Thứ Tư, 29 tháng 8, 2018

Waching daily Aug 29 2018

hey guys so let's talk about the miracle hormone vitamin D and yes vitamin D is

actually a hormone it's not really a vitamin so

sunlight it's incredibly important for health and people see all these things

they see vitamin A and B and C and D and they think okay all vitamins are equal

in their importance vitamin D is extremely important for human health if

you are not getting enough vitamin D chances are you're going to be depressed

your brain isn't going to work as well you're not going to be producing

testosterone as much your libido is going to be done you're gonna be feeling

like shit your bone health isn't gonna be as good so you know as a society over

the last 10 20 years we're increasingly increasingly becoming more sedentary due

to the increase and the development of Technology we're all inside all day I'm

especially guilty of this my entire life I mean when I was younger when I was a

teenager I was a gamer so it was on my computer all the time never went outside

you know sometimes in the summer and now I'm making YouTube videos working online

as an entrepreneur so I'm still inside so this is something that's really

personally affected me so I can speak from experience that when I don't get

enough Sun I truly feel like shit so maybe it's the same for you let me

know in the comments section down below ah I'd be curious to know so vitamin D

in general is an in huge amounts and food that we eat but we can get quite a

lot of it from from animal products like eggs milk so these sorts of foods tend

to be decent and vitamin D of salmon is another example so you can get it from

foods you can get it from fortified foods but generally the best source of

the vitamin D is going to be from the Sun because you're going to get much

more of it much quicker all from a supplement which we're going to speak

about at the end of this video so there are two forms of vitamin D vitamin d3

which are probably heard of its called kool calcitriol and vitamin d2 which is

called ogo costs health Cicero whoa just like studded there that was weird

so out of these two forms vitamin d3 is what you want this is what your body

wants there there have been a lot of benefits proven from consuming enough

vitamin D but these benefits don't really apply it to vitamin d2 so vitamin

d3 is what you want alright so now we can briefly touch on testosterone so

testosterone as you probably know is the male dominant hormone women have it too

but they have more estrogen while males have more testosterone and less estrogen

testosterone for us guys is so damn important for our health seriously it's

good for our physical health it really determines how much fat mass you're

gonna have muscle mass to a certain extent that's a complicated issue but

mental health it's another thing if you don't have enough testosterone if you

don't have it within normal ranges you're gonna experience emotional

problems as well as physical weakness and many other symptoms so testosterone

really is like rocket fuel for men it's the reason we are guys so vitamin D in

many studies has actually had a very close correlation with testosterone

there are actually quite a few randomized controlled trials that have

shown that when men deficient in vitamin D a given vitamin D that testosterone

goes up their cortisol the stress hormone and the arch-nemesis of

testosterone goes down so they've also found that older men who have low levels

of vitamin D have lower testosterone levels so that there's definitely a

strong connection there but here's the kicker men with normal testosterone

levels in one study in one randomized controlled trial were given an excess of

vitamin D that was supplemented with it and there were no one changes so what

this basically means is that if you're not deficient in vitamin D then

consuming more is probably not going to increase your testosterone levels

they're having some studies showing a slight increase but generally there's

going to be no significant increase in your testosterone levels if you're not

deficient in the first place and this tends to be the same by the way for many

other minerals like zinc magnesium and and other vitamins and minerals

which tend to be argued to be good for testosterone so generally that's a good

thing to keep in mind and it can save you a lot of time when you think about

all these supplements like zinc magnesium vitamin D they are only going

to help increase your testosterone if you were deficient in it in the first

place now there are some studies that that show that giving excessive amounts

of it may help to increase it a little bit but the difference really isn't

enough to warrant going and buying a shitload easing or a ton of magnesium or

vitamin D but the problem is most of us are deficient in vitamin D because we're

inside all day we're not out in the Sun so it's definitely something to consider

now there are a number of other factors as well which will determine whether

you're going to be absorbing the vitamin D from the Sun like a skin color for

example your weight your age the latitude that you live in whether you

live in Latvia or whether you live in Thailand so these factors all have

strong influences on whether you want to be absorbing a well whether you're going

to be deficient or not based on how much sunlight you're getting so it's

definitely worth getting the levels tested but I do understand that that's

not always a reasonable possibility so just use your common sense and think

about it if it's wintertime especially or in general if you're inside a lot and

especially if it's winter and you're inside a lot then chances are you're

probably not getting enough vitamin D and the amount you're getting from foods

like salmon probably isn't sufficient enough to prevent a deficiency so in

these sorts of circumstances it may be a good idea to go and get a vitamin d3

supplement not d2 remember d3 now based on the research I've seen generally a

good dose and again that dose is gonna depend so much on how much Sun you're

getting and all these different factors but in general supplements are going to

come in a 1000 IU dose IU on vitamin D supplements means international units

it's just a form of measurement so they'll come between one thousand

sometimes two thousand three thousand five thousand you'll also get ten

thousand and generally you're not going to see any more than that so if it's

something like winter you're inside a lot then taking ten thousand per day may

be a good idea maybe a bit less than that if it's summertime but you just

feel like you're on your computer a bit much then you're not getting enough Sun

in post take 1,000 a day 2,000 a day and now the

limits and many official recommendations tend to be a bit lower than they should

be and many scientists and studies have actually made this quite clear that the

the amount that organizations are recommending generally don't tend to be

enough and that could be down to the fact that every year more and more we're

inside more and more and more so yeah between 1,000 to 5,000 is gonna be a

good dose for many of you but if you're really deficient up to 10,000 as you go

higher than this although it's safe to take something like 20,000 maybe even

30,000 if you stay at this amount will go above this of course for a prolonged

period of time you do risk building up too much calcium in your blood which can

be really dangerous so more is not better you shouldn't take this

correlation between testosterone and vitamin D and think that vitamin D is

like a steroid and if I can take as much as I can

then my testosterone is gonna increase the body doesn't work like that so more

isn't better just take the dose every day based on your circumstances and that

should be fine if you haven't already I highly recommend you enroll and the rip

dude program if you're a guy which you probably are through at this point of

the video or if you just go in the lean goal program if you've watched this

particular video up till now I highly recommend you enroll in these programs

because they are working for a ton of people right if you want to get lean if

you want to get that body you want and you want to skip all the crap you'll see

you sick of the BS and you just want something that works you know something

that isn't gonna bust your pocket something that is actually based on

science and is getting people results then I highly recommend you check out

the rip dude and Lingle program down below alright guys until next time have

a great day and I'll catch you in the next video peace all


For more infomation >> The Importance Of Vitamin D For Testosterone (The Miracle Hormone) - Duration: 8:16.


