Thứ Bảy, 21 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 21 2018

So this video of mine, can't really see it too well,

but in this video, I'm under the influence of several substances. And this

one, this one right here is the first video that I filmed sober, which is kind

of crazy to look at. I look at this picture a lot. It's really out of focus for y'all,

but this is a picture of me and my mom right before we left to go to the first

VidCon that I ever went to which was in 2012, and I wasn't clean yet. And I

didn't get clean until like a month and a half after that event. But as of this

video being uploaded I have now been clean for six years, which is insane

to me. For those who have been around for a while, you'll be aware of this, but I am a

recovering drug addict. It's not something I hide in my day-to-day life,

but it's also not something that I go into egregious detail about, because why

would I? Getting into specifics is nothing short of just self-serving pity

generation, which is not something that I am about. But I think I think this year

in particular for me is uh it's hitting me heavier than years past. And I

say heavier but I mean that in nothing but a good way. Nothing but a good way. I

think the word to describe all of this is perspective. It's one of the

reasons why I leave videos like that up, public for anyone to view and watch. It's

powerful for me to be able to see the changes that I've made in my life and

the direction that my life has taken. It's really powerful for me individually

to see that ,and I think like first and foremost that's why it's there. It's like

a me thing. It's a reference for what I've done and it's like a

checkpoint that I can look back on my life, all these videos that I've made. Six

years ago I could not have predicted that I would still be here, which is

really intense of course. All of this is intense. This is gonna be an intense

video, because this is intense stuff. But um yeah. When I first moved to Los

Angeles three years ago, I was packing all of my things together, kind of going

the entirety of my life's build up, because I'm not really one to clean

regularly. And the thing that really hit me the most was this moment. I was

going through a some old things and I found a lot of materials from when I

was in rehab. And one of the things that I found was a poster. I am

really unskilled in the visual arts. I'm not a good at drawing or like

designing. I think I've gotten better, but I am historically terrible at

this thing. And this was an activity that we did. And on this activity we were like

making a diagram of our past and how it led to our present and then what we saw

for our future. I remember being really like sort of depressed

about the future, just sort of like thinking about things and goals and

honestly putting things down just because I wanted them, but I didn't see

them realistically happening. And I'm reminded of a post that I've seen that I'm

sure has been stolen and reposted by various basic people all over the place,

but it's so good. To paraphrase because I don't have like a specific

reference of the post, it says something along the lines of "remember when you

wanted what you have now." The life that I have right now is like everything I

could have dreamed of six years ago. It's not glamorous or pretty or whatever but

it's mine. And I think more than anything that is

like the most incredible thing to me. I would love to meet myself

six years ago. I would love to have that kind of sit-down conversation of just

this person who I was six years ago and who I am now and just like see what that

would be like. I didn't know myself at all. I had no knowledge of self. I was

just completely a facade. I was everything that I thought I was supposed

to be and that wasn't even working. And it was just like a costume of an

identity. I knew two things, though. I knew number one that I wanted to make things,

and number two I wanted to feel significant. Maybe back then my ideas of

significance were like much grander and and honestly more superficial in

regards to just number of people involved in the things that I'm doing.

But I feel like I've achieved that and it's really cool. Being and staying clean

is something that I deal with every single day of my life, and I don't think

many people know that. Why would they know that? They're not in my head. They're

not living my life. And on the surface, for all intents and purposes, I've done

it. I've beaten it. I've overcome it. There are scars that will never fully heal

over. There are experiences that I had that still haunt me often and I have

to live with those. And I do live with those, yeah. But I'm here though. I'm here,

not doing everything that I would have dreamed of, you know. But there's still

time. I'm doing it. I'm doing any of it and that for me is like crazy.

Some of you may be asking, "why make this video? Why share this part

of myself? Why talk about this thing that I do and why talk about it in such broad

strokes?" I talk about it because being visible both to myself and the world

around me I think is incredibly important. Oftentimes when I refer to

myself as a drug addict people kind of wince at it or they don't see it or they

just they look confused by it, because I don't look like a drug addict.

There's so much stigma and stereotypes as to what that actually means that the

humanity of it gets lost. Chances are in your life, you are involved with or know

somebody who is involved with someone who is living through or with addiction.

