Thứ Ba, 1 tháng 1, 2019

Waching daily Jan 2 2019

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Hello everyone Dylan here and welcome back to a nother video. So by the time we're recording this it's

10:30 p.m. On December 30th

2018 about one day until New Year's Eve, which is tomorrow

until New Year's Eve and

two more days until



2018 has been a great year. Not the best year because some

Consequences happened to my old channel if you guys know what I mean, and I made this new channel and I gained over

Actually more than I did from my last channel, which I think that's really insane. Thank you guys so much for that and

We actually


My end of the year ago


to get 800 subscribers


2019 or by that time and

We did it. He actually got more than 800 subscribers. We got like eight hundred and thirtysomething

Subscribers, thank you guys so much for that. We are nearly up to

850 subscribers and then

900 on the road to 900 so we are currently on the road to 900

We're nearly there and once really completed our goal to 900 then

1000 I can't believe it went this quick

My old channel

Was I don't know if

You guys probably know what happened

My old channel had consequences on

May 25th, and then I created this new channel and

I can't believe that I went from 25 to 50 to 75 and to 100

and you guys are gonna see my subscriber goal when I start his montage I meant from


didn't do a

To want to subscribe to live reaction. I

Think I did with four hundred and five hundred

Six, no, I I don't know. I

Don't know. I don't really don't remember that much

But think thank you guys so so much for all the support

This year it's really

Had been insane all of you guys has been supporting me. I thought I was going to quit YouTube

I thought I was gonna quit YouTube by the time when my old channel had

Consequences if you guys know what I mean, just like when I said the first forms at times that I said it

Well, the first eight hundred times that I said if you got if you know what I mean

Hey guys so much for the support and

Yeah, I had a great year and

Great year, not the best

It's just that just has been great. It wasn't bad. It wasn't good. It was just great. I

Went to Six Flags

Actually last actually yesterday too and

The Halloween, you guys will see it in a few

That was that I went to my friend's house following that was just awesome

Hopefully I could do it again. Just

Next year, hopefully

I'll be proud and also in

2019 there's gonna be big challenges to arrabal face and you guys will hopefully

Come with me

too so

Runner road tonight hundred subscribers and then 2,000. So without I needed to do and

Let's start this montage


Okay, very well


I think I think junior tries to eat them all and I think that he

What color the peasant

Okay. I just want to say two things that I wanted to say number one

Happy birthday to my best friend Emily. I love you. Best run we have went

good times together and

Time flies so fast. It's

My birthday as you could tell by dispersing hatch, this is a shout-out video

And I want to shout out my 28-foot subscriber on my youtube channel

I wanted to say thank you guys so much for 50 subscribers. I'm already

Why are you still here? Why am I still here? Yeah Master Emerald all by myself



There's something wrong here because it's thundering and it's sunny

Saving more pet right

You mean the kid unless why suppose

What you're streaming on your channel, yeah

Say hello to you too, Joe

No, I like Aidid

No, not not really. I just like no. No, that's it

the thing is I wanted I wanted a case so bad that I just yeah, I

Just bought an otterbox. Oh, you have the plus though, right?

Whoa, whoa like you never close so I don't think people were just

Dead Oh

Let's discuss this October I

Really? I really want to know if it's gonna come out on Halloween because it really should. Yeah, I think you should

Give the times


Ready for me times

Hey, Robert Allsup, eh Oh, how ready are you?

Emily Sam, yeah

Assembly right there

I comment down below saying happy birthday to my brothers down below in the comment section

and I'm gonna tell them and

He will be happy

And I just want to say, thank you guys so much for

Liking my videos leaving a comment on them and taking our time on watching them

I really appreciate it

and I just want to thank you all for all the support that you guys have given me so today I'll be

Playing bowling with these guys right here


Can't believe it that I got

400 subscribes well actually now over 400 subscribers

I'm a dinosaur


For for 500 subscribers

At around 2:30 a.m. In the morning, I woke up to a notification on my phone

So I decided to go on it and check it out after when I finished the warm milk. I went back to the to bed

Before I went under the covers for my bed. Oh

My god

That was close

Only need one more subscriber

The road to 900 subscribers

So it's only like about

Less than six hours left until 2019 and I'm kind of pumped for it

I'm kind of hyped and I'm going to my grandmother's house for New Year's and come down below

what you guys are doing for New Year's and

This will get uploaded next day on January 1st on the win yet, but whenever this will get uploaded

Then I will know so

Epinoia are to every single one of you and it will update you guys when it's almost

Probably an hour - until 2019

So as you could tell that I'm at my grandmother's house right now and the time is about 10:40 1 p.m

right now and it's only

around an hour and

19 minutes left until 2019

and I have complex many things and I went through many things during the year of

2018 and

It's been great, but not the best. Hopefully 29:2 will be better, hopefully and

Yeah, I hope you guys have a good 2019 and if you went through some bad times and

28:18. I hope your times will be better in


this year has been great and

Hopefully 2019 will be even better in

2019 and

Yeah, I will see you guys in the next clip and it's until 2019

It's Robert on stream

You want to be in the bowl


For you people right

seven six five four three two one

Ronnie 19 perfect to my cousin Wow

Your people will wait

For more infomation >> Best 2018 Moments of DylCraftZ - Duration: 19:13.


