Thứ Sáu, 20 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 21 2018

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For more infomation >> কোনো কাজ না করেই ১০০০টাকা আয় করলাম। আপনারাও আমার মত কাজ করে মাসে 50000 টাকা আয় করুন। - Duration: 3:06.


Team 2k1 + Unity »Phiên bản Chaos Mashup« - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> Team 2k1 + Unity »Phiên bản Chaos Mashup« - Duration: 2:26.


Okada is finally all smiles at last, as he claims to have won with enough to spare!? - Duration: 4:59.

He's taken the mic.



Finally, this is my first win!

It was… easy.

I'm happy.

Thank you, everyone!

G1… It's still…

It's just started.

Decisively… I will win this.

I will make it rain.




オカダはベルトを失ってからずっと変だ。 みんなそう思ってるだろ。


あいつがあのまま本気で闘わない気だったら、 俺が勝ってただろう。


でも俺が勝ちたかった相手は、 チャンピオンだった強いオカダだ。

そしてそのオカダから俺が勝利していれば、 そこで俺の実力を証明できていたはずだろう。

しかしあいつはまた変な様子で登場しやがった。 試合が始まると本来のオカダが少し現れたようだが。

俺は負けたが、これはG1だ。 誰も全勝はできない。


オカダがどういう気であんな態度を 取ってるのかは知らないが、


燃え上がってきたぞ。 次は棚橋だな。勝てるぞ。

That was an easy win for me.

A man stands like this, with his hands on a wall, when things are easy in his life.

I'm back.

For everyone who's enjoying G1 Climax...

Sorry it took so long.

Some people say that my G1 hasn't started yet, others say I'm boring.

I'm sorry.

It almost makes me want to cry. I'm sorry.

But my G1 theme for this year is 'smile'.

What is 1+1?

Answer with a smile.

1+1 is?

Nobody's going to answer me, huh?

Since you lost the belt at DOMINION, you've had a hard time in singles matches…

You've been struggling.

So, how do you see this first G1 win?

I feel like I've finally found the missing piece.


From here on, for those who waited for me...

And for those who couldn't have a good time...

I will try to make sure everyone have a blast.

Isn't it great, because I'm having fun now, too?

I never said that I'm giving up on G1.

I will keep winning from here on out, and enjoying myself at the same time.

The title? Yes, it matters. Kenny? Yes, he matters too.

But decisively, I'll have fun… fun… and more fun...

And in the end… I will take it all.

For more infomation >> Okada is finally all smiles at last, as he claims to have won with enough to spare!? - Duration: 4:59.


BRUDER RC tractor in trouble! Backhoe tractor excavator action for kids! - Duration: 11:22.

Bruder tractor | Tractor excavator | Backhoe | Power wheels

For more infomation >> BRUDER RC tractor in trouble! Backhoe tractor excavator action for kids! - Duration: 11:22.



Hello guys, welcome back with me isengdudegame, okay today is major update...

Okay now let see Tartarus Labyrinth

This time i will do some review and trial....

What is this? boss maybe..

So the point is you guys (from upper) choose and destroy square

Finding boss..

Boss hidden on big square..

And search all the boss


Lets try this boss..

Need 1200 point to clear this..

Okay lets try normal first... let see strategy info.

Attack all enemies...

Is this boss fire element??

Gain attack bar..

OMG this boss also have Vio..

Okay lets do it..

Likw this maybe??

HP lead?? Okay lets try like this lets go

This is normal mode.. kinda hard for newbie...

This is long story. Let see maybe another boss nerf from com2us we dont know..

The minion not to hard... the boss is hard..

Okay... Vio is dangerous... lets go...

We destroy vio first..

Ouch still counter..

Lets attack break..

Def break?? nice...

Chill bro...

Not bad...

Attack break with...


Just hit the boss..

Okay we got it...

Its hard, i think we need to nuke it fast...

Its hard...

Select Grindstone box... we choose will


Its bad bo...

You already won a battle in this stage ( only 1 chance each / days)

Okay lets continue this one maybe...

We try hard mode now..

We can not use monster that already used...

We use Seara team..

Bomber team...

WE can not use Frigate anymore..

We use Triana lets go..

Ouch can not bomb that.. We should do normal hit..


We use skill 1..

