Thứ Sáu, 20 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 20 2018

Okay, today very interesting video.

Have you ever thought about bringing your whole family to another country to live?

Apparently, they have. This is the McFly family.

We're live in Salvador, Brazil. They brought their family here, all these kids.

How many kids? There's like, twelve. Twelve kids.

Five kids! Family of seven.

Family of seven, and they started this trampoline park.

We're gonna hear all about it today, on Globally Curious.

Okay, I'm here with Chris and Chani. We're in Salvador, Brazil.

They have a channel called "Our Brazilian life". You'll never believe this it's about their life in Brazil.

People sort of dream about maybe taking their family somewhere for, like, six months, or a year.

Why don't you just give us the brief story about how this came to be?

Well, we're from Reno, Nevada, and we've got friends in Brazil.

My husband lived in Belém do Pará for two years, twenty years ago.

So he already spoke Portuguese. We visited Brazil before we had kids,

and I fell in love with it. To me it's just a tropical paradise, a beautiful place to live, beautiful people, language.

And we thought it would be cool to take our family someday .

But it's not really realistic, like, maybe retire, maybe visit,

but we didn't really have any idea how that can happen... Until we had some friends come visit us

to our house from São Paulo. And they took their family to São Paulo and they opened a trampoline park.

Like, "What, really? You can do that?" So they told us all about it told us how to do it

and then we kind of had to decide, "Do we want to move our family somewhere in Brazil?"

We had to choose a different city to open up a trampoline park.

You don't wanna compete with them?

No, they actually opened up three in São Paulo because they're so sucessful.

So we're like, "We'll choose a different city". But if we did that, we had to sell everything

our house, our cars, everything we owned and really invest in Brazil and go hard,

so it was a hard decision, and we waited, we did our research, and we're like,

"You know what? This is the opportunity of a lifetime. We're gonna do it."

But people, I'm sure, wanna know how it works financially, so what were you guys doing for work?

You have five kids.

Yeah, I'm a stay-at-home mom.

I worked in procurement, so I was a buyer I purchased a lot of materials for the company that I worked for.

I was ready to start something new.

We were all ready for an adventure, so we decided that it was the right thing for us.

So you had a house, sold your house...

Sold our cars. We had a savings account.

We liquidated everything.


What did your friends have to say about this, and your family?

Everybody said, "You're crazy crazy! Why are you doing this?" And we're like, "Why not?"

We're adventurous people.

It was kind of a long hike but we made it.

And we love Brazil, and we wanted our kids to be bilingual and experience new things

My name is Maisa.

Hi, how are you? My name is Alice.

I wanted to learn a new language and so did the kids, and we just thought it was like

an opportunity and we risked it. We took a big risk and we came.

How did it work with visas and stuff? You get a visa for opening a business?

Yeah, it's all linked. So, we have permanent visas that are linked to our business,

it was a long and complicated process. We did jump through tons of hoops,

and we had to invest in the country, and have a broker prove that we had our money here.

And we had to submit a business plan with all kinds of details.

What were people telling you and they were wrong?

People are just afraid of what they don't know.

A lot of people were saying that Brazil is dangerous we're gonna get hurt down there.

But we were ready for an adventure... A high adventure. And everybody dreams about going abroad,

doing something outside of the norm and we decided to act on that dream.

Did you already have an apartment when you got here? How did you get it all set up?

So we came and stated an Airbnb for a month, and that was our whole plan.

We got in Airbnb and then from there we went and looked at apartments and found places to live.

We had somebody over here helping us get our visas and also looking for locations for our business.

But we didn't really have anything set in place. We came here, we arrived,

and we started to set up shop once we arrived.

What did you tell the kids, how did you explain this to them?

They were up for the adventure.

Yeah, so I told them we were moving to Brazil. So we started watching Brazil movies on the Discovery channel

and so they thought we were gonna live, like, in a tribe in the rain forest.

So when we got here, they were like, "It kind of looks like America"

How does it turn out to be in terms of like, everyone thinks Brazil's dangerous.

Have you felt safe here?

We feel very safe. We actually feel safer in our apartment complex here in Salvador than we did in Reno

We found that the Brazilians are really warm and welcoming and helpful,

so we've got these great neighbors who have kids that my kids are playing with and going to school with,

so when they started school they already had friends.

And they're just really helpful and kind and we have felt totally safe. We haven't had any bad experiences.

And you can totally see all of this in all your videos.


What about school?

Just started talking to people here and we found schools close to our house,

but before we put our kids in school, just full immersion, we got a personal tutor for the kids,

so that they could at least have some basis before they entered into school.

What is their social life like? What is their life like?

They are the celebrities in school.

They're the Americans that everybody wants to try and speak English to them.

First of all, all of their friends live in our complex because the school is really close to our house

And then, yeah, everybody already kind of knew them they already had some friendships,

and so they're excited to share our YouTube channel at school.

It sounds like everything is just perfect, but it can't completely be exactly perfect.

What sort of weird cultural obstacles have you come up... come across.

I won't say come up against.

Showing up for an appointment and nobody's there.

