Thứ Bảy, 21 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 21 2018

FUNNY Dinosaurs: Return To The Dinosaur Era! Dinosaurs Videos For Kids 2018









For more infomation >> FUNNY Dinosaurs: Return To The Dinosaur Era! Dinosaurs Videos For Kids 2018 - Duration: 17:41.


Amsterdam 2: ferries, metro, bikes & trams - Duration: 13:34.

In the previous episode from Amsterdam

we talked a lot about bicycle and electric transport.

Second visit gave me a new look at the city, including ferry crossings through the IJ water reservoir,

dividing the city into two parts.

How does ferry transport look like,

at what speed is it happening

and what new ideas for overcoming this water have the authorities of Amsterdam?

We'll talk about this in this episode. Let's watch!

Amsterdam 2: ferries, metro, bikes

The IJ divides Amsterdam into two parts:

the dominant southern with city center and smaller northern part.

IJ is called the river, although it is not in the end.

It is a former bay

that has been shaped into a river connecting canal leading from North Sea to Markermeer lake.

The name itself is also interesting, because in Dutch it is the double letter of the letters i and j,

often considered as the 27th letter of its alphabet.

In any case, it determines entrance to the port and must remain navigable.

As a result, most of car roads crossing the IJ in Amsterdam were led through tunnels.

This situation has created a problem of massive transport of people to its other shore.

The main solution for those who did not use car transport

were ferry connections.

Crossing through IJ is so important that city provides free ferry transport to the other shore.

The main point of operation of ferries is Centraal Station,

from which you can get to three points of the city.

The longest almost 2.5-kilometers-long journey to NDSM-Wharf

takes 14 minutes

and the shortest 300-meters-long crossing to opposite bank to the Centraal Station

- 5 minutes.

In the peak on most popular route ferries departure every 4 minutes.

Two of the daily lines also have their night equivalent.

Ferry lines start their numbering from 900.

Ferries in Amsterdam are definitely a massive mode of transport.

A lot of pedestrians and cyclists use them,

there may be 240 passengers on board of smaller unit

and 310 passengers on larger ones,

including 160 with bicycles.

Largest two units with numbers 60 and 61 are almost 34-meters-long

and they run with a maximum speed of 19 kilometers per hour.

These ferries were produced in 2016 and 2017.

There is systematically more and more inhabitants of Amsterdam.

In the last 5 years, city grew by nearly 50,000 inhabitants

and currently its area is inhabited by a total of 850,000 people.

City is also developing on north of the IJ

and the barrier it creates is a major problem in transporting people.

That barrier in mass transit will only be eliminated by the launch of fifth metro line in the north-south axis.

Line has been under construction for 15 years (2003)

and its opening is scheduled for July 21, 2018.

Route of the north-south line is almost 10 kilometers long

and metro cars will stop at 8 stations.

Over 7 kilometers of the route was drilled by TBM underground,

some were built on the surface,

but crossing the IJ required submersion of three tunnel sections under water.

According to predictions, most crowded with passengers are going to be interchange stations:



and Centraal Station.

Each of them will serve on average about 40,000 passengers daily.

Initially, a budget worth 1.5 billion euro was planned for construction of line;

but in the meantime cost of this investment has more than doubled to almost 3.1 billion euro.

from July 21, 2018

This is not the end of Amsterdam's ideas for development of transport by IJ.

Recently, visualizations of gondola cableway were presented,

which would connect the NDSM Marina

with the opposite shore of the basin.

The route would have a length of 1.5 kilometers,

gondolas would travel at a maximum speed of 22 kilometers per hour

and journey would take almost 5 minutes.

This form of transport would particularly improve cycling,

due to combination of two routes on opposite banks

and special gondolas enabling transport of bicycles.

It would also be a tourist attraction providing a view of the city from a height of over 120 meters.

Opening of gondola cableway is planned for the 750th anniversary of Amsterdam

in 2025.

Speaking of bicycle traffic,

we said in previous episode from Amsterdam that it is gigantic here.

During reconstruction of one of roundabouts in the city,

traffic - especially cycling - was controlled by person.

