Thứ Bảy, 21 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 21 2018

Do tags matter?

NichFamTV asked: "What do you think about the announcement from YouTube about tags?"

and they are referring to this video at Creator Insider.

And the guy on the left actually said: They use tags a bit but not as much as we creators


And by the way, do you know this guy on the left?

That is Todd and he is the head of the discovery team.

You know, the team that is building the algorithm.

So if he says that then this is 100% true.

Hey youtubers, my name is Nico and welcome to my show where I answer your questions – #AskMorningfame

– and show you a success story of a small youtuber like you.

Alright, let's dive into how important tags actually are.

So in the video where Todd explained how important tags actually are, he gave an example of where

YouTube uses the tags.

And that is where spelling mistakes are usually made.

And I think I have the perfect example in which that is actually the case.

You know, many people write Morningfame as two words: "morning fame".

But actually the brand has one word only.

"Morningfame" as one word.

So what is in my tags I use use "morningfame" as one word and "morning fame" as two


So this way YouTube can understand both ways of writing Morningfame is correct and both

mean the same.

So this is one application where YouTube actually has help from tags to understand spelling

mistakes a bit more.

Well, but if that's the best thing they can then they are certainly not that helpful,


So what is it all about?

I mean if Todd talks about the algorithm then he talks about the overall picture and one

big challenge that the algorithm actually has is that youtubers try to trick the system.

They try to get ahead with their videos with some tricks.

And in the past is was easily possible but nowadays it is getting more and more difficult

to actually trick the system.

Because ultimately what the algorithm wants is not that the videos that got into the feed

of the viewers by some trick.

But those videos that are actually enjoyable for the people to watch.

So the algorithm has to be careful which videos to promote.

So what it does is it tries to find ways in which it can evaluate videos whether they

are enjoyed by people or not with means that are independent of us creators.

And I mean tags are one example where creators have influence over what the algorithm does.

At least in the past.

Nowadays not anymore.

Because YouTube does one thing: On one side you have the topic of the video and on the

other side you have the interests of all the viewers.

So what the algorithm does in the middle, it takes the videos with the right topics

and matches them with the right viewers' interests.

So you get as a viewer those videos recommended that you are actually interested in.

Makes sense, right?

So what YouTube does here, it doesn't look at the metadata but instead it looks at which

people enjoyed the video and their interests – the interests that those who are already

happy with your video – their interests, that is actually the metadata.

You as a creator don't have influence over which people enjoy the video and which interests

they have but this is actually really good metadata for YouTube to understand, ok, if

we have some people who really enjoyed the video who have the interest in cooking – especially

Asian cuisine let's say, right? – then they can look at other people who have the

same interest and recommend the same video to them as well.

Because the chance is high, people who are interested in Asian cooking enjoyed this video,

so other people interested in the same thing, ya well, then they are likely to enjoy that,


So this is kind of metadata that YouTube uses on their side and that can't be tricked

by us youtubers.

So what is it about the metadata that we actually give to YouTube?

I mean, don't they care then?

Well, I believe it is really not the case because, you know, the observation of which

viewers enjoy our videos and that way YouTube being able to promote the video to other similar

likeminded people, well, this information is not available at the very beginning when

you publish your video, right?

No one watched the video yet.

So what YouTube has to do, it has at first to trust us youtubers to give them the metadata

that well describes the video.


And that is the starting point for YouTube to promote a video.

When you first published it, it takes the metadata and I believe the tags as well and

takes this information and promotes the video to the first few people who have the matching


So at the very beginning when YouTube has no data about whether people enjoy watching

the video or not, in that particular instance, in this first few hours maybe, days maybe

– depending on how big your channel is, how fast you can accrue a lot of views so

YouTube has enough data about which people enjoy watching the video or not – but in

this first few days, hours, ya, as I said, there the metadata is very important.

Because YouTube doesn't have anything else.

And in this timespan it is really important that your metadata is spot on – well describing

your video.

What we can say here is that YouTube is moving away from tags and all other metadata to depend

on it too strongly but at the beginning they have no other choice.

So it is important for use to optimize our metadata and make it count in the beginning

after we published our video.

By the way, since tags are not that important anymore then the big question is: What is

important then, maybe even more in the long run?

Not just in the beginning after we published the video but also afterwards.

