Thứ Tư, 29 tháng 8, 2018

Waching daily Aug 29 2018

- My friends, The Minimalists, are here

on the Rachel Cruze Show, you guys.

- Thanks so much for having us,

we're excited to be here.

- Yes, I'm so pumped you're here.

And I was telling everyone earlier about your documentary

and how much I just like watched it and became obsessed

with everything that you guys are doing.

So for those people that have not seen the documentary

or even heard of you guys,

just explain what is a minimalist

and how did you guys get into all of this?

- Well the thing with minimalism,

the way I describe it is minimalism is the thing

that gets us past the things so we can make room

for life's most important things,

which actually aren't things at all.

- (laughs) There you go.

- Ryan and I both grew up in Dayton, Ohio.

We were really poor

and we thought the reason we were unhappy growing up

is we didn't have any money.

And so when I went out, when I was 18,

I've got that entry level corporate job

and I spent the next dozen years,

sort of climbing the corporate ladder.

And say by my late 20's, I was living the American dream.

I had a six-figure salary, the luxury cars.

There was nothing inherently wrong with the stuff,

but I wasn't fulfilled, I wasn't happy

because of course, I made good money,

but I spent even better money.

- Yes.

- And so I, along with the American dream,

came the American debt.

And I was just consumed with almost half a million dollars

worth of debt at my peak, or I guess my nadir,

at that low point. - Whichever way you want

to look at it.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

- And I didn't feel like I had control of my time,

my resources, my own life.

I realized I was focused on the wrong stuff.

I was focused on success and achievement.

That's really where this thing

called minimalism entered my life.

- Yeah for me, you know, it's interesting,

if you were to have told my 18-year-old self,

what my 28-year-old self was going to have,

I would have been so excited.

And when I was 28, I found myself questioning,

I was the opposite of happy.

I was drowning in debt.

I had a lot of discontent.

I was depressed.

And I remember seeing Josh,

he had a major shift in the way he was living his life.

And I sat him down one day

and I was like, "Dude, what is going on with you?

Why are you so happy?"

And that's when, he-- - Why are you so happy?

- Why are you so happy? - What's happening?

- What is going on? (Rachel laughs)

And he was like, he introduced me

to this thing called minimalism.

So Josh and I came up with this crazy idea

called a packing party,

where we decided to pack all my belongings

as if I were moving and then I would unpack only the items

I needed over the next three weeks.

So Josh came over

and he literally helped me box up everything,

my clothes, my kitchenware.

- And you weren't moving at this point?

- No.

- This is just the exercise.

- [Ryan] Just pretending.

- Just pretending, you know.

- The idea was is if I packed up all this stuff,

and I really, really missed it,

and I really, really wanted to put everything back out,

I could totally unpack it

and put everything back in its place.

But of course, after three weeks,

I had a completely different perspective on my life.

A completely different perspective on my things.

And I remember going to Josh, and I was like,

"Man, this is a really, this is a really cool story.

There might be some people out there

who could benefit from this story."

So you know, we did what any two 30-year-old dudes

would do, we started a blog.

- Yeah.

(Joshua, Ryan, and Rachel laugh)

Spread the word, - That's right.

- via the internet.

- That's really where started.

It was with that 21 day packing party story.

- So good.

Okay, that's just, that's such a brilliant idea,

'cause I even think, because I'm a, confession,

I have done the complete minimalist lifestyle,

but even when you said that, I'm like,

even my bathroom sink right now,

like I'm thinking about it, underneath.

I'm like if I took out all the lotions and the eye,

all this stuff and put it in a stuff to see for three weeks,

what do I actually use out of that?

You guys.

(Ryan and Joshua laugh)

It's probably like what, like four things.

Like it's, I'm feeling convicted right now,

as you're talking about all of this.

Because it is, that's such a smart way to think about it,

it really is.

And I love this concept that you guys live out so well.

That stuff, it doesn't fulfill you, right?

And I think we all know that.

And the contentment piece of that foundation of your heart

is so huge in this process.

So, someone that's hearing this,

what's like the first couple things that they need to do?

- If you do want to simplify your life,

the first thing you have to do is not an action.

We'll get to the action in a second.

The first thing you need to do

is ask yourself your question.

And that question is, "How might my life

be better with less?"

And by asking that question, you start to identify

what the benefits of simplifying are.

Because for me initially, it was finances.

I knew my finances were out of control.

I needed to simplify my life, so I could regain control

of my finances.

But then I uncovered all these other benefits,

like well I made more time for creativity

and people in my life and improved health.

And so what are the benefits for you?

And understanding that once just give you the how to,

it'll give you the why to.

Why am I simplifying my life?

From there, I think it's important to start small

and just start somewhere.

We have something on our website

called the 30-day minimalism game.

Here's how it works, you partner up with someone,

a friend, a family member, a coworker.

At the beginning of the month, you each decide,

the first day we're both going to get rid of one item.

Second day of the month, two items.

Third day of the month, three items.

It starts off really easy.

