Thứ Sáu, 20 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 21 2018

okay cuz I was on Instagram today and I have seen this disturbing picture of a

young lady who was hospitalized from a football player boyfriend of hers who

had beat her up and looking at her page she has like an official Instagram page

you would never think in a million years that she was having those kind of um

issues with him because they just look so happy me a victim of domestic

violence I take that very serious when I see women being abused for men and it

just it touches home it really disturbed me to see her land in her hospital bed I

don't know she was under any medications to sedate her or she I don't know she

she looked out of it and I think that the picture that's floating around on

Instagram I don't think that that's the best picture she would want to share

with the public of how she looks right now which is a battered woman if you

have a family a friend that you know who is being abused from the husband or

boyfriend or a friend sometime friends can abuse each other too

you need to reach out and try to get that person some help because the next

time like for this young lady that I seen on histogram it could be a lot

worse she might not be here the next time to see her kids graduate from

school because I'm she was badly badly beaten up and the pitches that I see

more graphic it broke my heart to see that

and it also rehashed memories of when I went through my domestic disputes with a

gentleman that I was with for 13 years prior to marrying my husband and it

doesn't get any better it just gets worse when you stand that kind of toxic

relationship it never gets better it always gets worse they say that they're

sorry they say they're not going to do it again and it keeps on happening I

have a scar on my lip sometime you can probably see it when I'm talking when my

ex had hit me in my mouth and my tooth had cut my lip and I had to get stitches

inside of my mouth and I think that was the last straw when he basically almost

disfigured my face and I don't think he meant to punch me to do that but

accidents happen when you're putting your hands on a woman who can't defend

themselves but that was like the last straw I think that was when our

relationship was declining and I ended up getting out of the relationship and

moving on so you know someone who's in an abusive relationship tried to talk to

them try to get them help if you're in a situation with the abuser is abusing

them right when you're there make sure you call 911 one and get them to safety

so I don't want to make this video too long

but please leave a video one that's like make sure you share this information

because domestic violence is no joke also make it a favorite and I'll see you

guys in the next video bye for now

For more infomation >> NO WOMEN SHOULD BE HIT BY A MAN - Duration: 4:00.


[MIXIGAMING STREAM MOMENT] Phỏng vấn độc quyền KL7 | full - Duration: 9:44.

For more infomation >> [MIXIGAMING STREAM MOMENT] Phỏng vấn độc quyền KL7 | full - Duration: 9:44.


Trump takes aim at China and EU over currency manipulation, rates - Duration: 0:38.

U.S. President Donald Trump has taken aim... again... at China and the European Union,...

accusing them of manipulating their currencies and keeping their interest rates abnormally

low,... but he also saved some fire for the Federal Reserve.

Hitting out on Twitter,...

President Trump said the U.S. is losing its competitive edge as the dollar gets stronger

and as the Fed continues to hike U.S. interest rates.

He said it was not a level playing field.

In a TV interview,... Trump also said he's "not thrilled" over the Fed's rate hikes,

breaking with more than two decades of White House tradition avoiding comment on monetary


For more infomation >> Trump takes aim at China and EU over currency manipulation, rates - Duration: 0:38.


How to make Mac'n Cheese♪ - Duration: 4:01.

Sprinkle some dried parsley.

Mac'n Cheese♪

This time, I am going to make Mac'n Cheese. It is my favorite American food.

This time, I use homemade bacon for flavoring.

It's very tasty, so please try it out yourself.

Boil macaroni.

Put 1 tsp of salt into 1500 ml boiling water.

150 g of macaroni.

Boil it for 2minutes shorter than regular time.

Cut 60 g of homemade shoulder bacon into 5 mm cube.

Grate 200 g of red cheddar cheese.

Grate some Pecorino Romano.

Stir-fry the bacon well.

Put 40g of butter.

Put 40g of flour and stir-fry well to eliminate the flour-like taste.

Put on a wet kitchen cloth when flour-like taste has come out.

