Thứ Sáu, 20 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 20 2018

No it wasn't meant to be

But all the words you said to me are still so clear

Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me

And I pretend that I can see you laying here

If I'm supposed to heal in time

Should you still be on my mind like you are

Cuz I've been living with the fear

That this pain won't disappear from my heart

Sometimes the wrong things feel so right

Sometimes the lights shine brighter at night

Sometimes the truth's a lie

So when you ask me how I am I say fine

So when you ask me how I am I say fine

It's impossible to quit

When every thought of you's a hit that keeps me high

All the memories make me numb

But they're barely just enough to get me by

You know I wonder all the time

If I occupy your mind at all

I'm embarrassed to confess

I'm not strong enough to let you go

Sometimes the wrong things feel so right

Sometimes the lights shine brighter at night

Sometimes the truth's a lie

So when you ask me how I am I say fine

So when you ask me how I am I say fine

I'm embarrassed to confess

I'm not strong enough to let you go

The wrong things feel so right

Sometimes the lights shine brighter at night

Sometimes the truth's a lie

So when you ask me how I am I say fine

So when you ask me how I am I say fine

Won't you please ask me how I am

So I would like to say I am fine

CC by : Roy Wang's YouTube Channel

For more infomation >> 【TFBOYS 王源】 王源新歌《The Wrong Things》,王源用歌曲来传达爱意的天赋 【Roy Wang Yuan】 - Duration: 3:28.


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For more infomation >> Sony - BRAVIA - Control your world with Google Assistant - Duration: 2:42.


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For more infomation >> Tissue Box Flip | KAMIWAZA - Duration: 6:55.


Еврейский анекдот из Одессы! Анекдот про любовников! (20.07.2018) - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> Еврейский анекдот из Одессы! Анекдот про любовников! (20.07.2018) - Duration: 0:40.


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10 Big Burger Eating Challenge | Eating Competition | Food challenge India | tanuNtani Episode 07 - Duration: 12:30.

Hey Guys! Welcome to another episode of Eat2Beat Food Challenge.

For more infomation >> 10 Big Burger Eating Challenge | Eating Competition | Food challenge India | tanuNtani Episode 07 - Duration: 12:30.


How to restore contacts from iCloud - Duration: 1:07.

If you want to import contacts saved in the iCloud to your iPhone then let us see how

to do it.

If I go to my "Contacts", right now I don't have any number.

And if I want to import it from the iCloud then what I will do is I will go to "Settings".

I will select this "Sign in to your iPhone".

Then I need to enter the apple id.


Then I need to enter the password for the apple id.


Now I am signing into my iCloud account.

Now once I am inside my iCloud account then what I will do is, I will select this iCloud

and then I need to make sure that this contact button is enabled.

Right now it is enabled.

Now again I will go and check my contact.

If I see now I have all the contact in my iPhone and these contacts are imported from

the iCloud account.

For more infomation >> How to restore contacts from iCloud - Duration: 1:07.


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How to draw Dr. Fox

Don't miss any Blabla Art episode


For more infomation >> HOW TO DRAW Dr.FOX from Unikitty! | LEGO Best Coloring for Kids | Blabla Art - Duration: 10:40.


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Youtube channel ka Subscribe link banaye | How to create Subscribe link youtube channel - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> Youtube channel ka Subscribe link banaye | How to create Subscribe link youtube channel - Duration: 3:35.


Kryon - "Wo, The Linear Human" - Duration: 38:33.

Ah, why don't you just come into what's comfy for you close your eyes

Lean back in your chair

Take a big breath in hmm, let it out

And again big inhale

And just take a few moments to drop down into your body from your mind

Breathing deeper into your heart center into your belly

Letting the breath take you all the way down into your feet

Feeling the receptiveness of your heart center of your being

And feeling the love in the room

This big human family and the nonhuman

entourage that surrounds us with love and


as we hear

This beautiful message from Kryon

Greetings dear ones. I'm Kryon of magnetic service

There are those who have not seen this before

You have to readjust the paradigm of your reality to think that such a thing could be

There's always those for the first time

The question is always the same what happened to the man in the chair, where did he go? Is he still there? Pretending?

