Top ten Kirby star allies bosses
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For more infomation >> Top 10 BEST Kirby Star Allies Bosses - Duration: 2:42.-------------------------------------------
Nightcore - Fall Asleep (NEFFEX) - (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:00.
lyrics on the screen
DANCEHALL QUEEN [ HIT 2018 ] AYEK BEATMAKER original mix 98 Bpm - Duration: 3:45.
Christian Counselors Doing Deliverance - More or Fewer? - Duration: 5:08.
Christian counselors doing deliverance ministry, is it on the upswing or declining?
Do you think?
Christian counselors are more open to deliverance ministry these days?
Look, I hear this question periodically.
I don't know about numbers, but I do believe that many believers will benefit if they had
access to this hill.
We're readily.
Many denominations refute the notion that Christians need delivered, so counselors trained
under their spiritual covering do not typically entertained the need for it.
Look at, we generated lots of articles, podcasts, and videos laying forth our position that
the Ministry of deliverance is for believers and it's for today, not just for seasons past
but now.
I'm not going to rehash those arguments here.
You can look at our this article and other articles, podcasts, Youtube archives.
If you're interested in learning more, the spiritual darkness and evil acts that permeate
more and more of the world, a newsfeed how I believe raised people's awareness of Satan
and the demonic realm.
It's tough to really view many atrocities in the world through any other lens other
than there are evil forces at work.
Look in the church.
Preachers and teachers will lament this rise and exhort the flocks to bind, resist a rebuke,
and generally get mad at the devil.
The messages can be fiery, heartfelt, and sometimes helpful, but what's the remedy for
those who try to follow what they've been taught, but do not see the victory.
I've talked to many counselors who have poor tirelessly into some clients and not seeing
lasting fruit or really breakthrough in defeating the torment the issues they're dealing with
include fear, anger, depression, and addictions and lust perversions to name only some of
the more prevalent ones.
The counselors frequently conclude with no real theology to backup their views.
Oftentimes that the devil is somehow behind the problems or client is experiencing traditional
counseling techniques and processes, even after months or years of trial, do not yield
the victory.
Now, many of these counselors will also employ inner healing processes in an attempt to get
to the root.
Some of them, they say, well, Binary Buick Satan off their lives or lead the counseling
and animated declarations of war against the tournament to little avail.
I have personally witnessed a small resurgence of Christian counselors who are open to incorporating
deliverance into their practice.
Many may believe in the need for it, but they don't know how to do it effectively.
Some just really don't like the theatrical and the bombast that they've seen in person
or maybe on social media, others while recognizing the need, prefer to really refer them to train
professionals like us who do deliverance more extensively.
We'll look at who can blame those counselors who are wary or even fearful of getting involved.
Some methods do appear frightening, kind of like a three ring circus.
Who wants to be part of that, especially within the quiet and private confines of the counseling
I've said before, the Christian counselors can be more effective in helping clients if
they see deliverance is one of the clubs in their bag.
If you like to use a golfing analogy, they're not demons behind every problem, but one cannot
council demons out of people.
Jesus didn't do it in many of his children.
Uh, I believe in journal Long Seasons of heartache and tournament because they need someone to
kick the devils out of them rather than talk at them more.
I've had little success personally trying to convince counselors they should include
deliverance as part of their therapeutic processes.
Either they get the revelation on their own from the Lord or they resist it.
Now, however, the good news is I do see the door widening bike.
Many counselors who are purchasing our bootcamp training as an example.
It's really gratifying to hear the testimonies from them about people they have helped through
this new offering in their practice.
Now, look, there are plenty of biblically sound, gentle and effective deliverance ministry
tools and processes in the body of Christ.
My prayer and from and hope are that more Christian counselors catch the vision above
and beyond, and as I say many others, we're here to help.
When they begin to explore options, the need is great for it.
The harvest is ready and deliverance.
Ministry, I think is one of the fields where we need to pray for the Lord to send more
Those who are already counseling to the sheep are well suited to join the team.
If you are a Christian counselor, I encourage you to explore the dynamics and possibilities
of incorporating this into your offering.
If you're a follower of Christ and believe in the present day Ministry of driving out
demons, do the research on your own.
Become trained and experienced through a reputable sources and be prepared to embark on this
venture as the Lord opens doors for you.
God bless you.
NOSSA DESPEDIDA - HOUSE FLIPPER 😭😢😭 - Duration: 41:22.
Wicked Witches - Escape the Night S3 (Ep 8) - Duration: 27:41.
Male announcer: Previously on "Escape the Night"...
as the night is getting near its end,
Matt returns from the dead, and the group enters
the carnival master's funhouse to cleanse the next artifact...
Matpat: "Carnival master corrupted one of you."
Announcer: And are quickly captured by its caretaker.
Safiya and Ro escape and vote two into the challenge to die,
or so they think.
"The sad news is, you both get to live."
Announcer: But the funhouse uses different rules.
Joey: Why are you here? We didn't go in the challenge.
All: ( screaming )
Nikita: She got what she deserved.
If that was me, would you be acting the same?
( dramatic music )
Carnival master: And the world will know
you are my queens of darkness...