So what do you think?

Is it titles?

Is it descriptions?

Or is it the closed captions?

By the way, if you watch the original video from Todd explaining the thing about tags

then you will know the answer which one of the three it is.

But please leave me in the comments, WHY the one you picked is so important.

The first person who gets the answer right, explains it properly why one of the three

is the most important, your comment will get pinned.

And in other news I have to tell you about Pete from Aussie English.

He did one particular video that really went through the roof.

I mean he got ten times more shares than he usually gets and ten time more subscribers.

So I really wondered: How did he make it happen?

So I looked at it.

The video is actually about the three accents you have in Australia.

Besides the general one you have the cultivated one.

Hello, I am cultivated Pete and I speak Australian English with a cultivated accent.

And you have the broad one.

Yea, good day guys.

I'm broad Pete and I speak Australian English with a broad Australian accent.

As you can see this video is really about a niche topic.

I mean language enthusiasts.

They are interested in that.

And it spread really well within this interest group.

I mean he got over 90 thousand views right now.

So what is the reason why this spread so well.

Let's have a look at this article here about the 5 reasons why people share.

And here I would say the one reason that was influential the most is that people share

to connect.

Those people who are interested in accents or have relationships to Australia in some

way they share this video with other to connect with them.

To have a common interest that they share.

Maybe because they both went for vacation to Australia or because they attend English

classes together.

So that's the reason why they share.

And we talk about sharing usually we talk about those videos that go viral, right?

And I mean having a viral video is really difficult.

It only happens every now and then and really you have to be lucky to get such a viral video.

But there are lesser forms.

And this is a really great example that videos can spread heavily around certain interest


Not the whole world.

I mean that would be great but this is already a huge achievement.

So think about that a little bit.

I mean why should people share?

Could you may incorporate in your videos some things of those 5 reasons – btw I have the

link to this blog article in the description – could you incorporate some of those reasons

into your video to give your viewer in your niche, ya, those particular people, those

that have the special interests that you tailor your videos to, to give them a reason to share

your video out to other likeminded people.

Maybe you can a similar successful video as Pete as well.

Pete, this is a really great example.

High 5!

Do you have a question about growing your YouTube channel, well then leave me a comment

with the hashtag #AskMorningfame and maybe even in the next episode of this show I'll

answer it to you.

Cheers my friends!

For more infomation >> Do Tags Matter On Youtube? - Duration: 10:25.


FUNNY Dinosaurs: Return To The Dinosaur Era! Dinosaurs Videos For Kids 2018 - Duration: 17:41.

FUNNY Dinosaurs: Return To The Dinosaur Era! Dinosaurs Videos For Kids 2018









For more infomation >> FUNNY Dinosaurs: Return To The Dinosaur Era! Dinosaurs Videos For Kids 2018 - Duration: 17:41.


Great Wizarding War | Fragman | Radyo Tiyatrosu | TÜRKÇE ALTYAZILI - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Great Wizarding War | Fragman | Radyo Tiyatrosu | TÜRKÇE ALTYAZILI - Duration: 1:24.


KNOW Foods Cinnamon Cookies - Duration: 11:37.

For more infomation >> KNOW Foods Cinnamon Cookies - Duration: 11:37.


Curly Tries Latino Food In New York City - Duration: 7:52.

- [Curly] Spotted first Dominican flag

hanging in the window.

- [Kat] Are we gonna be cheesy and put Merengue?

- Should I be cheesy and put Merengue?

(Kat laughing) (Merengue music)

What's up guys, it's Curly.

As you know, I'm from L.A., an L.A. native,

born and raised in Hollywood.

I'm with my girl Katherine over here.

(bell dings)

- Hi. - A Brooklyn native.

And she's about to take me to some spots in New York

with some Latino food that I should check out.

We have our guest star back here,

(bell dings) Alan on sound.

I'm leaving it up to Katherine to decide where we go eat.

If in fact you don't like what we're eating,

blame this one.

- That's rude.

- Our first stop was in Washington Heights,

at Elsa's La Reina Del Chicharron.


- [Kat] Curly, how you feelin'?

(bell dings)

- I'm excited, I'm super excited.

The restaurant actually has

so many delicious dishes to choose from, but I was like,

it says Chicharron in the title,

so we might as well just try Chicharron while we're here.

