Thứ Ba, 1 tháng 1, 2019

Waching daily Jan 1 2019


What are you doing here? I've came to give you a kiss, this morning you left so fast.

You came only for this? Yes, you know how am I. Come here.

And you didn't have breakfast, and you slept not so good.

How do you want me to sleep of my mother and sister are in jail?

Don't worry, when Luisita signs the sworn declaration she will be free.

But she doesn't want to, because she is so stubborn.

That's a family thing. I know.

Listen to me...

what if you and me sign the declaration?

Counterfeit the signature? Yes, that's the only way to do it. No, that's not possible.

No, no. I've done that a lot of times with school marks.

But this is not school, this are the authorities.

My aunt knows about this, if she was here...

It's just a signature. No, Maria, it's very dangerous.

Imagine that your sister tells them she hasn't signed anything, that would be a problem.

If she was here I would slap twice in her face.

Calm down. She makes me despair, she is so rebellious.

You know how she is, she is a madwoman, don't you remember when she went to live in that hippie commune?

How can I forget it? We had to go there to pick her up.

That girl...that trip to the hippie commune... but she has always been ready for whatever may come for me.

WIth you and with all of us. That's why I am sorry that she acts like this now.

Don't get angry with her.

Knowing you, wouldn't have you done the same?

Maybe I would.

But we have to find the way she signs that declaration.

Are you thinking the same as me?

Hi guys.

I need your help.

You need to talk to her and make her sign the document. Why me?

Because my sister has the fixation of taking an opposing viewpoint to whoever that has her own surname.

You are her friend, she will listen to you.

Why are you so sure about it? I am not sure about it, you are our last chance.

I don't know Maria, you know that lately we haven't been so close as we were.

I know, but you are really good friends, she cares about you and she will listen to you.

Amelia please. Maria. Please.

Ok, when can I go to the prison?

You can't do there, that's what I was trying to say, you have to be a relative or a lawyer to go there. It's impossible.

Well, since when something is impossible for Ignacio Solano?

Ignacio told me you could not convince Luisita to sing the declaration.

Sorry guys, but it was impossible.

So we need her to sign that declaration.

Amelia, do you want some hot chocolate?

I am not hungry Natalia.

Where do you come from? You didn't have a show tonight. I will go to sleep, I don't feel good.

No, come here, let me see that face.

Amelia, what's the matter? You've been crying.

It's about Luisita, she is in jail.

She doesn't allow herself to be persuaded, and I don't know when she will be free.

You don't need to. Yes, I want, I will call Ignacio later. I will sleep here tonight.

Quintero, didn't you tell me there would be a welcoming party?

Come here.

Let me see you. Are you fine? Yes, dad. Are you sure?

Listen to me, I am sorry for what I did.

You have to...

Luisi, come here.

I was so worried.

Now we still need mom to be here. We will do whatever it takes so that she is here on Christmas.

You have my word.

From now on I will not cause any more problem, and I will solve them on my own, I promise.

Luisi, if they gave us one penny everytime you told us that...

now we would have a flat in Torrevieja.

You will not give a kiss to your grandpa?

My heart breaks when I think that she is there alone.

And the worst thing is that...

I don't know what to do to help her.

Listen to me, maybe I can help you. Well not me, Carlos.

Carlos? The district attorney of Manolita is his friend.

Maybe he can help you.

That would be great. But you can't tell anyone. Of course, I will not tell anoyone.

And if everything goes fine, it was because of Quintero ok? Ok.

You should cheer up. I want to see Luisita out of that place.

Not because I want to have something with her, that is already clear for me. She loves me, but not in the same way I do.

There are a lot of women in the world, you'll find the one that loves you back.

Wonderful women, yes. Like you.

But you like men.

Well, I can try out new things, now that I am single. Yeah, right.

For more infomation >> Part 46 Luisita/Amelia - Duration: 5:49.


【Faira Star | dance 】 The Disappearance of Megurine Luka #34 - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> 【Faira Star | dance 】 The Disappearance of Megurine Luka #34 - Duration: 3:05.


Triathlon Taren's Goals for 2019 - Duration: 12:18.

- [Taren] What's up Trainiacs.

With 2018 coming to an end,

we're doing this series talking about

reflecting upon,

looking forward to

2018, 2019 and today we are going to go over my,

I don't like calling them New Year's resolutions,

but things that I want to achieve in 2019

both from a racing standpoint and a personal standpoint.

So do you care?

Here's what I'm planning on working on next year.

(techno music)

So alright Trainiacs with 2019 coming up

here are the goals and the things that I've got in mind.

The plans, the ponderings, that I've been thinking about

looking forward to next year.

Now I've never been a big like five, ten year goal

kind of person because I'm always

basically just changed my mind as it's come,

but I always try to think towards the future.

I try to think about immediate short term goals

that do kind of support a long term process

of being better in the future

than I am in the today,

present, than I was in the past.

So today we're gonna get into like my five

big goals that I've got for 2019.

And the first one relates to the question

that everyone has had since I started the channel.

Have you ever done an Ironman?

When are you gonna do an Ironman?

When do you plan on racing Kona?

Alright you're gonna do a full race,

oh what are your goals for that?

Well, to bring you up to speed,

my race schedule next year includes

Super League Singapore,

then half Ironman Puerto Rico,

which is going to be my attempt to qualify for

half Ironman Worlds in Nice,

then I am doing my first Ironman distance race

at Challenge Roth.

Then after that,

I'm gonna be doing Super League Penticton

at the end of August.

And hopefully I will have qualified

for half Ironman Worlds in September.

So as you see in that,

doing my first full Ironman distance

it's at Challenge Roth

which is an amazing bucket list kind of race

that pros wait their entire careers to be able to race

maybe just once.

And I get to do it as my very first

full Ironman distance race

where 200,000 spectators come in and cheer you on.

There are parts of the bike course that are like

Tour de France where there's like a canopy of like

the boom sticks that you gotta bike through

and people cheering you on.

And I am so, so much looking forward to that.

My race goals in that however

probably aren't what you think.

I've always said that when I step up to

the full Ironman distance I want to be able to race it.

I want to be able tackle it confidently.

I don't think that I have the time just yet

to be able to commit to full Ironman distance racing

as a whole.

I also think that I need to build up a fair bit of speed

at the half Ironman distance,

more on that in one of my later goals,

to be able to translate that speed

to my long term goal of racing Kona.

In my current 35 to 39 age category,

that is a spicy meatball.

Holy, this is a fast age category

so I know that I need to do

somewhere around 9:30, 9:40 full Ironman

to potentially even have a crack at qualifying for Kona.

Take my times at half Ironmans right now,

I need to bring them down still a little bit,

probably under 4:30 is my guess.

So while next year my goal isn't to race

and go out and tackle Challenge Roth

it is to go into it prepared enough

to learn something from it.

It's not to go in and just complete it

and be like, ah check the box.

I want to go into it prepared enough

that I don't just get totally bossed around

and have a terrible experience.

