Thứ Ba, 1 tháng 1, 2019

Waching daily Jan 1 2019

5 warning signs of early heart failure.

It's an unfortunate truth that your body slows down in your sixth and seventh decades.

Climbing a flight of stairs that you once took two at a time can now feel as daunting

as scaling Mount Everest.

While some degree of vitality loss can be attributed to natural aging, fatigue and breathlessness

may also be signals that your heart is not functioning as well as it should.

"There is a general tendency for people to ignore heart failure symptoms and attribute

them to just getting older.

Therefore, it was very important for us to create an easy way to identify those symptoms,"

says Dr. Mandeep R. Mehra, medical director of the Heart and Vascular Center at Harvard-affiliated

Brigham and Women's Hospital.

FACES of heart failure.

Heart failure occurs when something damages the heart muscle or reduces the heart's ability

to pump effectively.

Most often, the damage stems from coronary artery disease or heart attack.

But faulty heart valves, longstanding high blood pressure, or genetic disease may also

be to blame.

No matter what the cause, the failing heart can no longer pump well enough to keep up

with the body's demand for oxygen-rich blood.

To help both doctors and patients quickly spot a possible combination of heart failure

symptoms, the Heart Failure Society of America ( developed a handy tool that

goes by the acronym FACES.


When the heart can't pump enough oxygen-rich blood to meet the body's energy needs, a general

feeling of tiredness or fatigue sets in.

Activity limitation.

People with heart failure are often unable to do their normal activities because they

become easily tired and short of breath.


Fluid buildup in the lungs can result in coughing, wheezing, and breathing difficulty.

Edema or ankle swelling.

When the heart doesn't have enough pumping power to force used blood back up from the

lower extremities, fluid can collect in the ankles, legs, thighs, and abdomen.

Excess fluid can also cause rapid weight gain.

Shortness of breath.

Fluid in the lungs makes it more difficult for carbon dioxide in used blood to be exchanged

for fresh oxygen.

It may also be harder to breathe when lying down because gravity allows fluid from below

the lungs to travel up the torso.

By themselves, these five warning signs do not confirm a diagnosis of heart failure,

but they do convey a sense of urgency to seek medical advice, says Dr. Mehra.

Further testing.

In addition to the physical exam, doctors have two other important tools to spot the

presence of heart failure.

The first is an echocardiogram (often called an echo), which is a simple, noninvasive test

that uses ultrasound to create images of your heart while it beats.

If the echo shows a lower-than-normal percentage of blood leaving the heart when the left ventricle

contracts, there is a strong possibility of heart muscle damage.

Other findings that point to heart failure include abnormal thickening and ballooning

of the heart wall and malfunctioning heart valves.

The next step in identifying early-onset heart failure is to look for biomarkers in the blood,

such as B-type natriuretic peptide, which is released when the heart is under stress.

"I call these compounds 'tears from the heart' because they show that the heart is crying

for help," says Dr. Mehra.

Once the initial diagnosis is confirmed, further testing may be needed to figure out what's

causing the heart's dysfunction and determine the best treatment approach.

For more infomation >> 5 warning signs of early heart failure - Duration: 4:42.


BEING LIKEABLE Could Hurt your Chances of Getting the Right Job - Duration: 5:15.