U.S. declines to comment on N.K. leader's speech - Duration: 0:35.

now as a follow-up to the report the United States has refused to make an

official statement on Kim jong-un's New Year's address a US State Department

spokesperson speaking to seoul-based Yonhap news agency on condition of

anonymity on Tuesday said the u.s. declines the quote opportunity to

comments it was Washington's first response to Kim's New Year's speech

which was closely watched for hints about the fate of the stalled

denuclearization talks between Pyongyang and Washington

For more infomation >> U.S. declines to comment on N.K. leader's speech - Duration: 0:35.


NASA spacecraft provides first image from record-setting flyby of Ultima Thule - Duration: 2:06.

now the exciting space-related news just keeps on coming the new year has started

with a record-setting space mission by NASA its new Horizons spacecraft has

survived the most distant exploration of another world it's a tiny icy object

nearly six and a half billion kilometres away from Earth for more on this

remarkable story in other news from around the world let's turn to our know

Adam so Adam I'm very much interested in these kind of stories so please tell us

more certainly mark NASA scientists confirmed

on New Year's Day that the new Horizons spacecraft made contact with earth to

confirm its successful flyby of Ultima Thule the frozen rock looks like a

peanut or bowling pin and sits just on the edge of our solar system about 1.6

billion kilometres beyond Pluto NASA cersei New Horizons will ping back more

detailed images and data from última in the coming days which will give a better

insight into the objects creation another question would be to see if

Ultima is actually a single object or two objects orbiting each other one

possibility is that it's by lobate with the the upper lobe being smaller than

though the lower lobe so they would be asymmetric or it may be that these are

two things that are actually in orbit around each other and just blurred

together because of their proximity if it's two separate objects this would be

an unprecedented situation in terms of how close they're they're orbiting to

one another and it will be spectacular to see it takes roughly six hours for

radio signals to reach Earth and it will take 20 months for New Horizons to send

all of its flyby data after working on the Ultima data researchers will then

seek more funding for an extension to the mission New Horizons should have

just enough fuel to visit another object sometime in the next decade

For more infomation >> NASA spacecraft provides first image from record-setting flyby of Ultima Thule - Duration: 2:06.


2019 celebrates the Year of the Golden Pig, which comes every 60 years - Duration: 1:49.

year of the golden pig has dawned people in South Korea are hoping for better

luck in 2019 as pig symbolized abundance and good fortune kim hyusun tells deeper

into the meaning of the year of the golden pig pigs are seen as a symbol of

wealth and good fortune in Korea as they gave birth to many piglets during the

1970s and 80s barber shops in Korea had images of pigs on their walls hoping to

attract more customers coin banks have also long been in the shape of pigs

known to be fertile animals pigs are often associated with abundance and thus

many believe that those born in the year of the pig will live a prosperous life

the Chinese character for home is a combination of a modern character that

represents a house on the top and a character below that represents a pig

likewise people have domesticated pigs for a long time in Korea pigs were used

as sacrifice for memory of rituals for ancestors and were a precious food

source for the Korean people as 2019 is the year of the pig and it's an earth

piggy er according to the sexagenary cycle that are known as kanji that

consists of a combination of a color and an animal earth pig also symbolizes

yellow or gold and this is why 2019 is a year of the golden pig which comes just

once every 60 years 2007 was the year of the red pig but it was marketed as the

year of the golden pig but this year is definitely the year of the golden pig

according to the Chinese zodiac those people in Korea are hoping to benefit

from some Lady Luck in 2019 kimi-san arirang news

For more infomation >> 2019 celebrates the Year of the Golden Pig, which comes every 60 years - Duration: 1:49.


Son Heung-min scores 8th EPL goal of season in Tottenham Hotspur's 3-0 win over Cardiff City - Duration: 0:43.

tottenham hotspur forward son heung-min has carried his hot streak into 2019

helping the London club to a comfortable three nil win over Cardiff City on

Tuesday in the Premier League with a goal and an assist the South Korean

international set up Tottenham second goal of the match and scored himself in

the 26th minute of the first half it was the 5th game in a row that Shawne has

either scored or helped one of his teammates find the back of the net so

far this season the 27 year-old has scored 11 goals with 8 of those coming

in the English Premier League

For more infomation >> Son Heung-min scores 8th EPL goal of season in Tottenham Hotspur's 3-0 win over Cardiff City - Duration: 0:43.