Like, we set a date or and appointment for 3 o'clock, we show up, and nobody shows up until 4 o'clock.

Just kind of a different Brazil time.

People show up when they want, it's much more relaxed.

And I think America's much more rigid.

Have you gotten used to that? Because, let me tell you, I've been around Brazil for like 15 years

and I haven't gotten used to it yet.

I don't know if we've gotten used to it, but we expect it now.

What about things like eating and food?

Our motto is "You just gotta try". Just at least one bite. And so they're always willing to try new things.

Are you guys hungry?

And then, of course, the sweets, the brigadeiro, everything, with all the sweetened condensed milk.

They're happy to try.

How about you guys in your social life and your friends, and everything you left behind?

You know, for me it's been hard because I'm only learning Portuguese.

I only speak very little, so I don't have friends, I don't really have anyone,

you know, to go have a girls night out with

or go get some offset you with the girlfriend, go get some açaí with a girlfriend,

have girl talk... I miss that.

Is that what people do in Brazil, they go get some açaí with a girlfriend?

I don't know, that's what I would do! That's what I would do.

But, so, you lose a lot of independence when you come to a brand-new place. I couldn't drive I couldn't speak...

even basics, I've had to just relearn it all over again, it's just taking time and patience, and I'm learning.

What are some of the other challenges?

The biggest challenge for me has been the language. I came because I wanted

to learn and I thought it'll be great me and the kids be bilingual,

and then you get here and really learning Portuguese is difficult, it's a challenge.

Are you here forever, as far as you're concerned?

Five years. We wanna stay at least five years.

Give it a real good go, and really get the language, and just experience

We want to travel around Brazil, and not just here, but really really experience Brazil.

And then head back for high school and college for the kids.

What unexpected problems or difficulties have come up?

One of the things that has been scary for me is the police blitzes.

They point at your car, you have to pull over, guns are pulled, they treat you like a criminal.

It's been kind of scary, it's very intimidating.

And as soon as they see you're a gringo, they're like, "What? What are you doing here?"

They don't know what to do with me.

Alright, so there's people out there who are like, "I'm not doing that, this is just insane,

I got too many friends, I got my business, I got my work" What do you say to them?

I say: Do it. Do it. You will never regret taking the time to adventure.

To go out and see the world... Take your babies, take your family, because they will be safe,

they'll have a lot of fun, they'll enjoy it too.

But the biggest thing is that it changes you as a person, and lets you see the world

and open your eyes and open your heart. It's something you won't ever regret.

And you think it might be hard because we have all these commitments.

I mean, we had our friends and family and businesses in the United States, which was hard.

We had to sell our house. But, you know what, it's this is the most beautiful thing we've done for our kids,

for our family and what's most important to us are the experiences in life,

and giving our kids the opportunity to grow and learn.

And don't say you have three kids and it's gonna be too hard, because they have five

Thank you guys so much for inviting me here there's gonna be another video with them

on Amigo Gringo, my Portuguese Channel, so get ready for that.

I'm not sure if it's gonna come out before or after this, and be sure you follow their channel,

I'll put a link in the description and you guys are also on Instagram

Yes. It's

All right, thank you very much for being with me.

Thank you so much! Bye!

For more infomation >> WHY THE MCFLYS (AND THEIR 5 KIDS) MOVED TO BRAZIL - Duration: 9:21.


(最新!)《PRODUCE 48》HEIZE組排名 韓初媛 姜惠媛 朴敏智 俞敏英 produce48 ep6 180720 - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> (最新!)《PRODUCE 48》HEIZE組排名 韓初媛 姜惠媛 朴敏智 俞敏英 produce48 ep6 180720 - Duration: 0:50.


[抖音] 一个人的✌️ 我的❤️ 应该放在哪里😂 - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> [抖音] 一个人的✌️ 我的❤️ 应该放在哪里😂 - Duration: 3:51.






Wait a minute what's over there?

So tonight planning is what we go shopping for really special present frost

Can subscribe

Anyway know this is what I said, but make sure you subscribe

To this channel when we say say that we're not referring to a sedative time or cytosol. He was very trying to say

At the moment capping in a massive skyPoint competition and because we misses so much we have a lemonade store

Money so we can buy her a really special present to give to her when she gets tired because we love her so much


That was so fun fun, but we made no money more like negative money. Yeah, you lost seven Bob

It's so good ingredients cost $10 and we only made three we suck at business man, but my thought sorry for us

So she's giving us

$50 spend on food. No you spent a special present for saver

Heading to the shops really soon device by surprise

But that's not all we are doing the second thing we are doing is going to the obstetrician doctor

Is going to make sure the baby girl and some mother's tummy is okay. She's now 39 weeks pregnant

But that isn't the best bit of the vlog the best bit of the book

We're going to a magical place called times up. Look I'm biggie

Mum told me if you'd be a bad boy in the guy in timeline. She's bribing you biggie


Let's just run the comb and see if you think I'm gonna be good boy and go time run cuz I see like em

I have a bath at least big he's not gonna be a good boy

Well, I have a good feeling biggie is gonna be the bad boy

Well, I heard some girls like bad boys and if you're Joe that likes bad boys, here's my number

Lessons go the shops down. Shall we?