And this is where we say and we always do that that is discernment of the human being

That is going to make that choice

There are those who will always say it cannot be this is not the way God works

Or is it it is not the way you were taught God works

What if this is the way God works and spirit and the Creator are connected to you directly?

And that such a thing of channelling is doable and possible it always has been that

Every single human being has this ability not to speak to groups

To literally pull in that which is sacred

From their own biology pull it in

And once you start adjusting to the possibility this could be real

And what you see is the casualness of the message is my partner practice same with me

for over two decades

The messages are multi-dimensional given to him in a way where he has to put his filters aside and

the stream of consciousness which you call language and sentences

is his

But it represents that which is me from the creating source

In all of the times that we have been in front of you

You're in an energy now where we ask you to pay attention

Number one

We know who is here in the room

We know who is listening

And I have a statement and there are some of you who needed to hear this

Everything that's going on is on purpose. There is no accident. There's no confusion. There is no puzzlement with God

The only puzzlement is with you

If you're not fine, if you haven't found that special place yet

We invite you to the place is only findable with

surrender to the human paradigm

What does your logic say about what's happening? You'll say well, I'll judge it later No do it now

Is this real or is it not real if it's real then pay attention? That means the Creator knows you

What you've been missing is that whole section that there's more to life than you think

Did you know that all humanity believes in the afterlife you come in with it you open your eyes

With it as soon as you're able to think for yourself you look for the Creator

This is common to humans

What if the creators inside?

Yes, the creators in Gaia and all these other places that you feel it and you do

But the primary place if you want to say place that you will find spirituality

Is in humanity in every single human

There is a compassion quotient

Quotient that is starting to increase

The quotient is that puzzle between light and dark light is starting to win

Compassion is starting to come out is confusing to some

Some have lived their whole life and now they're just awakening and it's uncomfortable. They don't know what their awakening to

You know why it's so uncomfortable

Because you're blocked spirit all your life. You're good at it

And you know who I'm talking to?

You're good at it you

Went everywhere else but home

And now you're sitting and I'm telling you home has come to you

God inside is the real you the Higher Self. It's most of you it's in every single cell

I want you to relax. This is a safe place a real safe place. We're not asking you to do anything

I don't want you to join anything say anything and I want you to stand up

I just want you to sit there and feel loved and know there is so much more in you than

you think

This is the theme it always has been of Kryon but these new energies are starting to promote light

The older energies all I did

Seemingly the whole time

Was to help you to endure the darkness


now suddenly I

Want you to create light?

This is who you are

Totally who you are

And if you're having trouble with it

It's because you're a filter of training a reality or paradigm. Your truth is getting in the way. What were you taught?

How were you taught it where you talk this can't happen

That being a can't or is that just the way your teacher said it was I want you to look at this and feel it

What is your reality at the moment?

It's the man in the chair connected to the other side of the veil or not

We've said it before

If you want to know whether channeling is real

Look for the compassion

Look for the love

Spirit will never ask you to do unusual and strange things

In order to enhance that which is spiritual

Because you're family you don't have to work for it dear ones and you were told you did

You don't have to work for something that's you and inside you and always has been all you have to do is acknowledge it

And look for it

And then the work begins the work of a compassionate human being more master like

More compassionate

That is the message of cryin and that is this short message

Will be back and so it is

Close your eyes

Let your consciousness move a little more deeply into the center of your being

Let each breath

Take you

into that place that

Is receptive that is soft that is trusting that


That receives

Any energy of what's been created here today and what continues to be created

In the love and the honouring that comes from cryin

The love and the honoring of the human and the journey of the soul here in human form


the family the

Family that we are when we're together in this life other lives

future lives and when we're not together in the physical

We are connected by the beautiful grid

that runs within us

That runs through the planet the grid of Gaia

And that we connect to in the cosmos

And we don't have to think

Just know and

feel that connection and

the depth of love that comes with that and

the sweetness of


Who we are?

