Thứ Ba, 1 tháng 1, 2019

Waching daily Jan 1 2019

Stupid OR Genius? What Are These Dudes Up To...

For more infomation >> Stupid OR Genius? What Are These Dudes Up To... - Duration: 4:30.


Nightcore - SOLO (Cover by JANNY) (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:30.

Lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - SOLO (Cover by JANNY) (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:30.


16 Life Hacks & DIY Tips That Make Life Easier - Duration: 10:13.

sixteen life hacks and DIY tips that make life easier we get so used to the

more mundane burdens of everyday life that we rarely stop to wonder if there's

an easier way to do them luckily some outside of the box thinkers have

idealized clever ways to diminish the most minor of inconveniences that most

of us wouldn't think twice about are you a fan of everyday hacks

tips and tricks while there may not always be shortcuts in our day to day

lives anytime there's a more convenient path

will very likely take it these peoples simple solutions will not only make you

wonder why no one has thought of them before but also why they aren't

everywhere yet so if you love simple life hacks and do-it-yourself tricks

you've reached the right place now keep watching for incredibly clever ideas

that should really have caught on by now before we begin this video don't forget

to subscribe to our channel for more daily tips like this and turn on

notifications so you never miss our new videos number sixteen tile attachment

most of the time when you lose a wallet or your keys it's game over

however this clever tile attachment works as a Bluetooth tracker so you can

locate your lost item using your smart phone just make sure not to lose all

three number 15 charging devices when you're traveling or camping charging

devices can become a bit of a mission these innovative batteries are embedded

with a USB interface on the side so you can dole out the electronic juice with

ease while on the go number 14 ironing board this clever ironing board serves

more than one purpose to help satisfy your getting-ready needs with a mirror

attached to the other side of the board a simple flip will save you from having

to go from room to room speaking of simple life hacks did you

know that there are some pretty cool car do-it-yourself car life hacks out there

for driving that can save you money on stick around till the end to find out

what they are number 13 a coaster the one puck has revolutionized the coaster

to suit your charging needs this puck uses a small Stirling engine to harness

the power of hot and cold drinks and converting it into energy a resourceful

concept that urban coffee shops could certainly get behind to help prevent

electricity freeloaders talk about everyday hax right number 12

an D key system considering how much we've grown to rely on our phones they

are usually always within reach keys not so much instead of fumbling around once

you get to your front door this system allows you to unlock with a quick tap of

your screen number 11 cooking pan are you a stickler for not having your foods

touch this separate cooking pan allows you to fry up multiple foods without

having them turn into one giant blob plus you get some aesthetically pleasing

results as well number 10 meeting up with strangers for those weary of

meeting up with strangers to make internet purchase exchanges these

designated little hubs will make the transaction more secure number 9 parking

garage system anyone who has ever thought they finally found a parking

spot only to be deceived by a tiny car will truly appreciate this concept this

parking garage system uses lights as indicators to show whether a spot is

vacant or not so you can stop circling around aimlessly

number eight innovative escalator pedestrian traffic can quickly pile up

when everyone is gravitating towards the narrow space of an escalator this can

become even more of a hassle when there are multiple sets of them this

innovative escalator keeps people in motion by turning into a moving walkway

and then back into an escalator again number seven elimination Lane there's a

reason candy greets you in the checkout lane it's hard to resist throwing a

sweet treat into the mix at the last minute especially when you have kids

badgering you for them this Lane completely eliminates the temptation for

kids and adults with little self-control number six designated courtesy seat

public transit often uses signs to indicate specific seats that should be

given up for those in need however this bus takes it a step further

by having the seats upholstered to show that it's designed as a courtesy seat

number five swing swing swing why should parents have to miss out on some solid

playground fun this baby swing has an adult swing attached so both can enjoy

swinging simultaneously number for highlighter innovation word search

enthusiasts rejoice this innovative highlighter has a cut out section in the

tip so you can see exactly what you're highlighting number three indented car

seats most car back seats don't take knees into consideration however this

vehicle has indented spots so you can sit comfortably without having to

involuntarily result to the fetal position number two parking spaces

trying to stay in the parking space lines painted below is not easy in the

confines of a car however this lot came up with an easy

solution of having the lines continue on to the barrier above

no need to open your car-door and try to line yourself up here number one

transparent toaster knowing when your slices of bread are perfectly toasted

can be quite a gamble with the average toaster this transparent toaster

eliminates the need for repeated pop-up checks now that you know about some

do-it-yourself everyday hacks and clever ideas that should have really caught on

by now here are some pretty amazing car hacks that can save you money on gas

driving may be the most convenient way to get around but the rising cost of

owning and maintaining a vehicle make it a luxury that's difficult to afford if

you use your car to commute to work on a daily basis the costs of gas and

maintenance services can also make it feel like you're working to drive rather

than driving to work however here are some tricks that you can do to help cut

down on your fuel and maintenance costs here they are number 8 plan your route

before you go you probably have a destination or two in mind before you

put your car in the drive however many people don't take the most efficient

route possible there are an endless amount of mapping tools available that

can guarantee you're getting where you need to go as fast as possible

number seven eliminate wind resistance having a huge luggage rack on your roof

or even keeping your windows down can caused wind resistance while driving the

more aerodynamic your vehicle is the more fuel you will save in the long run

number six plan where you fill up don't wait until

you're out of gas to fill up or you'll end up paying more out of convenience

gas stations near the highway are notorious for being pricier plan ahead

and take advantage of the many smart phone apps that show you the cheapest

gas prices number five declutter your car some of

us have a habit of driving around with a lot of unnecessary weight however it's

best to keep only the necessities in your vehicle because the heavier it is

the more fuel it will end up consuming

number four monitor your braking excessive braking can waste gas and

caused your brake pads to wear out this can be avoided by monitoring how you

brake maintaining a safe distance between you and the car ahead of you

will eliminate the need to slam on the brakes which will improve the efficiency

of your vehicle number three use cruise control when you're driving on the

highway cruise control doesn't just provide your

foot a break it can also provide additional gas savings accelerating

regularly will cause you to use much more fuel than necessary number two

monitor your tire pressure under inflated tires can cause your fuel

consumption to increase it's important to regularly check your tire pressure as

properly inflated tires help reduce friction and offer better gas mileage

number 1 turn off air conditioning in the Sun months blasting the AC might

seem necessary but fuel consumption increases 15% on average when the air

conditioner is on the AC uses energy supplied from the engine which uses the

fuel in your gas tank did you know about any of the hacks in this video what

other simple life hacks do you know about that helped save you time and

money let us know in the comments section below

enjoyed this video hit the like button and share with your friends also

subscribe to our channel for more videos like this thanks for watching

For more infomation >> 16 Life Hacks & DIY Tips That Make Life Easier - Duration: 10:13.


grown-ish Season 2 | Promo: Zoey Loses Her Cool | Freeform - Duration: 0:16.

Just be cool. Stay classy.

Be cool. Stay classy.

You will never guess what happened.

[Both] You're pregnant.

[Both] Jinx!


For more infomation >> grown-ish Season 2 | Promo: Zoey Loses Her Cool | Freeform - Duration: 0:16.


BORA #50 - UM VELEIRO DO SÉCULO PASSADO! As meninas assumem o comando (English/Spanish CC) - Duration: 11:25.

Here is the captain of Horizonte

Welcome Luciano and Family aboard Horizonte are always welcome, doors are open

feel free to onboard


What's up?!

Where are the guys doing this business here?

Hi, I'm Luzia. But you can call me Lulu.

My family and I put down all our things on land to live a dream.

Trying to go around the world on a sailboat

here with us this is our dog Lola

we want to meet new places

new stories

and enjoy all this time together

What's up, Bora?

And Fernandinha, are you pretending to be working there?

Are you pretending alone?

I made the rice

Did you make the rice?

I made the meat ...


I only spit a deal and Nilza does everything

So today it's a feijoada.

It's the second feijoada. here in the Caribbean

because it's a form of people interact with Brazilians

And then we end up making friends, exchanging ideas. chatting and it's a very relaxed Sunday

and today I'm sure it will be better than the first

that's it!

