Thứ Bảy, 21 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 21 2018

11 Behaviors a Narcissist Shows In a Relationship before Revealing Themselves.

Narcissists have distinct characteristics that make them obvious to people.

However, before reaching to this stage, it is absolutely difficult to know whether you

are dealing with narcissists or not.

In order to prevent the attack from the narcissists, it is best to learn some behaviors that may

indicate narcissist.

That way, you can make a move before being trapped forever.

In this video, I'm going to share with you some behaviors a narcissist usually shows

in a relationship before they reveal their true nature.

But before that, please subscribe, click the bell and watch this video until the end to

know the complete information.

11 Behaviors a Narcissist Shows In a Relationship before Revealing Themselves.

#1 - Demanding to be the central of attention.

Narcissists always try to be the best people on earth, and they want people to agree on


If you don't, they will be super mad, and they will make your life suffer.

At first, they typically only talk about how good they are at something over and over again.

#2 - They don't stop talking about themselves.

Narcissists like to brag about themselves, and they like to hoard all words in a conversation

for them.

They don't want others to get the talking turn because that will decrease a good fraction

of opportunity to impress people.

#3 - Scheming.

They like to plan and execute a scheme to make your life miserable.

They will absorb your positive energy through some sort of trickery, and you have nothing

to defend eventually.

Before that happens, you should notice their behavior which is making unreasonable demand

as if they are the king.

#4 - Demanding special treatment.

When it comes to responsibility and passion, narcissists don't like doing in it on their


In fact, they prefer someone else to do the job.

It is weird, but it is because narcissists believe that people around them should do

things that make you happy instead of them doing themselves.

#5 - Unrealistic.

They see things in unrealistic manner, and it is prevalent when it comes to possession

and attention.

They view things differently from us, and they just want to be the best of the best

without looking its possibility.

#6 - They violate boundaries.

They don't really care about other people's boundary.

They feel they have all the privileges over other people's physical body and its content.

That includes their ideas, feeling, and rights.

Narcissists will break those boundaries because they feel they are the one with power and

they are the best.

#7 - They are full of negativity.

Narcissists can play around with someone's feeling, and they exchange their feeling with

negative inputs.

Those affected by the magic of narcissists will be down, desperate, worried, and anxious.

#8 - Rule breakers.

It is no wonder that narcissists will do everything to make their life happier, and that includes

breaking rules.

They like violating boundaries and rules because they don't feel they are obliged to.

They feel they have power, and that's why they are really ignorant to the rules.

#9 - Displaying false face.

Indeed, people have three kinds of faces: one to show to others, one to show to closer

ones, and one to show to one's self.

However, narcissists only have one inverse face, and that is the face that they think

the kindest, prettiest, and the best.

#10 - They have no real friends.

People who eventually spotted narcissism behavior will leave narcissists slowly.

That's why it is rare to find narcissists who can tell about their close friends because

they don't have any.

If you ask them about it, their answer will never be consistent because they are making

things up.

#11 - You cannot advise or criticize them.

Narcissists don't want to be criticized because they are always right.

If you criticize them, you end up in the time loop of useless and time-consuming debate.

Well, those are the 11 behaviors a narcissist will likely shows in a relationship before

revealing themselves.

So, really cool information isn't it?

I hope you enjoy this short video, if you have something on your mind, please

share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> 11 Behaviors a Narcissist Shows In a Relationship before Revealing Themselves - Duration: 5:32.



For more infomation >> GEÇİLMESİ İMKANSIZ OLAN YER !!! ZULA ÇANAKKALE HARİTASI - Duration: 16:20.


Essence Of Murli 22-07-2018 - Duration: 7:50.

Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date is 22nd July 2018

( Today we will listen to Avyakt Baapdada's Avyakt Murli. This Murli first spoken on 23rd December 1983 )

Today's Murli Heading : Through the double-light stage labouring ends.

Today, BapDada, the Resident of the faraway land, has come to meet His children from faraway lands.

All of you have come from faraway lands and BapDada has also come from the faraway land.

The furthest of all and the nearest of all is BapDada's land. ( Baapdada's land is soul world )

It is so far that it is beyond the boundary of this corporeal world; it is a different world.

All of you have come from the corporeal world

and BapDada has come from the land beyond this corporeal world via

via the subtle region and has brought Brahma Baba with Him;

it is so close that He can reach here in a second.