If Elsa's the queen of Chicharron,

then what am I doing here except trying her Chicharron?

That sounds really dirty actually, huh?

It smells so good already.

- You better put that lime on it.

Mm, you see that

salsa right there? - My mouth is watering, yes.

- Oh!

- Oh my god, it was so delicious.

It was so delicious, in fact, that I forgot to talk.

(low brass instruments play)

Over the Chicharron and the Yuca

they actually give you pickled onions,

and then they give you limes to drizzle over it.

(belts a high note)

It was so good!

It was just the right amount of crispiness and fatness.

Katherine just literally spoke to me the entire time

and I literally said nothing back, I just kept eating.

- [Kat] How you feelin'?

- Mm-hmm.

- [Kat] Okay.

- Oh wait, I said like two things.

Oh look, two pieces, perfect.

No wait, that was trash, I said nothing.

- That skin, that Chicharron skin is like a pork rind,

I can taste the heart attack.

Overall, I think this place is so dope,

definitely come, (talks in a foreign language).

- (talks in a foreign language)

- Thank you for bringing me here.

- Thank you for bringing me here!

Off to the next spot? - Yes!

In the Heights, we're here.

(upbeat drumming music)

(speaking in a foreign language)

On our way to the next spot, we got a little distracted.

- A piragua cart!

- [Curly] Aw, yes!

In L.A. we do have raspados,

but New Yorkers talk so highly of Piragua,

or (speaking in a foreign language),

that I knew that I just had to try 'em.

- [Kat] What do you think?

- Oh that's good.

(speaking in a foreign language)

- Tastes like summer time.

- [Curly] So there we are walking down

the streets of Washington Heights, and this angel just

calls my name from this balcony.

This is really --

- [Woman] Hi, Curly!

- What up!

Oh shit, how are you?

- [Woman] Good, thank you.

How are you?

- And I look up, and it's this girl

that I've never met before.

We're in your neighborhood, though.

- [Woman] Yes, we're in the Heights.

- Where should I go?

- Okay, you should go to this restaurant

called Floridita, it's on Broadway.

- She suggested that we check out

a Cuban spot called Floridita.

Now I've had Cuban food before in L.A., but I thought,

who am I to deny my sweet, angel, gazelle,

princess, love, music baby Amanda?

Dope, thank you so much.

Thank you for being my fairy godmother today.

Thank you.

- Thank you, my Cinderella.

- So off we went.

We made it, we're here, Floridita.

This is where Amanda told us to come.

Let's see the Cubans in New York do it.

I didn't have the legal documentation

to film inside of the restaurant,

so here is a beautiful cartoon of Katherine and myself

ordering yuca rellenas.

(Elevator music plays)

- Okay so this is Yuca Rellena.

(speaks in foreign language)

So it's deliciousness basically.

- Let's try it. Let's do it.

Oh wow!

(speaks in foreign language)

- Oh damn, that's good!

That's so good!

So while I'm enjoying my yuca rellena, I hear this voice,

and it belongs to my boy, Frank Nibbs.

I didn't even know (is cut off)

- [Frank] (saying a foreign language

version of Curly's name)

- Oh shit!

- (speaks foreign language)

- He's part of a podcast that's absolutely hilarious

called "Latinos Out Loud!", just don't listen

to it at the gym or the subways or anything

because then you'll just be that random ass person

that's cracking up by themselves.

- (speaks foreign language)

- [Curly] This is crazy!

- Yo!

- What the fuck. I'm having a yuca rellena.

You guys, none of this was planned at all!

Me seeing Amanda in the balcony, me seeing Frank,

like its really what seems to be the magic of New York.

The Cuban food was really good, it was delicious,

it was soft and gooey, but crispy.

If Amanda suggested Floridita and then my boy Frank was

walking out with bags of food, I feel like the food

is just super good.

- (speaking foreign language)

- Damn! - Woo!

- That sound mad good though.

- Uh huh!

- Enjoy ya self! - Thank you so much!

- Good seeing you! - It was so good to see you!

- Alright, take care. - Nice to meet you!

- Off to the next restaurant!

- We are walking to 101st and Broadway

from 84th and Amsterdam.

- That's like 20 streets.

- Blocks.

- Oh, 20 blocks?


- And then like a half!

