Khemarak Sereymon Sok Pisey Kontrem Song Collection
Nhạc Không Lời Rumba Êm Đềm Dễ Ngủ II Nhạc Sống Chọn Lọc II Organ Không Lời - Duration: 47:11.-------------------------------------------
tripleg - LAMBO (prod.shivarecords) - Duration: 3:10.-------------------------------------------
Improve Your Golf Grip Using A Hammer - Duration: 3:32.Hello I'm Brian Fitzgerald The Golf Doctor.
And today I'm going to show you how you can improve your golf grip by using one of these
simple training devices.
It's called a hammer.
If this is your first time to this channel.
This channel is all about helping you play better golf.
And of course one of the best ways to play better golf is to hit the subscribe button,
click the bell notification and then you're on your way.
So I give hundreds of lessons a month and by far the biggest mistake I see the average
golfer make is in having a problem with their grip.
And it's just so easy to fix.
So usually what happens is the people get in here.
And they grip the club and they approach the club and their hand is underneath.
As you can see mine there.
And that's called a strong grip.
Now there are benefits and there are minuses in using a strong grip but I'm just going
to say the moment we want to try and get our group in the best place possible.
It's better to have a neutral grip.
The funny thing is I did this with a client the other day.
And I went and grabbed the hammer because he was really holding that club with his right
hand turned underneath.
So I just handed him the hammer like that.
So if I pretend that someone's handing me the hammer.
Instantly I put the hammer like that.
There is just no way in the world I would hold the hammer like that.
If I did, I can't really get good control of a hammer.
My hand is facing downwards.
So for me to get the right control of the hammer.
I just instantly do that.
So I can see that my hand is on top.
So I have the V in my thumb and the pointer finger pointing up somewhere near my chin.
That gives me the best control over the hammer.
So when we golf club we need to take that into account so that we just pretend that
someone's handing us a hammer.
And we just do that with the golf club.
It's pretty easy.
It is pretty instant.
And just by getting that right hand in its natural position on the golf club.
We are then free to release our hands.
And it's going to produce better golf shots in the main.
Now as I said.
There are times when you want to have a slightly stronger group and I will be making a video
on the pros and cons of having a strong grip sometime in the future.
But if you want to see the video that talks about the biggest gripping mistake that I
see in both right left-handed golfers.
You can click on the card at the top of the page.
So grab your hammer.
Go to the workshop just get someone to pass you the hammer.
Instantly, that is.
Helps if I do it the right way.
So that's how we would hold a hammer that's also how we hold a golf club.
So if you were interested to see another video on the three types of grip that are you can
use when you play golf.
I'll put a link in the card just up there and that will help you in choosing which grip
is best for you.
Thank you for letting me help you with a golf.
I'm Brian Fitzgerald The Golf Doctor and I get a real kick out of helping you play better
golf.So every video I make is all about making golf simpler and trying to give you a little
bit of an edge on shooting a lower score.
And I look forward to seeing you on the next video.
KPOP WORLD FESTIVAL 2018 / KSTART COLOMBIA - Duration: 12:07.-------------------------------------------
VLOG #13 - FLY A DJI SPARK WITH -20°C - Duration: 4:49.Second skiing day, and it's -19°C outside
And the mood is... Cold
Be ready
I told you
Now, we're going to Tignes lake
And we're gonna fly the drone, as it's sunny
Let's go!
I've put the propeller protections, let's fly it!
And now
Let's ski until it's closed
It's almost closed now
Aaaahhh we were the last ones on the chair lifts!
We were just in time
They closed just after us!
My brain's frozen
Did I jump high?
Did I lift my skis high enough?
Look at that! They're going backwards
Ah yes
I don't know what it's for
If you know, tell me in the comments
To be continued
My Debut Recital - Duration: 32:43.-------------------------------------------
How many languages can you learn as an adult? - Duration: 9:47.Hi there, Vladimir here with another video on how to learn English
Can you be fluent in 2 foreign languages as an adult?
No, you can't
Can you be fluent in 2 foreign languages as an adult?
No, you can't and here is why
First we need to make a few clarifications
the word Fluent
Fluent is the most misused and abused word
among language learners and language teachers
Cambridge dictionary says:
Let us agree that:
"Fluent" doesn't mean being able to "Get by"
Simply introduce yourself in another language,
order food at a restaurant
or ask how much something is.
To me,
fluent is about being able to speak a foreign language
almost the same way you speak your native language.