Fernandinha, you're not being silly, right Fer?

No, I'm helping here. Right!

Argentinian rice

Argentine rice is this

what a beauty Yeah, I'm on, I saw the clique there.

You also do everything to get in the picture, right?



What is this? the saladinha!



I wanted that!

She wants to jump in the water!

Happy Birthday to You!

on this dear date

best wishes

many years of life

And for Lulu !!

Look, you're almost my age! I have it there and another 2 on the side

You see Fer, the fender does it, does not it? leaves, nor gets stressed if nothing goes

All good, Lulu?

when she turns ...

Lulu, are you ready?

... the ears ... and I messed up

I think not

Stop it, did not I?

For more infomation >> BORA #50 - UM VELEIRO DO SÉCULO PASSADO! As meninas assumem o comando (English/Spanish CC) - Duration: 11:25.


YEAR(S)REVIEW - Duration: 5:49.

all right three two one hello everybody this is Sassagrass and welcome back so..

it seems like this happens every time I'm trying to make a video

I'm actually in the middle of recording a video what's up good what's going on hey what's up

2019 - they just all the years I've been doing on YouTube review

all those years before are always gonna be years that are very special to me

2015 all I wanted was to be able to have people who looked up to me and people

who I could really share my interest with and just have a community that I

they really understood me and I really understood them I can't really thank you

guys enough but I hope this video did a little bit something for you guys so

thank you guys so much for watching make sure to LIKE come subscribe and as

always I will see you in the next video bye bye

you neighbor hammer synced oh shut again ready set go ok ready 3 2 1 go hey

that's mine ah yeah oh no I will kill you your family will be mining do I have

to push the middle bind up hey

all right the guys I am about to prank my dad are you ready this is going to be

epic all right he should be coming out of the

store any second now oh come here what are you know having a surprise show

Jerry Jerry no low back here sex Russell common buddies yep ornate lettuce

here's the deal you just give me the facts just fats only the facts breathe

focus keep it simple no doubt no doubt okay so I'm at this

art museum and my cousin Ignacio right and there was just like Abstract

Expressionism exhibit you know my name is nico-chan as well like

For more infomation >> YEAR(S)REVIEW - Duration: 5:49.


Part 47 Luisita/Amelia - Duration: 3:53.

Luisita, I don't want to bother you, I just came to leave my dress here.

I want to tell you that I am very happy that you got out of jail.

You and your mother.




I think we've been strange with each other lately, right?

Yes, a lot of things happened.

I want to apologize for everything I told you when you came to see me in jail.

I was just worried about you.

I know.

I am sorry, I was there... I couldn't think clearly.

So now have you made your mind up?

What do you mean?

I understand that you feel uncomfortable with me.

Sara told me.

She told you that? Yes, she told me that you needed to distance from me...

and that you didn't feel comfortably being around me.

Amelia, I never told her that.

Really? She made that up.


And she told you something about me? About you? No, why?

I think that Sara has been messing things up.

I also think so.

What were you writing?


what happened in jail, I don't want to forget about it.

Can I read it?

I don't know, it's not so well written. I am sure it is.

Let me read it, I will give you my opinion about it, trust me.

I needed some time to get used to the darkness in the cell...

while my other senses sharpened.

A strong smell of sweat, mistery and fear...hitted me from the very beginning.

I heard murmurings.

Someone was praying, voices coming from all sides.

Step by step I started to distinguish silhouettes in the cell.

Poor you, you really had a bad time.

Amelia, stop reading if you don't want to continue. Of course I want.

Some women were standing up, on the wall.

Some others were sitting.

I felt like one of them looked at me as if she was begging for help.

It's so badly written.

It's not, it's wonderful.

It's a sincere text and very moving.

You are a good writer.

Do you think so? Yes.

Your opinion is so important for me.

Your are so brave Luisita. No, I am not. Yes, you are.

This is the proof of it.

I wish I was half as brave as you are. You live your life without caring about what other people will say.

Amelia, I've never told you this but...

I admire you a lot.

For more infomation >> Part 47 Luisita/Amelia - Duration: 3:53.


Table Manners - MTG Commander Rules Discussion - Un-set Cards - Duration: 4:05.

Hey Everyone, Brett from Kitchentable Commander here.

Welcome to my latest series, which, thanks to all of you out there on the socials, I've

named Table Manners.

I'll be discussing the rules and etiquette of playing commander with your playgroup.

We all have house rules.

Little changes we've made to the base rules, laid down by the Rules Committee, that we

feel make our play experience better.

They're even encouraged by the Rules Committee, and I quote "Rule #1: Commander is designed

to promote social games of Magic...

House rules or "Fair Play" exceptions are always encouraged if they result in more fun

for the local community."

So what House Rule is more fitting to start this series off with than the use of Un-set


Let's dive into it.

The Un-sets have always been on the sillier side of the game.

Poking fun at other cards and generally just doing very weird things.

Sometimes seeming to break the rules of the game itself.

These sets may be odd, but they were the first to introduce certain mechanics, like Meld,

although it didn't have a name at the time.

Most of the time they are just plain wacky, but sometimes you can tell they are R&D's

way of testing the waters for new ideas.

Un-fortunately because of the generally silly and ridiculous nature of these sets they are

not legal for play in commander... or are they?

In December of 2017, the third Un-set was released to the public.

Ahead of the release of Unstable the Rules Committee officially allowed them for play

in commander, from their release date up until the January 2018 banned and restricted announcement.

But this announcement came with a caveat.

There would be cards that were banned from play, due to their "nightmarish" rules enforcement,

this was also accompanied by some cards that people were highly recommended to avoid for

similar reasons.

Interestingly enough none of these cards were from Unstable.

These were cards like Enter the Dungeon, Mox Lotus, Once More With Feeling and Richard


These cards are ridiculous and force your playgroup to scoop in response.

The only Unstable card that was mentioned specifically was Spike, Tournament Grinder,

and the only stipulation was that your playgroup agree on her use before the game started.

Everything else, including contraptions, was A. OK.

So what does that mean for commander?

Well it means that Unstable was the closest to a regular set that we had ever gotten from

an Un-set.

And that none of the cards in the set were deemed broken enough to justify consideration

by the Rules Committee.

Now I fully admit I have a soft spot for Unstable, but hear me out.

Unstable cards should be legal in commander.


Atleast at the kitchen table.

Obviously there are some cards that are just not going to work.

Anything that refers to something or someone outside the game is basically useless.

Sacrifice Play and Side Quest are prime examples.

When you're playing commander with friends, how often can you call on someone outside

the game or see someone else playing a different silver bordered game?

Not trying to be a Rules Lawyer here, just being realistic.

Now I'm not saying that every commander deck should have atleast one card from Unstable

in it, but what I am saying is this.

Have the discussion with your playgroup.

Ask the question "What do you think about allowing Unstable in our meta?" you might

be surprised by the response.

I asked the question of my playgroup, because I wanted to use Urza, Academy Headmaster as

my commander.

Planeswalkers as commanders is for another episode.

We discussed his abilities and if they could give me an unfair advantage in the games.

We came to the conclusion that the randomness of which ability I got, would actually be

more of a hindrance to my plays, than of benefit.

I wouldn't be able to plan which ability to use before I went to use them.

I could make a 5/5 flying Demon token, just as easily as I could deal 3 damage to each


You're probably asking why I would want such a disadvantage and I'll tell you.

It's because Urza was going to be the commander of my 5 colour Superfriends deck.

Who better to be in charge than Urza, Academy Headmaster?

I call it "The Academy" and love every game I've played with it.

Every time I cast Urza the question comes up, "What is it going to be this time?"

No one knows until it happens, but everyone enjoys themselves.

Well that about does it for today, but I'm curious, what are your thoughts on allowing

Unstable cards in your commander meta?

Would you be interested in using a couple?

Do you think your playgroup would allow it?

Leave your thoughts in the comments.

If you've enjoyed this video please remember to like, comment, share and subscribe.