- Yes.

- It gets you that momentum you need.

But by the middle of the month,

it starts to get more difficult.

Day 15, you're like I have to get rid of 15-

- I was gonna say, 20 items, sometimes more than.

- Right.

- I'll do it in February.

(Ryan and Joshua laugh)

- Well, okay so by day 20, you're like I have to get rid

of 20 items, and then tomorrow, I have to get rid of 21.

- Right.

- Whoever goes the longest between you and

your friend, - Oh funny.

- you win, but if you both make it to the end of the month,

you both won 'cause you've gotten rid of about 500 items.

It's a really good start.

- Okay, so I'm just curious personally,

so what does your house look like?

(Joshua and Ryan laugh)

Like now, where y'all live, your closets,

like what, so yeah, so what's your life look like?

- So if you were to walk into our home,

it's not like you would jump up and say,

"Oh my goodness, minimalists must live here."

- Yes, yes.

- You probably would just look at our house

and say, "You know, whoever lives here,

they're pretty tidy."

And that's because everything that we have in our lives,

it serves a purpose or it brings us joy.

Everything else is gone.

- That's so great, so fun.

- We've got a washer and dryer.

(Rachel laughs)

We still like to use hot water.

- (laughs) Right, right, right, totally.

So there's kind of the extreme, I'm guess,

I'm assuming.

There's a range to be a minimalist.

There's like the crazy, extreme,

where you're like, you know, we laughed about this,

like a fork and a spoon and one plate,

just like something like here.

And then some people, they're like,

okay I like the idea but I'd rather be like minimalist-ish,

like I don't want to dive in all the way.

Can you go 50/50 on this lifestyle?

- We can determine what is appropriate in our lives

and I think everything

that we own fits into one of three categories.

It's either essential

and we all have the same basic essentials.

We're all wearing clothes right now.

- [Rachel] Right, right.

- We need housing, we need food.

We have the same essentials

and then we have the non-essentials.

Things that we could probably do without,

but they truly add value to our life,

they augment our experience of life.

They amplify our life.

And then we have this third category,

that category is junk.

Most of the stuff we own is junk that gets in the way

of the more meaningful experiences in life.

- Absolutely, well we went into our Facebook community

and people love you there in my Facebook community.

(Ryan laughs)

- So we have some questions - Let's do it.

- from people.

- Awesome.

- For you guys to answer.

Okay, Brianna asked, "In what ways can being a minimalist

help save you money and become debt free?"

- I know for me that was one of my biggest drivers behind

getting into minimalism.

So I'll tell you the first thing I did,

when I started going down this road,

is I took my brand new nice Toyota Solara,

you know real nice, brand new car,

just a couple years old,

I traded that in for a 2004 Toyota Corolla

that had no car payment

and I still have that car today.

So that's for me, how I really, you know,

appreciate what minimalism has helped me to do,

when it comes to my finances.

I was officially debt free back in 2015.

- [Rachel] Ah, I love it.

- And I certainly owe minimalism a lot of credit for that.

- [Rachel] Absolutely, so good.

Okay, the next question is from Emily, she asks,

"My husband and I like to think of ourselves

as minimalists.

I think one thing that we struggle with though

is do you buy quality, like expensive things

or do you buy cheap?"

I think the term minimalists and the term frugal

are very similar but they're also different.

- I think when we think of a minimalist,

we think of some guy living in a cave

with no possessions or something.

In fact, I tend to own really high quality items.

I owe far fewer items.

It's the weird paradox of minimalism for me.

I get far more value from the few items I own

than if they were watered down by 300,000 other items

that were sort of getting in the way, right.

I mean, wouldn't you rather

have one pair of really nice pants that's gonna last you

for two years as opposed to 10 pairs of pants that'll last

you for a month each?

- Right, so good.

- [Ryan] Absolutely.

- Katie asks, "What's the very first small step

you recommend to anyone

that wants to move toward minimalism?"

- Man, I think starting with that question,

"How might my life be better with less?",

that's definitely, you're gonna get the leverage

by getting to the why of that question.

But ultimately, you know,

there is the packing party approach

if someone is extreme.

The 30-day minimalism game, that is huge.

I mean Josh talked about that earlier,

that is amazing.

You just find someone else that wants to encourage you

to minimize and wants to minimize themselves

and you can have a lot of fun with that.

There's a lot of little small steps you

can kinda - So good.

- get started.

- I'm sensing another Chad and Diana challenge.

- Uh-oh.

- Date night challenge to the minimalism challenge,

so we'll see if that happens.

- So Nancy asks, "How to part with stuff when spouse

wants to keep it because we might need it for/when/if?"

- Well I think ultimately in order to get a spouse

or a friend or anyone else on board with this,

you really have to show them the benefits.

I mean, if Josh had come to me and said, "Hey Ryan,

you know what, your life's a mess.

You need minimalism."

I probably wouldn't have reacted so excitedly towards that,

but by seeing the changes that Josh made,

it made me want to ask him that question,

"What are you doing different with your life?

