Thứ Bảy, 21 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 21 2018

Press this button!


Huggieeeeee :33

Midtoot's intense pressing *BOOP*


Dat Bwue face thou XD

For more infomation >> [MMD x Fwend] Press Dis Button - Duration: 0:21.


secrets of the egyptian pyramids - Duration: 3:40.


For more infomation >> secrets of the egyptian pyramids - Duration: 3:40.


Legendás Állatok: Grindelwald Bűntettei Comic-Con Előzetes | Magyar Felirattal - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> Legendás Állatok: Grindelwald Bűntettei Comic-Con Előzetes | Magyar Felirattal - Duration: 3:27.



For more infomation >> THE BEST 5 VIDEO SHOOTING PROGRAM USED BY YOURSELF? - Duration: 3:41.


Retailers Scramble Amid Rising Commodity Prices - Duration: 2:56.

This week's top stories include retailers' response to rising commodity prices,

how the US-China tariffs could be bad for the EU and how low unemployment in the US

is leaving manufacturers with a labor shortage.

First up, the past few years have seen increases in commodity prices across the globe,

with materials like wool and cotton hitting record high prices.

Even the price of oil, used to make fabrics like polyester and rayon, is up 50 percent from last year.

The typical trend of apparel industries when a certain material gets too expensive is to switch to an alternative

substitute. When cotton prices rose in 2011 many brands started selling rayon and synthetic fabric.

But that tactic won't work this time as price increases in all materials mean there's no cheaper options.

Retailers are now finding themselves faced with a difficult choice: either raise prices and lose customers or maintain prices and lose profit.

Textile manufacturers are facing the same pressures and in China

they've even started using government stockpiles of cotton. The rising fast fashion trends that have consumers changing wardrobes every few weeks

is starting to put a toll on global commodities.

Next up, the European Union, with an economy heavily dependent on trade, is also likely to see a negative impact

of the US-China trade war. As the two leading countries in

manufacturing, any disruption to the flow of goods between China and the US could influence global business.

The German car company BMW exported

2.37 billion dollars worth of vehicles to China last year from the US. With the new tariffs, that flow of cars will likely see cutbacks.

In Germany, business confidence has fallen in six of the past seven months.

Exports compromise nearly half of Germany's annual economic output.

They now fear a worst case scenario of a complete trade ban leaving any company that manufactures in China or the US

unable to export to the other market. EUu growth this year was the strongest it has been in decades.

Unemployment was the lowest it's been since the 2008 financial crisis. Who knows how the new tariffs will affect these numbers.

Finally, low unemployment in the US leaves manufacturers with a labor shortage.

The US unemployment rate is lower than it's been in decades.

But that fact is leaving many

manufacturing companies with a lack of skilled labor. A bottle packaging company in Wisconsin had such a hard time finding workers that they resorted to

increasing wages by 25%. But with competitors offering even higher wages this manufacturer had no choice but to turn to automation.

The tricky situation with low unemployment is that companies start to increase wages.

If those increases get out of hand, it could lead to severe inflation. Low unemployment

sounds good on the front page of a newspaper, but for many manufacturers it only provides more stress.

Those are just the top three stories from this week. To read the other two, follow the link in the description below.

Thanks for watching and tune in next week on Best in Manufacturing!

For more infomation >> Retailers Scramble Amid Rising Commodity Prices - Duration: 2:56.


Baldi's Basics In Education And Learning IN REAL LIFE 2/ That YouTub3 Family - Duration: 16:19.

For more infomation >> Baldi's Basics In Education And Learning IN REAL LIFE 2/ That YouTub3 Family - Duration: 16:19.


ZOOPING ALL OVER THE PLACE | Seeking Evil: The Wendigo - Duration: 20:56.