( screechy whooshing )
( indistinct rapid whispers )
♪ ♪
( moans )
I need you to love me more than you love your wife.
- I do. - ( exhales dramatically )
♪ ♪
Carnival master: Bringers of evil...
♪ ♪
I want all the money,
you greedy pig.
- All of it! - ( screams )
Corrupters of the innocent.
I knew you'd come.
One of you bitches took my brother,
and I want him back now!
No. I get what I want.
( screams )
♪ ♪
( gasps )
( wind whooshing )
Carnival master: Curse this town and everyone in it.
( sinister music )
♪ ♪
( woman screams )
( woman cackling )
( motorcycle engine roaring )
( blade shinks )
( woman screams )
( man choking )
( man groans )
♪ ♪
( dramatic music )
It wasn't fair, Ro. She didn't have a chance.
They thought they could break us apart.
Are you kidding? We're in this together.
Okay, guys, enough.
None of us are gonna get out of here alive
if we don't start working together.
So on one hand, we have Nikita and Manny,
who are acting like the mean girls of the group,
and then we have Ro and Matt, who are like the Boy Scouts,
and then there's me, who just wants to go home!
Look, I know you probably don't like me.
I never said I don't like you.
I just don't like the side of you that
I'm starting to see come out, okay?
I can see both sides,
but I definitely understand where Matt is coming from.
There's no shame in being a survivor,
but then there's also a choice to gloat about it
and smile when your friends die.
You seem darker, more competitive.
You don't understand what I was going through...
- I do! - Nikita: And I'm not arguing about it.
Okay, guys, we don't have time for this, okay?
We need to find the next artifact.
Let's look at the map and see what we have to do.
We have to move forward with the mission.
We pull the map off the wall, and we see that
there are suddenly three new areas on it.
Manny: We have the gas station, the cemetery,
and a bridge that leads to the cemetery, and we're thinking,
"Okay, where the hell are we going next?"
Where should we start?
"Burned at the stake" sounds exciting.
- Dead lovers-- - ( sharp shrieking )
All: ( screaming )
Matpat: What the hell?
- What was that? - Joey: I don't know.
- Joey: Mortimer! - Manny: Oh, my God.
- What's going on? What was that? - Where are you coming from?
- They're gonna burn him alive. - Who?
We don't have time for this anymore.
What are you talking about? Where are you going?
Mortimer: Come on!
Nikita: We go the pump station--running, of course.
There's some crazy guy tied up
in a very nice suit but with a hood on.
My immediate thing is, like,
"Why do you have a little thing over your face?
Can I look? Can I take a peek at you?"
She'll be back soon to burn me.
- Who's gonna burn you? - One of the witches.
She'll be back soon to burn me. You have to find the key.
- Rosanna: Where? Which way's the key? - Man: I don't know.
Joey: Okay, guys, split up. We need to find a key.
So we're kinda, like, looking around, and we start to realize
there's, like, a big, weird, like, bloody ritual that's going on in the gas station.
There's, like, blood everywhere.
Are we sure we wanna help this guy?
Mortimer: Look, he's gonna be burned alive.
Manny: Mortimer, who is he?
Matpat: Everyone that we've met in this town is evil.
We can only keep pushing forward.
Matpat: "We can only keep pushing forward."
- Great. - Oh, my gosh, what is this?
- It's not a key. - What?
Rosanna: Ooh, ooh.
You guys, it's all symbols, and it looks like a--
an equation of some sort.
So we eventually find these symbols that
correlate to a certain number.
I found one.
I'm not really good at math, and honestly, when I look at numbers,
that's what I see, those symbols.
So I'ma leave that to homeboy Matt.
Ro and Nikita, look for two Js.
They're like two fish hooked opposite each other.
- Rosanna: Two Js. - Matpat: Yeah, we're missing that one.
Missing that one--okay.
Be strong. I know something is happening to you.
- Doing all right there, Mortimer? - I'm fine. I'm fine.
I'm fine. Find the key.
This reads as pretty sketchy.
My detective senses are on high alert.
- Joey: Okay, I think we have them all. - Okay.
So while Joey and I solve the math equations on the hood of the car,
Manny's over there testing the numbers into the lock.
98 counterclockwise.
They're come back. You have to hurry.
We're trying, sir. We don't even know who you are.
And then it says, "Pull to open."
( both screaming )
I did not expect to open up a safe and get sprayed by something.
And I'm covered in this dust,
and I see a little man made out of wicker.
Nikita: I think this is something.
Don't touch it! No!
I've seen enough "Blair Witch Project" to know
you don't go grabbing weird stick creatures in the middle of the forest.
Heck no.
So I say, "Hey, let's stop and read the note."
Nikita: Here's the key. Here's the key.
"The witches are using the wicker man
to curse the people of Everlock."
Matpat: The note tells us that a coven of witches have been
using this wicker man to curse people in the town
and that to cleanse this artifact,
we would have to reverse three of those curses.
Nikita: Should we unlock him? We have the key, you guys.
Matpat: Okay, let's put it to a vote.
- Do we trust this guy? - Come on, please.
Why wouldn't we wanna release the sketchy person
with a bag over his head that we literally know nothing about?
And he's gotta be one of the curses.
You know, if I was in that situation,
I would hope someone would free me.