It takes you so many hours to reach here ( Baba takes a second to reach here. We also take a second to reach Baba if method followed )

It takes you so many hours to reach here and you have to spend so much hard-earned money.

How long did it take you to collect all of that money?

In order to come and go to the Father's land, there is no expense incurred.

To all the chatrak (birds who are thirsty for drops of rainwater) children of this land and abroad,

to all the long-lost and now-found children of this cycle,

to all the long-lost and now-found children of this cycle,

BapDada's love, remembrance and namaste.

We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

Blessing: May you be worthy of worship and worthy of being remembered and one who donates and performs charity through your powerful stage.

In the final period when weak souls experience even a little attainment from you complete and perfect souls,

they will take their sanskars of the final experience with them and rest in the home for half the cycle.

Then, in the copper age, they will become your devotees and worship and praise you.

So, be a great donor and a bestower of blessings for these weak souls at the end and donate your experiences to them and accumulate charity.

This donation and charity of a second through your powerful form will make you worthy of being worshipped and remembered for half the cycle.

Slogan: Instead of becoming afraid in adverse situations, become a detached observer and you will become victorious.

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> Essence Of Murli 22-07-2018 - Duration: 7:50.


Star Wars: Was war der SITH KODEX und was hat er zu bedeuten? [deutsch] - Duration: 5:32.

For more infomation >> Star Wars: Was war der SITH KODEX und was hat er zu bedeuten? [deutsch] - Duration: 5:32.


PGI Bootcamp: Insights from NAVI Manager - Duration: 6:55.

I want to tell you a story.

I'm having a good sleep this night, restoring.

Then ubah comes in, stands here for a moment, and goes to take a shower probably.

Comes back, sees me sleeping and starts making a rustling noise.

After that, he thinks, "I should rustle some more", and does that again, saying" Svyatoslav, wake up!"

I've got a question, why do that?

I can't answer this question.

That's a provocative one.

No idea.

The bootcamp draws to a close, you've spent a week in our gaming house.

What can you say about the atmosphere within the team?

The guys have been focused on work, they're preparing for a tournament and have practice every day.

They're also playing pubs and streaming.

On the other hand, the atmosphere has been a little relaxed,

because this gaming house has everything for comfortable living.

There's a chill out area downstairs with a tennis table that sees heated battles every evening.


Do you think the first PGI that features such a large prize pool will be as revolutionary as TI in Dota?

Frankly, I've already had this analogy in my head, because it's kind of similar.

This is the first over million dollar prize pool for PUBG.

I hope PUBG Corp will continue to develop the esports side of their game,

after they're done optimizing it, which is the main priority now.

In your opinion, is the game in its current state ready to host tournaments of this scale?

As I've just mentioned, the game's optimization is top priority now.

It's important for both competitive and public play.

PUBG Corp also realizes this problem and they're working hard on it.

Once the game is optimized, they promise to focus on the competitive and esports side of things.

I think it's vital to hold tournaments even at this stage,

and I hope there'll be more tournaments like this and leagues in the future.

So, Stas, today we're having...

What's this?

I think it's meat with potatoes.

This goes in the microwave.

Well, given that one has to consume more carbs in the morning, we're gonna do just that.

Although I think potatoes are not really good carbs.

Stas, don't do that.

Your t-shirt says 'Sharks don't sleep'.

Are you a shark or what?

By the way, do you know why they don't sleep?

Because they eat.

Because I eat them.

I know that sharks need to constantly move otherwise they will drown, I watched a TV program about them.

Fist don't sleep? How do they regain their strength?

Sharks have their own system.

I, for one, eat to regain strength.

- So, whales don't sleep too? - They do.

- How do they do that? - I don't know.

Stas, help us get to the bottom of it.

Well, I think that the pressure is higher deeper down, so the fish stop drowning at some point.

But this is just a guess.

Look, CS has team stickers, Dota has branded in-game skins.

Can PUBG corp surprise its players with something like that?

Not sure about surprising, but there are going to be in-game skins with team logos at the upcoming tournament, anyone will be able to buy them.

I take it the devs want to test the waters,

and I hope they'll continue with that and will cooperate with teams and organizations.

They use crowdfunding to raise a TI prize pool in Dota, should PUBG borrow this idea?

I really like the idea of crowdfunding because it connects publics with esports,

and increases the interest towards the competitive mode.