But you're in New York, you walk!

- I've never walked 20 blocks in my entire life.

This better be worth it.

- So when we first started, it was strictly Chinese Cuban.

You have the rice and the beans,

fried plantains.

And then since our founder has a Peruvian background,

when we opened up this store,

we integrated Peruvian chicken in here.

1988, we had bought the first Peruvian chicken

place in the city.

So now, we've become Chino Latino Peruvian.

- [Curly] Where should we start?

- French fries -- - Wow.

- ... black bisque.

- My favorite dish there was the llomo saltado.

If you've never had llomo saltado, please go out right now,

tonight, when you're finished watching this

and go and have it.

Like my mouth is watering thinking about it.

- [Maya] We should get that today.

- We should get that today!

- [Waiter] This is the nutcracker.

- Oh my god. - Thank you!

- This restaurant is also widely credited

for creating The Nutcracker.

- Nutcracker was invented back in the early '90's.

You know, we were trying to drink something

out of what we used to call like a Red Devil Deluxe.

We used better liquor than the cheap bar liquor

for the Red Devil, and we integrated Bacardi 151,

Amaretto Disaronno, and Southern Comfort in our drink.

- Good luck Katherine, I'll see you tomorrow.


- He says this has liquor, liquor, liquor,

I don't know what they were, and 151.

- Uh huh.

- Which is basically Devil Juice.

Its not just regular Bacardi, its you will fight

somebody in the street Bacardi.

- This that you'll forget your name type of Bacardi.

(speaking a foreign language)

- That's delicious!

- Can I smell it?

- Yeah! It smells like, probably like it tastes, its good!

- Oh my god!

- Yes, yes! That like --

(recoils at smell)

- It tastes good but its just real.

- New York really is a melting pot of so many

different cultures and traditions

and people from across the globe

and it's so beautiful and so interesting

to see it on a table, kinda represented in different plates

and different spices and different flavors.

Flor De Mayo was amazing.

Alright Katherine, so we hit up a bunch of

spaces in New York today, it was absolutely

amazing, it was so magical.

I mean, this is your home, this is where you live.

- [Kat] This is my home.

- And I'm so happy, I admit that I was a little

intimidated by the city and this was a great way to end it.

Lot of love, a lot of good food, some walking.

- Some random strangers who are now friends.

- Who are now friends.

I'm so happy that I experienced New York

with an actual New Yorker.

I know that we barely scratched the surface

of the city, but I'll be back, it's gonna be tons of fun!

Where should I go visit next?

(latin music)

For more infomation >> Curly Tries Latino Food In New York City - Duration: 7:52.


Nightcore - Read All About It - (Lyrics) - Duration: 4:14.

This video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Read All About It - (Lyrics) - Duration: 4:14.


DEVO NASCONDERMI... CraftLife Nascondino (Minecraft ITA Roleplay) - Duration: 12:22.

For more infomation >> DEVO NASCONDERMI... CraftLife Nascondino (Minecraft ITA Roleplay) - Duration: 12:22.


Bee - Duration: 0:29.

* quiet Seinfeld theme music *

What's the deal...


* slappy Seinfeld bass riff *

It's supposed to be some sort of HIGH ART,

that we


can't understand!

* Seinfeld music and laughter turns into the rumble of a distant wave *

Ya like jazz? ( Bee Movie )

The sax...

The bass..

The one-two-three!

To us,

it sounds like chimps

it sounds like chimps playing in the dirt,


* ominous, ambient Seinfeld theme *


ᵂᴵᵀᴴ ˢᵀᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᶜᴷˢ!

ᵂᴵᵀᴴ ˢᵀᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᶜᴷˢ!



For more infomation >> Bee - Duration: 0:29.



For more infomation >> KÖKSAL BABA PLAJDA DONDURMAYI DÜRÜM GİBİ YEDİ - Duration: 7:16.


Veit Wilde VS Chris Szepanski | YouTube Predator Cup 2018 - Duration: 16:50.

17 anglers

16 matches

Nice fish!

three deciding fish

one goal

The YouTube Predator Cup 2018 presented by



and Bass Brigade

In today's Wild Card match

two fisherman

who both call the river Elbe

their home water

fish against each other.

