Missing Milwaukee man found dead not far from where he was last seen - Duration: 1:17.-------------------------------------------
চারটি দোষ থাকলে কুরবানি দেয়া যাবে না | Je Charti Dus Thakle Qurbani cholbe na | Motiur Rahman Madani - Duration: 3:17.-------------------------------------------
5 EFFECTIVE WAYS TO DEAL WITH PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE PEOPLE - Duration: 6:10.5 Effective Ways to Deal with Passive-Aggressive People.
Passive-aggressive people are deceitful in such a way that you hardly notice if you are
being praised or envied, they use sarcasm to win others.
Ever had an encounter with them?
Passive aggressive people with anger in disguise, express displeasure over certain things and
with the aim of getting away with it.
"You're being told what's happening isn't happening, and there's something
very withholding about the interaction.
You know something is going on, and he's denying it," explains Scott Wetzler Ph.D.,
author of Living with the Passive-Aggressive Man, and the vice chairman of the Department
of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Montefiore Medical Center.
Passive aggressive behavior is being used to express anger in different, yet deceitful
Generally, they are not happy with you, but tend to challenge you with sugar-coated bitterness
in a way that will totally make you lost in the process of understanding their motive,
while they try to avoid direct conflict.
When confronted for the anger, they deny responsibility but already achieved their aim which is to
leave you in confusion.
Loriann Oberlin, MS, coauthor of Overcoming Passive-Aggression also added that, "A passive-aggressive
person is basically angry, but he or she is expressing anger in indirect ways".
In her remark, Monica A Frank Ph.D., explains some of the ways passive-aggressive people
do criticize:
"Oh, I hear you've managed to pull off another miracle."
The problem with these kinds of comments is that if you try to confront them about the
insult, you will be accused of not understanding, "I didn't mean it that way" or of misinterpreting,
"You must have a problem to think that I was just trying to compliment you.
Sorry I didn't word it right to suit you."
So, How do you deal with Passive-Aggressive People?
The following tips will help you interact with passive-aggressive people and never to
let them tarnish your image.
Please subscribe, click the bell, and watch this video until the end to know the complete
#1 - Identify Passive-Aggressive pattern early.
It's easy to overlook or dismiss signs of passive-aggression in a relatively new relationship,
such as a dating prospect or social contact.
After all, most of us like to give people the benefit of the doubt, and prefer not to
have our guard up right away.
However, it could be dangerous if it keeps going on for a long time in your relationship.
So, it is better to identify a clear pattern of passive-aggressive behavior early.
That way, we can determine what type of relationship we want to have with this person.
Well, if you desire to keep a relationship at all, and make proactive choices with your
relational health and well-being as priorities.
#2 - Examine their Motive.
The very first approach in dealing with passive-aggressive people is to take time in examining their
motive, study the phenomenon and their repeated utterances.
You have to do this early enough in order not to fall for them permanently.
Do they do this to make you feel bad only or to gain themselves some points?
Wetzler projected that: "Once you recognize it's a sign of hostility, it emboldens you
to deal with it."
#3 - Seize their reward.
The only thing that makes passive-aggressive people wanting to do more, is your regular
And that is where their reward lies.
Instead of giving them chance; cut short their expectations, by simply controlling your emotions
while staying calm and keeping your replies simple.
"The less reactive you are, the less fuel they have for their passive-aggression,"
says Oberlin.
#4 - Confront and be Assertive.
With calmness and while having your emotions checked,
approach the Passive agressive person and let the person know you totally dislike their
action and state the consequences the person stand to get if the scenario repeat itself.
Though, it will be hard to get passive-aggressive person to feel sorry for an action,
but, you can achieve this while taking the fellow in consideration too.
Don't be harsh!
Let the passive-aggressive person know the exact word or action that made you so angry,
and never flash back to previous ones which would only make total mess of your move.
#5 - Refuse to be manipulated.
It is a common terms of someone with passive aggresive behaviour.
You are greeted with an absolute silence and expected to be a mind reader and understand
their feelings, or what has gone wrong if there is at all.
Well, their intention maybe to manipulate you, they don't really want you to figure
the problem out and fix it.
They only want you to feel guilty about upsetting them without you actually knowing the reason.
You should note that it is important that you don't bite, try to be more realistic and
reflect to yourself.
If you feel that you did something wrong, then apologise and try to fix it if possible.