Hi Shannon Where have you been...

Just use skill 1


Lets hit it... are they dead??

Okay we got it..

This is hard mode..

Vio ofcourse..

Get it...

1 more chance..

Dont understand this mode, let see..

We try Lagmaron..

Lead HP for safety lets go...

This is Skill restricted, if used cooldown will increase..

5 turn, let try...

This 3rd skill 4turn..

This also 4 turn cooldown..

ouch 4 turn but..

We should keep 3rd skill, not using it all..

This one first using skill 1...

2 cooldown left....

Will become long story

1 cooldown left..

more and more..

Okay nice, all skill ready now..


Hit it..

Hit again...

So good using AOE... using CC

A bit confuse...

Choose rage..

We used all chance..

Kotos Found

Okay maybe will reset soon .. (I play 23:53 server time)

Yeah the chance refill at 00:00 server time..

Okay we try this one..

Explode mode... lets go...

30 (normal) enough to clear this... ( you can more for your contribution point)

The bomb can not be removed and so strong

We need to bring Reviver in this Labyrinth mode

This is normal should be easy, we bring Chiwu..


With Elad for reviver...

Can not bring immunity because it can not be removed.. Okay lets go...

Ouch 15 turn bomb...

The bomb move each turn....

Move again??

This is hard

I see.. so we need to finish it in 15 turn before the bomb exploded..

Okay we can do it..

This is easy

Because this is normal mode..

Its okay, chill...

We can do this...

Why this looks heavier..

Okay clear... nice..

Okay we choose rage...

Okay 1 chance left...

We want to see that big square, normal is enough to clear this

We use AOE

Pure attacker...

Okay lets try it..

30 point enough to clear this... so choose mode wisely..

You can keep good monster to hit Hard or Hell mode..

Keep other skill...

Hit again bro...

Hit again...

Hit it.... okay...

Ofcourse Violence...

Ouch too bad..

Okay already use all chance...

This Labyrinth need guild team work...

Because rewards depends on how long you finish this

Find all boss and defeat it..

This is rank bar....

You can also see battle count recharge here...

This is complete info about your labyrinth status...

If more than 3 days rank drop to A

Battle count our chance to attack refill time.. Recharge in 23h...

Okay i think this is all for part 1, i will continue this

I will do more video untill we find all boss 1 rotation (13days)

If you want to ask, suggestion or you have good info to share just comment below.... I love that..

Because this update just started

Okay thats all from me, comment like subscribe.... bye bye...



G1 CLIMAX 28 Night5 (July 20) - Post-match Interview [4th match] - Duration: 1:47.





お前の気が変わらないのなら、どうなるかは 分かってるな。地獄に落としてやる。

地獄… 地獄だぞ…



G.O.D… ゲリラズ・オブ・デスティニー…

確かにチームとしては 俺とチェースよりも機能してる…

勝つためなら卑怯な真似も 厭わないようだな…







バレットクラブを去った事は 過ちだったと思うかもな。



Goodnight. Bang.

For more infomation >> G1 CLIMAX 28 Night5 (July 20) - Post-match Interview [4th match] - Duration: 1:47.


G1 CLIMAX 28 Night5 (July 20) - Post-match Interview [3rd match] - Duration: 5:28.








