This is gonna be my unboxing of rode nt1 microphone that comes in a kit with
SMR shock mount double layer pop filter and mic pouch. So stay tuned for that
Hey, what's going on YouTube, this is Pete coming back with another awesome video
And today I'm gonna be unboxing my new microphone
but before that I
Just really wanted to say thank you all for your support throughout the last year and I wish you all happy new 2019
Hope you guys gonna get your plans sorted and you're gonna achieve your goals and everything for this new 2019
I'm certainly very
Happy and pumped and really self
Motivated for the 2019 to achieve more goals and reach more subscribers and you know do all the stuff that I wanted to do in
2019 but nevertheless let's get into this unboxing video. So I have to say that Santa was really generous for me
And so thank you so much Santa so this is how it looks guys. This is the complete recording kit including the
Pop filter as well as the Rycote SMR shock mount, which to be honest with you
I've been checking out on Amazon and the Rycote type mounts shock mounts for the microphones goes for around 99 bucks
So this is really generous from Rhode giving us that kind of a shock mount for there is amazing new microphone
So I don't have a proper table or anything to set this up, but I'm gonna just start opening things from this box
And I'm just gonna show you how it looks inside. So let me just get this real quick. Oh
My goodness that looks so good. So guys what we have is let me just show you
We've got on the right this there's a box with the shock mount and the pop filter and on the left
We've got the microphone. So let's maybe go with the microphone first. Let's see what we have here
And by the way, this is XLR microphone. So it will require you to supply a phantom power to it to power it up
I'm using my
Roland's Duo Capture EX but I know that a lot of people been using different interfaces
But this is the one that I got like way back in the day. And yeah, I'm just gonna make use of it
But anyways, this is the mic itself. So I'm gonna maybe try to zoom in that a little bit for you
Let's open
That up from its thing. Oh, man, it feels so good. I don't know if you guys can see the diaphragm inside there
The it's gold-plated that little thing right there
Really really lovely I love there the way it all looks you know, it feels very solid
It feels very, you know, like really sturdy. So I'm gonna put this aside and what we have inside as well is some
Don't know. I think it's to show you how to
Use the mic correctly. So I'm a go with that. I love rode microphones. It is very lovely. Oh
so yeah, if you guys like literature, that's that's that's a hell of a that's a hell of instructions that
Will have a look what it is
Later on also inside here. We're gonna find this lovely lovely pouchy pouch
So the pouchy pouch meant to I suppose
If you travel in or something and you take your microphone with you
it meant to
Put the microphone inside so it doesn't
It doesn't pick up any dust or anything. I don't know. Let me let me see
It goes inside guys
It goes inside. That's my mic inside the pouch. Thank you. Really Love it. Really love it
I start this to unpacking everything but on the box. It also says that I'm just going to show you here
What does it feature so all new capsule and electronics?
integrated Rycote Lyre shock mount system and
Accessories and ten year warranty for the 10 year warranty guys that you're gonna have to register your mic on rode website
So this is what I'm going to be doing as soon as I'll finish this video. I'll go on a website
I will register my mic and there we go. I'm gonna have my 10 year warranty
So guys this is the book that I've been really wanting to open
And obviously it includes the pop filter double side full pop filter as well as the SMR
Shock mount. So let's let's let's crack this thing open. Oh, yes. Oh, yes
Wow guys this this is amazing. Look at that
that looks amazing and it says lift it underneath we're gonna find the pop filter and
This is the this is the actual shock mount man. It looks really really nice
It is some sort of a plastic
Design but I have to say it looks very
Solid it looks really well built. So they expect that it is gonna be a really really cool
it comes with this little so you can
You know up and down whatever
And you can you know mount that so I'm gonna be mounting that to my PS, psr it is? I don't know the
Swivel arm. So the microphone goes on on here. And there you go guys. This is the this is the Lyre
thing type material which
Absorbs all the shocks. So when your mic is
Inside this thing no matter what happens, you know
if you if you tap on it on the desks or
Anything like this, if you tap on the desk and stuff like this you won't be able to
feel any
Or you won't be able to hear any any kind of noises inside the audio because those kind of noises
Unfortunately, you can't really get rid of after they've been recorded. So that's the thing. Okay
so inside I found also this little ring this supposed to help us to mount the mic on the
Shock mount so we will try that in a moment and I'm just about to unbox this pop filter. The pop filter is metal
It's it's kind of made from this metal mesh
It is definitely metal guys. I do confirm
Now it's slides on top of the shock mount. And this one here. Like I say it's double so
Usually I've been hearing that metal pop filters are a lot better than anything else
so this one just to say it's double so it's gonna do better than any kind of material pop filter or anything that
You probably been using I mean right now. I've got a little wind shield on my on my blue Yeti microphone
Which is okay, but this thing is going to be a lot better so we can even try it now. I don't know I
Can feel like it's it's it's it's you know what I'm doing my
It does it does actually
Absorbs a lot of this this this P sounds and stuff. So plosives wise. I think we're gonna be good guys
So what happens guys is this goes in here