It is such a a quiet and shameful epidemic that kills so many people every

single year, and we don't talk about it. I think we have a tendency to kind of

focus on, and I have this tendency too, the before and after pictures. The

transformation aspect of it all like the point A, the point B, and the cool

checkpoints along the way. But I think we do ourselves a disservice there because

we miss the the in-between times. And progress is absolutely not a

straight line. And it's not been a straight line for me. I don't think it's

been a straight line for anyone in this life. I still feel very lost and very

broken ,which are a lot of the reasons why

I got so bad in the first place. But that's part of it. Like, that's part of

the general experience. It doesn't isolate me from

humanity. That kind of connects me to it in a very intrinsic way. I don't talk

about mental illness or queer issues, I don't talk about any of those things

to single myself out and make me feel special. I don't do any of that. I do it

to relate you know because this is my experience and if I'm not being honest

with that, if I'm not allowing that to inform the way that I live my life, then

I'm being dishonest to myself. And it's when I'm being dishonest that I

disconnect from the very humanity that connects me to the world. I want anyone

out there who feels so lost that they can't see it tomorrow, I want them to

know that there is one, and I don't just say that. I really don't just say that.

One of the reasons I got this tattoo that says trust the process right here

is to remind myself of that exact thing. And I haven't said this in a while,

but I'm gonna say a methodology of thinking that has literally kept me

alive. Regardless of what happens today, regardless of what has happened in the

past, the world is going to keep on spinning. Tomorrow in the morning the Sun

is going to come up. There is a point B to all of this. There is something in the

future. There is a future. None of us can possibly know what that future is. And

for anyone out there who can't see it, or doesn't want to see it, or feels like

they just want to opt out of it, I implore you please don't. Tt's not all

fluffy rainbows sunshine "it gets better" noise. No. It's none of that.

I don't think it's ever gonna be that. I don't think it should be that. Happiness

for me is not the goal, you know, because emotions are temporary.

All emotions are temporary. I'm more intrinsically linked to growth and to

answering honest questions that I ask myself in the world around me. Some of

the people in my life, they kind of view some of the things that I've talked

about or experience as kind of separate issues. They look at bisexuality,

they look at me being me non-binary, they look at mental health, the drug addiction,

all that. They look at those things as separate issues, but they're not.

They're all the same. Six years ago today, I started a process that I have stayed

on and stayed true to, and that's the process of asking

myself sometimes really difficult questions and attempting to answer them

honestly. And six years on from that I am still alive. I am, you know, a work in

progress, but things are okay and that's more than I could have ever dreamed of. I

want to thank each and every one of you who have watched any of my videos over

the past six years, because you have contributed to the saving of my life in

ways that you can't even possibly know. I can't really express it. My family,

my friends, my support networks, the various jobs that I've had, my cat, it's

amazing. It's compelling to me to keep going and for me that is such a gift

because I've not always felt that. This isn't entirely about me, because y'all's

stories have fueled me. They've made me feel connected to a humanity that I

honestly never felt I could feel connected to, and that's something that I

will always be grateful for as well. Six years is a long time but I still feel

like this is just the beginning and that's exciting. And it's exciting that

I'm excited about it, and I hope that you guys on your various journeys, on

your individual paths, can find something similar to that because I I feel like

that's all we can do and it's beautiful. It's absolutely beautiful. Before I start

sobbing, I'm gonna get off of here. Thank you guys so much for watching. Thanks

for sharing your stories in the comments. Thanks for supporting me in whatever way

that you do. I love you guys a lot and I'll see you guys next time. Bye.

For more infomation >> 6 Years Later, Still Clean - Duration: 10:37.


Переводчик / Переводчица FR/EN/DE/IT - RU - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> Переводчик / Переводчица FR/EN/DE/IT - RU - Duration: 2:04.


The Rules of Medieval MMA - EXPLAINED! - Duration: 4:26.

For more infomation >> The Rules of Medieval MMA - EXPLAINED! - Duration: 4:26.


Traductrice russe FR/EN/DE/IT - RU - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> Traductrice russe FR/EN/DE/IT - RU - Duration: 2:02.



For more infomation >> ADNAN OKTAR TUTUKLANDI ! (ELESTIRISEL PARODI) - Duration: 1:46.


Nightcore - Unforgettable (Lyrics) - Duration: 4:18.

This video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Unforgettable (Lyrics) - Duration: 4:18.


Not expected to live past the age of 15, 4-yr-old Boy and Rescue Dog Proved It Wrong - Duration: 4:40.

For more infomation >> Not expected to live past the age of 15, 4-yr-old Boy and Rescue Dog Proved It Wrong - Duration: 4:40.



For more infomation >> COMPRANDO NOSSO VESTIDO DE CASAMENTO !?! - Duration: 6:17.





The Expanse: OPAS Behemoth - Official Breakdown - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> The Expanse: OPAS Behemoth - Official Breakdown - Duration: 4:22.