I want to go into it and have a

as decent experience as you can have

for your first Ironman distance race,

but realizing that I'm probably not gonna be racing it,

maybe somewhere in the neighborhood of like a

10:15 to a 10:45

or 11 hour full Ironman,

somewhere in there is maybe what I'm thinking.

I'll know more once I start doing the training

at that longer distance.

But that's kind of the time idea that I have in mind.

The goal of doing that race right now

is really just to learn how my body reacts to the distance

to the added nutrition,

to the added training volume,

to see what I need to do

once I've got that nice base of fitness

at the half Ironman distance

and being able to translate it to my longterm goal

of racing Kona.

So that's number one.

Number two, I mentioned there

that I want to get faster at the half Ironman distance.

What I want to do is get into somewhere around

a four hour, 30 minute half Ironman distance kind of shape.

Last year, I did a 4:35 in half Ironman Worlds.

Which I would say is a fairly slowish course,

the road surface wasn't great and the run is an honest run,

it was like honest 21.1K with fair bit of hills

on the turn arounds.

But I think that I can get to around

a 4:30 half Ironman kind of shape.

And here's how I think can do that.

In Worlds, my swim was 29 minutes flat.

It was a bit of a faster swim

but if I can get that swim down to consistently a 29,

28 sort of minute half Ironman distance swim, I'm good.

Last year in half Ironman worlds, I had a 2:26 90K bike,

that is without a huge amount of bike volume.

I was just kind of getting to the point of

120, 130K rides being good,

but I hadn't done a lot of race pace work

for extended periods so I did fade

towards the end of that 90K.

If I start doing more race pace work,

more speed work on the bike during the off season,

I think I can get to sub 2:25.

I have a very, very high top end power,

and that means that I have a lot of potential on the bike

and I've just got to get that ability to hold the endurance

and the race pace closer and closer to that.

Then the run, I was a 1:35

in both Quarter Lane

and half Ironman Worlds

and I really didn't do a ton of run training in last season.

I had a bum achilles

so coming into quarter lane the longest runs I had done

were a 14K run

and a 12K run.

Coming into half Ironman Worlds

the longest runs that I had done

were a 17K run

and a 16K run.

So I think if I can be healthy for another year,

continue to build that endurance

while adding in just a little bit of speed,

I can get that run down to hopefully a 1:32.

Add up the 28 minutes swim,

the 1:32 half Ironman,

we're at two hours.

Then a 2:25 or lower bike,

we're at 4:25.

Couple of transitions in there, we are at a 4:30.

Do I think I'm going to race a 4:30?

I don't because Puerto Rico is a different course,

Nice is a different course,

Quarter Lane is a different course,

half Ironman worlds in South Africa is a different course.

I want to get myself into 4:30 shape

and give myself the potential to perform

better than I did last year.

Time wise, who knows.

Next thing, by the end of next year

I want to have five triathlon master classes

with professional triathletes and experts

in all of their respective fields up.

And, it might already be sold out by the time you see this,

but if you go to,

we are pre-selling the courses that we've already announced.

We have Lucy Charles and Reece Barclay teaching swimming.

We have Cameron Wurf, the Kona bike course record holder,

teaching biking.

Been working on strength training

and arranging the time to do that with Erin Carson,

from RallySport in Boulder,

doing that Mirinda Carfrae and, or, Tim O'Donnell.

Not sure, that's what we're trying to figure out.

Working on an unbelievable runner,

who again you might already know by the time you see this,

to teach the running.

And then we gotta work on something for the diet.

We'll work on that, I got nothing in the hopper,

but big ideas.

So I wanna have those five done by the end of next year.

Hopefully, we have three of them done

just by early January.

Launched probably February.

As far as Team Trainiac goes,

I want to have 1000 Trainiacs

on Team Trainiac.

I want to have 1000 athletes that are part of the team.

Why 1000?

I don't know, seems like a good number.

As far as I know, that would make us

I believe the biggest organized triathlon team in the world.

(claps) Way to go Trainiacs.

Why do I think that we can get there?

Well right now we have 267 athletes

that are paid up athletes that backed on Kickstarter.

We have about 1650 athletes on the wait list,

let's assume that there's a little bit of overlap in there

and not everyone on the wait list signs up,

but over the course of next year

I think that we can grow to 1000 athletes.

And if we can officially be the biggest

and the most bad ass triathlon team out there

and show up to races and just Trainiac it up

and motivate each other

and have the largest amount of people

who are likely going to be at races together,

giving people high fives on the race course,

I think that that is going to be a

big message about how powerful and motivating

the community can be for each other.

So I think that sends a message.

Let's send that message Trainiacs!

Go to

if you want to sign up for the wait list

and be part of just

what's probably gonna be the coolest

triathlon team in the world.

Just saying.

And then last thing is a personal note,

I would like NTK to come on to

Triathlon Taren full time.

Couple of reasons,

one we've been testing out working together.

We work well together on the podcast.

She does a lot of the podcast work.

Besides me just like lining up the guests,

she does the posting, she does the editing,

she's the real talent behind the podcast, let's be honest.

And she's been doing a fair bit of the admin work

over the course of 2018.

Just kinda making sure the trains run on time.

And we've worked well together and to be able to,

let's say travel to shoot a master class,

or travel to a race and cover that,

and have us be able to go together,

instead of me taking time away to go do things on my own

meanwhile she's sitting here and this whole Trainiac thing

ends up like gradually making us go

further and further apart because I travel more and more,

but having her apart of that,

and you all seem to really like her

when you meet her in person,

people yell out hey NTK and she loves that.

I think that that would be a lot of fun

to make this not just like my passion,

but like our family's


At that point,

like think about if we have the biggest tri community

and we have our entire family involved in it

and it's all just a ton of fun.

Trainiacs will have fun, we'll have fun.

We'll get to meet more of you.

All good things.

So that is the fifth and final goal for 2019.

I hope you're all around for it.

If you aren't already subscribed to the channel,

make sure you're subscribed.

Hopefully you'll be around for it.

Thank you all for such a great 2018 Trainiacs

and let's look forward to 2019.

For more infomation >> Triathlon Taren's Goals for 2019 - Duration: 12:18.


How to get 1000 Subscribers on Youtube Fast | Get New Subscribers in the Next 5 Minutes - Duration: 8:46.