You seem pretty happy."

But ultimately by you know just kind of living the example

and showing the benefits of it, that's really how you get

someone to make a move with their stuff.

You can't force anyone in any of that.

- Totally.

Okay, last question, Lauren asks, "How to be a minimalist

with children"?

I'm actually very intrigued.

Well, me not having any kids,

it's very easy for me to project my advice

onto others. - [Rachel] That's right.

- I do like to use this one example.

We were at an event where one of the people who showed up,

they were talking about what they do with their child.

The example that they gave is,

they're five-year-old, six-year-old

would come home from school

and of course they got a piece of art that they've made

that they're very proud of

and they would go to their parent,

"Oh, can I put this on the refrigerator?"

And the mom was like, "Yes, you absolutely can put this

on the refrigerator."

So as they're walking over, like it's already covered

with you know other art projects,

just the whole refrigerator door.

And they'll say, "Now you get to choose which one,

you want to replace

this with?" - Oh that's good.

- And we will go over and we will get rid of this

so we're not you know having a bunch of clutter

in our lives.

So that's what they do.

They'll pick the one that they want to come off the fridge,

they put the new one up.

And then they go over and they might scan or take a picture

of the work and then toss it in the trash.

- Sure.

- But I though that was a cool approach.

- That is good.

Well, honestly kid craft stuff, I'm like, Amelia comes home

from like preschool, and it's just a crayon that's this.

I'm like, and you'll never remember that

and I'm like, unless there's like a picture,

or a hand print or a foot print.

I mean, like very small things to keep is kids crafts.

They're sweet, but yeah, yeah, yeah.

- I think it's important to realize that minimalism

is not about depravation.

And we need especially to keep that in mind with our kids.

I know with Ella, I first, she's five now,

but when she was really little,

I'm like, you're gonna be a minimalist,

and you can play with sticks and stones

and that's it.

I'm like, wait, wait, what am I trying to do here?

Like no, she gets a lot of value from the toys that she has

so having a big crate of toys that she really enjoys

is great.

Now if she's not gonna get more value

if I got her 10 crates of toys,

they're actually gonna start getting in the way,

just like us.

We just have our own toys as adults, right.

And so with her, I've realized once she's done with a toy,

the thing I want to instill in her is she's no longer

getting value from it, but some other kid can,

so let's go donate that together.

- [Rachel] I love that.

- And letting her realize the benefit of giving as well.

- Alright guys, well that was so great.

Thank you so so much for being on.

I so appreciate you guys and your advice and your wisdom

and everything.

- Likewise, thank you for everything that you do.

- [Rachel] Oh, thanks.

- Thanks for having us.

- Well, it's been fun.

So you guys, if you want to check out more about

The Minimalists, you guys are

on every social media channel, right?

Like YouTube, you have a YouTube channel,

Instagram, Facebook, and you have a great podcast.

And if you guys want more tactical ways

or encouragement as you're selling your stuff

to get out of debt, make sure to check out my book,

Love Your Life Not Theirs.

You can click the link below.

For more infomation >> How Minimalist Living Could Save You More Money - Duration: 12:59.


Красивые женщины в спорте и фитнесе - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> Красивые женщины в спорте и фитнесе - Duration: 2:01.


MERMAY CHALLENGE 2018 | #3 Crab soldier - Duration: 6:01.

For more infomation >> MERMAY CHALLENGE 2018 | #3 Crab soldier - Duration: 6:01.



Hello everyone, today we meet for Part 2 of the Enel's theory!

So, I will try to put myself in the shoes of Nico Robin to analyze all this

And allow you to finally understand what means all the symbols drawn by Oda, about the Birka people,

Previously in Part 1 of this theory,

We have discovered the link btw the winged characters and the different peoples of Skypiea

Related to Alabasta and the sacrifice of Shandora

If you have not seen this video yet, I invite you to do this to fully understand this part of the theory,

You just have to click on the small "i" in the top right of the video,

Otherwise you may not perfectly understand everything about this theory

Now, that we have analysed all this, we will finally be able to analyze all the rest of the drawings!

Part 2 : The origins of the world - Oda's inspiration for creating the Void Century

The meaning of all the symbols of Enel's covers revealed !

We can see strange symbols throughout these different images

And some have had to question what this could mean

And the answer could be here!

Each of the symbols was not randomly drawn by Oda,

They all and I say all ! a real meaning and come from a very special story!

To understand it, it will be necessary to analyze, more precisely, a single drawing...

That of this wheel!

And this wheel goes then you give the key, great secrets of all these symbols

Because it real name is:

THE STONE SUN !! and comes from the Mixtec civilization!

Left: Enel wheel cover / Right: Mixtec Sun Stone

To understand from which people,is Oda inspired to do these drawings,

it's necessary above all to know that the Mixtec civilizations includes several peoples :

The Mayans, the Incas, the Aztecs etc ...

However the origins of this stone come from a very particular people named:

The mixicas or more commonly: The Aztecs !