why we are

Where we came from and

How blessed we are to be in this moment

In this now moment

Present to receive

Creating this

Moment together

So that we can have this special love showered upon us

Take a deep breath in

Let yourself receive even more deeply just opening


And you don't have to know what that is. Just trust that it is

And let your soul


With the love that is supported and acknowledged

Through the beauty of the energy and the message of cry on

Greetings dear ones. I'm Kryon of magnetic service

It is difficult sometimes to give a message

When I know who's here

There is so much celebration

You see what's like when you laugh

You see the chemistry that is presented when you're joyful I

Call it the chemistry of home

It's healing it's beautiful makes a difference

and there's been much of that this day I

Know that you are respectful in your silence

When I come in

And yet inside I want you to laugh I

Want to to feel the joy of your heart for it makes a difference on how you listen

Messages that I give humanity are benevolent from the creative source, they're beautiful

Filled with love appreciation of humanity

But in this case, I know who's here as well I always do

It's getting more powerful, you know your past life energy as you sit in the chairs here

Is more obvious to me

It broadcasts itself

Even in the energy of the earth plane. Oh, I know what you've been through but

You are broadcasting it through that which is your markaba more than ever before in

Order dear ones

For you to become closer with spirit in

Order for you to have an experience perhaps you haven't had before

I'm going to repeat a phrase it's time for you to get out of linearity

You are graduating

to bigger


of yourself

You are graduating to bigger concepts of spirit

My partner teaches what I teach and

You're beginning to get into those areas that

Are confusing because they are areas. You've not heard before and they involve you with you

That is difficult

But it's even made more difficult. If you start to ask the linear questions that so many of you ask

their normal questions

Dear ones humanity is linear you live in three dimensions


in that paradigm you exist even



You're constantly asking the questions

That you feel are pertinent and they're not

Because they're linear

Today the subject was brought to you about working with that which is an eight

To talk to that which is your body to in

In imbue yourself with the ability of

Mining the Akash

These are all concepts and

Yet that which you wish to know about them are linear. I

Know what you're thinking

the questions so often

Go like this

How many times a day?

Should I get in touch with my cellular structure what is the optimum time for meditation?

How long should I meditate should it be in the morning and the evening what the spirit want from me?

How often should I talk to my cells in a personal way

What I want to generate


How is it done? And what at what amplitude?

Should my intent be?

all of these are linear and

Yet you ask them

Is it alright to do it this way? Is it alright to do it this way and they're all linear questions

The channel is called the end of linearity


Order for me to give you one basic truth today

one basic truth

I've got to give you a parable

So it is time yet again for a parable of whoa

I'm going to talk about a

Human being called. Whoa

Whoa is always the subject of the parables?

Now, whoa is not a male or a female. Whoa is a whoa, man

So it is both

We will call the human being whoa and will refer to it as a hymn for this particular lesson I

Want you to know whoa

Whoa loved God

What was an old soul and he awakened on the planet with intuitive knowledge there was a creator

Early in his life whoa searched for and found

God in his own way in an organization of like minds and

he was pleased with himself and

That is where he met others who loved God

Well heard about the creative source in his own way

Nothing he heard was inappropriate really it all made sense to him really

And we've said this before

blessed is that

Which searches for god?


no matter what the

Organization is or whether you think they've got it, right or not. The search for God is honored by

the creative source

Whoa had found his niche and his search and he began

Whoa heard that there is life after his death and he believed it. It felt right. It was intuitive

Whoa knew that he could live his entire life and that there would be a time when he would literally

Be taken in some form in some way to a magic place that he can't even fathom

Where he would get that which is a party or a reward for all that he had done on the planet

he was told that the more he did the more that he

accomplished and and the lists that he had would please God the more he did the greater chance that

when it came for the point of judgment

He would be judged worthy. Whoa knew he was worthy

But he began the lineage of his life that was linear

Whoa was not wrong

What was not really misinformed Louis what was simply being the human?