I mean, technically, I don't really know what he looks like,
but he just, like-- his body's cute, so I'm like, "We should save him."
- Nikita: Okay, ready? - Joey: Okay, we helped you.
You help us now.
Freedom. ( laughing, snorting )
Oh, my God. What happened to you?
- What are you looking at? - Joey: Well, you look--
You never seen a guy with a pig face before?
- I've seen one before. - I have.
Man: A young witch cursed me.
Is there a spell to break the curse--
the curse, the same curse you have?
- Nikita: Hold on. - They got you too.
I realize I just got sprayed with a freakin' curse.
But I feel completely fine right now.
- Now, a curse takes time to manifest. - Joey: That's something.
Manny: I already feel like a pig sometimes.
- Wait, wait, what is this? - I took something
from the witches.
Nikita: So Mr. Pig Man grabs a spell book
from inside of his car, which I'm like,
"Can we just go in the car and get out of the town?" But of course not.
And as soon as he pulls that damn thing out...
All: ( screaming )
- Shit. - Come on, guys!
- Where are we going? - Inside Fat Man Slim's! Come on!
We're booking it to freakin' Fat Man Slim's,
and we get in there. We just escape.
Matpat: So we roll out the piece of parchment onto the table,
and we see that there's a diagram
with all of these different curses
that we're gonna have to need to reverse:
an amulet of youth, a ring from a dead man,
and the bloody snout of a pig.
You're the only one with a snout.
This is a curse.
So if we reverse your curse, can we have your snout?
- Joey: ( gasps ) - Manny: Whoa!
- Nikita: Oh, my God! - Thought everyone had gone home.
Nikita: I'm thinking, "Uh, hello,
this could be a bruja."
My Mexican mama taught me about those things, honey.
We don't mess with cucuys, and we don't mess with brujas.
The witches killed my brother with their curse
and then stole my youth.
Look at me. I look like a goddamn hag.
- I love your overalls. - Yeah, super cute.
- Rosanna: Corduroy. - Matpat: How can we help you?
- And silver hair's in. - Nikita: Very.
Oh, she's just the cutest old lady ever.
How can you not wanna help her?
Guys, guys, guys, there's a resurrection spell in here.
Where do we find him?
His bones are in the cemetery.
We have the swine undone,
we have the resurrection spell,
and we have the transformation spell.
Yes, the transformation spell will help you disguise yourself
to look like one of the witch's lovers.
We have a lot of things to accomplish,
and there's not many of us,
so we're gonna have to definitely split up here.
So who wants to come with me to help pig-face over here?
- I got you. - Guys?
So we're like, "Okay, let's just rip out these two pages."
We have the reverse-a-swine spell,
and we have the invisibility spell.
We're like, "Okay, cool. We can do this."
- Don't get tagged again. - Don't screw it up.
- Manny: All right, guys. - ( chuckles, snorts )
So I don't know where to begin.
All of a sudden, a witch pops in,
and we realize we need to hide somewhere.
Otherwise, we could be next.
Where did they go, old lady?
Tell me. You know what I can do.
Ugh, I don't have time for this.
I've got to go meet my lover.
( softly ) Oh, my God.
Guys, she's gone.
That was the witch
who killed my brother.
That filthy witch bitch.
She saves the bones of her victims in the cemetery.
She lures men there at night and has her way with them
before killing them.
Joey: All right, listen up, guys.
"To bring someone back from the grave,
"you will need to place their bones in a ritual urn
"and surround it by emblems of four elements,
which lie hidden in plain sight."
- Come on, let's find those. - Soil of the Sun.
We're searching inside of Fat Man Slim's
trying to find all sorts of elements.
Soil of the Sun. Sunflower.
- So this is, like, earth. - I found a fan.
- Is it wind? - Nikita: Yes, exactly, Ro.
Wait, do you think it's this?
- Rosanna: A lighter. - A lighter, yeah.
"Petrified Rain." What does that mean?
Probably with the liquids?
Nikita: A water bottle? That's Petrified Rain?
A water bottle? That's purified.
Would it be an ice--it wouldn't be an ice cube, would it?
Wait, petrified--yes.
We have all four elements,
and we have the proper spell we need
in order to bring and resurrect homeboy back from the grave.
"To bring someone back from the grave,
you will need to place their bones in a ritual urn."
Oh, we need to put the bones in the urn.
We have to transform you. That was the transformation...
I have to get the bone?
Yes, yes. Absolutely.
Guys, witches. Come here.
( dramatic music )
Both: Curse the innocent. Redeem the evil.
Open the sky and pour out your darkness
that we might see your wicked ways.
Mortimer: All right, come on. What does the spell book say?
We need to find a cloak and white sand.
- And what does this one say? - This one--swine undone.
Elk's blood, yeti's milk,
and salamander eyeballs in a silver flask.
We see a huge shelf of ingredients
and assume what we need is probably gonna be there.
The downside, though, is that we also see two witches
right next to that shelf of ingredients.
They're too busy casting spells,
but they don't seem to be going anywhere.
They don't seem to be moving.
Mortimer: They might be distracted while they're casting their spells.
Manny: I think you're right.