What are the benefits of taking digestive enzymes? - Duration: 4:41.

Hey guys! I appreciate you tuning in for this. We''re gonna be talking about how

you can become better emotionally, physically, spiritually, and mentally, all

through better digestion of that gut. Today, I'm going to be talking about how

you already have the Fountain of Youth in your body. It's pretty amazing! You

know, you take supplements if you try to find the Fountain of Youth, but I want to

tell you that you already do. That Fountain of Youth is enzymes. You guys

know what enzymes are? Now let me say that I'm gonna try to make it pretty

easy to understand in terms of how it's beneficial for you, because the way that

you can think about what enzymes are. If you look at an earlier video to explain it, they're

kind of like scissors that help to break down foods you eat.

But enzymes are really kind of like the spark plugs in the body. And what I mean

by that is that they actually allow you, when you ingest foods, it actually

creates and allows you to get the nutrients from the foods that you eat;

the enzymes do. And so it's very very important that you have that. They're

called metabolic enzymes, but basically, if you don't have enzymes, you wouldn't

be able to breathe; you wouldn't even actually be alive if you didn't have

enough enzymes. And so what happens when you ingest foods, when you eat foods, the

enzymes unlock those nutrients, and the foods, you get the nutrients from them.

And then it allows you to breathe, circulate blood, do all sorts of things.

Now the way that you can think about it is that you don't have an infinite

amount of enzymes in your body. You can find them in raw foods and raw fruits and

vegetables, but there are actually very few enzymes that help you break down

foods like processed foods or cooked foods. That's why they always talk about

raw foods and a raw diet etc. It's because most of it is because of

those enzymes. It's very, very important. And so the way that I want you

to think about it... is let's say whenever you're born, you have an enzyme

bank-account, and that enzyme bank-account... let's to throw out a number: a million

enzymes in that bank account. And what happens is when you eat processed foods,

and when you when you cook foods and don't eat raw foods that have enzymes

already in them, what happens is your body starts to utilize those metabolic enzymes to

break down the foods that you can get the nutrients. So if your diet most of

your life is built upon processed foods and crap foods, understand that you're

using a lot of energy, a lot of enzymes to help

those foods digest. So that you can get the nutrients to breathe, circulate, basically

live your life. I'm gonna ask you a question. Do you ever notice that as people age, they

basically have one problem. Then it seems to escalate to another problem, then all

of a sudden, something else will pop up, and something else will pop up, and it

really just kind of escalates the problem. The reason for that is because

as we age, we lose a significant amount of metabolic enzymes that allow our

bodies to get the nutrients from the foods. And so what happens is when you

get old, and you don't have enough enzymes, your body starts to, again,

use that up like that bank account. What happens is that when your enzyme bank

account reaches zero, you basically stop producing things. And that's how you can

see problems when you when you get sick, and then you have another sickness, and

another sickness, and another sickness; that's the problem.

So the Fountain of Youth as I'm gonna tell you,is actually found in enzymes

and making sure that you're eating enough enzymes to help you break down

the foods, so that you can get the most nutrients, so that you can breathe, live,

circulate blood, and basically just live a happy life. Where do you get that?

You can certainly get it in supplements, and that's where I would always

recommend everybody start, take supplements ONLY in terms of enzymes. Now not anything else.

But if you can get a whole lot in metabolic enzymes in supplement form, and

I would encourage everybody really, to produce that Fountain of Youth and

create more enzymes so that your body can help to break down those nutrients

and get everything that you need to live a healthier life.

So the Fountain of Youth is digestive enzymes. You can find that as I said in

raw foods, like in pineapples. Most people eat the outside, but actually

most of the enzymes are found in that little center of the pineapples. So

that's where the good stuff is, but you can get them in most raw foods and

vegetables. So I'll encourage you to incorporate more of those into your diet, reduce the

amount of cooked foods and processed foods, and start saving those metabolic

enzymes. Start saving in that bank account so that it never reaches zero. I

appreciate you guys. Enzymes are the Fountain of Youth. If you enjoyed this,

click the like button, comment or ask me anything. Send me a message whatever you

need to do because my goal is really to help you become healthier mentally,

spiritually, physically, and emotionally all through better digestion of the gut

I appreciate you guys tuning in and have a wonderful weekend see you later. If you

like these mental minutes, be sure to click the subscribe button or comment

below hit the like button or share with us how you are becoming healthy emotionally,

mentally, physically, and spiritually, all through better digestion of the gut. Have

a great day folks

For more infomation >> What are the benefits of taking digestive enzymes? - Duration: 4:41.


Avengers 4 Thanos Infinity Gauntlet Snap CREATES New Villain REVEALED!? Galactus Wakes Up? - Duration: 7:18.


