Thứ Sáu, 20 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 20 2018

SPIDER-MAN: What is happening to our city, Yuri?

YURI: I don't know.

Feels like the end of the world.

Maybe it is.

NORMAN OSBORN: Peter Parker, how the hell are you?

MARY JANE: The city is in danger.

It needs our help.

SPIDER-MAN: All of our help.

MILES: All right. Well, call the play, coach.

SPIDER-MAN: A gang of costume nut jobs

is taking the city apart piece by piece.

Time I return the favor.

NORMAN OSBORN: This is opportunity knocking.

SPIDER-MAN: You know the closer you get to them,

the more you become a target, right?

MARY JANE: The closer I get,

the better chance we have to stop them.

MISTER NEGATIVE: I've ordered Silver Sable and her team

to shoot you on sight.

This city's had enough of your vigilantism.

You're officially an enemy of the people.

MARY JANE: Come on, Peter.

MILES: How do I call you?

I mean, do you have, like,

a cell phone in your pockets or something?

For more infomation >> SPIDERMAN (PS4) - Story Trailer (Comic Con 2018) - Duration: 2:04.


🔥SpeedSkinS For Sh6 and thekinty🔥ЗАКАЗАТЬ СВОЙ МОЖНО В ВК🔥 - Duration: 13:01.

For more infomation >> 🔥SpeedSkinS For Sh6 and thekinty🔥ЗАКАЗАТЬ СВОЙ МОЖНО В ВК🔥 - Duration: 13:01.


Private Altersvorsorge – 5 fatale Fehler - Duration: 12:41.

Private pension and the 5 tips you need to keep in mind.

I'm Thorsten Wittmann, welcome to today's episode of fascination freedom.

Later on I will reveal in which country I am today and as usual with some impressions.

Today's topic might not be spectacular but it's very important: private pensions.

So please watch it till the end and pay attention to the tips so you don't have to learn it the hard way.

It's a very important topic. I know for sure

I won't win a popularity contest with this topic, but it's very important.

That's why we have a deeper look on private pensions. In order to differentiate

we have to know the three types of private pensions or pillars rather.

It's similar for Germany, Austria and Switzerland. First one is the statutory.

This includes the statutory pension, official's pension and professional pension schemes.

Then there is the occupational pillar. Everything related like the occupational pension

there is different implementation paths for. That's not our topic today.

But the private pillar is and what we can do with it. Let's jump right into it.

No. 1: "tackle instead of hoping!" Follow up with the topic!

I don't want you to make it the center of your life,

but please follow up with it. It's very important.

It decides whether you're going to buy groceries at the discount store

or if you go to our favourite island Mallorca where we can buy from the organic farmer next door.

Financial Education is freedom! I share with you my own opinion,

which is financial freedom beats private or general pension. Because it's only one part of it.

If we deal with financial freedom we know what we have to do and how to manage our money.

Not only little pension schemes

and running to the bank for a life insurance which is rather bad to have.

We come to that later again, so that we really follow up with the topic.

And therefor financial education is really important.

It makes us free. We can design our life the way we want it to be.

And pension is just a by-product or in quotes just a "waste product"

because it's regulated. Because many people for whom pension is important believe

that pension has to write on a product

like the statuary paths, etc. They don't really deal

with the plenty of options. And this brings us to tipps no. 2:

"Scissors beats paper!"

This stands for the difference between real value and monetary value.

Historically speaking monetary value became worthless due to inflation or currency reforms.

Life insurances, bank deposits or home savings became worthless or have lost most of its value.

Over the last century some generations in Germany and Austria

have lost all of their money. By the way, we witnessed several

perios of expropriation when states had their backs to the wall.

This might even effect the real estate sector. But real estates belong to real values

and are still a better option than monetary values.

Right now lots of money is pumped into the economy. And if the real effects show up

a high inflation might follow, much higher than in the past.

It might lead to the crash and nonexistence of the Euro currency within

the next 10, 15, 20 years. Considering that the Euro doesn't exist for too long and that

we already have massive problems we should really

consider whether we want to be invested in it with our money.

Most of people do it anyways. Simply because banks, insurances and politics

recommend to do so. That's why you should remain skeptical.

Historically speaking nothing worked on a long term. If it's such a great investment why

do most people still run like a hamster in a wheel?

Think about it. There is many possibilities. In our courses we train

different ways. For example precious metals like gold or silver

which you can diversify in precious metals, or areas like real estate, shares, art,

there's also diamonds, arable land, timber and forest industries,

agriculture where you really invest in the production like fruits.

You can invest in foreign currencies from stable countries, photovoltaics,...

It's unbelievable how many options there are to ensure real security.

And that is a stable and rock solid pension scheme.

