Thứ Bảy, 21 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 21 2018

Ok I'm going to do a final project with my CNC machine. If you follow the second channel

you might be aware that I'm building a new CNC machine, which I'll just point at it.

It's over there. That's called big red. But that machine is not ready yet and I've got

something I want to work on so I'm going to use this thing.

So this machine has a attachment which I 3D printed, which has a mounting bracket for

an Opt Laser engraving module. I'm planning to migrate all the electronics over to the

new machine, but I wanted to do one last project using the laser in conjunction with the router

spindle. I've bought a load of carpenters pencils which I planning to personalise using

the laser engraver. The laser was sent to me by a Polish company called Opt Laser, and

if you want to know more about the module there's a video on my second channel – which

I'll link to in the description and information card.

So the first thing I need to do is measure several the pencils, to make sure they are

all consistent. With that information I can then design a jig to hold them in a known

position on the CNC machine.

Ok, so if I zoom in you can see the pattern I've created with the dog bone effect so that

the pencil could fit within that gap. This is a little bit elaborate to be honest. Really

what you could do is just cut a 90 degree angle out (with a dog bone in the corner)

and push the pencils against the edge. Coz if you're laser engraving your laser doesn't

move the material. This option is probably more for routering, so if you were to use

a V bit and engrave something onto the pencil. I kinda like the option to do both so I'm

going to use this template. I'll just explain how I created it. If I just go backwards and...

And then go forwards.

So I made a rectangle first and I gave it the dimension of 290 and 240 and I created

a rectangle within that initial rectangle of 178 by 13.5. It's a little bit bigger than

the pencil so it should fit in. Oh no... damn it.

Then I'm going to position this so it's in the centre, so I'm making an equaiton. 240

minus the pencil width which is 178 divided 2, and then I'm going to orientate this to

the top, and I want that to be about 30mm.

Then I'll create the dog bone effect. Circle > two point circle. And I drag across, and

I'm going to use a 6mm bit so I write 6.1mm and I'm doing that for each one. When I want

to repeat I right click and select. I'm going to now trim - press t - the additional lines

I've created. Essentially what I want is an outside vector line that I can follow. If

I got to sketch I can go to rectangular pattern and I can select the lines that I want to

do the pattern to. If I change quantity to 1 (along one axis) and expanse is going to

be 290 take away 60, because of the position of the top and bottom and 13.5 because it's

measuring from one side of this object, and now in distance I can write 216.5 and if I

zoom out you can see the magic happening. If i write minus it will go in the right direction.

And I can now just increase the quantity until it populates that spaces between the points.

When I'm happy with that I press ok.

I can then export this and send it to my CNC software. And the way you do that, is you

go to the sketch folder, find the sketch, you right click and save as a dxf file.

So I'm now going to art cam - this happens to be what I've got. This software isn't supported

anymore as it was bought by autodesk and they amalgamated it into their packages. It doesn't

exist anymore so I'm heavily considering moving to vetrics when I can afford too.

So the height is 290 the width is 240. My point that I'm referencing my home is the

top right corner of my CNC machine. Press ok,

I now go to import. The board I'm using is 9.3mm And material set up 9.3. So this is

quite a simple one, so just select all of those and go to toolpaths, and area clear.

I'm going to add the 6mm bit. I haven't used this CNC machine for so long. 6mm soft wood.

I'll select that. Offset > conventional. Giving it a name. Calculate. And that's kind ready


I put a 6mm up-spiral single flute o-cutter, and then screwing down a pieces of 9mm MDF

to my wasteboard.

I'm going to make sure I'm quite close to the edge. If this was something I'd do over

a long period of time, I'd try dig up the file for the wasteboard with the positioning

of the mounting holes and try mill this out so that I could bolt this down instead. But

as I know I'm only going to do a limited run and then I'll get distracted, I'm only going

to screw this down.

I home my machine and then move the router spindle to what will be my origin position,

at the corner of the 9mm MDF.

I'm just going to move this across so I can get a screw in this corner here.

Here I am using my probe attachment to set the z origin to the MDF itself. I'm not

going to go into the details, but I have a lot of videos on my second channel about some

of these steps and what I'll do is try link to the relevant video in the information card

if your curious.

To recap: From fusion 360 I went and imported that DXF file into art cam, and then applied

the toolpaths onto that, exported the Gcode and now what I'll be using to do the cutting

is another piece of software called bCNC. This one is an opensource thing. It's quite

a workflow of software and it will get further complicated when I get to the laser engraving

bit as well.

I cut one groove out first and checked the fit, and then I cut the rest.

Pretty good. There's a little bit of a wobble in the x axis but I think it's fine.

The next thing I need to do is work out the offset of my Laser – so how far the centre

of the laser beam is to the centre of the spindle. The simplest way I decided I could

do that was to laser engrave a cross while keeping the gantry in the same origin position.

And then measuring that mark to a known mark made previously on the 9mm MDF while routering

the jig.

I exported the g code from inkscape using the Jtech plugin. I've added a header and

footer which I'm having to watch my own videos to remind me what I was doing.

I make sure that there's no power going to the laser, so I don't have any accidents.

I measured that with a callipers but I could have also put a v cutter into the collets

and moved to the laser engraved point, measuring the movement in bCNC. I took note of that

and then offset the DXF file in the next software – this time within inkscape. So the jig

had shifted to compensate for the position of the laser. The new origin was now on the

0-0 coordinates of the canvas within inkscape.

I set the engraving toolpath this time using a Jtech plugin for inkscape, exported the

gcode, opened that in bCNC and press play.

While cutting, I had an inline extractor venting fumes form the engraving process to the outside

of the workshop, and I was also wearing laser safety goggles that were provided with the

OptLaser Module.

Ok so I think I'm quite happy with this design, so I will do a batch of them - only 20 or

30. I'm not sure.

So that was my laser engraved pencils projects. If you liked that video please let me know

in the comments or by scarifying a thumb to the algorithm gods. There are links to the

usual things in the description and to similar or related videos in the information cards.

Thanks again for watching and you'll catch me in the next one.

For more infomation >> Laser Engraving Carpenters Pencils - Setup to Engraving - Duration: 11:04.


100 Herb Garden Ideas To Spice Up Your Life | DIY Garden - Duration: 12:49.

For more infomation >> 100 Herb Garden Ideas To Spice Up Your Life | DIY Garden - Duration: 12:49.



For more infomation >> THE GRAPHIC PERFORMANCE OF FORTNITE - Duration: 18:38.


Let's Speak Some Hebrew Today =^_^= - Duration: 3:35.


Good morning, everyone

My name is Moses

My name is Moses. I'm an American and I live in Ohio

I like learning foreign languages/other languages so now I'm learning Hebrew


I learned Hebrew before so I have a little experience

I think Hebrew is quite a difficult language, but I like learning it

Usually, I learn other languages by myself, but now I have a partner from Israel whom I learn Hebrew with, by the name of Omer

Omer is a really good teacher. He is really awesome!

Murder cool!

I found Omer on Italki

So if you guys are interested in learning Hebrew, Omer is very good, yes

That's it for now

So, thanks a lot and see you later

For more infomation >> Let's Speak Some Hebrew Today =^_^= - Duration: 3:35.


Unboxing YOUR Packages | Viewer Sent Gifts | Whitney Sews - Duration: 14:08.

hi everyone I hope you're having a great day I have some unboxings to share with

you today and this is really really special because these are things that

viewers have sent to me I was contacted by a couple of different viewers who

wanted to send some items to me and so I wanted to share them with you all so you

could see all the goodies that I received in the mail so I'll get right

into it because it's probably going to be a pretty long video and the first

package is from a viewer who reached out to me and said she wanted to send me

something as kind of a way of saying thank you for all of the free tutorials

that I've provided over the years that she has enjoyed so I gave her my address

and she said what day to expect a package on my doorstep I had absolutely

no idea what it was going to be and the day came and I opened my door and I

found this amazing embroidery machine on my doorstep it is the brother se 400

embroidery and sewing machine and I am so excited I have never used an

embroidery machine I don't know anything about them I've never even used a

computerized machine because I usually use a vintage sewing machine and so I'm

really excited to learn all about it learn how to use it and enjoy adding

some embroidery to some of my projects and like I said I've never used one of

these before so if you have this machine or one similar and you have tips or any

tutorials that I might that might be useful to me and learning how to use

this definitely leave them in the comments down below because I have no

clue how to use this I'm going to be learning how to use it in the near

future so I can use all the tips that I can get and as you can see this is just

a really really nice machine so I am so very thankful to the lady who sent it

I'm not going to include any names in this video because I don't know if the

people want their names shared but I am very thankful for it I'm also very

thankful for every single one of you who watches my videos clicks like shares my

video links all of that everyone who also shops through my Amazon links

everyone who has sent money on my PayPal or just every single way to support this