what has good youtube Warstu here

with a video on Avengers 4 make sure

subscribe to never miss any amount DC

based videos on this channel so

following on from the video I did the

other day when I said there was a

potential leak take it with a pinch of

so you read a video when I said the Kang

the Conqueror is coming it got me

thinking about the whole Avengers

infinity war I've watched it a few times

as I do have it on my ps4 i will be

doing some Avengers infinity war blu-ray

giveaways it comes out in the next week

in my country so I can start giving away

I'm gonna be doing a three giveaways

over the next couple of months so make

sure to keep talking on the channel for

details for that I'm so Avengers

infinity war was pretty epic for the

rating when you think about it because

at the end of the movie everyone turn to

dust where they set for the og Avengers

but you got to understand kids will see

in spider-man turned to dust and their

be like what's going on here I don't

understand I don't understand so it was

pretty savage the ending so it got me

thinking what are the ramifications for

the universe going to be but wars gee

what do you mean well Danis got all the

Infinity stones and I raised half the

people from the universe so he's turned

the universe into absolute chaos and

then obviously the end of movie nick

fury's contacted Captain Marvel because

obviously he thinks it's a Kree Skrull

invasion so Captain Marvel obviously

gives him a page during that movie just

in case he needs her help ever again and

then obviously in the preview Captain

Marvel comic we're gonna find out where

she was during infinity war so we've

been told that's pretty cool so it got

me thinking

obviously the ending of ant-man was Jeff

boilers if you haven't seen it but it's

been out for a while now even in England

so ant-man was stuck in the quantum

realm so what happens if when a thing

slap happen when Thanos snapped a singer

after Thor failed to do that epic head

Shan fortnight when he went for the head

shot and missed and then snapped his

finger the gauntlet looked damaged and

we know from the commentary on the

infinity war extra features that fan ass

and the gauntlet are permanently damaged

whether this is physically or


damage so what happened if when he did

it it's created or released a new epic

villain now it could there's ample

villains in the MCU in the comics at

least who are taken fast down even

Squirrel Girl herself has defeated the

mad Titan so what happens if the

finger-snap had caused the universe to

go into so much chaos that some

characters like Kang the Conqueror who

have listed in another video could

actually be released and could end up

being the villain a for Avengers 4 but

Holden wars jus this can't happen

because they're owned by Fox but not

really because Disney technically owns

Fox it's just not gone through there

could be a secret deal that we don't

know about before they obviously agreed

to buy him they could have done a secret

deal because if they're gonna sell him

anyway then they might as well just let

them use cases anyway in my opinion so

what could happen is towards the end of

the infinite sorry it towards the end of

Avengers 4 we could get someone like I

don't know the girl actors come out and

fan us can actually have to team up with

the Avengers after them after they

reverse the obviously effects of the

finger-snap so maybe what happens if

Stannis ends up teaming up with their

heroes or in fact samus dies and there's

a new hero that comes out and I've seen

this leads into Avengers 5 now based on

the comments on my last video people

like no war stew that took 10 years

they're not going to take 10 years to

build up for the next big villain in

Avengers 5 aka phase 4 they're not gonna

take 10 years to build it to a massive

big batter what happens if the

finger-snap caused something along the

way in the grant around something to go

wrong for someone like Galactus or Kang

the Conqueror or someone like that to

come out now it would be very

interesting if there was another villain

in this movie because there were reports

coming out and you can never trust

report so take it with a pinch of soul

and all that kind of good stuff that

maybe this CGI character that apparently

there's the crew was setting up

skeleton-like setups for it maybe

Galactus could somehow be in this he

might be connected to everything because

we know the Fantastic Four's come in we

know the x-men come in so literally the

villain could be anyone now I know this

is a bit of a

far-fetched theory but I think it's got

some grounds so could collectors turn up

Avengers for sure could kang the

conqueror turn up yeah sure could anyone

turn up yes eternity could turn up

because the cosmic beings the kind of

Illuminati the higher people the higher

power are gonna have to try and stop the

fan ass and if they can't that what

happens if someone even more powerful

than phallus comes up Galactus the

planet Peter well am city he turns a lot

of a gang of the Conqueror turns out it

was all interesting because they're

gonna have to set up the next Avengers

movies because Marvel thinks long-term

not short-term maybe there's gonna be a

little easter egg or something but I

wouldn't be surprised if when we leave

Avengers for someone from the main cast

an epic villain an epic character

someone like for someone like Iron Man's

were like Captain America someone's

gonna have to die in this movie and

potentially that could actually be

phallus I know what you're thinking but

think about it seriously what happens if

the quantum realm we know it's the

future we've been told isn't can Captain

Marvel we've been told the quantum realm

is so important to everything in

faithful going forward we know Doctor

Strange can travel through there where

at least I did like with an engine

ancient ones help in at the dock strange

movie so what happens if the next big

villain it shows up at the end of

Avengers 4 he destroys the Avengers but

doesn't kill him and just escapes to

another dimension there's ample

characters that come could come through

so guys let me know in the comments down

below do you think that a new villain

will appear in the Avengers 4 movie I

think it was sweet if Gerlach just turns

up finally

everyone wants Thanos vs. cleitus that's

why I don't want them to kill phallus

off because Thanos versus Galactus would

be absolutely epic but maybe Kang the

Conqueror so guys let me know in the

comment below do you think if Alice will

be killed if he isn't killed do you want

a new villain to shop because I don't

believe that Kevin Feige is gonna make

another 10 years so we're talking at

2028 I don't think that's gonna be the

next big thing we're not gonna have to

wait 10 year to set a next big villain

could be a massive Kree scroll invasion

to do with the quantum realm but

we know the quantum well is definitely

involved in the Captain Marvel movie now

we are expecting the Captain Marvel

movie trailer within the next four weeks

so we know we'll know more details but

like I said let me know everything that

you think about this video down below in

the comment box and like always please

like subscribe and comment and we will

catch you in another video very soon

catch ya later

For more infomation >> Avengers 4 Thanos Infinity Gauntlet Snap CREATES New Villain REVEALED!? Galactus Wakes Up? - Duration: 7:18.


The Fall of America - Cyberpunk 2077 Lore - Duration: 10:03.

Evening Choombas! Welcome to the MadQueen show!

Today we're going to learn how the United States became part of the third world

Today we're going to talk about the fall of America

It all started as a covert coup in 1989

A group made up of the CIA, NSC, FBI and DEA formed a secret government to run America

behind the president's back

They are known as the Gang of Four

The aim of the Gang of Four was to recover the glory of the American economy, although

their methods were quite disastrous: they isolated the country from external alliances

and when in 1992 the Euromarket was established to balance worldwide economies and the Eurodollar

was adopted as the common currency, America stayed out

By 1993, the Gang of Four had covertly manipulated the American people for over decades, thanks

to the power of the different agencies forming it

As violent terrorist actions became more common, it was apparent the Gang of Four were totally

inefficient or they really didn't care what happened to the people on the street level

This unwillingness to protect the populace while spending billions on international vendettas

led many in the Media, as well as the Government, to search for answers

The crisis that would become the first link to the destruction of the Gang of Four was

the discovery of the "Quiet War" on the European Economic Community

Threatened by the growing power of the Europeans, the Gang of Four began to embark on a suicidal

course of covert aggression, that later would be known as the "Quiet War"

As Europe power grew, the interference of the States was less tolerated, and soon the

European Economic Community was the world power and America was playing second fiddle

Infuriated by this lack of prestige, and also fearful that the space program of the Euros

would also give them military superiority, and in an attempt to appear solvent, the Gang

of Four tried to undermine the European Economic Community structure, using tactics ranging

from stock market fraud to interference in international policies and treaties, and began

manipulating the stock markets of Europe and Asia by hacking directly into the systems

This artificial currency and stock manipulation allowed the Gang to promote an illusion of

American wealth, but once it was discovered by the Europeans, everyone found out

With the implied security of the exchange rate undermined, the system collapsed, in

a disaster that would be called the Crash of the '94

In reaction to the discovery of this fraud, the majority of developed countries immediately

instituted embargoes on United States trade

These embargoes were crippling to America, and it only served to hasten the Collapse

and make the States a third world country

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The second reason for the Collapse was the destruction

of the South America Drug trade and, with

it, the destruction of local economies as well

The governments of the drug producing countries turned their eyes to Europe, desperate to

save their citizens, and Europe provided weapons, food, vehicles, and advisors

The result was that money and manpower desperately needed to rebuild American was siphoned off

to a drug war America couldn't win

The third and final cause of the Collapse was environmental

As the biomes of Earth were despoiled by Corporate greed, who's surprised of that?