Otherwise, just so you know that, you can't fix a problem that you don't now exists.
By all means, refuse to feel guilty and be manipulated.
Instead, you should say that you are open to discussions and address any issues.
Well, those are some effective tips to deal with Passive-Aggressive People.
Really cool information isn't it?
I hope you enjoy this short video, if you have something on your mind, please
share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!
Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!.
Thanks for watching!.
Gigante 'lobo terrible' filmado persiguiendo a un perro en el bosque - Duration: 1:52.-------------------------------------------
Um Novo Homem Todo Dia | Gillette & Neymar Jr. - Duration: 1:31.Boot-stud on the shins.
Kick in the spine.
Stomp on the foot.
You may think I overreact, and sometimes I do.
But for real? I suffer in the pitch.
But you have no idea what I go through outside of it.
When I leave without talking to the press it's not because I only like winning…
…but because I still don't know how to disappoint you.
When I act like a brat, it isn't because I'm a spoiled child…
…but because I still haven't learned to deal with my frustrations.
There's still a boy inside of me.
Sometimes it dazzles the world. Other times, it pisses every one off.
And my fight is to keep this boy alive.
But inside of me, not inside the field.
You may de think I've fallen too much.
But the reality is I did not fall. I crumbled.
And that hurts more than anyone stepping on your post-op ankle.
I took time to accept your criticism.
I took time to look at myself in the mirror and become a new man.
But now I'm here, with my heart wide open.
I fell. But only those who fall, can get up.
You can keep throwing rocks at me.
) Or you can throw your rocks away and help me get up.
Because when I do get up, buddy, the whole country gets up with me.
A Man Remade Daily.
Gillette. The Best A Man Can Get.
Fisco, lo scenario plumbeo: tasse in aumento anche nel 2019? - Duration: 3:01.Sui contribuenti italiani fedeli al fisco pesa una pressione fiscale 'reale' che si attesta al 48,3%: 6,1 punti percentuali in più rispetto a quella ufficiale
La stima è dell'Ufficio studi della Cgia che in una nota riporta l'esito dell'ultimo monitoraggio sull'andamento della pressione fiscale
E anche se il dato della pressione fiscale risulta "in calo rispetto agli anni precedenti", il peso complessivo del fisco "rimane comunque ad un livello insopportabile", prosegue il Report Cgia per il quale starebbe sopratutto in questo il motivo del malcontento espresso in questi mesi dalle aziende del Nordest
"Italia fanalino di coda In Ue per gli investimenti" ''Se alle troppe tasse aggiungiamo il peso oppressivo della burocrazia, l'inefficienza di una parte della nostra Pubblica amministrazione e il gap infrastrutturale che ci separa dai nostri principali competitori economici, non c'è da stupirsi che serpeggi un certo malessere soprattutto tra gli imprenditori del Nordest
Tra le altre cose, a causa di tutte queste criticità continuiamo a rimanere il fanalino di coda in Ue per quanto riguarda gli investimenti diretti esteri'', spiega il coordinatore Paolo Zabeo
Nel 2019 c'è il rischio di nuovi aumenti Brutte notizie anche per il 2019 anno in cui, dice ancora il Rapporto, la pressione fiscale potrebbe tornare ad aumentare sia perché la crescita del Pil è data in frenata da tutti gli organismi internazionali sia a seguito di un possibile aumento del prelievo fiscale
"Nel caso, infatti, non si dovessero trovare 12,4 miliardi di euro, dal 1 gennaio 2019 l'aliquota Iva, attualmente al 10%, salirebbe all'11,5%; altresì, quella attuale del 22% schizzerebbe addirittura al 24,2%", ricorda ancora la Cgia per la quale "è molto probabile" che per il 2019 si dovrà nuovamente mettere mano ai conti pubblici "per quasi 10 miliardi" oltre a dover reperire circa 2 miliardi di euro per il rinnovo del contratto di lavoro degli statali, ulteriori 500 milioni di spese ''indifferibili'' e altri 140 milioni per evitare l'aumento delle accise sui carburanti a partire dal 1 gennaio 2019
Auto, quanto mi costi: aumentano le spese, almeno 3800 euro in un anno Gli scenari per il prossimo futuro Un panorama che per la Cgia potrebbe anche profilare la necessità del Governo di ricorrere all'aumento del prelievo fiscale
"Viste le difficoltà incontrate con il decreto dignità - conclude il Rapporto- non è da escludere che almeno una parte di questi 25 miliardi di euro possa essere finanziata attraverso un incremento del prelievo fiscale
Un'ipotesi che l'esecutivo ha scartato da tempo, ma che potrebbe essere costretto a ricorrere in mancanza di alternative"
Benzina, gli italiani spendono troppo: Fisco e petrolieri se la godono
Client Approved for Social Security Disability After Out Of Work For 2 years – Patrick Hartwig - Duration: 3:28.Patrick Hartwig: Hi. Patrick Hartwig and I'm a Social Security Disability attorney in Massachusetts.