To understand 99% of what you hear on TV
To make grammatically correct sentences
not necessarily use idioms or slang,
but construct grammatically correct sentences 99% of the time
Not speak in a perfect native accent,
but still clearly
speak a language easily, well, quickly, and without many pauses
Plain and simple
to understand foreign humor
How about that for fluent
A new definition of fluent
Fluent is a person who understands humor
You understand Louis CK you are fluent
You understand comedy central roasts, you are virtually native
You understand Cris Rock, you are native
You understand Frankie Boyle, you are uber native
To me fluency and mastery mean more or less the same thing
Answer me this simple question:
Why would you waste time learning a few words in a foreign language?
The word "dabble" comes to mind
Why would you dabble in a foreign language?
I love how people refer to it as
Russian is my next project
what are you talking about?
What is the pleasure of learning a few words?
How can you communicate with such limited vocabulary?
Language is not a project, language is not a hobby.
Language is not snowboarding
When it comes to snowboarding, you don't have to be Shaun White
to enjoy going down the slopes
but language, the most human of skills
There is no communication with 500, 600 words
and do you have any idea how much time it takes to feel comfortable 500, 600 words
what kind of project are we talking about
My next challenge:
Chinese in 3 months
The time it takes to became good at something
All that Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking
I love movies
I must have seen at least 1,000 movies
add to that sitcoms like Seinfeld, Friends The big bang theory
to name but a few.
TV series like the Wire, Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones
to name but a few
countless chat shows
That is at least, 6,000 7,000 hours of just listening
And that's not counting audio books
And don't get me started on my Reading
It takes time and repetition to become good at something
I can hear you say: but I don't want to reach the highest level.
And my answer is:
with language there is no other level, but the highest level
everything else is a torture,
a torture for you and the person you are talking to
you don't need to be a F1 driver to enjoy driving
with language is different
I speak from experience
my Japanese is not all that good
and it's a struggle for me and the person I am talking to
English and my native Bulgarian no problem whatsoever
a shear bliss
All those so called polyglots and their gatherings
All presentations are in English
Why not in French or German or Spanish or Chinese?
Because English is the only language they truly know, feel comfortable using
What is the point of learning all those other languages
if you are not going to use them?
It takes 10,000 hours of deliberate practice to master a foreign language
At 3 hours a day it works out to 10 years.
It is virtually impossible to be fluent in more than 1 language.
Which brings as to the second point I want to clarify:
The word adult
By adult I mean somebody past 23 years of age
Because at that age people graduate universities, people start working, join the real world
start thinking about bills, mortgage, rent and all that jazz.
Children can become bilingual, no question about that
they have all the time in the world,
I doubt you can be trilingual, but bilingual Yes
I grew up bilingual: Bulgarian and Russian
Russian was a mandatory subject in Eastern Europe
Was, not anymore
Plus we had tons of Russian movies and TV
I remember very well Friday was Russian TV day in Bulgaria
fucking communists
I was almost bilingual
My Russian has deteriorated quite a bit
I can still get by, more than get by but that's not fluent
My listening is OK, I understand 90% of what I hear in movies
but not the humor. I used to understand Russian humor, but not anymore
My speaking is shit, I make lots of grammatical mistakes
I can still get my message across, but with no sense of grammar
it's no fun
Another reason why you can't be fluent in more than 1 foreign language as an adult
With language: if you don't use it, you lose it
Language skills are not like riding a bicycle skills
Ok, let me wrap this up
I strongly believe that
you can be fluent in 3 languages 2 as a child, and 1 as an adult
And please don't bother with exceptions
you are not an exception
I would very much question people's claims to language fluency
I would look at their childhood for clues
The main takeaway point from this video is:
Make sure you know English well before you take up a new language
your next language "project"
We live in a time where you need to ask yourself:
Do you really want to talk to somebody who doesn't speak at least a little bit of English?
I am fluent in 2 languages: my native Bulgarian and English
English a language I learned as an adult
If you want to know how to reach my level then you need to read my book Virtually Native
which is available on Amazon and
Rehab Nightmare: Drugs, Chains and Canes - Full Documentary - BBC Africa Eye - Duration: 25:56.Eastleigh in Nairobi, Kenya.
Business is booming for traditional, religious healers.
They cater for Somalis from around the world who want to get closer to their culture and roots.
But Africa Eye investigates a form of religious healing gone badly wrong.
I have seen clients have broken arms.
We have to get some to hospital because of the kind of violence.
By going undercover at an Islamic Drug Rehab Centre, where the clients are first kidnapped...
I see two police officers in a car.
I didn't know what they wanted.
As soon as I went in the middle they handcuffed me.
… and then tortured.