Don't forget to hit that notification bell so you know the second I upload a new video.

Also, if you want to watch me play videogames badly, consider subscribing to Kitchentable


That's where I'll be uploading the replays from the Twitch streams.

As always you can find me on Twitter @KitchentableCMD and on Instagram at kitchentablecommander.

If you want to support the channel, consider becoming a patron over on our Patreon.

I'll leave a link in the description.

Speaking of supporting the channel, I want to give a big shout out to our sponsor, Inked


Thanks to them, you can use coupon code KITCHENTABLE10 at checkout to get 10% off your purchase.

And hey, maybe use that code when you're getting the new Kitchentable Commander playmat.

That's right, we got merch.

Link in the description.

Well it's been a blast, and we'll see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> Table Manners - MTG Commander Rules Discussion - Un-set Cards - Duration: 4:05.


এত সুন্দর কেন মানুষের সৃষ্টি | Eto Sundor Keno manuser Sristi | শায়েখ মতিউর রহমান মাদানী | Bangla - Duration: 4:51.

For more infomation >> এত সুন্দর কেন মানুষের সৃষ্টি | Eto Sundor Keno manuser Sristi | শায়েখ মতিউর রহমান মাদানী | Bangla - Duration: 4:51.


Bulut Yastık Dikimi - Cloud Pillow Sewing - Birlikte Dikelim - Duration: 6:03.

Wellcome to my "Birlikte Dikelim" channell

In this video

I told you about "Cloud Pillow" sewing

you can reach the pattern

from the link down below

we are cutting out

this parts from our pattern

I prefer fleece fabric

front faces are folding facing each other

we place the pattern

with a little space below

draw around the pattern

with pencil on the back side of fabric

cutting around the lines

don't cut this part

pin up the fabric to not to slip

cutting around the lines

I took out the needles

put aside the upside the fabric

put the pattern on the fabric's front face

draw the cloud's face

I cutted pink cheeks

pin up the circles

I'm doing zigzag on the sewing machine

around the cheeks, eyes and mouth

put the front sides on top of each other

pin up the fabric to not to slip

don't pin up this part

sew around but don't sew the divided part

I turned to outside inside the pillow

Fill the silicone beads through the hole

sew the open part

don't forget to follow :)

For more infomation >> Bulut Yastık Dikimi - Cloud Pillow Sewing - Birlikte Dikelim - Duration: 6:03.


The Crazy Maniacs Series Episode 18 | A ghostly appearance - Duration: 4:47.

'How am I going to get Spring Bonnie back to life?'

Toy Chica : 'Hey Golden Freddy! You forgot your present!'

'Sorry Toy Chica not now! I'm trying to fix Spring Bonnie.'

'Well maybe your present could help you fix Spring Bonnie!'

'I guess you're right...'

'An X-Ray view box! This will be very useful!'

'Thanks Toy Chica!'

'That's one new animatronic I've made nice with.'

'I'll guess I'll try to make more new friends.'

'Hello Chica!'

'What are you doing?'

'I'm helping Freddy and Marionette to find some weird creature.' (But she's just standing there staring into space)


'Of course you can!'

Marionette : 'I think I found it! Nope , never mine , it's only some kid's shoe...'

'It's not going well as you can see...' (It's because you're just standing there like a snowman!)

'I give up!'

'This is impossible!'

'Even with this X-Ray box , I still can't do it!'

'I shouldn't destroy this yet because I might need it in the future!'

'And the thing with the sign yesterday was a horrible idea!'

Freddy Fazbear : 'Hello Golden Fred...'

'Just... please stop talking!'

'What's up with Golden Freddy?'

??? : 'THIS BITES!!!!' (Who the H E double hockey sticks is that?)

??? : 'How can I get back into my suit if there's already a spirit inside my suit!'

'Well I may have to make the spirit evacuate from my suit or else this could get ugly!'

'Hey Freddy , have you found the thing yet?'

'The only thing I've found out that Golden Freddy isn't in such a good mood for some reason.'

'That's a little strange...'

'Golden Freddy was happy earlier when I gave him his present.'

'Anyways , let's get out of here because there's literally nothing in here! (But there is you and Toy Chica , Spring Bonnie , a door , a ghost and floor tiles)


'Interesting! New animatronics!'

'I wonder what I'll do with these new animatronics!'

'Probably nothing!'

'But the other nine will feel pain!'

'I need to kill that Security Guard first so no recordings of me moving are shown!'

'And what were Fredbear and Stupidnette talking about? A bat like creature?'

'How useful!'

'But that's easier said than done!'

??? : 'I'm useful!?'

'Very useful!'

For more infomation >> The Crazy Maniacs Series Episode 18 | A ghostly appearance - Duration: 4:47.


M1 Finance Roth IRA & CMA Portfolio Dec 2018 $10,822.52 | $22.58 Div | -6.60% End of Month Portfolio - Duration: 29:32.

hello everyone and thanks for tuning into the financial investor channel my

name is Brent and today we're gonna be doing our 1-month recap for m1 finance

the Roth IRA and individual account we're also going to be doing the recap

here today our portfolio comparison to the S&P 500 and the other

indexes to see our total return for 2018 so in this video we're gonna be covering

the total equity in both portfolios the dividends that were paid out what stocks

paid out those dividends we had dividends paid out in both portfolios

the individual and the Roth IRA where those dividends were reinvested into and

whether the portfolio moved up or down measuring the total return for the month

or December 2018 plus 2018 as a whole so if you are brand new to the channel a

reoccurring viewer hit that subscribe button if you do enjoy the content find

it helpful hit the thumbs up button below I highly appreciate it and of

course if you have any comments questions going over the stock market

personal finance real estate drop me a comment and I will go ahead and read it

and reply to all you guys so let's go ahead and get into the video so at the

very end of dough member 2018 the total equity between the individual account

and the Roth IRA was sitting at ten thousand one hundred and seventy three

dollars and thirty six cents the total dividends that we had earned

for November 2018 was twenty dollars and seventy two cents and our total

portfolio had gained four point ten percent during the month of November

here our total equity within the individual account was set it at three

hundred and forty seven dollars and fifty cents

we had some market gains of $5.25 and we had earned dividends of 2.28 cents

showing here that we had a total return of four point three one percent so we

did pretty well within the month of November now currently I'm looking at

our individual account equity has increased here to three hundred and

seventy nine dollars and seventy two cents but our gains and a return has

actually decreased so our gains here are now twenty negative twenty dollars and

twenty four cents this is offset by our earned divins for

four dollars and five cents these are earned Plus these have actually been

paid so we did a video covering em one finance earn dividends versus pay

dividends if you guys want to check that video out I will have it in the

description below and also in the top right corner of this video one of the

corners of this video our total return is now from up four point three one two

now down ten point three nine so it has been a bit of a rough month here in

December 2018 so what stocks here overall here our value where did they

come from where did the equity increase here it did increase from 347 to now 379

so that's a different start of what 32 docks and that is mainly from a few

friends subscribers viewers that had used my referral link so I made six

referrals here in December here in 2008 team some of these were family some of

these were co-workers from these four you guys out there the viewers

subscribers who wanted to use these referral leagues now I had a lot of

friends and co-workers coming up and asking me for referrals so I'm sure

these are a few of them as well but they're going in 2018 that you wanted to

start their own investment portfolios their Roth IRAs they were getting pumped

to do this and that was one of their goals that they had set to get started

with in the investment you know set an investment goal and begin invested in

their future here starting their own Roth IRA now we did have one buy during

this time frame because of the $60 that went in plus the dividends here of vu

the Vanguard SP 500 of $1 77 that means we had sixty one dollars and seventy six

cents here and missed out investing one cent here so sixty sixty one dollars and

seventy six cents went back into ticker symbol Vuh at two hundred and nineteen

dollars and forty six cents now from that point on invested cash there's only

one cents sitting here and that will be reinvested in the next time I have a

referral or you know in the in the next case I may put some more money into the

individual account but that is where it is that now with what this is showing

here for the year in comparison to the S&P 500 so we started this portfolio

back in February 8th 18 this is showing a total loss of ten

point three nine percent but this is actually a little bit incorrect if you

go into your holdings here on m1 finance you're gonna see that your total value

if your portfolio this shows up the same so you can see here your value shows the