Despite the dominating movement of private bicycles, city bike systems also operate in Amsterdam.

There are several systems: Donkey Republic,

Flickbike, OV-fiets;

Hello Bike is also such a network.

It is a small system operating in the Zuid district

on basis of virtually designated stations defined by geographic coordinates.

Bicycles are located thanks to built-in GPS signal receivers

and their rental and return

takes place via a mobile application.

And at the end we will talk about solutions in tram transport.

Near reconstructed Weteringcircuit,

a section dedicated only to trams was also separated.

As soon as the rail vehicle was detected in front of gate,

it was opening automatically.

Secondly, on street with narrowed geometry - a single-track section was built.

This section is short

- it is 150-meters-long

and drivers take decision about crossing on visibility.

Tram fleet in Amsterdam compared to that in city from two years ago

has not changed yet.

Fleet of 200 trams

in ¾ is a dozen or so years old,

but built with low-floor Siemens Combino trams.

What is worth noting, we only enter Siemens by first or penultimate door.

In latter, during daylight hours, we can come across a conductor sitting in a special cabin.

Such a solution was introduced due to improvement of passenger exchange

when ticket system requires the application of a ticket to the electronic validator

both at the entrance and exit from the vehicle.

As a result, based on the system, passengers can be counted quite accurately.

There is also in the fleet 45 old, almost 30-years-old Belgian BN trams,

but these constructions have at least a low-entry mid-section.

Amsterdam is already waiting for 63 new

bidirectional and 30-meters-long trams from Spanish CAF company,

the Urbos model.

Deliveries will take place between 2019

and 2022.

This order can be extended by another 60 trams.

That would be enough from second visit to the Dutch capital.

This time we focused on the problem of urban transport through the IJ River,

which expects new solutions in the near future.

The biggest change will come with fifth metro line,

which will affect virtually all branches of public transport in the city.

Meanwhile, thank you for your attention and see you next time!


For more infomation >> Amsterdam 2: ferries, metro, bikes & trams - Duration: 13:34.


Kirby and the Batamon Curse - Duration: 2:45.

Hey there Kirby! What are you doing here?

I came to visit my dead Waddle friend

that passed away because he encountered a mysterious creature...

And I also bought Kirby Star Allies!

Wait... did I say something wrong?

Wow Kirby you can teleport!

Just like that guy from Dragon Ball Z!

For more infomation >> Kirby and the Batamon Curse - Duration: 2:45.


CUMMINS KTA19 MAILINE CLEARANCE CHECKING (with all subtitles) NBAE - Duration: 7:58.


I am Muhammad Nadeem from NBAE

Barki road, lahore, Pakistan

This is KTA19 , Cummins engine

we will check mainline of this engine and adjust the torque of bolts of mainline

and will tell you about clearance of main

This KTA19 model

I will share with you clearance of it's mains

and will tell you size of main and begin

and complete it's clearance

This is the size of mains

5.4985 inch to

5.500 inch

This is the size of mains

the clearance of mains is

0.0029 inch

to 0.0068 inch

which means its clearance

is from 2.9 thousandth to

6.8 thousandth

I will now clearance of mains in the engine

I shared the clearance of mains present according to manual

but first in the cap

we will add

2 newspaper pages

add paper by doubling it

in this cap

check for the cleanliness of cap, firstly

there shouldn't be any damage

there should be no iron fillings present

there shouldn't be any scratch, but if it is present

then clean it nicely and properly

a small scratch is present here

we will use filer to clean it

then place doubled paper here

and fit the piece like this

after putting the paper, clean the main properly

after cleaning, pour some clean oil onto it

and after applying oil, put cap back

fit it with care

don't use a hammer to fit it

tightened the bolts equally

the more you tight one, tight the other one more

so that the cap is levelled

first tight it with speed rod

then tight them at 100 foot pound

this is set to 100 foot pound

after setting it at 100 foot pound, tight the bolts

after tightening it, place a mark on top

here and here

after tightening at 100 foot pound


make it move upto 85 degrees

and it torque would be completed

after tightening at 100 foot pound, then marking it, we will now use this bigger torque wrench