Chris Szepanski from Hamburg

is representing his channel ""

and his favorite target fish is zander

He could recently improve his personal best

catching a 87centimeter zander on the Elbe river.

His opponent today

is no one less than Veit Wilde

who shall be representing

the YouTube channel "Fishing Tackle Max".

The man from Magdeburg

is one of Germany's

most famous zander anglers.

So it doesn't really surprise,

that he calls the zander

his favorite target fish as well.

The largest zander he has ever caught

was an outstanding fish with 105 centimeters.

Hello to all viewers of

and welcome to the very first episode

of the YouTube Predator Cup 2018.

Quick update to the weather:

It's foggy and rainy,

but this shouldn't be a problem.

I don't want you to wait any longer,

so I suggest we begin straight away.

Chris, the first three hours

you determine which spots

Yes, that's right,

I will choose the first spot,

than we have a break

and then it´s Veits turn

to decide on the spots.

I wish you good luck

and a nice fishing day for the two of us

Thanks, you too

Both fishermen have agreed to a battle

fishing from the bank

Both anglers have 6 hours of fishing

They are only allowed to use lures

(no live bait or dead bait)

3 fish count towards the total points

Pike count 1 to 1in

cm Zander are multiplied by a faktor of 1,3 and

Perch are multiplied by a faktor of 2,4

the links to all rules

and regulations can be found

in the video description.

An important part of this event

is the focus on

fishing socially together,

getting to know new people and

discovering new spots together

The cool thing is

one really gets to see

how the fishing stars approach the day,

which baits they have

and which tactics they use.

So far there hasn´t been much action

apart from a couple of lost baits in the rocks

Let's see!

I´m sure the first fish will come soon

So Veit while you preparing your bait

we can have a quick talk.

Have you decided on your tactics for today?

Yes i have.

The cool thing is

that the episodes will only be shown

after the tournament is over,

so you can tell me your tactics...

Later on we are going to go

to a special area with large water breakers/ jetties

where I have been catching really well

the last few days

Once we get there

I´m going to fish with a bait

that Chris probably doesn´t have

in his box

I know that´s where

I´m gonna catch my fish

Ahh...preperation is absolutely

crucial to ensure success

So I don´t want to disturb any longer

It´s me, sorry...

Bwaa I thought the bites never come that hard

So Chrissy boy, do you actually have a tactic

how you want to win this thing

Yes, fishing for sure.

First I´ll fish like an idiot to

confuse everyone and then

I´ll suddenly strike

Ah Ha... So far you have been good with confusing everyone

Great then it´s working

Are you fishing drop shot?

No I am fishing a jig at the moment.

I generally fish drop shot

when the fish are very passive.

At the moment

I am fishing a weighted rubber lure

I am fishing this colour

which is generally good for me

although I have to say

I believe the colours are made more for the fishermen

not really for the fish.

Maybe it´s better to cut that out.

No no, we´ll leave it in. Ha Ha

The guys have packed their rods togehther

and now we making the first real spot change.

So, Chris, tell us something about this spot

have you ever fished here?


This spot has been very good

the first few days

and thats exactly why I thought let´s

give the spot a try.

Ok enough jokes

Let me go over and see what Veit thinks about the new spot.

So Veit you weren´t to confiddent in the first spot

What do you think about the new spot?

Well let´s say my excitement is definitely

containable at the moment.

The only glimmer of hope, is that

I have caught Zander on this spot

a very long time ago.

The thing is in my experience,

the spots are very dependant

on the tide and this particular spot

works better the tide rising.

At the moment the tide is falling.

A load scream of NO... crossed the harbour

It would have been crazy to catch a fish

in the last minunte of my time

but the fish just didn´t bite properly

As you can see...

Oh yes, 2 scales you managed to catch...

Watch out the fish is so angry

I´m guessing he will bite the bait on my next cast.

I´ll keep the scales for luck.

In the first half of the day neither fisherman

are able to catch anything

which means we have a halftime result of 0:0

Should neither fishermen catch a fish which counts the entire day,

then the fishermen with the most fish wins. In this calculation all fish

including undersize or different species of fish count.

If absolutely no fish are caught

then a casting duel will decide the winner.

Short advertising break:

You would like to catch more fish?

Welcome to Angeljoe!


Would you like to be present at the live draw for the YPC 2019,

meet the stars and even draw

the upcoming matches out of the hat?