being likeable in an interview could hurt your chances at getting the right job

for you in this video we'll talk about being

likeable what it means and how you approach this in interviews so stay

tuned so many people believe that being likeable in an interview is the most

important thing to learn the job that you want and while I understand this and

I've even said this myself in the past being likeable to the wrong people could

hurt your chances of getting the right position for you I understand why you

might believe that being likeable to everyone is ultimately the goal however

that's not actually possible it's not possible for everyone to like you so the

best policy is to just be the best you that you can be and if they like you

great and if they don't like you then that's equally great and here is why if

someone doesn't like you it has nothing to do with you if someone doesn't like

you if they don't pick you for the job or if they don't pick you for the

project or whatever it is it doesn't mean that it's anything about you so it

doesn't actually mean anything about you as a person what does it mean when

someone likes you does it mean you're likeable only if

someone else likes you it's very interesting to think about there is a

famous saying and it goes like this you can be the juiciest most beautiful

orange but there's always gonna be someone that doesn't like oranges we

don't blame the orange do we if someone doesn't like an orange we don't say oh

it's that orange is false because it's not good enough the orange is not good

enough we actually don't blame the person we don't hold it against them

that they don't like oranges it's okay that they don't like oranges doesn't say

anything about the orange itself it says something of what the person that they

don't like oranges so think about yourself for a second maybe you're just

not their flavor maybe you're just not their style or their preference the

orange doesn't get upset because someone doesn't like it it just keeps being an

orange show up as yourself because that's inevitable anyway so for example

if I show up as me and I I am me throughout the entire interview

the people are going to like me will really like me they don't like some

version of me that I'm creating in order to be more

electable so I'm not gonna be smiling on purpose like like force smiling and I'm

not gonna be laughing at things that I don't think are funny because if you do

that in the interview then I'm gonna have to do that throughout the entire

time that I'm employed with this company and if that's not me in the first place

then I'm gonna end up unhappy in that role and I'm really gonna wish that I

was myself from the beginning it's kind of like dating so I don't want you to

have to have like an interview version of yourself

and then have like a off-duty version of yourself because that would be a lot of

work to keep up with and it would end up you being unhappy because you are

putting on a mask what good is more likeable version of

you anyway what are you doing that for anyway so if say I told you some ways to

be more likeable which is probably why you're watching this video and I said

you know compliment people more smile more laugh more in fact here's a list be

positive control your insecurities provide value eliminate judgments be a

person of conviction if you are not those things at heart then it won't come

across naturally anyways so if you are working on things for yourself like make

sure you want to work on those things for yourself anyway make sure you want

to be less judgmental and you're not doing it just so someone will like you

more or you make someone else like you because in the end there's always gonna

be someone who doesn't like oranges and that's okay if you want to learn more

about my strategies that my students are getting to see explosive salary growth

in their first year communicate their value in interviews then click below to

get my ultimate situational behavioral interview guide where you're gonna get

ten concrete example answers of how to answer behavioral interview questions

and we all know that these come up in almost every interview you're gonna get

fill in the blank templates for how to answer the question so you can practice

your own answers and if you get confused or if you get a

little bit stuck I've given you 25 questions that you can ask yourself to

help come up with your own story answers so this is really going to help you

become super confident and the interviews that you go into and you're

not gonna worry about whether or not someone likes you or not because if they

do great and if they don't equally great so you can grab that by clicking the

link below and getting started with me and if you want to watch some more

videos from me you can click link right here if you

want to watch more videos in the series you can click here and I hope to see you

in the next video thank you so much bye so be yourself assist a cliche advice

but ultimately it's what we all need to do and I think it was peaches

I think it's there's always someone who doesn't like peaches

For more infomation >> BEING LIKEABLE Could Hurt your Chances of Getting the Right Job - Duration: 5:15.


GTA 5 Skit - The Conspiracy Gang [SUBTITLES ON] - Duration: 9:24.

Kai2: Why is this dead show playing on my--

Kai2: Oh Sh*t, my n***a N2sav

Kai2: Yo

N2sav: Yo K, What you saying

Kai2: Yea am good fam

N2sav: I know you're probably busy so lemme get straight to the point...

...what was it again ?... oh yh we gotta pick up J6, you know he's fresh home tomorrow ?

Kai2: Of course man, you know I couldn't forget man that's bro!

N2sav: Aight bro, amma buck you in the morning but right now money's calling init

Kai2: What, trapper of the year yeah, what you got all the flavours yeah ?

N2sav: Yeah yeah, you know I even got your mum flavo-- *Ends call*

Kai2: Uhhhhh, this guy!

J6: So they finally decide to let man out...

Kai2: Ayo what, my G J6 fresh home now yh!

J6: Yeah bro, it's been hard year for man

Kai2: I hear that bro, but how is my little cousin though, what you been looking after him yh ?

J6: Bro he don't need looking after now, hes a changed guy you know

Kai2: Yeah, I hear that, ayo come we cut am not tryna be here too long before they clock mans face

J6: Aight come bro lets splash that p

Kai2: Say no more, Lets get you a bust down Crowlly

Mad M: Ayo I swear that's them young gs that were chatting bad on my sister ?

J6: Come you man lets slide on them

Young G 1: Ayo am telling you her ass was so fat, I was just clapping them cheeks CLAP CLAP, round of applause my nigga

Young G 2: YOOOO, we're in conspiracy ends and your talking bout jeeting Mad M's sister. MAD M my guy, are you stupid

Young G 1: I know but like the pum was so sweet you don't even understand like, if you did it you would know

Young G 2: Aight cool, her pum was sweet but you're gonna get yourself killed in these streets my guy.

Young G 1: Yeah Yeah...

Young G 2: Oh shit, that's them right there behind us, ayo am out!

Mad M: Ayo J6, show him your aim!

Kai2: Ayo what's goodie fam, step out the whip

Young G 1: Ayo don't shoot, don't shoot!

Kai2: What are you dumb, about telling me not to shoot, I will drill you with no hesitation right now

Young G 1: Ok am sorr--

Kai2: Aye, shutup fam, what have you got for me ?

Young G 2: I got money

Kai2: Yea, run that and run you're square as well, J6 stain his whip

Young G: Ahh not my revolter, I worked so hard for that

Kai2: Did I f***ing ask you p****

Kai2: Ayo what why you in the driver seat fam?

Mad M: Ayo step out the f***ing front seat now fam!

Kai2: You heard him fam dont f*** with him fam he will do you inside out

Young G 1: Am so scared, I think I just pissed my pants

Mad M: Aye f*** the talking

Mad M: Ayo I should blam him right now for talking bad on my sister fam, my sister would never jeet you fam we've all seen your f***ing d*** pics


JW: Ayo look at this neek bruv, trousers all when and that

Kai2: (laughing) Ayo you man are violating fam, he's a dumb yout still


Kai2: Ayo shutup fam, I will break your head right now

Mad M: Please man let me just blam him, i want to just end him now

Young G 1: Please man, I just want to go home and watch Kung fu Rainbow Lazer Force

Kai2: That show is lit still but Its sad you cant watch it when you're dead, ayo J6 do your thing

For more infomation >> GTA 5 Skit - The Conspiracy Gang [SUBTITLES ON] - Duration: 9:24.



For more infomation >> RAFT (DENİZ - AÇLIK) OYUN İNCELEME - Duration: 26:54.