When a person gets depressed because of the kind of torture he is going through,
he cannot talk to anyone, he has no life left in him.
Eastleigh, a neighbourhood in the Kenyan capital Nairobi, known as Little Mogadishu
because it's home to so many Somalis.
And it's a global hub for the Islamic healing industry.
I'm going to try it out for myself.
I've paid this traditional healer a hundred dollars to get rid of my pain.
Koranic readings performed by religious Sheiks, aim to remove the evil eye or exorcise demons.
And they're in high demand.
In Eastleigh alone, this new, growing industry is worth an estimated $10 million dollars a year.
While these Koranic readers might put a dent in their clients' wallets,
that's the worst damage they do.
But some of Eastleigh's religious healers are running rehabilitation centres for the
treatment of drug abuse or mental illness.
And I've received reports that men and women are held against their will
and physically abused in these centres.
Some families think the best way to rehabilitate their children is to lock them up.
But some of these parents don't know exactly
what happens in these rehab centres because these rehab centres are run by religious figures
we call Sheiks, and these sheiks are usually trusted within the community.
As a Somali and practicing Muslim, I've come to Nairobi to investigate these rehab centres.
It's very difficult to gain access to these centres, but one of them did agree to let us film inside.
Sheik Hussein founded Mustaqim two years ago.
That is a CCTV camera.
Barbed wire.
Through another bolted door is the main complex and yard.
We get to see that medicine in action.
The Sheik and his assistants read the Koran to this young man from overseas.
The idea is to push the demons out of his soul.
But then the Sheikh refers to a more aggressive form of treatment.
As we are packing up, a group of women call out to me.
They say that far from taking drugs, their only crime is to have fallen out with husbands
or relatives, who have paid for them to be imprisoned here.
Nearly all of these women are mothers with children on the outside.
They all said we want to get out of here, but we can't.
The longer we are, the more money the rehab people will make.
The Sheik walks over and the women fall silent.
While these womens' claims are deeply worrying, we have heard even worse reports of abuse
coming from other rehab centres in Eastleigh.
One of those is called Darushifa - and we've found a member of staff willing to speak out
about what happens inside.
Ben Njega works as an addiction counsellor at Darushifa.
He recounts his first day in the job with horror.
I thought it was like torture, a torture chamber.
Clients were locked up in rooms. The rooms were dark. There was no ventilation.
But despite being appalled by what he saw, Ben decided to keep on working at the centre,
hoping he could eventually improve conditions for the clients.
I made very serious recommendations, written down.
But Ben says the owners ignored him and the abuse continued.
It was a constant fight, a constant fight, a constant fight.
He says most of the men locked up in Darushifa aren't even addicted to hard drugs.
This is people with just a normal mental health issue, a drug problem maybe smoking cannabis
and because its not allowed in the religion, they decided to lock them up and categorise
them as dangerous.
Ben has also privately reported the centre to the police and the Kenyan government's
rehab regulator, NACADA.
Individuals from NACADA have come to the centre and we have explained,
in detail,
what happens and then they go.
And reports to the police have been made.
Nothing has been done, they just turn a blind eye.
Left with no other authority to call on, Ben has agreed to film undercover at the centre.
You want people to be in your shoes and see it.
- Yes, see it, see it.
When I show it to you, then you will understand.
We equip Ben with a secret camera.
We also ask him to record regular video diaries while undercover.
Just as we saw in Mustaqim, a religious teacher
at Darushifa also performs Koran readings on his clients.
On Ben's first day filming, a new arrival is brought in.
His mother says Ali has been having problems with school and is into drugs.
She's paying the centre 500 US Dollars a month to turn her son's life around.
Ben speaks to Ali to find out more.
The centre has already conducted a drug test on Ali.
No traces of narcotics were found.
It's 10 pm the same day and four Darushifa guards are doing their rounds.
They're forcing some of the inmates to drink a liquid called harmala.
Seconds after drinking, it makes them vomit violently
and seems to be used as a form of punishment.
After finishing with these men, they turn their attention to Ali.
He's prevented from leaving by a guard holding a rubber whip.
The guards surround Ali.
He has no choice but to drink.
Ali gives in and drinks the harmala
and then vomits.
A few minutes later, weeping, he pleads for the ordeal to end.
Badly shaken, Ali is finally led out by another patient.
That night, Ben hands over the day's footage.
He's also smuggled out a sample of the Harmala solution, so that we can send it for testing.
The following morning, I visit a traditional herbalist to find out more.
At Darushifa, the staff produce a concentrated solution from harmala seeds,
which have been used as a herbal medicine for thousands of years.