クリスチャンのお前の前で 汚い言葉を使ってすまない。




でもG1が終わったら 次から次へと防衛戦だ。

0勝2敗。 0勝2敗だ。

そりゃ飯伏に俺が勝てるわけがない。 そんなの最初から明らかだった。

次は内藤か。日本のファンはみんな内藤が好きだな。 カッコいいもんな、納得だ。

内藤はズルばっかりだけど、 今更文句言う気はない。


昔のニックネームは スターダスト☆ジーニアスだったな。


もしジーニアスじゃなかったとしても、 サメのように危険な男だ。

昨日医者に見てもらったんだけど、 今70%くらい回復してるって…

それからパンチしたり、誰かに踏まれたり、サブミッションを かけられたりしたらダメだって言われたよ。

だから"バカやろう、何言ってんだ。俺は 新日本のレスラー"だって言ってやろうかと思ったよ。

でも痛むから攻撃しないでなんて 言えるわけないだろ。


俺の怪我を利用してサッサと終わらせてやろうって 思ってるんだろう。G1はまだ後何試合もあるからな。

あと6試合もある。世界一のレスラーが 20人も集結してるトーナメントだからな。


ようやくこのベルトを手に入れたのに、 俺はまだルーザーだ。


ジュースなら絶対乗り越えられる。 俺が信じてる。

今日は俺が負けたせいで、 ジュースを落ち込ませてしまったよ。


去年だって、負け続けてたけど 最後に巻き返したじゃないか。大丈夫だよ。



楽しんでばっかりじゃだめだ。 今こそ真剣に頑張らないと。

時々自分に問いかけるんだ。 "俺はヘナーレに勝てるのか"って。

自信を持って"そうだ。俺がCブロックを優勝する" と言えたらいいんだけど…

SANADAやタンガ・ロアのようなすごい選手と 闘った後は自信喪失してしまう。



Looks like your hand is really hurting, huh?

But this is a tournament, so you can't protect it the whole time, right?

If you can't keep holding on…

Why don't you take a break?

I've said this many times, but when Juice Robinson first came to New Japan,

I was his tag partner.

And after I bullied him so much, here he is.

He keeps on fighting.

I won't say this is my biggest match-up, but I am looking forward to it.

But we already know how it's going to end, don't we?

There won't be any upset, but hopefully you can make me...

And the people at Korakuen...

And the people all over the world, watching on NEW JAPAN WORLD...

Make it exciting for us.


What was it? I can't remember what I was going to say…

It's because Juice is just that easy for me.

Well, I'll see all of you tomorrow, right back here, at Korakuen Hall.


For more infomation >> G1 CLIMAX 28 Night5 (July 20) - Post-match Interview [3rd match] - Duration: 5:28.


G1 CLIMAX 28 Night5 (July 20) - Post-match Interview [7th match] - Duration: 1:22.

I told you yesterday… you bXtch…

Don't think you can talk like me.

You insect… You should just grovel on the ground.

Don't ever show your face to me, you nobody.

Next… Who is it?

Next… Who is it?

I'm asking who I'm facing next.

Tokyo Sports, who's next?

It's Jay White...

Who will it be next? It's you, isn't it?

I know it's you, punk.

Or is it you? Is it you?

It's not me. No.

Whoever's next, I'm going to stab you in your head.

For more infomation >> G1 CLIMAX 28 Night5 (July 20) - Post-match Interview [7th match] - Duration: 1:22.


G1 CLIMAX 28 Night5 (July 20) - Post-match Interview [1st match] - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> G1 CLIMAX 28 Night5 (July 20) - Post-match Interview [1st match] - Duration: 1:58.


G1 CLIMAX 28 Night5 (July 20) - Post-match Interview [2nd match] - Duration: 1:33.


The issue... was... a lack of communication.

Yes, a lack of communication.

I put the blame on myself.

I want to apologize to Gedo.

That was a little different than usual.

About 3 years ago, Yano beat me in 50 seconds.

It's hard to read him sometimes.

I can't figure him out.

It makes me a bit anxious, but I'll get over it.

I'll get the win tomorrow, too.

I'll win out, from here.

I think I've put everything together.

I hope I can keep it up.

But I can't relax, even for a second. Every time…

I will take it one match at a time.

I'll treat each match as if it's a main event.

Each match, I'll give it my all.

For more infomation >> G1 CLIMAX 28 Night5 (July 20) - Post-match Interview [2nd match] - Duration: 1:33.


G1 CLIMAX 28 Night5 (July 20) - Post-match Interview [6th match] - Duration: 2:26.

ジェイ、お前の闘い方は、 お前の人生そのものだな…

物事が難しくなると、 そうやってズルをする。


ジェイ、昨日俺が正々堂々と闘えと 言ったのにも関わらずか…

新日本で闘うのなら、 会社の名に恥じない闘い方をしろ。

新日本のリングでイスを使って攻撃したり、 股間を狙ったりするような闘い方はいらない。




マイケル・エルガン… 本当にすごいパワーだ…


しかしこの試合で、どれだけダメージを受けても まだ頭が回ると分かっただろう?



EVIL、あんな年寄りはさっさと片付けてしまえ。 そしたら俺が単独トップだ。



For more infomation >> G1 CLIMAX 28 Night5 (July 20) - Post-match Interview [6th match] - Duration: 2:26.