5 Sinais de que SEU CORPO PRECISA de MAIS VITAMINA B12! - Duration: 5:34.

For more infomation >> 5 Sinais de que SEU CORPO PRECISA de MAIS VITAMINA B12! - Duration: 5:34.


Ex-Bank Robber Attempts A Heist In "Grand Theft Auto V" - Duration: 13:16.

For more infomation >> Ex-Bank Robber Attempts A Heist In "Grand Theft Auto V" - Duration: 13:16.


Guys Try the 10-Step Korean Skincare Routine - Duration: 7:53.

For more infomation >> Guys Try the 10-Step Korean Skincare Routine - Duration: 7:53.


8 Syphilis Symptoms In Women That Are Straight-Up Terrifying - Duration: 8:40.

8 Syphilis Symptoms In Women That Are Straight-Up Terrifying.

What's wrong with this picture: In the year 2,000, only 6,000 cases of syphilis were reported

to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

But in 2016, 88,042 new cases of syphilis were reported.

Um, WTF?

Rates of this potentially devastating STI have been increasing since about 2012, says

Jessica Shepherd, M.D., an ob-gyn in Chicago, who sees more cases of syphilis in her practice

than ever before.

While syphilis tends to be more common among men who have sex with men, about one in 10

new diagnoses are among women, says the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Syphilis is actually super-scary, so this is pretty alarming news.

The bacterial infection, which can be spread via vaginal, oral, or anal sex, progresses

in three stages that pretty much go from scary to horrible to terrifying.

In the first two stages, syphilis can easily be treated with a quick round of antibiotics.

But if you don't treat syphilis within 12 months, it goes latent, meaning the bacteria

is still in your body but you may not have symptoms for many years.

Ten to 30 years down the line, it can become active again, though.

In its third stage, syphilis can damage your brain, nerves, eyes, heart, and other organs,

leading to blindness, paralysis, and even death, according to ACOG.

"It's important to diagnose and treat syphilis early because it can progress to

stages that can affect your brain or your overall health, and it can be transferred

to babies if it's not diagnosed in pregnancy," says Shepherd.

Shepherd says most people notice syphilis symptoms in the first or second stages of

the disease, although it's not uncommon for people to not realize their symptoms are

caused by syphilis.

Here are eight syphilis symptoms in women you need to know about.

1.Firm, round, painless sores.

In the first stage of syphilis, which lasts three to six weeks, you may or may not notice

multiple sores at the spot of infection, according to the CDC.

"They're painless and firm, and kind of have a vesicular (i.e., a small fluid-filled

sac) feel," explains Shepherd.

There are usually several in one area, each slightly larger than a pimple, or about half

a centimeter in width.

"They do go away.

If you don't go to your doctor in time, she may not see them," says Shepherd.

Untreated, the infection progresses to second-stage syphilis.

2.Fever and swollen lymph glands.

Another symptom that can appear at any stage of syphilis is a low-grade fever, generally

around 100.4 to 100.6 degrees Fahrenheit.

"It wouldn't last for very long—a few days, if at all," says Shepherd.

To be fair, a fever can be a sign of lots of things, so if you haven't noticed other

syphilis symptoms it's probably nothing to worry about.

Still, if you're concerned it's never a bad idea to phone your doctor.

3.Skin rashes.

Notice a funky rash anywhere on your body?

Always a good reason to check in with your doctor.

In the secondary stage of untreated syphilis, you may discover a rash on some pretty random

parts of your body.

"You'll notice small, rough red bumps, and it may go unnoticed because doesn't

cause itching," says Shepherd.

While a syphilis rash most often appears on the palms of your hands or the soles of your

feet, it can pop up elsewhere—although Shepherd says it's usually pretty localized.

At this point, the syphilis bacteria has traveled through your blood, she explains, so it's

starting to affect parts of your body beyond where you were first exposed

4.Sores in the mouth, vagina, or anus.

Another sign of secondary-stage syphilis: multiple large (one- to three-centimeter),

raised, gray or white sores that appear in moist areas like your mouth, underarms, or


"They're wart-like, somewhat raised, and not painful," Shepherd says.

"In fact they can be misdiagnosed as genital warts, which aren't painful either."

Either way, if you notice these kinds of bumps it's a good idea to book an appointment

with your ob-gyn right away.

5.Patchy hair loss.

In the secondary stages of syphilis, you might find patchy bald spots on your scalp.

Known as syphilitic alopecia, "this is not one of the big symptoms, and it's not typical

in what we would normally see," says Shepherd.

In fact, hair loss in women can have all other kinds of causes, including hormonal changes,

medications, and medical conditions.

"If you have hair loss, we usually see other symptoms like a rash, and we piece it together,"

she adds.

Once syphilis is treated, hair grows back.

6.Weight Loss.

Some women notice they might lose a couple of pounds in second-stage syphilis, but nothing

dramatic, says Shepherd.

"We usually only notice it when we start to piece things together.

Women may also have other symptoms rather than just weight loss," she says.

Other symptoms of second-stage syphilis are cold-like and include headaches, muscle aches,

sore throat, and fatigue, all of which will go away with or without treatment, according

to the CDC.

7.Sensory deficits and clumsiness.

Once untreated syphilis reaches the tertiary stage, bacteria can eventually affect the

brain, says Shepherd.