and shortsighted policies, who's surprised of that either?

acid rain and changing climates began to make it harder

to grow crops, keep the soil fertile and irrigate effectively

So, in 1994, thanks to the manipulations and the ineptitude of the American Government,

the World Stock Exchange finally collapsed

Human civilization was changed forever

Both the World Bank and the World Stock Exchange were gone

The United States Government had no one to borrow money from

Federal bonds were cashed at a rate so high

that the Government could barely print money fast enough

This devaluated the dollar and accelerated the process

Millions of Americans lost their pensions and investments

Their homes

They became homeless and many died from exposure or violence

obviously, Americans weren't happy and started to revolt

The Government tried to contain it, but the unrest was not limited to "less fortunate"

areas and neighborhoods, and could not be isolated

As a response to the upheavals, the Government declared Martial Law on August 1996

Life in America during martial law was one of the bloodiest periods in human history

Stalin's purges pale by comparison

Over 100 million Americans died during this period, from violence or starvation

With the President and Vice President killed this same month, the remains of the Congress

tried to put a solution to the crisis, but their egos were so swollen it was impossible

to form a coalition

And, still, one of the greater problems was the Gang of Four

By 1997, it was painfully apparent, in Washington at least, that the Gang of Four had been acting

on its own for some time, but President Seward didn't have the balls to combat them as

to do so he would need the army that now was busy trying to keep rioting and looting from

tearing the nation apart, but he was not completely stupid and by instituting the Federal Weapons

Statue, that allows weaponry to be carried openly "for protection of self and property"

he managed to cut rioting a 30%

This new statue is also the reason why you can see so many people wearing weapons openly

in Night City

As the end of the Gang of Four became evident, some command structure of the FBI and CIA

switched sides to help the government eliminate the NSA

This led to a reformation of the surviving agencies: the DEA, CIA, and FBI merged, creating

the National Law Enforcement Division

after the country returned to civilian government in 2004

During the massive confusions in the embattled capital, many of the Free States took the

opportunity to succeed, so California could untie his government from the United States

and create the Free States of California

With the Gang of Four out of sight the covert war against Europe also disappeared, and so

did the reasons to avoid the Eurodollar, so America adopted this currency at last

With the economy devastated, the governments of the world had no other choice than turning

their heads to corporations, the only power structures that survived, or even expanded,

during the collapse, to rebuild world economies

But this is a story that we will talk about some other day:

how the megacorporations became

the power structures of the world of Cyberpunk 2077

Hey Choombas, thanks for watching

Visit your Dataterm entries for more history lessons on the world of Cyberpunk 2077

See you around Night City

For more infomation >> The Fall of America - Cyberpunk 2077 Lore - Duration: 10:03.


Jucam fortnite - Duration: 1:10:26.

For more infomation >> Jucam fortnite - Duration: 1:10:26.


JESUS - A maneira de viver na Terra vai mudar - Duration: 7:03.

For more infomation >> JESUS - A maneira de viver na Terra vai mudar - Duration: 7:03.


Are You Viewing Your Life Through Lens Of The Past? | Law Of Attraction - Duration: 9:06.

For more infomation >> Are You Viewing Your Life Through Lens Of The Past? | Law Of Attraction - Duration: 9:06.


Word stress in Russian language / Ударение в русском языке | Exlinguo - Duration: 52:35.

For more infomation >> Word stress in Russian language / Ударение в русском языке | Exlinguo - Duration: 52:35.


Myanmar rejects allegations of genocide - Duration: 0:46.

Myanmar officials say allegations that the country's

military has carried out genocide against its Rohingya

minority are false. A spokesperson for Myanmar's

president made the claim Wednesday, after United Nations

fact-finders recommended the criminal prosecution of Myanmar

military leaders. The fact-finding

committee collected more than 800 testimonies from Rohingya

refugees in neighboring Bangladesh. Refugees alleged the

military had carried out killings, mass rape and torture

to force the Rohingya out of the country. Myanmar's

government does not officially recognize the Rohingya as

citizens of the country, and instead reportedly views

them as foreign separatists. The U.N.'s fact finding mission

will deliver its final findings in September.

For more infomation >> Myanmar rejects allegations of genocide - Duration: 0:46.


How to get clients online using social media - Duration: 8:37.

How do you use social media to get clients for your coaching business, and without being

salesy or pushy?

I know it can feel really frustrating and overwhelming

At this point, I've helped over 1,000 new coaches build their coaching businesses and

go from employee to entrepreneur, so I know what strategies work, and that's what I'm

going to show you in this video today

One more thing before we dive right in...Make sure you hit that subscribe button to get

notified when I share a new video every week on building your online coaching business


Alright, so let's talk about tip #1, WHERE you are promoting on social media.

This might seem obvious, but you'd be surprised how many new coaches miss this!

That's because you need to be promoting where your ideal clients are hanging out,

not where YOU like to hang out!

For example, if you're a career coach, you need to be on LinkedIn, if you are a college

admissions coach, you should be on those online forums where parents gather to talk about

school, and if you are a health coach, Facebook groups are a great place to find your clients.

It's all about finding the TOP place where your clients are hanging out.

Otherwise, no matter how great your content is, they won't be able to see it!

Now that we've got that covered, let's talk about your CONTENT...


The engagement formula is the formula that I've been using since the beginning of my business

and that I recommend all of my students use as well.

You can't just put out some content and expect people to respond.

Everyone is busy and they have a lot of stuff going on in their lives, just like you do.

So if you just write some random content, it's very possible you're going to get crickets.

Comment below if you've felt like that before!

That you're putting out great stuff, but you aren't getting any responses!

And that formula is…

Attention + Value + Call to Action

And here's one of my example posts to show you.

You always want to start with an attention-grabbing header.

This can be a question, a joke, a story, or a surprising fact.

After you have their attention, it should lead into the value you wanted to share in

your post.

Share it in an easy to read, simple way, and then,

end your piece with a call to action that gives the reader something to do.

It can be as simple as answer this question, respond and let me know what you think, or

even, go off and do this specific thing.

Something that helps them remember what you just shared.

This powerful formula keeps your content simple and attention-grabbing.

This is so important as we're all so busy nowadays and have such short attention spans.

You'll stand out so much more on social media, if you follow this formula.


The next tip I have for you is to use social media to build actual relationships.

Don't go to a forum, post and leave, and expect people to magically engage with your

content even though they don't know you!