Here is your chance.

We are raffling 2 VIP tickets to the

Angelwelt Berlin including

accomodation for two guests in the

comfortable Titanic Hotel in the heart of Berlin,

with a rennumerated mediteranien kitchen

and very close to the underground.

All details to competition are written

in the video description

We wish you good luck

In the first half of the day we caught no fish .

Now we are going to Veits first spot

and let´s see if his big mouth really

counts for anything

I´m not 1000% sure , one can never be ,

but I am definitely feeling very confident

So off we go to the next spot.

We were on my spot which normally always produce a few


but as you say,

today they just didn´t want to bite.

I have to say the last few

days have been tough, so I´m currous

how it will be at Veits spots.

He has chosen spots on the main river

with fast flowing water.

I don´t think any small fish

will be swimming around there,

however we should at least have a chance

at catching a big one

and that´s what we here for.

After no fish were caught in the harbour

it´s time to

fish the wave breakers, let´s see if the

change brings more fish

One notices immediatley that you

feel much more comfortable in

this situation.

Yes for sure, this is exactly my world.

Fishing the jetties and wave breakers

is what I do all the time.

Ha Ha yes I can see you smiling

even if you don´t look into the camera.

I have to concentrate on mounting the

bait correctly.

And are you going to fish the area where

the strong current meets the slower current?

Yes, not only,

but that is the most interesting area

We were at this wave breaker behind us

however there were no bites.

Now we have moved forward to the next wave breaker

and have exactly 1 ½ hours remaining.

The end is near.

Can one of the guys catch a fish for the victory,

or will they be casting at a target

to see who makes it through to the next round.

What are you doing?

Are you changing your snap?

Was it damaged?

Yes I damaged it fighting all the fish

Yes I knew it would work here

Feels so good after such a long time.

One just has to really trust

and believe in the system one`s fishing.

Great Fish

Yes there are much larger ones

in the river ,

but it feels good and today

it could be a really valuable fish.

No doubt about that.

Finally 1 hour before the end

Veit finally catches a measurable fish.

The 61cm Zander gives 79,3 points

due to the multiple factor of 1,3.

One could really feel

how relieved Veit was feeling

But of course Chris still has the

time to swing the match back

in his direction and keep

his channel Tideritter in the competition.

It seems to be a phase where the fish are biting

and it´s just been proven that fish are

swimming around the spot.

There's a really tense

atmosphere as

there are only a few minutes left

and Chris really wants to catch a fish.

Yes unfortunately I just had another snag

but hey, that´s fishing.

I would like to fish too!

Thats very sporty from Veit.

He just had another bite from

a fish and decided to let Chris fish

his spot.

Really sportsmanlike from him.

So that´s it.

Only 25 minutes left.

The bell has rung and it´s all

over for today.

Come in guys.

The guys fished really well,

but the conditions

were really tough.

Congrats well fished.

Thank you, cool day!

Today the conditions were everything else than optimal

Yes I have to say

I always believed in the spot

I trusted my bait

and trusted my technique.

I was a little bit afraid

that he catches a bigger Zander.

I found it was really close

and really exciting,

we fished similar baits and

someone just needs the lucky bite.

Today it was very difficult

and in my opinion

you really need good luck

at days like these

I see it differently,

but hey.


He who catches, must be right

I was just really sure

the low action would work.

As a tip to everyone, when the fish are not

biting choose a bait that you really trust

That is my tactic and I

was often successful with it

believe in the lure you fish!!

Only change your baits,

when the fish are biting .

Veit Wilde wins the match with 79,3 points and will

now meet Tobi Ekvall from Kanal Gratis

in the quater final.

This promises to be a huge match.

If you don´t wanna miss any further episodes

of the YPC make sure to subscribe the

Babs World of Fishing YouTube Channel

and Fishing Tackle Max YouTube Channel

You find the links in the video description.

In the next episode...

What a fish!!

For more infomation >> Veit Wilde VS Chris Szepanski | YouTube Predator Cup 2018 - Duration: 16:50.


Top 5 DEADLIEST Roller Coasters YOU WONT BELIEVE EXIST! Amusement Parks YouTube 360p - Duration: 7:11.