Known as neurosyphilis, according to the CDC, it affects up to 10 percent of patients with

untreated syphilis and can lead to meningitis, or inflammation of the brain and spinal cord.

In addition to headaches and difficulty coordinating muscle movements, other symptoms include altered

behavior, paralysis, sensory deficits, and dementia, according to the Mayo Clinic.

The good news is, syphilis is treatable at any stage with antibiotics—although you'll

need to see your doctor to get diagnosed, and you'll likely need to take medication

for weeks or potentially be hospitalized for IV antibiotics at this stage.

8.Fuzzy vision.

Ocular syphilis is another tertiary effect of untreated syphilis, where bacteria affect

the optic nerve in the brain, according to the CDC.

Symptoms can include vision changes up to permanent blindness.

"Syphilis is a blood-borne pathogen, so once it's in the brain it will affect that


It's just an amount of time before gets there," says Shepherd.

There's one more good reason to check in with your doctor right away if you notice

any early-stage syphilis symptoms.

For more infomation >> 8 Syphilis Symptoms In Women That Are Straight-Up Terrifying - Duration: 8:40.


FIRST TRY NOT TO LAUGH OF 2019 EVER !😱 - Duration: 10:08.

the life of an adult child you wake up it's time for coffee take a shower it is

time for coffee go to work it's time for coffee get fired it's time for coffee

and by five o'clock it should be time for coffee

what's going on young do you know why they call coffee cakes um it's probably

because they have coffee in it oh wait so these are called honey buns there's

honey in there yeah oh cool

so we meet again yeah well not any I don't mean tonight I know better now

real real


I love you guys down

you oh my god


For more infomation >> FIRST TRY NOT TO LAUGH OF 2019 EVER !😱 - Duration: 10:08.



How about friends, how are you? mexican curious watching, how are you going? -

Well, here again people,. Very Well, gentlemen, we hope you meet

of the best, having a great time and Well, subscribe to our channel, give

like, share our video if you like and this time, it's a

recommendation adan ?. It is a recommendation It's been a good while since we

they asked for it. Ok, the band is called "Vital remains ", are compatriots here of

North America. That's right, they play according to this death metal, ok, death metal, they are from

providence on rhode island, very well and the band is formed by

toni lazaro, that of the members is the only one left of the founders. TO

Sometimes it's classic, always the founder if he wants to continue, he has to

be is pulling new musicians but Well, since how old is Adam? since

1988 and 30 years, more, no ?, no, 30 years, it's not easy,

here the one that takes more time is "El tri ", is already going for 50 years,

it's heavy, but hey, it's good that continue in rock and roll as

there they are making music and that's what count gentlemen, let's listen to "Vital

remains ", what is the song called? song is called "Dechristianize", which is

as dechristianized "Dechristianize", that his letters according to what I was

reading, are characterized by ... for throwing him to ... being anti-religious,

You are right, In fact, the pure title that you have is like

dechristianized or something like that, something like that here in Mexican Spanish, but

well let's listen to "Vital remains" with, as you said Adam? "Dechristianize"

let's see how, there was no official video either,

then let's go read the letter and listening to the music to see how

let's move on

then then power

there is death metal

they sound more like agonizing screams, yes, they sound more like ... as a supplication

those if they go well packed, if they go rough, if they go to everything that gives

excellent that change gentlemen, it was apart and a break for the drummer because

if it goes bushy

yes, the letter ...

is from beginning to end a criticism the religion

and returning again to power

the drummer is good, he does not lose the thread, I do not know if you listen to them but

in the background they sound like saucers, oh yeah, well panned the dishes, from this side

Like a Chinese splash

crash, I really do not know what it is, but if China is safe

he is alone of guitar

very well, very well that change, I say, the preparation

It was heavy, so you have to see how is the guitar solo

it sounds nice, subtle

that was good I thought that there is going to be another guitar solo but

no, they went through again like verse and good if they are decorating, in the end

they are decorating

finally what I thought was the preparation was the guitar solo

I'm surprised the drummer because he's going putting in many details, if the drummer

it's heavy

I tell you the drummer, if the drummer is good

I breathe once more away from the shadow of God

apparently there's the end, let's see Whats Next

to another...

all right

I thought it was going to end but not

the same can be for the letter

but I see that the letter

all right

I deny God and all religion says, so says it as such in its lyrics, I think

that's why I read, that's why they say they are blasphemers

now it seems the end, let's see why, as I already gave a lot of spin, to the verses, especially I think

what.... apart from that the bars are repeated,

I think the voice does come back a bit tired, that's right, a little bit but good

let's wait and see what ....

above all I think that there was a lack of little bit of elements in those measures

that were repeated a little


I thought they were going to finish it, if I already ...

Now I tell you, now I tell you that finish gentlemen, because I do not know if it's still going to

keep going around and around and around, the guitars are going well, but

they are repeating the same thing the voice then equal

There they went back to the beginning

All the power is there to go out, I I think

there it is heard as a voice, as if narrating something

now yes gentlemen there was dechristianize

of "Vital Remains" "Vital Remains" there is Gentlemen, if the song is a bit long, it's

of those songs that you think is going to end but no, go on and it's going to end

but it goes on and it's going to end but it continues and I do not see the case, I do not see him much

case, because it's a good piece, but to a certain extent when it starts to

spin and spin, I feel You lose how entertaining he was.