Bit of a problem we do not know what to buy saber. She doesn't even know what to buy yourself

How whispers don't know what to buy. Yeah. Yeah. She's so indecisive

Don't worry we'll find something at the shops and Sam misses us as much as we miss her. No way no way awareness a way

Okey, that was next level with Dan see in the elevator Oh

Sake why juice is a Pinocchio?

Dressed as an English soldier Negro soldier don't look like one

No, how about a pair of sunglasses

Okay, what about some pajamas be

Now I know a block charge, yeah

Yeah, how about we buy Sabre some maker and now he can be a tester

This one highlight my cheekbones

I can't believe people like it

Maybe I'll give me some eyebrows. I

love your honesty do

You cannot hurt me. We always you kind of to myself if using a bad little bit back. Oh, hey, I'm never getting

My hair in dialogue, but um, I will do it for you

No biggie

Something that he does like shopping and she don't like bags let's buy some clothes she likes clothes

The perfect present Simon's always wanted a beanie boo

Daddy ba

Minor got confused. Hey ro x and hey hot man

Your camera, you're so hot. You must get all the girls. They got it. Oh, this is another good-looking, man

This shops got so many good-looking man's

Shopping is the worst shopping angel

Now as I've actually got the most super super super most best thing I could show you oh, where is it where is it

This boy this Hazen boy whew

Because it's just you're me for now wait a minute what's over there

Oh my goodness, we need to get one of them

The obstetrician appointment is in 30 minutes and we have both failed at anything. Let's just get it

This is gonna be the best present ever

Fruit luge

No, get save us some brain because after eating all those fruit loops, she'll probably be constipated

So we need to make sure to eat some bread


It's kinda tricky then we are in a huge rush

We don't care if we get speed limit ticket, so we're walking to the obstetricians now

I'm gonna get an ultrasound today to see if the aging placentas going. Okay, and

Hopefully, it's awkward. So fingers crossed

What are you doing is down in the elevator

Sorry legends we couldn't film because

There's a little bit more serious this time

The doctor said my placenta was aging pretty bad. So the baby needs to come out

They're just not sure when so the baby definitely has to come out the first day Justin's back in Australia

Yeah, but there's still a really good chance. It could come out earlier. So sake is really upset because sake

Just hopes so much that she can be the birth partner in the baby's gonna come out when Justin and saber in America

Yeah, I feel so bummed out. I got my hopes up so Matt

agency, yeah, it's really bad because I


And I know how much she really was a bit unnerving by that and how much this means

But I feel like it might not happen

It's nice to have

Now I feel like it's never gonna happen and my hopes are so high and I'm just gonna be devastated

We just had a shower

Big divots looking Lots emergency hugs because she's been really sad

They've been so nice to me, but there is still hope the baby might come out before Justin and saving at home

There's heaps of hope that that might happen

And the other thing we forgot to tell you your legend says we've got some more bad news

The baby's actually in a bad position. So I've got all these weed crazy exercises to do

to try and turn the baby so

So many things aren't really

So many people work such nice things to me to like encourage me to that

I'll be okay when I give birth because I think I told you guys I'm like the world's biggest worst and I'm really scared

you've had four kids you should be fine and

Feel very fine. I'm scared GP girl wrote mama. If a legend, why'd you screaming you?

Tell them to come over and have this baby for you

I'm a maternity nurse and please don't hesitate to ask for that epidural if that is what you want

is that thank you so much legends for

Writing to me and wishing me the best. It's really nice really nice to read the messages and

thinking that people

Care and people. Hope good things is a

Really strong really

It's like too late now, it's too late now it's it's coming out and

You guys will be there and I'm gonna try to be brave for you

but I'm gonna cry just saying I'm gonna cry I'm gonna scream I'm gonna

I'm gonna oh

My god my mom if you would be our next yeah

And then you've done

And we can't wait to read out your comment and put you in annex. Yeah, and please can you save this video?

Cuz I won't really help us channel to share with like a friend or family member. Yes

Yes, that really helps out you grow and the legend army

For more infomation >> THE BABY NEEDS TO COME OUT !!! DUE TO PREGNANCY COMPLICATIONS! - Duration: 12:37.


Downhill on a Trials Bike |SickSeries #52 - Duration: 12:31.

hey guy´s it´s us again, Sick Series

today is the day

today we´re doing something special - you guy´s wanted it

and we will take it as a challenge

we´re here in Saalbach - two day´s after the Glemmride

and we´re standing in front of the Pro Line

and do you know which bike´s we´re riding?

not the Downhill Bikes - noo the Trial Bikes

and now it´s time for Downhill on Trial Bikes. Here we goo

we´re riding downhill with the trial bikes

why are you shaking your head?

how much bar are we riding?

we have 3 bar air in our tires

we don´t change anything - without suspenison - completely stiff

the Magura MT7 is the only thing that saves our lives

the only thing that can stop us

I´m scared of the first drop haha

Let´s go

this looks sick

other riders are coming

here we are, the first obstacle. There´s a tree stem and there is a take off

so I thought of doing a tire tap against the tree and than back into the track

see how others ride this section

you think you can make it?

