Hello everybody, my name is Hudinio and welcome back to the binding of issac efforts Plus today is
36 today's Tuesday, and that means we are doing a challenge now. I did some research as usual and we're gonna do the challenge
It's all in the cards now the item that this
Starting with the hero font
Starting with the double card. Okay, how do I switch between them? I actually don't remember II
okay, so this
Unlocks an item called SMB superfan and what this item does
It is basically an all stats up plus a full read
A full read heart heal. So yeah, it's basically just one of those items that is good to have unlocked and
Yeah, it's kind of what I'm hoping to get out of it we get half a soul heart here or full so heart rather and
Then what do we get now so we had the devil we have judgment
And yeah, okay
Do we have palms can we blow this guy up? Let's leave him here for now
All right, so I'm purposely doing some of the challenges that
Purposely doing some of the challenges that are a little bit easier and maybe not easier
But that allow me to fire tears because there are many challenges that you don't have control of your tears
and your only source of damage comes from other items like an orbital or
Bombs or something like that and I want to save those challenges for later on and then because I'm scared to do them
All right, so three bombs we're doing okay with bombs
Not too worried about that. My damage is good. Isaac has pretty decent damage to start
And I'm gonna save the devil card for the boss, I think
Yes, it really depends who the boss is I may not need it
All right, so yeah, so this run is all about cards in general
We're gonna have a lot of cards coming at us from all directions
Basically Oh
Excellent, what do we get here?
The devil again the moon now, it's gonna use the moon card
For a nickel I'll take it Isaac does feel a little slow but I could be because
We had even last episode with max speed and Eve absolutely crushed
ultra greed
Will be taking the devil back. I'm gonna save the hair font. I'm not gonna use it just yet
And let's see the boss's Duke flies alright
So yeah, just to speed this along since we're gonna have so many cards. Anyway, I am going to use the double card here and
Just absolutely crush dukkha flies
All right, come on Duke stop surrounding yourself with flies and please just die
Owl seriously get out of here
All right. What do we got regen? HP up get to go. Um
We are looking for the super secret room. We have three bombs. It can't be attached to this room. I
Don't know if it can be attached to a small room, but it could be here. So let's check
Okay, yeah
I don't know enough again about secret rooms to know where they can and can't be so let's head on down to the next floor
So the end goal for this challenge is basically just getting to and beating mom
which we've done in a few other challenges and we've done on our own so far so
I'm gonna pop the gear up on here for a little red heart protection. I
Don't want to lose my red hearts. I'd like to keep them
All right, these Gish just die let me actually take out this red fire as well because I don't want to get hit by it
Okay, our range is relatively decent we can help range most of the Gish in this room
So I'm just gonna take it slow and steady. We're just gonna do our best here to not die good and
one more too easy first key the run looking for
the shop
Looking for the shop and also looking for the item room
No tinted rocks a bunch of spiders. It's basically my worst nightmare. Yep. I knew that was gonna happen
And dead all right o
Yaara rune excellent. This will come in handy in our shop. So
We can duplicate the red heart and the card, I don't know that I actually want to do that
What do we wanna do let's save the yellow rune for now
And let's keep going and searching around for other things
Roomful of spiders excellent. This is literally my nightmare
Okay, you're dead you're dead
Little spiders aren't - too bad. It's the big ones that are more annoying. Actually. The little ones are kind of annoying as well
And we don't want to lose our red hearts at all. So we need to be very careful
We cannot get hit two times here. Oh
I completely froze. Like I didn't know what to do or where to move. There we go
Into the cursed room, but we don't have the soul hearts to back it up
So we're gonna take damage getting in and we're gonna take damage coming out unfortunately
We just can't afford that right now with our red heart situation
It's so good at dodging my tears what a jerk
All right. What do we have Joker? This is gonna bring us right to the deal with the devil room
I'm going to use that right now actually
Deaths touch that is what we unlocked last time in our other challenge
Or we unlocked it in Wacka Wacka actually
okay, so
And we get the hanged man sellouts flights, so can I give up three red hearts
Death touch is 100% needed. It's fear shot needed. I
Don't know but I feel like it'd be silly not to take it. Alright, so now we're not terribly worried about our
Our red heart damage, however, we are now worried for a different reason because we don't have red hearts
Despair. Oh
There we go
So we are looking now for tinted rocks specifically so we can get more soul hearts. I don't see any
Could be a secret room down here
So I will check hopefully
No, all right
Let's scan to fight the boss. Only level 2 boss should be fine
Haunt ok haunt is not what I had in mind
On is pretty much a pain in the ass to fight
And we cannot get close to haunts
towards the top because he will then charge at us and make everything not fun like
That we'll do that
Whoa, hey wait, I dodging
Okay, here comes a brimstone attack, yup, that is why fear is not a good thing
Woo what bullshit you killed me. Alright, try again
Justice boom
So the chariot Jerry card is now gonna be huge for us we do have a tinted rock
Top bats and we have the hero font. Sure. I'll take it as well since I already have so hearts
I'm not gonna worry about the poop actually. Oh
I'm so annoyed that he killed us
It was entirely my fault. I was getting too close to him. And yeah, he charged at us not a big deal
It won't happen again. I promise you that
And your dad
And you're dead, okay good, I'm not gonna check out the shop I don't think it's needed at the moment Oh
Get out of here with your lucky ass shots. There we go. All right
Okay anything in here nothing, let's just keep going Oh sloth
Sloth is a good boss to fight
You know what? We're just gonna do this
And it's all said the dice chard dice chard is huge I believe it acts as a reroll
What kind of reroll is it though? It's an item reroll, or is it?