Maybe... what can hurt the song

maybe, or what he does because it really is there,

is that it is not so much that they repeat so much same measures, but do not go

adding some things, then there is the detail, so that it becomes a song

more entertaining, That's right, possibly if it will not last

So, it would be more ... well, better. Yes, it really is what I meant,

I do not see the case being around and returns when all the elements

were exploited, then there is a moment when you say "now it is already going to

final "and then again and you think, "Now where is it going?" and when you see that

repeat and repeat, forgive the redundancy, it's when you stay, you already had to

have finished, because it lasts a lot and like it's still there, but for me

first four and a half minutes, five minutes they made me very good, yes,

there as I tell you, one begins like, what happened ?, already,

What, what, what's next? what else will you try? Especially from ...

something that I think not, from my point of seen, I think it does not help much

is the voice, that even if they are doing changes of pace because it keeps sounding

same, as it does not add elements in the voice either and that does

that also sounds very even until certain point the song, that's right,

I think the one that stands out the most it seems that it is the drummer, the drummer

It's good, because it holds but I say if I They give their breaths, but in my opinion

if he is a very good drummer. Because of what if I managed to notice or distinguish

that the drummer in each bar he I was adding to it the best small

things, like putting a saucer on it but I noticed and to the difference and case

contrary for example the guitarists, that as if they were repeating the same.

Yes, they are pretty his ...

what they work, what they work is nice, sounds good, but if a

At the same time, they start it resume, to resume, but hey, the

drummer very well, guitarists I do not know if it's two or one, but I listen

two guitars, you can hear it very well, the voice Well, it's the classic, guttural, it's

as in a normal limit, nor very exaggerated or too soft, the bass has ...

Well, it's like more even, does not Adam? I dont know I hear so so remarkable. I think yes, it goes more

that nothing as a base and accompaniment nothing more, because they do not listen,

well I did not perceive it, no I noticed details in the bass


something that also fails to distinguish It was what the vocalist sang. Nap...

I do not know if it's because of the audio edition, but if you hear your voice a little bit low,

so they also ask for it that is a little more mysterious, dark,

but hey, if one pays attention with hearing aids if you can distinguish certain

things, but not one hundred percent. Of done I got lost with the lyrics, I tried

to see where he was going and not, as if I did not find him, they are also the

disadvantages of not understanding very well the English in guttural, because if you have to

so be paying close attention and well, going to the letter, it's a

Criticism, it's a critique really ... because religion in general, because it arrives

a moment in which to God like that says, to see God, somehow I do not

helped, I'm in the shadows, I do not know how you saw ?. Yes,

It has a very strong and real criticism, it's real, because religion came to

subjugate the people, that's right, not they came to say "look I introduce you to

this deity and therefore adore it, they arrived Shedding blood. And it is in general,

I think all religions have had its ... they have their dark side,

So, yes, it's just as you say, there is no known place, time, where

then the religion or the sects or anything of that kind has reached

offer hope, the truth, I say is of what we have learned over time,

so if it's a ... I support adan in what He says. And apart they are abused

his position, there was a time when ... I say is in history, in which the

religion sold land in heaven, so you were

moving your place away when you die and you already paid the church there and you already

they separated your place in heaven, also historically because those who study

they know what religion has gotten into obscurantism

to humanity, that's right, and that has done a lot of damage,

but good ... is that they are extensive topics, very

extensive gentlemen, who would be needed hours and hours and resume

readings, stories, in which I do not know the bad things would end, but also

there are good things, there are very good things, there are parents, bishops, pastors, however you want

call her in her religion, very good, very dedicated, so if they have brought

hope to his people, wisdom, conscience, but also the bad thing is that a

many of them liquidate them, disappear, whatever you want to call it, the

joke is to erase that kind of parents. Well that kind of teaching that

teach man to be free, from thought, yes, free of thought, not

be tied to a religion, and it is understood that they know them as

blasphemous or satanic, because also they come from a country that is entirely

religious. And I say, to anyone who do not believe in the god of any religion,

Well, he's going to be called blasphemous, heretic, satanic or that kind of thing, for the

simple fact of not have that ideology, but good I

I am in favor of free thought, in which

one can expand to all knowledge, including religions if you

they want, then you will already know, you you will know adan, if you get into a religion these

days, see how it goes, I'll come preaching then, ya adan

will come to scold us instead of listening music. I will be "Adam the preacher".

But, gentlemen, let's not go that side, if I recommend "Vital remains",

I'm going to listen to other songs to see what they are, I say, yes I liked it, but I

I would have liked it more than they had a...

a stop at the precise moment, so that not one would stay like that

"there look already there is all the power is going to end and not ", come back, you

you come back and you come back If it hurts that last the song so much. Without putting

clear elements this gentlemen, if they had got a sound of a goat or a dog

barking, what was different but ... would be different, it changes, and you stay

that already sounded different, but hey, there is "Vital Remains" with the song,

What was it called? "Dechristianize", dechristianize, there is

Gentlemen, tell us what you think, if you liked it, they did not like it, you like it to be

So, a little more repetitive this of death metal or they also like that

have everything precise, well accommodated and let's go, there's nothing else to do here,

As a last note, why do I say it? because when that happens, that everything is

well accommodated, it makes you want to go back to listen and when not, like you say no,

with that, with that I'm already satisfied for this day,

but hey, something else you want to add? nothing more, let's go gentlemen, be careful

a lot, we send you many hugs, we want, subscribe to our channel, little

we are doing little recommendations that they make us, not the

we do all in a row, because well, there are other songs that ... well there

millions of songs in the world Gentlemen, that one can go discovering and

that same, some that we liked you and say WOW! this is my new

my new "CRUSH" as they would say in the networks social,

then let's go, we send them a great hug and there we see you gentlemen.