the pressure of these bolts is 450 pound

but we marked this

so that the

people who don't own bigger torque wrench

can use this method to set it to 450 pound using smaller torque wrench

we have done with smaller one

marked it

now using bigger torque wrench , we will complete it to 450 pound

450 foot pound torque is completed

and the mark on bolts rotated about 85 degrees

if any one does not have a torque wrench

then can tighten it at 100 using smaller wrench

and then make it rotate about 85 degrees

then it 450 pound torque will be completed

at 450 foot pound, there are 2 pages in it

and their size is 4.4 thousandth

because one page is 2.2 thousandth mm thick

and two pages would be 4.4

now we will move this crank

see this crank is able to move easily

which means, its clearance is more than 4.4 thousandth

therefore now

we will open this cap

and add more shim in it

along side these 2 papers, we will add this 1 thousandth shim to it

and will tight this cap in the same way

the shims present in it,add up to 5.4 thousandth

And we will complete its torque in the same way which was 450 pounds

Now I will rotate the crankshaft like before. And see it is a little tight

But if we apply a little more force it will move

After applying a little force it starts to move freely afterwards

It has become a little tight but it is tight at the level which human can apply to rotate it

Now look I will show you. Look this has become stuck

I am applying force which is causing the block to move

But if we apply a little more force it will start to move

After starting moving it can also be rotated using two fingers

Now its clearance is finished

Now we will share the marks on the pieces of block

We will open it and show you that how does the mark look likes

Look at this mark on this piece

Look her. You can see it

From here and here

The mark on this piece is very clear

It has touched the side and centre and the other side

This shows us that

this crank is not loose

The crankshaft has touched it a little

Therefore, its clearence from 5 to 5.6 thou is complete

Now we will remove the foil and paper present in it

This foil and newspaper has been taken out from it

After taking them out

The way we fitted this block's cap earlier we will use it again to fit it back

Now this crankshaft is moving freely

We shared method of one main with you

And all the others will be done with same method

IT is not right to check one main and leave the others

You have to check all the mains

We have checked this main so we will mark a tick on it

This main is ok

Like this we have checked all the mains

All the mains have been checked by same method

And after checking we have marked a tick on every main

Now all the information about crank sizes, main clearance, main torque, Kt 19

If you liked this video then subscribe, comment and like our channel

Spreading your knowledge is a good deed help us doing it.. Good bye!!!

For more infomation >> CUMMINS KTA19 MAILINE CLEARANCE CHECKING (with all subtitles) NBAE - Duration: 7:58.


Garden Tour Update After HEAT WAVE | Welcome Home Vlog - Duration: 9:49.

(soft piano music)

Oh, Kaye...

I didn't realize that was a twin. So you see the goji berries that we

transplanted to here, this one is doing pretty well because it's finding the Sun

and there are a number of buds here, but this one,

it's not doing well, and obviously it's because it's not catching that Morning

Sun, because this eggplant is in a growth phase.

I just stuck some seeds in here, I don't even remember what they were, in

any open spot and they're really responding to the heatwave. Of course the

okra loves the heat. And I'm getting buds.

My two blueberry plants are pretty much finished, got just a few little berries

left. The sweet grass that we repotted is doing fantastically. Cardamom is exploding.

This would fill up this whole pot, and I think it's time that I researched online

how I'm supposed to take care of it. This is a some kind of a squash that I stuck

one seed in the side and it's taking off. And the flowers that we repotted, they

didn't get enough water while I was gone but they seem to be recovering.

This is phyla. This is a California native and the bees love the flowers, but

you have to aggressively keep it under control. It's a wonderful ground cover. It

only gets about six or eight inches tall and it doesn't require much water and

you can mow it so that it's like grass, but then of course it cuts the flowers

off. Cosmos never fails to delight, and the zinnias have just been fantastic. I

got these seeds from Open Circle Seeds in GMO-free Mendocino County. She's a

very small seed seller. Check her out. These two Tomatoes were planted at the

same time and this one's scrawny, but you know, same thing here, a lot of leaves

looking like this. This has collapsed, oh dear.