He was doing what humans do

They quantify they qualify they count they assembled they log and he did that

Whoa went to church many times sometimes

More than once a day every single time

He went he kneeled before God and he knew he was in the presence of God

and he felt God's love whoa wept all

Of the time feeling the incredible love of God that was there in the system that he chose

He found God

Every time he went to church he logged it in he knew some day

There would be someone perhaps in a place. He can't even fathom that want to know how often he went

What was told that it would that would help if he would then be

Open and talk about that which he he had done or thought and confessed these things and he did that

Knowing absolutely that this was the process that God would be pleased with that he did

Many times over and over he feel good

He logged that into

What was looking for other things that would would please that which was the Creator the creator of the universe

Itself, he felt part of it. He felt the love of God in his church

He started volunteering

He would go and help this person in that person over and over he would do labor


Order to to to be a volunteer knowing it was pleasing to God he put it in his logbook

Book was getting very big

What was getting older?

He was so pleased

He was in his second book in his third book in his fourth book

logging in the things that he was doing and he felt good about

Everything that he heard from those in charge who were the

Spiritual teachers would agree in everything he was doing was doing it, right

He's a good man. He was a good person. He didn't hurt anybody

And then it was time

Will passed away peacefully


He knew it was the time and he knew that he would meet the master

He knew that he would go to a place again that he couldn't even conceive of

There would be beautiful beyond anything that he had seen

And he was right. Oh

He was right

He passed through the tunnel and he recognized the white light at the end. This is God. This is where it's gonna happen

I'm on my way to a place where there'll be a beautiful gate where they will listen to me

I brought my log books there may be

Esoteric, but they're with me. I've got them with me

I can tell what I've done how many times I've done it indeed

They will be impressed with me because I did it right. I love God. God loves me. He got all of that, right?

All of it

God loved him and he loved God

Could it be more perfect no, really? Not good - whoa, he he'd done everything properly and he's a good person

What was correct

He got to this beautiful gate

Whoa didn't understand at this point in time, but later he did that the gate was was

It was a conscious creation of his own he expected it and even in death he was there

What was ready

There's a beautiful golden angel at the gate

He's shone like the Sun well recognized him somehow some way like maybe he'd met him before

War was ready, whoa felt the love of God that day the creative source was all around him

Wolf felt comfortable

And then the golden angel the beautiful voice

Welcome to wall to heaven welcome. Whoa we've expected you

What have you got

- whoa, this was the opportunity to prove himself

What did he bring with him what had he done and slowly he began to talk to the angel I

Have been good. I have done these things look at the volumes

Of what I've done it was impressive

Whoa talked for a long time

Giving that golden angel who was so patient with him

Over and over the things he had done

That which would be pleasing to God

The number of times he had done it


There were a few times when he went to church three times a day that was impressive

It was the top of the list so it'd be seen

The golden angel was quite attentive never moved

Just emanated love

And what was silent

And then the golden angel said, whoa

I'm not interested in how many times you did something

How much compassion did you have

What's the quantity of compassion you had and

Whoa said I had to be compared to that. Look I did this three hundred times

I did this four hundred times the angel stopped him and said, well, you're not allowed to give me numbers

How many loves did

You give if you want to give me numbers how many Compassion's did you give?

How many lives did you affect by those Compassion's and loves?

And what was beginning to feel uncomfortable

And he was saying to himself, maybe I did it wrong

Maybe I got it wrong. The golden angel could read his mind. Whoa

I want you to relax and I want you just to tell me

What was your intent as you did these things

And well we had no answer except one I

Wanted to impress you he said

So I could go through the gate. I want to please God

So I could go through the gate and the angel said what did you do to please yourself?

