Thứ Bảy, 21 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 21 2018

hey guys so in today's video I'm going to be talking about accidental hamster

litter care this video is for people who brought home a female hamster and she

suddenly gave birth to pups or maybe you are thinking your hamster is going to

give birth so first I'm going to talk about the signs of a pregnant hamster

generally your hamster is going to start to look like a pear the hips will begin

to widen and they really will look like a pear shape the nipples also will

become more prominent and noticeable your hamster also may become

more aggressive towards you might try to bite you

she also should be building a fairly large nest and she might also be acting

a little bit crazy so once you think your hamster is pregnant you are going

to want to start supplementing her with a lot of vegetables and protein rich

foods such as boiled egg cooked unseasoned chicken mealworms plain

porridge basically anything that is very high in nutrition you also are going to

want to remove the wheel, litter box, sand box any toys a pup could hurt themselves

on three days before she gives birth now if your hamster has already given birth

and you weren't able to remove these things really try to quietly and as

peacefully as possible remove all of these things without disturbing the mom

hamster so once your hamster has given birth do not touch the babies do not try

to disturb the babies do not try to disturb the mom or just try to stress

her out at all. Trying to touch or bother the baby hamsters can result in the

mother hamster culling them which means the hamster will kill the babies if she

feels threatened or stressed at all. Now you can continue to feed her and give

her fresh water of course try to have the water bottle and food dish on the

opposite side of the cage so you can change these out as quiet

and peacefully as possible so once the pups are 14 to 18 days old their eyes

should be opening by now and once their eyes have opened that means it is safe

for you to touch them and it also means you can clean the cage at this time. At 2

weeks old the baby hamsters are already starting to eat some pieces of food that

the mum brings back they also may be going out of the nest and walking around

exploring the cage learning how to drink from the water bottle things like that

generally at 3 weeks of age this is when the pups are going to be weaned from the

mother meaning they no longer will need their

mother's milk also at 3 weeks of age they will start to be play fighting with

each other which is completely normal so even though the pups may not need to

their mother's milk anymore this doesn't mean they should be

separated from their mom quite just yet pups shouldn't be separated from their

mother until 28 days of age unless absolutely necessary

once they are 28 days you are going to want to separate them into same sex

cages so females in one and males in the other because at 4 weeks old hamsters

can start reproducing with each other and that is something you don't want

now Syrian hamsters can stay with their same-sex siblings from five weeks to

eight weeks you are going to want to watch closely to make sure the

difference between play fighting and actual fighting once you see that they

are actually fighting you are going to slowly want to separate them all and by

eight weeks of age they all should be in their own separate cages because Syrians

are a solitary species of hamster. pups also should not be rehomed younger than

six weeks of age during four to five weeks of age they are learning quite a

bit from their mother their siblings and other things like that so that is why

you don't want to rehome them to a home any younger than six weeks so yeah guys

I really hope this video can help anybody who has come across a accidental

litter thank you for watching bye

For more infomation >> ACCIDENTAL HAMSTER LITTER CARE - Duration: 4:40.


Painting Invasion stripes - scale modeling quick tips - Duration: 7:05.

How is it going guys?

In the next few minutes I will show you my approach on painting invasion stripes.

First we are going to outline the area using masking tape.

This is the most important part of the process.

I use the panel lines as a reference in order to position the borders correctly.

To cover larger surfaces I use paper.

For areas were we have tight curves and obstacles it is better to use several sections of tape.

You have to be careful to properly align the sections where they overlap.

If you have wheelwells or other crevices that you don't want to paint you can fill them

with sponge or you can check out my wheelwell masking tutorial.

To start the painting process first we will apply the white color.

After the paint is dry we are going to carefully measure the width of the stripes area.

Then we are going to divide this width on the number of stripes within.

The result is going to give us the width of each strip.

When we know that number we can cut stripes of masking tape with the same width.

Next we are going to mask the outer white stripes with the tape we just cut.