The history of this people is told to us through what we call:


The peoples of Mesoamerica (colonial term) used different writing systems

And an original form of manuscript that was called codex or sometimes "painted book"

They still exist in this world some archives of restored codices, with different history and thousands of pages

So I had to study all these pages to be able to find the true inspiration of Oda!

And I managed to find it!

And this is ..The Zouche-Nuttall Codex!

One of the few pre-Hispanic codices, belonging to the group of codices called "mixtec"

This codex is dedicated to the genealogy, alliances

and conquests of a famous Mixtec Lord named

"Eight-Deer Ocelot Claw"

Why did Oda choose this codex?

Because "Eight-Deer Ocelot Claw" deer can also be called : Jaguar!

This name is important because it can be found through a very important character in One Piece

And it's ofc : Pedro!!

Also called "the jaguar"!

This character is related to Minks, Roger and many other things...

Oda makes several references to jaguars in these different covers

It can be seen here: Next to an elephant that could remind Zunisha, symbol of the Zou island

On this other cover,

Where a jaguar wearing rabbit ears, that could be associated with Carrot

And again here: where each team clashes,

On one side : Brook, Franky ,Chopper

wearing a tshirt cherry blossom symbol that can recall the sakura flowers symbol of Japan for the Wano arc,

And the other : Luffy and the Minks wearing a tshirt with the symbol of the coat of a jaguar

Moreover, the Minks are strangely transformed in contact with the moon,

Just as the story of the Birka people comes from the moon,

A direct link with this star of the night...But we will come back to in more detail in Part 3!

This ocelot or jaguar, is also represented in a very important part related to Skypiea and the Ener's covers

Here, I compared this character, to the people of Shandora

But if we look carefully at his costume,

It looks suspiciously like that of "Eight-Deer Ocelot Claw"

Left: Enel cover / Right:"Eight-Deer Ocelot Claw"

The jaguar was a warrior just like the bird (eagle),

And was present during the sacrifices,

Strangely one finds exactly the term "warrior"

to name the Shandias alias the people of Calgara

But especially the symbol of the sacrifice that I explained previously in Part 1 of the theory

Now, just look at all the other symbols from the Enel's covers

To realize that everything corresponds to this famous codex !!!

Here, the labyrinth of snakes

The animal and the crab

The symbol of the drawn pyramid seen from the top

Oda has completely represented all the Aztec codices on this page,

But the most important part to understand is here!

Remember! What clue allowed me to find all this?

WHEEL ! also called: SUN STONE!

Well, this stone will be able to make us discover what could bring ...

The 3rd great war in One Piece!

The useful battle that could conclude the manga!

And to make us understand, the origin of the different peoples just like :

The Minks, Fish men or even Monkeys!

PART 3 : The Announcement of the Apocalypse !

The Third Great War - The Final Battle!



👑 Reign Forever, czyli najlepszy obóz! 👑 VLOG #7 - Duration: 13:05.

So, this is how our setup looks like so far.

What do you want to say?

It's so cool in here.

We're setting up equipment!

The drumset is almost ready.

Are you ready?


But it's gonna be fun.

This is gonna be your first camp?

Yes, first camp.

Are you excited?


I'm proud of myself, cause I'm gonna be showing motions in Camp Dance.

Yeeeah, I heard about it.




How are you?

It's her first camp.

I am very excited, and I wait, I will see, I can't speak.

I'm waiting to see how the camp's gonna be like.

We got these super cool notebooks.

I really like them.

It's also the title of the Camp Dance song.

Reign Forever.

Welcome to our camp!

Hi there. (DAY 2)

What's up?

The weather's good.

Are you supervising the workshops?

Yes, I control people.

Everything's okay.

Seba is our main supervisor.

Wszystko jest under control.

We were playing volleyball today.

Now guys are playing soccer.

They didn't go to the soccer field.

And we are having fun.

How are you?



We have a great choir already.

First rehearsal - everything's done.

We're playing keyboard.

How is it going?

- We're trying. - Very good.

We have our notes.

This is important.

Good notes are the key to success.

Can you play something?

But you won't hear it, cause it works only for headphones.

Okay, I will add some awesome rock music then.



We're going to the bus.

We're going, but I don't know where.

I know there's gonna be a mountain hike.

And I got a brancelet from Emilka.

We are all meeting together at the top

and then we are all going back to the facility by bus.

Hello, do you want to tell where we are and what is happening?

I don't know, we just-

As a leader-


Ten push-ups.

As a leader I wanted to say, that we just arrived to our first station, where-

Extra loading!

We are at the first station, where we are going to do a very important mission,

that is, throwing rocks.

The future of our army depends on this.

What did you like the most?

This Baba Jaga/sniper game.

The trip was awesome

I was sitting at my station for three hours, waiting for people.

And then I was yelling "WATCH OUT, SNIPER!"

But I can't really yell, so it was funny.

But I hope people liked it.

I liked your yelling.


That was awesome.