Donald had been a union laborer for over 26 years when he fell off the ladder at work
just after he turned 52.
Though he knew he might be eligible for workers' compensation benefits and did in fact apply,
he didn't even think about applying for Social Security Disability even though he had been
paying into the system his whole life.
Don: A person like myself, you don't really know the steps to take.
There's a lot of confusion, a lot of uncertainty.
When I went and saw Patrick, he told what it was he could do.
It's just nice being able to have somebody that knows what they're doing when you're
in a position where you don't know what to do, what the steps are.
Patrick Hartwig: When Donald came to me, it was obvious he could no longer work.
In addition to his back injury, he also suffered from type 1 diabetes that was spinning out
of control despite the fact that Donald led a very healthy lifestyle and did literally
everything his doctors asked of him.
Don: There's a lot of uncertainty when you're going through something like that.
You don't know what's going to go on.
You don't know what's ahead in your future.
You're unable to work.
How are you going to pay your rent?
Pay for your food?
How are you going to exist?
Patrick Hartwig: By the time we go to a Social Security hearing, Donald had been out of work
for two years and had attempted all sorts of different methods to treat the pain that
he was in, but nothing helped.
Don: He basically did everything that it took, everything that I didn't know how to do.
It was very comforting have somebody on your side that knows what they're doing.
Patrick Hartwig: At the hearing, between a combination of the objective medical evidence
of the diabetic neuropathy and the back pain, we were able to establish that Donald would
not be able to do any full-time job that existed anywhere in the United States, much less work
as a union laborer.
Don: He answers all your questions.
He puts you at ease.
He tells you what the steps are that you're going to be going through.
Not just what you're going through now, but what's going to be ahead in the future.
I would recommend him.
The best endorsement I could give is go to him.
That's the best endorsement I could give.
It's like going to a restaurant.
If you enjoy the meal, you go back.
With Patrick, I would go back.
Patrick Hartwig: I imagine you may have questions that are specific to you.
Give me a call.
I can answer your questions.
Social Security Disability is all I do.
I'm Patrick Hartwig.
Thanks for watching.
Have a great day.
So much FUN at the Seneca Park Zoo 🐧🐊🦁 - Duration: 2:30.hey everybody my name is Alejandro and this "is Penny" today we are meeting up with some
friends at the Seneca Zoo here in Rochester New York it should be an
exciting day
I don't know if I'm getting everybody in the sho but hopefully I am this is me
Alejandro penny Shaun Claire
"Daddy!" yes "I Love you" I love you too!
there's a lion on the bus
there's a cool water feature over here that penny is playing in let's check
that out
so I've been taking a lot of photos today if you want to check them
out go look at my Instagram down in the description alright guys so my battery's
about to run out we've been recording a lot of video I hope you guys enjoyed our
little tour here of the zoo please subscribe join our YouTube family and
smash that like button and we'll see you in the next video
HOW TO LEARN THE KNIT STITCH IN UNDER 5 MINUTES | Tabitha Bell - Duration: 4:26.Hi everyone!
Today I am going to show you how to knit the knit stitch and I have my 10.5, US 10.5, circular
knitting needles and my worsted weight yarn again and I have cast on already ten stitches.
So, I am gonna hold the cast-on stitches in my left hand and I'm gonna hold the knitting
needle that I'm gonna be using to transfer those stitches in my right hand and I'm gonna
have the working yarn in my right hand.
So I'm gonna wrap this working yarn around my pinky and then insert in my forefinger
like so and hold it like this, so this is just how I hold it.
I think it makes it easy and comfortable to hold the working yarn and I'm gonna insert
in the right knitting needle into the front loop on my, on the front loop of these cast-
-on stitches.