Okay, it goes like so and then
Yes, oh
My god that feels so good man
And I love that little gold thing here on the top on the front here
It's I think it's supposed to show which is the site
You know that you talk into the microphone because this is a cardioid polar pattern microphone
Which means it only picks up from the front and a little bit from the sides
But not so much from the back which we're gonna get into in a minute
Anyways, we're gonna do some testings and stuff like this the windscreen the pop filter windscreen thing
So this just goes inside I
Think it goes inside doesn't matter which sides
Here we go
Here we go my crazy psiabooshka's this is this is basically done
This is fantastic guys
so this is how this is how the mic look on the on the you know on the on the shock mount and
With the pop filter installed and everything. So that's really really cool. Let me set this aside for now
So let's talk about the price guys. So this mic will set you back around
270 dollars
190 pounds in UK
So I'm gonna put their links by the way, if you are guys interested to pick up this mic
So there's going to be link to Amazon U.S. And Amazon UK in the description
So feel free to use that if you guys wanted to buy one, and and I wanted to really quickly
Bring out the specs in here frequency response of 20 Hertz to 20 kilohertz
cardioid polar pattern
sensitivity of negative 29 decibel max SPL of
832 decibel impedance of 100 ohms and it will require a phantom power of 24 volts or
48 volts this mic is
ultra ultra
Silent I believe the noise floor. They are saying it's 4
Decibel, sorry 4.5 decibels of the self noise of this mic. So really really quiet mic guys
Ok, guys
So what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna plug that mic in now and we're gonna do a bit of a testy test
Right now. Alright guys, so welcome back. I've mounted it up
It does look pretty awesome as well as it does sound really really awesome
so for this purpose my previous audio from blue Yeti was processed as I normally do my
post-processing this audio right here
I only boost it a little bit the gain because my interface gain is set to about
55 to
But then I found that after I've obviously pretty record just to double check how it sounds it was quite quite quiet
so I did decide to boost its gain that
Only the audio just to make sure that it's loud enough. But yeah, this is without any compressors and EQ or anything
This is how the audio sounds and we're gonna do a comparison as well with how it sounds with the EQ and everything
but before we do that, we're gonna try how the mic pick up and everything is
So I'm gonna step away now from the microphone. I'm gonna move away a little bit. So I'm quite far from the microphone now
I'm speaking as I was speaking with the same
With the same tone and everything not too loud. Not too quiet
And now I'm gonna move around a little bit just to see that off access
On that on that on that a polar pattern on that cardioid pattern here just to see what's going on
I'm actually gonna move around like this just to make sure
So this is like me talking really behind of the mic from the top on the other side behind
There we go
So that's that's that and let me move a lean forward a little bit so we can try this
Proximity effect just to see how it sounds. I'm really really happy with this. Pop filter guys. The pop filter is absolutely amazing
I think this is probably
By far the best-looking pop filter, by the way, let's try the plosives now. So we're gonna say
Please berry berry berry berry good. There is no problem because we've got the best mic that we possibly can get
There is no problem problem problem
Okay, guys, I think that's enough for plosives test, but yeah, I feel like this is really really good one last test
I wanted to try and this is gonna be the test with my new keyboard Cherry MX Silent
All right guys, so right now what we're gonna be doing is we're gonna be testing the mic on the the keyboard
So when I'm gonna be playing my games and stuff, so let's go ahead and see what it is
I'm gonna start banging on a keyboard here
Actually, I got it too low
And I'm banking on a keyboard and I'm talking to the mic and let's see how it works
I'm gonna also click my mouse a couple of times
There you go
And I'm banking on a keyboard and I'm talking to the mic and let's see how it works
I'm gonna also click my mouse a couple of times
There you go
I Think the space-bar is the loudest one you can possibly go for but yeah
that's that's actually okay and
you know most of the time really most of the time what I'm gonna be needing is the left side of my
Keyboard, so I'm thinking that should be okay setup for me this way because I was thinking all shall I go for you know?
The hang from the above or shall I shall I have?
The mic the mic situated right here like like you can see right now
But I think I'm gonna leave this option for now. And then we see how and we will see how this goes
In terms of you know, the recording and gameplays and stuff like this. But yeah, this is this is what it is guys
All right guy said now we are trying
rode nt1 with the post-processing
So I've done some post-processing to this very audio dude that you are listening to I did use the compressor
I did use the EQ my usual settings basically, so going forward
This is gonna be how I'm gonna be sounding on my videos now. All right guys, that's gonna be everything for this video
Thanks so much for tuning in. I hope you guys enjoyed it. If you did do me a favor and
Absolutely demolish this like button and also share this video with your friends again
Don't forget
Links to this microphone in the video description if you guys wanted to pick it up if you are new to the channel
You know, obviously subscribe turn the bell notification and you know, like and said you guys know what to do
You know what it is and I will see you guys pretty soon with another video Pete out, Peace
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