channel I appreciate every single one of you even just being subscribed to my

channel is a huge help and I'm really grateful for all of you these gifts that

were sent to me are just an added bonus but completely unnecessary but

definitely appreciated now on to the next two packages they were sent by

these same lady she reached out to me saying she is a sower she mostly focuses

on quilting but she has been given a lot of sewing related items from her friends

and a lot of them she's not able to use because they don't pertain to quilting

and she wanted to pass them along to someone who could put them to good use

so she sent me a box full of all different kinds of sewing goodies

and then she couldn't fit everything in that box so she sent me another one

which is so incredibly sweet and there is all sorts of stuff in it there is

actually I forgot to show in the video there was a bundle of zippers that had

already pulled out of the box before I filmed and I forgot to put it back in

but there's also buttons and patterns and different kinds of notions and two

gigantic spools of bias tape which is going to come in so handy and there's a

couple of the patterns that I have already got some ideas for that I want

to use just so many amazing things and there's a few things in the package that

I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to use so I'm going to offer them to my mom

because she sews as well and see if she has any need for them and but again I am

so very very grateful for you two ladies who sent these items as well as everyone

else who has helped support this channel in any way at all

you all are so so amazing

so I hope you enjoyed seeing all the amazing things that I was sent let me

know in the comments again if you have tips for using this embroidery machine

as well as your favorite thing that you saw in this video and that you're

looking forward to seeing me use here on this channel and until next time happy


For more infomation >> Unboxing YOUR Packages | Viewer Sent Gifts | Whitney Sews - Duration: 14:08.


Πότε Την Απορρίπτεις - Duration: 8:57.

I understand that it's not so easy to reject a woman you like

especially when there is a chance of something happening in the future

Of course, the chance of something happening and your intentions are

communication keys for your relationship

with the woman

I'm Christos from Men of Style and today we will talk about

when you should reject her

Let's go!

Before I begin mentioning the cases you will seriously need to think

to reject a woman you like and you flirt

Initially, I would like to tell you a very specific way of thinking

Sometimes you may want some things from a woman you like

but she can't offer them to you

Everyone has the right to want what he wants and everyone has the right

to offer what he is willing to provide

But that's half the truth, because the other half is what you are willing

to tolerate

Behind the rejection, some criteria are hiding and criteria are built

with a very specific way of thinking

Which, of course, relies on your intentions

What are your intentions and how do you feel about them,

how quickly you decide to reveal your

intentions and, of course, with what means do you reveal your intentions to the woman

When you decide to reject a woman, that means you have

solid evidence, that your intentions are not the same

with hers

When, a period of time has passed, you have made your intentions

clear, but you do not see the response you would like

not the response you were expecting, because sometimes a "We will see"

"I'm not ready yet," "Give me a little time to think "

All this, though it may be logical for a woman and

in her mind, it's not clear for you

if she likes you, or if she's ready to

move forward with your relationship

So, you'll have to have a fundamental way of thinking

which is: What are your intentions, how

you disclose them and do not forget, I say it all the time

every time you decide to express your intentions, she will express

her intentions as well and she will show if she is willing

to proceed the process as you would like her to

Let's see now, the three cases which you should seriously

think about rejecting the woman you like

Let's see them

Friends are the first thing You are moving to an erotic

level, that is, you show that you do not see her as a friend

and she tell you that "I see you as a friend"

You understand that, you take a step back, wait, continue to try

no matter what you do, the more you chase her

and show your intentions and that you want her and that

you are willing to do what it takes to win her

while she has made it clear that she sees you as a friend,

the attraction falls and it's not worth the effort

So, when she tells you that she sees you as a friend,

then you will need to reject her and wait

for a very long period of time until she maybe sees things differently

Although I don't believe that should be your responsibility

If circumstances change and she tries to

contest, then you reevaluate the situation differently

Until then, if she tells you she sees you friendly, don't bother

Second case, flirting... devil's flirting

You have a good time with a woman, flirting, showing her

that you don't see her as a friend, there is an erotic interest

she is also flirting, you communicate, sexual comments occur

and there is a general sexual tension

from both sides

However, when the time comes

you know what I mean... It never happens

You reject her! Do not continue bothering

in such cases, because the more you invest the more you'll see

that the woman is responding but not so much as...

then you start becoming attached, because your expectations

start to guide you in some specific scenarios

you have in your mind

At some point we might have sex, she might be more interested

and this whole process won't help you

So, think seriously that it's time to reject her

in this case as well

Third case!

Number 3, well... If she shows that her No1

priority is your money or your status, then at that time

you reject her! Do not even bother

Of course, I don't believe you will meet a lot of women who think like that

but that does not matter

If a woman shows from the beginning that her no.1 priority

to do something with you is money or social status

it's not worth to even bother, because that reveals that

you are not different than anybody else

That is, by behavior, by attractive behaviors,

personality, etc., etc. especially if you are looking for something stable

with her

But let's see some things which are equally important

and I want to mention

Very often I say that rejection does not exist rather than disclosure of intentions

When you reveal your intentions and the woman reveals hers

there is no rejection

Either you reject her or she rejects you, has nothing to do

with some selfish context, in which you are waiting to see

who will reject who... No!

However, you will need to remember three things

when you and her are revealing your intentions

No1: Do not offer platonic value, you are not her girlfriend

It's nice to talk, it's nice to communicate, it's nice

when there's attraction, it's nice when there's intimacy, connection, chemistry, yes!

All these are built, all these are created through some communication techniques

however, you should remember that the more

this process gets stuck

you meet, you exchange numbers, you talk, you communicate

you go on the first date, after the first date here comes the second

after the second date, something more erotic happens you kiss her

you have sex, the relationship starts moving forward

When something in these stages gets stuck

do not go into the process of continuing to offer time, value,

if you see that there is no response, stop communicating

and start texting for hours, if you haven't gone out once

Do not waste days in front of a pc, chatting on Facebook

making erotic compliments and spicy comments

and you know what? All these are cool but face to face matters more

So, remember: Do not offer platonic value

The point is to be a lover, not friend

The second is to have demands and not just offer

It is very nice to offer value to people, to help them

to offer your opinion, to offer choices

However, when you constantly offer, but don't expect something back

then things get stuck What do I want to say in this?

When you have demands, when you have criteria, it is attractive because it shows

that you are not desperate to force something to happen

And this is attractive to women, because it shows that you are only interested

in sex

Yes, we are interested in moving forward

but what interests you more is her behavior, her personality,

how she behaves

how she tries to seduce you and how she deals with you

And the third, of course, is to always move things forward

meaning you want to escalate

Every stage has to move forward

and not last for days or weeks

Ok! You met, you exchanged numbers

it's time to contact, go on your first date

If you see now that 20 days, 550 days have passed

and you still haven't been on your first date, then buddy...

stop bothering because she is telling you that she is not available

That was Christos from Men of Style and today we talked about

when you should reject her

Be well!

For more infomation >> Πότε Την Απορρίπτεις - Duration: 8:57.


VRX - Krok (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO) - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> VRX - Krok (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO) - Duration: 2:04.


The Three Wombats Scene | Marvel's Ant-Man (2015) IMAX HD - Duration: 4:25.

He's tripling security. He's lost his mind, and he's onto you.

But he is not onto you.

He's adding full body scanners to all entrances

and closing exterior vents.

How are we gonna get Scott inside?

The water main.

You can't add security to a water main.

The pressure is too strong, but if we can decrease it,

that's how I get in.

Somebody would have to reach the building's control center

to change the water pressure.

Hank and I will be beside Cross. How are we supposed to do that?

So we expand our team.

What do we need?

A fake security guard on the inside to de-pressurize the water system,

somebody else to hack in to the power supply

and kill the laser grid,

and a getaway guy.

No, no. No, no, no. Not those three Wombats. No way.

LUIS: Thank you for the coffee, ma'am.

It's not too often that you rob a place and then get welcomed back.

(CHUCKLES) Because we just robbed you.

You know that he was arrested for stealing a smoothie machine, right?

Two smoothie machines.

Are you sure they can handle this?

Oh, we can handle it. We're professionals.

You'll forgive us if we're not instilled with confidence.

Well, hey, everybody just kick back and relax a little bit, man.

We know our business.

We broke into this spooky-ass house, didn't we?

I let you.

Well, one could say that I let you let me.

- Look, it's okay. They can handle this. - Yeah, we can handle it.

- SCOTT: You got their credentials? - He's in the system.

- I'm in the system? - You're in the system.

The system?

Yeah, we're doomed.

SCOTT: All right.

There's something you guys need to see.

When you get to this corner,

there's gonna be three offices on your left side.

DAVE: Damn!

Whoa! That's so cool, bro!