Yeah, that was the best.

But painting the flags was great too.

And when the policemen were catching us.

Yesterday's worship was very fun.

It was very unique.

We were singing the songs that our Fusion already knew,

so when we were singing "Mów Do Mnie", people were singing with us, and that was amazing.

And it was a good transition to the testimony, and the lecture.


Greetings to summer camp. #reignkato, I approve.

And do a funny face.

What are your workshops, and what did you eat for breakfast?

So, my workshops are voice and dance.

And I didn't eat breakfast, cause I overslept.

Today is Lumpex Party (*lumpex = second hand clothes store)

and I have an awesome costume.

I'm gonna look like a typical Polish lumpex girl - is there a word for it?

Grażyna! Yes! (*this is a Polish meme, google it if you want)

Do you have a costume?

- What for? - Lumpex Party.

Yeah, I have!

What do you have?

I won't tell.

She won't tell.

It's a surprise.


(we play a game, whoever post more selfies, wins)



My clapperboard is in my suitcase, but let's start!


Okay, so. So so so so.

What are we talking about?


And it's the last day, WOO, THAT WAS NOT PLANNED.

And we have an awesome concert tomorrow.

And it's the first time we're recording with such a big audience.

We moved here from these tables, so that it would be more quiet, but everybody just came here after us.

So it's the last day

And people are leaving, and we are very sorry.

But the camp was amazing, and it was so fast.

I mean, fun things always come to an end faster.

Like life.

Nobody died!

We didn't lose anybody!

And we didn't have to call an ambulance.

Which is SHOCKING.

But there were some injuries.

There were, but nothing serious, you know.

We had to move to a different place. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Welcome back, to the place of blue boys and pink girls.

We don't do this at the camp, we don't mix.

Boys are blue?

(*it's funny in Polish, cause he used the feminine ending. It's not translatable, sorry ^^)

Yes. Welcome.

Now we have a smaller audience, it's only Ania. And Tanash is spying on us.

So, let's talk about hips.

(*it's about Marcel's conducting of No Roots)

This is so beautiful.

And it makes me very happy, when I can look at Marcel who conducts this song.

He's a natural.

This dance is perfect for him.

I would like Ania to put Marcel's hips in this video.

I will. Here you go.

If you were not here, you should be very sorry, cause you missed so much.

It was awesome, there was lots of new and interesting things.

For example, we had interviews, led by MC's.

They were during morning programs, with people who were doing evening talks the same day.

And it was great, getting to know these people from this normal side.

Not like "smart person" side, but more like "hey, I'm a human" side.

It was really cool.

The best evening was a Lumpex Party, of course.

It was the best thing ever.

(*they are singing a song about cesspools, another Polish meme)

And I want to add, that we also had a mountain hike.

And nobody got lost.

And usually during such hikes you can lose like 10% of people.

But 100% came back.

I don't know if that's good or bad.

Just kidding, we love our campers. It was great.

But no purple.

I liked our station.

And I like the feeling of destroying their hard work.

Because they were supposed to take the water from the spring, and put it into a bucket.

The cups were leaking, and they had to transport as much water as they could.

And then, I saw their faces after 5 minutes of hard work, everything was wasted,

cause I just took the bucket and put the water back to the spring.

And they were like: "nooo"

This reveals that I am a mean person, but well. It was fun.

I am tired, cause it takes lots of effort, preparing everything, watching everything, etc etc.

I am dead, and you can see it, so I'm sorry.

I slept a little longer than Pati,

cause Pati woke up much earlier to work on some things.

(props for Pati and her dedication <3 )

I could sleep, and I'm alive.

I have a theory, because yesterday we were having this mysterious evening thingy.

Murder Mystery.

And my station was right here, and it was dark,

and this is my theory that nobody is gonna question,

that I was bitten by a spider, and I'm mutating right now.

So if I wake up tomorrow, and start to stoot web like Spiderman, I'm really sorry.


(you do this shamefully)

Spiderman, spiderman, he walks, walks, walks, Spiderman.


Gotta catch them all.

In a world we must defend!

Pikatchu, I choose you!

(what is she doing)

And I became a farmer on this camp, cause got a little sunburnt.

It was marvelous!

If you wish you were here, come next year!

It's really worth to come, because every day there's something unexpected.

Like they suddenly tell you "watch out, you can get hit by a water balloon".

What else can you do here?

I don't know.

You can sing.


Play instruments.


If you can't play the guitar, drums, keyboard, or anything,

you can learn it here. We will teach you, will we?

And I hope you will visit us,

and that you will come to camps, and go to Fusion or Edge, or whatever.

And you will subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Give us a like, and a sub, and check out our Instagram, Snapchat,

And Summer Camp's facebook fanpage.

- MySpace, Twitter, WhatsApp... - I wanted to tell about MySpace too.

My mum just came, so I gotta go!

And I go by train!

So byeee, thank you so much, byeee!

For more infomation >> 👑 Reign Forever, czyli najlepszy obóz! 👑 VLOG #7 - Duration: 13:05.