Expert TRIATHLON STRENGTH TRAINING Masterclass for TRIATHLETES - Duration: 6:39.

- 998, 999, 1000.

What's up, Trainiacs?

I don't know if you saw,

but just finished doing 1000 pushups.

(upbeat music)

So, Trainiacs, it has been a homebody few days,

because we got an air conditioner going in right now.

It's a good thing, 'cause that inadvertent heat training,

as it's 32 degrees out there also makes it

about 29 degrees in there, it's not pleasant.

And you might have noticed on Instagram,

more new projects going on.

A lot of people guessed that

this might be an endless pool, (buzzer)

this might be more space for Triathlon Taren

live streaming stuff. (buzzer)

Not correct, no, no, this is literally, it's just a deck.

That's all it is, it's a deck, because here, I'll show ya.

When we built Triathlon Taren HQ,

we destroyed all of our old fence which comes around

and it comes around and it came around there.

I figure, if we're gonna go through all of the effort

of building Triathlon Taren HQ, redoing the fence

all the way around here, and it's not like

we're swimming in money, but while we're refinancing

the house and everything to build this

and pay for the fence and all that,

may as well add a little bit of outdoor living space.

One of my favorite things in the world

is to sit out on a deck, kinda dusk-ish, late at night,

and here, show you the plans for what I like.

So, what I'm into, this nice, big deck

and what we're gonna have is like, those vintage-y

Christmas lights going across here,

and then where I'm sitting is gonna be a big couch,

a loveseat, and then there, we're gonna have

one of those propane little fire things,

and we'll have some beautiful outdoor living space.

Okay, but that isn't what this video is about.

This video is about updating you

on the Triathlon Master Class.

So the way I worded that isn't quite right.

It's not necessarily the Triathlon Master Class,

it is Master Classes.

If you don't know what these are,

basically go to and instantly,

you will be bombarded on Facebook

by things like Gordon Ramsey teaches cooking,

Ron Howard teaches directing,

Steph Curry teaches basketball,

and the premise behind Master Class

is that you take somebody who is

absolutely world class in some sort of discipline

and they teach you how to do said discipline.

And we got the Team Trainiac Platform rolling.

The development is still under way for that,

but what was coming out was I was realizing,

hey, I'm gonna be writing workouts that are like,

swim, blah, blah, blah, bike, blah, blah, blah,

run, blah, blah, blah, but people are obviously

going to be saying, "Well, how do I swim better?

How do I bike better?

I know that all of these workouts

are going to make me better,

but what do I work on with technique?

What are the aspects of training

that I should and shouldn't be focusing on?

What do I get, what do I not get?

What are some key workouts?"

And I was like, "Well, you know what,

I can create these classes, but why stop there?"

And we're starting to meet really cool exceptional people

in the industry who are insanely talented and knowledgeable

about certain aspects of triathlon,

so I started thinking, "You know what,

here we're really good at getting stuff

and information out to Trainiacs.

You guys are really good at being good in triathlon.

Why don't we marry the two?"

So the things that are popping into my head are like,

and these aren't for sures, but this is

what's kind of going on is things like

Gwen Jorgensen teaches running,

Lionel Sanders teaches biking,

maybe Lauren Brandon or Lucy Charles teach swimming,

things like that so that we're bridging,

literally some of the best knowledge

and performances in the world between you and them,

which historically, in triathlon, there's been this bridge.

You get to see pros, you get to see super high end

pro triathlon coaches out there,

but it's fairly inaccessible to the average person,

so we're talking about things like that.

And I think we've got the first one lined up.

This is all kind of in development,

but what we've got lined up

that we're talking to Aaron Carson about,

who is the owner of EC Fit Boulder,

who coaches Tim O'Donnel, Marinda Carfrey,

she coached Angela Nashe, she coached Paula Finley,

she currently coaches Justin Metzler and Jeanie Seymour.

She coaches a huge amount of pro triathletes in Boulder

in specifically strength and being functional,

and why I really liked Erin is when I started consuming

more of her stuff and podcasts she was appearing on,

people could question her and say,

"Alright, somebody has 15 minutes twice a week,

that's all you get as a strength coach."

And she was like, (snaps)

"Boom, here's how you do it."

Not like, "Well, really you need to be

spending like four hours a week."

No, she says we actually don't want to overload with time,

because triathletes are busy as they are.

Let's not make that worse.

Now, as far as cost, as far as timelines,

as far as availability, as far as like, a URL,

all of that we haven't yet figured out.

Really, what I wanna do right now

is before we go down a path that is too far gone

where we're like, "Holy crap, both Erin and I

have spent so much time on this

and Trainiacs don't even give a shirt about it."

