Thứ Bảy, 21 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 22 2018

This is a stage.

And on this stage, different actors...

...keep coming and going.

It's either a drama happening...

...or some other program.

But the point here, is not about the actors.

Right now, it is about...

The most important thing...

...right now is that you are alive.

And whatever possibilities a human can get...

...are available to you as well.

This is your time.

These are your days.

At this time, on this stage... are the actor.

What scene will you show us?

What will you sing? Or what will you speak?

What form will you dance?

That is up to you.

On one side...

...we come into this world...

We are born.

Slowly, we grow up.

And then in our life...

...starts so many problems and complications.

And when problems start cropping up in life...

...we start finding ways to resolve them. We start thinking... to find a solution to those problems.

And not just this...

...many other questions arise in our mind.

Why is this happening with me?

Did someone do something with my life?

Did someone plan something for me?

Is there any... I mean...

I need to discover the meaning. I need to understand the meaning...

...of why do the problems... my life exist.

That is everyone's confusion.

As to how do I get out of my problems.

That's everyone's dilemma.

Whatever is happening in my life...

...why is it all going wrong?

What is right? What is wrong?

How far are the things that happen in your life, right?

And how far is it wrong?

I ask you this question.

How far are things in your life wrong?

And how far are they correct?

What do you have to say?

It's 10% wrong.

90% is good.

50% is wrong.

It doesn't happen for the good.

50% things happen for the good.

Or is it that in your life... think most of the things that happen are bad?

Good things hardly come to you.

Then listen to me.

You are inhaling and exhaling.

What do you consider it as?

Is that right...

...or wrong?

If you consider it as good...

...then whatever is happening in your life... mostly good. Because, you're breathing... and night.

You keep breathing when things go right.

You keep breathing even when things go wrong.

You breath during the night, during the day, the evening.

During the noon. You breathe all day.

You keep inhaling and exhaling throughout.

What is it, if not good?

What is it, if not God's blessing to you?

And until and unless... do not learn to accept this blessing of God... won't be able to understand what life is all about.

We already know we take birth.

And we also know, we have to leave one day.

When we talk about death...

...the whole world doesn't want to leave.

People do all that is possible to increase their life span.

So, to increase one's life span...

...somebody works out, few others go on a diet.

People try different methods and ways.

But the fact is, you have to die some day.

You cannot avert that.

But whenever you depart...

...before that, you are alive.

And the two walls...

...through which you came into this world and were born...

...and the wall...

...that you have to pass through in the end.

We don't know where do we have to go.

Just as we say, a person is born...

...and then he dies.

In between, you need to live.

The question is... you even know to live?

And what kind of a life?

What kind of a life?

A life...

...that in reality, is worth...

...calling a life.

A life... which you experience...

...peace of mind.

People are busy trying to beautify and show off the outer things.

They say, I am...

I am alive and so, I will dedicate my life to devotion.

I will go there, on a pilgrim and do this, do that.

I will visit temples, do so many things.

This will happen, that will happen!

That is alright.

But what actually is living?

There should be peace in your life.

What is happening?

Your body is clean, while your mind is dirty.

A crane fakes its color and beauty.

Better than that is a crow.

It's mind and body, both are black.

So then what's happening?

Everyone shows off something about himself.

I am doing this, I am doing that. He closes his eyes...

...he sports vermillion on his forehead, does many other things.

Poet saint Kabirdas says...

...that from within... are impure and dark.

There is no peace.

You are filled with hatred.

There is jealousy, there's anger.

But you are polishing your outer body...

...and improving your skin color.

You're polishing it.

Mind is dirty, but the body is clean. A crane fakes its beauty.

Better than that is a crow.

Both, its body and mind are dark and dirty.

If this is the condition...

This is the condition.

Then you haven't learned to live as yet.

If this is your condition...

...that you are holding grudges in your mind.

You have jealousy and anger.

This is what happens.

People say, why is he like that.

Why am I not like him?

He has every comfort, but I have nothing at all.

Why is it so?

Many times, people say this to me.

That in life...

Some people are born rich.

Some are born poor. Why is that so?

They don't think...

...poverty is also man made.

And so is riches.

They don't think...

...that there is one thing...

...common in both, the poor and the rich. What is it?

That is the breathing pattern.

As long as we...

...don't perceive...

...human life in its own true sense...

...we will never understand...

...what life is really about.

The things on the basis of which we compare human beings...

...we judge ourselves... won't find peace in it.

I'm not asking you how peaceful you are.

We don't see how happy you are.

We see how rich you are.

What all do you possess?

And if by comparing these things...

...a person tries to judge or analyze himself...

...he will never be able to do so.

Even till today, they have these questions... to why is this so and why is he like that.

And so on.

But to know and discover yourself... will have to see all the perspectives.

When you came into this earth...

...what did you gain?

You have got a human body.

And what does it mean to have a human body?

What are the possibilities that you have?