I think it'd be a good thing for PUBG to have some kind of compendium like in Dota,

because PUBG has a large player base, maybe this idea will work.

Yeah, I noticed that.

Don't yell.


I said don't yell.


Stop yelling!

I'm gonna deal with you, dog.

Bring it on.

Come out.


When will PUBG Corp fix vertical sound?

Because I'm aiming forward while he's up top. That's how we roll.

There's going to be the MVP of each match, which one of the players do you think might get it?

Ubah performed very well in the CIS qualifiers.

Since this award will be based on the number of kills and placement,

I think Drainys, MOLODOY, iLame have a chance of getting it actually.

Our team takes every tournament seriously and always aims for top place.

At PGI, we're gonna do our best and try especially hard to make our fans and organization proud.

For more infomation >> PGI Bootcamp: Insights from NAVI Manager - Duration: 6:55.


คนญี่ปุ่นคิดยังไงกับ BNK48 รุ่น 2 ? | Special EP.16 - Duration: 12:35.

For more infomation >> คนญี่ปุ่นคิดยังไงกับ BNK48 รุ่น 2 ? | Special EP.16 - Duration: 12:35.


Dù Ở Nước Ngoài Nhưng Bà Vẫn Là Con Tin Của Trung Quốc | Trung Quốc Không Kiểm Duyệt - Duration: 5:53.

On this episode of China Uncensored,

don't look a gift from the Communist Party in the mouth.

Hi, welcome to China Uncensored,

I'm your host Chris Chappell.

This woman committed a terrible crime.

She married a writer.

You'd think that would be punishment enough.

But that isn't just the punchline of a bad joke.

Artist Liu Xia was kept under house arrest for 8 years

because she was married to prominent Chinese dissident,

writer, and Nobel Peace Prize winner, Liu Xiaobo.

That's it.

That was her crime.

"Her only crime seems to be that she never gave up on her late husband,

and she paid a dear price for her faith and love for Liu Xiaobo,

who died of lung cancer almost a year ago, while still in custody."

And if 8 years of house arrest doesn't sound that bad to you,

imagine being locked in your house for 8 years,

in a country with no Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, or Netflix.

Now that's torture.

But what am I saying?

Liu Xia has been free this whole time,

according to the Communist Party.

Doesn't she seem like a free woman,

whispering in a reporter's ear about how the authorities

can hear everything in her apartment?

But now, after tons of international pressure,

the Communist Party has allowed Liu Xia to leave China for Berlin.

Obviously they didn't let her leave because of international pressure.

China's foreign minister gave a different explanation.

"China's Foreign Ministry said Liu Xia

had travelled to Germany for medical treatment."

Oh, that makes sense.

Because there are no hospitals in China.

Her departure follows months of pressure from activists and right groups,

and comes at the end of a visit to Germany be Chinese Premier Li Kequang.

Now correlation doesn't always mean causation...

but that top level Communist Party official's visit to Germany

just maybe had something to do with Liu Xia's sudden freedom.

Germany has been pushing for Liu Xia's release for a while.

In fact, German Chancellor Angela Merkel personally brought it up

with Chinese leader Xi Jinping.

Apparently he told her "maybe",

if she kept it hush-hush.

Well, they did finally release Liu Xia.

And it comes ahead of an EU-China summit next week.

You see, the Chinese Communist Party is dealing with

the US-China trade war.

And making nice with Germany and the EU

might provide the Party the economic lifeline it needs.

As Quartz puts it, "Given the troublesome relations with the US,

China needs to put effort into winning over Germany...

Allowing Liu [Xia] to travel to Germany was a concession

from a China that wants to be recognized

as a responsible global player."

And really, don't you think we should applaud

the Chinese Communist Party for doing the right thing?

It's so generous of them to let Liu Xia,

who did nothing wrong in the first place,

leave the country as a gesture of goodwill

during their talks with Germany and the EU.

The same talks where Chinese officials will try to convince

Germany and the EU to stand with China,

against the US.

Such compassion.

But wait!

"Chris," you ask,

"Now that Liu Xia is free,

won't she become an outspoken dissident?"

Ah, that kind of simple minded thinking is why you are not

in charge of your own Marxist-Leninist authoritarian state.

See, Liu Xia's brother is still in China.

Although he tried,

he was not allowed to leave with her.