We're doing a little bit of engagement with you

and I want your feedback, so if you like the idea,

but you don't have anything to say, like the video.

If you like the idea and you have questions,

you have input, you have things that you want to ask,

you have wonderings about strength training,

ask it in the comments below.

And I actually think that this is

one of the better ideas that I've had,

and I have a lot of good ideas,

like getting a shirt sponsor so that all of you

don't have to see my nipples throughout entire videos,

like see, it worked out.

It's 28 degrees in here and I'm wearing

a shirt for you guys.

So there you go, Trainiacs, very update-y update video.

Take part, like, comment, let me know what you think.

That is all, later.

For more infomation >> Expert TRIATHLON STRENGTH TRAINING Masterclass for TRIATHLETES - Duration: 6:39.


Aquaman - Official Trailer 1 - Duration: 2:26.

My father was a lighthouse keeper.

My mother was a queen.

But life has a way of bringing people together.

You could unite our worlds one day.

Check it out. Arthur is talking to the fish.

Let me go!

They made me what I am.

Permission to come aboard?

I've been looking for you.

Your half brother, King Orm...

is about to declare a war upon the surface world.

The only way to stop this war...

is for you to take your rightful place as King.

Trust me, I am no king.

You do your best thinking when you're not thinking at all.

That was the worst pep talk. Ever.

You might wanna strap in.

Welcome home.

This is badass!

My brother has come from the surface...

to challenge me for the throne!

I call it an ass-whooping.

I'm no leader.

I came because I have no choice.

I came to save my home and the people that I love.

You think you're unworthy to lead because you're

of two different worlds.

But that is exactly why you are worthy.

That was awesome.

A war is coming to the surface.

And I am bringing the wrath of the seven seas with me.

-We're here. -What are you doing?

Wait, wait, wait!

She didn't have a parachute!

Redheads. You gotta love 'em.

For more infomation >> Aquaman - Official Trailer 1 - Duration: 2:26.


SHAZAM! - Official Teaser Trailer [HD] - Duration: 2:54.

You've run from foster homes in six counties.

I can take care of myself.

When you're 18.

Give these people a chance,

'cause that's what they're giving you.

This is Billy Batson.

Make sure you make him feel at home.

They seem nice.

But don't buy it.

It gets real Game of Thrones around here.

Dude, just messin' around.

You look at me and you're like, "Why so dark?"

"You're a disabled foster kid, you've got it all!"

If you could have one superpower, what would you pick?

Everybody chooses flight. You know why?

So they can fly away from this conversation?

No, 'cause heroes fly.

What, you need your fake family to stand up for you?


Man, sorry about that.

Go, go, go! Grab him!

Get out of the way!

Billy Batson.

I choose you as champion.


Say my name, so my powers may flow through you.

But I don't know your name, sir.


-Are you for real? -Say it!

Okay! Shazam?

-It's me! It's Billy! -What is happening?

You're the only person I know that knows

anything about this caped crusader stuff.

Can I?

Oh, yeah. Yeah.

It's crazy, right?

What are your superpowers?


Dude, I don't even know how to pee in this thing!

You have super-strength! Can you fly?

You okay? Why aren't you talking?

You know, I don't think that's gonna buff out.

Your phone's charged. Your phone's charged.

What the hell?

You're, like, the bad guy, right?



You have bullet immunity!

I'm bulletproof!

You're dead.

-Sorry about your window... -Have a good night!

...but you're welcome for not getting robbed!

Oh, hey. What's up? I'm a superhero.

For more infomation >> SHAZAM! - Official Teaser Trailer [HD] - Duration: 2:54.


Why Are Games So Hard To Balance? - Duration: 15:20.

For more infomation >> Why Are Games So Hard To Balance? - Duration: 15:20.


What If The Kappa Were Real? - Duration: 5:22.

Hello and welcome back to Life's Biggest Questions, I'm Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey.

The Kappa are mythological creatures originating in Japan, believed to inhabit the waters and

terrorize unwitting bathers.

They do this by drinking their blood, eating their livers, or, most disturbingly, by removing

a mythical organ from the anus.

Yep, this will be a weird video.

But what if the Kappa were not just a disturbing creation of the human mind, but actually existed?

Let's explore.

If you want more What If videos, check out our "Biggest What Ifs" playlist on the


Now get ready, it's time to ask the question: What if the Kappa were real?

Kappa are said to resemble humans in shape, although they're somewhat smaller, closer

to the size of a 10 year old child.

They can be found in ponds and rivers in Japan and elsewhere.