We have to lay the tape down next to the outer border.

Using smaller pieces of the same tape we used for the stripes we are going to create the

exact distance we need between the stripes.

To mask the middle or consecutive stripe, depending on the number of stripes you have,

we will place the masking tape right next to the buffer tape we just applied.

You can check your math by placing the buffer tape in the last unmasked stripe and if it

fits perfectly than you have done a good job.

To mask the underside we will use the upper tape stripes as a guide.

Next we will apply the black color.

Finally we have to carefully remove the masking to reveal the job in its full glory.

So that's all for this video.

I hope you find it useful.

If you want to watch more of my videos click on the thumbnails.

And if you haven't subscribed yet I strongly recommend to do so.

Untill next time Happy modelling.

For more infomation >> Painting Invasion stripes - scale modeling quick tips - Duration: 7:05.


The Untold Truth Of Aquaman - Duration: 7:15.

Who is Aquaman?

If you've seen Justice League, you know him as the ludicrously muscular Jason Momoa.

If you grew up watching Superfriends, you remember him as the blond guy in an orange

shirt who didn't usually have much to do.

If you've encountered internet humor in the past 20 years, you've probably heard that

he talks to fish.

That's not all, though.

He's been a king, a husband, a father, an amputee, and an exile in his decades-long


So, he's a pretty busy fish-guy.

Here is the untold truth of Aquaman.

"I'll try to make this as quick and painless as possible"

Alternate origins

Everybody knows that Aquaman's from Atlantis, but in his first appearance in 1941's More

Fun Comics #73, that wasn't the case at all.

His father was a world-famous undersea explorer and researcher.

Aquaman's mother died when he was a baby, and his father took him to live under the


Using the ancient science of that forgotten civilization, he raised Aquaman to live comfortably

under the sea, giving him the ability to breathe water and the name "Aquaman."

It was only later stories that made Aquaman an Atlantean prince.

In the 1940s he was simply too busy fighting Nazi U-boat captains to have that complex

a backstory.

Alternate alternate origins

Adventure Comics #260 established that Aquaman was the son of a lighthouse keeper named Tom

Curry and a mysterious woman who came from the sea.

On her deathbed, she revealed herself as an exile from Atlantis, and that their son Arthur

had inherited her aquatic powers.

Later stories would establish the mysterious woman as the Princess of Atlantis, making

Arthur Curry the heir to its throne.

In 1989's Aquaman Special #1, this origin was revised yet again so that Aquaman was

born in Atlantis, left to die in the open ocean as an infant, and later adopted by the

lighthouse keeper.

Arthur being raised by a lighthouse keeper has remained one of the more consistent details

of Aquaman's origin stories going back to the beginning, even when later retcons would

add in a biological father who was an undersea wizard and other familial weirdness.

Aquaman and his octo-pal

Most people remember Aquaman's sidekick as Aqualad, a dark-haired teen in red and blue.


With his teenage ally Aqualad, guards and defends all that lives in the sea against

the forces of evil."

Aqualad first appeared in 1960, but Aquaman met his first lasting ally years earlier,

in 1956.

In Adventure Comics #229, Aquaman is inspired by a Canadian Mountie's relationship with

his horse, so he holds a contest to see which sea creature should become his sidekick.

The winner ends up being an octopus named Topo.

Since Aquaman's solo adventures pretty much all take place at sea, an octopus has more

to contribute than you might expect.

Even after Aqualad came on the scene in Adventure Comics #269, that clever octopus has stuck

around as a member of the supporting cast.

Aquaman uncovered

You've almost certainly seen the cover to The Brave and the Bold #28, the first appearance

of the Justice League of America.

Now here's what you might not know: that first Justice League cover where they're fighting

Starro is the first time Aquaman ever appeared on a comic book cover.

Sure, Aquaman had been around for nineteen years, but he'd never had his own comic.