What's up content creators it's your boy the masked youtuber the one that will take

your channel to 1 million subscribers and in the next few minutes I'm going to

give you two tricks that will make you gain your first 1,000 subscribers on

YouTube guaranteed I've checked hundreds of channels over

the past seven weeks and rarely seen these insane these two insane tricks being used

by content creators so grab a seat relax and get ready to be mind blown let's go

before going into the technical stuff what I want you to do right now is click

on that subscribe button below hit the bell and give this video a thumbs up by

clicking on the like button thanks a lot I've grown my channel over the past 6

weeks only only using the commenting strategy and I believe that this is the

only the only thing that you need to get your first 1000 subscribers if you don't

know what the commanding strategy is I recommend checking this video right here

it's really detailed and in-depth we'll teach you how exactly to bring

people to your channel using the commenting strategy in a nutshell the

goal of the commenting strategy is comment intriguing stuff that will make

people want to click on your username and visit your channel then you just

need to have a channel of acceptable quality which will make people click on

the subscribe button if you don't know what acceptable quality means watch

this video right here it should be here in the top right corner. This will tell you exactly how

your videos need to look like how your channel need to look like to make people

click on that subscribe button with all this in mind let's talk about the number 1 trick

which is super easy to implement but for some reason not many people are using it

it's simply having a good user name a user name that will

make people want to click on it when they see it is extremely extremely important

for a commenting strategy for commenting strategy to work correctly I comment on

lots of videos and it's very rare that I see a user name so intriguing so intriguing

that I need to click on it the trick i personally use is to add your channel's

theme to the username so that when people see it they already know that they are

interested in this theme and click on your username so instead of having John

Doe you can add John Doe epic Fortnite gaming so instead of having Jane

do you can add Jane Doe number one makeup tutorials on YouTube or you can

just remove your name all together and do as I do and use all the space to put

something so intriguing that people would want to click unfortunately I

Can't teach you right here how to be intriguing because it's gonna take so

much time but there's tons of tutorials just do a Google search and learn how to

be intriguing so how do you change your user name simply go to youtube and click

on your profile picture when you click on settings and you will be moved to

this page click on edit on Google and then here you can change your name you

can change the whole thing like I do or if you want to use your name you

can add Jane Doe and and sort of add a bar like this and an input number one makeup

tutorials something like this or you can do as I do and change the whole thing now

let's go into trick number two one of my favorite tricks which for some reason

not many people again are using it it's basically a way to send a notification a

notification to someone on YouTube without them even have to be subscribed

to you I see many of you guys commenting on videos using a commenting strategy on

other people's YouTube channels and doing sub4sub these youtubers may

subscribe to you but I guarantee that very few

youtubers will watch your content you see us Youtuber we are the worst kind

of audience we have tons of things to do we need to do videos we need to promote

our channel and we are very busy and we don't watch many videos compared to the

average viewer so if you don't have a channel targeting youtubers showing

youtubers how to grow their channel as I do you should not target youtubers you should

target the average viewer and to do this you use the trick number two which

is simply subscribing to them you see the way YouTube works is that if you make

your subscriptions your subscriptions public people will receive a

notification when you subscribe to them now as not many people are using this

strategy here on YouTube when you subscribe to someone it's most probably

the first time that they receive this kind of notification on their phone they will

be intrigued and they will click on your username and visit your channel

exactly exactly what we are looking for so how exactly do you make your

notifications public go to YouTube click on your profile picture click on

settings and you will be moved to this page now history and privacy and you

just need to uncheck this box and click on save that's it it's as simple as this

what you need to do is while using the commenting strategy to comment on

popular videos in your niche you can also now subscribe to a bunch of people

YouTube allow 70 subscriptions in a single day we are now at the part of the

video you are looking for you are waiting for the shoutouts so as usual I

will be picking four random comments and the comments from the most liked from my

latest videos so let's go random comment number one random comment number two

random comment number free random comment number four congratulations to

the four winners so now let's go into a brief description of the channels of each

winners bass brothers music basically a music channels he does music videos and

matchups and all that winner number two mommy and nioamii she does vlogs pranks

really fun Channel winner number three yeesu asmr oh it's basically a asmr

and mukbang winner number four stream and technow he does tech videos now it's time

for the comment with the most likes who will be the winner in my latest video

so it's Cody McDowell congratulations you are the winner let's check out your

channel so Cody basically does videos on how to grow an online business you

can follow his progress throughout his journey so if you like his content don't

forget to subscribe to his channel congratulations again to the 5 winners and

to make this and win-win situation for all of us I would appreciate a shout out

for my channel in your next video so that's all for now thanks for watching

till the end of this video what I want you to do right now is click on the

subscribe button below hit the bell and give this video a thumbs up by clicking

on the like button also leave a comment below telling me if you loved these two

strategies and if you will be using it to promote your channel see you in the next


For more infomation >> How to get 1000 Subscribers on Youtube Fast | Get New Subscribers in the Next 5 Minutes - Duration: 8:46.


AcHiEve YoUr ReSoLuTioNs LiKe a pRo !! - Duration: 11:21.

Happy New Year!!

*something falls off bed*


Want this to be one of those that go like

*imitates noise*

like that make noise

Aw well, I'm wearing a little crown, you see?

Honestly I have a complicated relationship with New Year's just because

I don't know I feel like you don't need

a new year to-

I feel like there's hair in my face..

To make a resolution. Like New Year's resolutions I feel like are kind of set up to fail.

Like January 1st be like..

Mm-hmm I'm pumped new year new me oh yeah can't touch this. Mm-hmm.

Versus February first..

Eh. One more episode couldn't hurt.

So hopefully this video will be helpful in making sustainable intentions

and remember you don't need it to be a new year to self improved so feel free to come back to this video

anytime you need a little bit of motivation so let's get into it!

Aaaaalsoo I started a blog, which I don't know why anyone would start a blog in

2018 but I did and I'm excited and I did a blog post on this,

so if you prefer reading I'll leave that in the description box

and I go more in depth in the blog post so if you have any questions, check that out.

Also I feel it's necessary to mention that I will be getting into

visualization and manifestation and the Universe..

And if that's too hippie-dippy for you this probably won't be a good video for you.

So it's just super easy you just

exit this video and your life will go on. You don't need to leave a nasty comment

just saying how you disagree with me.

So I respect your opinions, please respect mine. The internet is very scary place where people feel the need to

take time out of their lives to

comment hate on other people's videos. So..

I don't understand. But I promise visualization isn't that crazy um..

So yeah hopefully you'll stick around!

So let's just dive right in, I believe the perfect combination to achieve your goals and create your dream life is

mental manifestation along with physical action. For example, if your goal is to go to the gym more but your internal voice keeps

telling you things like "I hate the gym," "I suck at working out," you're setting yourself up to fail.

And then I mean if you spend all day

visualizing yourself

getting healthier and going to the gym and getting all toned but you never actually go to the gym, I mean that's pretty self-explanatory.

So, it's the balance of the two!

Does that make sense?

Alright, let's get into it!

Starting off, I believe it's important to start any sort of work of this nature with meditation.. I KNOW!

before you leave I know that's not everyone's cup of tea but it doesn't have to be like a

30-minute session where you're just sitting there chanting with a completely blank mind.


Honestly just sitting still for like five minutes

doing nothing but focusing on your breath or something of that nature is perfect. We live in such a fast-paced world we rarely ever just

sit still with our thoughts so just do what you can. The thing is, meditation is great for focusing your mind.

Focus is extremely important when it comes to visualization.