Agujeros de Guión: JURASSIC WORLD 2: El Reino Caído - Duration: 16:10.


Finally came the day. Today I am going to talk about Jurassic World 2: The Fallen Kingdom. I do not know about you but I enjoyed it; to me anything where dinosaurs come out eating people and I'm cool.

The direction of Bayona seems to me fuckin cool. It has several scenes that are the best of the saga, the CGI has improved a lot and I also applaud that they have dared to leave the island to lead the saga to new territories.

However, the result is not perfect. It looks like a transition film that seeks to unite three elements: from the island they want to pass dinosaurs loose around the world and also used as weapons.

The script is quite clumsy, it seems written in a hurry. His characters are stereotyped to the extreme and the story is not free of a few holes in the host. Let us begin.


The film begins with a gate opening and a mini-submarine entering the former Mosasaur area. What the fuck?

But if in the first film there was no gate that connected the lake with the ocean. Where the fuck does it come from? Look at the map of the park.

It's just a lake in the center of the island. And look at one of the general shots of the first movie. Neither, nor trace of an exit to the sea.

Besides, who would think to put a hatch that connected the enclosure of that monster directly with the sea?

What would they do, take the Mosasaur out for a walk? We started the motherfucker analysis.

Those of the submarine go for a sample of the DNA of the Indominus Rex, dead at the bottom of the lake with the bones quite well placed, as if it had not been devoured by the fucking aquatic reptile.

The guys comment that there is no need to be afraid because the fearsome Mosasaur can not stay alive, since it has been some time since the incident and he had nothing to eat there. But then ... zasca.

It turns out that the bastard is alive and attacks them. Okay ... how the fuck is he alive? What have you eaten during so many months of captivity?

Another guy is on the island hacking systems to open and close the doors. The notes are alone, which is dangerous knowing the amount of carnivorous and dangerous dinosaurs that have to be released on the island.

Sure, some guys are signaling you from the helicopter tremendously upset and you: "I do not listen. I guess it will not be very important. "

And of course, the rex arrives and is about to become his dinner. In the end it is eaten by the Mosasaur who escapes through the gate that did not exist.

And it is that if it served for something well then, okay, but the little animal does not appear until the final fucking in a scene that could have taken it away and nothing would happen.


In the news they report that the Sibo volcano of Nublar Island is going to erupt killing the last living dinosaurs on the planet.

Of course, building a theme park on the slopes of a volcano, even though it is inactive, sends balls, but apart from that, anyone would ask:

And Sorna Island? There was another island with dinosaurs, Zone B. Why do not you mention it?

Okay, it's true that before the premiere of this movie they took information from some web pages that clarified this hole.

They said that in 1999 Hammond had died and Masrani Global was dedicated to experimenting with new illegal species, as would be the case of Spinosaurio.

But this super predator altered the balance of Zone B and between it and some rare disease ended their ecosystem. The few Sorna dinosaurs that survived were moved to the Jurassic World and end park.

Come on, now there's nothing left there. But why not tell it in the movie? You only need 30 seconds, what else does it give you? Imagine that someone sees this movie in 50 years.

Why would that person have to look up information on a web page to answer their questions? Transmedia fucking, always playing the balls.

Claire Dearing, who is now a super lover of dinosaurs, wants to save them. She has a foundation and John Hammond's former partner, Benjamin Lockwood, decides to help her rescue the bugs on the island.

His assistant Elis Mills explains that the idea is to move them to a very nice sanctuary where they can live in peace in a Jubilee plan. It comes to be like the Jurassic Imserso.

The problem is that catching Blue, the last raptor, looks fucked up. Convince Claire to hire Owen Grady and have him take it back.

The next day Claire, Owen, Zia and Franklin take the plane to the island and when they arrive they see that it is full of mercenaries.

These are set to capture random dinosaurs, and meanwhile our protagonists and the head of the mercenaries, Wheatley, are dedicated to find the famous blue velociraptor.

However, they are betrayed by this guy, and Owen ends up sedated in the middle of the forest, while Claire and Franklin are locked inside a bunker.

They do not know how to get out, and suddenly ... COOOÑO.

A Baryonyx arrives that must have the skin of cement because it falls lava to him in the head and as if nothing ... and a little while later they discover that fuck, there is a staircase that leads to an exit.

Claire, fuck, you worked there. Have not you ever seen that fucking emergency staircase?

And when they come out they lock the bug with the lava so that it dies slowly. What a shit from the Dinosaur Protection Group! They killed more than the mercenaries.

All meet and end up fleeing the eruption in the middle of a huge stampede of dinosaurs.

They find an abandoned gyrosphere in a field that faces a cliff. How did you get there if they were all in the enclosures? No fucking idea, what does it matter?