I'm gonna wrap the working yarn around the right needle from front to back and I'm gonna
pull it through, like I just did, and see how I still have the cast-on stitch down here
on my left needle?
I'm going to take, slip this loop from the cast-on stitch on off of the left needle.
So now it's, the cast-on stitch is below the knit stitch that's on my right needle.
I'll show you that again.
Insert the right needle into the front loop on my left needle, gonna wrap the working
yarn around, like so, the right needle, I'm gonna pull it through, and then I'm gonna
slip this loop off of the left needle.
Insert the right needle, wrap the yarn, and pull it through, slip off the left needle.
Insert the right needle, wrap the yarn around the right needle, slip the loop off the left
And see now I have four knit stitches already, and knit stitches look like "v"s.
So, insert, wrap, pull through, slip off.
Insert the needle, wrap around the yarn, pull it through, slip it off.
Insert, wrap the yarn, pull it through, slip it off.
I'm going to do this for all ten stitches.
And there you go!
I have knit one row, and all of them look like these "v"s because knit stitches look
like "v"s and this is what a knit row looks like.
This is gonna be the right side of the work, so the tail is on this right end, and the
working yarn is on this end where I just knit this last stitch.
So, that is how you knit the knit stitch!
I hope you all enjoyed today's video, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns,
please comment down below.
Thanks, everyone!
How to count in Japanese? - Duration: 7:28.Hello and welcome to a new video and in today's video I will teach you how to
count in Japanese. Let's start with zero. I think that's the easiest one. It's "Zero"
There is another world: "Rei".
Or there is another word.
So you can use both "yon" and "shi" when you want to say "four".
The next one is:
or you can say:
One more time from the beginning:
This is how Japanese people count. Ok, let's do some test.
What is this number?
How about this number?
How about this one?
Great job! Now let's count from 10 to 100. How do I say 11 in Japanese? Well it's
actually quite easy all you have to do is to say: 10 plus 1. So it will be:
Now, how do I say 12?
So, 10+2
Or you can say:
Or you can say:
Or you can also say:
"nijuu" means twenty. So in this case, all you have to do is to put: 2 before 10. 3+10
4 + 10. It will be 40.
Which means 50.
And the last one:
Make sure that the pronunciation change little bit here, it's not "San hyaku" but "San byaku".
Next one is:
Which means 400.
Pay attention that the pronunciation change here as well, it's not: "roku hyaku" but it's "Roppyaku".
Again make sure that the
pronunciation changed a little bit here so it's not: "hachi hyaku" but "Happyaku".
And the last one:
which means: one thousand
Why it's not "San sen"? Again this is an
exception make sure that you pronounce "San zen" not "San sen".
And again remember to say "Hassen" instead of "hachi sen".
And the last one is:
which means: 10 000
Now let's do some quiz, please read these numbers:
That's everything in today's video I hope you liked the video if so please
press the like button and also subscribe my channel and press the notification
bell because more videos are coming. In the next video I will talk about hours
and minutes and age in Japanese. So see you in the next video.
Join us for Candide: Director Mitchell Butel - Duration: 0:23.Hi my name's Mitchell Butel and I'm the director of the Sydney Philharmonia Choir's production
of Candide.
Great, genius masterwork from Leonard Bernstein, which will be playing here, in the Concert
Hall at the Sydney Opera House this September.
We'd love to see you there.
Plumbing Video Inspection Los Alamitos CA 800-538-4537 Plumbing Video Inspection Los Alamitos CA - Duration: 1:19.Plumbing Video Inspection Los Alamitos CA. Are you sick of having your drains or sewer line clogged and having to pay a plumber every
6 months to come clear it out?
Hydro jetting is a long lasting solution to the problem of drain obstructions and tree
roots intruding into sewer lines.
We have a state of the art high pressure water jetter that cleans out grease, sludge, tree
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While conventional snaking only pokes a hole in the clog, water jetting cleans out the
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We are trained experts in sewers, drains, and septic systems.
We'll stop your problem at it's source and keep your home safe.
To get a better view of what's going on, our technicians can do an in-pipe camera inspection.
If your drain is blocked and causing issues, emergency service is available.
Give us a call today, we'll get there fast!