I've got to get that supported. This sunflower I cut has the tell-tale signs

of mildew, and I hope I'm wrong. In my last video, I showed you these four

o'clocks that are about six feet tall and they exploded with blooms while I was

gone. Now, this is just one plant, so you can imagine if you had a whole field of

these, and I saw a whole field of cornflower in blue, in Germany. The princess

flower has come back from the brink of death. This is just one of at least a

dozen of the comfrey roots that Old Alabama Gardener sent me. And look how

beautiful the silver is, that's California fuchsia, and it's just starting to bloom

and that is going to be stunning. This whole Parkway was covered in aster,

fuchsia and California goldenrod, which was why the princess tree was desperate

for water. They all propagate by rhizome and they're wonderful and you plant them

together and you have to see who fights it out and survives, because they're very

very aggressive growers, and you want to try to contain plants that grow by

rhizome because they will continue to spread out. And this is another one of

the comfrey plants that's done well.

So this is the condition of the zinnias that we planted a couple of weeks ago.

And you can see all of that coriander needs to be harvested, this way, it's going

that way, that way...

Tomatoes are beautiful and I expect them to taste good, but I don't know how many

there will be since there are not a lot of leaves on this vine. Okay, I took most

of the leaves off of this tomato plant and I'm gonna spray it with aspirin and


I am convinced the lemon verbena is going to take over my garden. Look how it

has completely shaded the red crimson clover that I planted for ground cover

in my garlic bed. And I just wanted to squeeze through here

and show you the progress on the three celery plants. The one in the middle looks

the best,

but they're all growing. And this is the tomato I did not prune. it's a cherry

tomato, obviously, and there are a lot of cherry tomatoes growing, but there are

hardly any leaves left. This is the Brown Turkey Fig. It's got a lot of figs on it.

It goes way over here, and the African blue basil is completely growing around

it. Now this belongs to the brown turkey Fig, this branch, but everything behind

this is the desert fig.

This is a look at my Back 40 raised bed with eight tomato plants in ground

and one in a pot and only one or two plants are doing really well. I came out

this morning at 6:30 to do one little piece of gardening and it is now 10:58.

I'm going to have a lot of tomatoes, but if the plants were healthier, I could

keep getting tomatoes throughout the summer. It's only July the tenth. So

basically what I have shown you is the updates on recent developments. I have a

video called June Developments and I think that this would be considered the

July developments of the June developments, haha. Thanks so much for watching.

Please remember to give that thumbs up and share this video and this channel

with your friends and help it grow, and I'll see you in the next one.

(music ends)

For more infomation >> Garden Tour Update After HEAT WAVE | Welcome Home Vlog - Duration: 9:49.


How to do the Freeze Panna - EASY MAN TUTORIALS ep. 9 - Duration: 4:45.

It's your boy Easy Man! Your watching a brand new episode of ...

Easy Man Tutorials!

And Today...

We're doing the Easy Man Freeze Panna!

Let's go!

Step 1!

Stand on the ball with your strong foot and pose!

What's important about the Easy Man Freeze Panna...

Is to pose in a crazy manner, so your opponent isn't focussing on the Panna!

Step 2!

When you get down, you wait for the opponent to make a move for the ball.

And drag it through his legs.

So you'll get this.

Easy Man!

If you don't believe me, I will show you!

I'm not gonna talk to much, I'll let my feet speak.

I'm gonna show you a crazy Panna!

You don't believe me? It works!

Let's go!

Yo boys! Yes, yes!

It's your boy Easy Man!

Who would like to get a Panna from me?

Very quick, just freestyle.

Who dares? Come on please!

- Not me man!

- Come on man! Show some guts! I'm Easy Man!

- He's the one in shape.

- Come on man! A quick one, please!

3, 2, 1, let's go!

Come on! Come on! Come on!

Oke, Oke, show me what you got!

How many beers did you have? Just one?

Nice, that's oke!

Where do you go?

You're doing fine!