And if Liu Xia knows what's good for her brother,

she'll keep her fool mouth shut.

And in case you thought Liu Xia's release

means the Chinese Communist Party

is turning over a new leaf,

well, the next day,

they sentenced a democracy activist to 13 years in prison.

The Party wouldn't want you to think they're getting soft.

So what do you think about the Communist Party's generous release of Liu Xia?

Leave your comments below.

And before you go,

it's that time when we answer questions

from fans who support China Uncensored

on the crowd funding website Patreon.

SciNerdGirl asks

"Have you ever eaten 'Stinky' Tofu?

Does it really smell as bad as they say?"

Ah, the tough questions.

Have I eaten stinky tofu?

Yes, and I'll never forget it.

For those of you who don't know,

stinky tofu is fermented tofu.'s stinky.

Some people really love it.

Not me.

I had it for the first time in Shilin Night Market in Taipei.

That's the capital of Taiwan province, China.

There were many strange foods there I really enjoyed,

like giant deep fried squid,

and even pig blood sausage.

But the stinky tofu?

Well, let's just say I'd prefer to eat durian.

What's that, Shelley?

Stinky tofu is amazing?

We'll have to agree to disagree.

Thanks for the question SciNerdGirl.

By the way,

if you're really a sci-nerd,

I recommend reading the Three Body Problem.

Excellent Chinese science fiction.

And for all of you, remember,

China Uncensored is supported mainly from viewers like you.

If you want us to keep making great episodes,

and have a chance to get your question answered on air,

become a supporter on Patreon.

The link is below.

Once again I'm your host Chris Chappell.

See you next time.

Hey, want the latest China news?

Subscribe to China Uncensored!

And turn that notification bell on

to make sure you find out when new episodes are out.

We publish a brand new episode

every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday—

and sometimes Saturday.

So check back frequently.

But I've heard from many fans

that YouTube won't notify you,

even if you have notifications on.

Come on Google,

that's not nice.

For more infomation >> Dù Ở Nước Ngoài Nhưng Bà Vẫn Là Con Tin Của Trung Quốc | Trung Quốc Không Kiểm Duyệt - Duration: 5:53.


BREAK YOUR NEGATIVE ATTITUDE | Morning Motivation (very motivational) - Duration: 18:20.

