Thứ Bảy, 21 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 22 2018

having a bad run having a bad week at the office in this video I'm going to

reveal to you exactly what it takes to bounce back from a loss and get back on

that winning streak and win consistently

what's going on self helper and welcome to self help yourself the number one

self help channel dedicated to making you the best version of yourself and

every week here on this channel we do that by inspiring you through the power

of psychology so if you haven't yet make sure you subscribe and hit that Bell

notification icon so that you never miss another video a very interesting concept

that is we miss out on different opportunities because we end up losing

and sometimes it happens consistently and the question is how do you bounce

back out of that the thing is when it comes to losing it's all about how

quickly you can bounce back and that's the name of the game because if you stay

in a mindset of losing consistently or in reality it's actually happening that

you happen to be losing a lot of matches or missing out on different

opportunities and not really performing consistently it's important to

acknowledge that your mindset is playing a very important role and that's what

needs to change right so start off with this number one your self belief the

thing is if you do not focus on what you have as a strong point it's going to

hold you back and the thing is we always go behind our weaknesses and that tends

to you know hold back any kind of performance or any kind of change we can

make so we need to acknowledge that we will always have weaknesses and to some

extent yes they need to be corrected and we need to continue working on them

that's the first thing and the second thing is that we need to look look at

our strengths we need to focus on what we have as a strong point and focus on

that because at the end of the day if you keep working on just your weakness

it's just going to reveal that you have a lot of strong weaknesses if you

continue working on them for a long period of time what you should be

focusing on is improving your strengths to a point that that's what sets you

apart that's what makes you different from anyone else and that allows you to

standout and outperform anyone else that becomes your trump card that you keep

playing at different junctures whenever you perform in different areas of your

life so that's the first thing so transform your strengths and make

them even stronger and make your weaknesses reasonably strong to a point

where they do not hinder your performance anymore that's the first

thing now coming back to self belief you need to use your strengths and reaffirm

your self belief the thing is we often question ourselves with regard to

whether we actually believe in what we're doing whether we have the capacity

to perform this is one of the issues that we need to overcome and if you are

looking to beat this you need to reaffirm and rediscover that self belief

you do have the ability it's just a matter of finding exactly what it takes

you need to get back on that winning streak and a very interesting thing that

winners tend to be able to do is they are able to bounce back and how quickly

can you bounce back that is a question you need to answer are you going to hold

yourself back with that negative mindset that is stopping you from performing at

an optimal level do you need to readjust and prepare yourself again for the next

event that may be coming up very soon be it a match or be it a presentation or of

some kind you need to be at the top of your game at all points if you are going

to be consistent and perform well this is something that you need to consider

so rediscover that self belief and where the self belief come from confidence you

need to rediscover that confidence once again because if you miss out on this

key component of confidence you're losing the most

important part of the equation and at the end of the day if you need that self

belief to back up everything that you're doing you need to be confident so look

back on all the R's and all the effort that you put in when it came to

practicing leading up to that particular event look back on all the people who

are supporting you and then look at how you are going to leverage or use that

particular confidence in the match how can you transform all of that

negative energy that you're feeling into something positive that is going to

transform how you eventually perform that's how confidence is built

confidence is built in seconds and it's all about making that mental shift that

is going to back up and of course the more you practice the more focused you

are that's how you three deliver that confidence and put it back into the

right place where it has to be if you are going to perform and when you think

about it the reality is that confidence stems from competence so you need to be

extremely competent you need to train hard and do it regularly if you're going

to perform consistently so if you're missing out on any of these get back to

it get back to work go back to the drawing board and then look at what you

need to change if you're going to perform so that was point number one

point number two is of course accurate thinking a lot of people don't do this

very well but the thing is if you are going to perform well you need to do

this you need to think accurately when you lose a match or anything at anything

else where you need to get back on that horse and start riding again what you

need to do is think accurately is the way I am thinking in line with reality

am I thinking logically is there a way I can transform my thinking to better suit