Вести Омск 30.07.2018.Воздух на контроль.Армейские игры.Лето прощай?Школа языка для иностранцев. - Duration: 3:29.-------------------------------------------
Client Approved for Social Security Disability After Denied With 2 Lawyers – Patrick Hartwig - Duration: 2:30.Patrick Hartwig: Hi, I'm Patrick Hartwig, and I'm a Social Security Disability Attorney
in Massachusetts.
James first called me after he had just appeared at his Social Security hearing without an
He was 51 years old and had lost his job at UPS because repeated shoulder injuries that
led to a right shoulder replacement.
James Blakeman: Somebody pushed a car over on me, a car landed on me in my garage.
I have very, very limited range of motion with my dominant arm.
My shoulder and my neck and upper back.
Patrick Hartwig: He showed up at his hearing unprepared completely.
The judge postponed the hearing and told him he would be better off hiring a representative
to help him with his claim.
Unfortunately, that gave us very little time to get prepared for our day in court.
James Blakeman: I had two attorneys prior to him.
One of them had told me that when I was 47 or so, he says, "You're not old enough to
get Social Security," which was dead wrong.
I asked a friend of mine that his brother is an attorney, and he said, "That's wrong.
You need to find another attorney," and then I found Patrick and it just took off
from there.
Patrick Hartwig: Then at the hearing that day we gave the judge a very detailed outline
of all the objective evidence in James' case and the support from all of his doctors.
James Blakeman: It was effortless since I met him, absolutely effortless.
Before it was a pain.
It was a long process, it wasn't going well with other attorneys, and I'm just really
glad I found him.
It was so easy after that.
Patrick Hartwig: In the end, James was approved for disability benefits.
James Blakeman: I would recommend Attorney Hartwig, hands down, no questions asked.
Patrick Hartwig: Now, I know you may have questions that are specific to you and I may
be able to help you.
If you have questions, pick up the phone and call me at the number below.
Social Security disability is all I do.
I'm Patrick Hartwig.
Thanks for watching.
Have a great day.
Client Denied Twice Approved for Social Security Disability Benefits – Patrick Hartwig - Duration: 3:34.Patrick Hartwig: Hi, I'm Patrick Hartwig, and I'm a Social Security disability attorney
in Massachusetts.
Maribel was a 50-year-old pharmacy technician when she was forced to stop working because
of severe osteoarthritis in both knees and even other joints.
She was now out of work.
She was in severe, constant pain, struggling financially, and naturally became very depressed
in the process.
When she first contacted us, she needed help, but had no idea where to turn.
Maribel: I had reached out to someone, and Patrick's office calls me the next day.
I was actually happy.
I was so happy that they called me the next day.
My husband was like, "How did you just do that out of the blue?
You trust these people?"
And I'm like, "Well, they called me.
I feel I can trust these people."
And I stuck with them.
Patrick Hartwig: So what we did is we helped her apply for disability benefits and walked
her through the whole process.
This meant encouraging her to keep seeing her doctors, making sure that she completed
all additional forms along the way.
That she attended every examination that Social Security scheduled for her.
And she was willing to file every appeal after she was denied.
Maribel: They did everything for me.
I didn't need to do nothing.
I didn't need to get in touch with Social Security or anything.
They did everything for me.
I would say, "What's going on?"
And they would say, "Just hold on.
Take it easy.
Don't worry."
And that's what I did.
And second time I was denied again.
"Don't worry, we're gonna appeal it.
It's a process."
Patrick Hartwig: By the time we reached a hearing in front of a Social Security judge,
Maribel had been out of work for over two years.
Despite the fact that Maribel did everything that her doctors asked of her, her health
did not improve in any significant way.
Maribel: I felt that Patrick did an awesome job.
He talked to the judge and we had ... It was like a ... We had an awesome communication
between the three of us.
And when we got out of there, I said, "I know this is gonna happen."
I felt very confident.
Patrick Hartwig: Before the hearing, we were able to obtain two supportive forms from her
doctors outlining the reasons why she would not be able to continue working on a full-time
In the end, the Social Security judge was forced to agree and she was approved for disability
Maribel: They get the job done.
Their whole staff is awesome.
I love them.
If I had to go through this again, I would go with them.
Patrick Hartwig: Now I imagine you may have questions specific to you.
So I urge you to pick up the phone and call me at the number below.
Social Security disability is all I do.
I'm Patrick Hartwig.
Thanks for watching.
Have a great day.