Drain fat well.

It will not form lumps, if you cool the pan down.

Pour 600ml of milk in 4~5 parts.

Mix well.

Once it becomes into a paste, then pour next milk.

When it becomes liquid state, pour all of the remaining milk.

Sprinkle some nutmeg.

Sprinkle some white pepper.

Cook on medium heat.

Put 200 g of red cheddar cheese and melt it.

Grease ovenproof dish with the butter.

Preheat fish baking grill at high heat.

When it becomes as thick as you would like, put the bacon.

Taste and add salt and white pepper if desired.

Sprinkle a lot of Pecorino Romano.

Grill it for 3~4 minutes until brown.

Sprinkle some dried parsley.

It's ready to eat♪




Flavor of homemade bacon is amazing!

Enjoy with baguette.

Sprinkle some Tabasco.

Of course, it's goes well with beer.

Enjoy with Sudden Death sauce.

Please Subscibe Soon!

For more infomation >> How to make Mac'n Cheese♪ - Duration: 4:01.


❤️С праздником КАЗАНСКОЙ ИКОНЫ БОЖИЕЙ МАТЕРИ❤️Утоли моя печали❤️21 июля - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> ❤️С праздником КАЗАНСКОЙ ИКОНЫ БОЖИЕЙ МАТЕРИ❤️Утоли моя печали❤️21 июля - Duration: 3:12.


Live Game Rules Of Survival (ROS) PC Steam - Moga bisa nambah subscriber - Duration: 1:15:09.

For more infomation >> Live Game Rules Of Survival (ROS) PC Steam - Moga bisa nambah subscriber - Duration: 1:15:09.


Rambo Tấu Hài Cùng Đệ Tử FangQing( Khế Chua ) - Duration: 9:05.

For more infomation >> Rambo Tấu Hài Cùng Đệ Tử FangQing( Khế Chua ) - Duration: 9:05.


Cách làm khẩu súng bật lửa bắn đạn diêm nổ siêu thốn - Duration: 10:05.

For more infomation >> Cách làm khẩu súng bật lửa bắn đạn diêm nổ siêu thốn - Duration: 10:05.


♫ Curhatan si Bowo - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> ♫ Curhatan si Bowo - Duration: 1:01.


Aplana tu cintura con ayuda de la avena - Duration: 4:36.

For more infomation >> Aplana tu cintura con ayuda de la avena - Duration: 4:36.


Let's Talk About Makeup! Again. Right. - Duration: 11:53.

I've been wanting to make a video again.

For a while now.

And that's kind of a nice feeling.

So, I'm gonna make a get ready with me type-video, because I need to get ready for the day, and

uh, that's how it goes.

So, I've just washed my face and stuff,

so let's go.

[sound of cat claws on scratching post]

Really cat?

You're doing that right now?

[scratching continues] [snaps off camera] Can you stop?

Can you stop it?



I'm actually gonna, put one of those clips back in.

I haven't always worn makeup, in fact I used to very specifically not wear makeup.

And I didn't not wear make up for like...

I feel like I may even have a video of this on my channel, but the main reason that I

didn't wear makeup is because I just never got into it and I didn't see a reason to get

into it and to learn about it.

So I just didn't bother.


In June I was in a wedding, I was a bridesmaid, and the bride, like, on a day-to-day basis

wore a lot of makeup and in talking about her wedding she was talking about how she

was hiring a professional makeup artist and how she was kind of going all out.

And I'm just like, "Hmm, umm, cool, so I'm gonna have to step up my game."

So I said, alright, well, I'm gonna go and buy some stuff and I'll just learn how to

do it.

So that's what I did.

I learned how to apply makeup.

Because I was a bridesmaid.

And I've continued to use it.

And I'm a little, I'm so surprised.

It's been a lot of fun.

Hi kitty.

I'm sorry I took your toy away.

That's a good place for you cat.