YHBoys is against the law. - Duration: 1:54.

I have never been so excited in my entire life.

I can't wait for their new song to come out.

And I hope I won't be disappointed with dear music video.

like with the last 4 I reviewed.

but for now let's review this one.

so let me be clear before we start:

this is one of the worst music videos I have seen in a very long time.

no. I can't. I just can't. this thing is simply unwatchable.

it gets a zero out of ten.

but seriously, there is one thing that really disturbs me with YHboys.

Did you notice how happy they look in their music videos?

well, once it's over, this happens.


I'm sure they are extremely happy to be here.

kids under the age of 13.

working ten hours a day. IN THE HEAT.

so their music company ran by billionaires can get even richer.

this is simply wonderful

is this even legal? this kid is literally crying for help.

that's it. I am calling the police.

For more infomation >> YHBoys is against the law. - Duration: 1:54.


Shiva Lingam Pooja Vidhanam Telugu | Shiva Lingam Pooja Vidhanam At Home |Shiva Linga Pooja Vidhanam - Duration: 3:52.


For more infomation >> Shiva Lingam Pooja Vidhanam Telugu | Shiva Lingam Pooja Vidhanam At Home |Shiva Linga Pooja Vidhanam - Duration: 3:52.


SWAP STEAMPUNK - ELLIE - Duration: 18:04.

Hi everyone, this is Anastazia Custom speaking

and welcome to this SWAP video organized by RetroDolls

A SWAP is an exchange between artists

whether dolls, accessories or other

the goal being to offer something on a theme given by the organizer

For this one the theme was the Steampunk

and my partner to whom I had to send this doll is Sugarlump Giftshop

For this custo, I chose to work on Viperine for her skin color

One of the conditions to participate in a SWAP RetroDolls

is to order her fiber in her shop to use it on our custo

I do not usually use this kind of fiber

since usually I work with viscose

which is a fiber much more flexible and which adapts very well

with my technique of wig glue

but this time I'm coming out of my comfort

so I ordered chocolate monofibre

In principle this type of fiber is mainly used for reroot but as you know

I do not do it

and as I feared

the fiber is a bit too rigid for my technique

So I had to adapt and find a way to realize my wig

and I spent days on it, waiting for each wick to dry

before I can glue another one

Some of you have already asked me why your fiber does not stick

so I just think that the synthetic fiber is too heavy and straight

to be used in wig rather than in reroot

I had already used a kind of fiber of RetroDolls which was very good with the glue

but I do not remember what it was

so I invite you to inquire with her for more information

As you can see, I had to find another system to hold the fiber

Here are steampunk glasses with several magnifiers

made by La Petite Clinique des Poupées

And here is the whole outfit made by the French seamstress Furyli

The last accessory of this custo once again realized by

La Petite Clinique des Poupées

is a huge gun made of foam to stay light

and so does not put too much weight on the doll

And here is Ellie the hunter

I hope you enjoyed this video and feel free to click on this link

if you want to see the doll I received from my partner

Tchuss !!

For more infomation >> SWAP STEAMPUNK - ELLIE - Duration: 18:04.


How to Make Bonsai soil at Home | Bonsai soil for Beginners | Bonsai soil Mix //GREEN PLANTS - Duration: 2:52.

welcome to all

today i'm going to show you

how to make a bonsai soil


adding four main ingredients are lava rock, fine gravel or pumice, compost and coco peat or peat moss

first adding two part lava rock

if there is dusty or sandy, sift it as well


adding two part of fine gravel

you can two part fine gravel or pumice

for good water and air circulation


adding one part of compost

do not add too much compost

because it doesn't aerate and drain very well

you can add compost less than one part or half part


adding one part or hand full of peat moss or coco peat

if you don't have coco peat you can add dried peat moss

i just add hand full of coco peat

mix the all ingredients

lava rock used for bonsai soil

retains water and adds good structure and roots can't grow into lava rock

fine gravel used for bonsai soil

well draining and aerated bonsai soil

and also used as a bottom layer in bonsai pots to enhance drainage

Once wet, coco peat or peat moss is a bonding agent

If you don't have time to check on your trees twice a day, add more organic potting compost and some peat moss or coco peat

If you live in a wet climate, add more lava rock to enhance the draining qualities of your mixture

thanks for watching

For more infomation >> How to Make Bonsai soil at Home | Bonsai soil for Beginners | Bonsai soil Mix //GREEN PLANTS - Duration: 2:52.