yeah i guess

send it haha full sent to the moon haha

this one was sick dude!! pretty sick

I would say just put the gopro back on and go on shredding!!

the stones and berms are so hard

look, a sick series mudguard

are you Fabio Wibmer

dude this is sick

so we will send this one with the trial bikes

last year we did the nohand challenge, this year we´re going for the drop challenge

I will try to jump it normally

and fabio will try it from the backwheel

you wanna start? - yeah, let´s go

with this sh*t trials bike

pretty scatchy right

send it for Sick Series

it´s pretty hard for your head

never ever dude

we just found a pretty hard gap, out of the corner

there is a northshore, looks like a boner log

over the berm

and into the landing

so over this guy

are you filming a video?

yeah sure

can we take a picture?

the only problem is...

this berm

because it´s not in the same direction haha

the berm is pretty slippry

and i think that i´ve not enough speed

and you can´t pedal because of the small gear

over there

so Fabio, let´s go

I´ll do a speed test

it´s gonna be scatchy

do it dude

you can jump off

it was your idea - so you´ve to do it

pretty sick!!

sick sent dude!

felt pretty scary but in the end it was pretty easy

we´re so silly

we´re here at the jump, where we did the flip in the course preview

or tried to flip haha

but very funny haha

so we´re on the trials bike - so let´s try it on these bikes

but I guess this one is harder with the trials bike than on the downhill bike

schnig schnag schnug who will start. one round

so Fabio will be the first one - let´s go

it´s gonna be pretty scatchy

yeah it´s gonna be pretty scatchy, but let´s go for a test run

not that high right?

so, but just do it

so let´s go, have fun

with this shi*t trials bike

soo stiff

dude, you have to pull pretty hard

thanks for the tip

so it´s your turn

every time you´re going for a backflip - that´s a highlight.

go for the test run

not to short haha

longer than every other with the Downhill Bike

dude, you´re the hardest sender I´ve ever seen

at least he is pretty injured

he dislocated his shoulder

I know how this feels like

bite on the tongue

bleeding on the head

bleeding nearly everywhere

I´m pretty motivated for the backflip now haha thanks dude

good luck dude

he will need it

good luck dude

good health

this guy is pretty sure one of the hardest shredder on the track haha

what do you think?

guess you´ll make it

do it

dude, are you fine?

yeah, everything is fine dude.

sh*t haha

this was crazy

i couldn´t pop away

I was pretty strange

respect for the sent

haha easy

nothing wild happened haha

the berms are pretty hard

relax the arms

into the funny part

stop stop stop

dude, ahh sh*t

so I guess trial bikes are not made for riding on a downhill track

so guy´s, what a challenge

Elias has a Flat tire

but I guess this show´s that trial bikes are not made for riding downhill

definitely not

but it was pretty pretty funny

sick experience

but all the stones and rocks are pretty hard and it´s soo hard with the stiff trials bike without suspenison

also with 3 bar air in the tires

but pretty technical because you have to choose the right line

so at least a good training

but I´ll change back to the downhill bike

me to haha especially on trails like these

but it was a sick challenge - if you have another crazy challenges

just let us know in the comments and we´ll try to do it

but hopefully without crashing haha

hopefully haha

but Sick Series is exactly this... it´s what we do and how we do it

and this is sick and we hope you guy´s like it

in this case, thanks for watching

see you the next time. Cheers

Turn off

For more infomation >> Downhill on a Trials Bike |SickSeries #52 - Duration: 12:31.


Huevo Sorpresa Gigante de la Caperucita Roja en Español de Plastilina Play Doh - Duration: 11:40.

For more infomation >> Huevo Sorpresa Gigante de la Caperucita Roja en Español de Plastilina Play Doh - Duration: 11:40.


Light &Jarbati In BD /ঝারবাতি কোথায় পাওয়া যায়/Shapon Khan Vlog - Duration: 11:34.

For more infomation >> Light &Jarbati In BD /ঝারবাতি কোথায় পাওয়া যায়/Shapon Khan Vlog - Duration: 11:34.


New Colors Surprise Eggs Peta And Dogs! Lovely Little Animals! Learn Сolors For Kids! Wooden Hummer! - Duration: 10:39.







light blue


For more infomation >> New Colors Surprise Eggs Peta And Dogs! Lovely Little Animals! Learn Сolors For Kids! Wooden Hummer! - Duration: 10:39.


guru purnima greeting card | guru purnima english | guru purnima whatsapp status card - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> guru purnima greeting card | guru purnima english | guru purnima whatsapp status card - Duration: 1:08.


Cách Tăng View Trên Youtube Nhanh Nhất Trong 24h | tăng view youtube 2018 - Duration: 15:21.

For more infomation >> Cách Tăng View Trên Youtube Nhanh Nhất Trong 24h | tăng view youtube 2018 - Duration: 15:21.


How Much Do Real Estate Repairs Cost? - Duration: 7:00.