Enter Claire and Franklin, but Owen's idiot stands still when he sees a Carnotauro on the other side and does not enter.

Fuck, get safe! He could have entered perfectly, but nothing, he prefers to wait and see what happens. And it happens that he closes the door we do not know how and he has to run like a bastard.

Oh, and suddenly the Tyrannosaurus is loaded to the Carnotauro without coming to mind, in the middle of the fucking eruption, and after that it is pirated. What the fuck? And it does not end there.

We already know that this is the only tyrannosaur in the park, and when it flees it is next to the eruption.

However, minutes later, when the protos have managed to fall into the water, leave the gyrosphere and reach the beach, they see a helicopter carrying it.

How have they managed to capture it so fucking fast and also so close to the place of the eruption? And to that Baryonyx how they have taken it without sedating him?

And the same with the Rex, which continues to roar. How they have uploaded the truck to that Stegosaurio with everything that weighs? And they have there, they shoot at Blue without tying or anything, fuck what eggs.

Of course the logistics of this hunt is worthy of the best magician in Chinatown.


Now comes the craziest of all. The volcano continues to explode and the protas take a truck with the intention of getting inside the ferry.

A ferry full of mercenaries who minutes before tried to kill them. But are these people right in the head?

In the end they get it and Claire, just putting on a hat is no longer recognized by anyone. It's like Clark Kent's glasses. And see that there are mercenaries on the ship that nobody repairs in it.

And how many dinosaurs are supposed to have been captured? For the data of the film it is assumed that around 30 and 11 different species. Do they all fit on the ship?

Fuck, some are very big. And where are the helicopters that were before?

They have disappeared. Have they transported a dino with them to land? I doubt it very much, but from somewhere they have had to leave, and on the deck of the ship they are not. What has happened to them?

As the velociraptor is wounded, Zia asks the protas to look for compatible sauric blood to transfuse him.

He tells them that it has to be the blood of a carnivorous dinosaur of the same style, as for example ... of Tyrannosaurus. Because they are superparecidos.

Pay attention to Zia that she knows. She is paleo-veterinary, but she has not seen a dinosaur in her life until that day, but that does not matter.

Let's see, on the ship there were Baryonyx, Carnotauros or Alosaurs, why not use those that are smaller? No, better the Tyrannosaurus. That by the way, when he wakes up he goes crazy and screams that he hits.

Do not any of the mercenaries come over to keep an eye out to see if there is no one using the rex as a rodeo bull? As for example to those who close the door. And save the raptor is also objective of Wheatley.

Why does not Zia ask the mercenaries to get that blood? So Owen and Claire would not have risked their lives.

And from the island, which is near Costa Rica to California, they arrive by boat in a matter of hours. Do not fuck with me, if the ship is slower than the host.

And when they arrive, Owen and Claire get on the first truck that they catch and they lead it posing as mercenaries to see where they take the dinosaurs. Host, how easy?

What's wrong, that just that truck was not assigned to anyone? Does nobody organize or check the output of the trucks? Finally, on the way they discover where they are going: to the mansion of the traveler.


While the ferry is heading to California, Maisie, the granddaughter of Lockwood, discovers that Mills is working in the basement labs on secret projects that turn dinosaurs into weapons. And not only that.

It is also moving all the captured dinosaurs to auction them right there in the mansion. What the fuck?

Are you conspiring behind the back of your boss and owner of the farm, who sleeps on the top floor, and do you have the cojonazos to organize a whole fucking show with several species of dinosaurs and dozens of dealers and bad people next?

But look how many cars arrive. And this in view of the granddaughter. Go singing.

Fuck, was not it easier to find another place a little more secluded? How has Mills been able to mount all this infrastructure with cages that go up and down in secret from everyone?

The old man never goes down to the basement anymore? And how do the mallets think these take the dinosaurs home? Have they brought their trucks?

Have you adapted the garden of your home to prepare them? If you do not know what dinosaurs are there or what they are going to buy, do not screw me. And above all ... host how cheap it is to buy a dinosaur.

When the vegetable finds out everything makes the stupidest decision I've seen in a character in a long time. He tells Mills to go to his room, that he wants to talk to him very seriously.

Both are alone and Lockwood tells him that he knows everything and that he calls the police himself and surrenders. But what the fuck are you telling me? Mills loads it, normal. What else did the old man think was going to happen?

But let's go back to the plot of Owen and Claire. In the end they are caught, it's about time. They have tried to kill them before but now they decide not to kill them, and they lock them in a cage they had free to wait ... what do I know?

Of course, thanks to a Stygimoloch they manage to escape. Fuck, go walls and fucking cells, it looks like they're made of chichiclás.

If a dinosaur that has a hard skull but is not very massive can escape so easily, the Rex or the Triceratops should already be setting up a party in the hallway.

And of course, when all this happens, no alarm sounds or we see no mercenary watching. It is incompetence in its purest form.


Mills and Dr. Wu have developed a new mutant dinosaur: the Indoraptor. When they present it in society during the auction, they teach the public that with a laser rifle you can easily end up with targets.

You aim the laser and then press a button that emits a sound that gives the dinosaur the signal to attack. It is completely absurd! If you're aiming at your target with a laser rifle, you shoot him a point.

And okay, let's say you throw the Indoraptor. And then what? How are you supposed to take him back to his cage? He eats you, wafer, he eats you.