Superboy had been the cover feature on Adventure Comics for as long as he and Aquaman had been

featured in the book.

Before that, Aquaman was overshadowed by Green Arrow in the pages of More Fun Comics.

Being a minor hero whose adventures were mostly at sea, Aquaman had never joined the Justice

Society of America, DC's first superteam.

By the time that team was revamped with a new name, however, Aquaman had survived for

so long that his veteran status made him a shoe-in for the new team.

Making him an active part of the DC Universe increased his popularity to the degree that

he finally got his own solo comic starting in 1962.


Having his own title in the 1960's gave Aquaman more room to build a complete supporting cast,

including an ongoing love interest, something he'd never had before.

Mera was introduced in Aquaman #11 as a beautiful queen from another dimension with the ability

to control water.

In issue 18, Aquaman finally takes the throne of Atlantis, but learns that he must immediately

choose a queen, so he and Mera get married in that same issue.

Superhero weddings were largely unheard-of when this happened in 1964.

The most famous superhero wedding of the 1960s was Mr. Fantastic and the Invisible Girl tying

the knot in Fantastic Four, but that didn't happen until 1965, a year after the big Aqua-wedding.

Aquaman established the tropes that would turn up again in Fantastic Four and other

wedding stories, like costumed guest stars as guests and of course supervillain attacks.

Baby on board

Once Aquaman and Queen Mera were married, it was only a matter of time before they produced

an heir.

Arthur Curry Jr., usually called Aquababy, was born in Aquaman #23.

In the 1960s Aquaman was breaking new ground just by settling down and starting a family.

Of course he was also one of the only superheroes who ruled his own kingdom.

Aquaman had always stood apart from other heroes due to the aquatic nature of his adventures,

so it made sense for his stories to evolve along their own path instead of following

the usual superhero tropes.

But by the 1970s, Aquaman's idyllic undersea life would be coming to an end.

In Adventure Comics #452, Aquaman has a showdown with his greatest villain, Black Manta, who

has kidnapped Aquababy and put him in a slow-moving death trap.

That baby's a goner unless Aquaman and Aqualad fight to the death.

"Black Manta!

That's not very neighborly!"

It's fairly standard supervillain fare and it seems like Aquaman will get everyone out

alive like usual.

Unfortunately, it doesn't go that way this time.

Aquaman disrupts Black Manta's plans, but it's too late.

Arthur Curry Jr. is already gone when they get him out of the suffocating bubble.

Ever since Aquaman's son died, his adventures have taken on a darker tone, and his character

has had a more brooding attitude.

Give him a hand

Aquaman would be reimagined again in the 1990s.

He had already grown long hair and a beard, and was soon one hand lighter after a villain

shoved him into a pool of carnivorous fish that were conveniently immune to Aquaman's


He replaced his hand with the hooked end of a harpoon and soon abandoned his famous orange

shirt, spending the next few years in a gray armored half shirt and gray and green pants.

By 2003, the aesthetic of '90s Arthur Curry already felt tied to that decade, and it was

time to move on.

A new creative team finally gave the hero a shave and haircut, as well as a new left


This hand was made of water, created by the magic of the Lady of the Lake a magical being

better known for helping out a different King Arthur.

Back to basics

One of Aquaman's better known incarnations was as a regular guest star on Batman: The

Brave and the Bold.

Voiced by John DiMaggio, this version of Arthur Curry is bombastic, loud, and brash.

He's supremely confident in his abilities as a hero and adventurer, and not shy about

sharing his confidence.

Unlike other versions of Aquaman, who were often moody and bitter, Brave and the Bold's

Aquaman is endlessly upbeat and fun.

Interestingly, the Aquaman of the 2017 Justice League film, played by Jason Momoa, has a

bit of Brave and the Bold Aquaman to him.

He's a more serious character, but he also has the brash confidence and daredevil attitude

that made his animated counterpart such a success.