What if you give me a Panna!



Yeah, you figured me out.

How about now?

And how about this one?

Do you know this one?

Too bad!

Too bad!

How about this one?

Just one more, a quick one!

No you didn't got a Panna.

- That was painful!

- Nothing but Love!

Yes, Yes!

Like & Subscribe EasyManTv

On to the next Tutorial!

For more infomation >> How to do the Freeze Panna - EASY MAN TUTORIALS ep. 9 - Duration: 4:45.


Put Your Sunscreen! - Duration: 3:19.

Sunscreen (Made with organic sausages)


What is it?

Do you want me to cream your back?

Uh, well no. Actually it was for you!

Ha! Well thank you I couldn't find my cream!

"Special cream"?

Eum, what is it?

Well I... I have a very very sensitive skin!

I'm trying to see what they are advising, y'know.

Ok, well listen:

The general rule with sunscreen.

Is: You can never put too much of it.

Oh yeah?

Yeah, well except when you're me, you'd never get sunburns.

Ah well: "Directions: Apply generously before sun exposition."

That's it!

It's fine, thank you!

Uh, listen, I'm going to the sun.

I let you put sunscreen, then you join me?

Yeah, as soon as I'm done I'm coming!

Perfect! Well, I'm waiting for you!

Its good!

Maybe I'll put a little more.

Ultimate protection





I'd rather have a sunburn.

Then a broken neck!

No, but after you.

After you, you're the most tanned!


Hi everybody! If you liked the video, feel free to subscribe!

We'll do alot more like these!

We like that!

And feel free to go on our Instagram, we post:

Quality videos!

Quality photos!

Quality stories!

It's an easy way to be up to date with us!

Because it's easy to update on it!

If you want to know the latest news from Merguez Studio.

Well, it's on Instagram that it happens!

And, uh, we want to thank our Patreons!

We will put their names, everywhere in the frame!

Maybe there's one here!


One in front of his nipples!

In front of each of his nipples!

Thanks to you!

And you...

That's it!

If you want to be on my nipples, well go to our page Patreon!


Well on that, I'm going to clean myself!

And him...

Well, I'll go get a pizza, or something!

Put some aloe, because you need it!

Why do you say that?



It's rare that we see our nipples.

For more infomation >> Put Your Sunscreen! - Duration: 3:19.



you are not k.o?

no no no

What was that?

I missed it

oh fu**!!!

oh fu**!!!

For more infomation >> BIG JAM FRENCH FREERUN ACADEMY - Duration: 7:48.


Alone: The Loneliness Is Killing Brooke (Season 5, Episode 6) | History - Duration: 4:31.

For more infomation >> Alone: The Loneliness Is Killing Brooke (Season 5, Episode 6) | History - Duration: 4:31.


Great Wizarding War | Fragman | Radyo Tiyatrosu | TÜRKÇE ALTYAZILI - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Great Wizarding War | Fragman | Radyo Tiyatrosu | TÜRKÇE ALTYAZILI - Duration: 1:24.


Bayem Munich Vs PSG 3-1 Highlights Giao hữu quốc tế các CLB hè 2018 - Duration: 5:08.

For more infomation >> Bayem Munich Vs PSG 3-1 Highlights Giao hữu quốc tế các CLB hè 2018 - Duration: 5:08.


קרדיטים | עם נעם פרנק מצפוף - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> קרדיטים | עם נעם פרנק מצפוף - Duration: 3:11.


ব্রাজিলের ফুটবলার টাইসনের মাকে অপহরণ, অতঃপর কী ঘটল দেখুন | Brasil | Tison | Football News | bd news - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> ব্রাজিলের ফুটবলার টাইসনের মাকে অপহরণ, অতঃপর কী ঘটল দেখুন | Brasil | Tison | Football News | bd news - Duration: 2:13.


Amazon Sponsored Product Tutorial 3: How To Structure for Big Profits - Duration: 11:36.

(upbeat music)

- Hi there.

I'm Jason Katzenback.

- And I'm Cherie Yvette.