Hey everyone and welcome to strange things central

Now what I have for you in today's video are five of the most terrifying amusement rides ever to exist

Now almost everyone likes a good roller coaster

However, there is some rides that take the thrill aspect a little too far

And basically those are the kind of rides we will be focusing on today

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these now if you did subscribe to the channel then leave a comment saying I

Subscribed as a few lucky comments will be winning an Amazon gift card. But anyway, let's begin today's video

number five

The stratosphere tower insanity in Las Vegas is less of a ride and more of an adrenalin rush

Opened back in 2005 at over 900 feet up in the air

The insanity ride is the third highest thrill ride in the whole entire world

Now the ride basically dangles riders over the edge of the tower and makes the occupants feel as though they were about to fall off

However, it does stop just in time just to maximize the fear level of the riders

So if you are afraid of heights then maybe give this ride a skip

Number four

Kingda Ka is located at Six Flags Great Adventure in Jackson, New Jersey

now this roller coaster is in fact the tallest roller coaster in the world standing at

465 feet high

Now the ride does shoot down its passengers up at speeds of 206 km/h in only 3.5

Seconds before shooting them back down again. However this time on the opposite side

So if speed and height is something you enjoy then maybe consider giving this ride a try is it will definitely satisfy thrill seekers?

Number three

The sky scream rollercoaster is from holiday Park in Germany now the ride has many flips and inversions and in total

It's just an all-around crazy ride as it contains all the elements to get your adrenaline pumping

Now due to the many turns and flips

The ride does need to roll back a few times just to gain enough momentum to complete all the turns in

fact at some point it even moves at a speed of 100 km/h

Which is just enough to cope with the 45 meter high ascent

Number two

The Fahrenheit rollercoaster located in Hershey Park in Pennsylvania does in fact have the steepest drop amongst all

Rollercoasters with a 97 degree angle. Now the ride does reach a maximum height of

121 feet high and throughout the ride

There are numerous inversion loops and drops that are so steep riders can't even see the track

So no matter who you are, the ride drops will definitely give you goose bumps. Even if you're one of the bravest of riders

Number one

The Superman ride of Steel

Rollercoaster is located at six flag

amusement park

Now the ride does reach heights of above

200 feet high and it is even voted as one of the best rides in the United States

now throughout the ride speeds of more than

123 km/h are reached with the occasional drop of over two hundred and twenty-one feet high along with ten seconds of absolute

Weightlessness. In fact it's common for riders to have wobbly legs after the ride is over due to the large drop

But anyway, those have been the most scary amusement rides ever now

If you enjoyed the video then make sure to leave a like on the video and subscribe to the channel for more videos like these

But anyway, thanks for watching and I hope to see you next time

For more infomation >> Top 5 DEADLIEST Roller Coasters YOU WONT BELIEVE EXIST! Amusement Parks YouTube 360p - Duration: 7:11.


Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Card Game Gameplay Runthrough - Duration: 36:59.

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What Absolver PvP Is Like.. | Online PvP Gameplay | Windfall - Duration: 2:47.


Don't steal my kill...

That's MYYYYY Kill


Thank you.

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Top 10 Ulysses Tips - Duration: 7:15.

What are the best Ulysses tips and tricks?

In this video I'm going to countdown my favorite insider Ulysses tips for writers.

This video will save you time and turn you into a Ulysses power user.


What's up, guys?

This is Michael La Ronn with Author Level Up, giving you the best tools and strategies

for writing faster and reaching readers with your stories.

Ulysses is a great writing app that helps you write your next book with ease.

Compared to Scrivener, it's more streamlined, but there are still some features that are

not immediately obvious when you first start using it.

I have been using Ulysses since 2015, and I have written both fiction, nonfiction, and

blogs in the program.

There are tips I've learned over the last few years that have made my writing sessions


Let's count down my top 10 tips for the app.


10 is when formatting, use the Previewer to see how your book looks.

Ulysses uses Markdown, which is a syntax/language that makes conversion to HTML easier.

So when you're writing and you come to a section of your book that needs special formatting,

it's helpful if you think ahead to how the book will look in its final form WHILE you're


Ulysses makes this easy—you can always use the export button to preview how your book

looks at any time.

I've found that the preview is extremely accurate, so once you get it right, you can

move on.