UK police treat Manchester's New Year's Eve stabbing as terrorist attack - Duration: 0:31.

on the news police in the English city of Manchester are treating a New Year's

Eve stabbing of three people as a terrorist incident a 25r old male

suspect is in custody after the attack at Victoria were

railway station the three victims including a police officer were taken to

a nearby hospital with serious but not life-threatening injuries

the officer was discharged from hospital on Tuesday

Prime Minister Theresa May expressed concern for the victims and thanks the

first responders

For more infomation >> UK police treat Manchester's New Year's Eve stabbing as terrorist attack - Duration: 0:31.


JADEN SMITH is OBSESSED with VAMPIRES - Duration: 0:45.

How old are you today?

Today I'm a hundred

I do wanna talk abou-



fuck you

I mean


Right now is a big moment for me the other day

I shot like four or five kids in school by accident and we believe it

Yeah, what is going on here people are vampires. This is not normal

This is not how things are supposed to function kids in school are vampires. I've always been obsessed with kids in school

I just don't like you. You're not an icon living. You don't got it. You're not gonna. NAH you need to work harder

NO like you're not on the path of being great. Fuck you.

For more infomation >> JADEN SMITH is OBSESSED with VAMPIRES - Duration: 0:45.


Japanese PM calls military radar incident with S. Korea "dangerous act" - Duration: 1:39.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe a has dumped fuel on the fire of Tokyo's

ongoing military radar spat with South Korea despite Seoul saying last month's

incident was nothing more than a misunderstanding they called it a

dangerous act and he urged Seoul to accept the facts he's Sanjay

with the details despite South Korea strongly rejecting claims a 3200 tons

south korean destroyer recently locked on to a japanese patrol jet Japan

continues to verbally fire back at Seoul in an interview with a site TV on

Tuesday japanese prime minister shinzo lobby called the incident a dangerous

act and South Korea must take measures to prevent something similar happening

again obby adage Seoul must accept what he

called defects this comes as Japanese media reported

Saturday that Tokyo's recent release of video footage related to the incident

was at the order of a bee himself local newspapers report to Abhi's summon

Japanese defense minister Takeshi Weija to his office and ordered the video's

immediate release in the same interview eBay also criticized the South Korean

supreme court's ruling in favor of Korean victims were forced into labor

during Japan's colonial rule of the Korean Peninsula saying it's unheard of

in international law obby also expressed interest and meeting with North Korean

leader Kim jong-un in the future to resolve issues involving Japanese

nationals were abducted by the north in the 1970s and 80s

Eason J Arirang news

For more infomation >> Japanese PM calls military radar incident with S. Korea "dangerous act" - Duration: 1:39.


✅ TOP 5: Best Stand Mixer 2019 - Duration: 10:02.

For more infomation >> ✅ TOP 5: Best Stand Mixer 2019 - Duration: 10:02.


Nach Streit zwischen den Herzoginnen Meghan und Kate versöhnten sich beim Scrabble | Schnellste Nac - Duration: 3:24.

Sie sollen an Weihnachten das Kriegsbeil begraben haben: Herzogin Meghan und Herzogin Kate nähern sich wieder an.

Royal-Insider berichten seit Monaten von dicker Luft im Palast.

Haben sich Herzogin Meghan (37) und Herzogin Kate (36) nun endlich versöhnt?

Die Stimmung zwischen den Frauen soll bis zuletzt eisig gewesen sein:

Zu unterschiedlich seien die beiden Royals, die sich hitzig stritten, weil Meghan Kates Personal zusammenstauchte.

Die Reibereien zwischen Kate und Meghan drohten laut Insidern einen Keil zwischen Prinz Harry (34) und Prinz William (36) zu treiben.

So erklärte Körpersprache-Expertin Judi James der «Daily Mail» vor wenigen Tagen,

dass Meghans und Kates gute Laune beim traditionellen Weihnachtsgottesdienst im englischen Sandringham nur für Fans und Fotografen gespielt sei.

«Ihre Körpersprache erinnert mich an die von Politikern, die einen diplomatischen Eindruck vermitteln wollen», erklärt sie.

«Sie gehen im Gleichschritt und kopieren einander die ganze Zeit – ein Zeichen von erzwungener Freundschaft.»

Das Ganze sehe der Expertin nach zu einstudiert aus.

«Sie lachten zusammen»

Umso überraschender nun die Meldung einer angeblichen Versöhnung:

Die Herzoginnen haben sich über die Festtage angenähert – und ihre Differenzen bei einer Partie Scrabble beigelegt.

Ein Insider sagt der «The Sun»: «Nach der Rede der Queen wurden Brettspiele gespielt und die beiden machten mit.

Die schwangere Meghan hat nicht getrunken, aber Kate hatte eines oder zwei Gläser Wein und alle waren guter Laune.

Sie lachten zusammen.

Spannungen sah man den beiden nicht an.

Es war wundervoll.»

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