Now, look, this is gonna get weird, all right?

It's pretty freaky, but it's safe. There's no reason to be scared.

Oh, no, no. Daddy don't get scared.

- Really? - Yeah.



This is the work of gypsies.

DAVE: (STAMMERING) That's witchcraft.

Wow, that's amazing.

That's like some David Copperfield shit.

DAVE: That's some kind of wizardry.

KURT: This is sorcery!

How'd you do that, bro?

SCOTT: Don't freak out. Look at your shoulder.


Get off! Get off!

SCOTT: Wait, I thought Daddy didn't get scared!


I gave them each half a Xanax

and Hank explained the science of the suit to them.

They fell right asleep.

Hey, look, I wanna thank you for...

No, please don't.

We're all doing this for reasons much bigger than any one of us.

I'm just glad that you might have a slight chance of maybe pulling this off.

Hey, thank you, you know, for that pep talk.

You know, the honest truth is, I actually went from despising you

to almost liking you.

You really should write poetry.


Get some sleep, Scott.


All right, just so we're clear, everyone here knows their role, right?

- Dave? -Wheels on the ground.

- Kurt? - Eyes in the sky.

- Luis? - Oh, man, you know it.

You know what? I get to wear a uniform.

- That's what's up. - Luis.

I'm sorry. I'm good. I'm good. I'm just excited.

Plus, your girlfriend's really hot.

So, you know, that makes me nervous, too.

And you are very beautiful, ma'am.

- Oh, my Lord. - She's not my...

You know what? I was thinking of a tactic, like when I go undercover.

Like a whistling. You know what I'm saying? To like, blend in.

No. Don't whistle. No whistling.

It's not The Andy Griffith Show. No whistling.

For more infomation >> The Three Wombats Scene | Marvel's Ant-Man (2015) IMAX HD - Duration: 4:25.


PogieJoe's 8th Anniversary! - Duration: 6:51.

*jazzy music*

Hey everybody. This is PogieJoe coming to you not-live, from the near past

to tell you that it's been eight years since I started making

videos for the online. Also come come join me on my little walk

through the woods. Let's let's enjoy this together. Eight years doesn't really sound like

a long span of time to me, but in Internet time, that is a very long

time indeed. Long enough, certainly, to see how much YouTube has changed.

How all the different online communities have changed. It is

very drastic. And one of those things that's changed is online video

used to be a lot more focused on creating these fanbases and subscribers

and these communities, whereas now it's more about, like,

going with algorithms and stuff. Which isn't necessarily good or bad. It's just different.

And back in the day I feel like you'd see more of these kind of collaborations between different channels to try and

build those audiences. And so today instead of talking about all the

different videos that I've done over the past eight years, I want to talk about some of the videos

that I've featured on on other people's channels over the years. Now if you want to watch any of these

videos in their entirety, there's a playlist on my YouTube channel

called uh something like Videos I've Been Featured On or something. So there's this

website called SocialBlade. You might have seen it before. Basically it collects

statistics from different YouTube videos and channels and one of the earliest

big supporters of my channel was Jason Urgo, the creator of

SocialBlade. There was this one time he did a video on my channel where I

did like a fake interview with him and I had this cheesy character but

there's also a clip on his channel of me being interviewed

while I was making my musical movie with him and David of SonicOrb

Studios and clearly I didn't really know how to cover

my bowties very well! When that movie came out, he actually put it on the front

page of SocialBlade, which lead to this really funny moment where I stumbled across a

Machinima video where it was just kind of featured in the background while they were showing some

SocialBlade statistics that had like 600,000 views

but they deleted the video! So I can't even show you that one.

Look at this lonely stork boy. Look at this lonely stork man over here.

Still one of my favorite moments ever was when my Internet friend

Julien drove all the way from New York State to our little local tiny

premiere for that movie and then vlogged the whole thing and just like to see

someone geeking out about something I made like that is just like the most

rewarding thing! It's so good. One of my favorite video creators

ever is WheezyWaiter, aka Craig Benzine. He just makes these

really fun, goofy videos. He inspired me to make YouTube

videos in the first place because I loved his stuff so much.

I've been honored enough to meet him twice and he's been in

stuff that I've made twice because of that. He does this thing where at the end of his videos

one of his audience members winks and it makes a little ding noise. You can get

creative with it and so I submitted one for like a year and a half before he finally chose

mine! And that was really cool. When I was in high school, I was fortunate enough to be part of

this thing that Oberlin College was doing. It was like a film workshop thing.

And we made these short films and here's one that I starred

in and I helped like edit and put together and stuff

When we screened this, Jonathan Demme, the director of The Silence of the Lambs,

was there. So he saw precious moments like this:

VOICE: Sit down...son. JOE: I would rather make an honest

living then take YOUR DIRTY MONEY! (screams) Eghhhhhh

Later on I interviewed him and it didn't go too much less awkward.

(nervous) Yeah me too. I can totally agree to that! haha Ummm

watching The Silence of the Lambs...fantastic movie.

One of my favorite Internet creators is CGPGrey who does this awesome podcast

called Hello Internet with Brady Heron and he also

this really cool educational YouTube channel. He featured one of my questions

in one of his question and answer videos. It was literally just the simple question of

"What can I do to get like famous on YouTube or whatever"

I put my zip code instead of my name for some reason and

his response was to just make videos that people want to watch

and I still...clearly haven't quite mastered that one.

There was the time that Mickeleh took on my response to....Weeeggghooof!

Mickeleh did the Ice Bucket Challenge after I tagged him. I was interviewed at

CleveCon by the Phil and Eric Show. My friend Ami

included one of the songs that I've made in this beautiful episode of a vlog series

that she was doing. There's a folk artist named Danielle Ate the Sandwich who has also

been in one of my videos and she included some footage that I did

in her "To America" fan collaborative

music video. And I once did an interview for my friend BSmitty

where I basically just talked about how happy I was at the time. I didn't

really have anything very interesting to say outside of the fact that apparently I was

really happy. And even just this past summer I finally got to meet another

Internet friend of mine, Matt, and he included a snippet of me

when we met up and he's much taller in person.

He's a really cool guy. I'm not getting any closer than that.

So as you can tell I really enjoy being in a lot of these collaborations. There's more that have since been deleted or privatized.

And stuff like that too. But that's the thing: there's just not as many people

on YouTube. That's why you could be watching this video possibly on Facebook or

IGTV. It's just spread out. It's just everyone's doing their own thing.

And there's more people coming up along the way and that's kind of exciting too. Oh this is so much

steeper than it looks on the video, I assure you. But if you want to hear something

corny, my favorite collaboration of has been with you

the viewers over these past eight years. I hope you'll join me

in the future. I got a lot of cool stuff coming up. Uh I need to rest by this tree.

(pant) We also have a weekly podcast called Can You Not? in case

you didn't know that. We're like a 120-something episodes in.

Uh I also have been doing videos at least once a month. Trying to up it up a little

bit. Make a little more frequent. And I've got some other big projects coming

up so like stayed tuned. And if you really like what I do and you want to see those things happen

I have a Patreon, so you can go to

Get all the deets. Almost there. Don't fall don't fall don't fall don't fall don't fall.

Yay! I made it to this grand obelisk. And I made it

to this! So no matter what you've seen or how much you've

seen of my work, I appreciate it. I appreciate all the views, and the likes, and the shares

It's hard to find people who vibe with what you're making so

it really does mean a lot. And I hope you have a great day.

I'm going to try and find my way back to my car. Bye!

I'm on my way back and

this lonely stork boy is still there. It's okay lonely

stork boy. I love you. The Internet loves you.