Compassionately, what did you do to love that which was inside you that you knew was divine. Whoa

Whoa, put down the books and realized he got it wrong

Whoa begin to cry

He didn't know it was gonna happen

He just realized that the assemblage of everything had created all his life was somehow missed the marquee

He wasn't being asked the questions. He thought he would be asked the golden angel said whoa

By your intent

the gate opens

Boy your intent is good enough

For today

What was so grateful

The gate opened then he went in

Now this is where we have to stop the story of woe because woe was no longer

Whoa, as soon as he passed the gate he became

Part of the creative source. He became part of the family. We have told you what happens to you

When you cross that barrier between human consciousness and the consciousness of God

How long whoa was there we can't tell you that either but we can pick up where whoa begins again

whoa became aware of who he was for he picked up the same soul and the next thing he knew he

was connected to an umbilical cord

He was back

This is the story of world that the parable that we want to give you

to answer some of the questions that

we hear over and over I

Want you to be clear about the end of linearity

There are no steps to climb

There are no beads to count

There's no repetition that will create the love of God for you

Did you hear that?

There is no act which you can perform

Which gets you into a better place than you're in now

There's no amount of anything that you can do

That's all linear

These are concepts which we wish to teach tonight and we already have by the story of woe

He loved God

But in the process he didn't love himself

First question I

Want to meditate correctly before spirit, it's a good question its linear


I'll give you the answer because the the question is about how many and how much?

It always is

How much should I meditate how long should it be? You're still asking?

I'm gonna answer

How many times should you meditate are you ready for this once

How often


Now crying is that once a day


That's for the rest of your life dear one

one time I

Want you to go in meditation and never come out do you hear me?

Never come out. I want you to be close to your peace of God in the side

You're always in a meditative state you're in a walking meditation

You're alert you're connected and you never leave. Do you hear this? That's a concept there is no

Linearity and if you object to that and say well, yeah

But you're not a 3d crying we got to do it here or there or no?

you don't you do it one time and let your body decide when it gets intense and when it isn't when it's your

Driving or when it's your walking or when you're talking to a friend or when you're compassionate or when you're perhaps sleeping one time?

You're always there you're

connected to come

You have in you

the creative seed

given to you very early

You're born with it. You asked about it. First time you awakened. I said this morning you look for God

Well when you've decided that it's inside you I want you to connect with it and never stop

one time

All your life one time don't you dare keep a log

We're not interested you shouldn't be either

What's your compassion quotient again I asked

You can't count how many Compassion's there are you can't count how many loves there are

If you're in love with yourself

It's not quantitative it just is do you see

First question what was asked was about himself?

What did you do for you?

And then once that was cleared not much

The next question was asked. What was your compassion for others? He wasn't in the compassion mode

He was counting janya flex

That's what was important how many times could he bow

How many times could he show honor how many candles did he light?

Dear ones, that's linear. I

Want you to start understanding a multi-dimensional plan, I'll make a statement

You only have three D to work in right we know that you know that so here's something new I

Want you to do

3-dimensional actions

for multi-dimensional


And you'll be right. It's all you got right now. It's all you got


That three-dimensional action will be you with you the best way you can

to go into a state of meditation that's forever and

You'll give intent for it between intent passion and love that's all we see

Spirit cease energy

Spirit cease


And the compassion that you would have for the one next to you

When you walk out of the room for the one who cuts you off on the road

The compassion you'd have for a family member who doesn't understand where you were today and gives you a bad time

That's energy how you doing so far

These are the tough ones it's easy to be compassionate to a homeless person or a poor person

What about for you

Can you have compassion for your own life

Can you fall in love with

Everything that is you and is happening around you no matter what it is

Can you have compassion understanding and love for?

circumstances you don't know about

That's energy

And that's what we see

Now, you know why affirmations are

One of the strongest things that an old soul can begin

Outloud you are saying things to yourself and we're hearing them and they carry tremendous energy of joy a

purpose of intent and you stand there perhaps even in the mirror and you say I am healthy I

Am you think I

Am a spiritual being and part of God I

am that I am I

am on purpose I

am beautiful

Before God because I am part of a plan of God

And there is joy that rings through this

Is nonlinear

You are saying statements in three dimensions and you're getting multi-dimensional solutions

This is the new human

dear one

Who starts to understand the language of spirit?

is energy

Now go do it old soul

Go do it and so it is

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