How much do real estate repairs cost? Hey friend, Stephen Michael Miller here. I've

got a question here from Chad Hayes and before I answer the question, I just want

to give a huge shout out to Chad. Chad is super active on our YouTube channel.

Giving lots of amazing comments. We love it, keep it coming Chad. Thanks so much

for your viewership. We really appreciate you here. You said, "How much do you take

out and set aside from each month's income per house for repairs?" So, first of

all, that is a fantastic question and it's one that I have a really simple

answer for. So, I'll just tell you typically, you want to set aside about

10% of the monthly rent, the gross monthly rent per home in

repair costs and just a plan for that. That's something that over time, as you

do more and more and more homes though, is going to probably diminish a little

bit because you're growing kind of a "slush fund." And so, if you've got multiple

homes. For example, in one LLC, well that LLC, you don't necessarily need that 10%

per year per home always. And so, as that grows and becomes bigger and bigger and

bigger, you probably need a little bit less per home and you know, you've got

this then larger grouping of homes that's all feeding into this slush fund.

So, that's the answer your question. But I want to go a little bit more into repair

costs and maybe some of the things that you would want to repair and also some

of the things that you may not want to repair. Because I think this is one of

the biggest things that gets people, when they're getting into the game when

they're becoming a landlord, this is one of the biggest things that really kind

of incentivizes people to get out of the landlord game, right? They get into these

repairs, they start to get the phone calls from their tenants saying, "Hey I

need this repaired and that repaired and and this is broken and that's broken and

please come and help me." And even when you're getting to the home before

or tenants in there, before you get into there,

oftentimes, a new landlord will buy the home and they'll do a whole lot

more than they need to, right? They'll look at the home through

the eyes of a homeowner rather than through the eyes of an investor. And that

could just shoot repair costs up you know through the roof. So, you want to be

aware of some of those things. So, let's talk about it. What things do you want to

repair? I would say that most things that you'll want to repair should

be, hopefully, as you're getting into properties, cosmetic and nature. Meaning,

it's really cheap to replace carpets, to to paint. These are really cheap fixes, to

caulk, you know, around airy areas, you know, windows things ,you know, things where

the air is getting in and letting air leak out. See, you know those things are

really, really cheap repairs. You can do, you can clean carpets if you don't need

to replace them. That can be a great cheap repair that you may want to do as

you're maybe turning over a property from one tenant to the next. But I want

to tell you a quick story of some of the things that I did to a home that I

probably should not have done and as a matter of fact, did not get my money back

out of this property. This is actually the very first property that I did, this

is back in Florida. I bought this home in Tampa, Florida. It

was a really good learning experience for me. But when I bought the property,

one of the first things that I didn't do that I should have. And was, I didn't

get a home inspection done on this property. Now, this is just before I had

actually gotten into home inspections, maybe one of the reasons why

wasn't. But, you know, it could have been one of the reasons why I got into home

inspections. But I didn't get a home inspection on this property and come to

find out, this home that I bought, it was built in 1924. It was, you know, just a

frame construction home which in Florida can be a bad thing if you're not aware

of it. Because it had massive, massive termite damage. Now, had I known

that beforehand, I probably wouldn't have bought the home or I would have

negotiated a much better price. Done the repairs, done what I needed to and still

had equity in the home. But I didn't know that. So, I got the home and when I

started opening up the walls and started doing some of my initial repairs. I was

looking at doing, it just became a much larger beast than it ever would have

been. I probably could have painted it and resold it not knowing, right? That

there was a termite damage. I could have even done some fixes to the

termite damage and sold it as it was. And probably gotten my money out of it. It maybe

even a little bit more but I I didn't do those things. Instead, I ripped everything

apart, I mean, I literally took it down to the studs. I went underneath the house,

I started jacking up the floors and evening out everything as much as I

could. I mean, I was going into this not with the eyes of an investor but with

the eyes of a homeowner. And I did everything. I added a bathroom, I completely gutted and

ran out the kitchen and put a whole brand-new kitchen with appliances and

everything. I mean, I spent about $60,000 on this home repair.

Which by the way, it $120,000 was home. Or actually,

It's about a hundred... $105,000 home. So, I put almost

60% more and back into the home. And it just didn't make sense. So, when you're

getting into a property, one of the biggest things that you want to make

sure that you're doing is not going overboard, right? Just oftentimes,

especially, if this is an investment property for you. Just doing those

repairs that will bring it up to the proper code, if you need to. Or that

will create a good environment for your tenants to live. And obviously, if there

are water leaks in the home, you've got to repair those things. If you know the

HVAC system isn't working and it has one, you need to repair those things. Those

are things that you just you need to do. And those costs on those, obviously,

that all varies by job. But what I would recommend, this is something that we've

done over the year, is we've found a really good handyman. Someone who has a

good reputation, somebody who, you know, they've got a lot of comments maybe on

their website or some good references that you can get. Who knows how to do

things really fast, really cheap but also really, really good quality. So, you don't

have to go back and keep on repairing over and over and over again. If you do

that, then you can keep your repair costs as low as possible and have the really

the most profitable properties. So, friends you're already at the end of the

video here. iI you haven't already, you might as

click the like button, ring the bell and subscribe, comment. Do something, let's

interact, let's talk. Have an awesome day. I'll talk to you


For more infomation >> How Much Do Real Estate Repairs Cost? - Duration: 7:00.