What have you achieved because you are breathing?

What have you made it possible, because you are alive?

Till you don't understand these facts... to what exactly is happening in real...

...and not what is being shown to you or what is visible to you...

People in this world...

...make huge paintings.

They draw big pictures.

And that is what is displayed in front of you.

That it is like this or like that.

But the truth is something else.

The truth is...

...that as far as your life is concerned...

...neither is anyone inferior nor is he superior here.

As far as life is concerned...

...there is no manipulation in it.

As far as life is concerned... is not that... belong to this caste or religion. No!

His religion may be anything, but every man is breathing.

So, your perspective...

...has changed so much... has changed so drastically that in reality...'re not able to understand, see or perceive the real truth.

Whatever man is doing...

...what problem is he trying to resolve? What is the real problem?

The real problem is that... has closed his eyes.

He isn't seeing the truth.

He isn't recognizing the truth. He isn't understanding it.

And then he has all these questions in his mind... to why is it like this, what will happen with me.

What is that? What is going to happen ahead?

Man just goes on and on.

There is no happiness or peace.

There is no peace of mind.

And we're talking about attaining peace. No!

We don't even have the time to find peace.

What? What is peace?

Where is it?

We're talking to people but they...

...are in look out for peace. How will you find it?

How will you find peace?

Peace lies within you.

It's only about your perspective.

On one hand, you have a tree of oranges.

On the other, you have a banana plantain.

People who are seeing this side...

...what will they see? They will see the banana plantain.

And those who see that side, what will they see?

An orange tree.

And a person who is seeing both...

...will be able to say...

...that it is not only a banana plantain that's here.

There is also an orange tree.

And not just an orange tree, but there's a banana plantain too.

I am among those people...

...who have seen both.

I have also faced miseries in my life.

I have also gone through many sorrows.

But there is something beyond sorrows.

And whatever is beyond that is really very beautiful.

That is within me.

No matter where I go...

...what happens with me... will always remain within me.

Wherever I go...

...I take my peace and happiness along with me.

However, do I understand...

...this truth or not.

Do you understand this or not?

Until you don't understand... don't accept this fact...

...what will happen?

You are living such a life...

...where you are afraid of everything.


You fear.

That is why, I say you haven't learned to live as yet.

One who lives in fear hasn't learned to live.

Because, there is a fear of everything in fear.

To the extent that...

...people also fear God.

You should in fact love God.

You shouldn't fear Him, but you do!

Did I make a mistake? Have I kept the flower in a wrong place?

Things will go wrong. God...

...will get...

...very upset with me.

That's fear! What are you fearing?

What time should I leave home?

You're afraid something will go wrong if you leave at the wrong time.

To the extent...

...that people...

...fear life!

You fear something might go wrong. You're afraid of everything.

But if you want to learn to live... should be happy with your life.

There should be peace.

No one can live with fear.

No one can love fear.

That's because, it's your nature.

In your life... can encourage fear...

...and also the strength within you... know things, to gain knowledge... can encourage that as well.

When your heart that's like a lamp... lit...

When that lamp is lit in your life...

...there won't be darkness in your life.

Then you will understand or you will try to know...

Not to accept, but you will try to know... will try to find out...

People say...

...they believe in God.

There are people who say they believe in God.

The most important thing...

...I'm asking you... you...

...know God?

Believing? For how long?

For how long can you believe?

You are hungry and if somebody tells you... believe that you have eaten.

Is that possible?

No! Unless you don't eat...

...your hunger won't be satiated.

We should know our life.

Only when you know...

...your life will you be rid of your fears.

When you know, your fears will vanish.

Only if you believe...

That can't rid you of fear.

What is the difference?

If somebody is scratching on your door...

...and you're sitting inside the room. Your door... being scratched.

Sitting inside, you believe...

You don't know yet, you're only believing... could be a ghost.

Or maybe, it's an animal or a beast.

Unless you don't... What will happen?

Your perception is giving rise to fear.

In your mind, you're thinking different things, it could be this.

It could be that. It could be anything.

Some people...

...literally sweat because their mind... running in different directions.

It's telling you, something very dangerous is outside the door.

But knowing...

When you will know... is neither a cat, a dog...

...a lion, a ghost...

It could just be a plant.

It's breezy outside and so, the plant... making noise while hitting at your door.

Your fear will automatically end.

When you will know what it is...

...your fear will automatically perish.

Every thing...

It's fine.

I have to depart some day.

But before that, I have to live my life.

I shouldn't think about going.

I should think about my life because as long as I have it...

...I need to utilize it to its fullest.

People say... When one grows old, one says...

...what more is left in my life? I have grown too old.

So, you have an excuse for everything.

When you're young, you think you are still too young...

...and you have an entire life to live.

When you grow up, you have to go to work... this, do that. After that...'ll think you're back from a pilgrimage tour.

Now, everything is sorted.