as Maya Angelou said if you don't like

something change it if you can't change

it change your attitude that's some of

the best advice you're ever going to

hear at the end of the day you should

always be trying to change the things

that you have the ability to change

there are inevitably going to be things

that you can't change but you're never

helpless you're never a victim in that

moment you still have the unbelievable

ability to choose to look at it in a new

way to choose to reframe it and in that

reframing you change everything you

don't just change your own neural

chemistry you're not just changing the

way that you feel you're actually

changing the way that you're going to

approach the problem something that was

moments before something that seemed

impossible something that was breaking

your will to continue to fight with a

change in attitude becomes something

completely different and as hans selye

said adopting the right attitude can

turn a negative stress into a positive

one and that game of mental jujitsu is

what it's about that game of flipping

something on its head of turning

something around of seeing it in a new

way so that you can act in a new way is

how you make forward progress and

understanding that understanding the

need to take control of your perceptions

understanding that understanding your

need to change your perspective that's

how you begin to get ahead once you

understand your perspective is a choice

it is not objective truth burn that into

your mind

it is not objective truth the world that

you see around you is simply the

perspective through which you see it all

of life is a funhouse mirror

and when you acknowledge that when you

understand that you're looking at a

distorted view of the way the world is

you realize that you can adopt a

different Distortion you can adopt a


things in a way that empower you and

that should always be the first step is

figuring out not what is not what you

can change but instead understanding

what you need to change it to an

understanding that that change comes

from inside you it isn't a manifestation

that you have to make in the outside

world first it's a change you have to

make inside yourself it is a shift of

perspective it is simply stepping to the

side of what you're used to and how you

use to seeing things and understanding

that in reframing things you take that

negative and turn it into something that

builds you up but you've got to choose

you've got to decide you've got to

believe that you can do it but once you

believe that you can see things in any

way that you need to to reach your goals

your life will change forever because

you'll actually reach your goals

I wanted to spell a myth for you it's

the talent myth it's the belief that

some people were just born with more

than others that some people are

naturally gifted in some aren't and

that's just the way the cookie crumbles

and whatever you're gonna be is

essentially determined by how you

started that your DNA is exactly your

destiny I'm here to tell you right now

that's bullshit

it's just not true it's not the truth of

the way that humans are designed as a

species were the ultimate adaptation

machine that the very thing that puts us

at the top of the pyramid is our ability

to adapt it is the fact that the brain

is plastic that it responds to change it

responds to stressors it responds to

repetition and repetition is a slave to

obsession as Conor McGregor said there's

no talent here this is hard work this is

an obsession you could be anyone if you

put in the time that's one of the

greatest athletes of our time telling

you that he's not the result of genetics

he's not the result of natural gifts he

hasn't been bestowed something by God he

has shown up day after day in the most

mundane of conditions on the cold days

on the hot days he put in the work

because he was obsessed with what he

could become and that repetition that

you need to actually gain a skill

follows that obsession so in you right

now right now today you want to start

building that obsession you want to look

at it like an ember that can become a

raging fire but it needs your time and

attention it needs your time and

attention you've got to take that

interest you've got to take that spark

of desire and you've got a family

you've got to turn it into that

obsession and from that obsession if you

put in the work if you do the things day

in and day out the back-breaking work

pushing through the pain

fighting through feeling like an idiot

fighting through embarrassment getting

up brushing yourself off doing it again

practicing putting yourself at

somebody's feet and asking what could I

have done better not look at the things

you're doing well but look at the things

we're doing wrong look at the things

you're doing poorly staring at your

inadequacies with no loss of pride

because the only thing you value in

yourself is your willingness to do that

you're willing is to work your ass off

and as Sylvester Stallone said I'm not

the richest smartest or most talented

person in the world but I succeed

because I keep going and going and going

and that's the secret there's nothing

more than that

the people that you see the win at the

highest level they were the ones that

didn't give up they're the survivors and

you've got to ask yourself am i a

survivor type am I the type of person

that continues to push through when it

gets hard when it gets boring when I

feel lost when I don't know what I'm

doing when I have no faith in myself

even in that darkest hour can I push

forward can I accept that the human body

will respond to that stress it will

respond to that stimulus but I have to

show up and I have to do the work and so

that's the beautiful thing you're not

gonna separate yourself based on your

genetics you're not gonna separate

yourself based on who your parents were

where you were born

you're gonna separate yourself by

showing up and you don't want to you're

gonna separate yourself by pushing

forward when it hurts

you're gonna separate yourself by always

moving forward even when the forward is

falling on your face so never lose sight

of that it's the person that keeps going

that can't be defeated

if no one thinks you're crazy you're not

yet operating to the outer limits of

your potential doesn't matter how old

you are you can't blame your gender

doesn't matter where are you from

doesn't have matter how smart you are

doesn't matter what your personality is