Structuring Your YouTube Video the Right Way | Video Making Tips - Duration: 5:50.

- So the structure of your YouTube video

is the most important factor in whether your video

and your channel is a success.

Wow, that is a lot of pressure, right?

But don't worry 'cause I'm here to give you

the seven key elements that you must include

in all of your videos and that is coming up next.

(bright pop music)

Hey, welcome back.

It's Tracy with

where I help you take your scattered but brilliant ideas

and turn them into videos that convert.

Listen, I need you to hit that subscription button

and that notification bell so that you get all of my tips,

tricks, and tools for making great online videos.

Speaking of videos, today we're gonna talk

about the structure of your YouTube videos.

It is the most important thing, as I mentioned before,

that you need to master

if you want your audience to stick around.

And I hear you, on the Interweb saying,

"But Tracy what about SEO?

"What about social media integration?

"What about the tags, aren't those really important?"

And they are, but they are secondary,

they are the icing on your cake.

By the way, the cake is your video structure,

just in case you didn't get that.

Anyway, I want you to get this right.

So today we're gonna dive in and talk about

the seven elements you must include

in each of your YouTube videos.

Let's start with number one.

Okay, your key number one is the hook.

It's a little bit of a tease to get the audience interested.

So that they keep watching the rest of your video.

You have to let them know why they should stay.

What is coming up next?

And then literally say, "And that is coming up next."

And then that jumps right into key number two,

which is your title sequence.

It could be as simple as your logo popping up on screen

with a little stinger underneath it.

A stinger is just like a little couple phrases of music.

Or it could be as intricate as a montage,

a lifestyle montage with a little more music underneath it.

Or it could be what I do, a little animated intro

with just a little bit of music under it.

It's just something to move them along, a bridge, a bumper,

'til they get to key number three.

And that's your intro.

And this is not brain science, people.

We literally pop back in from our title sequence

and welcome the audience back,

and then tell them who you are.

Hi, this is Tracy Phillips with

where I help you take your brilliant and scattered ideas.

Right, so you want to tell people why you are the authority

and why they should keep watching.

Which then pops right into the fourth element,

and you want to ask them to subscribe.

Do not let them go and you want to do it upfront.

Ask them to subscribe to your channel

and hint that little notification bell

so that they get notified every time

you have a video that goes live.

But you need to give them a compelling reason.

Maybe a compelling reason could be

that they wanna get all your tips, tricks, and tools

to make great online videos.

Something like that, might work.

And then you're gonna hop right into element number five,

and that is to teach.

Remember, YouTube is a search engine.

So people are searching, give it to them.

You could give a sequence of steps.

You could do a tutorial.

You could do a listicle, like I like to do.

Like the seven key elements of this,

or the five most essential of that.

But you want to make sure that you're leaving your audience

with some write down-ables, is what I like to call them.

So people can write it down and they feel like

they've gotten a lot of value.

Now, a little note here.

I like to keep people on YouTube

and give them some more value,

so I'll send them or reference another video that I've done.

So for instance, we're talking about YouTube video structure

but maybe you're interested in Facebook Live's

and you missed my video last week

on the structure of a Facebook Live video.

Bing, did you see that little i pop up?

Yep, it's called a card.

And it's a clickable icon

that'll bring you to another video.

Here's the thing, YouTube wants you

to keep people on YouTube.

I know, crazy, right?

But do it.

Make sure when you're using that little information card

and sending people somewhere,

you're sending them to other YouTube videos.

Preferably, your videos.

But if not, a helpful video on YouTube.

It'll help your rankings.

Okay, in number six is your close

and you're CTA, or call-to-action.

Listen, you wanna wrap up your video, right,

but then you want to give them something to do.

Is it to leave a comment?

You want to have them download something,

or you want them to subscribe to your channel.

Tell them to subscribe to your channel

and then tell them why, 'cause you're here every week.

Right, give them something to do.

And then you're done, but that's not it.

Nope, we still have key number seven.

And that is your end card, or end slate, or end screen.

Whatever you wanna call it.

There's a screen that's gonna pop up

at the end of your video which you have to put in there,

sending them to more of your videos.

It's better for your ranking and like I said,

YouTube wants to keep people on YouTube.


So I'm not gonna leave you hanging,

in the description there,

there's a great resource called

and they can help you make this end slate.

And then you can go to tutorials on YouTube

on how to get that end slate into your own video.

Now I hope that you have found this helpful.

And if you have I want you to hit that subscribe button

and that notification bell.

See what I did there?

And I will see you every Friday, right here, on YouTube.

(bright pop music)

For more infomation >> Structuring Your YouTube Video the Right Way | Video Making Tips - Duration: 5:50.


L11: Programming For Problem Solving,What is Pseudocode,What is Algorithm, Differences in hindi - Duration: 10:03.




For more infomation >> L11: Programming For Problem Solving,What is Pseudocode,What is Algorithm, Differences in hindi - Duration: 10:03.