We realize that, basically,
while they're casting, they're distracted.
So we can kinda get around them while they're casting the spell.
( suspenseful music )
♪ ♪
- Oh! - Oh, my God.
- Go that way. - Witch: Get them!
At that point, the witches catch wind that we're there,
and all bets are off.
We just have to sprint and run for our lives,
trying to distract them away from each other.
Witch: You can run, but you can't hide.
- Matpat: Apparently not. - Witch: Sister!
- Matpat: I got the cloak, Manny. - Good job.
Okay. ( panting )
I've been running so long, but I'm just exhausted.
- Come on. - Useless.
Think you're so bad?
- Can't even cast a magic spell at me... - Shut it!
And I'm just inches away from you.
Come on!
- Aw, damn! - Mortimer: Matt, run!
I give myself up to the witches.
In doing so, I draw them away from Manny,
but I get cursed too.
Matpat: What that means-- I don't really know,
but it can't be anything good.
Nikita: We race over to the cemetery,
but before we do so,
Ro and I have to read the transformation spell
and transform Joey--
which I really don't know if our fate is really
well-rested in the hands of Joey at this moment,
but we--that's all we got at this point.
Nikita and Rosanna: "With this spell, we recite.
Let thou walk as them tonight."
( whooshing )
- Do you feel any different? - No.
I still feel like me, and that's not a good thing, because guess what.
I'm gay!
Straight Joey is gonna have to come out for a quick moment,
so be prepared.
Maria: That's good. That's very good.
- Go get 'em, lover boy. - You got this.
( sultry music )
♪ ♪
( gruffly ) Hey. 'Sup.
Witch: Hey, lover boy.
How's it going?
Witch: Good. I've been waiting for you.
- Yeah. - Yes.
- Uh, so-- - Come with me.
Uh, okay.
I am shaking in my boots.
I feel like she can sniff the gay right off me.
Tell me a poem.
Um, uh...
Bones are good. Bones are fun.
Don't you just love to tell me where the bones are?
Take these hands out of your pocket, baby.
I'm like, "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Calm down."
( imitates tires screeching )
"Let's pause for a moment. Where those bones at?"
You know what? I have a kink.
Please, tell me all about it.
So I really am into bones.
Tell me more.
Well, um, big bones, small bones,
any kind of bone, really, I'll be happy with.
She was definitely getting very frisky.
Things were moving very quickly.
And I'm waiting for the signal so I can know
which box I'm supposed to grab with the bones.
- Okay, um-- - Do you love me?
Yeah, of course I love you.
You're--you're the most beautiful witch I've ever seen.
More than your wife?
Yes, definitely more than my wife.
Maria: She's very sexual.
( dramatic music )
Okay, baby, come with me.
♪ ♪
- These are your bones. - These ones right here?
These are the bones that you want.
- Okay. - So come with me now.
- Are you happy? - Yeah.
- You love me? - Yeah, I love you.
- Let's go. - Okay.
Um--oh wow! Yup. Okay.
Oh, it's--it's a little too cold to unbutton.
Ugh, you're no fun.
What do you mean, I'm no fun?
Take it off.
Show me how much you love me.
Both: ( imitating birds calling )
- Uh, you know what? - What is that?
- I actually-- - What is that?
I think I actually--
I just remembered. I actually--
- Is this a ruse? - No.
- ( growls ) - ( screams )
Get away from me! ( yells )
Guys, go! Go, go, go.
So now that we have all the elements and we have the bones,
we can finally do the incantation
to bring Sam back to life.
These are the bones.
- We need to put the bones in the urn. - Rosanna: Okay.
Nikita: I feel like my powers and my energy in general
is really flourishing in this crazy-ass town.
And I think it's really, really cool.
I'm definitely gonna have to tweet about it later.
All: "What was once lost returns with no cost.
Souls sent to the g"--
Rosanna: Guh--guh...
- Gate? - That's gate.
Okay, let's redo it. Okay.
All: "What once was lost returns with no cost.
"Souls sent to the gate rebel against you.
"Fate restores the body whole.
Your life renewed, a new soul."
- ( whooshing ) - All: ( screaming )
Nikita: Wait, wait, wait. Oh, hello.
Joey: Oh.
I mean, for a dead man, he was looking pretty cute.
After all that flirting with a woman
and a witch, I finally got rewarded.
Can I just say something, sir? You look amazing.
You're not wearing that much clothing, but I do see a ring.
- So, um, I think we--come on. - We need your ring.
- Come with us. - It's my wedding ring.
It's to help save people.
- Here, take it. - Thank you.
- Thank you. - Okay.
- All right, let's go. - Good-bye, sir.
- What do you have? - I have nothing.
- We found a cloak. - I had random oils--nothing.
Tried to grab literally everything that I could find.
So we're looking over at them, and we're thinking, "Okay, what the hell's going on?"
One walks over to a sundial, and we think, "Okay, this is kind of weird,"
but she walks over to it, she does something to it, and she walks back.
We're like, "Okay, let's go and run over to the sundial and see what it has."
We run over, and it has one of our ingredients
for our invisibility cloak.
( whispering ) Okay, that's it. Come on.
Go, go, go, go, go.