Welcome back to the third video in our free training series

teaching you how to gain mastery

over Amazon's sponsored ads.

- If you've not already watched the first two videos

in this series please stop this video

and click the link above to watch those first.

If you have already watched both video one and two,

then please keep watching.

- So far in this series we talked

about the increasing competition on Amazon

and how that affects ad costs,

and how to rank your ad at the top.

- We also talked about how to stay ahead

of the constant algorithm changes

and how to structure your campaign for easier management.

- In today's video, I'm gonna talk about

how to manage your advertising cost

to dominate your category so that no one will want

to compete with your brand.

I'm also gonna teach you how

to quickly optimize your campaigns

based on a metric that I find to be

the key metric to increasing profitability.

- You're gonna wanna pay close attention

and take notes as most people are doing this correctly

and this could very well be the strategy

that you've been looking for to scale to the next level.

(upbeat music)

- [Cherie] This is a map of tombstone in 1881

where the legendary O.K. Corral showdown took place

between Wyatt Earp and the cowboys.

There's two ways to win a showdown on Amazon.

The first is to be the most feared man in town

and when you establish your reputation,

bad men avoid a confrontation with you in the first place.

The second is to be deadly enough

that when you do engage in conflict,

you're the last one standing when the smoke clears.

When it comes to wining the showdown on Amazon

against your fiercest competitors,

you wanna take the long view,

leveraging paid ads to lead the market.

In today's video, I'm gonna show you how

to gain a competitive advantage

by lowering your advertising cost

and increasing your profitability.

This is a screenshot from one of my client accounts

in May of this year.

Now this client had several products

that we've been scaling successfully with advertising,

and we went for about 450K to 850K total sales

in a six month period but in April and May,

our profits started to decline.

Now these are the same numbers in June

and the same exact campaign stats.

I was able to reduce my ad spend by 42,000 a month

and lower our average CPC by a dollar

and hit my target ACOS goals.

The big win that I was able to do

was maintain sales velocity and keep the best seller badge,

lowering our advertising cost.

We sold a little over 800K in the last 30 days.

In the showdown we wanna be aggressive

and capture market share but we're also gonna be strategic.

We aren't gonna invest in keywords

that aren't profitable for our business

regardless of what our competition is doing.

Wyatt Earp was without question

the baddest man on the frontier.

He was known among fellow lawman as a man

that had no quit in him.

He was absolutely fearless.

When you got in a confrontation with Wyatt Earp,

you knew he was gonna finish it.

We're gonna take the same approach

with our bidding strategy.

We're gonna start with the end in mind.

Okay so, you wanna force your competition

to differentiate against your product

rather than compete with you head on.

When you visibly raise the barrier

to entry in your market with aggressive advertising,

your product and category look less interesting

to an inspiring entrepreneur.

When someone is doing product research on Amazon

and looking for an opportunity,

your market dominance will intimidate them,

forcing them differentiate their product

to avoid competing with you directly.

When you establish leadership

in your category through advertising,

you'll drive significant growth in your business.

You'll be consuming market share and sales

at a much faster pace than your closet competitors.

This will in effect make you a category killer.

There's only three numbers that you need to optimize

in your Amazon advertising campaigns for profitability.

You need to understand what your break even CPA is,

your click to sale ratio, and more importantly,

we wanna understand what your Max CPC is.

Okay so here's the first number that you're gonna tackle.

Let's start with our break even CPA.

The break even CPA is the price of your product on Amazon

minus your cost of goods sold.

What's leftover is gonna be the amount

that you can pay to acquire a new customer.

So, this is gonna be the money that you can invest

in advertising to power your business growth.

So for an example, if your Amazon sale price was $24.99

and your cost of goods sold was $12.99,

your Max CPA would be $12.

Okay so now the second thing we're gonna tackle

is our click to sale ratio.

This is a number of clicks that it takes you

with paid advertising to convert a sale.

It's a basic formula.

We're gonna divide our advertising clicks

by our advertising orders and then you're gonna know

what that number is.

So, in the example if you paid for 120 clicks

and you converted 20 to orders,

your click to sale ratio would be six.