You have an excuse for everything.

At every stage of your life.

But the one who knows...

What saints and scholars have put forward is...

...that know yourself.

Recognize yourself as to who you are.

That is when you will understand...

...and it is only then...

What I told you in the beginning... is this.

It is my wish for you that in the year 2018...

...your life be filled with peace.

May the year bring you a lot of happiness.

It is possible only when...

Telling each other...

There are people who just stand up and say...

...this should happen, that should've happened...

...somebody will say, I...

...bless you...

...that you achieve this or that.

When God has already...

...blessed you with this life...

...when the creator...

...has already blessed you...

...and He has showered you with such a huge blessing...

...whose blessing do you want more?

When you are already...

...having everything...

It's not that you don't have it, you do have it.

There is nothing missing in your life.

But you do not know...

...that you have everything.

It is not that you will always remain happy.


Most of the time, be happy.

And be grateful within your heart...

...that the power...

...that runs the entire universe...

...makes it successful...

...that power is showering you...

...with immense blessings.

And if something like that happens... happy will you be.

That you have come... to this earth... are born.

And you have spent all your life... gathering...

...that blessing of His.

In your life...

...the peace that resides in you...

...dig into it. Dig into that treasure within yourself.

And that is how you have decorated your stage.

This is possible. Yes, it is.

The thing you are on the look out for...

...that is within you.

Peace is not away from you...

...and you are not away from peace.

For more infomation >> ये आपका समय है | Ye Aapka Samay Hai | Prem Rawat | Margdarshan - Duration: 23:18.


PRESENT Overpowers PAST Karmas: Ep 55 Soul Reflections: BK Shivani (English Subtitles) - Duration: 29:06.

Greetings and welcome to Awakening With Brahma Kumaris.

Welcome, Sister.

Om Shanti.

Om Shanti and welcome to Soul Reflections.

Thank you.

We had an important discussion last time

About children

The way we label and make them that - dumb fellow, useless fellow.

Weak, careless, selfish.

He doesn't know anything, how will he survive?

He is a failure, coward.

What an impact it will have on kids, and make them that way.

I was thinking, on the one side

It becomes a reality, but

But if the child has brought with him or her, such a Karmic account

What if it is written in his destiny that he will become selfish, dumb or a failure?

So did it happen because of the mistake of the parents?

Or they mentioned because that is what is destined for the child?

We should never complicate Karmic accounts or Sanskars to this extent.

They are very simple.

By thinking this way, we are giving up on our responsibility.

That it is in the child's Karmic account that he should become like this.

And that is why parents spoke that way.

Everything cannot be blamed on the past karma or the Karmic account.

If we always and for everything blame Karmic account

Or blame the past karma

Where is the power of the present karma then?

Yes, present karma is very powerful.

The power of present karma

Regardless of what Karmic account that soul has brought with him

Whatever is the past karma he has brought with him

What is the power of his present Karma?

Always needs to be on the present. What is the power we have at present?

And what we do today in the present will influence our future tomorrow.

If we let the past go on as it is

The present same as past and future same as present - this will just go on.

So where is the power to change?

Unless you change it is going to continue even in future lifetimes.

Just as you read out and mentioned last time

Often when a child is born and his horoscope is prepared

Based on that horoscope we get to know a few realities.

We will call them realities.

It is written in the child's horoscope.

The child has brought that destiny with him.

It is reality for everybody.

Whatever is written in that horoscope is the reality.

The child has brought that destiny with him.

When we believe and speak such strong lines

We let go of our power.

The child has brought that destiny with him as mentioned in the horoscope. That is true.

But what is written in that horoscope is based on?


A particular child's past.

What about the new Karmas which the child will create now?

And our influence over his new Karmas?

If we just hold onto a document of the past

And not use the power of the present

Keep reading, referring and believing the past

And re-affirming the past

Then the past becomes the present.

And the present becomes the future.

This is definite.

Because that horoscope is a piece of paper based on the past.


On 31st March a closing balance sheet gets prepared, for businesses.

On 1st April that becomes the opening balance.

On 1st April when that business house looks at that opening balance

It is actually a balance sheet of the past.

And today they will be working on it.

I was reading in the book titled Ashtavakra Geeta.

There was a line which I was happy to read, because it reaffirmed

It said that the past Karmic account

It is like a very old and weak man.

And you are today's Karma is like youth.

It is a perfect line.

Past karma is old.

Very weak.

Present karma is strong.

But what happens is

We look at the past

Believe it, and think and say the same thing even in the present

The power to change the past

We can change only when

We can see something in the past, but we think and speak of a different thing in the present.

We need to overpower it.

Create a different karma.

You mentioned past is weak

Present is powerful

But if you create the same present as past

Then this becomes powerful.

So the opening balance sheet as on 1st April.

Is that horoscope which

Is right and is science.

It is the balance sheet as on 1st April.