Maybe we should have been focusing our search for the invisibility cloak
around the edges, not straight in the middle.
And that was correct. We got everything.
Manny: And I put on the little cloak, we cast a spell, and I turn invisible.
And I'm, like, living the full fantasy.
I'm like, "Do I go to the boys' locker room?"
I didn't really know what to do.
You know, I'm invisible. Like, I can do anything.
This is only gonna last five minutes.
- Five minutes. - Five minutes?
You got it. We'll be here.
Go for it, Manny. You got this.
Manny: I walk in, and there's, like, this big pillar.
I'm looking through the entire pillar, and there's nothing that we need.
And I'm like, "You've got to be kidding me.
Not a single ingredient I need? That's impossible."
Matpat: You gotta hurry, Manny. So, Mortimer, you feeling okay, buddy?
I know it's been a long night. It's been a long night for all of us.
- We just gotta get through this. - Yeah, I agree.
You've proven your trust to us tonight.
I was skeptical of you at first, but don't--
I don't want you going and betraying us, all right?
Of course not.
If there's anything we can do to help, let us know.
- Thanks. - Of course.
Matpat: Who would've realized
that being invisible would be so challenging?
Manny: So I'm looking around, looking around, and I see
this briefcase on the floor, and I'm like,
"Y'all some smart bitch witches. I see what you did there."
So I go into the briefcase, and I realize that
it has literally everything that we need.
I grab every single ingredient, and I run for my life,
and we run over to Fat Man Slim's.
- Where is everyone? - Oh, my God.
- ( chuckling ) - Oh, hey. Hey.
- Hey, you. - Hey, buddy.
- We got your supplies. - Can you mix it up, guys?
Manny: We basically mix the entire potion, and we cast the spell,
and we give it to him. We're like, "Drink this right now."
- Manny: Please work. - Matpat: Go for it.
Please work, please work, please work, please work.
I hope you guys did this right.
( dramatic music )
Matpat: I've cured snake's venom tonight.
- How's it taste? - ( coughs )
( coughs, snorts )
- Oh, my God, are you okay? - ( squealing frantically )
And he starts going into this full convulsion,
and I'm like, "Girl, get some water!"
- Man: ( chuckling ) - Hey!
Oh, my God. You're okay.
I can't believe you guys pulled it off.
( gasps ) Oh, my God, the nose.
Man: I owe you one.
- I'm disgusted. - Man: ( laughing )
Stay away from witches, all right, my man?
Stay away from witches.
That was a little violent, honestly.
♪ ♪
I don't know who you are...
Joey: Oh, my gosh.
Or what you think you're doing here,
but if you don't show yourselves,
I'll slit this bitch's throat right now.
So the witches have Maria, and they're about to kill her,
and I tell Ro now's her chance.
She can go and convince the witches to let Maria go.
- You got it, Ro. - Okay. Okay.
Seems like they don't care very much about you.
- ( grunts ) - That's what happens when you get old.
He--hey, ladies.
Let me talk to these witches. I go to a lot of events.
I do a lot of socializing.
Good evening.
You guys are doing great-- curses all over the town.
I love your outfits and horns. Everything's looking really great.
I just need to borrow her.
I know you guys are so busy, so I don't wanna, like, waste your time--
Would you like to trade places with her?
Maybe later.
The witches are not feeling my vibe.
They are not friendly witches.
You don't belong in this town.
Who are you telling? I know. I agree.
- I agree. - And you better leave...
I will. I'm just gonna take her with me--
- Before I tear you open... - Okay.
- Crotch to throat. - Okay.
Can you believe that? I didn't even know those witches' names.
They should wear name tags, 'cause I didn't know which witch is which.
- That's enough. - Right now,
I just need to take her-- ( gasps )
- ( gasps ) Shit. - They've cursed her.
I'm really trying to just grab ahold of Maria
and just kinda slink away. ( laughs )
Okay, come on. Come on.
- Come on. - ( panting )
- Manny: Oh, my gosh, Ro. - Rosanna: Hey.
Hi. Hey. Are you okay?
From a bunch of witches, I think I got cursed.
I'm not exactly sure what happened,
but I just annoyed them really good.
Wait. Wait, you got cursed?
- ( doors banging open ) - Joey: Hey, guys.
- Oh, my gosh! - What'd you get?
- What do you have? - We got the ring.
- You guys got the nose? - We have the nose. It's already down.
We resurrected your fine-ass brother, by the way.
- Oh, my... - How fine are we talking, though?
- Nikita: Very. - Rosanna: Really cute.
- Thank you. - You're welcome.
Wait, this is new.
"Those of you who have been cursed must now pay the price.
"To reverse the third curse, you must recover the Amulet of Youth
"by passing through the witches' tangled skein.
The last one to complete it will pay with their life."
So we realize that everyone who's been cursed throughout this whole process
is going into the final death challenge.
Wait, who was cursed?
- Manny: Me. - I was.
- I was. - Nikita: There's three people?
- Mortimer: You too? - Matpat: Me too.
- Nikita: What? - You're the only one who wasn't cursed.
So we're all competing against one another?
So one of us is gonna have to pay the price to cure the amulet.
And cleanse the wicker man.
Ugh, shit. You've got to be kidding.