A great analogy I heard once about focusing one's energy is

imagine your mind's power as light. When our thoughts are wandering our intention is like a flashlight. But when we're completely focused without any

distractions, our intention is like a laser beam. So meditation is just a useful tool in training your mind to be like a laser beam.

And I find that people have trouble focusing

nowadays so that's why this is so helpful so just do what you can. On top of that

meditation helps us let go of outside worries. The last thing you want when reflecting and planning is an overly anxious mind. If you're manifesting

for a happier and healthier year, do you really want the leftover anger from that fight you had with your significant other or

the anxiety from a looming deadline? Your emotions and thoughts have energy and whether we're conscious of it or not we are

manifesting all the time. So you really just want to go in with a clean slate and let go of those negative emotions.

Okay so we're calm, we're focused, now it's time to figure out what you want. Just reflect on the past year and

you know, think about what worked what didn't what you want to change and improve.

What I like to do is I kinda

do a brain dump where I'll just like write down everything that I want to work on and then I'll refine it into a concrete

list later. So just do whatever works so you come with a concrete list of goals and resolutions

and intentions. And it doesn't have to be more than one it can just be like one big one that you want to work on.

Okay, so now we're getting into the visualization part. Go through the list and with each item imagine it happening.

That's literally it.

This may sound silly just to do nothing but sit and think about your dreams coming true,

but I bet you've done it. I mean have you ever caught yourself daydreaming

about living in your dream house or finally finding true love or anything else that you really want?

That's visualization. The difference is that's

flashlight visualization whereas focused

visualization is the laser beam. Ya know, we're going back to the the light analogy?

So sit and imagine each goal coming true, with as much detail as possible. Like imagine it's a movie in your head.

Literally see every detail. If you have trouble visualizing

as in picturing things in your mind's eye, you could also write it down. As in like a story or a diary entry.

Because the key is to use language like it's already happened, so you wouldn't say

like, "I want to be rich," you would say, "yo, I'm rich and it's great!" Does that make sense?

Are you still with me?

Is this too crazy?

Is this too hippie-dippy?

I don't know. *laughs*

But here's the maaagick.

Imaaaaginaaaation. I just got reminded of Spongebob.


Emotions. If we're still using the light analogy, stick with me.

You could point the laser and turn it on but if it doesn't have batteries,

nothing's gonna happen. I'm thinking of like the little cat laser with like the little battery like the cat toy that you.. yeah?


Emotions are the batteries. They're what power the whole thing.

So as you're visualizing these things coming true, how does that make you feel?

If all your dreams became a reality would you feel happy, excited, proud, relieved, accomplished, etc.?

So as you visualize or write these things down, write down how you feel or imagine how you feel because

our emotions have power, that's what is going to be reflected back that's what..

That's the juice, that's the batteries, that's the..


Does that?..

I feel like there are so many opportunities for people to be like, "you're crazy," but I mean people daydream so it's the same thing.

It's just focused daydreaming.

To get a result and

change our attitudes.

Yeah? To change our mindset so that we let it happen?

So whether you're imagining it in your mind's eye or writing it down

do whatever you prefer and

do that for each goal and

take and take time with this this isn't something to just like go through to get to the next step just really let it sink

in and really feel how you would feel if that happened. When it does happen!

So you don't have to do this intense of a manifestation

process every day or anything like that. But throughout the coming months, try and be conscious of this sort of language you use.

Our words, thoughts, and feelings have power. So if your goal is to get a better job,

but our internal voice keeps saying things like "I don't deserve a better job, why would anyone want to hire me?"

We're not gonna..

Like that's..

We're basically self-sabotaging. Like that's the sort of energy we're putting out. So we want to change that,

and the language we use. And that's the credit we give ourselves too. Like if someone compliments you for a job well done at work,

accept the compliment and say thank you and feel that pride. But I feel like we, especially women, tend to

kind of shy away from compliments because we don't want to seem conceited so we'll say things like

"Oh, it was no big deal," or like "Oh, it wasn't that good," you know? Like..

But that's the same thing like that's..

The words we use..

have energy and so that's what we're putting out and that's.. Like the words we tell ourselves change

the way we feel about that thing. So if you use that sort of language, that's how you're gonna feel about yourself. So,

you're kind of

putting a roadblock in what you want. I get really passionate and sometimes my words, like my mind and my mouth sometimes

just like aren't on the same level so I'm like, "blelelel." *laughs*

So just be aware of the way you think and talk about yourself and your situation.

So we've manifested and now it's time for phase two:


So, I love planning. I love planning out goals, and things to do. I think planning can be really helpful to

accomplish things because you kind of write it all out and you can see it. So take your goals and create smaller manageable tasks.

If your goal is to save money, maybe you decide that instead of getting Starbucks five days a week you'll get it three days a week and save that extra money.

Or maybe you'll take an hour one day and go through your bills and try and find

unnecessary expenses that you haven't really been aware of like that

subscription that you never got around to canceling, you know? I also think it's really healthy to set timed goals.

So you'ill save X amount of money by this time, you know. And then when

we accomplish those little goals, we can reward ourselves. Although I feel like rewards we see as kind of a monetary value and that

kind of goes against this specific

example. So maybe your reward could be like a Netflix movie marathon or something, you know? Get creative.

Just reward yourself. And remember to check in and edit your goals as time goes on so you don't forget about them and let them, you

know, fall to the backburner.

Now that I've given you my tips on how to achieve your goals, I think it's really important to talk about gratitude.

Just take some time to be grateful for what you have and what you've already been able to accomplish and as you accomplish these goals

and as your dreams start coming true, you can be grateful and take

time to be grateful for them too..

I don't know if that word

sentence made sense but..

Just express gratitude

for things, always good. I hope this video helped and inspired you. I know you can do it. New Year's

resolutions are kind of

intimidating, but they don't have to be. You can accomplish anything and create your dream life, all you need is

determination and good intention. Thank you so much for watching, um, this is my first video of 2019 which is

kind of scary.. But yeah, if I missed anything or if you have any questions

please leave me a comment, I would love to hear your thoughts and

how you liked this video. I tried to be as

in-depth as I could without

making this like a 30

minute video. But yeah, I hope you liked this video, if you did please give it a like and if you'd like to see more

please subscribe. Thank you so much for watching, and I will see you in another video!

Happy 2019!

Bye, guys.

For more infomation >> AcHiEve YoUr ReSoLuTioNs LiKe a pRo !! - Duration: 11:21.


TIN MỚI 02/01/2019 - Tin Khẩn Cấp ĐỤNG ĐỘ CHIẾN ĐẤU CƠ NHẬT TRUNG #027 @E4U - Duration: 38:46.

For more infomation >> TIN MỚI 02/01/2019 - Tin Khẩn Cấp ĐỤNG ĐỘ CHIẾN ĐẤU CƠ NHẬT TRUNG #027 @E4U - Duration: 38:46.


Bye Lena Problems / Пока Лена Проблем {Meme} [Gacha Life] - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Bye Lena Problems / Пока Лена Проблем {Meme} [Gacha Life] - Duration: 1:03.