Supposing in the balance sheet there is a loss

If I say there is a loss in the balance sheet itself.

What can I do, I am a loser.

Not just that. We say - this company is destined for loss.

As soon as we say this line

That the balance sheet as on 1st April is the destiny of this company.

It means this is what it is always going to be.

Is that true?

When I was speaking negative, someone told me

There is a saying that God's ears are always open

Think before you speak anything.

Which means think before you think and speak.

Your vibration creates reality.

God does not make that our reality.

That saying says that but we need to understand our power in it.

Otherwise whom will be start blaming?


If we believe that the balance sheet on 1st April is the Destiny of the company

What will be the way in which we run the company?

How will the workers perform?

They will say we anyway have to work under loss.

Automatically the energy changes across the company.

But if we have the awareness

That this balance sheet is only as on 1st April

It is only reflecting the way we did business last year.

It is not reflecting our next year's business.

This is very important.

1st April balance sheet does not decide our next year's business.

It only shows our previous year's business.

I was a champion in swimming competitions at school.

In freestyle swimming, there was a boy who always used to come first.

But I did not say - today also I will lose to him.

And that day I finished first and he finished immediately after me.

I won by a difference of half a second.

That still is easier to see.

This is a past experience.

It happened then and at present I have to create a new thought.

Some people cannot do it because they believe what happened in the past

And do the same even in the present.

But doing it is easier.

I lost last time.

That's okay, I will win now.

Last time I did not pass, this time I will.

Last time I came second, this time I will come first.

Creating this thought is easier.

But when something is written in the horoscope

We believe such things also

In our family when two kids were born, somebody said

That one kid will blame the other when he grows up

How can we predict their whole life?

They are saying the right thing based on today as per horoscope.

The document present today

Which is based on yesterday

Today whatever the product will turn out to be completely perfect if and only if

We don't bring in any changes in ourselves.

If we change, then the document will not be right for us.

If we don't bring about a change then it will be perfectly right.

It is again like the balance sheet on 1st April.

It is on the basis of 31st March.

31st March balance sheet is on the basis of?

The way the business was run, the previous year.

If we run our business exactly the same with this year also

Then it will continue like this 1st April's balance sheet itself.

And possibly it will decline even further.

Situations may change and there could be more competition this time.

But there we don't allow it to happen. We won all the employees to perform, else they lose jobs.

You better bring better business.

Because there were know

There we have the knowledge and power

That 1st April is just the beginning

From today if we change the way this business is run

We work hard and we will also have the faith that we can turn things around.

But here we people don't have the knowledge that our destiny is in our hands.

It happens because when we are given that horoscope

Often the person who is giving it to us

And explaining it to us

What do they tell us?

That this is exactly how it will turn out.

That tomorrow it will happen this way.

This is about to happen for sure.

They will not tell us - this is the destiny you have brought with you

And whatever you want to change today is in your hands.

They are predicting our future.

Actually the horoscope is telling us about our past.

Is it not telling us about our past?

But at the time of listening to it

We make it the basis to predict the future

That is what we have been doing.

When we are predicting the future people listening are believing it.

We had some people who could read horoscopes in the family

Even if somebody came home they would just see the horoscope

I would forget what they said but my family would remember everything.

Sometimes it's my wife or children would ask if I am feeling well

I would ask them what happened.

So now I understand why they would do it.

I used to feel why are they suddenly so concerned, when nothing has happened.

Misconception about it

It is not a misconception. It is a belief based on information.

Misconception means I am just anxious that something should not go wrong.

That is misconception.

But other thing is belief based on information.

I once read a book on numerology.

It said that I should avoid 4 and 8, they will trouble me.

So I started checking whether my travelling dates are coming to 8.

There are 4 people sitting in my car.

Car number was adding up to 8.

Even at shooting the room number allotted was 71, so the digits add up to 8.

I was constantly thinking about 4 and 8.

I bought a new lock and it was written as 31, so there also the number 4.

Basically everywhere there used to be 4 and 8.

It felt crazy after reading all that information.

That information created so much anxiety, worry and fear

So the anxiety, worry and fear that is created

That brings more problems.

I have seen film producers leaving their jobs

They will have one of these predictors present 24 hours

I mean some of the producers make so many decisions after consulting with them, right from the time to shoot, colours to use, actors to cast. And despite all that, the movie doesn't do well.

That is the proof.

About what you were supposed to focus

And what have we started focusing on.

We focus so hard on those things, that the power which we had

We stopped using it.

We need to understand every science.

Preparing a birth chart or horoscope is a science.

Science which is reflecting to us

The soul's Sanskars and Karmas of the past birth.

This we need to understand.

It is a science which tells the past karmas of the soul

And a document of the Sanskars which that soul has carried.

It is scientific and right.

But we need to always remember

It is a document of the past.

It is not a document of the future, but is of the past.

The choice of creating the present and future is with us.