For more infomation >> PogieJoe's 8th Anniversary! - Duration: 6:51.



hey guys so in today's video I'm going to be talking about accidental hamster

litter care this video is for people who brought home a female hamster and she

suddenly gave birth to pups or maybe you are thinking your hamster is going to

give birth so first I'm going to talk about the signs of a pregnant hamster

generally your hamster is going to start to look like a pear the hips will begin

to widen and they really will look like a pear shape the nipples also will

become more prominent and noticeable your hamster also may become

more aggressive towards you might try to bite you

she also should be building a fairly large nest and she might also be acting

a little bit crazy so once you think your hamster is pregnant you are going

to want to start supplementing her with a lot of vegetables and protein rich

foods such as boiled egg cooked unseasoned chicken mealworms plain

porridge basically anything that is very high in nutrition you also are going to

want to remove the wheel, litter box, sand box any toys a pup could hurt themselves

on three days before she gives birth now if your hamster has already given birth

and you weren't able to remove these things really try to quietly and as

peacefully as possible remove all of these things without disturbing the mom

hamster so once your hamster has given birth do not touch the babies do not try

to disturb the babies do not try to disturb the mom or just try to stress

her out at all. Trying to touch or bother the baby hamsters can result in the

mother hamster culling them which means the hamster will kill the babies if she

feels threatened or stressed at all. Now you can continue to feed her and give

her fresh water of course try to have the water bottle and food dish on the

opposite side of the cage so you can change these out as quiet

and peacefully as possible so once the pups are 14 to 18 days old their eyes

should be opening by now and once their eyes have opened that means it is safe

for you to touch them and it also means you can clean the cage at this time. At 2

weeks old the baby hamsters are already starting to eat some pieces of food that

the mum brings back they also may be going out of the nest and walking around

exploring the cage learning how to drink from the water bottle things like that

generally at 3 weeks of age this is when the pups are going to be weaned from the

mother meaning they no longer will need their

mother's milk also at 3 weeks of age they will start to be play fighting with

each other which is completely normal so even though the pups may not need to

their mother's milk anymore this doesn't mean they should be

separated from their mom quite just yet pups shouldn't be separated from their

mother until 28 days of age unless absolutely necessary

once they are 28 days you are going to want to separate them into same sex

cages so females in one and males in the other because at 4 weeks old hamsters

can start reproducing with each other and that is something you don't want

now Syrian hamsters can stay with their same-sex siblings from five weeks to

eight weeks you are going to want to watch closely to make sure the

difference between play fighting and actual fighting once you see that they

are actually fighting you are going to slowly want to separate them all and by

eight weeks of age they all should be in their own separate cages because Syrians

are a solitary species of hamster. pups also should not be rehomed younger than

six weeks of age during four to five weeks of age they are learning quite a

bit from their mother their siblings and other things like that so that is why

you don't want to rehome them to a home any younger than six weeks so yeah guys

I really hope this video can help anybody who has come across a accidental

litter thank you for watching bye

For more infomation >> ACCIDENTAL HAMSTER LITTER CARE - Duration: 4:40.


Sight Reading Challenge - Piano Lesson 214 - Hoffman Academy - Duration: 14:47.

Hello and welcome back. I'm Joseph Hoffman

and today it's time for another sight reading challenge. We're going to be

using Sight Reading Trainer Book 2 for today's lesson. So pause the video if you

need a moment to get your Sight Reading Trainer Book out and ready.

Remember that Sight Reading Trainer Book 2 is available from our website along

with all of the Hoffman Method materials. Okay, let's check out today's

first challenge. So in your own Sight Reading Trainer Book, why don't you find

exercise number 84, and tell me what you notice about this exercise.

What clef are we in?

We're in the bass clef. We know from the top of the page that we're in

the F major pentascale and so we'll see that B-flat to remind us about the

B-flat in F major. What's our time signature?

We're in 3/4 so we'll be counting 3 quarter note beats per measure. So let's do step

one together, which is to tap the rhythm while we count the beat out loud, and as

we tap let's follow the dynamics. Notice will start piano, then crescendo to mezzo

forte, and then decrescendo. Here we go. I'll count 3 beats to get ready, and

then we'll start here on beat 1 with eighth notes. 1 2 3, remembering

to do it piano. Here's 3 preparation beats and then we'll start. 1 2 3

1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3

Good, now for step two I'd like you to do this on your own. Pause the video, and then say how the

notes are moving. You can say start, up a second, up a second, down a third, down a second,

and then do the rest on your own. Pause the video to identify all of the

intervals up and down, and then press play to go on.

You should have said start, up a second, up a second, down a third, down a second, up a third, up a

third, down a second, down a second, down a second, up a third, down a second,

repeat, down a second, down a second. Alright, step three.

Can you point and say all the letter names? When you get to a B you can say B-

flat if you like, because it will be flat when we play it. Pause the video to say

all the letter names, then press play to go on.

You should have said G A B-flat G F A C B-flat A G B-flat A A G F. Now let's try

to play it on the piano. Okay, we know we're in the F major pentascale, but

should we place it in this one, this one, or this one?

How would we tell? Well we look at the first note and we see if we scan the

whole line we see that we're kind of near middle C, in fact at some point we

are going to play a middle C, so that's a strong clue that we've got to place our

left hand in this F major pentascale with the highest note being middle C.

So go ahead and get your left hand in position.

Now, why don't you see if you

can figure out this exercise on your own. Remind me what the first note is. Tell me the letter name.

If you said G you're correct, and our finger 4 is on G, so

that will be the first note that we play. So, press pause and on your own see if

you can figure out how to play this exercise, and then press play we'll try it together.

Now, here's what it should have sounded like when you play it on your own.

1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3

Did you remember to play with those dynamics? I hope you did. If not that's

okay. Press pause and try it one more time on your own using dynamics if you

need to, otherwise let's talk about how you can sight-read your very best by

looking ahead. We might have talked about this before, but I want to remind you

that when you're sight-reading don't look at the note you're playing.

You always want to look at least a couple of notes ahead. For example, when

you're here in measure one, as you're playing these notes skipping down,

actually let's back up even further. Before you even start to play, your eyes

should have kind of scanned through the whole measure, so you know that that down

skip is coming. Once you're on the skip it's too late to be ready for it. You

want to have already noticed it before you get there. It's kind of like driving

a car. Imagine if you're driving a car down a street.

Would a driver ever be looking at the place they are on the street? No, if

they do that they're going to crash into something. A driver is always looking

down the street at the obstacles coming ahead. So the same is true when you sight

read. You want to be looking ahead at the notes that are coming, not at the

note that you're playing. So, just like driving a car, when you're playing these

notes in measure one, you should have already seen that in the next measure

you've got these three notes skipping up. If you're looking ahead just like a

driver looks down the road so you're ready for the turn, when you're looking

ahead in your music you'll be ready for what's coming. So I'd like you to press

pause one more time, and try this practice of looking a few notes ahead.

Always be looking at the next measure, not the measure you're playing so that

when you get to it you're ready for it and you're always looking down the road.

Press pause to try that on your own, then press play to go on.

Next let's look at exercise 85. This time we're in the Grandstaff with a treble

clef and a bass clef, so our right hand will be playing all the notes up here,

our left hand will be in charge of the bass clef notes down here. So for step

one we're going to tap the rhythm, which means we'll need both hands. So get your

right hand and your left hand ready while we count 4 beats per measure.

I'll count 4 beats to get us ready, and then we'll start. Count and tap with

me. Notice that the left hand is just doing whole notes, so you're basically

just be tapping on beat 1 of every measure with your left hand, but the

right hand has this different rhythm. So let's see if you can keep track of both

hands at the same time, while we try this rhythm. Count 4 beats with me to get

ready, then we start. Here we go, 1 2 3 4,

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Great, now pause the video, and I'd like you to try that one more time on your own. Tap the

rhythm of both hands while you count the beat out loud. Try that on your own, then

press play to go on.

Now, let's identify the steps skips and repeats for the right-hand part. Can you

say it along with me? Let's say start, say it with me, repeat, repeat, down a third,

repeat, repeat, up a second, repeat, repeat, down a second, repeat.

Now for the left-hand part, since we just have these harmonic intervals, let's just

name the interval. What interval do you see here?

If you said a fifth you're

correct. Remember, a fifth is a double skip, line,

skip a line, to a line. That's a fifth. And what interval do you see here?

If you said a third you're correct. Just from a line to the nearest line makes a third.

And here we just have a C all by itself, and then what interval do we end with?

If you said a fifth you're correct. Now let's come back to the treble clef for

step three. Can you point and say the letter names for each note? What's the

letter name for this first note?

If you said A you're correct. Let's say it

together A A A, then what?

F F F, then what?

G G G, then what?

If you said F you're correct, F F

Now, let's come to the piano to play it. Okay, let's find where to put our hands.

We'll need both hands for this. Where should we put our left hand? Can you show

me on your piano?

You should have placed your hand from

middle C down to this bass F based on what you see in the music, and our right

hand will be in this next F major pentascale right up here.

Now the first note the right hand plays we said was A, which will be finger 3 in the left

hand plays this chord. Now once again I'd like you to try this

on your own. Press pause and let's go straight to the step where you count the

beat out loud while you play. So I'd like you to go 1 2 3 4. Now, you're

on your own for figuring out the rest. Press pause to try counting the beat out

loud while you play this exercise. For warm-up you might try right hand alone

once, and then left hand alone once, and then try to hands together while you

count the beat out loud, and then press play and we'll try it together.

Once again, let me remind you that when you're sight-reading

always look at the next measure, be looking down the street, don't be looking

at the measure you're playing. So before you even start, you should have looked

all the way through measure one, so that while you're playing measure one you're

actually looking at measure two, and then while you're playing measure two, you're

actually looking at measure three, and then your fingers can be ready for those changes.