And is that if you want to kill someone with him you have to transport the fucking dinosaur in a cage there. As I say, he has neither head nor tail. Okay it was a prototype but ... do not sell it for what it is not, bastard.

Thanks to Wheatley's fool the Indoraptor escapes and begins to cause chaos in the mansion. Mills meets by chance with Owen, Claire and Maisie, and could have shot them directly,

but he starts to chat with them and tells them that the girl is a clone, and that's why Lockwood and Hammond stopped talking.

But that fact would have taken place before the first park ... about 30 years ago, and the girl, obviously, is not that old. Well, there were other attempts of clones before her, you know.

And maybe together with raptor DNA ... I would molar an egg. But this spin really does not have any real relevance in the plot right now. Maybe they'll leave it for the next movie, but of course here we do not care much.

Meanwhile, Zia and Franklin escape from the lab thanks to Blue, but some shots create an escape of hydrogen cyanide. The dinosaur is able to smell the gas, identify it and know that everything will explode.

That's because he has DNA from Albert Einstein himself.

Blue is saved, but if Zia and Franklin do not do anything the whole basement will be filled with toxic gas and the dinosaurs trapped there will die.

The impersonator pursues the protagonists. This part of the movie I love, but I do not understand why the dinosaur is chasing the girl all over the mansion instead of just running through the woods.

Maisie flees in terror to her room and decides that the best place to hide is under the sheets of her bed.

The girl was presented as intelligent and she spends the day hiding and giving scares. Did you really not think of a better place to hide?

And when the indoraptor is about to eat it, the deus ex machina 1 arrives, because Owen bursts into his room without knowing the house or having a fucking clue where the little girl is;

and then comes a deus ex machina 2, with Blue as the protagonist, who also does not know how he got from the basement to the top floor. He must be so smart that he already knows how to handle the elevator.

And then Claire, armed with the laser rifle, also appears by magic, and decides to point it at Owen so that the monster can attack him.

Why not point to the glass? Okay, the guy was going to move away, but the girl was still behind him, fuck, a little bit of care.

But fortunately deus ex machina 2 arrives again and saves the day, definitively charging the Indoraptor.


In the last section of the film we see how the poor dinosauritos are drowning because of the toxic gas. Claire opens all the cages and the dinosaurs are free in the corridor.

They will be very hungry, but the carnivores do not attack any herbivores, it's funny. They will be scared. The poor would be in the plan "K pussy this susediendo?".

In the end Claire can not press the button to let them free because otherwise they could ride a very good one in any nearby town.

However, the clone girl goes and presses it, letting all the dinosaurs that were in captivity escape. Zia and Franklin what the fuck they were doing in the meantime, watch the fucking girl, fuck.

"I had to do it, they're alive like me," says the bitch.

Yeah, but you can not bust the people you cross with horns. People are going to die because of him, but well, no one seems to notice it.

But hey, are these dinosaurs really a danger to the world in general? Yes, they can cause some chaos in a localized way,

but I doubt very much that not more than 30 dinosaurs are going to put in check our existence, as it had been speaking in front of a third delivery and as Ian Malcolm said in the end.

In addition many of them have no partner and will not be able to reproduce, as is the case of the Tyrannosaurus, the Mosasaur or Velociraptor, the kings of the saga.

The only thing that the few buyers who have managed to escape with their dinosaurs start cloning brazenly, but that is something that power could have happened since the first delivery, and they do not have DNA from those dinosaurs in particular.

We must also remember that all dinosaurs have an implanted tracer. It would not be too difficult to capture them just as the mercenaries did in record time before the eruption.

Anyway, what will happen in the last delivery? How will dinosaurs dominate the world?

Well, wait 4 years to find out. Time to spare to make a decent script.

The Youtube algorithm screwed up the video, and as you can see, I've uploaded it again, so since I'm here, I'm going to respond to some comments from the original video.

On the subject of the Transfusion there were people saying that yes it would be possible. They justified it by saying that the Rex shares some common ancestor with the family of the raptors, both being of the suborder of the coelurosaurs.

For example, the Carnotauro or the Alosaurio do not have that family in common. I did not know and it's a curiosity that is cool to meet.

But let's see, we are talking about dinosaurs with millions of years of separate evolutions ... that transfusion would be like making a transfusion between a human being and a chimpanzee.

We share 98% of the DNA, yes, but we all know that it will not work. I am positive O and while I can donate to everyone, I can only get another blood OR positive or negative, if I do not die.

The same is that I have to try Coelurosaurus blood to see, which seems compatible with everything.

Finally, also many, but many, commented that in the first film they explained that with the DNA of a frog the dinosaurs could change sex and reproduce without the need of a partner. Wtf?

No, dinosaurs do not reproduce by mitosis or shit like that. In the original Jurassic Park they created all the female dinosaurs to avoid reproduction and control the population.

The problem is that the frog DNA caused some specimens to become male; and females and males procreated. As simple as that.

But it is assumed that in Jurassic World they have learned and that should not happen anymore, in theory. And as Colin Trevorrow said a few days ago, in Jurassic World 3 we will not have the dinos eating people on the streets of big cities. Fuck, I'm going to cry.

Give it a thumbs up if you want the dinosaurs to eat people on the street and subscribe so you do not miss new chorra analysis of the movies that are coming out.

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