They tend to be green and scaly, with webbed hands and feet, and a carapace resembling

a turtle shell on their back.

They also are said to have a cavity on their head called a sara, which retains water.

When outside of water, this dish must remain full, or else the kappa can lose power or


If you wish to escape a Kappa, your best course of action is to try to empty this dish.

This can be done by knocking it over, or by bowing to it.

Since Kappa are surprisingly polite, it will likely bow back, dump out its water, and be

severely weakened.

Then, not only will you survive, but if you refill the sara, the Kappa will be indebted

to you for life.

Alternatively, cucumbers can be thrown in order to distract a Kappa, since they love

cucumbers even more than this guy.

Of course, you're not nearly as interested in the appearance of the kappa as you are

in their actions.

And admit it… it's because of the butt thing, isn't it?

Well, allow me to clarify.

Early depictions of the Kappa were rather vampiric in nature, being said to drink blood,

eat children, and yes, invade people's butts.

This is because they are trying to get their hands on the shirikodama, a mythical ball-shaped

organ said to be found inside a person's anus.

This idea originated because drowning victims were often found with a prolapsed anus, leading

people to believe some creature had tried to get on in there.

It's possible that what they thought was a shirikodama was really the prostate, which

is also shaped like a ball.

It's unclear why exactly the Kappa would want the organ; some say they wanted to eat

it, others say it was simply in the way of the liver, which they really wanted to eat,

and others went so far as to say it granted wishes, believing it to be the Buddhist Hojo.

But regardless of the reason, it is a gruesome thought.

Surprisingly, despite their rather disturbing habit of performing surprise prostate exams,

they aren't the most malevolent of creatures.

Especially in recent years, they tend to be seen more as playful tricksters than scary


They're even said to have taught us the art of bonesetting, which involved the manipulation

of joints and resetting of fractured bones.

In general, however, a meeting with a Kappa was something to be avoided.

Okay, that was a lot of info, but it was needed.

What, then, would happen if these badboys were real?

Well, first and foremost, people might be a bit more cautious when in or near a pond

or river.

If there was a possibility that a creature would come kill you, or else shove a hand

up your rump, a relaxing day by the river might not be so relaxing.

However, even if you didn't plan on going into the water, everyone would probably carry

a cucumber or two around with them at all times.

Since the Kappa can walk on land, it's possible that you could be hit at any time.

You would want to have a cucumber ready so you could throw it away to distract the creature

if you didn't feel like bowing.

That said, the best tactic would, indeed, be to try to empty the sara, through force

or trickery.

This would not only help you to survive, but would have the added benefit of providing

you with a handy dandy servant!

The only problem here is that if you were too nervous, or something went wrong, you

could be feeling the unwelcome touch of a kappa in an even more unwelcome place.

But let's focus on the happier case, where you don't receive what could only be referred

to as the Kappa Colon Cleanse.

Having a Kappa on your side would be super useful.

Historically, they've been used to irrigate land, catch fish, and even help with medical


They would also make pretty neat pals, keeping an eye out for dangers and other Kappa that

may want to get your goat.

And by your goat, I mean your butt.

Depending on their intelligence and trustworthiness, they might even make decent babysitters However,

Kappa are not particularly numerous, so eventually, there's a good chance that the majority

would be under the control of someone.

In this case, it's possible that they would become the subjects of forced breeding.

If you had a bunch of Kappa reproducing, you could easily force the offspring to also become

indebted to you.

This could be done for a number of reasons, whether it was for labour, military purposes,

or even fishing.

However, this brings up another point: how would this be viewed by society?

Granted, if a creature was trying to eat a kid or reach up someone's butt, they were

kind of asking to be punished.

But would a life of indentured servitude be seen as moral, or would it be seen as cruel?

That would be up to the court of public opinion to decide, but if they have any level of intelligence,

this would sound an awful lot like slavery.

In this case, perhaps we would continue to force the Kappa to owe us favours, but rather

than act as servants, we would simply order them to not harm humans.

However, with all that said, if the Kappa did act as viciously as they are sometimes

said to act, it could be that people wouldn't have the patience to catch and release.

You don't need to throw cucumbers or trick them into bowing when you have an assault


In this way, most Kappa would likely be exterminated, with the few remaining being placed into a


This would not be ideal, but sadly, it definitely sounds like something humans would do.

Thank you for watching Life's Biggest Questions, I hope this was interesting and informative,

and maybe even inspired you to look into it further on your own.

If you liked this video, please thumbs up and subscribe to the channel down below.

While you're down there, let me know what YOU would do if you ran into a Kappa while

in the water.