So again while you're playing measure one, you're noticing, ah, in that

next measure I've got to play this third while my right hand is playing F, okay,

let's try this together. Let's count the beat out loud and practice looking to

the next measure. We'll go at a largo tempo. Here's 4 beats to get ready,

then we'll start. 1 2 3 4, 1 2 look ahead, 3 look ahead, 1 2

look ahead, 3 4 1 2, look ahead 3

4 1 2 3 4. By looking ahead you can be ready for

that next chord much better. So once again press pause and on your own

practice looking ahead while you count the beat

out loud so you don't have to pause. If you're pausing a lot, it may be a sign

that you're either doing it too fast, or you're not looking ahead. So slow it down

and look ahead and see if you can play through this sight-reading exercise

without pausing as you count the beat out loud. Try that on your own, and then

press play to go on.

Great work on today's sight reading challenge.

Remember, to become a pro sight reader, I'd like you to do two sight reading

exercises every day using these same steps. As you tap the rhythm or play the

notes, if you make a mistake go ahead and try it again. As you play, try and use

your eyes to look ahead so you are ready for each note before it's time to play it.

Remember, drivers look down the street not at the street. Happy practicing and

see you next time.

Mr. Hoffman says you should always look ahead when sight reading and when driving.

Huh? Aaa, Scuba, look out! Huh? Behind you! Sorry can't look behind me. I'm only looking ahead.

Aaa! Uh, Scuba, I know it sounds crazy but now we have hot lava approaching, and

Shark is somehow swimming in it! Come on, that's ridiculous! I know you're just

trying to make me look behind. Not going to fall for it! Always look ahead!

Well, can you at least go a little faster? No problem.

For more infomation >> Sight Reading Challenge - Piano Lesson 214 - Hoffman Academy - Duration: 14:47.


'Listen Out Loud Podcast #7: Lincoln Loud' 🌳 | The Loud House | Nick - Duration: 10:12.

♪ Listen, listen ♪

♪ Listen out loud ♪

♪ Find out all you need to know About life in the Loud House♪

Hey there, listeners. Lincoln Loud here.

I hope you're excited as I am to kick off this next batch of Loud House podcasts.


A-thank you. A-thank you.

And today, we're lucky to have a very special co-host.

Please give a warm welcome to the one, the only, Clyde McBride!

Woo! Yeah!

Thanks for having me, Lincoln.

Long time listener, first time co-host, and boy am I pumped to be here!

Listeners, we've got something awesome to tell you about.

Let's go to my backyard and check it out.

[door opening]

Clyde, watch out! Sprinkler!


Thanks, buddy. That was a close one!

Whoops, got a bit of water on the mic...

So today's podcast is all about our amazing new tree house.

[trumpet playing]

Huh, Luna must be practicing her trumpet again.

She really nailed that high C.

- Shall we climb? - After you, buddy!


Clyde and I spent weeks building this bad boy.

It may look a little wobbly,

and the floors are a little crooked,

- but... - Clyde!

- They can't see it. - Oh, right, right.

I mean, it's incredibly sturdy.

An architectural masterpiece!

A timeless work of art.

Well don't oversell it.

Ah, here we are!

Hmm, love that pine scent.

Yup! And you can see the whole neighborhood from up here.

Oh look! There's Mr. Grouse!

Hey, Mr. Grouse! Little car trouble?


Butt out, Loud!

Our bad. Our bad. Back to the tour.

When we designed the tree house,

our goal was to make it as relaxing as possible,

which means we had to have...

Bean bag chairs!

They really cradle your lower back!

Which is great for long hours of video game play.

And if we scoot the bean bags to the side,

we can show you something even cooler.

A hidden compartment in the floor.

It's got a lock on it that can only be opened if both of us are here.

That's right! We each only have half of the combination.

My part's done!

Mine too!

[door opening]

Pretty cool hiding spot, right?

It's the perfect place to hide super rare comics

that aren't safe at our houses.

But we don't have any of those yet.

So for now it's filled with snacks!

Oh, trail mix!

Dibs on the raisins!

Buddy, you're doing me a favor.

I'm more of a peanut man myself.


Ah, this is the life!

Agreed, my good man.

Now what do you say we tell them about the best part of the tree house?

The pièce de résistance.

- The hammock! - The hammock!

Clyde, where's our hammock?

I have no idea! It was right here this morning.

Oh, no. Oh, no. Someone must have stolen it!

But what kind of monster would do that?

There's only one way to find out.

We investigate.

Ace Savvy and One-Eye Jack style!

Good thing I always wear my One-Eye Jack costume under my clothes.

[taking off clothes]


[taking off clothes]

So, where should we begin?

By questioning the most likely suspects: my sisters.

Well, wait. Why are they the most likely suspects?

Trust me, they are. This is your lucky day, listeners!

You're gonna get a front row seat at a real live criminal investigation.

Let's go deal out some justice!

- Lynn! - Sup, Stinkin'?

We have some questions we'd like to ask you.

What have you been up to all morning?

- Uh, none of your beeswax. - Uh-huh.

Very suspicious.

OK, whatever. I'll play ball.

Uh, well first I ran a 10k, then I did like 100 pushups.

then I ate a meatball sub, then I did 100 more pushups.

Now I'm here talking to you dorks, carbo-loading with a pile of spaghetti.


- Satisfied? - Hardly.

Please excuse us for a moment.

Ace, her story sounds pretty plausible.

She's lying, Jack.

It's written all over her marinara-covered face.

This is the same rat that swiped the batteries from my alarm clock

for her ding-dang electric toothbrush.

OK that is pretty evil, but we have nothing that links her to the hammock.

Maybe we should move on to another sister.


OK, Lynn. That'll be all for now.

- Just don't leave town. - But I've got an away game!

Look, One-Eye Jack. There's another suspect out in the driveway.

Let's go question her.

Lana... and Hops!

Good day to you Sir.

- Sup, guys? - Enough with the pleasantries!

We're gonna need you to tell us where you've been all morning.

I mean, I guess I've been right here in the driveway

working on an engine.

A likely story

I don't know, Ace. She is working on an engine.

Nice alibi. Can anyone corroborate it?

Corroborate? It's called a carburetor, you ding dong!

No, no, I mean, is there anyone who can confirm your whereabouts?

Oh yeah, Hops can!

He's been here with me the whole time!

Is that right, Hops?

No one is paying you to say that.

Ace, her alibi's water tight!

Don't fall for it, Jack!

This is the same little sneak

who once stole my leftover mac and cheese bites.

Well, you can't blame her.

That's one of your dad's most legendary dishes.

Fine, let's move on.

Please stand by, listeners.

[music playing]

OK, now we're outside Lola's room.

Considering her record, we probably should have come here first.


What are you two doing? This tea party is invite only!

This is a formal investigation!

Tell us, Lola, what have you been up to all morning?

I dunno, I was just here having a tea party!

- Then why are you sweating? - What are you trying to hide?

Nothing, you can't prove anything!

Just admit it, Lola, you're obviously guilty!

Fine, I did it, I'm sorry!

I've been hiding all of my vegetables under the couch for a month!

I didn't know they would attract so many maggots!


Um, OK.

A. That's gross

and B. That's not what we're investigating!

Oh, then forget you ever heard that.

More tea, Eunice?

So, you didn't steal our hammock?

Eww, no!

Why would I steal a weird net bed?

You know I only sleep on the finest Egyptian cotton!

Well, Ace, I guess she checks out.

Checks out?

She already confessed to one crime!

She's probably on a spree!

I don't think we're getting anywhere with these interrogations.

- Maybe we should change our tactics? - What are you thinking, Jack?

Hmm, I got it!

Remember comic issue 415?

The one where Ace captures Snake Eyes?

Of course, a mysterious stranger broke into the fortress of Solitaire!

In order for Ace to figure out who it was,

he had to lure the burglar back to the scene of the crime!


We just need to find something to lure the thief back to the tree house!

Something irresistible!

Well, based on the fact that the thief stole a hammock,

we know it's someone who likes to relax.

And I've got the perfect bait!

Listeners, please stand by, we've got a trap to set.

[music playing]

OK, we're back in the tree house with Leni's Luxurious Bubbling Foot Spa.

It also comes equipped with soothing music

for extreme relaxation.

[music playing]

OK, Jack, to the bushes!

When the thief comes out to swipe the foot spa,

we'll jump out and nab him!

And now we wait.

Wow, even from down here that's really soothing!


Yeah, extremely relaxing.


[footsteps walking]

Ah, what was that?

Jack, there's someone in the tree house, let's move!


Dang it, my butt's asleep!

[music playing]


Stop right there!

- Hey! - Mr. Grouse?

I'm glad you're here,

did you see which one of my sisters took our hammock?

Your sisters?

I'm the one who took your hammock!

I'm not proud of it but here we are.