Social media is all about connection.

There are lots of fun ways to do this, including fun ice-breaker games like 2 truths and a lie

Where you share 3 statements, one of which is a lie, and have people guess which one

is the lie.

This is something I had my students do a while back and it was one of my highest engagement

prompts ever because it's fun and it builds that connection.

Or asking personal questions like this example bestselling author Gretchen Rubin asked of

her audience for their personal preference.

This builds your relationship with people so that when you start talking about your

content and your offer, they're thinking...oh yeah, I know you a bit, alright let me read

what you're talking about, and they're way more interested.


And finally, after you're starting to build relationships and engagement from using these

tips, you want to make sure all that attention isn't wasted.

That means that when you share content using the engagement formula we just talked about,

make sure that it's related to what you do in your business so that people know exactly

what you help them with.

That includes reaching out and answering questions related to your area of expertise.

Searching for keywords related to what you do so that you can be focused.

And of course in the content you're sharing using the engagement formula, make sure that

it showcases your expertise on your topic.

And remember, it's about quality, not quantity.

If you are being targeted, and are focusing on building real relationships, that's going

to help you get your first or next client MUCH faster than trying to write a whole bunch

of posts just for the sake of writing a whole bunch for them.

For example, when I was starting out in my first online coaching business a few years

ago, doing digital advertising consulting because that's what I was doing in my job,

I saw someone asking questions about Facebook advertising

So I messaged her and said, hey, this is what I do in my job, I'm happy to answer your

questions if you're open to helping me with some market research.

I wasn't trying to sell her anything, I was just trying to connect with someone and

build a relationship

So I gave a lot of value, built a real relationship, and she actually ended up asking ME

"How can I hire you?"

And that's how I got my first ever paying client within 2 weeks.

So those are my best tips for using social media to get coaching clients.

And I know these tips will work really well for you too.

And here's what's even better…

I have another video that goes specifically into how to get your first paying coaching


I'm going to share the top strategy that's helped over 1,000 of my students get their

first paying coaching clients, from scratch, often in just a few weeks.

So make sure you check it out if you want to get your first paying coaching client SOON

and starting making that impact that you know you're destined for.

It's linked in the description below, so make sure you check it out.

And if you want a step-by-step system for exactly what to do to build your coaching

business, sign up for my latest masterclass on the EXACT system I used to build my first

online coaching business from scratch to 6-figures BEFORE I left my 9-5 job.

I'll show you how I built my first online coaching business using just my job skills,

from scratch, with no audience or $106K in 4 months while juggling my job.

I have it linked in the description, so go ahead and click there and you can sign up

for the training right now.

If you liked this video, please let me know by liking it below, and let me know in the

comments what your biggest takeaway was.

Don't forget to subscribe for my weekly videos, share this with your entrepreneurial

friends, and I'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> How to get clients online using social media - Duration: 8:37.


DrefQuila - Fe 🤴 (Video Oficial) - Duration: 3:31.

All the faith I have will be useful

if I fall and cannot come out

I'm always awake dreaming

about what will happen

when I get bored with the skyline and want to keep going up

When am melting with the lights and my wallet is vomiting and yet eating

I'll not stop until I live by a dream until the universe becomes small to me

Let them aim at me and hide afterwards

It's funny how soon they show off their adulthood

Naturally they insult me because they don't succeed

I know it's painful that I'm a kid and make it difficult for you

Things are not always good but I don't complain

better than being like those old rappers they criticize me they don't have a mirror

only because they're far from success

I only move away those who speak less are the most important

so go ahead with the lean the molly and so forth my drug is an ebony and is kissing me

My band is always on and up until the one above says says says so

power like a lambo I will have I know I will have that one day day day

All the faith I have will be useful

if I fall and cannot come out

I'm always awake dreaming about what will happen

when I get bored with the skyline

and want to keep going up

When am melting with the lights and my wallet is vomiting and yet eating

I'll not stop until I live by a dream

until the universe becomes small to me

I walk steadily

because fate is calling me wants to speak to me

now I do speak to my past

I do respect my enemy

Upwards without looking now that I'm here I cannot go down

and I don´t want and will no try life gives you codes to work out

gives advice to those who want to listen and those who don't are out

at the end of this race I don't know what will happen I hope it is what I want

All the faith I have will be useful

if I fall and cannot come out

I'm always awake dreaming about what will happen

when I get bored with the skyline and want to keep going up

When am melting with the lights and my wallet is vomiting and yet eating

I'll not stop until I live by a dream until the universe becomes small to me

For more infomation >> DrefQuila - Fe 🤴 (Video Oficial) - Duration: 3:31.


Ne jucam jocuri - Duration: 2:40:38.

For more infomation >> Ne jucam jocuri - Duration: 2:40:38.


The Book Every Jew Needs to Know: Maimonides' Mishneh Torah - Duration: 6:34.

Rabbi Moshe son of Maimon was born in Spain but lived most of his life in 12th century, Egypt.

You may know him as Rambam or Maimonides.

Most Jews of his era knew him as Ibn Ovadiah, named for Ovadiah, the patriarch of his family

going back 7 generations.

Rambam was a world-famous philosopher.

Till this very day, his Moreh Nevuchim, Guide of the Perplexed, which has no less than

83 commentaries, is studied by philosophers and students as a classic work of philosophy.

Perhaps you heard the saying, ממשה ועד משה לא קם כמשה

"From Moses to Moses there arose no one like Moses."

Indeed, even during his lifetime, Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon was compared to the greatest Jew

who ever lived, Moshe Rabbeinu, Moses the Torah Giver!

The Jews of Yemen held him in such high regard that they prayed for him

every time they said Kaddish.

On his original gravestone, Rambam was referred to as Mivchar Ha'anushi, the best of mankind!

Rambam was the personal trusted physician of the powerful Emperor and warrior,

Saladin of Egypt.

In fact, some of Rambam's medical books were written exclusively for the royal family.

Today, over 900 years since his birth, there are hospital and schools,

even stamps and currency honoring him!

Arguably, it's Rambam's series of 14 books, that took him 10 years to write, that is his

most significant contribution.

He named it Mishneh Torah, meaning, "second to the Torah,"… the Torah of Moses.

Unlike all his other works, written in Arbaic, Mishneh Torah was written in Hebrew.

In his introduction, Rambam promised those who learned his work, "study the Torah of Moses

and then study my Mishneh Torah and you will be fluent in Jewish law."

Did this amazing work gain the popularity it rightfully deserved?

Not entirely.

At least not the way Rambam envisioned it would.

So, in order to promote learning of Mishneh Torah, Jewish leaders came out with some very

creative ideas.