I asked a Pandit Ji once

About the accuracy of birth charts

How they can foretell about what is going to happen.

Since it is based on the past births.

How will the present Karma not influence it?

Today if we are 40 or 60 years old, we have performed so many karmas in this lifetime.

So if I do a wrong karma, that document should change.

If I do a good karma, even then the document has to change.

How can it turn on to be right?

His reply was beautiful. He said it is prepared based on Sanskars.

The Sanskars which the soul has come with, the birth chart is prepared based on them.

Planetary effect is on what?

Planetary effect on the Sanskars of the soul.

Because the soul has Sanskars, and as there will be planetary movement

Depending on the time going on

Suppose you are 20 years of age today

This is your Sanskar and this is the planetary movement.

This planet will have an influence on this Sanskar of yours.

Hence these things are going to happen in your life. Which means they will prove to be right.

So they will anyway prove to be right.

So he said a very beautiful thing.

He said a majority of the people are not working on their Sanskars.

So he is so sure that because The Sanskars don't change, even the birth chart or horoscope will not change.

This is a deep realisation.

He said they will obviously get proved as right.

They all prepared based on the basis of Sanskar.

And the planetary effect on the Sanskar - that is the calculation.

Suppose a soul has a Sanskar of insecurity.

That soul has carried that Sanskar from past birth.

Now a person is looking at the birth chart of that soul.

Who is now 30 or 35 years of age and wants to start a business.

Nobody tells us that we have the Sanskar of insecurity.

We are only told that at this time, the planetary movement

Based on that, there will be these influences

Because of which we may face a problem in business at this time.

What is the reason for that problem?

The problem is because of the effect of the planetary position on that Sanskar of ours.

We cannot change the planet.

But we can certainly change our Sanskar.

But that dimension is not being explained to us. We don't have that information.

What is the information we are given?

This is the planet and this is going to be the result.

What can you do in this?

So like you said, we do Pooja

Or charity.

Performing Pooja is beautiful.

What should be the intention while doing Pooja?

And the faith that by doing this Pooja, I will get rid of this problem.

I have this Sanskar.

I can see this problem in my destiny right now.

Based on the effect of the planet on this Sanskar.

And then I perform this Pooja.

Doing this Pooja I create a firm faith or affirmation

By performing this Pooja my work will get done successfully.

And everything will be fine.

Affirmation worked

It will work but I did not change my Sanskar

I just created an affirmation based on that work which had to be done.

Which is also very important.

But that Sanskar still remains the way it was.

Which means after a while there can be some other planet's influence

And then another planet and another influence.

We are not being informed about this dimension.

That you change this Sanskar and everything will be fine.

Because changing Sanskar is something which every individual should do by himself

And most important is the belief that our Sanskars cannot be changed.

We are ready to do everything else.

The closest word to Sanskar in English is a habit?

More than habit, it is nature.

Usually we call a few external things as habits.

Nature, my personality.

My Sanskars.

For example if someone asks me - you don't take good care of your health?

And we agree that we have not paid enough attention always.

They say it is written here in the horoscope.

In the health aspect of your horoscope, it is visible that you are not taking care.

You will not take care of your health. It will not come to you.

This is a strong affirmation that we are given.

That - You will not feel like doing it.

Your personality doesn't allow you to do it.

When I wanted to come on the path of spirituality

They look at my horoscope and said that I cannot even give up non-vegetarian food

You cannot be strict about diet. You always want a lavish lifestyle.

As per your horoscope you will get a lot of wealth

But you can never, ever be a spiritual person.

It made me feel so low because I wanted to go on the path of spirituality.

I aspired for a vegetarian and satvik lifestyle

But I was told that I can never be Satvik.

It is like giving me a curse that I cannot become.

No, he is telling you the reality.

Because based on the Sanskar which you have carried as per the horoscope

It is written that you have come with that Sanskar.

Only and if only when you change your Sanskar, you can start moving towards satvik lifestyle.

I did not change anything yet it happened.

But you worked on yourself.

If you didn't take Gyan everyday if you did not meditate everyday

If you do not follow purity or increase soul power

Then those habits will not change.

People would say I am a strict non-vegetarian.

We need to understand this.

We need to understand what they are saying.

They are telling us everything based on our existing Sanskar.

Let us sit back, reflect and see

Which is that Sanskar and change it.

The person who told me - this will not come to you to change your health

Whenever the person met me, the question was - is your health fine?

I would say - yes, it is fine.

And then they say in this particular year there could be something

And then you will not take care of yourself.

That understanding

Made me realise that now I have to take care of it.

I need to be behind it, that I have to take care of my health.

So even if I have a Sanskar of not taking care of my health

Then I can also create a Sanskar of taking care of my health.

Let us do it then.

A numerologist told me that I will leave my wife because my number is 8 and she is 4.

Her number is 22 and you are 17

I can give a guarantee based on what is written in numerology that you can never live together.