They claim it detoxifies drug addicts, but those who drink it, suffer hallucinations,
terrible chest pains and severe vomiting.
Our lab tests on the centre's harmala solution have revealed that a full cup contains
one hundred times the recommended dose for an adult,
which could be enough to kill.
I have been investigating Islamic rehab centres in Eastleigh, Nairobi.
We have gone undercover to expose evidence of systemic physical abuse at one: Darushifa.
The next day, two guards are once again trying to force Ali to drink harmala.
Like every new arrival at the centre, his hair is completely shaved off.
One of the security team then picks up a rubber rod and joins in.
He himself was also once a patient here, but now has been elevated to a full time guard.
Ali is handed a full cup of harmala.
But Ali appears to have had enough and starts to resist despite the threat of violence.
Two of the guards high five each other.
Then the beating continues.
The guards proceed to beat Ali
for five minutes without pause.
It turns out two of the men who have been picking on Ali all day
aren't actually staff.
They're patients.
The management gets them to discipline their fellow inmates in return for favours.
They can go and sit in the office, they can always go out, ask for things like sodas
and they can get them.
They have a reputation for being even more vicious than the guards.
The clients have already been punished themselves.
When they rise to certain positions, they want to inflict the same kind of pain.
So for now we have clients who are sadists and they want to instil fear upon others
so they can rule with an iron fist.
One man who knows all about the brutality at Darushifa is Mohammed Ali.
An 18 year old from London.
He spent three months inside last year.
He says it all began when the police picked him up off the streets.
I see two police officers in a car.
I didn't know what they wanted. I went inside, they put me in the middle.
As soon as I went in the middle they handcuffed me.
Then they drove all the way to Darushifa.
Me, as a child, I wasn't in no gangs. I wasn't a troublemaker.
Back in London, I was in sixth form, I was applying for college.
I actually got accepted and then I came here for two weeks.
Then that's when the tragedy happened.
You say tragedy. What do you mean?
Just because my life has gone wrong to be honest.
Mohammed found himself subjected to beatings and forced imprisonment.
The same treatment our investigation has revealed at the centre.
If you do any trouble, if you argue, you have to get beaten up by the watchmen for God.
Most of them are severe beatings because it's torture basically.
Stuck in Nairobi without a job or money,
Mohammed can't return to the UK.
So what do you do you just keep quiet?
Yeah, you just keep quiet because here the police is different, there's nothing you can do.
Two policemen are at Darushifa's gate.
Ben is there to meet them.
But the police aren't here to investigate allegations of abuse.
Instead, they are dropping off a patient.
Hassan, a man in his forties, is brought out of the car in handcuffs
and handed over to the security team.
His relatives are paying for this to happen.
Ben says it's a regular occurrence.
So this happens, you come to the centre and report that you've want a client gotten from your house.
The centre organizes for the police to go and collect the client.
So they put him in handcuffs, bring him to the centre. So, it's a paid service.
An hour later, the new arrival is given his first taste of the centre's favourite medicine, harmala.
The guards subject the most fragile patients of the centre to the same brutality as everyone else.
Even the mentally ill in prison at the request of their families, aren't spared.
This client was brought in by his brothers.
The client has a mental disorder.
The guy was given harmala in the evening.
The reaction was very bad for him and because they locked him up in the room, he vomited in the room.
Guard came in
and was angry at him.
"Why cant you control yourself?"
And they beat him up.
The guard seems to be toying sadistically with his victim.
Whatever the man does, it seems to be a reason to beat him harder.
It turns out this particular guard has a strong motivation to be as violent as possible.
He's on a trial for his job.
If the clients fear him then he's more likely to get the job, trying to increase his salary by being the most atrocious.
The incidences of abuse that we have documented at Darushifa are all crimes under Kenyan law.
NACADA is the Kenyan government regulator with the power to shut down rehabilitation centres engaged in
criminal acitivity.
Judith Twala is its manager of regulatory services.
We have heard from people who work in these rehab centres
they have contacted you to give you information on what goes on inside and you have done nothing.
- We also need to be careful when we get information.
Sometimes it could be malicious information.
But any information we get from anybody in regards to rehabs, we don't take it lightly.
I can assure you.
- We know some of these places have been raided several times. Owners arrested but not charged.
A week later, they re-open. Why isn't NACADA doing enough to stamp out this practice?
- It may be that our judicial system has maybe issues more priorities than this one
but I think that we also have a role as an agency, when charges are laid, to up our game in following up.
We wrote the local police authority to request a response to allegations of corruption and kidnapping
made against its officers.
There was no response.