The effect is when dealing with it,

not participating in all the unnecessary consumptions instead saving money

you can live a life in freedom. No. 3 which is a rather German tip

but applicable for Austrian and Swiss people: "Beware of Rürup and Riester"

Two special ways of pension schemes in Germany you can choose

and that come with tax incentives. Both have disadvantages and that's

why I dont use any of them and also won't in the future.

For the Rürüp pension it works like this: Each Euro you give into is permanent.

You can't cancel as contracts are non-terminable. That is the condition

in order tomake Rürüp work. And let's see why it's not very advantageous

during the retirement. It's very critical.

You have zero flexibility.

You're completely at the mercy of the provider. Some providers don't even offer the possibility

to transfer the contract to another provider. As you can see zero flexibility.

If things don't go well as expected you'll have a problem

when facing better opportunities. It's very restricted.

And tax must be paid on it. Tax benfitsthat you enjoy now

face a taxation afterwards.

Now the Riester pension. Under certain circumstances that might

be interesting in general. At least you have the possibilty to

pay out some part of it. But here is the BUT.

Instead you can invest in real value as mentiones in no. 2. They're much more advisable.

But the problem is and let's take a share savings plan for example,

the provider can barely invest in shares or only do it on a small scale since they have

to ensure the guarantee, 100 percent of the paid in shares. So what do they do?

For investments with fixed interest rates, and there is only little interest rates,

they have to accept a lot in order to get to the one hundred and guaranteed later on.

That's the problem many Riester contracts have. Having a share savings plan

you might think to be investes in real value, but in reality you're not.

Instead it's fixed interest rated and then you face

the problem as mentiones in no. 2.

And that's the problem with these two kinds of contracs. Think carefully

about it and check if the tax benefits will pay out.

The situation might get tough, less with Riester and more with Rürüp.

No.4. "No retirement!"

Avoid classical forms of retirement, such as retirement insurance as they have

different and complex disadvanteges. They also have the low flexibility.

Especially two disadvanteges that we have to look into. One is, that you really have to get old as life insurer calculate conservatively.

They calculate their own profits, too.

And if you grow very old, they will have a problem.

On the mortality table they go relatively high. You can calculate.

If you have 100.000 Euro invested how long do you have to wait

until the normal pension will be paid out.

Usually this takes a lot of time. You have to grow really, really old.

The mortality table works rather against you. And number two: If you get a pension now

how high is the inflation rate in a couple of years? Will the Euro still exist in 5 0r 10 years

after all these problems we have faced already and

the near crash that we had? Are we going to have it still in 5 or 10 years?

Which currency will we have? What will the conversion key be?

Will the debts of EU countries rise up higher up to a point

where it gets out of hand and intervention is needed in order to work somehow.

And for this reason only I'd be very careful, I got to say.

Imagine in 5 years having a higher inflation

of let's say 10%, linearly speaking we'd only have

half of the purchase power. The 500€ today, which sounds great today,

who knows what purchase power it would possibly have in 5 years.

That is why you should be careful. That's why I am not a fan

of a monthly pension and pension insurance. Stay away from that.

There is better options. Let's have a look on real estate. There's a real value behind.

You can always rent it to somebody, it's a real value not just a piece of paper

which come with little interest rates. Then no. 5:

"Better to start now than later at some point!"

Especially with the compound interest effect, which you might know is exponential.

But if you're missing the last years you might only be at this

point. And that is the problem. The younger you are the easier

it is to build monetary value and financial freedom. That's when you're not used to the consumption nonsense,

because the really important things in life, such as love

freedom, passion, you can only buy them in a limited fashion with money. You can support it a little

but eventually these things come from inside. There is no benefit

in distracting oneself with consumption. Instead take an easy approach in life,

focus on what's essential to your life and

build your own freedom, out of the hamster wheel. Don't surrender to spending sprees.

Keep it easy and simple. And start now.

Not later at some point. I will earn more money later on, that's what many say.

But the monthly costs will be higher, too. You will reach a higher standard, but relatively speaking

you're still in the same hamster wheel as before. Start always today.

Here and now even if it's only a Euro per day that you save.

And that's good for oneself as you

establish a mentality of abundance while putting money aside. You have more than needed and that's what you communicate

everyday once more.

If you liked today's video on private pension than you can share and like it.

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to never miss another friday episode of fascination freedom.

I'm looking forward to seeing you. And right now I'm in Bosnia and Hercegovina.

Research has brought me here. Let's see some beautiful impressions.

That's Sarajevo. I'm happy you tuned in today.

See you next Friday. I will come up with a great topic. Until then. Yours, Thorsten Wittmann.

