This is Couples Court With the Cutlers.
DANA: This is the case of Johnson vs. Lane.
You have been together for two years, you're living together.
And you ahve brought your boyfriend to court today
because you believe he's cheating. Is that correct?
Yes, Your Honor.
Before we get into that,
tell me how you met this man.
Well, I met Mr. Lane downtown Las Vegas on Fremont Street.
I just got off stage performing
and he approached me maybe five, ten minutes after I was off stage,
and said that he heard a female singer has just sang.
I told him that it was me and I had already performed.
So we sparked a conversation and from there
we formed a relationship quite quickly, actually,
left to go back to California, I packed up all my things,
and I moved to Vegas and we moved in together,
maybe three weeks after meeting.
That was quick.
That's like love at first sight, virtually.
Yeah. For me, it was.
Okay, and it took you how long, Mr. Cutler, to ask me out?
Little longer than three weeks, but you didn't sing.
If you had sung maybe, you know, it would've been a little quicker.
If I had sung, we wouldn't have got together
'cause I can't carry a tune in a bucket. Well, no.
All right. Well, Mr. Lane, it had to be something more than this lady's lovely voice
that got you interested. What was it that you saw in her?
What I fell in love with was her creativity.
If my cup is half empty, she fills it up to the top.
You know, she's very beautiful, she brightens my morning any time I'm running late.
She just 100 percent has my back, absolutely.
And so, coming here being accused of cheating is
kind of funny to me because she knows I have her back the way she has mine.
So you're here to prove this to your lady love?
DANA: All right.
What happened in the past to destroy the trust you had?
Well, um, we started arguing a little bit over a few months
of, you know, after living together,
and at the end of 2015,
he told me, after a heated argument that he wanted to stay with his mom for three weeks.
And maybe a few days after I'm thinking he's at his mom's house.
He calls and tells me he's with an ex-girlfriend
and that they had sex.
And, um...
I just wasn't gonna deal with it, so I packed my bags
and I ended up moving back to California.
Why did you tell her you were going to be with your mom?
Because her love for me was a little different than my love for her.
Long story short is I could
pretty much not use the rest room without her
knocking on the door, "I love you, baby".
We had broken up officially
and so I went to the ex-girlfriend's house.
You can't be any more clearer than "I don't want to be with you.
Wait a minute. So she was smothering you with love?
That's your complaint?
That is my rebuttal to the situation, yes.
Okay, note to file,
"Do not smother Judge Cutler with love."
Okay, no, I don't...
Is that the takeaway from this?
I don't think so. I mean,
it sounds to me like you wanted to play.
Not that you were getting too much love 'cause that's a new one.
Have you ever heard from the bench, "I got too much love from my woman"?
No. So, is it that you were smothered or that you wanted to go play?
It was a combination of both.
You know, and she said we had rushed into it,
she had it in her mind that we were set as a couple.
I repeatedly told her along with friends and family members that had told her,
"He's not ready for a relationship."
But, you know, I did move in after three weeks and he knew I was moving in.
So tell me about what that was like for you?
It was very hurtful. I think that
maybe I didn't fully consider everything that could've happened,
I was thinking more with my heart.
I did pack up everything and relocate to another state for this man, you know.
And it wasn't the smartest decison.
But I did it and here we are.
DANA: But clearly, something happened
'cause you got back together and you're here.
What did he say or do to get you to say,
"Okay, I'm gonna do this again."?
You know, I'm a creator and he's creative.
And we get together and I have a tendency to forget the bad times.
You know? And so, I just... I'm a lover.
You know what I mean?
You followed your heart.
I did. I did, and I love him.
I invited her back the beginning of this year.
Um, I said, "I've got my own place,
"you're gorgeous, you're smart, you're beautiful, you've got yourself together,
"come ride with me and let's turn it up."
She sings R&B, I rap and produce.
And so, with that being said,
you know, it was an absolute opportunity for us to grow together.
You know, she's a phenomenal person.
I wake up in the morning to prayers, I wake up in the morning to a freak.
I'm happy with this woman.
Wait... Ho, ho, ho. You say what?
You say you got to bed with prayers and wake up with a freak.
Did I hear that come out your mouth?
It's always the innocent,
you know, baby face was to pop off like that.
I would've never seen that coming.
Well, there you have it.
There it be.
All right, tell me why you believe he's cheating now.