Until next time, I'm Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey with Life's Biggest Questions, wishing you

the best of luck, on your quest for answers.

For more infomation >> What If The Kappa Were Real? - Duration: 5:22.


Everything We Know About Spider-Man: Far From Home So Far - Duration: 5:34.

Marvel Studios generally runs a pretty tight ship when it comes to spoilers, with one big

exception: Spider-Man star Tom Holland, who has become known as a bit of a spoiler machine.

So it's no surprise that information has started to come out about Spider-man's next big screen

solo adventure.

Here's a look at every Spider-Man: Far From Home rumor and spoiler leaked so far.

Spider-man: Field Trip

In late May of 2018, a rumor with some specific details surfaced on Reddit, posted by a user

named "A Harbinger Of Stuff."

Citing only a "reliable source," it offered a breakdown of the Homecoming sequel that

included Peter Parker traveling to London for some kind of conference, Mysterio as the

main villain, Scorpion and Vulture in minor roles, and the introduction of Alistair Smythe,

a.k.a. the Spider Slayer in the Marvel comics.

Among other details, the user claimed there would be an MI6 agent in the film named Jessica

Drew, a name comics fans will recognize as the secret identity of the original Spider-Woman.

"And this is Jessica Drew, who, as a child while visiting her father's laboratory, was

bitten by a poisonous spider!"

Though many of these rumors are still unconfirmed, several do line up with what we know about

the film.

One detail that has been proven wrong, though, is the name of the movie.

Marvel Studios head honcho Kevin Feige explained in an interview with io9 that the name Spider-Man:

Far From Home was chosen in part because of the film's international flavor.

"We shoot a lot of films in London but there's another reason we're shooting in London

which is, yes, Spidey, of course, will spend some time in New York, but he'll spend some

time in other parts of the globe."

Matt or Jake

In May 2018, reports surfaced that Jake Gyllenhaal was set to play Spidey villain Mysterio in

the second Sony/Marvel Studios Spider-Man film, though in June, Feige clarified that

Gyllenhaal's involvement wasn't actually confirmed yet.

Gyllenhaal was reportedly the second big actor rumored to be in talks to play a Spidey villain.

According to Meet the Movie Press, Matt Damon was approached by Marvel, but ultimately passed.

Too bad, because based on his previous experience as a supervillain, it would have been epic.

"This control activates my atomic bomb, which can destroy the entire Earth"

Old friends

According to Variety, Michael Keaton's Vulture isn't done with Peter Parker just yet.

Keaton's reportedly set to reprise his role as the villain, who'll be working alongside

Mysterio in Spider-Man: Far from Home.

The report doesn't say how prominently Vulture will be featured, but it's already fueled

speculation that the films are building toward an introduction of the Sinister Six.

Vulture isn't the only Homecoming alumnus reported to return.

We're also expecting to see Marisa Tomei as Aunt May, Zendaya as MJ, Jacob Batalon as

Peter Parker's best bud Ned Leeds, and director Jon Watts behind the camera.

Smoove Operator

In July 2018, Deadline reported that actor and comedian J.B.

Smoove had joined Spider-Man: Far from Home's cast in an unspecified leading role.

Considering he's best known for his comic turns in Curb Your Enthusiasm and films like

Hall Pass, though, chances are he's going to bring the humor to whatever role he plays.

And hey, he already knows exactly what a superhero sidekick's role is.

"Little emotional service doggies that lick your face and make you feel good about yourself

mmm mmm and they tinkle all over your shirt and they're so happy to see you and makes

you feel good inside"

Another MCU character

In June 2017, The Hollywood Reporter said that another already established hero would

be joining Spider-Man in Far from Home, but it wouldn't be his MCU mentor Iron Man.

So who is it?

Well, back in 2017, director Jon Watts told ScreenRant he'd love to see Spidey team up

with Black Widow.

"I like to think of what he could learn from Black Widow, but then I think he would be

too nervous to even get a single word out."

We do know who it won't be, though, as Slashfilm asked Fiege if Doctor Strange would be guest-starring.

"I could be coy about it, but no."

Dates to remember

Far from Home's July 5th, 2019 arrival, only two months after Avengers 4, puts it in an

interesting spot.

Its relation to Avengers 4 suggests it'll be much more defined by its position in the

MCU than its predecessor.

Not only does it kick off Phase 4, but producer Amy Pascal said in June 2017 that Far from

Home opens "a few minutes" after the resolution of Avengers 4, suggesting Pete will still

be dealing with the aftermath of the battle against Thanos.