Why would you do that?

Well, I saw you kids set it up this morning

and boy, did it look like a slice of heaven!

So, I snuck up here to take a little cat nap

but when I woke up, I was all tangled in the dang thing!

I had to gnaw my way through the ropes to escape!

Good thing I sprang for the resin dentures.

Yep, my nana has those too, she can eat corn on the cob again!

Tell your nana we gotta hang!

Anyway, I went to the store to get a replacement hammock

and I was just coming up here to set it up

when I tripped over your blasted foot bubbler!

You boys need to learn to put your toys away!

Is that really the takeaway here?

Ah, you're right!

I had no business sneaking up here in the first place!

I hope you boys can forgive me.

What do you say, Jack?

I think we're thinking the same thing, Ace!

- It's no big deal! - It's no big deal!

That's our catchphrase!

Don't care, that's mine but I'm glad you forgive me.

See you around!

Hey, Mr. Grouse, tell you what,

if you ever wanna come back and use the hammock again,

you're welcome to.

Oh, I appreciate that--


On second thought,

maybe I'll wait until you put in an elevator.

Well, listeners, I guess I was wrong about my sisters.

Next time, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt.

Now, how about we celebrate solving the case

with some juice boxes from our secret stash?

Sounds perfect, dibs on the fruit punch!

I'm glad to hear it, Lincoln, you're doing me a favor, buddy!

I'm more of an apple man myself.

There's my half of the combination.

There's mine.



Lana! Hops!

How d'you get into our secret compartment?

Maybe you bird brains should have come up

with a better combination than your birthdays!

Aww, you know my birthday?

- Is that really the takeaway, Clyde? - Fair point.

Well, listeners,

looks like we've come to the end of another Listen Out Loud podcast.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> 'Listen Out Loud Podcast #7: Lincoln Loud' 🌳 | The Loud House | Nick - Duration: 10:12.


The Most Powerful Rebel Alliance Trooper Types and Variants [Legends] - Star Wars Explained - Duration: 4:23.

Due to being outnumbered and outgunned against the Empire, the Rebel Alliance had to heavily

depend on the individual talents and skill sets of its troopers, which it harnessed by

focusing on training and direct battle experience rather than reliance on equipment and traditional

war tactics.

Because of this, the Rebels ended up having some of the most battle hardened and experienced

soldiers during the war.

But which among them were the most dangerous and powerful troopers the Alliance had at

its disposal?

When it came to massive ground invasions, one of the most effective units the Alliance

deployed were the Rebel Assault Troopers.

These were highly trained commandos who were know to literally charge head on toward the

enemy, pushing through their defenses no matter the cost.

They were among the most dedicated soldiers to the cause and were willing to die without


Due to being the vanguard of an invasion, the Assault Troopers were equipped with far

more advanced and protective armor than the regular rebel, as a means to increase their

survivability during frontal attacks.

Next are the SpecForce Marines.

They were a division within the Alliance Special Forces and were primarily used for combat

onboard ships, with their tasks typically requiring them to take over or to destroy

enemy ships from the inside.

Due to the very nature of their missions, the SpecForce Marines were almost always heavily

outnumbered against the countless Imperials they faced within Star Destroyers and the


Only the bravest and most talented were chosen for the Marines, with many of its members

having past military experience and formal training from either the Republic days or

even the Imperial army of those who defected.

They excelled in close quarters fighting, hand-to-hand combat, and zero-gravity engagements.

Their equipment varied depending on the job, but they usually went in with light armor

for more agility.

On some missions however, they were given heavily armored spacesuits, which were likely

the most expensive and advanced armor the Rebel Alliance had.

The heavy armor allowed them to operate in the vacuum of space and it provided great

protection against most blasters and hand weapons.

Next are the Infiltrators.

These guys were among the most feared rebels by high ranking Imperial governors and moffs.

Although the Infiltrators were not as proficient in direct combat as the last two on this list,

they were capable of bringing down entire Imperial local governments and settlements

by planting seeds of rebellion within the affected civilian populations.

It wasn't uncommon for a few infiltrators to enter a system and for them to be leading

a small uprising against the local Imperial governor a few months later.

Other missions they were sent to accomplish included causing absolute chaos on Imperial

worlds, as a way to distract the Empire to focus on within prior to an attack by the

main Rebel Forces.

Infiltrators were also known to sabotage Imperial installations and ships.

Other things they did included kidnapping, and in more rarer cases, assassination jobs.

Next are the Heavy Weapon Specialists.

Also apart of the Rebel Special Forces, these guys likely delt the greatest amount of firepower

on this entire list as they speaziliced in heavy weaponry.

Rapid fire blasters, heavy chain guns, rocket launchers, anything that caused a great amount

of damage these guys used during missions.

They were among the most violent units in the Rebel army and were out for Imperial blood,

but also the most sacrificing as they were known for purposefully drawing attention to

themselves as to allow friendly nearby squads to escape dire situations.

Only the biggest and physically strongest in the Rebel Alliance were capable of joining

the Heavy Weapons Specialist division, and it was a home to some of the larger alien

species within the Rebellion like the Wookiees.

And finally for this video we have the Rebel Honor Guards.

These guys served as close bodyguards for the most prominent leaders of the alliance.

They were usually found serving their role during large ceremonies, but were also known

to serve their duty during active battles.

Members of this unit came from numerous planetary royal guard branches, like Alderaan, with

a few even being former members of the Senate Guard during the Republic.

As such, they were regarded as highly trained and experts in their field of guardianship.

For more infomation >> The Most Powerful Rebel Alliance Trooper Types and Variants [Legends] - Star Wars Explained - Duration: 4:23.


Painting Invasion stripes - scale modeling quick tips - Duration: 7:05.

How is it going guys?

In the next few minutes I will show you my approach on painting invasion stripes.

First we are going to outline the area using masking tape.

This is the most important part of the process.

I use the panel lines as a reference in order to position the borders correctly.

To cover larger surfaces I use paper.

For areas were we have tight curves and obstacles it is better to use several sections of tape.

You have to be careful to properly align the sections where they overlap.

If you have wheelwells or other crevices that you don't want to paint you can fill them

with sponge or you can check out my wheelwell masking tutorial.

To start the painting process first we will apply the white color.

After the paint is dry we are going to carefully measure the width of the stripes area.

Then we are going to divide this width on the number of stripes within.

The result is going to give us the width of each strip.

When we know that number we can cut stripes of masking tape with the same width.

Next we are going to mask the outer white stripes with the tape we just cut.

We have to lay the tape down next to the outer border.

Using smaller pieces of the same tape we used for the stripes we are going to create the

exact distance we need between the stripes.

To mask the middle or consecutive stripe, depending on the number of stripes you have,

we will place the masking tape right next to the buffer tape we just applied.

You can check your math by placing the buffer tape in the last unmasked stripe and if it

fits perfectly than you have done a good job.

To mask the underside we will use the upper tape stripes as a guide.

Next we will apply the black color.

Finally we have to carefully remove the masking to reveal the job in its full glory.

So that's all for this video.

I hope you find it useful.

If you want to watch more of my videos click on the thumbnails.

And if you haven't subscribed yet I strongly recommend to do so.

Untill next time Happy modelling.

For more infomation >> Painting Invasion stripes - scale modeling quick tips - Duration: 7:05.


10 Suit Mistakes That Make You Look Stupid | How To Buy A Suit | RMRS - Duration: 8:14.

10 Suit Mistakes Make You Look Stupid [0:00:00]

Today's video, gents, I'm talking about ten suit buying mistakes that make you look

stupid and how you can avoid them.

[Music] Tip number one.

Trust your gut.

If you try on a suit and you look yourself in the mirror and you don't like it, you

can't maybe put your finger on exactly why, do not buy that suit.

Buy the suit that's going to make you feel like a million bucks.

When you put this thing on it's like a suit of armor.

This suit is there to support you to make you look great.

It should build up your shoulders, it should trim up your waistline, it should make you

look taller.

You should feel like a million bucks.

And if you don't, do not buy the suit.

Trust your gut.

My point, as a man you are responsible for yourself and how you look and the message

you sent to the world.

So make sure that you buy something that looks great on you, not something that maybe just

looks okay or some guys trying to push on you.

Mistake number two.

Not knowing what a suit truly is.

A suit is a jacket and trousers made from the same fabric that match each other.

Now, a lot of guys think, oh, I can save money go to a thrift store buy a navy jacket maybe

with black trousers and they're close, right?

Guys, that is an odd trouser odd jacket combination, it can work in certain circumstances unless

it calls for a suit.

That is not a suit.

And side note for my Canadian friends.

Yes, if you're wearing a jean jacket with jeans that are made from the same material,

that technically is a suit, the Canadian tuxedo.

Suit mistake number three.