same here but under your holdings this shows your actual cost basis for your

total investment so if you were to take three hundred and seventy nine dollars

and seventy two cents which is your current value divide that by your

starting cost basis to four hundred and four dollars and four cents multiply

that decimal by a hundred you would actually have your unrealized gain or

loss for 2018 so here we can actually just do the math really quickly if you

guys want to do this with your own portfolios take your current value if

your portfolio subtract what the equity is that you actually have invested or

that you've actually invested in it and subtract that from your current value

and then divide it again by what you have your cost basis for your portfolio

and you're going to get a decimal player you're just going to multiply it by a

hundred to get your percentage and it's going to be six negative six point zero

one nine which just rounds up the 6.02 so our total return for the S&P 500 are

individual count for 2018 is down 6.02 when we compare that to the actual S&P

500 index the actual index is down six point two four percent had a one-month

loss here of nine point one eight percent so what portfolio had actually

done fairly well we overall we did come up we were so in the negative but we

didn't actually go into the negative as much of the S&P 500 because I did start

this in February already into the downtrend that had happen now let's see

here as far as the one month loss here the m1

financed individual account within the last month has gone down a little over

what seven percent there so 7.62 percent so that is showing about correct down

nine point one eight percent for the S&P 500

so yeah individual account here overall value the equity here within the

portfolio increase the dividends that we're going to get paid out in 2019 have

increased and our total loss there for the year

down 6.02 and that's acceptable I think that's a good return you know for the

time being in comparison to the actual index in itself now jumping over now to

the broth IRA the Roth IRA we had a total equity value of nine hundred nine

thousand eight hundred and twenty-five dollars and 85 cents

we had market gains of a loss of twenty one dollars and thirty six cents our

earn dividends was up a hundred and seventy five dollars and fourteen cents

and our total return here this is showing two point five but again we got

to go into the holdings to see our actual value of our stocks versus our

cost basis and that would actually show us our real return so actually go over

that in today's video so we were sitting up at two point five here in the video

now if we jump into the Roth IRA inside our current here we're gonna see that we

have ten thousand four hundred and thirty eight dollars and ninety-five

cents of value this is all of our stocks that we're currently invested in we have

three dollars and eighty three cents sitting in cash because we were recently

paid a dividend our current loss is market loss of seven hundred and forty

five dollars and fifty six cents are earned dividends is two hundred and

seven dollars and seven seventy six cents and our total return here this is

showing down eight point two percent now we were sitting here at the very last

video of earn dividends of a hundred and seventy five dollars and fourteen cents

and now we have earned dividends of two hundred and seven dollars and seventy

six cents so here we can do the difference here in the month as far as

earned it but it's now again we did our video how m1 finance classifies as an

earned dividend versus a pay dividend that's basically and earned dividend is

it you've held the stock through the ex-dividend date and you've earned it it

just has not been paid out to you within your portfolio so for the month of

December I have earned thirty two dollars and sixty-two cents now some of

these have not been paid out yet a few of these stocks here towards the end of

December just went ex-dividend today I believe three stocks so I just earned

those dividends as far as future dividends but they have not been paid

inside the portfolio now if we want to see our activity as far as what stocks

paid out during the month of December we can go

and do that so let's find out what dividends paid out in the month of

December well starting at the very beginning we had SPG this is a Simon

Property Group this is a REIT a real estate investment trust they paid out

three dollars and ten cents and two dollars of the special dividend so total

five dollars and ten cents now this at this time I had made my video five

stocks to buy or five stocks on buying December 2018 if you guys want to check

out that video I'll have that in the description below and also in a corner

so I had made my video going over Cardinal health Edison Consolidated

Edison General Mills Kellogg's and Triple M at the same time I was

researching these I also saw that the Southern Company took her symbol

Esso was also training at a yield which was you know extremely high it was it

their current yield is something you would not be able to get for the last

seven or eight years so I felt this was a great bond opportunity they have good

dividend history they met all of my financial metrics and my screening

process of my strategy so I added them into this portfolio as a utility there

so those are my six stocks here that I added beginning in December 2018 going

into the second week here of December we had again the more dividends paid out by

user paid out $3.66 we had our weekly deposit there of three hundred and

thirty dollars we had five bye so again we bought oh we added two new stocks to

our portfolio at this time we added ABM ABM Industries Incorporated and Lowe's

company so I wanted to add a few other stocks in my portfolio I had been

invested in Lowe's in the past all that it was a great value out of that end and

also ABM was looking like a great buying opportunity at this time so I added that

one in as well I continued to average into Cardinal Health General Mills and

Kellogg's because they had actually got beat up during the early process of

adding them into my portfolio so I continued averaging into those specific

stocks so that is the second week of December they're moving into the third

week now ABM one I added into this portfolio it ran up oh I made a sell

here I sold off Flynn because of the merger between practice area and Lind

and it's that they kind of sell out of this position and

those funds elsewhere so here Johnson & Johnson paid out $3.57 I move those

funds here into again ABM and Lowe's they were brand new add into the

portfolio so I decided to move some of the main funds into these ones to kind

of bump them up with my other and the consultant continued averaging in to my

recently added socks here within the portfolio so I added bigger chunks and

the lows and a BM to get them to where the other ones were at and then

continuing to average into the other one so that is the third week of December

now going into our fourth week of December I did not receive any dividends

I continued to make my weekly deposits there are three hundred and thirty

dollars and I continue to target buy specific stocks so I bought a BM

Cardinal Health General Mills Kellogg's and Triple M and here that was our third

week now going into our fourth week of December there was something here unique

a BM here ran up over 20% within it within a week period I made a video how

I wanted to take profits so it had went up 20 to 24% within just a few days so I

decided to kind of shave off my profits profits of $50 and roll the $50 of

profits into a company southern company here that actually had gone down by 5%

within that same week so I had been paid out by three companies I had chicken

symbol avy take yourself swk and take yourself okay paying me out five dollars

and two cents of avery dennison corporation 208 Stanley Black & Decker

243 Kellogg's was a brand-new company I just started invested in paid out 51

cents I took the rollover of 50 dollars plus

the dividends of five dollars and two cents and invested that directly into

the Southern Company because of the yield the bond opportunity here it would

look like a great burner but to do so all I did was roll some of these funds

plus it events into this company here so that is what I did here in the fourth

week of December and then just recently I again last week I didn't get paid out

any dividends but I did and thus my last investment here for 2018 I really you

know I put in my last deposit basically have three hundred and thirty dollars

and that invested into all of my recently added positions just kind of

average into them just a little bit more and

that total that was the total investment here for 2018 I made a one-time deposit

which I made in my video I stopped my video or why I sought my automatic

deposits I made my one-time transfer a 33 cents that completely maxed out the e

Roth IRA and I recently was paid out three dollars and 46 cents from Lockheed

Martin so nothing will actually be reinvested currently until I have ten

dollars at least sitting in cash within the account and then those will be

invested so this week here depending on how the market goes hopefully it does

have a bit of a pull back and I can even started my investment here in the first

week of January 2018 so that was what stocks we had bought what stocks paid

out dividends and where those dividends were reinvested were it reinvested into

now our funding for 2018 and 17 has now been completed you can see that the

total invested capital for 17 and 18 is $11,000 our total contribution for 2019

which is not yet started but we'll start here on Wednesday the 2nd of January is

$0 of $6,000 and we already kind of went over this on our plan our goals for 2019