the situation am i considering all of the factors that I need to consider in

order to perform well what don't I know these

are some of the questions that accurate thinkers or winners winners tend to

think this way if you want to win consistently this is one of the key

factors because winners winners tend to lose a lot as well but they bounce back

quickly and that's what separates them from someone who isn't able to perform

as well if you want to do this start thinking about how you can change if you

want to think accurately you need to again look back on all the events where

you didn't perform as well and then try and frame them in a positive way they

all happen for a reason everyone tends to fail and it's all about taking that

and then transforming it into something positive that is going to power you

through any of the challenges that you may be going through right now use that

negative energy as motivation a sense of power and at the same time use the

victories that you've had all of the challenges that you overcame use that as

a motivational factor or use that as a trigger to boost your performance again

that's where competence comes from leveraging or using all of those past

losses and difficulties that you faced all of those challenges and then

transforming them into something positive that can push you through

anything that comes your way that's point number two so think accurately if

you are going to beat anything of this sort and the last point that you need to

remember is focus if you are going to focus accurately it's going to be a big

deal when it comes to actually winning and winning consistently because

remember wherever your focus goes your energy tends to flow think about a time

when you were you know crouching down and you know just not feeling very

energetic the thing is when you do that or you think about a negative event when

you do such something like this it tends to hold you back

where your focus goes your energy flows if you think about negative events or

poor performances in the past and you believe that that is going to repeat

itself consistently over and over again again it goes back to the negative

mindset if you do tend to think this way what's going to happen is you're going

to end up harming your own or impeding your own progress you tend to lose out

on some of the key factors that winners do they refocus and this is exactly what

you need to do start refocusing on the job at hand can you do anything about

the losses that happened previously can you change the past can you do something

differently by learning from the past yes you can and that's what refocusing

is all about come back to reality look at the situation objectively and see

what you can do in them now what can you do in the present at this point of time

to make that mental shift and once again reach that optimal level of thinking

that is required to win so that's the three things that you need to do number

one rediscover your self belief by rediscovering your confidence and

rediscover your confidence by becoming more competent use your past failures

all of those efforts that you put in in order to win and use that to transform

your mind to become more confident and always believe in yourself

if you want to win consistently you need to rely on yourself remind yourself that

that is what is going to push you through if you have the self belief that

is what matters at the end of the day nobody can stop you from not believing

in yourself it's all about you so rediscover that self will you find that

confidence and push all the way through that wall and then point number two

accurate thinking you need to think accurately and adjust your thinking to

the situation think logically think realistically and think objectively and

the last point of course is refocusing you have a job to do

and the reality is you cannot change anything from the past and it's

important to learn from that experience and get back to what you need to do to

change refocus and rediscover exactly what you need to do differently in this

particular situation that is coming up and that is what is again going to be a

learning experience the thing is failures happen and it's

all about using those failures in the most positive way that you can by

invoking change and believing that change is possible you have the power to

transform it's all about discovering that power and finding exactly what it

takes to push through that wall so educate yourself talk to people who can

help you out with these situations talk to experts the way the best way to deal

with this is to talk to someone who's already been through it and that puts

you in a position where you feel more confident once you have a strategy in

mind that makes it so much easier because you're always lost you're always

looking to find reasons and excuses there's no need to do that there is a

way out and it's all up to you to discover it so as I hope you found this

video useful if you did make sure you leave a like and hit that thumbs up

button down there and of course leave your comments down in the section below

I recommend you watch my video or negative self-talk after this one

because it's going to improve your understanding of what I've been talking

about in this video and take your game to the next level if you are interested

in more videos like this one and you enjoyed it make sure you hit that

subscribe button and hit that Bell notification icon to become

the-best-version-of-yourself this is Vikram signing off and I'll see

you in the next session

For more infomation >> How to Bounce Back from Failure (THIS REALLY WORKS!) - Duration: 12:57.


Shinsuke Nakamura Custom Theme and Titantron: "Shadows of A Rising Sun" 2018 + Subtitles - Duration: 4:15.

I always believed that this day would come

I have not left, I remained

This isn't about the politics

I have taken everything you have wanted

You finally understand

that it's absurd that you keep questioning me

It doesn't matter how this ends because there is no one person in this world who can understand.