doesn't matter how many strengths you

have or what your strengths profile is

at all

doesn't matter how creative you are or

empathetic doesn't matter how many years

of experience and doesn't matter how

much you get paid you can't blame them

any more the data doesn't prove it out

now some people say well Brendan Brendan

Brendan those things must matter I've

seen studies no I'm not saying those

things don't matter many of those things

are very important especially at certain

parts of your life but in high

performance it's not the study of

initial success okay initial success is

nice and it's not the study peak

performance either because at the top of

our peak is a valley

I think people are tired of the ups and

downs in life and they want that steady

path to growth I'm the creator but it's

not what made me a high performer there

are a lot of people who are creative who

can't organize their way out of box

there's a lot of people who are also

empathetic deeply caring but they can't

get stuff done there are a lot of people

who are extroverted who also push away

people so we can't say that any of those

things lead to long-term success but

when we get it right

everything changes high performers are

more successful than their peers in

almost every category of measurement you

could take whether how much they earn

what they do how far they succeed in

their own industry etc they're also less

stressed more success only stresses you

out when you don't have the habits to

handle it

don't fear success get better habits

that's all

high performers are prolific in their

field no matter what that means if

they're a salesperson it's more sales

calls right if they're an artist it's

more paintings if it's a musician it's

Beethoven right it's just cranking out

the product that matters in your area of

expertise they work passionately whether

you pay them high or not because they're

driven by intrinsic motivations the care

the passions the art the fulfillment of

what they do they're admired and they're

adaptive they change faster they make

decisions faster they're happier than

most people they're healthier than most

people they get better grades and they

also feel appreciated about their work

that there's no loneliness at the top

they feel like people appreciate them

understand how hard they work and they

feel rewarded for it in other words a

lot of these people you might not

initially like these people are

extraordinary but not by accident and

not by birthright buy habits we proved

it there's eleven effective habits that

makes a person successful in general but

when we tried to bust it down and we

said look can we prove that they're

doing it on purpose can we prove can we

watch it and observe it and track it and

measure it can we change it that's what

malleable means is it trainable meaning

can they get better at it and we can

show it and does it work across domains

it works for you your team your brother

your sister your mother your

grandparents everybody that you can it

work across life is it universal in

other words was our question that broke

it down then to only six habits which

I'll show you with you now the first one

seek clarity high performers seek

clarity before they do almost anything

they don't get clarity as if one day in

life they wake up and everything's

perfectly clearer they know exactly what

to do no it's not get clarity it's seek

clarity they are consistently seeking

clarity more than anybody else many you

guys know I've been blessed to do some

online courses with Oprah Winfrey and

one thing I love about her is every

meeting she starts her first question in

all the meetings after hi how you doin

'he's our what's our intention for this


what's the intention for this meeting

she's seek before the meeting starts she

wants to not what's the agenda who's

talking about what's the intention what

are we trying to do here that's seeking

clarity we found that high performers

look to the future

more than general population by over 70%

in a positive frame meaning they look to

tomorrow and they say who can I be how

do I want to interact with people what

skills do I need to develop how do I

want to serve they're seeking clarity in

those ways and now we all seek clarity

high performers do it more often common

sense is not always common practice and

that's why so many potentially great

people fail to ever reach their full

potential common sense is not always

common practice high performers have

made seeking clarity common practice

they also generate tremendous amounts of

energy by will they generate energy they

like they fire themselves up but it's

not just generating energy by will in

every measure mentally emotionally and

physically high performers peak out over

the general population by almost 70%

they deal with stress 70% better they're

in better physical shape for their age

it's just like they it's not by accident

they're generating the energy they need

to serve in the world they're not

waiting for it see a power plant takes

energy from one area transforms it into

a different form of energy stores it

then transmits it high performers do the

same thing they don't hope one day

they're gonna be satisfied they make

themselves feel satisfied they don't

hope to find peace after they've

accomplished everything as they're

accomplishing they're making themselves

find peace they don't have you know wait

for it like Christmas to bring them joy

they into each moment bring the joy

they raise their sense of necessity in

one way it means they have higher

emotional commitment they stoke

necessity necessity means the difference

between I should do it I'd like to do it

versus I must do it I know you guys are

in personal development and you've heard

this a million times

it's just that high performers do it

every morning they're aware of what must

I do today to move the needle forward

they're very clear on what they really

must do to progress and they do it and

they do it because they've associated

their internal identity with their

external obligations so they know my

internal standards and values line up to

make me go there and they've set up

their external life so that there's

deadlines and duty to other people it's

why the military is so high performing

duty right internal standard I'm a


external standard duty to my country

identity external RAM together then you

have to do it they do that on purpose

mentally start figuring out right now