There's always only been two, and now there's four of us.
I'm not sure about this death challenge,
because the last one was just a trick.
I never know what to expect.
( foreboding music )
- Good luck, guys. - Good luck, everyone.
- What's this? - What is this?
"The last one through the four challenges
"will be sacrificed by the witches.
"The first is the witch's brew.
"The second is the witch's hat.
"The third is the bobbing for rotten apples.
"And the last is maneuvering through their tangled skein
without ringing a bell."
There's four challenges ahead of us,
and the last person to complete all four challenges
will be sacrificed to the witches.
As someone who's already died once, I am not ready to go back.
What could be in this witch's brew? It's not gonna be that bad.
- Begin. - Okay.
( dramatic music )
♪ ♪
Oh, God, this--
Holy shit!
I'm not kidding you when I say
it tasted like literally a rat's ass.
( burps ) Oh, my God.
( gagging )
I'm grossed out by the reaction.
There's so much bubbly. I'm not used to that.
I got one. ( belches )
( coughs, burps )
- Okay. - Ho.
Manny: So Matt and Joey go through it so quick.
They down it. They see their little pentagram.
And I'm like, "It's just me and Ro now."
- Oh, my God. Oh, my God. - ( gagging )
The weirdest noises are coming out of my body.
- ( bubbly belch, coughs ) - Manny: Oh, please, please, stop.
Rosanna: ( coughing, gagging )
When it comes to the disc challenge, I am a pro. I've done that for years.
- Two. - Matt, I don't understand.
- You got it, Joey. - I'm barfing in my hair,
on my clothes. It's coming out my nose.
Ugh, it's in my eye! It is in my eye.
I'm not dying again!
( sighs ) Somehow, by the grace of God,
I finish my ring challenge.
( both talking at once )
- Okay. - ( bell tinkles )
Oh, this is-- Aw, I heard the bell.
Oh, my gosh. I cannot keep anything down.
( laughs )
♪ ♪
( grunts ) I'm not dying again!
I crawl through, and I'm first to reach the witch's altar.
I am safe, thankfully.
And I see Ro still on stage one,
still looking for the right mug,
puking her guts out, and I feel awful.
( whining ) I have makeup on.
So I'm thinking, like, "Is there any way I can, like, part the water and just..."
Joey: Come on, Manny. You got this.
- Don't worry about your makeup. - ( bell tinkles )
( muffled ) Oh, my God.
I'm fighting for my life. I'm getting more and more nervous.
I'm seeing my friends move farther and farther ahead,
and I'm still drinking.
- I'm gonna just barf. - Matpat: Okay, Ro.
Baby sips. You can get through it.
I got through the hot dogs. You can do it, Ro.
Joey: Oh, my God.
- ( gags ) - Matpat: Don't-- don't think about it.
- Don't think about it. - Ro. Oh, God.
- It's okay. - Ro.
Matpat: Baby sips.
Joey: Manny.
Ro, you've been the best friend I could ask for.
- I love you. - Matpat: I love you too, Ro.
I'll miss you.
I love you, Ro.
- Oh, my God. Oh, my God. - The amulet's open.
Joey: There's nothing we can do. We have to go.
- Matpat: Ro! - Manny: Oh, my God, Ro.
- Maria: There's nothing we can do. - Matpat: Be brave, Ro!
- Come on. - Get up here.
- Matpat: It's okay! - Maria: There's nothing we can do.
Rosanna: ( panting )
( grunts softly )
♪ ♪
Witches: ( screams )
Rosanna: ( shrieks )
- ( door rattles ) - You guys?
- Nikita. - Oh...
Where's Ro?
Um, you guys?
Ro's memory will live on through her.
It's heartbreaking to see my best friend
just reach such a brutal end like that.
- We have the amulet. - You did it?
Manny: So I placed the little amulet on, like, her forehead,
and she's like, "( softly ) Ugh."
And I'm like... ( gasps )
"Oh, my God, she's living." I'm like, "Are you okay?"
Oh, my God. You're a babe.
( gasping ) I have my life back!
- Thank you, everyone. - Of course. Oh, my God.
Joey: Maria is so cute,
and I'm just so happy that her and her brother are reunited.
- Sam! Oh! - Nikita: Your brother!
- ( crying ) - Joey: Oh, my God, they're reunited.
Maria: I thought I would never see you again!
That reminded us why we're all here.
We're here to help the town.
Manny: You know, I'm thinking, like, "Okay, we're all dying out here,
but we are saving some people, so it's not like we're just dying in vain."
Oh, my God. That was so sweet.
- Oh, that's adorable. - We finally helped someone.
Matpat: Oh, look at them run off.
- We're really saving this town. - A happy ending.
- Well, except for Ro is dead. - You guys, we did that.
Other than that. That sucks.
It's so close. Time is running out.
Let's cleanse it.
( exhales forcefully )
( horror music )
( whooshing )
Let's get out of here.
You know what? We're magical.
Guys, we only have one more artifact left.
We're gonna get out of Everlock.
Well, three of us are.
( somber music )
Türkçe ASMR | Vejetaryen Tabağı ! | Veggie Platter | Eating Show - Duration: 16:24.