స్త్రీలు పూజ చేయాలంటే ప్రతి రోజు తలస్తానం చేయాలా | Pooja Vidhanam In Telugu | Pooja Vidhanam Rules - Duration: 5:04.


For more infomation >> స్త్రీలు పూజ చేయాలంటే ప్రతి రోజు తలస్తానం చేయాలా | Pooja Vidhanam In Telugu | Pooja Vidhanam Rules - Duration: 5:04.


URF 2018 | Lee Sin Rất Tốt Nhưng Anh Em Rất Tiếc | CLRĐ channel - Duration: 6:27.

For more infomation >> URF 2018 | Lee Sin Rất Tốt Nhưng Anh Em Rất Tiếc | CLRĐ channel - Duration: 6:27.


G1 CLIMAX 28 Night5 (July 20) - Post-match Interview [9th match] - Duration: 0:49.



この会社はいつもこんな仕打ちをしやがる。 俺たちトンガ人に対する人種差別だ。


肌の色が黒いからか。 そういうことなんだな。

レフェリーまで新日本の言いなりだ。 どうやったって俺たちが勝てるわけがない。






I got 2 points!

I will survive… definitely!

For more infomation >> G1 CLIMAX 28 Night5 (July 20) - Post-match Interview [9th match] - Duration: 0:49.


Picchiata, torturata e costretta a prostituirsi: arrestati i vicini di casa - Duration: 3:17.

 Orrore ad Albano, in provincia di Roma. Nella mattina di venerdì 20 luglio la Polizia ha arrestato una donna di 57 anni, insieme alla figlia di 32 e al fidanzato di 26

I tre sono accusati di aver picchiato, torturato e costretto a prostituirsi una giovane ragazza italiana, la loro vicina di casa, che lo scorso 3 luglio era stata rinvenuta nella propria abitazione in condizioni drammatiche

 La donna è stata trasportata e ricoverata, in codice rosso, all'Ospedale di Albano, dove le erano state riscontrate ferite e fratture in diverse parti del corpo che, come gli inquirenti avevano appurato, "erano state inferte in modo spietato e disumano in un crescendo di malvagità"

   La vittima presentava infatti segni di percosse, lividi ed ecchimosi, tagli da lama e bruciature in diverse ed estese parti del corpo, inferte in tempi differenti, anche con l'utilizzo di corpi contundenti e incandescenti

 Allo stato delle indagini è emerso che il calvario della vittima sarebbe iniziato diversi mesi prima, quando mamme e figlia indagate, approfittando della situazione di fragilità e vulnerabilità della vittima, hanno instaurato con lei una relazione di dipendenza psicologica, inducendola a prostituirsi a loro esclusivo vantaggio economico

Sequestrato e seviziato da una coppia di amici: "Le mie 24 ore di orrore"  La relazione tra le donne, iniziata come un'amicizia, era mirata a portare la giovane a vivere, gradualmente nel tempo, una situazione dolorosa e avvilente, di sottomissione fisica e mentale

Il giovane 26enne, subentrato nella vicenda circa due mesi fa, ha poi determinato l'escalation di violenza, caratterizzata da sopraffazione sistematica, sofferenza, privazione, umiliazione e disagio continuo della vittima

 L'epilogo di questa terribile vicenda si è manifestato, con un crescendo di violenza, la notte tra il 2 e il 3 luglio, quando la giovane è stata brutalmente ferita e seviziata, al punto che qualcuno, sentite le urla, ha attirato l'attenzione delle forze dell'ordine

La determinazione degli indagati tuttavia non si è fermata neanche di fronte al ricovero della donna

Nei giorni seguenti hanno continuato a fare la parte dei 'buoni vicini di casa', provando a depistare le indagini

I tre arrestati dovranno rispondere, in concorso tra loro, dei reati di induzione e sfruttamento dell'attività di prostituzione, lesioni gravi, violenza privata e minaccia, con l'aggravante di aver adoperato sevizie e agito con crudeltà

 La notizia su RomaToday

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