Because he has been locking his phone,
he has been starting arguments with me and my opinion
to go outside, to get on the phone to talk to co-workers.
I have found some text messages between him and a friend of his,
or a co-worker, that have been very lovey-dovey.
A little too friendly in my opinion.
Now you submitted some of these messages.
And your recollection of the text messages are from the other woman.
"Hey, babe, what are you doing today?"
And Mr. Lane responded,
"Looking forward to seeing you."
DANA: "Me, too."
That's right.
And then, "I'll try to call you back later. She's around."
DANA: "Talk to you soon."
It's pretty clear what bothered you was,
"She's around."
"She's around."
If that doesn't look suspicious,
Why can't you talk to this co-worker when your girlfriend's around?
To be honest, I don't have an answer for that one in particular.
I don't think I sent that because that's not my character.
I mean, to me, personally,
Um, I'm not gonna say I 100 percent didn't.
Has there been a time when you told your co-workers, or females,
"Hey, I can't talk to you 'cause my woman's around."?
"I'm on the way home, I'll call you back 'cause I'm on the way home."
Okay, but here's the thing.
You invited her back to you.
And you're testifying that she's getting, basically, sort of on your nerves.
Is that accurate?
Okay, how...
Okay, but you're supposed to be in this committed relationship.
Absolutely. And in a committed relationship
in order for us to grow together, we have to focus on growth
and not things that would drive one or the other away.
Do you want to be in a committed relationship?
I love this woman. I'm rocking with her the same way she rocks with me.
Okay. Have you cheated on her?
No. I've never cheated on her.
Anytime that I slept with somebody else or she's been with whoever she's been with
we were broken up.
that have been very lovey-dovey, a little too friendly in my opinion.
Miss Johnson, are there any other women that you're concerned he's being with?
A few weeks ago, we got into an argument and he left.
I followed him
and I saw him at a bus stop with his co-worker.
Well, they got on the bus and left,
and he texts me about five, ten minutes saying they were going to a naked pool party.
I believe that he met her there and he knew that he was gonna go with her.
DANA: Mr. Lane...
There's no way... It's physically, literally impossible
for me to be arguing with her
and be on the phone with another woman saying, "Hey,
get undressed. We're going to a naked pool party."
But you were on your phone a lot texting.
You already know... Okay, where are those?
All right, so Mr. Lane what you're saying is it's just a coincidence
that you ran into this co-worker at the bus stop,
and both of you go to a naked pool party?
Yes, it was. Absolutely 100% true.
Do you always invite your co-workers to join you at a naked pool party?
Hey, if it's a pretty woman, let's go.
There's one co-worker I would invite to a naked pool party.
But it would just be a private party.
All right, Mr. Cutler, stop flirting with me.
Okay. The bottom line is this,
you believe that he invited this co-worker
because they were having an affair.
And do you believe that at this naked pool party they got it on?
I think it's a possibility. Yes.
Do you think that they've had sex since the naked pool party?
I think that that's a possibility.
They are very friendly.
And I think that he started a fight with me that day
so that he could storm off and meet her at the bus stop.
Have you ever slept with this co-worker?
No, absolutely not.
100% no.
DANA: All right.
And then a week ago he asked me if she could move in with us.
Because she had scorpions in her house.
Okay, that's some kind of bull.
I mean, that's just bull.
Did you say yes or no?
I said, "Hell no."
DANA: All right.
No. Don't even think about it.
There is his side,
there's her side,
and apparently there's the naked pool party co-worker's side.
And she's here right now.
Ron, would you escort the next witness in?
Yes, Your Honor.
Ma'am. Hi.
Hey, if it's a pretty woman, let's go.
Would you state your name, please for the court?
My name is Lee Ann Derringer.
KEITH: Ms. Derringer, what is your relationship with Mr. Lane?
Um, he is my co-worker...
Ex-co-worker and a friend.
Did you attend a naked pool party with Mr. Lane?
I did, Your Honor.
Okay, can you tell me how this came about?
You know, I was coming home from a class,
um, and literally I saw him walking across the street.
Then he said, you know, they're fighting,
but he's going to a naked pool party and he's like, "Yeah, let's go."
Had you seen Mr. Lane naked before this event?
Not before the naked pool party. No.
So what happened at this naked pool party?
I like saying that.
It's like a pool party. You have barbeque couple naked volleyball games,
and, um...
All right, so wait a minute. Hold on, let me get this.