In learning to do my makeup, I feel like I really have to specifically mention Miss Mary

Lu, who literally sat down with me and was just like, "This is how you use this", "This

is a good technique to applying these things", like literally, anything that I learned I

probably learned from sitting down with Mary once.

She's great, she's always beautiful, and she has a really great channel, so check her out.


This is always the scary moment where I look really, really intense, with like, way too

heavy eyebrows, and then, we blend it in, and it's all okay.

It's going to be okay.

See, look at the difference.

This one's a little red, because I was rubbing it.

But it's much softer.

So the thing about makeup, for me, is that.

I mean, I'm very lucky, I have very clear skin.

My hair is a kind of unique color, so people can focus on that and they don't notice that

I'm not wearing makeup.

So I was able to just kind of coast without figuring out how to do makeup for a really

long time.

And that was nice, but now that I've learned a little bit, and have a bit of a routine,

I can see a lot of the benefits of having that kind of routine.

And I think one of the main benefits is that, even though, like I just said, I don't really

have very bad skin, I think that having a makeup routine has forced me to have more

of a skin routine and I'm washing my face more often and things like that.

So that's probably good.

Am I even in focus?

[camera sounds] Yikes.

[camera sounds] That's embarrassing.


(softly) Ahh!

It's so far out!


So, yes, I don't NEED makeup, but it's actually kind of fun, which I wasn't expecting, like,


So it's been cool to create a bit of routine and have this kind of creative outlet that

I get to like, go out into the world and like, everybody sees.

And sometimes people notice and sometimes they don't.

And if they don't then that's fine, but if they do, that's also, kind of nice and, like,

"Oh, thanks, I've worked on it, I've been working hard on that."

When I first started wearing makeup, like practicing for the wedding, everybody noticed.

Like, hard core everybody noticed.

Like, "Oh, you're wearing..."

And sometimes it was like really, like, "You're wearing makeup, aren't you, it looks really

good." Stuff like that.

I never got anything bad, nobody was saying bad things, but like, sometimes it was more

subtle and people weren't sure if it was a change or if they should say anything about

it, and they're just like, "You look really nice today?" and I'm just like, "Oh, thank


Just let them wonder a little bit.

That's fine.

There you go, that's pretty much it.

And lipstick.

So, this is going to be super over the top for what I'm doing later today, but I don't

even care.

This is maybe like, a little bit more than I wear when I'm just like, "Oh, I wanna wear

makeup today, but this is kind of a typical look for me.

I don't always, oh, I guess I can do the thing.

I don't know how to do the thing.

I don't know what I'm doing.

I didn't put anything on my cheeks.

But, there you go.

And then I'll put my glasses on.

I think that's the big thing for me, is like, I look...

I feel super made up.

And super extra when I'm wearing makeup, and I've just put it all on and I'm just like,

I look so over the top.

Everybody's going to notice everybody's gonna say something.

And then I put my glasses on, and I'm just like, "Oh, no, I still look like me, it's


This is a video, and I'm glad to be done with it because this means that I'm much closer

to being ready for the day and because now I can turn the airconditioner back on or at

least open the windows, we'll see which one I decide.

Thank you for watching.

And I hope you get a chance to do something you love today.

And I'll see you again soon.

I hope, I think!

Yeah, I'll see you again soon.

Oh, and, sidenote, you may know this from following me on other social media platfroms,

but my choir is in America's Got Talent this season.

I've talked about my choir before, I'll link to that video, up here somewhere.

If you are interested, the first audition aired a couple weeks ago, we sang Africa,

by Toto.

We go got four yeses from the judges, and got through to the second round.

The second round, AKA Judge Cuts, AKA I know so much about how America's Got Talent works

now, because I'm in it, it's fine.

This round is called judge cuts, and we are in the episode that is coming out this next

Tuesday, which is the... 24th, I think.

It's the episode with guest judge Olivia Munn, so that's allowed.

I'm allowed to say that now, it's been announced, and I've also already mentioned it on all

my social media platforms, so I figured I would mention it here too.