Rumery roll is it just random? I don't know. I'm actually gonna have to look it up probably
Take chard de Chardin. What does the dice chart do one second guys?
Dice shard
Gives a one-time use of the D 6 and D
20 effects at the same time the d 6 rerolls an item in a room and
The D 20 rerolls all pick up consumables in the current room into another random. This include hearts bombs keys coins
Okay, that's awesome
D 6 and D 20 so we want to save that for a certain
Room we don't want to use it. Just any time. It's this lucky rocket
Ok, cool
It's gonna use this to of diamonds. We'll duplicate our money film
What else
Did we find the shop yesterday we did not find the secret room and we have not looked for the super-secret room could be here
It's not there are you kidding, okay?
Secret room I'm almost gonna guarantee is here, but I don't know that for sure. It's not there seriously
Okay, let's just get off of this floor
So probably in between episodes or while I'm on vacation I am going to look up how to find
Super secret rooms. There's got to be it's like a trick to it or something that I just don't know
Oh such a jerk Dingle
No, no, I don't care what you say that your tears aren't hitting me Dingle
Daniel has hit me with every shot so far. Are you serious?
Oh dingo, you're killing me sir quite literally you are actually killing me
All right, and here's some concentration coming out
There we go Dingles dead I will be taking these red hearts because now I need them and
What items do we get hopefully something good
HP up, all right
It is a full heal as well. Alright next floor
Right 10 coins is pretty good to get down here with I will go right into the vault boom boom. Boom. Nice
100 percent chance to deal with the devil going into the curse room. It totally negates that
Okay, so now you can see we have a
Burning hopper, which is a very dangerous hopper
This hopper can jump it deals a lot more contact damage and it can jump much much further than all the other hoppers
What do we gots all right
The self sacrifice room would be good if I had the Whore of Babylon dots
Using bombs offensively it's something that I think more people should do
15 coins I will go right into the shop. Jarrah flies star flies is huge for us. Okay
I cannot also buy the soul heart
Jar flies versus deck of cards
Alright I'm gonna hope that maybe we get more money like that
Okay, let's just let's just keep getting hit and lose that so hard we purchased
There we go, so do we
The hero fonts I
Feel like deck of cards is too good to give up right now
So I'm probably gonna hold onto deck of cards. And this may be the choice that ruins this run for me
Yeah, I'm gonna hold onto deck of cards because we can get cards like here a font
Right and here font is huge here fonts great for us
No tinted rocks in here. Let's just get out of this room and this room get right into the boss. Monstro
Monstro will not be an issue at all. I don't think
Unless we do things like that
It's actually really difficult to avoid all these guys plus monstro
There we go
Okay, now we're gonna have an easier time this fight should end fairly quickly
Monster does take a little bit of time to kill he does have a lot of HP, but he's not particularly. It's not particularly difficult
The is difficult, if you do stupid things like that such as walking into them getting hit by his tears
There we go
And now we'll just get into this exchange with them, I don't know how we didn't get hit there that was insane
Do you still have our hundred percent chance deal with the devil which we will be getting in this floor calling it right now?