For example, several years after Rambam's passing, Rabbi Tanchum HaYerushalmi wrote

a "Hebrew-Arabic Mishneh Torah dictionary," to assist Middle Eastern Jews who were

not very familiar with the Hebrew language...

Another resourceful Sephardic rabbi from Turkey,

in the 17th century, by the name of Shlomo Ibn Muvchar, noticed how people were more

interested in songs and poetry than studying Mishneh Torah.

So, what did he do?

He rearranged the words of the entire Mishneh Torah, thus transforming it into

an incredible blend of song and poetry!

Shortly after the printing press was invented, the Jews of Italy published a sort of

"Kitzur Mishneh Torah" an abridged version.

This single volume made it affordable and accessible for every Jew to study

on a regular basis.

But that was only for the Jews of Italy.

Despite all these efforts to popularize it, for the past 800 years, the Mishneh Torah

has been used mainly as a reference book… a starting point for the hair-splitting analysis

of the wisest Talmudic scholars.

But Mishneh Torah is a lot more than that.

It covers every aspect of Jewish life, from morning to evening, from India to Indianapolis

to Israel, from birth till death…

The prolific Rambam combed the entire corpus of Jewish literature and arranged the laws

in a perfectly organized system.

Everything was there, and everything had a place.

If a Jew had a question in Halachah, Jewish law, he only needed to open the appropriate

section and quickly find his answer.

Although the accepted contemporary Halachah does not always follow the rulings of Mishneh Torah,

learning it provides every Jew with an amazing opportunity to learn



Even the laws of the Beit HaMikdash, the Holy Temple!

To facilitate learning all the laws of the Torah, in 1984, the Lubavitcher Rebbe initiated

a campaign for every single Jew to learn Mishneh Torah on a daily basis.

I encourage you to join the movement!

Choose from one of three options: either learn one chapter of Mishneh Torah per day,

three per day, or sections of my Sefer HaMitzvot, the Book of Commandments.

Indeed, it's a new world, a world that is getting closer and closer

to the words that conclude my Mishneh Torah:

ומלאה הארץ דעה את ה' כמים לים מכסים.

"And the world will be full of knowledge of G-d, like the sea is covered with water."

For more infomation >> The Book Every Jew Needs to Know: Maimonides' Mishneh Torah - Duration: 6:34.


Homekeepers - Pastor Tom Brock - Duration: 28:31.

For more infomation >> Homekeepers - Pastor Tom Brock - Duration: 28:31.


Actors Hollywood Dumped After One Hit Role - Duration: 5:53.

We've all heard of one-hit wonders, promising new musicians who shone brightly for a few

months, producing a hit so infectious that nothing they released afterward came close

to recapturing that magic.

Well, actors can be one-hit wonders too.

They struggle for years to find their breakout role, and garner fame, fortune, and affection

among the movie-going masses.

But after that one iconic part, they don't get much of a chance to replicate their success.

Here are just a few actors that Hollywood dumped after one hit role.

Jonathan Bennett

Mean Girls had the potential to turn Jonathan Bennett into a bona fide star, as the hugely

popular 2004 teen movie did for much of its female cast, including Lindsay Lohan, Rachel

McAdams and Amanda Seyfried.

Bennet, who plays Lindsay Lohan's high school crush, had the potential to be an epic Hollywood


Why he didn't remains one of Hollywood's weirdest mysteries.

In the decade and change since Mean Girls hit theaters, Bennett has starred in about

20 forgettable projects, including Van Wilder: Freshman Year, a direct-to-video Van Wilder

prequel in which he takes over for Ryan Reynolds.

His most notable appearance probably came from Dancing with the Stars.

But hey, at least he's landed that fun and steady job hosting Cake Wars on Food Network.

Alicia Silverstone

Fresh from star-making turns in the Aerosmith videos "Cryin'" and "Crazy," Alicia Silverstone

landed a starring role in 1995's Clueless, launching her to "Hollywood's Next 'It' Girl"


Twenty years later, we're still wondering what went wrong.

Maybe she did permanent damage to her career with her next big movie, playing Batgirl in

1997's Batman & Robin, a flick so poorly-received that star George Clooney apologized for it.

"But didn't you apologize to the crowd at comic-con for Batman and Robin?"

"I always apologize for Batman and Robin"

Maybe movie viewers only wanted to see Silverstone play a rebellious music video teen, or a sweet,

ditzy, and spoiled teen, because her next movies bombed, including Blast from the Past

with fellow forgotten icon Brendan Fraser and Excess Baggage with Benicio Del Toro.

Either way, it's been a real bummer to see her quickly go from MTV Movie Award-winning

actress to playing the mom in the fourth Diary of a Wimpy Kid movie.

Does she mind?

In a recent interview with Vanity Fair, she made her feelings clear, saying,

"I had no interest in being famous or maintaining any kind of fame."

Patrick Fugit

Jerry Maguire writer and director Cameron Crowe took the old dictum to "write what you

know" to heart in 2000 when he made Almost Famous, a film based on his own experiences

as a teenage rock journalist traveling with bands on tour.

The actor Crowe picked to play William Miller, the fictionalized version of his younger self,

was Patrick Fugit, who had just a few TV credits to his name at the time.

Still, Fugit ably anchored the movie and played the part beautifully.

Yet for some reason, Fugit struggled to find work after the film, appearing mostly in interesting

but low-profile movies like the meth comedy Spun, and the religious satire Saved!

He more recently popped up in David Fincher's Gone Girl and starred in the supernatural

television show Outcast, so there's always a chance he might return to the spotlight.

Nia Vardalos

In 1997, Nia Vardalos performed her one-woman show My Big Fat Greek Wedding at the tiny

Hudson Backstage Theatre in Hollywood.

The play was a loose adaptation of the story of how she met and married actor Ian Gomez

and how he somehow fit into her zany Greek-Canadian family.

The project attracted a lot of Hollywood hot shots.

Among them, actress and producer Rita Wilson, who loved it, and managed to convince her

husband, Tom Hanks, to see it too.

Vardalos worked with Hanks' production company on a movie version, which quietly hit theaters

in 2002.

The sweet and gentle romantic comedy, starring the little-known Vardalos, became a massive

cultural hit, earned $241 million at the box office, and became the top-grossing romcom

to date.

That success likely overshadowed Vardalos' future work.

A CBS sitcom version of the movie was canceled after seven episodes, and her follow-up films

Connie and Carla, in which she stars as a woman pretending to be a drag performer, and

My Life in Ruins, where she plays a bumbling tour guide, both flopped.