We're giving them gold here! Alexander Lewis and Kanen Breen on Candide - Duration: 1:19.Do I look good?
We're giving them gold here!
Where's his off button?
Where is it?
No, I don't have one.
I'll find it eventually.
Hello, I'm Kanen Breen and I'm playing Maximillion in Candide.
And I'm Alexander Lewis and I'll be playing Candide in Candide in the upcoming performances
with the Sydney Philharmonia Choirs at the Sydney Opera House Concert Hall in September.
It's a role I've wanted to play for a really, really long time.
It's a role I've also wanted to play for a really, really long time but he's doing it.
So I'm thrilled.
You are? Brilliant.
I'm glad you'll be there.
I'm sure he's going to do very well.
I think we'll all be wonderful, thanks Kanen.
The piece has got the most amazing music in it and to have - I think there'll be about
three, four hundred members of the choir there as well...
What's the name of that choir again?
It's the Sydney Philharmonia Choirs.
I'm really looking forward to getting under the skin of Maximillion and finding out what
makes him tick, because he's a very complex character in a very complex story.
My parents both sang at the opera theatre in the Concert Hall and my dad did a number
of concerts for the Sydney Philharmonia Choirs, so I'm excited to get into the Concert Hall
where my parents have sung a lot.
It's one of the most memorable and extraordinary venues I think you could perform in, Kanen?
Well, yes.
Six new players inducted into Baseball Hall of Fame - Duration: 6:29.Football News24/7 Sunday was a special day in the baseball world, as the 2018 class was formally inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, New York
Chipper Jones, Vladimir Guerrero, Jim Thome, Trevor Hoffman, Jack Morris and Alan Trammell were all enshrined into Cooperstown during an afternoon ceremony, taking their rightful places with other baseball legends
Jones, Guerrero, Thome and Hoffman were all voted in this year, while Trammel and Morris got the call to the hall via the Modern Baseball Era committee, which gives a second look at players who are not initially elected by voting members of the Baseball Writers' Association of America
Chipper Jones Jones, who was elected on the first ballot with 97.2 percent of the vote, is widely considered the best switch-hitter to ever play the game
He played 19 seasons with the Atlanta Braves organization, amassing 2,726 hits, 468 home runs while earning eight All-Star appearances
The third baseman and his wife are expecting a baby boy any day now, and Jones plans to name him "Cooper" in honor of Cooperstown
Vladimir Guerrero Guerrero, after just missing out on induction last year, earned 93 percent of the vote to ensure his place in baseball immortality this time around
Guerrero recorded 2,590 hits, 449 home runs and boasts a career slash line of .318/
379/.553 over parts of 16 seasons with the Montreal Expos, Anaheim/Los Angeles Angels, Texas Rangers and Baltimore Orioles
He earned nine All-Star nods and eight Silver Slugger awards throughout his illustrious career
Jim Thome Thome will go down as one of the greatest clutch hitters ever to play the game
The slugger belted 13 career walk-off homers, more than any other player in history
He enjoyed a lengthy 22-year career in the majors, cranking 612 homers while reaching base over 4,000 times
Thome, like Jones, was elected on his first ballot with nearly 90 percent of the vote
Trevor Hoffman Hoffman racked up an incredible 601 saves over his 18-year career
Only Mariano Rivera, who is also in the Hall of Fame, recorded more saves. The San Diego Padres legend earned All-Star honors seven times and captured just under 80 percent of the vote on his third time on the ballot
Among relievers with at least 1,000 innings pitched, Hoffman ranks second in save percentage (88
8), eighth in ERA (2.87), second in opponents' batting average (.211), second in WHIP (1
06) and first in strikeout rate (25.8). Alan Trammell Trammell failed to earn the 75 percent of the vote necessary for induction over his 15 years on the ballot, but there's no disputing that the shortstop belongs in the Hall of Fame
His outstanding defense earned him four Gold Gloves and six All-Star selections. Additionally, his outstanding play in the 1984 World Series resulted in MVP honors and a title for the Detroit Tigers, who he played his entire 20-year career with and later managed
Jack Morris Like Trammell, Morris didn't quite make the cut in his 15 years on the BBWAA ballot, but the right-hander was too good for the Modern Baseball Era committee to pass over
Over the course of his 18-year career, Morris won 254 games, struck out almost 2,500 batters, notched an astonishing 175 complete games and won four World Series titles
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Rape survivor opens up about her assault, advocates for others - Duration: 1:22.-------------------------------------------