When you're writing a section of your book that contains formatting, like ordered lists

or block quotes, always be thinking about what they're going to look in the final


9 is to use Favorites.

Since Ulysses gives you a universal library, be sure to utilize it to its full potential.

Use the favorites feature to star documents that you find yourself using a lot.

Let me give you some good examples of favorite documents.

You can develop a "house style" of editing rules to follow, and refer to it any time

you're editing.

You can favorite a character sheet, or your outline for your novel.

If you write a blog, you can create a document with some of your favorite links pre-formatted

so that you don't have to type them out every time.

If you write nonfiction, you can favorite some of your key research data to use later

in your book.

In any case, Favorites are your friend.

8 is to use the Markdown menu.

You don't have to memorize the Markdown elements.

Ulysses offers a Markdown menu button that will tell you exactly what to type if you

want to use a Markdown element.

Even now, I still find myself clicking this button when I need it.

If you highlight your text, click the menu button, and then select the element you want,

Ulysses will apply the element for you.

7 is Filters.

Filters are a simple way to organize your library.

For fiction, you could create filters that contain only chapters from one character's

point of view.

Or you can use filters similar to how collections work in Scrivener to help you create a box

set out of items that already exist in your library.

Don't forget that Ulysses also offers the ability to use negative filters.

Instead of collecting items that have certain text or keywords, you can also collect items

that DO NOT have certain text or keywords, too.

That's helpful if you want to search for items that should have keywords but maybe

you forgot to add them.

6 is for blogging, preview HTML first, then copy/paste.

Ulysses is helpful for blogging.

Markdown translates well to your blog and you will seldom have to worry about formatting


To get a clean copy/paste from Ulysses, don't just copy/paste from the document.

It will look like this . Instead, click the export button, preview

in HTML, and then copy/paste.

It will look much cleaner.

And don't forget that Ulysses offers direct export to Wordpress if you want to use that


5 is to use the Ulysses Style Exchange.

Don't settle for the plain white or black styles in Ulysses.

There are so many different styles that you can download to customize your writing window.

You can find these on the Ulysses Style Exchange, where you can download custom styles for your


Add some color to your writing day by using a different style.

4 is adjusting your Markdown color scheme.

Once you've downloaded a new style, you can adjust the color of each of your Markdown


For example, if your style says that comments will be GOLD but you want your comments to

be RED, you can change that in Preferences<Styles.

It's a minor tip but a helpful one.

For example, when I'm writing scripts for my YouTube videos, I insert notes on where

my B-roll appears.

When I'm editing my video, I have Adobe Premier and Ulysses up side by side, and I

scan through my Ulysses document for B-Roll notes.

It's important that they jump out at me—hence why I make them red.

3 is deep search.

All writing apps allow you to search.

Only Ulysses allows you to search for text elements.

For example, if you want to search your library for every instance of an ordered list, Ulysses

will do that.

If you want to search your library for every instance of a link, Ulysses will do that.

This is so incredibly powerful that its importance can't be understated.

With a universal library, you can search for anything you've ever written.

No other writing app on the market offers this level of search.

2 is the backward slash.

A common problem early on with Ulysses is figuring out what to do when you need to use

a bracket or an asterisk, or other symbols specifically reserved for Markdown.

What happens when you want to use a bracket but you DON'T want to use a Markdown tool?

Use a backward slash in front of it.

It's invisible when you export it, and it tells Ulysses that the symbol that follows

is not Markdown.

This one little tip will save you lots of time and headaches when you're formatting.

I don't know about you, but the backward slash was the least used button on my keyboard.

It's not incredibly intuitive to use, but it does work.

Which brings me to the last tip...drum roll please!

1 is Section Breaks

This ties into the last tip.

If you want to use a section break, use this syntax:

*** This is

how you do section breaks in Ulysses.

You're welcome.

I hope you found those tips useful.

The more use Ulysses, the better at it you will become.

For more Ulysses tips, check out my Ulysses Essentials video series.

If this is your first time watching, I'd love to have you subscribe.

Every week I publish videos just like this one with writing and marketing advice to help

you write better and grow your influence with readers.

Thanks for watching.

I'll see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Ulysses Tips - Duration: 7:15.


Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Card Game Final Thoughts - Duration: 18:05.

For more infomation >> Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Card Game Final Thoughts - Duration: 18:05.


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