How To Roast Vegetables • Tasty - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> How To Roast Vegetables • Tasty - Duration: 2:21.


Prophecies & Predictions for 2019 - Nostradamus, Mark Taylor, Edgar Cayce, Baba Vanga - Duration: 21:58.

2019 has finally arrived and what better way to kick off the new year

than with a stimulating discussion on prophecies and predictions,

by prophets past and present.

Like Nostradamus, Baba Vanga, Ingersoll Lockwood, Edgar Cayce,

and Mark Taylor who have all shared notable degrees of accuracy thus far in their respective areas of sight.

And while we're at it, let's look just a bit further down the road

For instance. Will there be a new form of energy that comes from..Venus?

Will Trump return our dollar to the gold standard?

Will communism fall in China,

allowing citizens to find a new spiritual awakening?

Could there be bankruptcy in store for the mainstream media?

Will we finally be able to hire an assistant to free up Ben and Rob to make EOW even better in 2019 and Beyond?

Let's finds out now! As we boldly raise our favorite beverage high,

and toast the coming of another Wonderous New Year…. Out on the Edge!

as we present you prophecies of 2019 on Edge of Wonder.

Now without further ado,

we start in… 10,










Happy New Year everybody! We actually made it to 2019 if you can believe that.

Last year was the craziest year ever, I can't believe we made it this far,

And what is 2019 gonna have in store for us?

That's exactly what this episode is about.

Exactly, so Ben to celebrate the new year,

I've got a couple of things for ya, I'm scared.

Here put on that little guy, and I got you something else too.

Give me your glasses, just a little makeover here.

Now you're in style man, you look like a cowboy version of Johnny Depp,

From what is that? Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

Well Rob, to celebrate this occasion, I actually got you something too

Cuz I know how much you'll love my hat.

So first actually, let me give you this,

I can't celebrate new year without one of these.

I got you your very own hat as well.

Oh my goodness, now we can be hat brothers together.

Yes. although moustache isn't staying very long.

Oh my gosh, I look like a pathetic version of Macho man Randy Savage right now.

I kind of look like a young version of Elton John,

You do. You mean sir Elton John right? Sir Elton John yes.

I don't think doing the entire episode like this is really gonna work, so

Why don't we get into our other costumes.

Well guys, 2019 has finally arrived and what better way to kick off the new year

than seeing what predictions and prophecies were made by folks from the past and present.

We'll talk about some predictions that some people have gotten right so far

and predictions that said may happen in the near future mainly this year.

And I'm sure some of them will blow your mind, so let's get to it!

Well let's see where we should start … Wouldn't be right if we didn't hit you up with some Nostradamus.

Right … many of you have heard of Nostradamus

the 14th century French physician and seer.

He's most famous for his book Les Propheties,

prophecies in the form of qua-trains that have accurately predicted future events.

For instance … have you ever heard of the "Great Fire of London",

the French Revolution, the Rises of Napoleon .

Adolf Hitler, both world wars,

the nuclear destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to name a few…

However, some still debate over whether he got 9/11 right.

The particularly startling Quatrain 10-72 boldly puts a year and a month to the prediction:

In the year 1999, seventh month,

From the sky will come a great King of Terror,

In order to bring back to life the great king of Angolmois,

Before and after Mars reigns in the name of bringing people happiness.

Now there are many interpretations of this quatrain

and many people even thought that maybe he was talking about a comet

that was supposed to hit earth during this time.

However, from our research it most likely refers to a major event

that took place in China in the year 1999 and the seventh month (i.e. July)

which was the the crackdown of the persecution of millions of Falun Gong practitioners in China,

which still continues to this day.

It was started by the leader of China at the time Jiang Zemin,

who by the way also approved the order for the Tiananmen Square Massacre in 1989.

And for those who may not know,

"The great king of terror" alludes to the antichrist or some kind of great evil.

The great king of Angolmois referring to the anagram of the word to be Mongolais

which would point to a 'king' or a leader of the Mongolian people

and the resurrection of the second coming.

Finally, comes the phrase Before and after Mars reigns,

which we believe Nostradamus could actually be referring to how Marxism is now practiced worldwide

with the vile communist idea of 'liberating mankind',

by falsely promising happiness to the people in which this manifests in the west

as society's social sustaining welfare through heavy taxation.

So another words, the great King or the second coming will come because of the rise of communism in the world.

Now if this is what he was referring to than that must mean we are really in the end times,

since communism is everywhere and than these puzzle pieces are starting to fit together

and it is shocking how fitting and relevant the quatrain is to this day.

So y'all are probably thinking well that's cool, but tell us about 9/11.

Well geez this is a 2019 prophecies episode but these next predictions include both.

Before she died, Baba Vanga, a blind Bulgarian mystic, clairvoyant, and herbalist,

known as the "Nostradamus from the Balkans"

foretold events up to until the 51st century,

when she believed the world would end.

Some of the prophecies that have been fulfilled are one made in 1980

"At the turn of the century, in August of 1999 or 2000,

Kursk will be covered with water, and the whole world will be weeping over it."

The Kursk she referred to was the Russian nuclear submarine K-141, it sank in the barents sea,

killing all 118 personnel on board on August 12th 2000,

the Nato name for it was Oscar II."

Another one of her fulfilled prophecies she spoke of in 1989:

"Horror, horror"! The American brethren will fall after being attacked by the steel birds.

The wolves will be howling in a bush,

and innocent blood will be gushing."

Of course we all know what happened on September 11th, 2001,

two planes hit the World Trade Center

She also predicted that from 2018 to 2023:

"a new form of energy" will be discovered on Venus".

What? Venus? The last we heard about Venus was that in 2014,

NASA had plans to explore Venus in a manned spaceship.

Or maybe they already went and found something that already came out of that trip,

but they're just hiding it from us … I guess we'll have to wait and see …

Actually, you know what Rob, there's this thing called the 'Venus Project,' that started in 1995,

(not sure if you've heard about it) I have not.

but the center is based in Venus, Florida,

and their mission from their website says that's it's an organisation that,

"proposes a feasible plan of action for social change,

a holistic global socio-economic system called a Resource Based Economy;

that works towards a peaceful and sustainable global civilization."

And guess what, one of their goals is also creating clean renewable sources of energy like how Baba Vanga predicted!

Baba Vanga! Wow even their architecture looks like something that could be found on Venus,

could it be a coincidence? Maybe Valient Thorr is helping them out.

Maybe, you never know.

You all are gonna love this next prophecy if you haven't heard it already.

Author Ingersoll Lockwood wrote a few books that many have been drawing parallels to recent events.

Lockwood wrote "Baron Trump and his Marvelous Underground Journey" which published in 1893!

It outlines adventures of a rich young boy named Wilhelm Heinrich Sebastian Von Trump

who lives in Castle Trump in New York and has a mentor named Don

known in the book as "masters of all masters." What the heck.