And Fiege backed that up, telling io9,

"The way Civil War […] informed Homecoming, the two Avengers films that precede [Far From

Home] will greatly inform [...] the next movie."

A new suit?

Spider-Man: Homecoming costume designer Louise Frogley may have unintentionally dropped a

spoiler that Peter Parker will be taking a new costume into battle during Spider-Man:

Far From Home.

Though she isn't actually working on Far from Home, she told IndiaWest,

"The costumes will have very big changes because, in the film, Spider-Man becomes more like

a man and not a teenager."

So does she have some kind of inside information even though she's not working on the film?


Taking control of the story

When Tom Holland "leaked" the title of Spider-man: Far From Home on his Instagram account, it

seemed like yet another slip-up from Marvel's fountain of spoilers.

"What I do know is I've got the new script, I'm super excited to read it,'s gonna

be great!

So ya, Spider-Man 2, let's do this!"

But Feige told Birth.Death.Movies that it was completely intentional.

"There are certain logistics of the way these movies are made that meant that title would

potentially be leaked in some way because it was going out into the world in various


So Mr. Holland took it upon himself to leak it for us."

You know what they say about spoilers: with great power comes great responsibility.

For more infomation >> Everything We Know About Spider-Man: Far From Home So Far - Duration: 5:34.


Boeing vs Airbus - How Do They Compare - Airplane Company Comparison - Duration: 7:49.

On New Year's Day, 1914, the world's first commercial airline (not including Zeppelins)

called the St. Petersburg-Tampa Airboat took off to great applause and carried its passengers

on a 21-mile (34-km) journey from the bay of St. Petersburg to Tampa.

The journey took 23 minutes and the plane got up to speeds of 64 mph (103 km/h).

Sounds slow to you maybe, but that short trip would have normally taken a car 20 hours,

a steamboat over 2 hours, and the train somewhere between 4 and 12 hours.

Flying was the way to go.

While in Europe, soon after, wing aircraft airlines popped up (KLM founded in 1919 is

still running today), it wasn't until the 30s that you saw airliners that resemble the

ones you see today.

And today we are going to talk about two airliner kings, in this episode of the Infographics

Show, Boeing vs. Airbus.

One of the first airliners that does resemble planes you see flying through the skies daily

today, was the Boeing Model 247.

At the time, this was a highly advanced piece of machinery, replete with control surface

trim tabs - something to control flaps, auto-pilot, and de-icing technology.

This was the start of things to come, but it couldn't climb to a high altitude.

So, Boeing created the Model 307 Stratoliner, which had a pressurized cabin that allowed

it to reach heights of 20,000 ft (6,000 m), way above all that bad weather.

This first flew in 1938, but it was introduced as a passenger airliner for Pan American Airways

in 1940.

But who is this company Boeing?

The American aerospace company is called the world's largest.

No doubt you know that already if you fly a lot.

It's not just a company helping you to get to that beach holiday in Thailand next year,

but it also works with developing technology for space flights, armed aircraft, and missiles.

This company is diverse, so we must remember that while its main focus is commercial travel,

it's also helping to launch rockets into space, missiles on people, and helping F-22

Raptors to fly at super-fast speeds.

The company was created in 1916 by a Mr. William E. Boeing, who was an American timber merchant.

It was called the Aero Products Company for around a year, and then the name was changed

to Boeing Airplane Company.

It built those flying boats we discussed in the intro for the US Navy.

In the 1920s, it moved into airmail services, went through several name changes and expansions,

gobbling up smaller aircraft makers.

In 1934, because of antitrust legislation (the Air Mail Act of 1934), Boeing wasn't

allowed to be both a manufacturer and a transport company.

It stuck with manufacturing, as you know, and in the 30s evolved and made numerous armed

aircraft as well as those airliners we mentioned earlier.

In a moment, we'll talk about statistics and the size of Boeing, but first, let's

look at the history of Airbus.

As we said, while Boeing was making hay over in the USA, the Europeans were designing their

own passenger aircraft.

Everyone once said there's no way metal can fly, then the German Hugo Junkers' metal

plane took off in 1915, although some say the first metal aircraft was Romania's A

Vlaicu III.

The world's first jet engines were developed in Germany and Britain, so not surprisingly

Boeing wasn't by itself in developing airliners.

Actually, some people say the Russian "Sikorsky Ilya Muromets" was the first passenger aircraft.

Europe was thriving in aircraft technology, and in the 1930s, passenger airlines sprung

up, such as Imperial Airways in the UK, Lufthansa in Germany, and KLM in the Netherlands.

But it was Boeing who led the way with designs of airliners, and that's pretty much how

it stayed for many years.