By 2016, she went back to where it all started and created a sequel, My Big Fat Greek Wedding

2, which only earned a quarter of what the original did at the box office.

Paul Hogan

Before playing the proudly Australian manly man Crocodile Dundee, Paul Hogan was a huge

star Down Under, starring on the long-running sketch comedy series The Paul Hogan Show from

1973 to 1984.

His 1986 fish-out-of-water comedy, Crocodile Dundee, became a massive international hit,

becoming the second-highest-grossing film in the United States that year.

A hit sequel followed in 1988, and Hollywood clearly wanted to be in the Paul Hogan business,

but Hogan, who was also a writer and director, wanted more control over his projects.

He turned down the starring role in Ghost, a massive hit and best picture nominee, to

write and star in the flop Almost an Angel.

Still adamant about doing things his way, he established a publicly-traded trust to

finance his 1994 cowboy comedy Lightning Jack.

That movie bombed, too.

By 2001, Hogan was back to playing Mick Dundee again in Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles,

which earned a Razzie Award nomination for "worst sequel."


Shannon Elizabeth

After the release of American Pie in 1999, Shannon Elizabeth became an overnight sensation.

She plays Nadia, an attractive foreign exchange student who becomes the object of Jason Biggs'

teenage desires, and certainly those of a few audience members, too.

But America moved on from the Texas-born actress almost as quickly as it had embraced her.

Elizabeth would return to the role of Nadia in American Pie 2 in 2001, and American Reunion

in 2012, but she never quite got to capitalize on her star-making performance.

Her most notable duds include the romantic 2011 comedy A Novel Romance, opposite fellow

victim of the Hollywood machine Steve Guttenberg; the 2012 puppy Christmas movie Golden Winter,

opposite Haylie Duff; and 2015's Marshall's Miracle, another dog movie.


For more infomation >> Actors Hollywood Dumped After One Hit Role - Duration: 5:53.


Think You Know What Your ETF Costs? Take a Closer Look | Presented by State Street Global Advisors - Duration: 1:07.

- [Narrator] You know the rules, fees can be your foes.

And with ETFs, it pays to be a pro at sniffing out

sneaky costs that can take a bite out of your returns.

You might target the lowest expense ratio,

but is that the only cost you need to worry about?

Commissions can be tricky.

Even if you buy a commission-free ETF,

surprise, you could still incur trading costs.

Keep your eyes open for tracking error.

When an ETF doesn't closely track its index,

it might send your investments off course.

Bid-ask spread is another culprit.

The wider the spread, the more you pay.

What about holding period?

That's another cost to watch out for.

Help protect your portfolio by being cost aware.

As savvy investors know, every basis point counts.

Test your cost I.Q.

Play the ETF Hidden Cost Hunter game now.

(determined adventurous music)

For more infomation >> Think You Know What Your ETF Costs? Take a Closer Look | Presented by State Street Global Advisors - Duration: 1:07.


Chi-Square Tests: Crash Course Statistics #29 - Duration: 11:04.

Hi, I'm Adriene Hill, and welcome back to Crash Course Statistics.

When you're buying a new car, a new house, or a new pair of jeans, you want to make sure

you find a good fit.

Statistics are the same.

You want to make sure your models or preconceptions are a good fit for the data you have.

One way to do that is by comparing our observations to our expectations, just like we've done

in statistical tests over the last couple of episodes.

Today, we're going to take a break from looking at continuous variables like height

and IQ and see how we can measure the fit of categorical variables like hair color,

or academic degree, or tax bracket.

Turns out a chi-square model fits like that perfect pair of jeans.


Back in one of our data visualization episodes, we talked about frequency tables, which tell

you the counts--or frequencies--of different categories.

Maybe you remember pasta madness?

When these tables look at two different categorical variables, like favorite pasta and favorite

pasta sauce, we often call them contingency tables or cross tabulations.

These tables can help us understand the discrete distribution of one variable, or the relationship

between two variables.

Just by looking at the data we can see major differences like most people prefer red sauce....

Or the distribution of favorite pastas seems to be different for people who like red sauce

vs. white sauce.

But sometimes it's hard for us to see smaller differences, or to be sure whether differences

we see are statistically meaningful.

Just like when we were comparing means, we need a test.

A statistical test that can help us extract the "signal from the noise".

Statistical tests usually take this form.

And the test we'll use here -- Chi Square -- is only slightly different from the others

we've used so far.

The idea in the numerator--looking at the difference between what we observed and what

we'd expect if the null is true--is exactly the same.

The denominator--average variation--is a little different.

Let's figure out an example.

A new video game has come out, League of Lemurs, and it has taken the world by storm.

League of Lemurs has hundreds of unique characters you can play as with four main types: Healers,

Tanks, Assassins, and Fighters.

The official League of Lemurs development team says that on average they see 15% of

players choosing Healers, 20% choosing Tanks, 20% choosing Assassins, and 45% choosing Fighters

- because who doesn't want to be a fighting lemur.

But you wonder whether that distribution holds in the top ranks of LOL players.

The null hypothesis is that the percentages that LOL gave you are correct:

And the alternative hypothesis is that at least one of these percentages or proportions

are incorrect.

So you record 20 games with 10 players each and count the number of Healers, Tanks, Assassins

and Fighters.

The data you collected looks like this:

According to the numbers the LOL developers gave us, we'd have expected 30 Healers,

40 Tanks, 40 Assassins, and 90 Fighters.

So These numbers aren't EXACTLY what we'd expect.

But we have to ask whether they're different enough for us to consider it statistically significant.

We need a test statistic.

Our general formula applies, with the numerator being the count we observed for each category

minus the count we'd expect.

But If you tried to add up all these differences: You'll always get zero.

So we need a better way to measure.

Using a chi-square, we square them before adding them all up.

For the denominator instead of a standard error, we just use the expected counts again.

In this case, the amount that a count deviates from its expected frequency should be scaled

by the expected frequency.

A deviation of 1 isn't as big of a deal if the expected count is 2000, but if it's

10...that deviation of 1 matters more.

You might not think it's worth it to go back to the store to demand a refund if you're

overcharged $1 for a $2000 laptop….but it might feel more worth it if you were overcharged

$1 for your morning coffee.

When we add up all these calculations We get a chi-square statistic.

In this case 3.958.

Which, like our other test statistics, helps us quantify how well our sample data fits

a certain distribution.

Usually the null distribution.

Like a t-statistic, a chi-square statistic has a distribution that we can use to find a p-value.

And like t-distributions, chi-square distributions change their shape as degrees of freedom change.

To find our degrees of freedom we have to think about what kinds of independent information

we have.