Here's What Trash Looks Like Around The World - Duration: 3:45.
- Hi, I'm Aria and I'm in Los Angeles.
- Hi, I'm Aishwarya and I live in Mumbai.
- My name's Luisa and I'm live in Sao Paolo, Brazil.
- My name is Red, I live in Tokyo.
- Hi, I'm Saba and I live in Berlin.
- I'm Giovanni and I'm from Mexico City.
- I wanted to see what trash looked like around the world.
So I contacted six BuzzFeeders, at offices around the globe
to go about their week, and throw away things
as they normally would, and at the end of the week
to empty out their trash, and just to sort it
and see what sort of trash they're producing,
and how they could potentially reduce their waste.
- [Man] Whoa.
- [Aishwarya] Let's put all the plastic on one side.
- Plastic.
(speaking in foreign language)
- [Aria] So that's more plastic here.
- Plastic, it just really stinks a lot right now.
- Make it stop, make it stop.
Why is there so much trash?
(speaking in foreign language)
I don't do any sorting stuff.
- Here in Mexico, we don't separate trash that often.
Finally I take my trash out, and it was weird for me
because it was like a weird week;
because I invited some friends and we have beers,
I eat a lot of chips, and I realized I make a lot of trash.
- I guess we don't really realize how much trash
we do tend to gather and build over the course of a week.
And this was a week that I would consider a light week,
in terms of me being at home.
I didn't do very much at home.
For a light week, I'd say that's a fairly sizeable chunk.
- Now honestly I'm very surprised at all the plastic
that I've collected, because at home I'm not into packaged.
Like I'm into a healthy lifestyle,
so at home I wouldn't collect a lot of,
packaged foods, and stuff like that but I guess,
I'm not as sustainable as I though I was.
- There is lots of cat food wrappers and
ice cream wrappers too because
it was very hot these past days.
Juice cartons.
Also this packaging for vegetables and salads, and grapes.
I don't know if it's a lot.
Some of it is probably not necessary.
This is the waste that I've produced during the week.
In total, I think it is a lot.
And I think it wouldn't be such a big problem
if we knew that all the recyclable parts
would be actually recycled.
(gentle music)
- I guess I could definitely work on myself.
Less takeout, more cooking, but if I cook,
then I should also pay attention to how
the vegetables and the salad and everything else,
all the ingredients are wrapped.
You can do better, Saba, is my conclusion to this.
(speaking in foreign language)
- Even if you don't produce a lot of trash,
you can always reduce it.
- When I buy a product, I never think about
the material it's made of.
I mostly just think about my convenience.
And I feel like now, I'm gonna be more aware and mindful
about the kind of trash I'm making.
I think everyone should just life one step at a time,
and if everyone does it, then it's definitely
gonna be a great, great future ahead.
- Hey, Unsolved is on a new channel, and now your part.
- [Both men] Subscribe here.
- That was my part.
Le végétarisme en question - Duration: 0:56.
Empty Can Test for Shoulder Impingement - Ask Doctor Jo - Duration: 2:24.
hey everybody it's Doctor Jo and Brian. he's gonna be my very serious model today, and
I'm gonna show you the special test of the empty can test, which tests for
supraspinatus tears or shoulder impingement. so let's get started.
so just like I mentioned, this test can be to check for a supraspinatus tear
or an impingement, but just because it's positive or negative doesn't mean that's
what it is. there's lots of false positives, there's lots of false
negatives. this just kind of helps rule things out. so with the empty can test,
you're basically imagining that you have a can in your hand and you're emptying
the can. now, I know very sad that we're emptying our cans. some people like to
have your arms all the way out to 90 in abduction, yes.
I'm ,I would really like it more that scaption area, that 45 degrees, but the
most important part is to have the thumbs down, that you're emptying those
cans because that kind of puts that shoulder into that impinged position. so
what I'm gonna do, I'm going to turn a little bit, I'm gonna have Brian kind of go
out to the 45, and he's gonna turn the cans down, and then I'm gonna have him
try and keep his arms there, and I'm gonna put some pressure on both. so I'm
just gonna push down, you hold it, and if he does that, if he's having pain, that's
a positive sign. sometimes it'll be weakness with that as well because of
the pain, so if it was his right side and I'm pushing it would go down a little
bit. I like doing both sides because it gives a good indication of, are they
holding up the other side, are they dropping both of them down just because
they're scared of the test. so it gives you a little bit of a way to kind of
rule stuff out. but again just remember positive doesn't necessarily mean
superspinatus tear or impingement. It could be a whole lot of other things. It could be a
labral issue. it could be some bursitis, tendinitis in general, so these are
really just to kind of rule stuff out, rule stuff in, narrow it down to really
find out what's going on. but if you have a positive test, and you're looking for
some stretches and exercises to hopefully get it feeling better, make
sure you click up here, and if you'd like to help support our channel click on the
link up here to find out how, and don't forget to subscribe by
clicking down there. and remember, be safe (don't empty the can on your shoes), have
fun, and I hope you feel better soon.
Pokémon Ruby - Walkthrough / Videonávod - 20 - [ENG/CZ] - Duration: 16:45.
Unplugged and turned off.
*Bou Chika Wau Wau*
That is a very good question indeed.