Mixing the masculine charisma of Jason Momoa with the classic outsider perspective Aquaman

has always had turned out to be a smash success, and the character was a standout in Justice


We'll have to see if the upcoming solo Aquaman movie will manage to continue the character's

watery winning streak.

For more infomation >> The Untold Truth Of Aquaman - Duration: 7:15.


Rachel Feinstein's Awful Hickey Cover Story - Stupid Questions with Chris Distefano - Duration: 4:10.

I could only imagine the cocktail of garbage

inside your phone right now, the lies you tell.

- Oh god, yeah.

- I just wanna apologize to all those ladies.

You're the kind of guy, you probably ask girls to marry you,

you're like, "I never say this, I never say this,

"but I could legit see myself marrying you.

"Could a guy like this break your heart?"

And the answer is of course and he will.

(rock music)

- What's up everybody?

Welcome to Stupid Questions with Chris DiStefano.

I'm with Rachel Feinstein.

You can see her special The Standups on Netflix

and she's got a good podcast called 3 Girls, 1 Keith.

(rock music)

Alright, here's a stupid question:

What's the dumbest lie you've ever told your parents?

- Oh, here's a good one. - Okay.

- My mom found like a hickey on my neck,

just the biggest, dumbest--

- It was like obvious.

- And I told my mother that a wolf bit me.

(both laughing)

- What, did your mom believe it?

- (laughs) No, she didn't.

She would always say this when I lie to her,

she goes, "oh please, Rachel, I lived in California

"in the 1960s, that's no wolf, that's a goddamned hickey."

And she would go, "I've been around the block,"

which is such a gross thing to hear your mom say.

Like no one wants to hear your mom be like,

"I've been passed around a couple of times."

(rock music)

I have a stupid question for you.

- Okay.

- Did you have a nickname growing up?

- Well, when I was a kid, people used to call me "Mayo."

- Were you fond of mayonnaise?

- Well, no, it's like I was a basketball player

and I was like the only white kid, so like my friends,

like my black friends would call me "Mayo."

Oh, then they used to call me "Gums,"

cause I was all gums, I had really just,

I had like, I actually had gingivitis,

like it was like a dental issue,

it's cause my gums were always bleeding,

they'd be like "Chrissy Gums" or like "Horse Face,"

something like that.

- Kids are so extremely cruel.

They'll find a thing you weren't,

you never even occurred to be self-conscious about,

like I still remember this guy,

like walking me home from school one day,

he's like, "how come you've got that little thing

"on the top of your thighs, it's like extra fat."

(both laughing)

Who says that?

I've never forgot Wesley's dumb sentence for the,

you know, still now, when I look in the mirror,

I'm like, "ah, that little extra fat

"that Wesley didn't care for."

- Little cherry of fat on top.

- And also, who insults someone

and then makes them answer for it?

He's like, "how come you got that?"

- Yeah, yeah.

(rock music)

- Next stupid question:

What's the weirdest thing you've seen

in somebody else's home?

- Well, my friend that I grew up with,

her dad had a toothpick dispenser next to his uh,

couch and sometimes he wouldn't be able to find

his toothpicks when I'd go over there and he would go,

"where the hell's my 'spencer?

"Where in the hell's my 'spencer?"

That's all he wanted,

he just wanted his toothpick dispenser.

- Now, would that, as a young woman,

make you feel extremely uncomfortable to be

alone in the house with that father?

- I remember one time, he was on his way to 7-11,

and he goes, "you girls want anything?"

It was just me and my friend and I was like,

"no, I'm okay," and he goes, "I'm just gonna get me

"a hooker and a hotdog" (both laughing).

It was an interesting thing to choose to tell

like a couple of 10 year olds.

- A hooker and a hotdog.

That's a good t-shirt, Hooker and a Hotdog.

(rock music)

Next stupid question:

chunky heels or chunky guys?

- I like a chunky guy. - Nice.

- Yes, I like a little extra weight,

I like a little thickness in a man.