In effect it takes you six clicks

on that keyword to convert a sale.

Okay third number is our Max CPC.

This is the golden metric.

This is the metric that slays ACOS

and reduces it rapidly and makes all the numbers

in your campaigns balance out.

You need to calculate the Maximum

that you can pay per click.

Now this is done by dividing our Max CPA

by your click to sale ratio.

So as long as you never let your click price

exceed your Max CPC you're always

gonna break even on your advertising.

So for example, with $12 Max CPA in the previous slide

and a click to sale ratio of six.

Your Max CPC with be $2.

So, the way you wanna leverage this formula

is you wanna cap your bids to lower your ACOS

and reduce your wasted ad spend.

The key to make that happen is when you see a keyword

costing more than your target ACOS

and your campaign performance reports,

simply lower the bid on that keyword and cap it.

The result of this when you manage to your Max CPC

what's gonna happen over time is your campaigns,

your ACOS is gonna go down.

So the one thing to keep in mind is

while Max CPC is fantastic for reducing spend

on keywords that aren't profitable,

we don't wanna set up a Max CPC

on every keyword in our campaign.

We only wanna use it as lever to lower ACOS

on the keywords that are causing us trouble.

So I use a tiered bidding strategy in my campaigns.

So I start my first keywords are what we have reviewed here

in video one and two right.

I bid for rank.

So my first bidding tier is a bid for rank strategy.

I set my bids high and I let my CPC come out, right.

So I put small bets on the keywords

that I think are gonna perform for me based on data

and then I go ahead and uncap those bids,

fight for rank, win market share,

and then I let those bids stay completely uncapped, right.

I'm not putting anything on the keyword.

I'm not trimming it down in any way.

So my uncapped bids drive velocity

and drive sales on my most important keywords

and all of the keywords that drive scale

in my advertising campaigns.

And in my second bidding tier is a break even,

which I just reviewed with you.

At this point, if I have a keyword that's bleeding ACOS

or I have a keyword that doesn't look good in the reports,

I go ahead and cap that bid to my Max CPC

to ensure that it doesn't waste

any of my advertising dollars, and then the third tier,

which is so important in your bidding strategy is just

to pause your keywords.

When you have keywords coming through

that aren't converting to sales,

I usually give a keyword about 10 clicks.

10 clicks to convert to a sale in my average account

and I may push it to 15 if I need to,

but most of the time I can see at 10 clicks

if that keyword is gonna work

in my campaigns to produce velocity.

So, keywords that don't convert to sales, I absolutely pause

and I usually do that a couple times a week.

Just kind of go through my campaigns

and prune out the keywords that are driving up click prices

but not converting to any sales.

So, the key with lowering your cost is

that it's a huge competitive advantage in your business.

By focusing your budget on the keywords

that drive sales and profits with a bid for rank strategy

and then capping your keywords that are not profitable,

your advertising investment will deliver

sustainable business growth.

Okay so this is our final video

in this three part series on sponsored products.

I've enjoyed sharing my strategies on ad rank

and campaign structure and CPC bidding with you,

and the good news is that Amazon advertising is still

in its early years and most sellers are not

leveraging the platform to its full potential.

I've partnered with

to teach 12 week live sponsored products boot camp,

so look for emails from Jason this coming week

to learn more about it.

So my final takeaway.

Since you probably know about sponsored product ads

and if you've stayed 'til the end of this series,

it's most likely there's a good chance

that you already active advertising campaigns.

So if you've already invested money in advertising,

you're gonna see the biggest performance improvements

if you do the steps in this video series in reverse.

Three, two, one.

So start out by lowering your bids

on keywords that aren't profitable,

and pause all the keywords in your campaigns

that haven't converted to sales

that have 10 or more clicks.

Next, segment your best performing keywords

from your search term report into single keyword ad groups

set to broaden phrase match.

Then bid for rank on those ad groups,

shooting for the number one position in desktop and mobile.

- Wow Cherie.

That was awesome.

I'm sure that you've made a lot

of gurus very angry with this.

- Thanks, Jason.