I didn't realize it back then, but steel pokémon are resistant to the psychic type.
Oh, you're disgustingly good!
Not any longer.
When you're out on a picnic, why, you simply have to sing! Come on, sing with me!
Banshee, the Wailing Warning - Irish Folklore - Duration: 0:58.
It is a fairy woman who wails or sing if someone is about to die.
These Banshees are often wearing white or grey dresses and have long pale hair.
Some Irish families believe that the banshee is attached to them and will wail when a family
member is about to die.
Traditionally, when someone dies, a woman would sing a lament at the funeral, but according
to legend for great Irish families, the lament would be sung by a fairy woman.
These fairy women would have foresight and will sing even if the person who died is overseas
or very far away.
Some say that if there is more than one banshee wailing, that means someone great is going
to die.
Hashtags in YouTube Explained - Duration: 1:47.
Hello internet. A quick video on hash-tagging your videos on YouTube.
Hashtags from your video description now show at the top of your video title.
And hashtags are now included in search.
Hashtags in the title and description are also clickable.
If you put hashtags in your title then hashtags from your description do not show above the title.
I prefer adding hashtags at the bottom of the description but you can add them anywhere in the description.
You are limited to 15 hashtags.
From the "hashtag use policies"
If a video has more than 15 hashtags, we'll ignore all hashtags on that video.
Read the entire guide. Link in description.
I will walk you through adding hashtags to one of my videos.
Click Edit Video
Add your #hastags to the description.
Click Save changes
Go to the video now
From my experience the hashtags above the title do not show immediately.
Ctrl + R to refresh the tab without using the cache.
You might have to do this more than once.
Alternatively you can open the video in incognito mode.
Draw Layla Alizada - Duration: 1:59.
Music by Pyrosion See link in Info
Here We Go - my first vlog on this channel - Duration: 6:49.
Hey guy! This is Fran and *drops phone* Hey guys! This Fran and I am really bad at vlogging but I
decided to start a vlogging channel... this is it and yeah I'm gonna record in
portrait mode on my phone, yes I'm gonna be the kind of weirdo that does that
but not a lot of people do it so it's something that will set me apart from
all the people that attempt to do these things I guess, but I don't know I just
think this would be easier, I wouldn't have to, you know, edit stuff and I could
just upload from my phone. Basically, this channel isn't meant to go anywhere.
It's just meant to be my diary. I used to vlog all the time and I miss it
and I want to do something but not the same thing as before because it was like
weird cuz editing was hard and stuff like that it took too much time and I
just want something easy that I could upload and that's, this is it, you know
okay so I just made the channel like just make the channel I made it I made
the channel it's gonna happen I worked on my avatar hi guys it's basically just
this I want something like that and yeah well I'm okay with that I just don't
know the dimensions for the banner that they put oh why did it have to make it
so difficult like the banner is so hard to align I know this because I have like
three other channels and it's so freakin hard to line I always have to do them
over and over and then what sucks is that you know it doesn't update in real
time you have to wait but I got my avatar I like it and since the Chan
is called the same as my Twitter that I made I'm just gonna link that up to that
Twitter and yeah hopefully no Floyd's good so I will check in with them
another update I guess all right okay so this is what I came up with it will have
to do for now I don't I don't know what else to do I think it's I think it's
good enough I like that I have this over my face because that's what I have for
my Twitter which I'll show you right now
this picture that I have on my Twitter so I just felt like maybe I should do
something similar I'm probably going to change this into my my new picture this
one and we'll have that on my Twitter as well I'm not sure about changing this I
might change it to and to from paint from this I like this picture too but um
I just think this picture is more well done because literally this one you can
see like crap behind here so yeah you're pretty happy with that
and we'll see what happens once I upload this video okay so I'm done I updated my
Twitter and I updated all I could on my new YouTube channel and I'm done and
obviously I started uploading videos to it if you're watching this video so
that's pretty cool I'm not sure if I want to make you know
10-minute videos or shorter than that I might I might just upload one video per
week of you know different video entries that I make throughout the whole week so
I'm not sure this is the end or not I don't know this
might just be the beginning of the video so we'll have to wait and see
alright so I decided that's it I'm done and I'm gonna the end of the video and
I'm really excited not because I think people are gonna watch these videos is
because I'm doing it for myself I really wanted to vlog again and I thought I
wouldn't be able to because I don't know I just feel weird picking it up after
years of not doing anything I think the last time I actually logged for YouTube
it was around I would say almost seven years ago I am not 100% sure but um I I
do have other YouTube channels one of them's a drawing channel and the other
one is was my vlogging channel which kind of accidentally turned into a
gaming channel but really I like to post a lot of things on that channel but
vlogs are not one of them so that's why I made this this channel to hopefully
encourage me to vlog a bit more kind of want to do a lot of things that will
hopefully change the way I live so maybe you know having the volume channel and
vlogging will encourage me to keep things up so yeah and if you are
interested in following any of my other channels I could leave a link below or I
think if you could go to my channel and look at featured channels or something
that it should be there I'm not 100% sure how that works but I'll link down
below so yeah thank you guys so much for watching if you did and if you subscribe
thank you so much and I will see you guys next time
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