- Yeah, well, your fiance's a little thick guy.

- Yeah, I like em thick. - He's in shape, though.

- I like to see a thick thigh on a man,

because I don't wanna be the bigger one.

I don't wanna be like Big Rach kinda lumbering over

and if a guy's a little out of shape,

I feel like that makes me feel more confident, too.

I wanna bring like the treats to the hookup.

- Yeah, I got like, I got some weight on me,

like to go in the pool, I keep my shirt on, you know?

Just have my tits get wet, you know (laughs)?

- I heard you have beautiful, natural breasts.

- Oh, my god, who told you that?

- People pay a lot of money for tits like yours, right?

- Hell yeah.

(rock music)

Alright, thank you so much for being a part of the show.

Did you have a good time?

- I did, I did.

- Alright, so you know, for being a part of my show,

I wanted to give you a stupid gift.

- Thank you. - Yes.

I wanted to give you this.

- Aww. - And these are just

aqua jewelry, like your mother wears.

(Rachel laughing loudly)

We just thought these would be good for you.

- God, I'm gonna get laid,

I'm gonna get laid. - Laid, woo!

- I got a good feeling.

You know what, I'm worth it.

- Yeah. - I'm worth it.

- So, thank you for watching Stupid Questions

with Chris DiStefano, my daughter, Rachel Feinstein.

- Oh my god. - Stupid Questions.

- Uglier than anything I've ever seen.

(rock music)

For more infomation >> Rachel Feinstein's Awful Hickey Cover Story - Stupid Questions with Chris Distefano - Duration: 4:10.





WOWEscape WOW - Piranha Lake Escape Walkthrough 2018 - Duration: 12:05.

WOWEscape WOW - Piranha Lake Escape

For more infomation >> WOWEscape WOW - Piranha Lake Escape Walkthrough 2018 - Duration: 12:05.


REAL REVIEW Lingoda Online Language School - Duration: 11:23.

I'm always banging on about how much I love lingoda, in fact I mean promoting

them for over a year but I guess what you really need to know is, is lingoda

the right learning platform for you? are there any negatives you should know

about? why do I seem to love them so much? I think it's time for an honest review

hello everyone my name is Anna English this is English like a native and if

this is your first time on my channel and you're learning English then be sure

to click the subscribe button and the Bell notification button so you don't

miss any future lessons now Lingoda. it is no secret that I love

lingoda and the reason I love them so much is the simplicity of their platform

and their focus and dedication to getting you to the next level. Sorry can

I just interrupt and say that because most of you are very busy and possibly

won't stay to the end of this video in case you are thinking about checking out

and Lingoda which you definitely should then do use the link in the description

box below and the discount code provided and that will get you a very tasty

little discount I say little quite a big discount so let's have a look at that

website it's simple it's slick it's easy to use now once you have an account

you're going to head to your profile and setup is very simple now you want to set