You are playing naked volleyball?
That is frightening to me.
It's not frigtening.
It's so much splashing and bouncing going on.
That could be dangerous.
KEITH: I mean,
from what she described, you have barbecue,
you have volleyball...
That's another thing to be worried about. have, you know?
Don't want something fall on the grill that ain't supposed to be on the grill.
I mean, it sounds just like a regular party.
Everybody's just kinda hanging out.
Yes, Your Honor.
KEITH: Is that fair?
LEE: That is correct, sir.
Thank you, Mr. Cutler.
Okay, I mean, just think of this court.
Just think about it.
No, I don't want to.
About us all being naked?
Naked couples court with the Cutlers.
No! No, no.
Oh, okay.
I'm scratching that out my brain.
I don't even wanna think about that.
DANA: Now here's the question.
Have you been intimate with Mr. Lane?
Did you witness Mr. Lane being intimate with anyone at the party?
Has he ever talked to you about being intimate with someone other than his girlfriend?
So, Ms. Johnson, if you find out that Mr. Lane has been cheating...
I'm out. I'm gone.
DANA: Are you coming back if he asks?
No, not this time.
DANA: You done.
Yeah, I'm done.
I'm packing up my stuff and I'm going back to Cali.
Now, when the results come in
and you see it for yourself right here right now, then what?
Then I'm gonna apologise.
For a long time.
I'mma apologize one time. One time.
DANA: All right.
To investigate this matter the court has retained the services
of licensed Private Investigator
and certified Polygraph Examiner, Kendall Shull.
Ron, would you please escort Mr. Shull into the courtroom?
Yes, Your Honor.
Mr. Shull, how are you?
Good, Your Honor. Thank you.
So, Mr. Shull, what did you do to investigate in this case?
We decided to put Mr. Lane to the test
and see how he would react
when placed in a room with an attractive female and hidden cameras.
So what happened?
After becoming comfortable with the undercover associate
Mr. Lane suggested that they hang out.
And then he invited her to a special kinda party.
Let's take a listen.
So you invited somebody to a fetish ball?
It is a... It's not necessarily a fetish as in,
uh, leather whips and chains and stuff
that you would get the image of by hearing the word.
It's a Halloween party.
You got your Halloween costume on, there's...
I don't know. It's one of the biggest parties in the world.
KEITH: Why you shaking your head?
'Cause he's a mess.
He's a mess.
He wants to have his cake and eat it, too.
KEITH: All right.
Ms. Johnson, because you had concerns about his activity
and about him being involved with other women
including possibly a co-worker,
we had him submit to a polygraph examination
and we have those results as welli.
Mr. Shull, you asked Mr. Lane,
"Since getting back together with Ms. Johnson
"have you had physical sexual contact or intercourse
"with Ms. Derringer?"
What was his reponse to that question?
He answered, "No."
What did the lie detector determine?
The lie detector determine he was being truthful.
You're smiling.
Well, that makes me happy.
DANA: But hold on, we have another question.
You asked Mr. Lane,
"Since getting back together
"have you had physical, sexual contact or intercourse
"with anyone other than Ms. Johnson?"
I interject.
You asked Mr. Lane,
"Since getting back together
"have you had physical, sexual contact or intercourse
"with anyone other than Ms. Johnson?"
What was his response?
He said, "No."
What did the lie detector determine?
The lie detector determine that he was being
LATAEVIA: Okay Okay.
I interject.
We don't have interjections but I'll let you make a comment.
Give me a hug.
Breakfast, lunch, dinner.
Oh, whatever.
Complete. None of that.
I wrote him a little something. I wanted to know if I could sing it to him.
All right.
LATAEVIA: I'm sorry, baby.
I apologize.
♪ Can't nobody do me Quite like you
♪ It's the little things that you do
♪ I couldn't help but to fall for you
♪ And this is what it feels like
♪ When I'm with you
♪ Ooh, oh
♪ Huh, yeah
♪ Ooh, oh
♪ Huh, yeah
♪ You love me right You treat me right
♪ You know just what I like
That was lovely.
That is what this is all about, love.
KEITH: I think they're on the right track.
They're together, they're both on one accord.
They each know what they need to do, stop doing.
They're ready to go.
And as we say in this courtroom,
don't cheat yourself out of a chance for a good relationship.
Court is adjourned.
LATAEVIA: Thank you.
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