How To Make An Event Promo Video - Duration: 9:37.

So do you put on events and want to know how to promote your event? You've

probably seen really cool, high-energy, really inspiring videos that make you

want to get there? We're going to show you how to make one. Here with Nate. Nate

Woodbury, Be The Hero baby. I'm Scott and we're talking about now producing

video to promote events. What kind of events are we talking aboot.? That's not...

That's Canadian. Just if we have any Canadian viewers? I'm

sure we do. Oh, we must. Lots of them out there. Yeah. So

we're talking about an event that you want to promote. Not not an internal

event that your employees come to. But if you have an event that you're selling

tickets for or that you have people come to you for free that you're selling

stuff at. Anything you need a meeting planner for, an off-site thing at a hotel,

something has to do with the hospitality industry perhaps. Well let's say you

provide coaching or training and people are coming to your event to get that...That has to do

with what I do. So there's a really great way to create a promo video has 3

ingredients. So one will talk about each of these. One is is "B-roll", second

ingredient is "testimonials" and we'll talk about how to get those and then the

third thing is you mix in some background music. Oh this sounds pretty

simple but it looks really, really, good. They're easy to create so let's

talk about B-roll first. B-roll would be you're not... the message of the

video, the audio you're not really using. Let's say the event there's someone

speaking on stage and they're the main host of the event, so you want shots

behind the audience with their heads blurred. Focusing on the person up on

stage, doing their thing. You want shots from all different angles. If they

come down and they're interacting in the crowd. If there's activities that the

audience does. Whether they're interacting with each other or they're

they're taking a break for lunch. You just get all different types of B-roll

of the event but especially lots of shots of the the star of the show or the

host of the event. Yeah, I think that term comes from, if I may, you know using the B

camera. So you have a principal camera A that shoots kind of the main. Right now

we're looking into camera A. Over here we'd be looking in the camera B and in a

way, camera B or the B-roll, is shooting things like you're saying that are...

There's not a talking head voiceover, there is, but it's where the voice is

talking, you're seeing other images as mentioned. All the different people, all

the banquet, all the stuff, that's what B-roll is. And the more that you capture,

the merrier you will be in the post-production process. I don't want

to jump ahead to that or even talk about it but I mean I've just learned from my

experience that you can't get too much B-roll footage. And it's real easy to get.

You just get all the different angles and shots and change the lens, zoom in

more and get a wider angle, blur some stuff. Right. Nobody has to say anything.

There's no dialogue. No script and you don't have to really even ask for

anybody permission because a lot of times you're doing it a bit furtively.

You're getting a wide shot of the hotel. You're getting a shot of a car, a couple

of cars pulling up, whatever it is. That's big and sometimes you can even do fun

stuff. You get permission from the speaker on stage but if I go up there

with my, glidecam, my steady cam and I go up behind the person on the stage, so

they're talking to their audience and I'm behind them and you get the whole

audience. That's a real cool B-roll shot. That is pretty cool. Okay, so now let's talk

about the A-roll or the main continent and that's testimonials. When

you're at an event, let's say it's a three-day event. You want to film these

on day 3 and that's because people have been there and experience it.

Actually have their testimonial. They are comfortable. They have some good things

to say about the event and so when you set it out outside, you know the main

event holler or wherever and you set up your light in your cam and your mic and

then you use solicit people to come. "Hey, will you please give a testimonial" And

they'll come over and there's really 3 steps you want them to take.

One, you're never going to use in the video but you have them introduce themselves.

Right. And what that does is it kind of eases their mind like, "oh, yeah I can talk

about myself. Yeah, this is me and this is who I am and what I do and so they'll

talk for 10,20 seconds about themselves and then you have them talk

about a change that they've experienced or how this event that they've attended

is changing them or what's different now that they've attended the event.

Hmm-hmm. When you ask them the question in that way, it really gives a good

response. It's like, "well, yeah before in my business, I was struggling with this

this and this. But now I see and I've got a plan and I can... And so you get a dozen

at least a dozen people. Maybe even up to 20 different people that have all told

you. You have this event that's made this transformation. It's going to allow me to

accomplish this and I have so much clarity. You can go through and create

a story. I'm going to use this piece from this testimony. On this one it's

kind of similar, I'm going to put them together because they say similar things.

And then these two people, I'm going to put right here and you create a

storyline and so the testimonials are the main content. It's kind of like that

A-tracker, that A-roll. And while we're seeing them and we're hearing them

but then while we're still hearing them we switch over and we show a shot of

that person up on stage. Where we show a shot of the event and then it goes back

to them. So we switch back and forth with that B-roll back to the testimonial

giver, the B-roll testimonial giver. So the audio is always of the testimonials.

And then the third ingredient is the music and I'm going to recommend a website. P-O-N-D-5 dot com. As the number 5? The digit 5. Got it and then the

reason I recommend that. That's just the layout of their website. They have a good

selection but it will show out a whole bunch of boxes representing each

music track and when you hover your mouse over, it just starts to play. So

when I have my promo video put together with all the testimonials. I'll

just hit, play so the audio is playing in my ear and I can hear the sound of it

and then I'll just say, "okay, how does it sound with this music? Oh, how does it

sound with this one? How does it sound out this one? And I'll just go for the

feel kind of...Now are these like royalty-free clip music or... No, it's like pon5

you pay but it's like 20 bucks, 30 bucks for the music track that you

can then use and you can use it in multiple videos as much as you want. Of course, yeah.