up your time zone then you're going to set your learning level I am still a 1.1

in Spanish now in the initial setup you choose the language in which you're

interested in learning you can only choose one language and I know for some

of you this may seem like a drawback as some of you are interested in learning

multiple languages at the same time how you do it I do not know but in your case

it's not the end of the world you just have to set

a couple of accounts for the different languages that you're learning okay so

we're in and we're set up what next well next you would choose a package but if

you're still unsure whether you want to commit then lingo to do also offer a

trial class which is easily accessible by the tab at the top of the page let's

talk about prices now some of you have sent to me in the past when Gowda is

very expensive but if you do the maths actually is not at all it's actually

very very competitive but the difference is they make you commit so rather than

buying one-off ad-hoc lessons whenever you feel like you want to study you're

committed to buying a group of lessons a bundle towards a course that helps you

focus on actually improving and taking your language level up and let's be

honest if you're not doing that then you're really not going to improve so

it's probably for the best that they make you commit so the options you have

are to pay monthly you can choose from the standard package which offers a

range of options depending on how much time you can commit each month all the

options here are a mix of group and private lessons all lessons are 60

minutes long and just so you know the group lessons it states are an average

of around five students but my experience doesn't reflect that my

experience has been the most was three people in a class me included on our

fridge it was one other person and in some cases no other students have been

in the class so it's been practically a private lesson you can also opt for

private lessons only obviously private lessons are more expensive than group

lessons but you also have to remember that all of the teachers on lingotto are

fully qualified and you also get the course materials provided if you're

working to a tight budget then go for the group lessons like I said they're

very small groups and on some occasions you might get lucky and be the only one

in the class if you're fully committed to going a

level up and getting a very special certificate which we'll talk about later

then choose the certificate option and take a bundle of lessons that will

ensure you make it through to the next level be mindful though that these

lessons have to be covered within a six month period so make sure that you have

a time in which to commit to those classes and then payment is very easy

you do it via Visa or PayPal and don't forget to use the discount code which is

linked in the description box below for that fabulous discount okay let's book

at the very top of your profile page you'll see how many credits you've got

for private lessons and group lessons now head over to the booking page and

set your parameters choose whether you're looking for group classes or

private classes and your availability but a word of warning you must book

early these classes are popular and they do book out quite quickly so I would

always recommend booking at least a week in advance to make sure you get the

slots that you really want with your parameter set you can now see all the

available classes at your level at those times and days that you are available so

now it's time to book now on lingo de you book the class based on the topic

you don't book the teacher but you can rest assured that all of lingo does

teachers are fully qualified and they all follow the learning materials and

the format set out by lingoda so you're in safe hands no matter who takes the

lesson so looking through the options you can click on any one of the topics

to open it up for more information and on this page you can also download the

course material now I used to believe that these topics were set at those

times and that you couldn't switch things around and I used to think this

was a little bit annoying and then I discovered at the bottom of the topic

squares are two little arrows and that gives you some more options of topics

available at that time that makes the world of difference

thanks lingoda and at this stage it's worth bearing in mind that you are on a

course therefore all the topics that you can see are part of the course that you

need to complete and you can track all of this on your my course page which

tells you which topics you've covered which still need to be covered what

percentage of the way through your course you are now it is worth saying

that if these topics don't float your boat and you want to learn something

specific and you can request a customised private lesson all you have

to do is head over to the my course page scroll down and fill out the customised

private class form and then go to will try and organise that for you and the

most exciting thing is when you complete all of the required lessons you will not

only go up a level you'll also receive a CEFR certificate which makes it

official it's an internationally recognised certificate which you can

then use on your job applications or on your university applications now to take

part in a class you now have to download a software called zoom which makes it

very easy for the teacher to appear on screen alongside the material and for

you to work through it together I'm not very tech savvy I'm really rubbish when

it comes to downloading and installing software and I did find this a little

bit tricky because I'm me but lingoda do provide complete instructions and

support if you get stuck and to be honest it only took me a few extra

moments I just had to concentrate a little bit harder to make sure the

software was up and running properly but once you're past that stage then the

software works very very well and I had no problem connecting to all of my my

lessons and what I will say is that every single lesson I took the

connection was good and this is something I feel very

passionate about if I'm going to spend an hour of my time with a teacher online

then I want to be able to hear them and see them very clearly and I have to say

with all the lessons I've taken with Lingoda the connection has never been

a problem. After every lesson you're encouraged to give feedback and this

feedback is anonymous which is fantastic because it means you can be totally

honest about your experience about how you found the teacher and the lesson hmm

so what more can I say that is pretty much the learner experience

Personally, besides it being focused structured and simple to use the reason I love lingoda