We also requested an interview with the owner and executive director of Darushifa, Ahmed Ismail.
He dismissed our allegations as just propaganda.
While the authorities may be slow to react to this issue, as a community, we Somalis
also need to stop creating the conditions for abuse to occur.
It's right and good that we want to preserve our culture and religion,
but businessmen who dress up as religious Sheikhs are rarely the answer to complicated problems like
mental health and drug use.
Paid to make our loved on es better, they are more likely to make them worse.
South Burlington captures Little League state championship - Duration: 1:47.-------------------------------------------
SEASON 5 FORTNITE WEEK 4 BATTLE STAR LOCATION (Pleasant Park) [EARLY VIEW] - Duration: 1:08.-------------------------------------------
Hydro Jet Plumbing Los Alamitos CA 800-538-4537 Hydro Jet Plumbing Los Alamitos CA - Duration: 1:19.Hydro Jet Plumbing Los Alamitos CA. Are you sick of having your drains or sewer line clogged and having to pay a plumber every
6 months to come clear it out?
Hydro jetting is a long lasting solution to the problem of drain obstructions and tree
roots intruding into sewer lines.
We have a state of the art high pressure water jetter that cleans out grease, sludge, tree
roots or any other blockages in your pipes.
While conventional snaking only pokes a hole in the clog, water jetting cleans out the
entire surface of the pipe.
We are trained experts in sewers, drains, and septic systems.
We'll stop your problem at it's source and keep your home safe.
To get a better view of what's going on, our technicians can do an in-pipe camera inspection.
If your drain is blocked and causing issues, emergency service is available.
Give us a call today, we'll get there fast!
Plumbing Video Inspection Los Alamitos CA 800-538-4537 Plumbing Video Inspection Los Alamitos CA - Duration: 1:19.Plumbing Video Inspection Los Alamitos CA. Are you sick of having your drains or sewer line clogged and having to pay a plumber every
6 months to come clear it out?
Hydro jetting is a long lasting solution to the problem of drain obstructions and tree
roots intruding into sewer lines.
We have a state of the art high pressure water jetter that cleans out grease, sludge, tree
roots or any other blockages in your pipes.
While conventional snaking only pokes a hole in the clog, water jetting cleans out the
entire surface of the pipe.
We are trained experts in sewers, drains, and septic systems.
We'll stop your problem at it's source and keep your home safe.
To get a better view of what's going on, our technicians can do an in-pipe camera inspection.
If your drain is blocked and causing issues, emergency service is available.
Give us a call today, we'll get there fast!
Intro to the Seven Legions - Duration: 1:15.I'm Michael beacon writer of the Seven Legions, an upcoming in sci-fi/fantasy/historical fiction indie comic
The story follows Hiko an orphan boy raised in a small village on the border of the Omi and Mino provinces of Japan in the Sengoku
Era, a time when the nation was split between warring clans, each hoping to use the chaos. To
settle old rivalries or take control themselves. Hiko is adopted by a samurai serving the Azai Clan which ruled over the Omi Province.
He has grown accustomed to nightly dreams of the life of an angel who roasts the rank of seraphim, serving the Seven Legions
before he discovered a plot by group known as the
HLF to usurp and overthrow the Seven Legions and destroy in the peace between the empires of the Alliance of the six races. As he
trains with his new father, Hiko discovers
he has abilities beyond that of a normal human and that his dreams may be much more as beings from his dreams show up in his daily life,
drawing him into the war between the Seven Legions and the HLF.
It's been a rocky road to get this project completed but we're approaching the finish line and together with a talented team of artists,
I'm hoping to reach a release date of August 20th. First digitally and then through print on demand.
Follow the Facebook page at to be informed when the comic releases and where you'll be able to find it.
TAG 20 CANCIONES | is chinitostwo - Duration: 13:28.-------------------------------------------
Drake causes my Uncle to fall! In my feelings challenge! - Duration: 1:36.Hey guys welcome back to the PartyKids! It's Mady and I'm in Chicago visiting
some family and we're going to the store and you guys are gonna come on with us.
They say it's gonna be a 15 to 20 minute ride so I'm here with my dad
And, I'm also here with my uncle Mark.
Can we atleast turn the radio on while we're waiting to get to the store?
Yeah, I'll turn the radio on!
(Old song plays)
This is a super old song.
(funky song plays)
I really don't like this song.
Dad, Dad, I love this song! Stop the car! Stop the car!
Mady, what was that?
Dad, you really need to stay up to date. This is the in my feelings challenge by Drake.
I'm up on the trends, let me try!
Uncle Mark!
Let's get out of here!
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