But you want to find the right music track that's emotionally engaging. It's

like yeah, this is inspirational. So if you go to, type in the word

inspirational and that will bring up a whole bunch of options and you can find

one that you like. You don't want any lyrics or anything like that, right?

Right. And you put it at a volume that you can clearly hear the

speaker and it's just background but it's enough that it will get them

emotionally engaged. What are you going to recommend in terms of the length, the total

running time of a promo video. Oh yeah. A promo video good link to shoot for us between

2 and a half and 3 and a half minutes. Hm-hmm.. Wow! okay. So people are

have enough time to get a sense of what the event is about through the

perspective of these folks that are giving their testimonials and then the

cool kind of flashing back and forth B-roll. Yeah, I mean if we film 20

testimonials and they each talk for a minute, I mean we've got 20 minutes of

video, Yeah. Okay, we're really compressing it down and so it's a real

effective video. Well and you're probably even when you're shooting 20 people, I

mean you're not using all 20 of them because... Even if it's just for a second

or two? I mean you're not under no obligation to use all of those. So

brevity, clarity telling the story is really what matters most and by golly if

it means that 3 or 4 or 5,6 people don't get on the video, their

hearts are going to be broken. They probably won't see it anyway.

So and I'll talk about that because sometimes, you know you're

petitioning people to come, "hey, will you help me out?" And you're... See.. I would like

to get a testimony from that person. You want to mix it up. You want to get a good

mixture of gender and yeah and everything. But yeah, if there's

somebody and they just do it, that actually wasn't very good. It's "oh,

yeah, great job! appreciate your help" But yeah, you're not going to use that one. Yeah, yeah.

Right, right. And by the way, if you end up selling this video or doing anything

from a sales perspective where it could be seen outside... In other words, they need

to know the scope and the use of this promotional video otherwise you're

talking about... Yeah, you know I actually forgot the third thing. And then... But so

two points here. One point is you can say do we have permission to use this in our

promo video and then when they say yes on camera, you've got their verbal

permission. Right. Okay, here's the third point. So point one... I knew there was

three. Yeah, I just forgot. So it was a dangling third. Point one is to have them

introduce themselves, you're not going to use it but it's kind of their icebreaker

get them uncomfortable talking a camera and then you ask them kind of the before

and after. How did this event change you? Yeah. Or how's it going to be different

now? The third one is to actually say would you recommend, you know recommend

that people come to the event or recommend this person that's putting on

the event. So, they'll actually say like, "yeah, you

really need to come to the event. You know. If you have any hesitation about

being here, this is the event for you." And you'll get all types of stuff like that.

So you piece all those together. Yeah. For the the ending 30 seconds of the video,

and it's like, "you need to be here. You should come. This is great." You know. Yeah.

If you have the pond5 music along with all of that, itwraps up really

nicely because let's always have a good finale at the end of those music beds.

Which is great, yeah. So that's that's it. You take those 3 ingredients with

some strategy of filming and testimonials. Yeah and it makes a really

good event promo video. Thumbnail up. Okay, so let me know what you think. Was this

video helpful? Comment below, let us know. Obviously, subscribe. We like you coming

here to this channel. Absolutely and by the way, if you're making a video for a

really cool event, send us the invite. See the video at the 10th events where the

food is free.

For more infomation >> How To Make An Event Promo Video - Duration: 9:37.


Nightcore - Girls Like You (Female Version) - Lyrics - Duration: 2:03.

This video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Girls Like You (Female Version) - Lyrics - Duration: 2:03.


Gintama Opening 17 Full『DOES - KNOW KNOW KNOW』(ENG SUB) - Duration: 3:23.

A silent sleep tries to interfere,

But an alarm goes off – a resounding ding-dong!

With the beginning of a brand new day,

Let's let out a cheer of blessing!

Yeah, we'll do nothing but the things we like...

Staying forever as we are - here in this place!

Yes, I know know know know

We have no desire for eternity,

'Cause we have this ultimate moment!

Oh Oh Oh Oh

Like a gaudy gypsy,

Dancing a stunning dance - bang, banging on the tambourine!

This elegant, dream-like story,

Will have us saying bye-bye to our boring days!

Let's not bother thinking too hard,

And break out from here to go find more interesting things!

Yes, I know know know know

We won't fear regret –

So take hold of our strongest future!

Oh Oh Oh Oh

Trifled by feelings of futility,

We joined hands and kept on screaming...

So that we could discover something certain in this world!

Yes, I know know know know

We have no desire for eternity,

'Cause we have this ultimate moment!

Oh Oh Oh Oh

Yes, I know know know know

We won't fear regret –

So take hold of our strongest future!

Oh Oh Oh Oh

Yes, I know good time is now

Yes, I know good time is

Yes, I know good time is now

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