hey guys so let's talk about the miracle hormone vitamin D and yes vitamin D is
actually a hormone it's not really a vitamin so
sunlight it's incredibly important for health and people see all these things
they see vitamin A and B and C and D and they think okay all vitamins are equal
in their importance vitamin D is extremely important for human health if
you are not getting enough vitamin D chances are you're going to be depressed
your brain isn't going to work as well you're not going to be producing
testosterone as much your libido is going to be done you're gonna be feeling
like shit your bone health isn't gonna be as good so you know as a society over
the last 10 20 years we're increasingly increasingly becoming more sedentary due
to the increase and the development of Technology we're all inside all day I'm
especially guilty of this my entire life I mean when I was younger when I was a
teenager I was a gamer so it was on my computer all the time never went outside
you know sometimes in the summer and now I'm making YouTube videos working online
as an entrepreneur so I'm still inside so this is something that's really
personally affected me so I can speak from experience that when I don't get
enough Sun I truly feel like shit so maybe it's the same for you let me
know in the comments section down below ah I'd be curious to know so vitamin D
in general is an in huge amounts and food that we eat but we can get quite a
lot of it from from animal products like eggs milk so these sorts of foods tend
to be decent and vitamin D of salmon is another example so you can get it from
foods you can get it from fortified foods but generally the best source of
the vitamin D is going to be from the Sun because you're going to get much
more of it much quicker all from a supplement which we're going to speak
about at the end of this video so there are two forms of vitamin D vitamin d3
which are probably heard of its called kool calcitriol and vitamin d2 which is
called ogo costs health Cicero whoa just like studded there that was weird
so out of these two forms vitamin d3 is what you want this is what your body
wants there there have been a lot of benefits proven from consuming enough
vitamin D but these benefits don't really apply it to vitamin d2 so vitamin
d3 is what you want alright so now we can briefly touch on testosterone so
testosterone as you probably know is the male dominant hormone women have it too
but they have more estrogen while males have more testosterone and less estrogen
testosterone for us guys is so damn important for our health seriously it's
good for our physical health it really determines how much fat mass you're
gonna have muscle mass to a certain extent that's a complicated issue but
mental health it's another thing if you don't have enough testosterone if you
don't have it within normal ranges you're gonna experience emotional
problems as well as physical weakness and many other symptoms so testosterone
really is like rocket fuel for men it's the reason we are guys so vitamin D in
many studies has actually had a very close correlation with testosterone
there are actually quite a few randomized controlled trials that have
shown that when men deficient in vitamin D a given vitamin D that testosterone
goes up their cortisol the stress hormone and the arch-nemesis of
testosterone goes down so they've also found that older men who have low levels
of vitamin D have lower testosterone levels so that there's definitely a
strong connection there but here's the kicker men with normal testosterone
levels in one study in one randomized controlled trial were given an excess of
vitamin D that was supplemented with it and there were no one changes so what
this basically means is that if you're not deficient in vitamin D then
consuming more is probably not going to increase your testosterone levels
they're having some studies showing a slight increase but generally there's
going to be no significant increase in your testosterone levels if you're not
deficient in the first place and this tends to be the same by the way for many
other minerals like zinc magnesium and and other vitamins and minerals
which tend to be argued to be good for testosterone so generally that's a good
thing to keep in mind and it can save you a lot of time when you think about
all these supplements like zinc magnesium vitamin D they are only going
to help increase your testosterone if you were deficient in it in the first
place now there are some studies that that show that giving excessive amounts
of it may help to increase it a little bit but the difference really isn't
enough to warrant going and buying a shitload easing or a ton of magnesium or
vitamin D but the problem is most of us are deficient in vitamin D because we're
inside all day we're not out in the Sun so it's definitely something to consider
now there are a number of other factors as well which will determine whether
you're going to be absorbing the vitamin D from the Sun like a skin color for
example your weight your age the latitude that you live in whether you
live in Latvia or whether you live in Thailand so these factors all have
strong influences on whether you want to be absorbing a well whether you're going
to be deficient or not based on how much sunlight you're getting so it's
definitely worth getting the levels tested but I do understand that that's
not always a reasonable possibility so just use your common sense and think
about it if it's wintertime especially or in general if you're inside a lot and
especially if it's winter and you're inside a lot then chances are you're
probably not getting enough vitamin D and the amount you're getting from foods
like salmon probably isn't sufficient enough to prevent a deficiency so in
these sorts of circumstances it may be a good idea to go and get a vitamin d3
supplement not d2 remember d3 now based on the research I've seen generally a
good dose and again that dose is gonna depend so much on how much Sun you're
getting and all these different factors but in general supplements are going to
come in a 1000 IU dose IU on vitamin D supplements means international units
it's just a form of measurement so they'll come between one thousand
sometimes two thousand three thousand five thousand you'll also get ten
thousand and generally you're not going to see any more than that so if it's
something like winter you're inside a lot then taking ten thousand per day may
be a good idea maybe a bit less than that if it's summertime but you just
feel like you're on your computer a bit much then you're not getting enough Sun
in post take 1,000 a day 2,000 a day and now the
limits and many official recommendations tend to be a bit lower than they should
be and many scientists and studies have actually made this quite clear that the
the amount that organizations are recommending generally don't tend to be
enough and that could be down to the fact that every year more and more we're
inside more and more and more so yeah between 1,000 to 5,000 is gonna be a
good dose for many of you but if you're really deficient up to 10,000 as you go
higher than this although it's safe to take something like 20,000 maybe even
30,000 if you stay at this amount will go above this of course for a prolonged
period of time you do risk building up too much calcium in your blood which can
be really dangerous so more is not better you shouldn't take this
correlation between testosterone and vitamin D and think that vitamin D is
like a steroid and if I can take as much as I can
then my testosterone is gonna increase the body doesn't work like that so more
isn't better just take the dose every day based on your circumstances and that
should be fine if you haven't already I highly recommend you enroll and the rip
dude program if you're a guy which you probably are through at this point of
the video or if you just go in the lean goal program if you've watched this
particular video up till now I highly recommend you enroll in these programs
because they are working for a ton of people right if you want to get lean if
you want to get that body you want and you want to skip all the crap you'll see
you sick of the BS and you just want something that works you know something
that isn't gonna bust your pocket something that is actually based on
science and is getting people results then I highly recommend you check out
the rip dude and Lingle program down below alright guys until next time have
a great day and I'll catch you in the next video peace all
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