Okay, I'd like for him to do his big jumps big jumps are much easier to deal with than the little hops
But monsters not gonna make it where'd you get me mom's going first great
Justice the full
Two of clubs, okay
So what are we doing here? Let's go ahead and drop justice
Take the era
Duplicate everything in the room
To fool the fool
Take this
to a clubs boom
Two clubs again. Boom
All right. Now if we use the dice shard here, there's a lot of things on the floor and they can all be
rear old into something different
Okay, so we got another dice yard awesome the moon
Magician plenty of keys. I
Fiebag, okay
Let's re-roll this again because I don't actually want IV bag
Hanged man
Okay, speed up size down
And what does this do
Wishbone make-a-wish. I think I'm gonna keep the lucky Rock
Okay, that's good for here Krampus
Krampus is not what I expected
But there is the chance to get a
Whole cheese get a lump of coal from Krampus, so it's kind of what we're hoping for
Whoa, okay, I walked into that brimstone. It was entirely my fault
Okay, come on Krampus
I don't there's a pattern to his Brimstone's I think it has to do where your position when he decides he's gonna do it
Campus is almost dead. There. It is. Lump of coal cramps is heavy. Well cramps is head isn't horrible. It really isn't
But is it worth it, what's the recharge time on it?
In deck of cards, we're getting a lot of really useful cards here I
Think I'm gonna keep this over cramps his head. Do we find our item room? Yes
Arthur no, there are no item rooms on this on this challenge. Okay. Oh, that's said we're gonna head down to the next floor
Yeah, okay down we go 28 coins good sum of money let's hope we can use it in the shop for something good, okay
Caves one
Okay, I'm not too too worried right now about the deal to devil chance because
Well, it's only a 33% chance anyway
And you son of a how dare you
Ah, there we go, there we go
Yeah you and last one
Hangman okay. Ah so
That was me being silly the fool fool brings us back to the start now
I did not mean to use the hangman there that was entirely my fault
You missclicked cue when I meant to hit space that's fine
No worries 29 coins. No tinted rocks yet
Looking for our shop could be anywhere
Duke flies a little mini do for this candy corn flies
Not too bad. Alright, so we need red hearts or we need soul hearts
We need one of the two because honestly my dodging this run is not
That great
There we go
Got it
All right, so we know the secret room can't be there, but it could be here
So let's go ahead and pop this it was there. Excellent
Now the key and we have a key beggar who them I will explode
Wow keep a you're dropped Bank for us 37 coins good
Good good. Yeah
Good job
So what do we got?
Okay, I will take rooms full of these guys any day maybe not full but one or two at a time. Yeah, no problem here
Okay, what's in our shop
Let's think and turn back time, whoa
That's so weird
That's interesting
So can I be like stuck in a loop of picking that up and just doing that over and over again today?
There was no benefit to it. I
Could cheese the entire
The entire run like that. I would do it in a heartbeat. That's fine. No worries
So we only have eleven percent chance or deal with the devil, I'm not expecting much here I
Don't think the boss is gonna be that way boss is most likely gonna be this way
2 of diamonds will duplicate our money. Thank you. I will do that now
It's not really in need to I don't there's nothing I want in the shop and I don't have restock
Restock would make this amount of money super op4 say I don't have it
All right, so who do you think our third floor bosses
Let's see seventy five coins. I'm not even using on this is
Nonsense, huh? Husk. Okay husk is actually not a good boss to fight. I am not very happy about this at all
Oh, my god, husk is destroying us
Okay, I
Don't know if we're gonna make it out of this fight alive. Husk is super fast
He has a lot of ads. I only have half a heart. I need to get under control here like now
Okay, cool, man
Okay husk husky is basically the dead version of dukkha flies
Yeah, I don't like husk I only cost at all and I don't like bloat bloat is the dead version of PEEP and bloat has
That stupid thing. He does where does brimstone?
Okay, husk is almost dead husk is dead. Now. He's have to take care of the ads. No. Oh
Fudge. Oh
Okay, well that was a fun challenge I do like it it's not bad this the cards can help
I think it was just bad luck with getting husk and
Poor choices meat with items. Maybe the jar flies would have been better for us
But anyway guys, I'm out of time for this episode
So if you enjoyed it
Make sure to hit that like button comment below to chat with me subscribe if you haven't already
And I'll see all you guys in the next episode
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