pile of debt. Needless

to say, she didn't retire and she's still

working several years later. Perhaps

suddenly, your spouse does that classic

"Trade you in for a younger model"

and demands a divorce - I've been there - no

fun. Do you know your financial situation

so that you can negotiate and settle

from a position of strength, rather than

from a position of weakness and

ignorance. This subject has been long

been on my mind and I've decided to talk

about in this video but you know, I

didn't really feel I had the knowledge

or the skills to tackle a subject

effectively, but what if you could head

this nightmare off at the pass? Well, it's

amazing how the Universe provides.

Last week, I attended an event where I

met Nancy and Steve Juetten. Nancy is a

very well-known influencer, in the online

space and her husband, Steve, happens to

be a Financial Planner. They have been

thinking deeply about this subject too,

after friends of their's life sadly

changed in an instant. They have

created your solution!

What if you had an organizer to capture

all of your crucial financial

information and your life

information, while all as well and you

have time. But what if this organizer was

fun, not all gloomy and doomy. I thought I

was pretty organized, until I saw Nancy

and Steve's "Life Goes On Roadmap" and

then I realized, there was much more

information I needed to document, to make

life simpler for my children, if anything

happens to me. Do you owe this to

yourself and your family? Check out the

link to the "Life Goes On Roadmap" in the

description below, along with the link to

contact Steve Juetten directly. Next week,

two of my kids are going to come to

visit. We will be having a family

conference and going over the "Life Goes

On Roadmap" together, I promise you, and I

will report on our thoughts on the

process in my next video, in this series.

If you like this video, well, please hit

the "Like" button below, Share it with your

friends - they need this information too.

Leave a comment and be sure to Subscribe

to my YouTube channel. Once again, check

the links in the description and I will

see you in the next video. Bye for now!

For more infomation >> FINANCIAL PEACE FOR YOUR FAMILY - LIFE GOES ON ROADMAP - Duration: 5:47.



For more infomation >> CÁCH SỬ DỤNG SOUND CARD THU ÂM ICON UPOD PRO ♥ VIDEO 2 - Duration: 18:18.


【還原經過】o靚模Diva扶手梯「攝位」篤手機 與大劉對罵十分鐘 - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> 【還原經過】o靚模Diva扶手梯「攝位」篤手機 與大劉對罵十分鐘 - Duration: 3:44.


Tensei Productions : Bleach Episode 367 WIP #1 - Duration: 0:56.

You sure know how to make people mad, as usual.

Over here idiot!

Please don't slap me like that Shino-san!

Get yourself in gear! You and I are leaving for the mission point this afternoon!

I know this...but aren't you scared...?

Why would you be scared if you are with me?

No it has nothing to do with that...

I just heard that the Hollow appareance rate in Karakura is high...

So I just wondered if it's ok for someone like me to go there...

Besides, I heard that there is already a strong Shinigami Representative there...

If that's the case, then why do I need to go?

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