Well, guess what? Most of you probably already know that President Donald Trump's son is named…

Barron William Trump!

Lockwood also wrote '1900 or The Last President' in 1896

and its plot will definitely seem awfully similar to the modern day events or events to come.

"Mobs of vast size are organizing under the lead of Anarchists and Socialists

and threaten to plunder of despoil the houses of the rich who have wronged and oppressed them for so many years"

The mobs screams "Down with our oppressors! Death to the rich man!"

it also says "The Fifth Avenue Hotel will be the first to feel the fury of the mob."

That kind of sounds like Anti-Fa, very similar.

What's even more uncanny is that the date of the described event was Tuesday, November 3rd.

If you can believe it the next 11/3 that falls on Tuesday

will occur on 2020 when the next presidential election will take place.

It says: "That was a terrible night for the great City of New York

the night of Tuesday, November 3rd, 1896."

"After being elected, the president appoints a man to his Cabinet with the surname of Pence."

Pence?! This is bizarre. So specific and in 1896.

More of a stretch, the president's best friend "Tillman"

is omitted from the list of names in the appointed cabinet members

a man with a similar surname to Rex W. Tillerson, who Trump fired on March 13, 2018.

The president also drafts an executive order a year after his election on March 4th detailing

"the immediate abandonment of the so-called "gold reserve" and that on and after the promulgation of this order,

the gold and silver standard of the Constitution be resumed

and strictly maintained in all the business transactions of the Government".

Which all seems to be in the process right now.

Lockwood may be foretelling that we'll also abandon the current federal reserve

and adopt a gold and silver standard once again.

But the really interesting thing is when this was written the Federal Reserve Bank wasn't in existence yet,

so it almost seemed as if he knew a central banking system would soon rise.

Ben I think we're the gold and silver standard.

Actually you really can't get any weirder than this one.

If you read through that, I mean it's so accurate to what's going on.

And that's where people hints at the point where is Trump a time traveler?

We'll go there maybe in some episode.

Not yet, not for this one.

We'll have to combine the Simpsons into that episode.

I'm sure you guys will like that. Alright let's get into the next one.

For those who might be unfamiliar with his work, Edgar Cayce,

known to many as the "Sleeping Prophet," or the "Father of Holistic Medicine,"

became the most documented psychic of the 20th century.

Many of the prophecies that he predicted have been fulfilled.

He conducted psychic "readings" to thousands of people over the 40 years of his adult life,

diagnosing illnesses and looking into people's pasts and futures.

One of Cayce's prophecies that came true is the stock market crash of 1929.

Four years prior, in 1925 Cayce told a young physician

that he would acquire a great deal of money and told him to exercise caution and discretion

because of "adverse forces that will come then in 1929."

He also predicted World War II and even names the countries and how the Nazi will be at the center of it all,

the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls,

partial discovery of the Lost City of Atlantis,

which happened in the 2000's and even a pole shift.

In relation to the shifting of the poles the question was "What great change or the beginning of what change,

if any, is to take place in the earth in the year 2,000 to 2,001 A.D.?"

In repose Cayce said: "When there is a shifting of the poles; or a new cycle begins."

Now we know the Earth's poles are currently shifting however,

no one seems to know when exactly it will take place.

Some scientists are very concerned and others like NASA say it won't happen till about 200 years.

However, we are long overdue as they usually occur every 250,000 years or so

if you go back about 500 million years and the last one we had was over 800,000 years ago.

But we cover a lot of this in our pole shift episode.

Now another one of his visions include China gradually becoming more spiritual

and the height of civilization moving from the West to the China.

As China develops further spiritually as Cayce saw in 1943,

these changes would give way to democracy and greater religious freedom.

How we understand it is as a whole the Chinese people will return to their roots in faith,

morality, and traditional culture or "as applied in the lives of men."

And this does go along with Nostradamus as well.

What makes Edgar Cayce compelling is that when he was asked how he was gifted psychic abilities,

His response was surprisingly simple, "become more spiritual".

Edgar Cayce was also a devoted churchgoer who read the Bible for every day of his life.

So now let's mention a modern day prophet still living today

who you might find very interesting because they have predicted what happened before

and what will happen very soon.

You may have heard of Mark Taylor, a retired firefighter,

who wrote The Trump Prophecies and predicted Trump's presidency on April 28,2011,

4 years before he announced it in New York City on June 16th, 2015

and over 5 years before the presidential election on November 8, 2016.

Mark said he had a very powerful dream in which God appeared to him

and told him to write things down in which so far many things have came true.

On April 28th 2011, Mark made a prediction: "America will be respected once again as the most powerful,

prosperous nation on Earth other than Israel.

The dollar will be the strongest it has ever been in the history of the United States

and will once again be the currency by which all others are judged…"

Now, the dollar is now the highest it's been in over a year.

He also foresaw that in this past election

Trump's opposition would spend billions to keep him from winning the president election.

Such as Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign alone raised over a billion dollars

and as we all know, it didn't pan out well for them did it.

That's for sure.

Taylor expected the media and his political opponents to show Trump in a bad light.

Well, it did happen. Trump got an estimated five billion dollars in free or earned media,

according to data from tracking firm mediaQuant and none of the accusations stuck or amounted to much.

Well, he's got a bunch of other prophecies,

some of which haven't been completely fulfilled yet.

On October 7th, 2015, that's my birthday, he wrote that "The Supreme Court shall lose three,

and my President shall pick new ones directly from MY TREE".

So get this… four months later,

Antonin Scalia passed away on February 13,2016

to be succeeded by Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch.

On February 24, 2016, he updated the prediction about the court and says that "5, that's right,

5 Supreme Court Justices will be appointed by my new president, my anointed"

and here's a big one… he also added that Roe v. Wade will be overturned.

So we've all heard the news by now,

Anthony Kennedy retired on July 31st this year.

Trump appointed Brett Kavanaugh and then,

Associate Justice Kavanaugh was sworn in on October 6th.

so here's the exciting part—Mark Taylor has a few prophecies that haven't come true yet,

but if he keeps up his track records, some pretty mind-blowing things might happen.

On October 19, 2016,he foresaw that America and Russia will band together

and fight against the New World Order in the form of ISIS,

the Illuminati, Globalists, and the Elite.

That's what's kind of happening in the way.

He also said that ISIS is trying to rise up like Nazis did in WWII. No surprise there.

we got another one—on December 12, 2016,

Taylor again transcribed what he heard from the voice of God:

"For America and lsrael will now be the top energy producers in the world…"

Yeah, Israel's been on a streak since it struck a $15 billion dollar deal to export its natural gas to Egypt.

"and a massive volcanic eruption will signal that this is the time for my America and lsrael and the end of the energy corruption."

Energy corruption? So he must be referring to OPEC again.

Last and certainly not least— on July 7th, 2017,

Taylor envisioned that "news outlets will go down, bankrupt"

and be replaced with a new media organizations that will report the truth.

