Thứ Ba, 1 tháng 1, 2019

Waching daily Jan 2 2019

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Hello everyone Dylan here and welcome back to a nother video. So by the time we're recording this it's

10:30 p.m. On December 30th

2018 about one day until New Year's Eve, which is tomorrow

until New Year's Eve and

two more days until



2018 has been a great year. Not the best year because some

Consequences happened to my old channel if you guys know what I mean, and I made this new channel and I gained over

Actually more than I did from my last channel, which I think that's really insane. Thank you guys so much for that and

We actually


My end of the year ago


to get 800 subscribers


2019 or by that time and

We did it. He actually got more than 800 subscribers. We got like eight hundred and thirtysomething

Subscribers, thank you guys so much for that. We are nearly up to

850 subscribers and then

900 on the road to 900 so we are currently on the road to 900

We're nearly there and once really completed our goal to 900 then

1000 I can't believe it went this quick

My old channel

Was I don't know if

You guys probably know what happened

My old channel had consequences on

May 25th, and then I created this new channel and

I can't believe that I went from 25 to 50 to 75 and to 100

and you guys are gonna see my subscriber goal when I start his montage I meant from


didn't do a

To want to subscribe to live reaction. I

Think I did with four hundred and five hundred

Six, no, I I don't know. I

Don't know. I don't really don't remember that much

But think thank you guys so so much for all the support

This year it's really

Had been insane all of you guys has been supporting me. I thought I was going to quit YouTube

I thought I was gonna quit YouTube by the time when my old channel had

Consequences if you guys know what I mean, just like when I said the first forms at times that I said it

Well, the first eight hundred times that I said if you got if you know what I mean

Hey guys so much for the support and

Yeah, I had a great year and

Great year, not the best

It's just that just has been great. It wasn't bad. It wasn't good. It was just great. I

Went to Six Flags

Actually last actually yesterday too and

The Halloween, you guys will see it in a few

That was that I went to my friend's house following that was just awesome

Hopefully I could do it again. Just

Next year, hopefully

I'll be proud and also in

2019 there's gonna be big challenges to arrabal face and you guys will hopefully

Come with me

too so

Runner road tonight hundred subscribers and then 2,000. So without I needed to do and

Let's start this montage


Okay, very well


I think I think junior tries to eat them all and I think that he

What color the peasant

Okay. I just want to say two things that I wanted to say number one

Happy birthday to my best friend Emily. I love you. Best run we have went

good times together and

Time flies so fast. It's

My birthday as you could tell by dispersing hatch, this is a shout-out video

And I want to shout out my 28-foot subscriber on my youtube channel

I wanted to say thank you guys so much for 50 subscribers. I'm already

Why are you still here? Why am I still here? Yeah Master Emerald all by myself



There's something wrong here because it's thundering and it's sunny

Saving more pet right

You mean the kid unless why suppose

What you're streaming on your channel, yeah

Say hello to you too, Joe

No, I like Aidid

No, not not really. I just like no. No, that's it

the thing is I wanted I wanted a case so bad that I just yeah, I

Just bought an otterbox. Oh, you have the plus though, right?

Whoa, whoa like you never close so I don't think people were just

Dead Oh

Let's discuss this October I

Really? I really want to know if it's gonna come out on Halloween because it really should. Yeah, I think you should

Give the times


Ready for me times

Hey, Robert Allsup, eh Oh, how ready are you?

Emily Sam, yeah

Assembly right there

I comment down below saying happy birthday to my brothers down below in the comment section

and I'm gonna tell them and

He will be happy

And I just want to say, thank you guys so much for

Liking my videos leaving a comment on them and taking our time on watching them

I really appreciate it

and I just want to thank you all for all the support that you guys have given me so today I'll be

Playing bowling with these guys right here


Can't believe it that I got

400 subscribes well actually now over 400 subscribers

I'm a dinosaur


For for 500 subscribers

At around 2:30 a.m. In the morning, I woke up to a notification on my phone

So I decided to go on it and check it out after when I finished the warm milk. I went back to the to bed

Before I went under the covers for my bed. Oh

My god

That was close

Only need one more subscriber

The road to 900 subscribers

So it's only like about

Less than six hours left until 2019 and I'm kind of pumped for it

I'm kind of hyped and I'm going to my grandmother's house for New Year's and come down below

what you guys are doing for New Year's and

This will get uploaded next day on January 1st on the win yet, but whenever this will get uploaded

Then I will know so

Epinoia are to every single one of you and it will update you guys when it's almost

Probably an hour - until 2019

So as you could tell that I'm at my grandmother's house right now and the time is about 10:40 1 p.m

right now and it's only

around an hour and

19 minutes left until 2019

and I have complex many things and I went through many things during the year of

2018 and

It's been great, but not the best. Hopefully 29:2 will be better, hopefully and

Yeah, I hope you guys have a good 2019 and if you went through some bad times and

28:18. I hope your times will be better in


this year has been great and

Hopefully 2019 will be even better in

2019 and

Yeah, I will see you guys in the next clip and it's until 2019

It's Robert on stream

You want to be in the bowl


For you people right

seven six five four three two one

Ronnie 19 perfect to my cousin Wow

Your people will wait

For more infomation >> Best 2018 Moments of DylCraftZ - Duration: 19:13.