We're on America's Got Talent, we're going to be singing in the next round and I'ma be

on TV.

There you go.

That's it.

That's all I got for ya, kay, bye!

For more infomation >> Let's Talk About Makeup! Again. Right. - Duration: 11:53.


Ketika Nisya Sabyan di X FACTOR | lihat apa yang terjadi ...? - Duration: 4:30.

For more infomation >> Ketika Nisya Sabyan di X FACTOR | lihat apa yang terjadi ...? - Duration: 4:30.


Cuando usar y cuando no usar labiales oscuros - Duration: 5:05.

For more infomation >> Cuando usar y cuando no usar labiales oscuros - Duration: 5:05.


Como adelgazar tan sólo bebiendo té - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> Como adelgazar tan sólo bebiendo té - Duration: 3:44.


Tipos de celulítis y métodos caseros para eliminarlos - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> Tipos de celulítis y métodos caseros para eliminarlos - Duration: 3:53.


Sri Maha Bhagavatam Telugu Skandam 2 Adyayam 9 - Telugu - Duration: 23:09.

Sri Maha Bhagavatam

Sri Maha Bhagavatam Telugu

Skandam 2 - Adyayam 9

For more infomation >> Sri Maha Bhagavatam Telugu Skandam 2 Adyayam 9 - Telugu - Duration: 23:09.


Darius Sim the führer - Duration: 0:43.

It's my turn to be the führer old timer.

What the hell are you doing here, Darius?

Oh hell to the no!

You won't need to do any-

Told you to get out of my seat,

You dumbass!

I won't leave until you are told to leave.

Your behaviour is starting to like retaking pre-school,

I hate you!

Why hate me?

I want you out of my offic-

Eat yours and Rafi'uddin's antics, Wankstain!




For more infomation >> Darius Sim the führer - Duration: 0:43.


We Want To Be Free - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> We Want To Be Free - Duration: 0:57.


Ya Nabi Salamu Laika HD By Qari Shahid Qadri - Tayyab production - At Shahkot 12 July2018 - Duration: 6:58.

For more infomation >> Ya Nabi Salamu Laika HD By Qari Shahid Qadri - Tayyab production - At Shahkot 12 July2018 - Duration: 6:58.


International community to maintain sanctions pressure on North Korea - Duration: 2:04.

Our top story this lunchtime...

South Korea's top diplomat Kang Kyung-wha is in New York for North Korea-related talks

with her American counterpart.

They were later joined by their counterparts from other members of the UN Security Council.

Park Hee-jun reports.

Seoul's Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha met with U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in

New York on Friday,... less than two weeks after their most recent talks in Tokyo.

They, again,... reaffirmed their common stance of pushing North Korea to fulfill what it

has promised to do.

"They have made a clear commitment on complete denuclearization repeatedly, and of course

very forcefully at the Singapore summit with President Trump, and we will hold them up

to that commitment.

South Korea and the U.S., while jointly briefing the 15-member nations of the UN Security Council

on the latest developments,... also made it clear that maximum pressure on the regime

will be maintained,... as well as international sanctions.

"The countries of the Security Council are united on the need for final fully verified

denuclearization in North Korea, as agreed to by Chairman Kim.

Strict enforcement of sanctions is critical to our achieving this goal."

China and Russia raised the need to ease sanctions as North Korea makes progress on its nuclear


But Washington's Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley emphasized that the best way to achieve

the common goal is through the continued enforcement of sanctions on Pyongyang.

Pompeo also warned that the prospects for denuclearization would be diminished without


Other members of the Security Council backed the U.S., calling for concrete action by North

Korean leader Kim Jong-un on nuclear disarmament.

Earlier in the week,...

China and Russia turned down a U.S. request to halt all shipments of refined oil products

to North Korea, claiming the North had been breaching sanctions.

Saying they need more time and evidence,... they put a six-month hold on any kind of action.

Park Hee-jun, Arirang News.

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