For more infomation >> Private Altersvorsorge – 5 fatale Fehler - Duration: 12:41.


Aktiivisuusmittarit, urheilukellot ja älykellot – miten ne eroavat toisistaan? - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Aktiivisuusmittarit, urheilukellot ja älykellot – miten ne eroavat toisistaan? - Duration: 3:01.


Nationale Feestdag Fête Nationale | STIBMIVB - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Nationale Feestdag Fête Nationale | STIBMIVB - Duration: 1:21.


Valtteri Bottas on His First Ever Race Win - Duration: 1:18.

For more infomation >> Valtteri Bottas on His First Ever Race Win - Duration: 1:18.


10 Big Burger Eating Challenge | Eating Competition | Food challenge India | tanuNtani Episode 07 - Duration: 12:30.

Hey Guys! Welcome to another episode of Eat2Beat Food Challenge.

For more infomation >> 10 Big Burger Eating Challenge | Eating Competition | Food challenge India | tanuNtani Episode 07 - Duration: 12:30.


How to restore contacts from iCloud - Duration: 1:07.

If you want to import contacts saved in the iCloud to your iPhone then let us see how

to do it.

If I go to my "Contacts", right now I don't have any number.

And if I want to import it from the iCloud then what I will do is I will go to "Settings".

I will select this "Sign in to your iPhone".

Then I need to enter the apple id.


Then I need to enter the password for the apple id.


Now I am signing into my iCloud account.

Now once I am inside my iCloud account then what I will do is, I will select this iCloud

and then I need to make sure that this contact button is enabled.

Right now it is enabled.

Now again I will go and check my contact.

If I see now I have all the contact in my iPhone and these contacts are imported from

the iCloud account.

For more infomation >> How to restore contacts from iCloud - Duration: 1:07.


Il Ceta tra pro e contro: opportunità o minaccia al Made in Italy? - Duration: 6:45.

 Negli ultimi giorni si è parlato con insistenza del Ceta, ma in molti non sanno cosa sia

Si tratta del Trattato Commerciale Europa-Canada, considerato da molti come una grande opportunità ma criticato per le possibili difficoltà nella tutela dei prodotti agroalimentari e dei consumatori, che avranno maggiore scelta ma meno qualità

Il vicepremier Di Maio e il ministro dell'Agricoltura Centinaio hanno espresso pareri contrari al Ceta per com'è attualmente, in quanto non tutela la salute dei consumatori e non rispetta alcune regole come quelle sull'utilizzo di diserbanti e ormoni

Dall'altro lato della barricata troviamo Tajani, Confindustria e la Carfagna, che accusano l'attuale ministro del Lavoro di voler privare l'Italia di una grande opportunità economica

Vediamo adesso nel dettaglio in cosa consiste il Ceta. Cos'è il Ceta  Ceta è l'acronimo di Comprehensive economic and trade agreement, un accordo commerciale tra l'Unione europea e il Canada approvato dai governi europei nell'ambito del Consiglio europeo e dall'Europarlamento nel febbraio del 2017 e quindi in vigore solo in forma provvisoria

Si tratta di un accordo misto, che entrerà in vigore soltanto quando ogni stato membro dell'Ue lo avrà approvato e ratificato

  Cosa prevede il Ceta  Con il Ceta si intende eliminare una serie di barriere economiche e restrizioni tra Canada ed Europa

Ecco quali sono i punti chiave: liberalizzazione del mercato dei servizi; accesso delle imprese europee agli appalti pubblici canadesi; abolizione della stragrande maggioranza dei dazi doganali; riconoscimento della tutela delle denominazioni di origine; reciproco riconoscimento delle qualifiche professionali; più garanzie in materia di proprietà intellettuale

I vantaggi del Ceta  Come riportato dal sito della Commissione europea, i benefici che si potrebbero trarre dal Ceta sono i seguenti: riduzione dei costi per le esportazioni dall'UE; maggiori opportunità per le piccole e medie imprese dell'Unione; più scelta e prezzi più bassi per i consumatori; semplificazione delle procedure per i cittadini europei che desiderano lavorare in Europa; condizioni migliori e più semplici per gli investitori europei e canadesi; aiuti per chi svolge attività creative; e garanzie per i diritti dei lavoratori e dell'ambiente

Gli svantaggi del Ceta  Come tutte le cose, anche questo trattato ha i suoi 'contro'

Ecco quali sono i principali 'nodi' che non hanno convinto totalmente: L'aspetto più negativo riguarda i prodotti agroalimentari di eccellenza

Il Ceta infatti tutela soltanto 41 prodotti italiani, un numero insignificante se si pensa a tutti quelli tutelati dalle denominazioni IGP, DOP, DOC, IGT