what we call PQ o PQ o sense for

prolific quality output high performers

have figured out what would make them

not only effective but sometimes wealthy

sometimes well-known sometimes more well

respected but I figure out what's the

quality output that really matters and

then they go all-in it's the story of

Steve Jobs coming back to Apple after he

was fired and seeing over 20 product

lines and saying this is too much clear

the decks is that we're gonna focus on

these five things that's it that's what

brought us the first iPod then the

iPhone then the iPad then the Mac Pro

like all that build was because he came

in he cleared houses

what is our P Q oh I didn't use that

language but that's essentially what we

found all high performers actually do

they figure out what's the stuff that we

need to produce the route of

productivity is produce so busy work is

not the same as your life's work

you gotta figure out your life's or what

is the things that you need to create

that will shift and change everything

and leave your legacy high performers

actively consistently are seeking to

develop influence with people and they

work so hard at it they're very very

conscious of how they're impacting their

kids how they're impacting their friends

how they're impacting the world around

them they're doing it on purpose to

there they want to be role models think

about anybody who's ever been

influential in your life who's been the

most positively influential person in

your life for a moment think about that

and once you have that I guarantee you I

can tell you exactly why they were

influential because our studies proved

it out what makes somebody influential

number one I bet that person who made

such a difference in your life they

taught you how to think influential

people are telling you how to think

about yourself sometimes about your

relationships sometimes about how you

contribute sometimes how to think second

thing they didn't they challenged

they challenge what you contributed what

you gave what you were capable of they

said you're better than this young woman

you're better than this young man you

got more Enya come on let's go they push

they challenged and third they role

modeled the way they role modeled the

way for you and that changed everything

high performers demonstrate more courage

than most people they demonstrate more

courage than most people these six

habits change everything but this last

piece is so highly correlate with high

performance you got to get it

demonstrating courage means it is time

for you to tell your family what you

really think need believe dream of same

with your team same with your spouse all

the holding back of what you really want

in life in silence there is suffering

high performers share what they really

want of life because if you can't share

it you can't get it out there you can't

attract it you can't move it high

performers deeply care about sharing

what's true for them and they're willing

to step into uncertainty even when they

don't know what to do

maybe someone's gonna reject you if you

start your dream no likely somebody is

going to reject you but either you can

look in the cave of an uncertain ego I

don't want to go in I'm so scared I'm so

scared to go what's this gonna be like

and you wander in with a flashlight of

curiosity and you say on what this could

be and now your curiosity starts looking

like courage and goes wow you got a lot

of guts and no you're just being curious

again sometimes allowing yourself to put

yourself out there and start asking more

questions that's courage too but at the

end of the day we've got to take more





For more infomation >> BREAK YOUR NEGATIVE ATTITUDE | Morning Motivation (very motivational) - Duration: 18:20.


Box of Toys Toy Gun Toy Weapons Military Toys Kids Fun - Duration: 4:04.

Box of Toys Toy Gun Toy Weapons Military Toys Kids Fun

For more infomation >> Box of Toys Toy Gun Toy Weapons Military Toys Kids Fun - Duration: 4:04.


Welcome to our channel - Vlog in Cardiff - Duration: 1:20.

oh this is really weird because this is our first video on this channel but if you

don't know who we are this is Jordan this is Harry and we're in Cardiff

probably good enough innit okay so what is our channel gonna be about so it's

gonna be a little bit of a mix of different things so we're gonna do some

vlogs hopefully do some vlogs and possibly some sketches and short films

just a bit of a mix and match really yeah and we're also gonna do some kind of

like inspirational type stuff as well so any thoughts that we've had of the day

we're gonna do that because we try to be very positive people yeah we're always

trying to try and channel that into our channel yeah so Will- and you get bad

jokes from me yeah exactly

okay so-

this is really weird because it's our first...


For more infomation >> Welcome to our channel - Vlog in Cardiff - Duration: 1:20.


Scaling Catching Clouds | Saturday Slowdown - Duration: 7:39.

hey it's patti scharf CPA and co-founder catching clouds the leader in e-commerce

accounting welcome back to Saturday slow down Saturdays I like to remind you all

to take a step back and start thinking strategically about your business and

not just get all washed away in the day-to-day operations of working in your

business today I want to follow up with the YouTube video that I recorded last

week or earlier this week about how to scale your business and I wanted to give

you some concrete examples of how we've done that in our business some of the

pitfalls we've run into and things like that so so let's get started

there are really two ways that you can help scale your business and your scale

your business doesn't need help to scale you need two things one is going to be

technology the other is going to be people you can have a different

combination of those maybe all technology usually not all people but

maybe sometimes usually both okay so some of the technology that we use to

help scale our business one has to be 0 it was it's the base of everything we do

another one and this is the one that I remember from early on I think it was

2014 we were using a payroll tool I do it yourself payroll tool that I just

won't name because we don't use it anymore and no need to beat them when

they're down but but the the issue with them was they weren't pulling the money

for taxes for our clients at the time that payroll was processed some people

like that because then you're not paying the government into the very last second