is to add weekly allotments into the portfolio in order to max the Roth IRA

for 2019 now if we head over into our Holdings here we can actually see again

our value of our portfolio which is shown here

ten thousand four hundred and thirty dollars and ninety-five cents and our

cost basis this year I've only invested my own capital of eleven thousand

dollars but I've been paid out over two hundred dollars of dividends now in 2009

at 2018 a hundred and ninety seven dollars and fifty nine cents of

dividends is currently invested in working for me and I have three dollars

and eighty three cents of cash sitting on the side waiting to be invested here

on the next probably by day now of the actual cost basis here so if you do the

value if you want to do your actual return we just take our current value so

I'm going to go ahead and copy this one and type in the value of our port

manually so 438 0.95 - or actual cost basis divide it by our cost basis and

you multiply this by a hundred that's gonna get us our total return of our

cost basis here in our current value so our actual portfolio is down for the

year the Roth IRA is down six point seven seven percent rounded up to six

point seven eight now again if we compare that to the S&P 500 being down

six point two four percent year-to-date within the last month down nine point

one eight doubt Jones here year-to-date down to five point six three and the

Nasdaq here down three point eight eight percent we actually matched right there

right around the sp500 now if we were to just remove and have our actual cost

basis of our own money there that would be a different story so our actual cost

basis so ten four three eight point nine five our cost basis of our own capital

is $11,000 so I just add my eleven thousand in there and divide it by

eleven thousand dollars multiply that by a hundred so based off just the amount

that I have actually invested of eleven thousand dollars our actual loss of our

originally ambassador is only down five point ten percent so that's a much less

loss for the year because I have all these dividends working for me and

actually kind of working against me in a way it doesn't really work against me it

may look like it works against me in total in terms of loss of capital loss

of percentage but all these dividends are being reinvested back into more

shares which all of these positions and shares that I own are paying me out more

dividends and more dividends and just bumping up their dividend so this is

this is going to continue to compound month after month and year after year so

I'm only down five point ten percent off my originally invested capital plus I

have two hundred dollars of extra equity that that's just working for my

portfolio right now so that is our total for the individual in the Roth IRA now I

always like to jump in here and kind of show the spreadsheet as far as all the

positions by one month performance the by performance a couple of these socks

here increase their dividends so ABM which is the new position I started

buying them when they were paying out 70 cents per share each year

they recently bumped it up to now 72 cents per share each year that is an

increase there of two point eight six percent so all that might in my annual

income here increased that's on my live data so I have I didn't own a VM back in

November so this is not going to show me what my my November would have been

paying out me out paying me here but I'm gonna be making an annual income from

that three hundred or what my cost base is a two hundred and sixty four dollars

and 63 cents I've already paid for these you know I paid this amount and now

going forward this specific stock is gonna be paying out an annual income of

7.9 cents and they recently increased their their dividend payout by two cents

per share so this is going to continue to you know increase into next year

increase in the next year they're going to be raising it and raising it and it's

just going to continue to compound now we also had a few others here Pfizer

increased from a dollar 36 to a dollar 44 that's an increase of 5.88% we at

AT&T increase their dividend payout per share from $2 to now two dollars and

four cents that's an increase there are two percent that's pretty normal for

them and we had an increase here in WP Carey with an increase there from four

dollars and ten cents to now four dollars and twelve cents that's an

increase their point four nine percent so overall my annual income between

November and December I went from three hundred and twenty eight dollars and 20

cents to now three hundred and eighty two dollars and eighty nine ninety nine

cents so three eighty two point nine nine subtract my old income here of

three twenty eight point two so I've increased my dividend payout my dividend

income for two thousand you know for the forward for going forward by fifty four

dollars and seventy nine cents by investing in a total new equity capital

here of one thousand three hundred and twenty dollars if I take that and divide

that by my newly invested capital oops

it would have been around 4% I basically increased my total income by over 4%

just based off the new equity and the dividend increases therefore December

2018 so my based investment again for the Roth IRA between 2017 and 18 is

$11,000 my earn dividends that I've made here in 2018 two hundred and seven

dollars in 76 cents let's go ahead and increase their cash hit on hand three

dollars and eighty three cents and that's a difference between my currently

original cash original cost and my current value is minus five hundred and

forty-seven dollars and four cents I'm not worried about total equity loss or

gain equity does not pay me equity doesn't you know I can't live off a Qui

you know if I was only invested in equity stocks such as Facebook Amazon

Google they wouldn't you know I wouldn't be able to live off the income I would

have to sell those positions in order to live off the cash in this in this

example I'm getting paid three hundred and eighty two dollars and ninety nine

cents and this is really my first year up starting this portfolio I started in

January 2018 I put fifty five hundred dollars towards

2017 I added another fifty five hundred dollars for 2019 I already have an

annual income of roughly four hundred dollars if I continue this into 2019

just adding my weekly contributions I'm gonna be ending 2019 at the very end of

2019 December my earn dividends for 2019 should be roughly four hundred and

nineteen dollars and twenty three cents if I continue along this path here

within the m1 finance portfolio and I started this portfolio with an annual

income of a hundred and seventy nine dollars and twenty three cents which

I've already doubled so my portfolio is continuing to double and kind of going

forward because I have all these stocks that are now at Value buying

opportunities my current yield versus my my actual yield versus the current yield

that I'm able to buy back and invest towards is actually higher than actual

where I've actually started my investment so my average yield of my

portfolio is right around three point four or five whereas the

average yield for all the stocks now within the portfolio just as they are is

three point seven one percent so this will just continue to compound faster at

buying back at fifty two we closed versus 52-week highs now all of my

stocks here for the month of December were actually negative note we had one

being positive what was that I believe it was a BM yeah a BM was positive here

it bumped up one point four five percent during the month I bought it at a great

buying opportunity and it's it is up in my positions here up website I deleted

it there somehow let's go ahead and control I don't know what I did there

there you go I deleted a deal that's that's back so

it is up for the month one point four or five percent I bought it at a great

buying opportunity before it rebounded up nineteen point four nine percent so

I'm well I'm still up in a few positions Pfizer I'm not sure what this one is

that's the thing was zoom in lows I'm up slightly and I filled these here towards

the top Cisco Systems IBM and AVI I am up slightly but being down in this

positions just gives me a better opportunity to reinvest into these solid

companies here if we want to sort by how long these companies have grown their

dividend I have the majority of my stocks here thirteen of them what count

eighteen of them have actually increased our dividend and paid out a dividend for

the past ten plus years only a few of these eight of them have grown and paid

out dividends less than ten years so the das downturn was in 2008 a few of these

had cut their dividend or probably froze their dividend a little bit prior to

that but the majority of them here towards the top have been grown in

paying out dividends for the plot for the past twenty plus years now going

down into the individual account let's go ahead and scroll down here we can see

here that our base investment for our individual account is a hundred bucks

our earn dividends for 2018 is four dollars and five cents we have one cent

on hand our invested difference between our original cost and our current value

is down twenty dollars and 27 cents our annual income based off our current

dividend payout one if that's I don't think that's yeah

five dollars and sixteen cents they just increase the boot increases month to

month depending on what Sox are going ex-dividend so the vow has over 500

socks in it so between last dividends four dollars and eighty three cents

which was last month's two now five dollars and sixteen cents this varies so

we just went up by six point eight three percent going into it'll go x7 and I

believe here in February and then it pays that again here in March of 2019 so

my income for 2019 based off the bill was around 8.53 cents for that portfolio

now they're not a whole lot here to show for the S&P 500 that one it went down

for the month of December nine point one eight percent which is what you know

nine point two seven wow I'm not sure why I got the nine point two seven so

one month performance nine point one eight - nine oh because this is the S&P

500 as a whole and I had actually used ticker symbol vous so let's see if I can

pull up just the vu here and look at the 30 days one month nine point three - so

nine okay mine point three two - nine point three to see if that matches nine

point okay so the actual s the actual ville went down a little bit more than

the S&P 500 index they just because the index is track or the ETS here track the

index they don't track it percent percent for lost there so that is the

actual performance and then my in stock performance there year today is down

6.02 as we've already kind of covered earlier now total equity here oh I did

not I must not have updated that so I know I've updated in my live data so

here are my total equity for the total portfolio is now at ten thousand eight

hundred and twenty two dollars this includes the Roth IRA plus the

individual count between both these it is ten thousand eight hundred and twenty

two dollars and fifty two since my total loss my percentage change

between November 2018 of ten thousand one hundred and seventy three dollars

and thirty six cents I didn't add any new money into the individual account

but I did add one thousand three hundred and twenty dollars and 33 cents of you

equity into this portfolio so here so my total percent loss in the portfolio is

down six point six percent for the month of December 2018 now as a total invested

portfolio for the very end of 2018 as a whole my total invested capital is

eleven thousand one hundred dollars I invested eleven thousand dollars into

the S P earth into the Roth IRA you know two thousand seventeen fifty five

hundred dollars two thousand eighteen fifty five hundred dollars and then I

invested $100 starting capital within the individual account for a total

invested capital of eleven thousand one hundred dollars my total loss here for

2018 is down 2.5% for the entire year plus the dividends being reinvested and

kind of paying back out that helped also kind of keep the portfolio afloat so all

of that capital is working there so pay dividends again we had twenty two

dollars and fifty eight cents of total paid dividends during the month of

December 2018 these are all collected here from the activity tab so between

our Roth IRA we had all of it within the first week we had SPG second week we had