Do you understand? It's my power.

Do you understand? I AM THE NUMBER ONE

Good luck trying to get by me

You're scared okey, it will be over in just one hit.

I will break and destroy you welcome to your nightmare...

Now I will decide your fate

Escaping from me is meaningless

I will always find you

I will hand you over to your god, without fail

Now I have found you.

Do you understand? It's my power.

Do you understand? I AM THE NUMBER ONE

Do you understand? It's my power.

Do you understand? I AM THE NUMBER ONE

I always believed that this day would come

I have not left, I remained

This isn't about the politics

I have taken everything you have wanted

You finally understand

that it's absurd that you keep questioning me

It doesn't matter how this ends because there is no one person in this world who can understand.

Do you understand? It's my power.

Do you understand? I AM THE NUMBER ONE

Good luck trying to get by me

You're scared okey, it will be over in just one hit.

I will break and destroy you welcome to your nightmare...

Now I will decide your fate

Escaping from me is meaningless

I will always find you

I will hand you over to your god, without fail

Now I have found you

Do you understand? It's my power.

Do you understand? I AM THE NUMBER ONE

For more infomation >> Shinsuke Nakamura Custom Theme and Titantron: "Shadows of A Rising Sun" 2018 + Subtitles - Duration: 4:15.


Two children treated and released after probable CO poisoning - Duration: 0:27.

For more infomation >> Two children treated and released after probable CO poisoning - Duration: 0:27.


고질라 2: 킹 오브 더 몬스터즈 (2019) 공식 예고편 +한글자막 Godzilla King of the Monsters (2019) Official Trailer - Duration: 2:34.

Our world is changing.

The mass extinction we feared...

Has already begun...

and we are the cause.

We are the infection.

But like all living organisms,

the earth unleashed a fever to fight this infection.

Its original...

and rightful rulers... the Titans.

For thousands of years...

these creatures have remained in hiding around the world.

And unless all the Titans are found...

our planet will perish and so will we.

They are the only guarantee that life will carry on.

You are on your goddamn minds!

I am sorry, but this is the only way.

You're a monster.

I'm sorry.

Long live the king.

For more infomation >> 고질라 2: 킹 오브 더 몬스터즈 (2019) 공식 예고편 +한글자막 Godzilla King of the Monsters (2019) Official Trailer - Duration: 2:34.


மனுநீதிச் சோழன் உண்மை கதையா ? | Thenpulathar | Manuneethi Cholan's story is true ? | #6 - Duration: 4:38.

For more infomation >> மனுநீதிச் சோழன் உண்மை கதையா ? | Thenpulathar | Manuneethi Cholan's story is true ? | #6 - Duration: 4:38.


Omaha Police host CSI day - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> Omaha Police host CSI day - Duration: 1:38.


Forward or Stop? Here are 5 Reasons to Believe in Our Intuition - Duration: 3:52.

***Forward or Stop?

Here are 5 Reasons to Believe in Our Intuition***

Intuition only knows everything, even without evidence.

But, have we really entrusted it?

Decisions, both large and small, are the most important elements in everyone's life.

Every decision taken will determine a person's way of life to move forward or stop, up or

down, silence or speech, left or right, and so on.

Some people try to make decisions using experience, or data to facts.

Most of them succeed because they follow the encouragement of these factors.

But not a few also fail.

agree with that, in fact we know that the option we choose may be in accordance with

a small whisper in our hearts or minds.

So in addition to these factors, it could not hurt to believe the promptings that appear

in our hearts and minds before determining our life choices.

Because that's what is called intuition, and here are some reasons why we need to trust

our intuition in making decisions.


Advance in Career Affairs.

Actually a lot of people who managed to bless the intuition to make decisions.

Steve Jobs for example, thanks to his intuition he can build a global technology giant and

even now that he is gone, his name is noted as a successful innovator.

Therefore, trust in intuition is also an option.

We just need to rely on the inner voice to act and make decisions.

The rest, beyond the right or not, at least we have gained new experiences, such as the

dynamics in our careers.