but we were what we were running into is some of our clients might not have cash

available at the time that the payroll taxes are due and that's not okay and

other problems were it wouldn't prepare the State returns that we needed or

local returns that we needed we'd have to like print stuff out and mail it in

it was just pain and it was there there was a lot of

room for error in that system so we switched over to what is now Gusto

Gusto used to be called ZenPayroll when we first started using it and when

we switched over to that it was just night and day we didn't have to worry

about a lot of the things that we had to worry about with this other system and

it just fixed a lot of problems for us another software that we ended up using

that just was kind of a game changer for us as A2X and I've got at least like

seven videos I make A2X I just love them they're like my favorite tools so go

check that one out if you are an e-commerce seller for sure

if you're selling on Amazon use A2X but also if you're looking at scaling and

creating some automation in your business the first thing that you need

to be checking out is a cloud inventory tool there's some that are actually

watch this video on the cloud inventory tools the next thing you need to be

looking at is sales tax the Supreme Court just passed a ruling that's making

it harder for e-commerce sellers you need to be aware of the rules you need

to hook up with somebody who's informed about that so but to scale your business

you're gonna need somebody else doing the sales tax returns instead of you

it's it's just a fact so so take a look at that and and hopefully that will help

you out all right next let's talk about people people has

by far been our biggest challenge over the last four years as you know from the

time that we started hiring actual people and not just my parents and there

are a few reasons for this I think part of it so let me let me start this by

saying that over and over I hear people saying that it is so hard to find good

people and what I've learned over the last several years is that it's a lot

easier to find good people when I am being a good leader so when I am giving

them the resources they need to be able to do their job when

I am setting really clear expectations when I am training them properly so that

they know exactly what's expected of them so that they they they can do the

job you know I can tell you our so 2014 was our oh we need people you're like we

just needed help and we just needed them to get in there and everything was in my

brain everything was in Scotts brain but we didn't really have a documented

process the the next year we started documenting the process but we were just

so busy just trying to train people and get things together that it was just we

were still kind of in that mode the next year 2016 was our Oh nobody knows what

they're doing so what ended up happening because we

were in this chaotic state and we didn't have training like formalized training

and we didn't have really this this enough structure for the people who are

coming in people are getting really frustrated people were leaving or they

were staying but they were unhappy and this person was teaching that person who

is teaching that person and the training although it existed it it was being

communicated poorly and so it was just like one big game of telephone so it

kind of felt like nobody knew what they were doing even though they were

everybody was doing their best you know then 2017 became a whole year of just we

completely retrained everybody top to bottom did a whole bunch of the

equivalent of YouTube videos training our teams so that there was consistency

across the board and then by the end of 2017 we were up to 22 people in our firm

and we realized oh we have the wrong people in our firm and not all the wrong

we just had a few of the wrong people for the most part we had great people

but because we were so clear about what our firm was how we approach things

we handled this that or the other thing the ones who didn't fit really kind of

stuck out like a sore thumb and now we've right-size down to 18 people and

the whole firm is just humming along and I feel like we've scaled up we've gotten

to that next level so if you're in that middle part where everything's chaotic

and you can't find the right people and everything's just not good I would say

take a step back figure out exactly what your process is figure out exactly what

you expect of your people communicate it to them over and over and over like

don't hound them like you know people don't like to be micromanaged but you

know give them give them the tools that they need to be effective and your whole

company will scale up the way you want it so I hope you found this video

helpful if you did please like comment and share if you haven't already please

subscribe and catch you later

For more infomation >> Scaling Catching Clouds | Saturday Slowdown - Duration: 7:39.


Krewella - Runaway (SKAN Remix) [Lyrics Video] - Duration: 2:54.

And I got the world in the palm of my hands

And I, all I wanna do is make you dance

If I never see your face again, will I remember?

Every time we go out, free drinks, sitting in the VIP

Twenty minutes in, wanna leave quick Do you wanna roll with me?

If I never see your face again, know I will remember

Let's runaway

We could leave this crowd

Runaway at the speed of sound

If you need to breathe

I'll be your remedy

So runaway, runaway

Runaway with me

Oh, we, we could drive to the midnight sun

We're free, we're living like we just begun

If I never see your face again, know I will remember

Pedal to the floor, got the windows down in a rental car

Hands on the wheel and your eyes light up like a thousand stars

If we never see the world again, know we will remember

Let's runaway

We could leave this crowd

Runaway at the speed of sound

If you need to breathe

I'll be your remedy

So runaway, runaway

Runaway with me

(Runaway with me)

For more infomation >> Krewella - Runaway (SKAN Remix) [Lyrics Video] - Duration: 2:54.


HOT!!! Ronnie O'sullivan vs. John Higgins ● Best Final Frame - Duration: 15:24.

Thanks you for watching video!!!

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