I have no doubt that they'll only be mad

until they try it for themselves and see the results.

This information is absolutely incredible,

which is why I want to remind everyone

to make sure you download the training guide

included under the video that outlines exactly

how to determine your Max CPC at the keyword level.

- We have covered a lot in this training series,

but there's a lot more you need to know

in order to run successful and most importantly

profitable Amazon advertising campaigns for your business,

and as you've had the chance to see,

Cherie is the person to learn from.

- In a few days, we'll be releasing video four

and in this special video, we'll tell you more

about the brand new, amazing showdown.

We'll have the opportunity to learn directly from me

how to gain complete mastery over Amazon sponsored products.

You'll get an insider's view on the exact same strategies

I used to achieve 3X business growth for my clients.

- Make sure to download your guide

and remember to keep an eye out

for an important email about the next video.

Have a great day and we'll talk to you soon.

(bright music)

For more infomation >> Amazon Sponsored Product Tutorial 3: How To Structure for Big Profits - Duration: 11:36.


占卜|天使給你的祝福-給需要祝福的你 - Duration: 13:00.

For more infomation >> 占卜|天使給你的祝福-給需要祝福的你 - Duration: 13:00.


Pure Mother Hen Manure Fertilizer Review - Duration: 6:57.

one I want people to see this ridiculous thing right here it's hard to take a

video there we go dude this is ridiculous thing I'm not

gonna touch the package but let's see look pure hand manure

okay there's the instructions there's the ingredients I don't know the

pure hand manure what is this just sprinkle some on as easy as one two

three exploiting animals from octi soul

it doesn't seem like there's any ingredients maybe on the front your head

manure Aki soul Wow hundred percent natural fertilizer look at the actual

size Wow here and manure exploiting animals here we don't need any of this

stuff fly every 6 to 4 week so forth sorry 4 to 6 weeks look at this what a

joke this is

Hana joked is people are brainwashed to believe that you need this and look what

it says here hundred percent natural whoa okay so

octi soul if you can't read this I don't know if you can see this but octa soul

was created from a desire to rescue hand manure rescue Han manure we're rescuing

something that should that should be natural should be should be left in

nature well first of all we shouldn't be on owning hens in the first place and

get gardeners access to its fertilizing properties hen manures abundant

renewable resource all renewable resource

nigga night its renewable resource good look at that

renewable resource that is rich in calcium why do we love so much

Aki so fertilizer helps plants help your plants grow and enriches the soil with

his organic matter it tends to your garden like real mother hand use your

hand manure as a multi-purpose fertilizer its environment

environmentally friendly oh my goodness certified organic by eco search Canada

and ocq be rich in organic matter natural ingredients okay look we use ten

first of all we should be seeing animals as property we shouldn't be seeing their

products as property the newer is not property hens are not property animals

on our property it's not a renewable resource that's for sure excluding the

waterways and all all the air and land it's oh boy look at this

hands when we when we have heads in our backyard

we have to kill those chicks we have to kill the male chicks every time we have

hens in our backyard or in any farming or harming situation we have to kill the

male chicks because the industry doesn't want the male chicks so they kill them

there they are not fit for breed you know for flesh breeding for their

chicken for chicken so we have to kill them - babies - more ethical is it and

is it environmentally friendly no they're pouring so many chemicals and

who knows what in there oh boy no one pleasant odor natural ingredients

organic matter oh boy these people are brainwashed pierre hand bull shit that's

what it is it's bullshit it's not fertilizer use your own excrement is

you're vegan you don't need this crap exploiting animals that's what it is

look give other products exploiting animals acting soul noctus soul go begin

because the animals don't need your excuses and your silly little petty

excuses and bow veganic began a permaculture actually yields more soil

look at what it says there

increases growth and promotes greening oh yeah

improves root growth oh yeah what a gimmick reinforces plans to protect

against diseases go and you know what you can do with this product so I don't

know what it's doing here brainwashing people to use this please go vegan stop

exploiting animals and I'll see you soon don't forget to Like share subscribe to

the channel beautiful Sun out

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