Right now, you have numerous manufacturers around the world, such as Japan's Mitsubishi

Aircraft Corporation and China's Xi'an Aircraft Industrial Corporation, but there is one company

competing with Boeing in some respects and that's Airbus, a coalition of companies

from France, Germany, Spain and the United Kingdom.

It was created, in fact, to compete with the Boeing empire.

The consortium started in the 1960s, but really got going in the 70s and 80s.

It was still quite small during those decades, but in the 2000s things really changed, and

a number of years throughout that decade Airbus was for the first time getting more orders

than Boeing.

The fierce rivalry had started.

It's a close one, too.

It's said that from 2007 to 2016, Airbus received 9,985 orders and delivered 5,644


During the same decade, Boeing had 8,978 orders and delivered 5,718 planes.

Forbes wrote in 2018 that these two companies will be getting orders like never before,

too, as so many more people are flying these days.

The need for new planes in unprecedented, said Forbes.

We are also told that Airbus plans to build 60 A320neo jets per month around the middle

of 2019.

Boeing says it will build 57 737MAXs per month during that time.

"Boeing currently has 4,615 outstanding orders for its 737 family, while Airbus holds

a 6,126 jet backlog for its A320 series," said the article.

It's close, but in 2018, CNN wrote the headline, "Airbus wins sales race with Boeing for

5th straight year."

The race is so close that these companies really don't like each other, with each

accusing the other at times of being below standard.

This is not a harmonious duopoly.

But let's look at some more facts: According to Forbes 'world's biggest companies'

list, while the current size of these companies is almost neck and neck in some respects,

Boeing is the bigger company by far.

It's 52 on the list, with $95.8 Billion in sales, $9.2 Billion in last year's profits,

$113.5 Billion in assets and $199.5 Billion in market value.

Airbus was at number 101, with $74.7 Billion in sales, $3 Billion in last year's profits,

$138.3 Billion in assets and $92.1 Billion market value.

We can't talk about all the planes these companies make, but let's talk about their

biggest sellers and also their crème de le crème.

We already know about how close orders are for the most popular aircraft of Boeing 737

and Airbus A320, but which is better?

USA Today interviewed a pilot who had flown both planes and he said that the Airbus 320

is both more comfortable, has more space, and is quieter.

He also said they both fly at around the same speed.

He said he preferred the Boeing when it was windy, but overall both planes were quite


In Salon, another pilot pitted the planes together and he too said there wasn't much

in it.

The best Airbus plane he said was the A340 which he gave an A- to, and the best Boeing

plane was a 787, which he also gave an A- to.

He did give the 737 the edge over the A320, though.

Another pilot said this, "Having piloted both the Airbus and Boeing aircraft, I am

often asked which airplane is better.

From a passenger's perspective, both are equally safe and comfortable, effectively

getting you from point A to point B. From a pilot's perspective however, I'm of

the opinion that the Airbus A330 is a notch above the Boeing 777."

What about crashes?

AirSafe gives the order of safest aircraft since 2009.

It goes like this (from safest to least safe): Airbus A340

Embraer 170/190 Boeing 747-400

Boeing 737-600/700/800/900 Airbus A320 (includes A318, A319, A321)

As for the best… or do we mean biggest?

The Airbus 380 is the biggest passenger plane in the world and carries up to 544 passengers.

It's also 40% larger than the Boeing 747-8, the next biggest plane.

The problem is, these flying behemoths are not very popular with airlines, with the Telegraph

saying in 2018 that if the 380 does not fly at full capacity, it's not worth flying


They have suffered in terms of orders, but the 747-8 is also suffering.

Maybe double-deckers are not the way to go.

As Bloomberg writes, "To most airlines, the double-decker remains an exotic addition

at best, rather than the backbone of a long-distance fleet."

Ok, so from all this you know that Boeing is the company that is worth more and seems

to be making more money, but that Airbus is winning in terms of orders.

As for how they fly, pilots seem to see them as almost equal with perhaps Airbus getting

the upper hand.

Airbus also wins for having the most luxurious and largest plane, but then Boeing's history

is far more impressive.

As for safety, there isn't much difference between the two companies.

So, which one do you think makes better airplanes?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Also be sure to check out our other video US Navy vs British Royal Navy, how do they


Thanks for watching, and as always, don't forget to like, share and subscribe.

For more infomation >> Boeing vs Airbus - How Do They Compare - Airplane Company Comparison - Duration: 7:49.


r/Artifact HYPE Song - HSM 2 Fabulous Parody - by AMI (dota 2 card game) - Duration: 3:29.

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