I told him I will prove you wrong, you meet me after 20 years.

And I decided it will never ever happen.

What was that information and what is the reality today?

So present and future got changed?

We need to always remember this.

We were talking about labels last time.

That if we put a label based on present information

Then that Sanskar will continue

And because we don't change our Sanskar

Then what is written in the birth chart or horoscope

It starts proving to be right.

And because it starts proving to be right, our faith in it

It increases all the more.

We say - whatever they said, has come true. Whatever they say is right.

Because we are not changing our Sanskars.

The person who told me this is all about Sanskar

I asked what if somebody changes his Sanskar.

If someone works on himself

He said a very beautiful line

If a soul connects to the Supreme Soul

Works on himself

And changes his Sanskars

This document will not be valid for that person.

This was his line.

Very honest and nice of him.

It is an understanding of the science.

It was so sweet of him to tell the truth.

He is empowering you and not making you dependent on him.

Many people make us dependent on them

It is science and we need to understand science the right way.

Let us understand it correctly and use it.

When we understand that we have come with these Sanskars

The vibrations we create now, our Sanskars change

Destiny will change.

So no matter what we have brought from our past Karmic account.

It could literally mean anything that we have brought.

Present is very powerful.

Past is finished.

Present and future and yet to be created.

So where is the power?

What is to be done has all the power. What is past is finished and has no power.

It is powerless.

When we get our children's birth chart horoscope prepared, or when we look at it later

Do it with understanding.

Do not say - this is written, so it will happen. He has predicted, so that is sure to take place.

Whatever has been told is on the basis of the past.

All of us will together change the child's destiny

We have the power.

We can do it and we will.

Just by listening to it I feel so empowered. Thank you so much, Sister.

And I believe now that we can change the luck of luck also.

Thank you so much. Om Shanti.

Om Shanti.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> PRESENT Overpowers PAST Karmas: Ep 55 Soul Reflections: BK Shivani (English Subtitles) - Duration: 29:06.


【Nightcore】Sao Mình Chưa Nắm Tay Nhau Remix → NgokTNMusic's ♪ - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> 【Nightcore】Sao Mình Chưa Nắm Tay Nhau Remix → NgokTNMusic's ♪ - Duration: 3:42.


[short.log] #7 - делаем YouTube плеер из Raspberry Pi - Duration: 5:08.

For more infomation >> [short.log] #7 - делаем YouTube плеер из Raspberry Pi - Duration: 5:08.


SUPERGIRL Season 4 Comic-Con Trailer (HD) - Duration: 2:12.

- [Agent Liberty] The universe is vast.

They come from outer space.

They take our jobs, our culture.

They steal from us.

They hurt us.

Look what they've done to our city.

Our country.

Our world.

A wave of destruction this planet has never seen.

We don't need their heroes.

When humans root out the invaders, we can be safe again.

We need to stand up and be heard.

Because divided we fall.

- [Supergirl] It's starting.

- [Agent Liberty] I am an agent of liberty.

- [Supergirl] This is my home.

And my mission is to protect it.

For more infomation >> SUPERGIRL Season 4 Comic-Con Trailer (HD) - Duration: 2:12.


I survived a TORNADO last night! STORYYYTIMEEEE - Duration: 10:03.

hey welcome back in today's video oh man oh oh my god oh my god

sit down it's story time okay last night I newly lost my life it was absolutely

terrifying a tornado him went over so I was I was

at my my chicks place and everything is going okay everything was great I made a

really cool video this one right here mm-hmm yeah I'll put the link to it in

the description it's very funny you want to watch it like at least a dozen dozen

hundred times and you will feel fulfilled inside it will give you powers

everybody put on your official rip squad tee rub the eye for Illuminati

protection powers listen this was incredibly terrifying so we was going to

bed and there was a story started writing it but the Lightning was crazy I

don't know if you guys ever seen anything like this was a lot and was

like yeah it was like constant heat normal lightens like but this lightning

was like like strobing and it was really weird but I was like I'm the man some

like me it's okay go to bed sweetheart it's it's over it's okay the man's not

worried no a sudden house starts shaking like me

still no caught that's right Greg no cause for alarm but then I hear some

whistling it's like and then I was like I raise up in bed

I'm like oh so I had already taken my boots off they were downstairs and I was

like thinking I got to get my boots on like rot and now I got a look outside

the rain is so bad now that there's hail and it's like beating the side of the

window I think the window is gonna break I'll sit about that time we hear a large

and like everything's going crazy like my heart's racing a hundred percent

which is horrible you know you you have a general anxiety and you're just like

your heart's already like you think you're gonna die your heart's like

bubbling and then like it feels it's all crazy and then a sudden a tornado comes

and then minutes real fight or flight and I was really scared so I ran I ran

downstairs I'm putting on my boots and stuff but as soon as I get downstairs

that loud boom that you heard it was what happened is that the storm doors

had blown force they were forced opened that's how strong the wind was they were

forced open and it had put a hole in the wall from the doorknob and the whistling