Just kidding, we're probably not that media.

I don't think so, but we're already seeing lots of brave news outlets

and even smaller media like us, who are willing to report the truth to the people,

because we believe that people deserve the truth.

Right no more fake news.

We didn't know about Mark when we started

but we are trying to do our best to play our part in helping you guys enlighten to the truth.

Yep that is for sure and the Truth is…… We look ridiculous in these outfits

Well, Maybe on some home words of aliens we look more normal.

Probably not though. What's your home world Ben?

Chasteeroid planet. I think it's a Sir Elton Johnroid.

Probably that one too.

Well guys, before my moustache falls off, please hit like and subscribe

Before we do that Rob.

What, you gotta tell us what's your new year resolution.

I have to tell my new year resolution in this outfit?

My new year resolution actually to be honest, is to really work hard on myself.

Like I want my 2020, I would really love if I could clean up a lot of my bad habits

And just being overall a better person and at the same time,

get Edge of Wonder in a place where it can take down the cabal.

You know what's really interesting, because we've been friends for so long,

We've been doing the show for so long, I had the exact same new year resolution.

High five, yeah.

You literally took the words out of my mouth.

If you still taking us seriously right now, make sure you hit like and subscribe and hit the notification bell.

Comment below and let us know how ridiculous we look.

And then until next time, we'll see you out on the edge of tomorrow.

Tomorrow? 2019, good one.

If you know it's a movie.

It's gone, but it works.

For more infomation >> Prophecies & Predictions for 2019 - Nostradamus, Mark Taylor, Edgar Cayce, Baba Vanga - Duration: 21:58.


8 Ways to Treat ADHD Naturally - Duration: 9:52.

8 Ways to Treat ADHD Naturally.

This is a tough dilemma for many parents.

On one hand, studies show that commonly prescribed medications like Ritalin and Adderall are

helpful for 60 to 75 percent of children who are properly diagnosed with ADHD: their ability

to focus increases, their grades improve, and they feel better about themselves.

On the other hand, these medications are psychostimulants with many potential side effects: insomnia,

headaches, abdominal pain, weight loss, and depression.

Research on the long-term effects of these drugs is insufficient, but in 2007, the U.S.

Food and Drug Administration issued warnings about side effects such as stunted growth

and psychiatric problems.

From a holistic point of view, chemical overstimulation of the nervous system isn't healthy.

Fortunately, there are many natural treatments that are effective both alone and in conjunction

with drug therapy.

Although my answers here are framed by the case of a child, they are applicable to teens

and adults as well.

Ayurveda's Answer.

In ayurveda, ADHD is classified as a vata imbalance.

Vata is "wind energy": it's light, changeable, dry, cool, and mobile.

It governs the movement of our bodies and our thoughts.

Everyone has some vata in their prakriti (constitution), but those who have a predominance of this

light, expansive energy (i.e., a "vata constitution") tend to have sensitive nervous systems, so

they experience the world with a heightened intensity.

As a result, they're prone to anxiety, inattention, restlessness, and sleep problems.

Ironically, these children will often seek out sensory-stimulating activities (such as

action movies or sugar-laden foods), creating a vicious cycle that agitates their already

overactive nervous systems.

Commonly prescribed ADHD drugs stimulate the brain cells to release more of the neurotransmitters

called dopamine and norepinephrine, which generally enhance a child's ability to control

impulsive behaviors and concentrate–but they also cause increased activity in the

central nervous system (CNS).

I would venture to say that these drugs perpetuate the underlying cause of ADHD–overstimulation

of a sensitive CNS–throwing your child's vata energy further out of balance.

According to ayurveda, adopting a vata-pacifying lifestyle is the best natural option for your



Create a Routine.

Children with ADHD are drawn to new activities, adventure, and change.

Yet they're balanced by the opposite: activities that are calming, relaxing, and nurturing.

Your son needs regularity and structure to counter his natural tendency toward chaos:

a regular time to do his homework, exercise, relax, eat, go to bed, and wake up to begin

a new day.

Here's some advice about how to create a vata-calming environment for him at home.



Do a 5- to 10-minute relaxation with your son at least once a day.

Lie down on the floor or in bed in shavasana (corpse pose), supporting your heads with

a pillow and covering up with a blanket to stay warm.

Then ask your child to feel his body from head to toe.

Turn the practice into a game; together, pretend you are a scoop of ice cream melting in the

sun, or that you're sinking into a huge feather pillow.

Imagine your breath is like the waves of the ocean–or ask your child to instruct you.

The idea is to get your child to relax and deepen his breath, which helps his CNS switch

from a sympathetic mode, which is a "fight-or-flight" state, to a parasympathetic mode, which is

a nourishing and restorative state.

Try this when your child comes home from school, or before supper or bedtime; these are times

when our kids can be most overstimulated.


Bedtime Massage.

Oil is the quintessential vata balancer, so a bedtime massage is particularly calming

for children with ADHD.

To begin, wet your hands and pour a teaspoon of organic unrefined oil in your palm.

(Olive, almond, and sesame oils are especially grounding.)

Then rub your hands together and massage the mixture into your child's skin.

Let the oil soak in for a few minutes, then towel off any remaining residue.

Try to do this at least once a week.

If you don't have time to give your child a head-to-toe treatment, just massage his

feet (covering them with socks to protect the sheets).

If your child has trouble falling asleep, this bedtime activity will help.


Diet and Nutrition.

Despite multiple studies in the last 20 years suggesting that diet and food additives can

exacerbate hyperactivity, the current medical stance is that there is no causal link between

food and ADHD.

In my own practice, parents who have reduced their child's intake of sugar, refined foods,

and foods with chemical additives (food dyes, preservatives, MSG, etc.) report significant

improvement in their child's behavior over four to eight weeks.

These children are also less disruptive and more focused when they eat plenty of cooked

vegetables and whole grains, along with moderate amounts of protein and organic unrefined oils.

In addition, give your son 50 mg of B-complex vitamins and 100 to 200 mg of fish oils geared

for children.

These supplements nourish and stabilize the CNS while improving mood stability, mental

focus, and brain function.


Natural Rx.

Herbs that calm, soothe, and nourish the nervous system include lemon balm, chamomile, hops,

passion flower, skullcap, brahmi, valerian, and St. John's Wort.

They can be taken safely as teas or tinctures–just follow the instructions on the bottle or box.

(Dosing for children is one-fourth to one-half the adult dose based on their weight.)


Technology Time-Out.

Most of our kids are perpetually plugged in–texting on their cell phones, playing computer games,

watching TV for hours on end.

This constant electronic stimulation not only fragments their attention but also exposes

them to electromagnetic radiation (EMR) at potentially harmful levels.

When a child is sensitive, this exposure agitates his nervous system.

Sleep disturbances, chronic fatigue, headaches, dizziness, memory and attention problems,

and distorted vision are all possible side effects of EMR.

Try to limit how much electromagnetic exposure your child is getting by reducing his screen

time to an hour or less a day.