Pfizer then we had Johnson & Johnson then our third week we had three of

these we had avy Stanley Black & Decker Kellogg's for that what was it five

dollars and some change five dollars and two cents which was we sold off a piece

of ABM and was able to reinvest the whole 5502 and then we hadn't paid out

any dividends for two weeks and then we just got received those standing

dividends from Lockheed Martin for three dollars and 46 cents and then though

also paid out a dollar 77 there so our total earned or these are the total pay

dividends in December 2018 of twenty two dollars and fifty eight cents so that is

all I wanted to cover in today's video if you guys did enjoy the video hit that

thumbs up button below if you are brand new to the Chan

a reoccurring viewer hit that subscribe button and if you have any comments

going over the video stocks personal a personal finance real estate Lebanon the

comments section below and I will always read and reply to all your guys's

comments so that is it thank you all for tuning in I will see you next time I

hope you guys all have a great 2018 and if you're staying invested you know good

luck bye bye

For more infomation >> M1 Finance Roth IRA & CMA Portfolio Dec 2018 $10,822.52 | $22.58 Div | -6.60% End of Month Portfolio - Duration: 29:32.


Top 5 Scary Videos Games You Need To Pray Before Playing - Duration: 10:18.

Video games are a different breed.

Simultaneously, they are both harder and easier to deliver horrifying moments than that of

a well told ghost story or a classic horror flick - and so in the majority of cases, get

an unfair wrap when held against the other media of the genre.

But - they have one massive advantage.

Us - the player.

What better way to experience a horror story than by actually being in it - making split

second choices as to whether you'll run away or keep playing, despite your heart pumping

so loud that you can hear it in your ears.

What's going on horror fans - and welcome back to the scariest channel on YouTube - Top

5 Scary Videos.

As always, I'll be your horror host Jack Finch - and today, we're changing it up

a bit - as we take a look at the Top 5 Scary Video Games You Need To Pray Before Playing.

Roll the clip.

Ahhh - I so wish that game, Silent Hills, would have made it out of development.

Hideo Kojima, Guillermo Del Toro - and Silent Hill?

Sign me up.

Oh well, what is dead may never die.

The thing is with video games - pretty much anything can be scary.

Whether it's Metal Gear Solid after a guard accidently walked into your cardboard box

- or Cuphead when you're running Perilous Pier for the 57th time and you've just gotten

a little further than you ever have before.

Larry the Lobster man.

But actual horror games?

Well, they're one of life's greatest joys.

If that's your kind of thing, anyway.

Before we dive into this list - you know how it is by now horror fans - if you're a fan

of this video, horror video games - or just Top 5 Scary Videos in general - be a dear

and hit that thumbs up button, as well as that subscribe bell so you can stay up to

date with our latest and greatest uploads.

Make sure to show some love in the comment section down below, and stick around till

the end - where I'll be reading out some of your most creative comments from the past

few days.

Kicking off at Number 5 - Bloodborne

And this game is pretty much a must play for any horror fan or - better still - a fan of

the works of H.P Lovecraft - you know how we feel about the granddaddy of cosmic horror

here at Top 5 Scary Videos, what did you expect?

If you've ever played any of the Dark Souls series, then this game will undoubtedly be

familiar to you - but the thing that sets it apart from its predecessors is the horror

filled world that it draws its theme from.

Released in 2015 by FromSoftware - Bloodborne is a third person ARPG where you play as The

Hunter - a figure tasked with eliminating an entire city of vile creatures and monsters.

The real horror of the game is its setting.

Bloodborne takes place in Yharnam, a Gothic city whose inhabitants were obsessed with

the scientific properties of blood.

Well, things go bad obviously - and their obsession with blood corrupts the city - the

result being an insane mashup of H.P Lovecraft, Bram Stoker and the end of the world.

Not going to lie - this game is HARD - and the majority of the fear in this game comes

from literally how punishing it is.

Literally even the most minor creatures are essentially boss battles - and you're going

to die, over, and over, and over, and over.

And the whole time, you'll be terrified.

Coming in at Number 4 - Darkest Dungeon

Alright, we've just got to get the Lovecraftian ones out of the way - because as we all know,

I'm biased - but I also want to deliver you guys the best of the best in this humble

hosts opinion.

And Darkest Dungeon, is definitely up there with the best of the best as a video game

horror experience.

The thing that makes this game so damn good - is its atmosphere, and it's ability to

tell a slow burning psychological story through otherwise simplistic gameplay.

But - despite that, it's also one of the hardest games you'll ever play.

Nothing simple about it.

Released in 2016, Darkest Dungeon is a roguelike, roleplaying dungeon crawler where the player

inherits an estate from a mysterious relative, who - while seeking fame and fortune, began

excavating dungeons and catacombs beneath their manor.

And in typical Lovecraftian fashion - of course they unearthed portals to dark dimensions,

releasing a number of horrific demonic creatures into the world.

The player must recruit a roster of adventurers and heroes - who continuously suffer from

the horrors of the dungeon, permanently leaving them with mental and physical scars.

Also, if they die - they're dead - there's no extra lives in this game - and because

of that, it's awesome.

Definitely one to pick up.

Next up at Number 3 - Until Dawn

And this is probably the truest game out there when compared to a fully-fledged horror movie.

Because essentially, that's exactly what it is.

It's an interactive horror movie with hundreds of different outcomes, and a love letter to

every teen slasher film you've ever seen.

It's relatively simplistic in gameplay, but where it hits the mark is in it's atmospheric

story telling - and also its insanely tense.

Also Wendigos.

Released in 2015 - Until Dawn centres around a group of eight teenagers on their annual

trip to the remote Blackwood Mountain in Western Canada.

We've heard this one before, right?


Remote location - what comes next?

Of course - they get stalked by a creepy madman.

But the stereotypes end there, because what Until Dawn actually relies on is its idiosyncratic

strength - and its most important function - the players choice.

It's jam packed with a fantastic cast - Rami Malek, Hayden Panettiere, Brett Dalton - and

legit, it's a horrifying pleasure to look at.

Until Dawn is a beautiful game.

It's atmospheric, it's sound design is fantastic - and it's replayability is priceless.

You probably won't feel the fear after the first few playthroughs - but that first impression

will be some truly tense hours of gameplay.

Great game.

Swinging in at Number 2 - Amnesia: The Dark Descent

I'll admit it.

This is a game that I never actually finished.

Simply because I couldn't do it.

I never even made it to the Inner Sanctum, and I've learned to live with that.

Because when people say horror video game - that is exactly what Amnesia: The Dark Descent


It's a terrifying video game.


It played on the same kind of mechanical fear that Fatal Frame employed, which would of

made this list but - eh, I dunno - I'm not a massive fan.

There are no weapons in this game, other than random stray objects that you can throw in

vain - that also kind of do nothing.

Your only real combat against the darkness is light - a lamp, a candle, a matchstick

- which constantly burn down.

Of course.

You've never known fear unless you're walking down a corridor with a smidgen of

oil left in your lamp, and the sounds of shuffling feet behind you.