was so loud at this point it was like a freight train was right in my ear so I

run through the storm doors and I like shut them but I can barely shut them

right I do the best that I can and at this point there's hail hitting the

windows I'm scared from a lot I'm so scared that I'm like shaking

I'm fight-or-flight i canti hard to even stand because my legs they're like

shaking and they want to go like I want to leave like I'm ready to like you know

I know this sounds counterproductive but I'm ready to get out that house get in

the car I know my outrun a tornado cuz I know

they're like safe this place in in the house is middle room under stairs okay

but the time all I could think of was I don't care

gone in 60 seconds I'm gonna get in my car and my outrun that tornado cuz burn

die I'm gonna die try so she comes downstairs and she's freaking out she's

shaking I'm supposed to consol her but I'm thankful so I do what any logical

person does when they're in that type of situation

that's right I grabbed the box of cheeses they were

watch header and I start to eat them because hey man I like them and they

soothe my anxiety so I'm trippin I'm trippin out she gets on the phone she

calls to check on her her kids and it's like for a sheer thirty minutes I'm

thinking that okay I'm gonna die I'm getting ready to jump into the bathroom

but then she that's when she informs me the proper place is under the stairs in

this closet and I was like okay we'll be that so I'm just trying to get the

content contingency plan for we're all in the same page so I look at it and I'm

like hey so we're not getting in the car and leaving so she looks at me like I'm

stupid or crazy and she's like no we're gonna go in here cuz you can't outrun a

tornado and I'm like I know that but I still wanted to do it I don't know raise

your hand if you want to outrun a tornado I don't know so yeah we checked

the radar and there's no storm signs there's like not even the Doppler radar

says there's any storms but damn it there's a storm like me there's not only

there's all help the hell of all storms is here so I'm scared freaking out and

then all sudden everything just goes quiet and then it's good and I'm here

but I'm late and I'm supposed to do a live stream today

but I don't nothing when I get to it because I did I stayed up all night and

getting asleep because tornado's was trying to blow me away but this brings

up a good opportunity for me to ask you to tell me your storm stories why don't

you head over to the reps of discord I'll put the link in the description or

the reps on Twitter and tell me your storm stories your general just we got

that feeling your your fight or flight syndrome kicked in you've got that

feeling and you just wanted to act and you were just freaking out I want to

know all of your stories about that and I want to know how many people have the

official rip squad membership T let me know in the comments you didn't link to

get the official membership T is in the description as well and I'm gonna go

ahead and call it on this video I just wanted to tell you guys why there's not

like a regular video today and just tell you that I have survived the tornado

went over the apartments and I will by golly

by golly bum I am Alive I am kicking another thing I want to talk about is I

need to move there's nothing wrong with the place I'm out it's just like I don't

know you just feel like you inside you want to do something you got to do

something I just want to move I mean I don't have enough room

I need more production space so I can do better cooler videos but I just got this

feeling like I want to move I don't know where to move do I go back to the city

like there's there's my there's pluses and minuses for both like maybe you guys

can help me out so this is what I'm dealing with

if for my happiness if I want to be like totally chill and happy I can move back

to my hometown which is like that way like 10 10 15 miles that way and

I can be closer to my family which is just gonna make me feel chiller and more

relaxed but or I could move back to the city and I mean it's like Oh 30 miles

that way I don't know an hour drop hour and a half drop and I would be happy

there as well but it it would be a better career decision because the in

you know if you know anything about Chattanooga Tennessee it has the fastest

and best internet in the entire planet it's not an exaggeration that is the

truth the Internet there I had it before was freaking amazing like right now it

takes me an hour or more to upload a video but there I was uploading videos

that took like five minutes or less it was like instant sometimes boom like

that and it's just really good on the

production time for the videos I get I can get more done more out and not have

to wait because I like I'm in limbo and I'm waiting for so long so you guys can

help me out with that plusses and minuses I going back to hometown I could

probably afford a bigger place out there whereas the living expenses and

Chattanooga is a little bit higher so I would probably be looking at a smaller

place but it's cool obviously because it's in the city or I could get a bigger

place out in the country they both have their advantages and disadvantages

but I'm more interested in what you think that's rot sometimes you leave

your creative in Rangers will go through the hoof hoof and the cause there's

always brothers and sisters I'll see in the next video because I I guess I'm

gonna sing this cuz I know that you're rippin if you're not ripping your Greg

in and how do you do that or just subscribe and notifications turned on

being the commas session at the single theater yo cuz I'm gonna be there decks

gonna be there the rest of the rep squads gonna be there and I expect to

see you there too I always thought I gotta apologize after

I do that but regardless of how awful that was don't forget that this channel

that's right it loves you

For more infomation >> I survived a TORNADO last night! STORYYYTIMEEEE - Duration: 10:03.