Der riskante Immobilienhype! Sind Immobilien wirklich nur ein Trend? 🤔🏠 - Duration: 5:11.

For more infomation >> Der riskante Immobilienhype! Sind Immobilien wirklich nur ein Trend? 🤔🏠 - Duration: 5:11.


اغنية حزينة جدا مع صور YouTube - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> اغنية حزينة جدا مع صور YouTube - Duration: 2:11.


Aprender español: Los posesivos tónicos (nivel intermedio) - Duration: 8:51.

For more infomation >> Aprender español: Los posesivos tónicos (nivel intermedio) - Duration: 8:51.


"I blame myself" - Origin - Duration: 0:53.


I'm looking for someone who lives and breathes

his work.

his work...(echoed)

You are looking at him.

I have to know what I'm dealing with

before the others find out.


We're trying to save hundreds of thousands of lives

at the cost of one.

Everyone blames me.

I blame myself.


For more infomation >> "I blame myself" - Origin - Duration: 0:53.


Фитнес красивые и стройные девушки! - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> Фитнес красивые и стройные девушки! - Duration: 2:02.


BONANZA 12 FREE SPINS - MEGA WIN! - Duration: 5:39.




For more infomation >> BONANZA 12 FREE SPINS - MEGA WIN! - Duration: 5:39.


Meanwhile with Robin and Cassie: Robot Phone Call - Duration: 3:52.

[Phone Rings]

Are you gonna get that?

Absolutely not.

Why not?

It's a robot.

What do you mean "It's a robot"?

Well, my bank keeps calling me.

But every time I answer it's a robot.

But what are they calling about?

I don't know every time I answer in here it's a robot voice

I just hang up.

What if they're calling for something important?

Well, if it was important they wouldn't have a robot calling me.

Okay. It's not a robot. It's an automated message.

And if they keep calling you it's probably for something important.

Well, I refuse to answer until it's a human calling me.

Yeah, but how are you gonna know it's a human on the other line

if you don't ever pick up the phone phone?

Fine. You answer it the next time someone calls.

Okay. I wlll.

[Phone Rings]


Hi, this is Cassie's phone.

Oh hi Mrs. Lavo. It's Robin.

Yeah, hold on one second.

It's your mom.

I can't talk right now.

It's your mom!

Get rid of her!

I'm not gonna do that.

Hi mom.


I can't really talk right now. We're dealing with a robot issue.

No, not that one.

Yeah, she's still being a brat.

I know.


Well, yeah, I'll give you a call later.

I love you like a daughter loves her mom. Okay. Bye.

Who's being a brat?

My Alexa.

She keeps randomly making farting noises

and it's like she's trying to sabotage me when I have company over.

That's actually pretty funny.

Well, I'm glad my pain causes you joy.

Okay, calm down.

[Phone Rings]

It's them.

Let me see.

Hi, this is Cassie's phone.

What are they saying?

Shut up.

Tell em' I wanna talk to a human.

So, it's pretty serious.

It is?


Okay, I'm ready.

Your identity has been stolen.

By a robot?

No, by a human.

Oh, so it's not that bad.

Well it is bad don't you know what identity theft is?

It's when someone creates a fake Facebook profile of you

and then sends inappropriate messages to all your childhood friends.

That is not... no. That's Catfishing.


Okay, fair enough is kind of like a form of identity theft, but it's not what I'm talking about.

Did that happen to you?

Senior year of high school.

Cass, I'm so sorry.

The worst part was the fake me had way more Facebook friends than I ever did.

Somehow I'm not surprised.

I know.

Did you ever find out who did it?



If you ask me, I don't think it was a human. I think it was-

a robot

Exactly, a robot.

Yeah, fell right into that one.

[Phone Rings]

Are you gonna get this?

Absolutely not.

This just in

For more infomation >> Meanwhile with Robin and Cassie: Robot Phone Call - Duration: 3:52.


J2- SPNNC 2018 Peinado favorito de Sam (sub.español) - Duration: 7:38.

For more infomation >> J2- SPNNC 2018 Peinado favorito de Sam (sub.español) - Duration: 7:38.


MrJWW presents the A-Class 2018 (Part 2): MBUX & Connectivity - Duration: 3:07.

Hey Mercedes!

How can I help you?

Take me to a fish restaurant.

Please select an entry.

Just like that!

There's restaurants available for me directly.

Let's try one more!

Hey Mercedes!

How can I help you?

Change the temperature to 28.

The temperature is set to 28 degrees.

Just like that! All of my commands were done without having

to take a single hand off the steering wheel.

So what you just heard was LINGUATRONIC.

It's an intelligent voice control.

Activated by a casual "Hey Mercedes!"

How can I help you?

And it's intelligent, because you

interact with it. Just like a human.

So there's multiple ways you can interact with the car:

There's LINGUATRONIC, which,

as you've just heard, is effortless.

There's a touchscreen here,

a touchpad down here,

the touch control buttons on the steering wheel.