What's up everybody! Lazlowhere, and welcome to seeking evil the Windigo

we're apparently ducking is a good idea to stay hidden so now you know let's go

I'm not too sure what to expect with this one I think it's kind of a

Slenderman this run around and collect things game I'm not entirely too sure it

is an early access so what do you go we will see this could be interesting no I

don't know but how every guy here was a bad idea

what enough and I just wake up with a lighter in an arms crazy yeah I bet you

do good thing you got your little crucifix I just happen to have that

handy something a little floaty little my bobber and I hey dude can you tell me

what's up with this crazy thing with the floaty shit see this right here oh god I

didn't mean to stick it in you I apologize that what that was that was

rude of me to just come up and insert my ankh into your gin gin anywho find my

way out I'm gonna guess the door door seems like a good way out alright I made

my ankh disappear and I did that so that's that does that that does that and

I have no idea to get anything back I put it away for good

its one-time use on what did I do No

Jerald do you know where my uncle went did I hide it behind a key darlin

do you happen to know where I do with my own alrighty I I have hit every button

on this keyboard and on this mouse

ya be our little secret somehow it broke the game first level no

no no you gotta listen this dude moan again oh no all right well the ankh is

gone it's it's over I'm sorry I couldn't save it

ah no no shoo shoo-shoo shoo-shoo shoo-shoo shoo-shoo shoo-shoo i can do

that to you i know how to do that and i'm not afraid

to use it flies find your way out can I burn it oh

I can alright yeah well back when I used to burn my way out of all the doors

instead of like he didn't even like try the handle he just like I opened all my

doors if you do that one too no that's not a thing okay whoa whoa

yeah well zippy all of a sudden what all sun-moon quick into the light totem

should lift the cars you don't know where you are but you happen to know

what the fuck is that is that me am I like just like a belt

I'm like a floating belt ah well there's my ankh can i grab it oh oh wait grab it

hey I grabbed what the fuck oh it's true I am just the belt he

always told me that I it's almost Oh what did I just do it's almost night oh

yeah I guess I gotta find the shit before night oh oh no my belt might fall

into the abyss I can I got like super zoom beam powers can I

pick up the flashlight and I Hey boy are they need a lighter anymore

well I guess if I have to burn my way through another door good come in handy

it got dark really fast I would say there's something fishy going on in this

here but I'm just I'm just saying Dada Dada da Dada Dada what lights the lights

already off so yeah hi one step ahead of you ah

alright find a burn 9 totem so I'm guessing I really do need the light dude

I've got a hold on today yo use my use my arms to scan what the fuck fuck fuck

fuck hey hey I stopped with your ha ha ha ha

I'm scanning and I'm trying to use my face belt uh-huh

I got my own I'm scanning like better

I'll do you away I'll do you Gary little bashed in whoa oh alright so I'm looking

for totems I have the young I need the totem

and I'm viewing all over the place but I'm not really seeing jack shit I don't

five limits sprint or not but I'm just hauling ass oh it's a totem I would burn

you aah-ha-aah burn you in a booth all sunburned I don't I don't

oh did it drop some oh it was all better get moving okay I'm gone

noted you're the that I will I will put the

clip on blip okay I won't Nev Nev Nev Nev Nev dip dip dip dip dip he likes

going like all predator on me is this the fastest I can run I feel like I was

running significantly faster before shit got scary you really should have

stretched before you decided fuck with mystical creature I think I'm out of

sprint and I'm just slowly going for a casual stroll to my death apparently

apparently my life is not worth having a little extra stamina for there we go Oh

where's my where's my belt uncle I don't want the flashlight that doesn't mean oh

good all right so crouching highs but it sounds like he's like right on top of me