Not removing your tack stitching.

Strategically, this is the stitching on a new jacket that prevents damage in transport.

So, you're going to see them on the lapels, you're going to see it on the pockets especially

the breast pocket, you're going to see it on the back vents.

But, when you get the jacket you start to wear it especially the first time, you want

to remove the tack stitching.

But there are areas where you don't want to remove it specifically it's going to

be the pockets right here.

If you're going to use those pockets, that's fine, then go ahead and remove it, but if

you're never going to use these pockets, then I think this is for most men and it's

actually going to maintain kind of a nicer sleeker look, then don't remove the tack


Now, let's talk about the breast pocket.

I think you should remove it because you want to put in a pocket square and the vents you

definitely want to remove it because this is visible oftentimes from the outside and

you want the vents to be able to function.

Mistake four.

Not removing tags especially that sleeve tag.

Now, you may have bought this from the designer from a higher end fashion brand and you really

like the fact that it says the name there, but remove it.

It does not belong there.

I see guys walking around especially with a new suit with the tag left there.

No, you want to remove it.

That's not like a brand label that needs to be seen.

It's something that should be taken right off.

Mistake number five is buying a suit for the wrong occasion.

So you've got an interview coming up with a manufacturing company, understand that you

don't need to wear most likely a suit unless you're applying for a managerial job, you're

going to be at an executive level.

But, the point is is not everyone is going to need to buy a suit right out of college

or right going into an interview.

Now, I do think every man needs to own a suit because you've got important events where

you need to look like a million bucks to be able to show respect or to be able to show

that you basically fit the part that you will fit into that culture.

But, I think a dark suit that fits you well is great for any man.

In summary, I think every man should own a suit, but I don't want you to rush out there

and go buy one for an occasion in which you don't need it.

Mistake number six and I bet a lot of you guys are surprised I didn't start off with

this one, but fit.

Fit is king.

When you buy a suit it has to fit you.

It has to fit you in the shoulder points, it has to fit you in the chest area which

you can get adjusted a little bit.

You can get it adjusted in the stomach area.

So, you want to make sure when you buy the suit it fits you as close to perfect as possible.

Need help with suit fit, guys?

I've got a video I'm going to link to down in the description with also a complete


So, if you want to look at pictures you want to watch a video, I've got you covered.

Now, these next two points I'm going to bring them together.

Don't buy fashion suits and make sure you buy for function.

So, let's talk about fashion suits and I say don't buy if you know what you're

doing, you want to change it up, you want to bring in something that's going to grab

attention, go for a fashion suit.

Why not?

Spend your money there.

But understand, within a year within two years definitely within three years that suit can

really – if you're wearing it, you're going to be out of fashion.

So now, I'm moving over and talking about function.

The mistake I see here is that most guys don't think through what function do they want their

suit to serve.

But, I think for most guys what they're looking for is something that is going to

send the signal of trust, something that's going to be in style for a decade.

You look at Cary Grant, pull him out of a picture from 1950 and this guy still looks


Again, nothing against the fashion suits or if you want to bring in colors you want to

bring in fun patterns you want to bring in different styles aspects.

But understand the function of that suit is it something you're in the banking industry.

Well, in that case, probably classic conservative in most cities or if you're going to be

in a creative industry, then have fun there.

Next up, let's talk about fabric and build quality.

So, when you go out there and you look at suits you're going to see the different

types of fabrics.

Understand, there isn't a standard here, so it's kind of like megapixels on cameras,

don't think that just because you're going to get more megapixels on a camera you're

going to be able to take better pictures.

[0:05:00] The same thing with suits, just because it's

a super 220, that doesn't mean that it's better than super 180 or even a super 120.

Touch the fabric, actually look at it, ask the person selling it what's the build quality.

And build quality is going to be everything inside the suit.

Does it have a floating canvas?

Those little details like that, what's inside the suit you can't see.

You've got to trust on the manufacturer the brand where it's coming from.

One of the best deals I find especially for men starting off is to go to a box store,

wait until they've got a great sale.

Find a suit that maybe normally sells for $600, $700.

Try it on, look at yourself in the mirror, and then wait until it goes on sale at maybe

half that price, that way you can jump on it, know it's a great deal.

Another tip is to go into the best menswear store in your area and try on that $1000 suit.

Feel what a nice fabric really feels like.

Look at that fit, look at yourself in the mirror, look at the build quality, and look

at the way it fits your body and be like, wow, I look great.

Another thing, when you've tried on those great-looking suits those great-feeling suits,

when you're at another store and you're like, wow, that is on sale 50% off, it looks

just like the suit I tried on.

You put it on you're like this is a great deal.

So, by trying on a high quality, you can then better spot high quality.

Next up, practice wearing the suit.

So, when you buy this nice suit, don't just hang it up and only wear it for that special


You want to make sure to wear it in and around your house.

Why would you wear it around your house?

Because you want to get used to the feel, you want to get used to the look or you just

simply want to get used to this feeling of having something on your shoulders wearing

a suit like this because if you don't, then you're wearing a costume.

And that's the key is when you – you're practicing wearing this, you start to realize,

wow, this has a good effect on me.

I like the way I feel in that suit.

And when you put on something you like, you put on something that you love, you feel great

and you perform better.

Now, this other mistake has nothing to do with the suit, it has everything to do with

what you pair with it - the shirt, the shoes, your grooming the way you take care of yourself.

Understand that the suit is just a link in a chain and the chain is only as strong as

its weakest link.

Actually bought all the other pieces that you need to have the full outfit so you'll

look like a million bucks.

Pay attention to your grooming, take care of your teeth, take care of your hair.

All of these things play into that overall look that image that you want to present because

when you put on the suit, you want to look and feel like a million bucks.

You've got an important event that you're going to that you want to perform at that

you want to show respect for, so make sure that you've got the whole package.

All right, guys, so if you want more how a suit should fit, how to shine your shoes,

how to tie a tie, guys, I've got you covered.

I've got over a thousand videos here at Real Men Real Style and in the description

of this video, I'm going to link the five of my favorites that work with this.

Go into deeper detail on some of the things I talked about here.

And, guys, did you like this video?

Did you find it interesting?

If so, please share it, pass it around to a man that's going out there to buy a suit.

Guys, let me know what you think of this down in the comments.

I want to hear from you guys.

This video very informational, but you know I want to support you here at Real Men Real


So, if videos are not enough, I've got you covered over at my website with infographics,

my podcast.

I've got a free app, tons of detailed articles.

Guys, whatever you need to become the man you know yourself to be.

That's it, gentlemen.

Take care.

I will see you in the next video.

[0:08:13] End of Audio

For more infomation >> 10 Suit Mistakes That Make You Look Stupid | How To Buy A Suit | RMRS - Duration: 8:14.


The Untold Truth Of Dove Cameron - Duration: 3:41.

Born Chloe Celeste Hosterman, Dove Cameron received her big break playing dual roles

on Disney Channel's Liv and Maddie.

When the show ended in 2017, there was no doubt that Cameron had a bright future in

the entertainment industry ahead of her.

She's since kept ties to the channel that kickstarted her career by starring in the

Descendants films, though she's also proven to be a multi-faceted entertainer, landing

a recording contract with Columbia Records.

A prolific social media poster, it appears no topic is off limits for the Emmy-winning


But there's still so much about her that even diehard fans don't know.

This is the untold truth of Dove Cameron.


Cameron was born in Seattle to a pair of jewelry importers, and she told Entertainment Weekly

that the family business meant a lot of time traveling around the globe.

Cameron said her formative years were spent in, quote, "huge warehouses and marble cutteries

in India."

The family also traveled to Paris frequently, which was perfect for them, since they're,

in her words, "crazy French"!

Spending so much time in the City of Love meant Cameron was also able to pick up on

the language.

The Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

star told her Twitter followers,

"I'm French, I speak French, & I grew up going there a lot."

Snacking innovator

In an interview with Delish, Cameron revealed what she calls her "one embarrassing food

quirk," which she also described as an "unmatched life hack."

Cameron says when she was a little girl she once accidentally dropped a brownie in some

ranch dressing, and, well, the rest is history.

She told the magazine,

"I would take brownies and make them into little balls and dip them in ranch.

[...] That sounds like the worst, most disgusting thing in the world, but it's unbelievable."

Gum concealer

Cameron has apparently mastered the art of having a piece of undetected gum in her mouth

at all times — even when she's acting!

She told Delish,

"Little secret: Every time you've seen me on camera for anything — this is really

unprofessional — but I always have gum in my mouth."

It sounds unbelievable, but Cameron insisted that her gum habit has never been a problem

on set.

Teenage 'monster'

Although she radiates positive energy today, there was a point in Cameron's life when she

was a typical teen going through typical teenage angst.