A frequency table, like the one we just used for our League of Lemurs example, has a certain

number of cells.

In this case we had four, one for each character type:

That means we have four independent pieces of information: each of the four counts.

But as soon as we know the total counts--in this case the 200 players you recorded--the

four values aren't ALL independent anymore.

Because if you know 3 of those values and the total, then with some basic math you can

figure out the fourth.

So in this case, our degrees of freedom is the number of categories we have, 4 minus 1.

In this case, 3.

Using our chi-square distribution of 3 degrees of freedom, we can now find our p-value!

Our p-value here is 0.3, so if our cutoff was 0.05 we'd fail to reject the null.

The sample we took didn't give us any statistically significant evidence that the game developers'

percentages were wrong.

All Chi-square tests follow the same formula we just worked through.

And there are three main ways that we use chi-square tests.

The one we just did is called a chi-square Goodness of Fit test, because we tested how

well certain proportions fit our sample.

One way to know that you're looking at a Goodness Of Fit Chi-square test is if it only

has one row.

We can have many categories, but we're only looking at one variable.

Like in our case, character class.

And note: one thing we should always check when doing a Chi-square test is whether the

expected frequency for every cell is greater than 5.

If the expected frequency is lower than 5, the results of the chi-square test can be off.

5 is arbitrary, just like many of the cutoffs in Statistics, but it's widely accepted.

But chi-square tests aren't limited to analyzing just ONE categorical variable.

They can even handle TWO.

Like with the Test of Independence, the second type of chi-square test.

Tests of independence look to see whether being a member of one category is independent

of the other.

For example, let's look at the annual NerdFighteria Survey -- a survey that Hank and John Green

request their audience of nerdfighters take every year.

We wanted to take a look at the two most important questions they asked last year: what Hogwarts

houses nerdfighters were in AND if they liked pineapple on pizza.

What we want to know is whether Pineapple on Pizza

Preference is Independent of Hogwarts House.

In other words, does liking Pineapple on Pizza affect the probabilities of you identifying

with each of the houses?

Luckily, our writer, Chelsea has that data, and she took a random sample of 1000 Nerdfighter's

responses so we could answer our questions.

She's a pineapple-loving Ravenclaw, for the record.

But let's take a look at the data.

Looks like there's a lot of Ravenclaw Nerdfighters.

Unlike our Chi Square goodness of fit test, we're not specifying an exact distribution

for Hogwarts houses and comparing our two groups: Yes pineapple and No pineapple.

In this situation, we're not too concerned with the exact distribution.

We just want to know whether it's different for people who like and don't like pineapple

on pizza.

A Chi-square test of Independence, can test whether or not one Variable--pineapple preference--is

independent of another--Hogwarts House.

And you'll soon see that the calculations we do here are the exact same for the third

Chi-Square test: the Chi-Square test of Homogeneity.

Test of homogeneity are looking at whether it's likely that different samples come

from the same population.

For example you might want to know whether two samples of water are likely from the same

lake based on the counts of fish, algae, and bacteria found in them.

In essence they're testing similar things, and the calculations we're about to do are

the same for both tests.

Back to the Nerdfighters.

To calculate the Chi-Square statistic, we need our observed frequencies which we already

have, and our expected frequencies, which we need to calculate.

But it's not quite as straightforward as in the Goodness of fit test.First we'll

need to calculate some row and column totals:

We already know that there's 1000 total people, and we can count up all the people

who don't like pineapple on their pizza to find that there's 479 of them, which

means there must be 521 people who do like pineapple on their Pizza.

We have 3 independent pieces of information here, or 3 degrees of freedom.

In general the formula for degrees of freedom for these chi-square tests is rows minus 1

times columns minus 1.

Finally, we can calculate those expected frequencies.

Remember, the expected counts are what we would expect if the null hypothesis is true.

In this test, the null hypothesis is that the distribution of Hogwarts House is the

same for both pineapple lovers and haters.

But our null hypothesis says nothing about WHAT that distribution is.

So we can calculate our expected frequencies by taking the total number of Gryffindors

and dividing it by the total number of people:

This gives us the expected percentage of people who are Gryffindors.

Since there's 479 People in our sample who don't like pineapple, we expect 16.1% of

them or about 77 of them to also be Gryffindors.

Using this same math, we can calculate the expected frequency for all of our cells.

Once we have our expected frequency, we just need to use our Chi-square formula on each

cell, and add them all up to get our Chi-Square Statistic:

And with our chi-square distribution with 3 degrees of freedom, we can see that our

p-value of 0.6 is very large compared to our alpha level of 0.05, so we fail to reject

the null hypothesis that the distribution of Hogwarts Houses is the same regardless of pizza preference.

If the null were true, we'd expect to see numbers as or more different than ours 60%

of the time.

So we don't have evidence that Hogwarts House is dependent on Pineapples on Pizza preference.

It's often useful to check our assumptions and to see if they're a good fit.

Whether that's testing whether a population is distributed the way we think it is.

Are there really the same proportion of Skittles colors in a bag?

Or whether two variables affect each other, like political party preference and cat and

dog ownership.

Since we, as humans, tend to categorize many things, from dog breed to hair color, it can

be useful to check what we think about how and if those categories interact.

Thanks for watching. I'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> Chi-Square Tests: Crash Course Statistics #29 - Duration: 11:04.


Прогноз руны дня на сегодня 30 августа 2018 года от Наталии Рунной #рунныймаг - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> Прогноз руны дня на сегодня 30 августа 2018 года от Наталии Рунной #рунныймаг - Duration: 3:44.


Give 5 Kilos With Yogurt Diet - Duration: 2:23.

Herbal TV


Yoghurt Diet first day

Breakfast: -1 pieces of boiled potatoes -1 bowl of yogurt

Noon: 2 pieces of boiled potatoes -1 bowl of yogurt

Dinner: -2 bowl of yogurt

Yoghurt Diet the second day

Breakfast: -1 bowl of yogurt

Noon: 2 pieces of boiled potatoes -1 bowl of yogurt

Dinner: -1 pieces of boiled potatoes -1 bowl of yogurt

Yoghurt Diet the third day

Breakfast: -1 pieces of boiled potatoes

Noon: -1 pieces of boiled potatoes -1 bowl of yogurt

Dinner: -1 bowl of yogurt

What are the benefits?

1. Yogurt helps to accelerate your metabolism and start the intestines.

2. It provides a healthy and easy weight loss with low calorie and nutritive structure.

3. Detox effect cleans your body from harmful wastes.


Never apply this diet or any diet without consulting your doctor.

Please do not forget to subscribe to my channel for similar videos

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