where's my where's my own got it I got my Alison and I'm and I'm hiding

I'm being a sneaky poo all right Shh cuz I remember you learn is very beginning

the ducting is a good idea I think you got quack while you do it right

crack crack just a duck crack not a dang worried bat crack quack quack quack

quack quack quack quack

where's the totem wise was that like is that like the eye of Sauron I didn't

realize this game was being played and Lord of the Rings did I steal the One

Ring I'm sorry Frodo told me it was a good idea he

tricked me it was all lies blamed the elves what if I what if I get all sneaky

again can I get sneaky again I'm hiding in a bush behind a tree

okay okay okay you guys got anything yep that's just as you did there's nine

of these things where in the holy hell would there be nine of these things can

always be windy again

screw you sour on it's not my salt the humans are selfish it could destroy the

run ring but they weren't strong enough

dude this thing is useless useless with the capital you suck I know I'm kind of

just like staying to the outskirts here but I don't know what the hell that big

red glowing or be my BOB was but my bad news oh okay well then we will work on


I'm hiding in a tree oh is this a good place to be I'm guessing not I didn't

realize this was a Tarzan game where I feel like I'm officially boned

I still don't see any damn totems though

I yeah this is not good


my vote would be not huh shift shift shift + F is that what that said sprint

was shift + f why oh we got some tips biosis survival times 374 687 wait what

does damn confused efficiency point I'm gonna guess this is mine on the right

cuz that's red and that's right okay so arrival time 687 are these like

a high-score counters three oh these are points for this survive 374 seconds

burn one totem three encounters 142 kick and rend him zero is sprint time so

there is a difference between run and rent interesting thirty-two scans zero

rushes survived reach the end of the game new defeated the Windigo and no

would you like to retry yes they do I like to start I got to start all the way

back with at least I oh I know I can get around although I have a feeling that

sprint is gonna be sniffing limited Rama

they get like dragged in here or did he'd like wake up in here I don't get

what they're going for it the story on that all right so she Shh shift plus

yeah see I said run and then sprint was something that came up later I recall


why do you recall this like who are you can I find anything before the Sun Goes

Down I can get lost in the most simple maze ever invented that's absolutely

something that I can do I don't I don't know what the scan does I had still yet

to see any ID the one totem I found and he even come up on a scale I just like

saw it sitting in front of me how big is this place - I don't even mom I don't

even know like how what type of area I'm supposed to be covering I was walking

along that wall and that may have just been like the smallest corner in the

edge of the map yeah I oh that's tired all right so you do get

tired well it looks like we're not finding anything for nightfall okay I

got my super powerful oh it doesn't do jack what's that I don't have a light on

the light oh yeah why would I need a flashlight it's really not that dark


it was like a noise I'm scanning I'm uncle unclean and I'm not impressed

with the results I think I might have gotten ripped off on the Zonk lied to me

to glue that there is something there and that this thing doesn't do jack to

make this show up how close do I have to be before I can on cut it it's right

there oh so I guess maybe it puts that little purple glow around is that the

Vindi go captive windy creepy oh there's one all right all right so it

just puts a little halo around it yes add the wind to gaagaa is that the

window googoo Wendy boo boo Oh

I'm a captain creepy angry is this where I started is this a good place to be you

can't see me in here hi guys glad to be home I bought guys here just hanging

around I guess I went in a circle I got one out one last last time right so it's

not that big of a map then right yeah how did I not see that when I first came

out yeah yeah can't go mushiya on every that's right

from me I don't even know if I really want that because they seemed to help

and just makes one more thing that I have to try and pry off my belt

Oh lovely oh yes I've always wanted to wander into a corn maze women being

chased by a creepy killing machine that's just how I like to pass my time

oh yes this is this this fantastic yes that was the house that was every bit as

enjoyable as I knew it would be

is there a hint is there a guide is there anything resembling an idea of

where I'm supposed to be going was that that

or that ghoulish

no no is this good should I be hiding right now

or is this not a good place to hide

okay cool what the fuck was that there wasn't anything he just showed up

that was die did I die all right all right all right all right all right all

right all right so he's out there doing his thing is that was that him who's

that him yeah there's that hunk I don't even know it looks red Reds usually bad

we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna ignore it bad and would call folks Shawn

to do is I like good I don't like the bear Oh got one found one

it's mine where did it go shit

there it is all right we're good good is what three I've only got like six more

to go that's all oh and now it's raining why am i up in a

motherfucking tree what the hell

it's like I just decided to go random full-on Tarzan there's another one fuck

off creepy bastard

look I don't know should I be hiding should I be running I think you run run

it seems like a good idea

what I can't hear you my own thoughts

these woods are too flux for me to even hear my own thoughts trying to hide from

you creepy glowy light

that was bullshit so anyways that is Windigo seeking evil if you enjoyed the

video please give it a like and a thumbs up if you would like to see more of this

game and see if I can get any further possible please let me know down in the

comments below

in the next video adios

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