Released in 2010, Amnesia: The Dark Descent takes place in 1839 - following the character

Daniel, a young man from London that awakens in the dark empty halls of the Prussian Brennenburg


Also, he's got amnesia - and can't quite remember why he's there.

No spoilers - of course - and going into this story completely blind is the only way to

play this game.

It's a fantastic horror experience, and I'd implore you to test your mental fortitude

against it.

Also - please play it in daylight because - there's no need to be a masochist.

And finally - at our Number 1 spot - Silent Hill 2.

The greatest horror video game ever made.

End of story.

Silent Hill 2 is perhaps the most tense, beautiful, strange, isolated, bleak - and every other

existential adjective out there - video game experience ever.

It's a game that time and time again has had horror fans and video game enthusiasts

equal parts perplexed and equal parts transfixed by its narrative.

Mechanically speaking, there are so many things going on that it would take an entire video

to cover - but it's technically difficult simplicity is where it shines.

For the most part it's an inaccessible game - and I've heard stories of people just

straight up quitting because they can't figure out where to go next.

It doesn't hold you by the hand - it forces you to break through the town of Silent Hill,

punishing you at every corner - giving you no obvious clues or instructions as to its

next step.

And that's why it's a fantastic horror experience.

Play this game - purely for it's sound design and soundtrack.

Just listening to it back still gives me the spooks.

On the surface, this is a game about a man exploring the abandoned and mysterious town

of Silent Hill - but in actual fact is a psychological confrontation of one man's inner demons.

It's themes are a slow crawl through regret, failure - isolation, the burden of responsibility.

It's emotionally draining - and more importantly, it will leave its mark on you.

And it's a game that still hasn't been surpassed as a horror experience.

Pick it up, play it - and good luck.

Well - there we have it folks.

What do you guys think are the scariest horror video games ever made?

Speak your mind in the comment box down below.

Before we depart, let's read out some of your most creative comments from the past

few days.

Ty Dshock says - hey guys big fan from across the pond - keep up the creepy videos always

a pleasure watching them!

Well Ty thanks so much my dude - but if you're from across the pond, and I'm technically

across the pond - which side of the pond are we actually on?

CeetjeBeetje says - Don't know if you're into gaming, but have you played Bloodborne?

The Old Hunters DLC specifically.

Especially the last area of fishers hamlet oozes Lovecraft from every pore.

Well good buddy - I definitely hope you enjoyed this video, and I hope you got your answer.

Well - unfortunately, that's all we've got time for in today's video - cheers for

sticking around all the way till the end.

As always, I've been your host Jack Finch - you've been watching Top 5 Scary Videos

- and until next time, take it easy.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Scary Videos Games You Need To Pray Before Playing - Duration: 10:18.


What If Rodan Was Real? - Duration: 7:10.

Any of you guys scared of birds?

Granted - they're frantic and they've got beady eyes, but - not so much scary as

they are annoying.

Well, how about a bird the size of a skyscraper - that's also a prehistoric atomic monster

bird, capable of achieving supersonic flight and leveling cities with a flap of its wings.

Scared now?

Well - don't worry, because all it wants to do is settle down on it's own private

island and be at peace.


Hopefully - fingers crossed.

Hello internet - and welcome back to the most inquisitive channel on YouTube - Life's

Biggest Questions.

As always - I'll be your disembodied floating voice Jack Finch - and today, we're sliding

back into the chaotic world of the kaiju - and quizzically asking the question - What If

Rodan Was Real?

Roll the clip.

Now - here at LBQ - you know for a fact that we love a hypothetical kaiju monster battle

showdown - most of which often end in the levelling of a few cities, underwater cataclysmic

events - hellfire, or a destructive combination of the three.

But what if it didn't have to be that way?

What if our planet was held under the sway and influence of a gigantic, all powerful

- yet brave and loyal monster?

What if somewhere - tucked away in a remote pacific archipelago of islands - was a creature

that would fight tooth and nail in the defense of civilization.

Alright - perhaps not because it wanted to - but, well - when you're a big, prehistoric

atomic monster bird - there's not much else to do.

Before we soar into those Rodan wrought skies though folks - you know the drill by now.

If you're a fan of this video, the Kaiju - Godzilla, Mothra, King Ghidorah, Rodan - or

any of their equally terrifying best friends - then please, be a dear and make sure you

hit that thumbs up button - as well as that subscribe bell, so you can stay up to date

with our latest and greatest uploads.

Also - we'd just like to extend our absolutely mammoth thanks to all of our subscribers - old

and new - we couldn't have hit a milly without you all, so cheers for sticking around.

Double also - make sure to hang about all the way to the end of this video - where we'll

be reading out some of your more humorous comments from the past few days.

Alright - let's lay down the groundwork.

Also known as Monster Zero-Two, Fire Rodan, The Atomic Monster Bird - and The One Born

of Fire.

In Japanese, this guys name is actually Radon - being a contraction of pteranodon - and

being a linguistic nod to the radioactive origins of the Kaiju.

In North America though - it's Rodan - because, eh - why not.

Measuring in between a staggering 50 to 100 metres, and weighing in at between 15 thousand

and 30 thousand metric tonnes - it's safe to say that Rodan is a pretty thicc boi.

But it's not really his stature that we're concerned about - because as this Kaiju has

demonstrated time and time again, he's pretty well seasoned with the old knocking buildings

over and smashing fighter jets out of the sky with a slap of the wing.

Rodan's most noticeable trait is his legendary flying speed - which allows him to effortlessly

outmaneuver and outrun supersonic jets.

Put it this way - the fastest flight air speed ever achieved on record was the Lockheed SR-71

Blackbird back in 1976 which clocked in at a staggering 2193 miles per hour.

Yeah - that's a walk in the park for the Atomic Monster Bird - or, well - a flap in

the park, I guess?

Since then - most of our advancements have been in surface to atmosphere hypersonic jet

flight, but come on - you're not going to be chasing Rodan around the planet in a SpaceX

Falcon-9 rocket - you need something that can at least do a stylish barrel roll.

But that's by the by really - because what would be the point in trying to take Rodan


As we known from the Kaiju's Showa series - that's never really ended well.

In his cinematic debut - in the 1956 tokusatsu kaiju film - even the trailer makes it very

plain and simple.

Supersonic jets cannot catch him!

Rockets cannot stop him!

Armored tanks are helpless before him!

Even guided missiles are powerless!

Well - yeah, that's a lot of resources to be spending - and if we know anything from

the events of the 1956 film, we know that even destroying him and his girlfriend in

a volcano only serves to annoy him - and extend his reign of beastial destruction for a few

more years.

Because here's the point - we wouldn't want to be enemies with Rodan - we'd want

to be his friend - and when you boil it all down, he's a pretty simple guy to get to


It was during the events of the 1964 movie Ghidorah, the Three Headed Monster - that

Rodan began to show his true colours.

Throughout the film, the evil cosmic villain King Ghidorah reigns death and destruction

on planet Earth - and the only kaiju willing to defend humanity is the serene and powerful

Mothra - who is no match for King Ghidorah alone - but knows that if herself, Godzilla

and Rodan team up for the sake of mankind - they can take down King Ghidorah and the

planet will be saved.

Thankfully - Mothra convinces Rodan and Godzilla that humanity is worth saving and that Earth

belongs to all creatures equally - and the trifecta of noble kaiju save the day.

If Rodan was real - our best bet would to be the best global roommate we could hope

to be.

We'd literally have a sentient space-dragon who's only need and desire is to chill out

on a remote pacific island - sipping cocktails, probably, or something.

Humanity should be scrambling to make the Atomic Monster Bird as comfortable as they

could make him.

Global summits should be held on how we could best appease our winged neighbour.

We should get to know him as best as we can, and hope to high heaven that he sticks around.

Because here's the crux of the whole scenario - humans, if anything, are really- really

good at killing things.

Rodan would cause a lot of destruction if he was our enemy - he'd for sure wipe a

few cities off the map with ease.

But eventually, inevitably we'd find a way to destroy him.