Choosing and Sifting Things.

Trusting intuition will allow us to recognize ourselves.

Not only that, we can also choose and sort out things that if seen at a glance is quite


For example in social relationships, our intuition will actually work and guide us to meet some

good opportunities to be friends with others.

By listening to the content of the heart, we will find a good social circle and even

sort it out from a social relationship that may harm us.


Detecting liars.

Various studies have mentioned that intuition is better than our conscious mind.

Then trust our choice by listening first what our hearts feel or say.

Listening to intuition can help us to recognize the attributes and attitudes of others, including

their relationship to us.

When we have believed a statement from people, our intuition will say something that leads

us to give an assessment.

So, use the right decision and identify whether the person we trust is telling the truth or



Guiding Our Lives to a Better Direction.

This life may be simple, but some things do seem or are deliberately complicated.

Among the various complexities, human beings have been equipped with intuition that can

actually guide him to the right path.

This is not about right or wrong, but how far we have tried to realize that the right

choice is not necessarily good for us, and vice versa.

So listen to our conscience because after all goodness is behind the right or wrong



Helping Us Find a soul mate.

Another reason why we need to entrust intuition to make decisions is because intuition will

help us find our soul mate.

Believe and submit to our intuition for this matter, because we will be guided toward the

best direction.

If intuition can sort people into a social relationship, why does not intuition help

us meet the right person?

Especially about the couple, is not it?

Therefore, listen once again intuition and ponder for a moment what we are really steady

to choose him as our partner.

For more infomation >> Forward or Stop? Here are 5 Reasons to Believe in Our Intuition - Duration: 3:52.


How And When To Go No Contact With A Narcissistic Person - Duration: 6:20.

How And When To Go No-Contact With A Narcissistic Person.

Staying away from abusive narcissist is required even though it is extremely tough,

you will need a lot of courage and determination to be able to cut your ties with narcissist,

especially when you just discover their behaviour while you already have a deep connection.

That's why I'm going to tell you that you need to get away from the narcissist as soon

as possible while you still can.

Luckily, we have 30 affirmation tactics to fight against them.

These affirmations tactics can help you to regain your sense and composure when you may

being emotionally manipulated by someone, at least, this can prevent you or make you

think before deciding to reconnect with an abusive partner.

Without further ado, let's see the whole lists of useful tactic to achieve no contact with

a toxic or abusive person.

#1 - Silence.

Silence is protection against most psychological violence since you will stop the cycle of

unnecessary interaction.

#2 - Know the right.

All people have right to be free from abuse.

You have the right too.

#3 - You have the power.

Narcissists try to grab your power.

Be sure to take it back as normal person have more than narcissists.

#4 - You have strong will.

Your will determines how brave you are against narcissist.

Fortunately, you have bigger than theirs since they are really afraid of counterattack.

#5 - I'm stronger than trashing threats.

Be sure to say this when they start talking empty.

#6 - I'll defend myself whatever happens.

Remember you are strong and have more power than them.

#7 - I never give up.

Staying away from narcissists is difficult, but you need to try harder.

#8 - My life does not depend on empty promises.

Beware of hovering tactics which incorporates false promises.

#9 - I choose my life.

This powerful affirmation is for making sure you still have control over yourself.

#10 - Loneliness is better.

It is bitter, but it is better than being abused all the time.

#11 - I deserve more.

You definitely deserve more than a punching bag.

#12 - I decide whom to communicate.

You have right, and you can choose.

You can choose people to share your feeling.

#13 - My mental health is priority.

Make sure you always consider your health.

It is not act of selfishness, but it is to safe yourself from inevitable damage.

#14 - Staying sane is more important.

Confused people drive you crazy.

That is why you should consider your sanity before it is taken over.

#15 - I trust my own reality.

#16 - I know and trust what I feel and experience.

#17 - I validate myself.

Those last three validations are important to say every time narcissists use gaslight


#18 - I'm worthy, beautiful, brave, strong, and fearless.

Another set of affirmation, and you can put that on tape so that you can hear your recording

every time you need it.