Un accordo simile aprirebbe le porte ad una maggiore possibilità di contraffazione dei nostri prodotti Il secondo punto negativo riguarda l'eliminazione delle dogane, che vorrebbe dire eliminare anche le regole ad esse collegate

Infine, c'è il nodo che riguarda l'Investor Court System, il sistema di risoluzione delle controversie

Nel caso di querelle tra un impresa canadese e uno Stato europeo, a giudicare sarebbe un tribunale privato, che potrebbe emettere sentenze 'pendenti' a favore delle multinazionali

Libero scambio Ue-Giappone, ecco a chi piace in Italia Chi è contrario al Ceta  Come detto anche ad inizio articolo, Di Maio e Centinaio si sono già detti contrari a questo genere di accordo, almeno allo stato attuale

Il testo necessita di alcune modifiche volte a tutelare i prodotti italiani e i consumatori, considerando che alcune parti del Trattato aggirano le norme previste dalla legge italiana per proteggere la nostra produzione agroalimentare dalla contraffazione e quelle che consentirebbero l'ingresso in Italia di prodotti poco sicuri per la salute degli italiani

Il grano canadese, tanto per fare un esempio, viene trattato con il glifosato, un diserbante sul quale EFSA, OMS e FAO, hanno previsto misure cautelari, come l'analisi dei residui nei cibi e il divieto di utilizzo nelle aree più popolate perché "potenzialmente" cancerogeno

Mentre Centinaio teme che il Ceta possa danneggiare le piccole produzioni, Coldiretti ha espresso preoccupazione per il calo delle vendite di Parmigiano Reggiano e Grana Padano in Canada, due eccellenze italiane, tra i prodotti più esportati al mondo

Nel 2018 è infatti aumentata la produzione del 'falso' Parmesan e di altri 'fotocopia' di quelli nostrani

Contrario al trattato anche l'ex Ministro delle Politiche Agricole Pecoraro Scanio che sostiene Di Maio dagli attacchi di chi vuole svendere i prodotti Made in Italy

Chi è a favore del Ceta  Confindustria si è detta favorevole al Trattato Europa-Canada, chiedendo di valutare il Ceta non soltanto al livello di categoria, ma osservando tutti i vantaggi che potrebbe portare nel complesso al nostro Paese

Sul tema si è espressa anche Mara Carfagna, che ha accusato Luigi Di Maio di essere illiberale, dopo la minaccia di licenziare i funzionari italiani che difenderanno il Ceta

Un discorso simile a quello fatto dal Presidente dell'Europarlamento Antonio Tajani


For more infomation >> Il Ceta tra pro e contro: opportunità o minaccia al Made in Italy? - Duration: 6:45.


Russ - September 16 ( Lyrics ) - Duration: 4:12.

Russ - September 16 ( Lyrics )

For more infomation >> Russ - September 16 ( Lyrics ) - Duration: 4:12.


Keşke Binmeseydim Dediğiniz Korkunç Bir Oyuncak Varmı? Bizim Var :) - Duration: 4:54.

For more infomation >> Keşke Binmeseydim Dediğiniz Korkunç Bir Oyuncak Varmı? Bizim Var :) - Duration: 4:54.


Anuva Residences - Bare Studio Unit Walkthrough - Project by SOC Land in Muntinlupa, Metro Manila - Duration: 2:13.

Chat Live 24 x 7 about this property now - at

Review of Studio Unit (Bare) in Anuva Residences

Unit Size: 23.36 SQM

Price for Sale : Php 2,207,000

Location: E Service Rd, Muntinlupa, Metro Manila

For more infomation >> Anuva Residences - Bare Studio Unit Walkthrough - Project by SOC Land in Muntinlupa, Metro Manila - Duration: 2:13.


Mercedes C43 AMG 2019 مرسيدس سي 43 اي ام جي - Duration: 19:53.

This episode is sponsored by Continental

May peace be upon you! A new episode and a new test-drive from ArabGT

Today we will test-drive Mercedes C-class

A very popular car, 450,000 cars were sold in 2017 only

Mercedes-Benz best seller Mercedes C-class

Not the regular one

I chose to test-drive Mercedes-AMG C 43 for ArabGT great audience

It's not the most powerful version but the middle one

The car was face-lifted for 2019 model

the face-lift included exterior changes and engine upgrades

Before we start our episode in Luxembourg city the capital of Luxembourg

This episode is sponsored by Continental Tires

The very famous German tire brand

The car I'm test-driving now is equipped with Continental tires of course

Continental AG was established in 1871; it's over 146 years old

Continental is based in Hanover, Germany

Number of employees is more than 235,000

It has a very huge network of dealers in our region

Now you will see a list of Continental official dealers in our region

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