Love can be complicated sometimes, and it is important to know the fact that there are

some signs that the love shared between couples may not be sincere.

There are some signs of it, and today we are giving you 10 signs when your partner doesn't

love you unconditionally.

But before we tell you about that, please subscribe, click the bell and watch this video

until the end to know the complete information.

#1 - When they have expectation.

It is always disappointing when you find your partner to be less than expected.

It is natural for human being to feel so.

However, sometimes, unmet expectation leads to serious disappointment which leads into

chaos in a relationship.

It is something that should be avoided, but it will just remain there if your partner

doesn't love you unconditionally.

#2 - You can't trust your partner.

If you cannot trust your partner, it means that there's something wrong with him or


It is just doesn't feel right because you think he or she has no capacity in doing what

you want.

Your partner usually thinks the same thing to you, and both will never be connected in

true love.

#3 - You are easily bothered.

If you are not satisfied with your partner, there's a huge chance that you feel comfortable

with him or her.

However, it won't happen if the person doesn't love you unconditionally.

You get bothered easily because what your partner's action, and it is definitely not

a good sign of love.

#4 - Running away when things get rough.

If your partner doesn't want you, he or she will run away if there's problem in

the relationship instead of fixing it together.

This happens because your partner doesn't want to give some effort to keep you.

#5 - Tolerating bad behaviors.

Bad things are bad.

They are annoying, and they can be problematic in the future.

If you think you are doing wrong, but your partner doesn't care about you, well she

really doesn't care.

She is fine with it because she doesn't love you so much.

#6 - They don't like your problems.

When you feel down, the one who should support you is your partner.

She's the one who's closest to you at the moment anyway.

However, if that doesn't happen, there is something seriously wrong that should be addressed.

#7 - They consume your time.

Instead of enjoying time being together, your partner prefers taking your time away.

The proof is that she doesn't care whether you are working or not, but whenever she needs

you, you need to come.

This forceful act is basically not a sign of love at all.

#8 - They depend on you.

It is cute to have a partner who likes being spoiled.

Your life feels worthier because she asks you for help.

However, when this dependency starts getting worse, you will be an unpaid blue-collar worker


#9 - They want to change you.

Since your partner doesn't like you, she really wants you to be someone new.

She always tries to change you from within.

She also wants you to change the way you look.

She really doesn't consider you as the loved one at all.

#10 - Unconditional love is not fairy tale.

When addressed, if your partner implies that unconditional love does exist, it means that

she never experienced one.

If she doesn't believe in that, it means that she never feels true love, including

in the current relationship.

Well, those are the 10 signs your partner doesn't love you unconditionally.

So, really cool information isn't it?

I hope you enjoy this short video, if you have something on your mind, please

share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> 10 SIGNS YOUR PARTNER DOESN'T LOVE YOU UNCONDITIONALLY - Duration: 4:50.



For more infomation >> 10 SÍMBOLOS DE SUEÑO COMUNES QUE NO DEBEN IGNORARSE! - Duration: 36:58.


Top Funny Duet video 2018||part-3||10Tube masti|| - Duration: 2:33.

top funny duet video

For more infomation >> Top Funny Duet video 2018||part-3||10Tube masti|| - Duration: 2:33.


아쿠아맨 (2018) 공식 예고편 +한글자막 Aquaman (2018) Official Trailer [HD] +Subtitles - Duration: 2:33.

My father was a lighthouse keeper.

My mother was a queen.

But life has a way of bringing people together.

You could unite our worlds one day.

Check it out.

Arthur is talking to the fish.

Let me go!

They made me what I am.

Permission to come aboard?

I've been looking for you.

Your half brother, king Orm...

is about to declare a war upon the surface world.

The only way to stop this war...

is for you to take your rightful place as king.

Trust me, I am no king.

You do your best thinking when you're not thinking at all.

That was the worst pep talk.


You might wanna strap in.

Welcome home.

This is badass!

My brother has come from the surface...

to challenge me for the throne!

I call it an ass-whooping.

I'm no leader.

I came because I have no choice.

I came to save my home and the people that I love.

You think you're unworthy to lead

because you're of two different worlds.

But that is exactly why you are worthy.

That was awesome.

A war is coming to the surface.

And I am bringing the wrath of the seven seas with me.

We're here.

What are you doing?

Wait, Wait, Wait!

She didn't have a parachute!


You gotta love'em.

For more infomation >> 아쿠아맨 (2018) 공식 예고편 +한글자막 Aquaman (2018) Official Trailer [HD] +Subtitles - Duration: 2:33.


wild animals finger family song for kids | nursery rhymes,children,toddlers,collection,NASH TOON Tv - Duration: 13:02.

finger family collection

For more infomation >> wild animals finger family song for kids | nursery rhymes,children,toddlers,collection,NASH TOON Tv - Duration: 13:02.


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Beautiful Muggulu designs with dots

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