And all of this adds up to an

incredibly intuitive experience.

So what's revolutionary about this system

is that MBUX is powered by

artificial intelligence.

Meaning that the more you interact with it,

the more it learns about you personally.

So let me give you an example:

Say every day at 5 o'clock

You call your loved ones or friends.

After a while,

the system will learn that behaviour

and then, when you get in the car the next time,

they would be on top of your

personalised suggestions.

I mean how awesome is that?

There's also this really cool feature:

We've all been there

when we've walked away from our car

and we've wondered if we've

wound the windows up or if we've locked it.


Mercedes-Benz has this online service called

Mercedes me connect

which is ready to partner with MBUX

and you can go online via your phone

or an online browser

and you can check the status of your car.

You can check out where you've parked it

You can even see if you've locked it

or the windows are up or down.

You can even see

how much fuel is left in the tank.

Additionally, the display is easily adjustable

to the driver's preferences and needs.

Every driver has different wants.

The options in the Widescreen Cockpit can

easily be customised to your personal preferences.

With all this, the Mercedes-Benz engineers

have created the most seamless

emotional and human interaction ever established

between the driver and technology.

The new A-Class is not just a car,

but the ultimate mobile device

or an attentive reliable friend

who is there when you need him.

For more infomation >> MrJWW presents the A-Class 2018 (Part 2): MBUX & Connectivity - Duration: 3:07.



Hi everyone its NGZ

For more infomation >> L'HISTOIRE DE SIBOY | UN ANCIEN SDF DEVENU MEMBRE DU 92i - Duration: 5:25.


How to use your phone, tablet, or computer to activate YouTube on TV - Duration: 1:17.

In this video, we'll show you how to control your YouTube experience on TV using a TV code.

To get started, launch the YouTube app on your TV.

Go to "Settings," and then find "Link with TV code." You should see a blue TV code

appear on your screen.

Now it's time to grab your phone, tablet, or computer to move on to the next steps.

If you're on a phone or tablet, open the YouTube app.

Tap your account icon, and then tap Settings.

Now select "Watch on TV."

Under the "Link with TV code" section, tap "Enter TV code".

Take the blue TV code and enter it on your phone or tablet.

If you're on your computer, just visit

Look for the blue TV code that appears on your TV and enter it in the "Link with TV code" section.

Finally, click "Add this TV."

You can now use your phone, tablet, or computer to control your YouTube experience on TV.

And that's it!

Subscribe to our channel for more tips and tricks.

For more infomation >> How to use your phone, tablet, or computer to activate YouTube on TV - Duration: 1:17.


Top Gun Cast ★ Then and Now 2018 - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> Top Gun Cast ★ Then and Now 2018 - Duration: 3:05.


SprezzaBox Review - Duration: 11:27.