#19 - I'm getting stronger each second.

This is another important affirmation to keep you on ground.

#20 - I made him, or her leave me.

This is the best affirmation considering the fact that it is your biggest aim.

#21 - I will survive.

This affirmation charges you with positive energy as you still have life to live.

#22 - Take no shit.

You should make sure you are not taking any negative affirmation, and that is why you

should say the words before they start attacking you.

#23 - My success is their karma.

Do you want to have sweet revenge?

Make sure you say those words and practice what you are capable of.

#24 - I'm the light.

It is easy to kill narcissists.

Just leave them behind, and they only can be angry with you.

#25 - They miss controlling me.

That is why you should not feed them what they want.

#26 - They do not love me.

That is the reality, and you should make sure you remember that by saying this sentence

over and over.

#27 - Remind me I'm worthy.

You should think that you are worthy all the time.

You are basically precious and valuable.

#28 - I care about myself.

Treat yourself as wounded victim.

Because you are the victim of narcissists anyway.

#29 - My best friend is me.

When it comes to dealing with narcissists, there is no other better person except yourself.

Be friend with yourself, and trust yourself for this matter.

#30 - I love myself.

Loving yourself is the best way to avoid distraction and delusional information from narcissists.

Well, those are some useful tactics to achieve no contact with a toxic or abusive person.

So, Really cool information isn't it?

I hope you enjoy this short video, if you have something on your mind, please share

your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> How And When To Go No Contact With A Narcissistic Person - Duration: 6:20.


How to Overcome a Lack of Motivation To Do Anything - Duration: 9:41.

For more infomation >> How to Overcome a Lack of Motivation To Do Anything - Duration: 9:41.


I Donated $10.000.000 to Ninja *emotional* - Duration: 1:08.

mmmh I would like to donate to ninja

I'm going to donate 1 Mill... no 100Million dollars from my mom's credit card


For more infomation >> I Donated $10.000.000 to Ninja *emotional* - Duration: 1:08.


Dua Lipa - New Rules (Cover by AlbatoLuce) - Duration: 3:31.

Talkin' in my sleep at night Makin' myself crazy

(Out of my mind, out of my mind)

Wrote it down and read it out Hopin' it would save me

(Too many times, too many times)

My love, he makes me feel like nobody else Nobody else

But my love, he doesn't love me, so I tell myself I tell myself

One, don't pick up the phone You know he's only calling 'cause he's drunk and alone

Two, don't let him in You'll have to kick him out again

Three, don't be his friend You know you're gonna wake up in his bed in the morning

And if you're under him, you ain't gettin' over him

I got new rules, I count 'em

I got new rules, I count 'em

I gotta tell them to myself

I got new rules, I count 'em

I gotta tell them to myself

I keep pushin' forwards, but he keeps pullin' me backwards

(Nowhere to turn) no way (Nowhere to turn) no

Now I'm standing back from it, I finally see the pattern (I never learn, I never learn)

But my love, he doesn't love me, so I tell myself

I tell myself I do, I do, I do

One, don't pick up the phone You know he's only calling 'cause he's drunk and alone

Two, don't let him in You'll have to kick him out again

Three, don't be his friend You know you're gonna wake up in his bed in the morning

And if you're under him, you ain't gettin' over him

I got new rules, I count 'em

I got new rules, I count 'em

I gotta tell them to myself

I got new rules, I count 'em

I gotta tell them to myself

Practice makes perfect I'm still tryna learn it by heart

Eat, sleep, and breathe it Rehearse and repeat it, 'cause I

One, don't pick up the phone You know he's only calling 'cause he's drunk and alone

Two, don't let him in You'll have to kick him out again

Three, don't be his friend You know you're gonna wake up in his bed in the morning

And if you're under him, you ain't gettin' over him

I got new rules, I count 'em

I got new rules, I count 'em

I gotta tell them to myself

I got new rules, I count 'em

I gotta tell them to myself

Don't let him in, don't let him in

Don't be his friend, don't be his friend

Don't let him in, don't let him in

Don't be his friend, don't be his friend

You gettin' over him

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