Deadly Northern California Wildfire Rages Largely Unchecked - Duration: 9:09.Fred Greaves / Reuters REDDING, Calif. (AP) — The deadly Northern California wildfire that has forced tens of thousands of people to flee their homes burned virtually unchecked Sunday as fire crews surveyed a small town that was reduced to an ashy moonscape of blackened trees and smoldering rubble
Firefighters worried that high winds could fan the flames even further. "Right now, it's going everywhere
We still have a lot of open line," said Anthony Romero, a spokesman for the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
"Any event could bring this back up again." The National Weather Service forecast more hot and dry conditions, with wind gusts expected late in the afternoon
Keswick, a mountain town of about 450 people, was almost completely wiped out. The San Bernardino County Fire Department was called in to tamp down smoking piles of debris that were scattered amid downed electricity lines
"What we're seeing here is an incomplete burn situation," Capt. Doug Miles said as his crew used picks, shovels and rakes to open up piles that just days ago were family homes
The flames laid waste to about 25 blocks, and the "mop up" work was likely to take days
He said his crew would be looking for anything salvageable, but there was little left standing
Anna Noland, 49, was evacuated twice in three days before learning through video footage that her house had burned
She planned to stay at a shelter at Simpson College in Redding while searching for another place to live
"I think I'm still in shock," Noland said. "It's just unbelievable knowing you don't have a house to go back to
" Noland was among the 38,000 people who evacuated after the so-called Carr Fire roared into the outskirts of Redding in Shasta County, leaving five people dead — two firefighters and a woman and her two great-grandchildren
"My babies are dead," Sherry Bledsoe said through tears after she and family members met Saturday with sheriff's deputies
Her two children, 5-year-old James Roberts and 4-year-old Emily Roberts, were stranded with their great-grandmother Melody Bledsoe, 70, when flames swept through the family's rural property Thursday on the outskirts of Redding
A vehicle problem ignited the fire July 23, but it wasn't until Thursday that the blaze exploded in size and raced into populated areas west of Redding before entering city limits
On Saturday, it pushed southwest of Redding, the largest city in the region, toward the tiny communities of Ono, Igo and Gas Point
The fire grew slightly Sunday to 139 square miles (360 square kilometers). It is the largest fire burning in California, threatening more than 5,000 structures
The flames were just 5 percent contained. The latest tally showed at least 517 structures destroyed and another 135 damaged, Romero said
A count by The Associated Press found at least 300 of those structures were homes
The firefighters killed in the blaze included Don Ray Smith, 81, of Pollock Pines, a bulldozer operator who was helping clear vegetation in the path of the wildfire
Redding Fire Inspector Jeremy Stoke was also killed, but details of his death were not released
Bledsoe's relatives were among more than a dozen people reported missing after the furious wind-driven blaze took residents by surprise and leveled several neighborhoods
Shasta County Sheriff Tom Bosenko said he expects to find several of those people alive and just out of touch with loved ones
Officers have gone to homes of several people reported missing and found cars gone — a strong indication they fled
Wildfires around the state have forced roughly 50,000 people from their homes, said Lynne Tolmachoff, a Cal Fire spokeswoman
About 12,000 firefighters were battling 17 significant fires Sunday in California, she said
"We are well ahead of the fire activity we saw last year," she said. "This is just July, so we're not even into the worst part of fire season
" About 100 miles (160 kilometers) southwest of Redding, two blazes that prompted mandatory evacuations in Mendocino County destroyed four homes and threatened more than 4,500 buildings, officials said
They had blackened 39 square miles (101 square kilometers) and were each 5 percent contained
Authorities also issued evacuation orders in Napa County, famous for its wine, when a fire destroyed eight structures
The blaze had blackened 150 acres, but was 50 percent contained on Sunday. Big fires also continued to burn outside Yosemite National Park and in the San Jacinto Mountains east of Los Angeles near Palm Springs
Those fires had burned nearly 100 square miles (260 square kilometers). Yosemite Valley remained closed to visitors and will not reopen until Friday
___ Thanawala reported from San Francisco. Associated Press writers Martha Mendoza in Redding; Olga Rodriguez and Janie Har in San Francisco; Don Thompson in Sacramento; and Amanda Lee Myers in Los Angeles contributed to this report
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