BUT - and it's a very big BUT - why would we ever want to throw away the hypothetical

chance at having a true, planetary defender and a guardian of our skies - because, heck

- when the alien invasion rolls around, we'll all be hoping we had a few kaiju to save the


Well - there we have it folks.

How do you think events would play out if Rodan or the rest of the kaiju were real?

Let us know your thoughts in the comment box below.

Before we depart, let's take a look at some of your more creative comments from the past

few days.

First off - Lord Petar says - what if jack finch didn't exist - and, well Lord Petar

- I'd love to answer that question fully but your profile picture is Teemo - and that

tells me that you're a whole different kind of evil.

Sorry buddy, I'm not overextending into that mushroom patch.

-- In regard to our What If The Sun Was Green video - Dirtneck Gaming says - What movie

was that clip from?

Well friend, that clip was from Danny Boyle's awesome 2007 film - Sunshine.

We just - err - well we turned it green.

If you haven't seen it, check it out - it's not in green though so don't worry.

-- Sandra Deras says - what's inquisitive!!? - well Sandra, the word inquisitive is defined

as someone eager to acquire knowledge - or better described as curious.

I hope that clears things up for you.

Thanks for sticking around all the way to the end questioneers - don't forget to hit

that thumbs up button - and we'll be seeing you in the next one.

As per usual, I've been your disembodied floating voice Jack Finch - you've been

watching Life's Biggest Questions - and until next time, you take it easy.

For more infomation >> What If Rodan Was Real? - Duration: 7:10.


Grown-ish Season 2 "Stay Classy" Promo (HD) - Duration: 0:16.

- [Zoey] Just be cool. Stay classy.

Be cool. Stay classy.

You will never guess what happened.

- [Both] You're pregnant.

- [Both] Jinx!

- [Zoey] No!

For more infomation >> Grown-ish Season 2 "Stay Classy" Promo (HD) - Duration: 0:16.


TIN NÓNG 02/01/2019 - Tin Khẩn Cấp Mới Nhất - Tin Tức 24h | TIN MỚI NHẤT TRONG NGÀY #029 @E4U - Duration: 22:26.

For more infomation >> TIN NÓNG 02/01/2019 - Tin Khẩn Cấp Mới Nhất - Tin Tức 24h | TIN MỚI NHẤT TRONG NGÀY #029 @E4U - Duration: 22:26.


SuperRacoonBros YouTube Rewind 2018 Reaction - Duration: 7:04.

Drop like on this video if you guys enjoyed comment down below your thoughts in your opinions about the video make sure to subscribe

with host indications on so you stay down fight on every single video also

Follow my social media so they tuned for updates for incoming videos thank you

Hello everyone doing here and welcome back to another reaction so we'll be reacting to super rockin bros

u to be 120 18 by super akron bros

so he actually wanted me to react to this video and he also has a

version to which I'm gonna react to it soon and it will be out soon and

this was combined adore edited by John react so shout out to super raccoon Bros and

John reacts as well so

for those people who ask me


for me to make them an intro and an outro I

Did see your comment for those two people I know who you are that

Commented and

it may take a while for me to make it because recently my internet has been down and I'm using my

personal hotspot on my phone that

I'm using right now so yeah that's the only time that I will get internet, so I apologize for that, so

we're gonna get to starting

Right now

No offense man you have to

Change your intro man

1000 that was good times man

1 million views

Thank you guys for 1 million views

Have you member that oh my god

5000 subscribers Wow I

Think I will send it Mario Washington quality spaces I remember that

10,000 subscribers I

Could see that man Wow

Wow congratulations you have like 25,000 about

25 yeah I think so Wow

you're good quick man if I know it when I hear 10,000 you're gonna have way more than you have now


Ten million Jews Wow

Fifteen thousand subscribers I will set views

That was a great video that was a great video

20,000 and Wow thanks for watching

This was pretty good I

Like to music the background music but to be honest

It was a little bit too loud but it was still good anyway I still enjoyed it no judgment


I've been so depart to I'm gonna react to it soon and it will come out soon and Paul they're not

it was

really good I really enjoyed it

so make sure you guys subscribe to super rockin bros make sure you guys get him to

25000 or even more than that and

subscribe to John reacts to get him to 5,000 or more

subscribers I would really appreciate it and we are on the road to

850 subscribers but

Currently really

900 but we're almost up to 850

which means

Halfway until 900 so thank you guys

So much for watching

make sure you guys turn post on occasion so you stay notified on every single video and I will see you guys in

the next video bye bye if you want

For more infomation >> SuperRacoonBros YouTube Rewind 2018 Reaction - Duration: 7:04.


5 High Blood Pressure Symptoms You Shouldn't Ignore - Duration: 4:39.

5 High Blood Pressure Symptoms You Shouldn't Ignore.

When high blood pressure starts to cause noticeable symptoms, it is definitely time to talk to

your primary care doctor.

Ignoring these kinds of symptoms is a risk you can't afford to take.

If you have started accepting high blood pressure symptoms as a part of your life, you need

to take control of your own healthcare.

At relatively stable levels, high blood pressure causes some side effects.

But as the numbers climb, you raise your risk of developing additional health problems down

the road.

You have to talk to your primary care doctor about these symptoms to prevent yourself from

triggering serious health conditions, such as heart failure and stroke.

If you have felt any of the following symptoms, you need to schedule an appointment with your

doctor as soon as possible.


Headaches and Nosebleeds.

Constant pounding headaches and sudden nosebleeds, which tend to happen when your blood pressure

rises, could indicate the development of a hypertensive crisis.

This medical emergency happens when your blood pressure reaches unsafe levels.

You should test your blood pressure to make sure it is within a safe range, and schedule

an appointment with your primary care doctor if your numbers are not stable.

If your blood pressure reading is over 180/110, immediately call 911 to receive emergency

medical care.


Vision Irregularities.

Individuals suffering from high blood pressure tend to develop blood spots in their eye tissue.

These spots may disrupt your field of vision, making it difficult to see clearly.

Dizziness caused by high blood pressure can also cause vision irregularities that disrupt

your field of vision.

Over time, these irregularities can cause damage to your optic nerves and permanently

change your eyesight.



Since anxiety and heart problems cause so many similar symptoms, it can be difficult

to tell the difference between these two conditions.

Heart palpitations and breathing difficulties caused by anxiety can actually spike your

blood pressure and cause the related symptoms to get worse.

Seeking treatment from your primary care doctor for these two conditions is the only way to

keep the symptoms from building on each other over time.


Breathing Difficulties.

Any time you are experiencing breathing difficulties, no matter the cause, you should seek prompt

medical attention.

High blood pressure can negatively impact your ability to breathe by reducing blood

flow to your lungs.

During a hypertensive crisis, your lungs could even start to fill with fluid and fail to

process oxygen as needed, causing the difficult breathing sensations.

Since it is impossible to tell the cause of breathing difficulties on your own, you must

seek medical care right away.


Dizziness and Confusion.

Although high blood pressure does not directly cause dizziness or confusion, these symptoms

may actually indicate that you are experiencing a stroke.

When your blood pressure remains abnormally high, your risk of stroke skyrockets, so it

is important to receive prompt medical care to rule out this dangerous condition.

Continued dizziness and confusion puts you at risk of sustaining injuries from falls

or other accidents.

You can keep your blood pressure under control by regularly attending appointments with your

primary care doctor.

If you haven't had an appointment in a while and start to notice high blood pressure symptoms,

contact a local KentuckyCare clinic to schedule an appointment with a primary care doctor

as soon as possible.

For more infomation >> 5 High Blood Pressure Symptoms You Shouldn't Ignore - Duration: 4:39.


Cinematic and Fun Snowboarding! Killington Vermont - Duration: 14:40.

For more infomation >> Cinematic and Fun Snowboarding! Killington Vermont - Duration: 14:40.


Genesis [V1,E1] [Trailer] - XV Anthology - Duration: 0:16.

I've just been informed that we are only seconds away now.

To the rest of the world, it has been an honor.

Thank you for tuning in, as we begin our final countdown.

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