After her dad passed away, Cameron spent the majority of her time with her mom, author

and podcaster Bonnie Wallace, and the actress admitted that, when things got tough, she

used her mother as her "outlet."

The Disney star told Yahoo!,

"I was definitely a monster to her a lot during my teen years.

I think it's normal to go through hell together, and I was definitely hard on her."

Acting class drop-out

Cameron won an Emmy for her work on Liv & Maddie: Cali Style, a feat made more impressive considering

she's only ever attended one acting class.

Speaking with the Irish Mirror, Cameron admitted,

"I took one acting class then I realized it wasn't for me, as it's not for everyone, and

actually my belief on acting is the best actors and the most convincing style of acting come

from people who are very observant of other people."

She went on to say that, although she's never really been taught by a pro, she has her own

method, and whatever it is, it's working ...

"You two are eating the dip?

This is Wisconsin!

You can't welcome people home without dip!

You two are officially banned from the Welcome Home Zone!"

Fashion fallback?

At this point, Dove Cameron appears to be a permanent fixture in the entertainment industry.

However, if she gets ousted from the acting world for one reason or another, she already

has a Plan B in place.

She told the Irish Mirror,

"I told myself that if I didn't make it anywhere by the time I was 18, that I would go to fashion

school because I've been sewing mostly my own clothes since I was 7, and I've always

had a huge interest in fashion."

Given that she celebrated her 18th birthday in 2014, it looks like Cameron the Actress

is here to stay … and fashion school will just have to wait.

But now that she's an international celebrity, she could always maintain her acting career

and launch a side gig in the fashion industry, just like fellow Disney alum Zendaya.

Is there anything these ladies can't do?

For more infomation >> The Untold Truth Of Dove Cameron - Duration: 3:41.


The Untold Truth Of Aquaman - Duration: 7:15.

Who is Aquaman?

If you've seen Justice League, you know him as the ludicrously muscular Jason Momoa.

If you grew up watching Superfriends, you remember him as the blond guy in an orange

shirt who didn't usually have much to do.

If you've encountered internet humor in the past 20 years, you've probably heard that

he talks to fish.

That's not all, though.

He's been a king, a husband, a father, an amputee, and an exile in his decades-long


So, he's a pretty busy fish-guy.

Here is the untold truth of Aquaman.

"I'll try to make this as quick and painless as possible"

Alternate origins

Everybody knows that Aquaman's from Atlantis, but in his first appearance in 1941's More

Fun Comics #73, that wasn't the case at all.

His father was a world-famous undersea explorer and researcher.

Aquaman's mother died when he was a baby, and his father took him to live under the


Using the ancient science of that forgotten civilization, he raised Aquaman to live comfortably

under the sea, giving him the ability to breathe water and the name "Aquaman."

It was only later stories that made Aquaman an Atlantean prince.

In the 1940s he was simply too busy fighting Nazi U-boat captains to have that complex

a backstory.

Alternate alternate origins

Adventure Comics #260 established that Aquaman was the son of a lighthouse keeper named Tom

Curry and a mysterious woman who came from the sea.

On her deathbed, she revealed herself as an exile from Atlantis, and that their son Arthur

had inherited her aquatic powers.

Later stories would establish the mysterious woman as the Princess of Atlantis, making

Arthur Curry the heir to its throne.

In 1989's Aquaman Special #1, this origin was revised yet again so that Aquaman was

born in Atlantis, left to die in the open ocean as an infant, and later adopted by the

lighthouse keeper.

Arthur being raised by a lighthouse keeper has remained one of the more consistent details

of Aquaman's origin stories going back to the beginning, even when later retcons would

add in a biological father who was an undersea wizard and other familial weirdness.

Aquaman and his octo-pal

Most people remember Aquaman's sidekick as Aqualad, a dark-haired teen in red and blue.


With his teenage ally Aqualad, guards and defends all that lives in the sea against

the forces of evil."

Aqualad first appeared in 1960, but Aquaman met his first lasting ally years earlier,

in 1956.

In Adventure Comics #229, Aquaman is inspired by a Canadian Mountie's relationship with

his horse, so he holds a contest to see which sea creature should become his sidekick.

The winner ends up being an octopus named Topo.

Since Aquaman's solo adventures pretty much all take place at sea, an octopus has more

to contribute than you might expect.

Even after Aqualad came on the scene in Adventure Comics #269, that clever octopus has stuck

around as a member of the supporting cast.

Aquaman uncovered

You've almost certainly seen the cover to The Brave and the Bold #28, the first appearance

of the Justice League of America.

Now here's what you might not know: that first Justice League cover where they're fighting

Starro is the first time Aquaman ever appeared on a comic book cover.

Sure, Aquaman had been around for nineteen years, but he'd never had his own comic.

Superboy had been the cover feature on Adventure Comics for as long as he and Aquaman had been

featured in the book.

Before that, Aquaman was overshadowed by Green Arrow in the pages of More Fun Comics.

Being a minor hero whose adventures were mostly at sea, Aquaman had never joined the Justice

Society of America, DC's first superteam.

By the time that team was revamped with a new name, however, Aquaman had survived for

so long that his veteran status made him a shoe-in for the new team.

Making him an active part of the DC Universe increased his popularity to the degree that

he finally got his own solo comic starting in 1962.


Having his own title in the 1960's gave Aquaman more room to build a complete supporting cast,

including an ongoing love interest, something he'd never had before.

Mera was introduced in Aquaman #11 as a beautiful queen from another dimension with the ability

to control water.

In issue 18, Aquaman finally takes the throne of Atlantis, but learns that he must immediately

choose a queen, so he and Mera get married in that same issue.

Superhero weddings were largely unheard-of when this happened in 1964.

The most famous superhero wedding of the 1960s was Mr. Fantastic and the Invisible Girl tying

the knot in Fantastic Four, but that didn't happen until 1965, a year after the big Aqua-wedding.

Aquaman established the tropes that would turn up again in Fantastic Four and other

wedding stories, like costumed guest stars as guests and of course supervillain attacks.

Baby on board

Once Aquaman and Queen Mera were married, it was only a matter of time before they produced

an heir.

Arthur Curry Jr., usually called Aquababy, was born in Aquaman #23.

In the 1960s Aquaman was breaking new ground just by settling down and starting a family.

Of course he was also one of the only superheroes who ruled his own kingdom.

Aquaman had always stood apart from other heroes due to the aquatic nature of his adventures,

so it made sense for his stories to evolve along their own path instead of following

the usual superhero tropes.

But by the 1970s, Aquaman's idyllic undersea life would be coming to an end.

In Adventure Comics #452, Aquaman has a showdown with his greatest villain, Black Manta, who

has kidnapped Aquababy and put him in a slow-moving death trap.

That baby's a goner unless Aquaman and Aqualad fight to the death.

"Black Manta!

That's not very neighborly!"

It's fairly standard supervillain fare and it seems like Aquaman will get everyone out

alive like usual.

Unfortunately, it doesn't go that way this time.

Aquaman disrupts Black Manta's plans, but it's too late.

Arthur Curry Jr. is already gone when they get him out of the suffocating bubble.

Ever since Aquaman's son died, his adventures have taken on a darker tone, and his character

has had a more brooding attitude.

Give him a hand

Aquaman would be reimagined again in the 1990s.

He had already grown long hair and a beard, and was soon one hand lighter after a villain

shoved him into a pool of carnivorous fish that were conveniently immune to Aquaman's


He replaced his hand with the hooked end of a harpoon and soon abandoned his famous orange

shirt, spending the next few years in a gray armored half shirt and gray and green pants.

By 2003, the aesthetic of '90s Arthur Curry already felt tied to that decade, and it was

time to move on.

A new creative team finally gave the hero a shave and haircut, as well as a new left


This hand was made of water, created by the magic of the Lady of the Lake a magical being

better known for helping out a different King Arthur.

Back to basics

One of Aquaman's better known incarnations was as a regular guest star on Batman: The

Brave and the Bold.

Voiced by John DiMaggio, this version of Arthur Curry is bombastic, loud, and brash.

He's supremely confident in his abilities as a hero and adventurer, and not shy about

sharing his confidence.

Unlike other versions of Aquaman, who were often moody and bitter, Brave and the Bold's

Aquaman is endlessly upbeat and fun.

Interestingly, the Aquaman of the 2017 Justice League film, played by Jason Momoa, has a

bit of Brave and the Bold Aquaman to him.

He's a more serious character, but he also has the brash confidence and daredevil attitude

that made his animated counterpart such a success.

Mixing the masculine charisma of Jason Momoa with the classic outsider perspective Aquaman

has always had turned out to be a smash success, and the character was a standout in Justice


We'll have to see if the upcoming solo Aquaman movie will manage to continue the character's

watery winning streak.

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