so much and the reason I will continue to promote them is because they

really seem to care about their users progression they really care about the

service they provide and you can see that in the constant development of the

site of the products and also with what they're doing in social now if you're

not following them on social media then it definitely is worth giving them a

follow on Instagram on Twitter on Facebook because you'll see that there's

lots of things they're doing and they're trying to engage their community I just

think that is rare these days for a company to truly care it's rare and that

rhymes I'm a poet and they didn't know it. so there you go that's my honest

opinion that's my experience with lingoda

if you have any experience that you'd like to share them please do put it down

in the comment section below it's always helpful to get a range of different

opinions and if you're interested in trying lingoda out for yourself then do

click on the link in the description box below and use that voucher code to make

sure you get that amazing discount I do have one more thing to say a blog

lingoda have a blog and it is worth spending some time scrolling through the

articles because there are lots of really helpful articles that we can all

benefit from they give us tips on language learning strategies until next

time thank you so much for joining take care and bye

For more infomation >> REAL REVIEW Lingoda Online Language School - Duration: 11:23.


Madeleine Stowe Movies List - Duration: 1:14.

Madeleine Stowe Movies List

For more infomation >> Madeleine Stowe Movies List - Duration: 1:14.


Is the garden dead???? - Garden and YT schedule update - Duration: 3:51.

welcome class to Kitchen 101 where we teach you to think like a chef how to cook not

what to cook giving you the knowledge and comfort you need to create modify

recipes to fit your chosen way of eating and lifestyle today I just want to give

you a brief recap of what's gone on my garden and catch up a little bit so go

ahead grab yourself pin paper and something else what did you grab

so go ahead and grab yourself a pin paper and a weeding ax because I'm

professor kitchen and class is in session

Where did the dog go?

I got grass all over me

Today, I just wanted to get with you all touch base a little bit about what's going on

in my world and kind of get back to the garden we haven't been in the garden in

a while so I thought it might be a good idea to

go ahead and touch base there for a little bit and just show you what

happened mistake was made and we had to actually

do something pretty drastic if you can see here behind me I don't know if you

can let's see we had to go ahead and mow the the garden down now what happened

was we were trying to do things very organically went and talked to a

neighbor of ours who who does organic gardening and my my mom went down there

and asked him about what he uses to keep the bugs off well he gave her kind of a

general thing he didn't give her any specifics but she just had to come home

and and try it well my mom is one of those people if a little is good then a

lot is fantastic and she kind of overdid the the bug

spray and ended up killing most of the plants that's okay we learned a lesson

went back and talked to the guy I've actually got an exact formula that when

we start planting again I'm gonna have to use I'm gonna have to share with

y'all on how well it does but right now I had to go ahead and mow it all down -

jalapeno plants that survived and I got those and I repotted those pretty happy

about that I love jalapenos so I'm glad we we got those so do have a little

something going on that I wanted to just reach out and tell y'all about because

it may affect my scheduling on how often I produce a video so I wanted to touch

base GLC I got me a new job and I'm probably gonna have to work a lot of

Saturdays which means I'm not I may not be able to do my normal Saturday release

we'll see and hopefully I'll be able to but just to let y'all know I've haven't

quit I'm not stopping doing YouTube I love doing YouTube you love making these

videos and I'm gonna keep doing it but schedule may be off for a little bit

while I adjust to my new job and how things are going there anyway how's

y'all's garden doing are y'all doing any good please go ahead and let me know

down in the comments if you got a garden and how it's going if you laid in the

grass to make silly videos I got dirt all over yourself but let me know down

in the comments if you enjoyed this video please give us a like if you want

to see more really would appreciate it if you subscribed to my channel let me

know that you're enjoying it give me some feedback love to hear from you

anyway I hope you all have a great day god bless class dismissed

For more infomation >> Is the garden dead???? - Garden and YT schedule update - Duration: 3:51.


Add Arabic Subtitles to a YouTube Video Clip - Duration: 12:47.

For more infomation >> Add Arabic Subtitles to a YouTube Video Clip - Duration: 12:47.


Great backyard design with gorgeous fireplace and grill for your home - Duration: 2:31.

Great backyard design with gorgeous fireplace and grill for your home

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