thanks for checking this Video guys we're

gonna be going in to the Sprezzabox

alright so right here we have this


I do these this company every now and

then this is a you know monthly

subscription box thirty dollars a month

really really close to what I do a

monthly with the gentleman's box I'm

actually gonna be doing a comparison

video shortly I have right here two

months of the spresso box alright

whereas a box nice boxes alright these

are summer I believe summer themed

months what do we have here the cool

thing about the spreader box is they do

give you like a breakdown of each item

and then I think that's also how you if

you need to return it for being messed

up or any cases like that you have the

item listing and you also have the you

know the return slip so right here we

have thank you for your purchase spreads

a box alright so which one we gonna do

first we'll go with the left hand

alright so this first box like I said

about thirty thousand month you could do

like a yearly or move like more like a

three month or a six month plan so that

it you can save a couple of dollars now

I'll leave the link down below discount

code I have down below as well for you

guys but let's go into it nice

nice-looking box here nice little box

here we go

so this right here this month was the


alright this box has amazing products to

kick off the season and then this right

here is the card that tells you the

items and the retail values alright so

off the bat I see items on here that

have a really high value so money was

well spent

let's just keep diving on is so holy


Macy's wine cellar a hundred and sixty

dollars off exclusive welcome order

so Macy's funny because in my other

boxes that I usually get little promo

card but this is a hug I want you guys

to steal my code where's my coat 100 is

$60 off the Macy's wine cellar program

that I didn't even know they had so I'm

definitely gonna have to see what I

could do with this car so that was

pretty interesting all right so look at

this box nice well well you know put

together nice tie I love the floral ties

the colors not nothing too bright but

really really nice right hand this is

from the company called penguin received

items from them before in previous boxes

and this penguin is valued at $55 so

this right here is a $55 hi sounds about

right I like that little penguin right

there 100% cotton nice tie like the tie

I'm happy with the time socks weekend

casual socks all right so we can cancel

socks I have a pair I do like them more

than a lot of the other type of socks I

get I don't know if it's because the

material in the blend is 64 percent

cotton 24 percent I mean 27 percent

polyester they're just really

comfortable they have a nice fit with

like the heel and the toe really nice

but you got like a small polka dot look

to him alright gray and blue would match

with the tie we also have a shame or a

hold on sock someone guess uh $15 socks

were actually retail at $10 so I was

actually over socks usually around the

12 to 15 dollar that's why I said that

sock somebody at ten this right here is

a 4 in 1 all over wash so 401 a little

bit more than that

all three in one that you would get and

this is the shampoo conditioner

cleansing a moisturize look good smell

good right that's nice

this is nice this is wow it's actually a

condition for your hair that's pretty I

guess just the shea butter so that is

some lotion and the value of this is $2

so I don't know this looks like $2 maybe

a little bit more than $2 right just so

that's cool we have already less 3 items

plus a gift card type of or a promotion

type of gift card type of thing so right

here we have a bracelet and this is from

bracelet bracelet bracelet this is from

I am man bracelet $38 value custom-made

bracelet from down under I'm guessing

this and I'll join you company

anchor wrap bracelet so a $38 bracelet

so this is an anchor bracelet I like the


it's nice rich that's nice now $38 worth

that's kind of a lot I don't know if I

would say I would spend $38 on it but

this is a nice bracelet Japanese I'm

gonna wear the bracelet for sure what

else do we have here this is a lot of

items actually I'm actually surprising

how many items came in this in this

month's you know this actual package

what do we have here it's a cardboard

box huh what's in the cardboard box yes

another box actually it's like a wallet

it's a card holder a business card

holder 8 dollar value slims that's cool

I like it I like it black it's got a

nice finished wicious nice little car

holder nothing too heavy

nice business card holder like it thank

you for adding that suppressor box and


we have espresso box branded pocket

square with mention with the socks and

the time instructions on some forces

actually their brand so that is one of

the spreads boxes let's check out this

other one alright so let's get into this

Reza this Reza

alright so how's this work alright this

is how you open it I feel like their

boxes the actual box changes a little

bit since the last time but this month

right here we're looking at the

Greenwich red and green which sandwich

and then we have the values again we got

a bunch of different coupons here shut

coupon stream for $99 we have 30% off

Netflix but we got the week of Netflix

alright some socks Aristo ties sydney

socks nutty sir feeling really nice I

like that cotton polyester Ben I just

think it's soft

alright tie is from Bedford of Brunei

I've got a parcel number four really

nice $35 it's like a blues whites greens

you also have the white and blue socks

valued at 10 75 this is a cool brush

it's like a wooden brush your razor

empty shaving grooming company now this

brushes value that I'm $9.99 and I'm

really excited about but you can have to

wait Reza we have a spreads of watch/oh

actual espresso watch I'm gonna have to

get up and show you guys that's pretty

cool so the difference we're not the

difference but they have their own

branded items which is really cool I'm

gonna read a little bit about it it's a

a minimalist looking watch nothing crazy

but it does say Reza on it's branded

pretty putting nicely this month we're

bringing you our very first present I'm

piece it features a light brown leather

strap stainless steel case and

minimalistic face you can wear this for

almost any occasion and the straps are

movable if you're looking to swap it out

for a different color which you can

probably go into their website and buy

so we want you guys to see this watch

check out the watch it's cool it's a

minimalist watch the leather straps I

mean they're leather straps they feel

they feel okay nothing looking crazy now

the value they have it at $65 I

definitely I mean I wouldn't definitely

wouldn't pay $65 for this watch it's a

nice it's a nice little watch to add to

the box and and branded Iran you know

but I've received watches similar you

know nothing fancy but it looks good

which is the main thing right that the

watch looks good

it says Reza York City in there it's

it's a nice little addition to supress

box and if you want a different color

straps you can go on the website a final

so that was a cool addition they didn't

value it retail at $65 which i think is

a little bit on the high end but it's

okay because we paid 30 bucks for this

box so we have a lot of item status

definitely work with money and then the

last item in

here is a sunglass pouch valued at $5

the great things that is from my

favorite brain of sunglasses

this is blenders right here on blenders

I wear sunglass pretty cool partnership

that they got right there now if you

don't already know I already see my

other videos from blenders man go check

those videos out I love blenders great

price they're really really cool glasses

I have so many pairs you can go see I

have a great discount code too if you I

think it's like Santos a 2-0 but you can

have to go check out those blenders

videos men and see a little bit more

about the blenders the discount code go

check it out all the links but that's my

spreads guys I like the cold I mean as

you can see I got some hair the comb is

cool is big I mean if probably you have

a beard it would be a nice concrete

beard it's all wooden cool like it pops

nice tie nice with the box is the watch

I mean as you can see it's a nice watch

it looks nice I cannot complain 30 bucks

was it hit it was really a hit this is a

cool them add-on go check those guys out

though for short but that's present box

I'm gonna be doing a comparison between

gentleman's box and suppress the box

very soon blenders go check out my

blenders video right here

all right subscribed out here if you

haven't already

what else do we got check out this video

to I don't know to this but it's the

best video for you thank you guys for

checking this espresso box video out man

everybody have a go

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