Minimal Medication.

If you decide to give your child medication, find a doctor who is willing to work with

you to find the minimal dose that is effective.

Ask your doctor to allow your child to take "holidays" from the medication when intense

concentration and focus aren't necessary (on the weekends, during summer break, etc.).

By carefully monitoring your child's behavior, you can help your doctor find the dosage and

schedule that allow him to succeed in school, while decreasing his chances of experiencing

side effects.


Last, But Not Least…

Remember, the purpose of these alternative treatments is to make your child feel loved,

grounded, and nourished.

Tell him that his new routine is an experiment to improve his mental focus–and let him

play a role in how the changes are implemented.

That means that you might compromise on a few things, but it also means more cooperation.

Find alternatives that he will enjoy (for example, substituting a wholesome natural

treat for a sugary one, or playing with a remote-control car rather than a video game),

so that you don't make his life miserable in your attempt to quell his ADHD symptoms.

Together, you'll find creative ways to gradually move in a positive direction.

Your child will be happier–and so will you.

For more infomation >> 8 Ways to Treat ADHD Naturally - Duration: 9:52.




For more infomation >> NEGATIVE SUIT WALKTROUGH - SPIDERMAN - Duration: 6:18.


Warum Sie diesen Kanal abonnieren sollten (Die Recruiting Profis) - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> Warum Sie diesen Kanal abonnieren sollten (Die Recruiting Profis) - Duration: 3:23.


7 Effective Home Remedies for Low Blood Pressure - Duration: 6:16.

7 Effective Home Remedies for Low Blood Pressure.

While you may have heard of hypertension or high blood pressure, suffering from low blood

pressure can be as dangerous as well.

An optimal blood pressure reading is less than 120mm Hg and above 80 mm Hg.

The first number indicates the systolic pressure or the pressure in the arteries when the heart

beats and fills with them with blood.

The second number represents the diastolic pressure which is the pressure in the arteries

when the heart rests between beats.

Low blood pressure or hypotension may cause inadequate blood flow to the heart, brain,

and other vital organs.

A sudden drop in blood pressure often occurs when someone suddenly rises from a lying down

or sitting position.

This is called postural hypo-tension and may cause light-headedness and dizziness.

There are some home remedies for low blood pressure that you can employ in order to deal

with the symptoms of erratic blood pressure.

But if you've been feeling the following symptoms for a while, consult your doctor

and get your blood pressure measured –





-Clammy skin.

-Loss of consciousness.

-Blurry vision.

Once your doctor confirms that your blood pressure is low, follow his advice and take

medication if required.

A healthy low blood pressure diet is important for low blood pressure treatment.

Along with that, here's more homely help.

Your diet plays a crucial role in maintaining your blood pressure.

Dr. Rupali Datta, Clinical Dietitian at Fortis-Escorts Hospital, suggests some home remedies for

low blood pressure:


Eat small portions frequently.

Sneak healthy snacking sessions in-between the major meals of the day to avoid long gaps.

Eating small portions several times of the day helps in preventing the sudden drop in

blood pressure that one may experience after meals.

So, if you are eating three full meals a day, it would be better to rather have them distributed

in to five small meals a day.

This one's a great home remedy for also people who have diabetes.


Have adequate salt.

Excess salt is bad, but on the other hand it is required by your body in moderate quantities.

According to the World Health Organisation, your daily diet must contain at one teaspoon

of added salt besides what you derive from natural from fruits and vegetables.

In summers or if you exercise daily, keep some lime water with a pinch of salt handy.

Salt works like an instant pick-me-up.

Make sure you do not have too much salt too that may lead to problems like water retention

along with high blood pressure.


Drink more fluids.

rink at least 2 to 3 litres of water every day.

Besides this, include drinks like coconut water, bael ka sharbat and aam panna in your

low blood pressure diet.

These will give you the necessary electrolytes required to maintain the fluids in your body.

Dehydration is a common cause of low blood pressure.

Pomegranate juice is rich in antioxidants called polyphenols and may help you lower

your blood pressure.

One of the best ways to fight dehydration is water; so, do not forget to load up on

enough water for the day.


Caffeine helps.

Caffeinated beverages like tea or coffee may help boost your blood pressure temporarily.

When your blood pressure dips suddenly, a cup of coffee or tea can get your circulation


It causes short, but dramatic increase in your blood pressure.

Although nobody knows why this happens, but it is believed to help your improve your blood



Tulsi Leaves.

"A home remedy from our granny's treasure trove.

Chew five to six tulsi leaves every morning," suggests Dr. Rupali.

Tulsi leaves have high levels of potassium, magnesium and vitamin c which can help in

regulating your blood pressure.

It is also loaded with an antioxidant called Eugenol which keeps the blood pressure under

control and lowers cholesterol levels.


Almond Milk.

Soak 5 to 6 almonds overnight, peel them in the morning, make a paste and boil them into

a drink.

Drink this every day to prevent your blood pressure from falling.

There is no cholesterol or saturated fat in almond milk.

In fact, it is rich in healthy fats like Omega-3 fatty acids.

Include this milk in your low blood pressure diet; basically, you can add it to your cereals,

smoothies, et al and enjoy the goodness of the almond milk.



Another remedy from granny's kitchen.

You can soak some munakka overnight and then boil it with milk and have it in the morning.

Or you can just add a fistful of soaked munakkas in your breakfast regimen.

It increases vitality and blood and helps in better circulation, which further helps

you lower blood pressure.

This Indian raisin is exactly what you need to ensure a healthy blood pressure.

For more infomation >> 7 Effective Home Remedies for Low Blood Pressure - Duration: 6:16.


Wtcn Twitch Edits İzliyor 2019 - Duration: 13:48.

For more infomation >> Wtcn Twitch Edits İzliyor 2019 - Duration: 13:48.


[MMV]-Gamora,Guerra Infinita,Guardiões da galáxia(Música-7 Minutoz) - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> [MMV]-Gamora,Guerra Infinita,Guardiões da galáxia(Música-7 Minutoz) - Duration: 4:07.


Boombayah and As If It's Your Last But It's Just Rose On The Floor - Duration: 2:12.





Best ship ever

Did you guys know Jennie and Kai are dating?

it's cwuteee



Ahh rip Jensoo

and Chaennie

and Jenlisa

and Jenrene

ahh rose

fake subs time

Rose: I'm on this floor

Rose: Which is really comfy

Jisoo: But it's not better than Chaesoo

Jisoo: You know I'm soo righhhhtt

I should make a fake subs video lol

I mean I can't make any MMDs



omg i love this one XD

Aww smiley Rose


Rose loves her floors

Here goes another fake subs

I like the floor so much

But it's not better than Chaelisa

Look at me being so cute

I'm the cutest of them all

hair flip

Hi Jennieeeee

Rose even doing it during rehearsal awww

Blackpink laughing because they didn't think Rose was going to do it XD

hair flip


Rose x Food


Jisoo likes butts confirmed

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