U.S. declines to comment on N.K. leader's speech - Duration: 0:35.

now as a follow-up to the report the United States has refused to make an

official statement on Kim jong-un's New Year's address a US State Department

spokesperson speaking to seoul-based Yonhap news agency on condition of

anonymity on Tuesday said the u.s. declines the quote opportunity to

comments it was Washington's first response to Kim's New Year's speech

which was closely watched for hints about the fate of the stalled

denuclearization talks between Pyongyang and Washington

For more infomation >> U.S. declines to comment on N.K. leader's speech - Duration: 0:35.


NASA spacecraft provides first image from record-setting flyby of Ultima Thule - Duration: 2:06.

now the exciting space-related news just keeps on coming the new year has started

with a record-setting space mission by NASA its new Horizons spacecraft has

survived the most distant exploration of another world it's a tiny icy object

nearly six and a half billion kilometres away from Earth for more on this

remarkable story in other news from around the world let's turn to our know

Adam so Adam I'm very much interested in these kind of stories so please tell us

more certainly mark NASA scientists confirmed

on New Year's Day that the new Horizons spacecraft made contact with earth to

confirm its successful flyby of Ultima Thule the frozen rock looks like a

peanut or bowling pin and sits just on the edge of our solar system about 1.6

billion kilometres beyond Pluto NASA cersei New Horizons will ping back more

detailed images and data from última in the coming days which will give a better

insight into the objects creation another question would be to see if

Ultima is actually a single object or two objects orbiting each other one

possibility is that it's by lobate with the the upper lobe being smaller than

though the lower lobe so they would be asymmetric or it may be that these are

two things that are actually in orbit around each other and just blurred

together because of their proximity if it's two separate objects this would be

an unprecedented situation in terms of how close they're they're orbiting to

one another and it will be spectacular to see it takes roughly six hours for

radio signals to reach Earth and it will take 20 months for New Horizons to send

all of its flyby data after working on the Ultima data researchers will then

seek more funding for an extension to the mission New Horizons should have

just enough fuel to visit another object sometime in the next decade

For more infomation >> NASA spacecraft provides first image from record-setting flyby of Ultima Thule - Duration: 2:06.


2019 celebrates the Year of the Golden Pig, which comes every 60 years - Duration: 1:49.

year of the golden pig has dawned people in South Korea are hoping for better

luck in 2019 as pig symbolized abundance and good fortune kim hyusun tells deeper

into the meaning of the year of the golden pig pigs are seen as a symbol of

wealth and good fortune in Korea as they gave birth to many piglets during the

1970s and 80s barber shops in Korea had images of pigs on their walls hoping to

attract more customers coin banks have also long been in the shape of pigs

known to be fertile animals pigs are often associated with abundance and thus

many believe that those born in the year of the pig will live a prosperous life

the Chinese character for home is a combination of a modern character that

represents a house on the top and a character below that represents a pig

likewise people have domesticated pigs for a long time in Korea pigs were used

as sacrifice for memory of rituals for ancestors and were a precious food

source for the Korean people as 2019 is the year of the pig and it's an earth

piggy er according to the sexagenary cycle that are known as kanji that

consists of a combination of a color and an animal earth pig also symbolizes

yellow or gold and this is why 2019 is a year of the golden pig which comes just

once every 60 years 2007 was the year of the red pig but it was marketed as the

year of the golden pig but this year is definitely the year of the golden pig

according to the Chinese zodiac those people in Korea are hoping to benefit

from some Lady Luck in 2019 kimi-san arirang news

For more infomation >> 2019 celebrates the Year of the Golden Pig, which comes every 60 years - Duration: 1:49.


Omg.. I'm going to.... | TraveLeah - Duration: 6:57.

hey guys welcome back to my channel today I wanted to do my next trip reveal

and kind of talk about that a little bit and know a lot of you guys are wondering

are you still traveling when you leaving like what's the plan on that a lot of

people just are assuming that I'm like settling down but nope I still have a

plan regardless of if I'm in a relationship or not my trip my plan has

always been to travel around the world by myself and I'm still pursuing that I

just was taking a break for myself and I am so ready like I am super ready to go

like this is exactly what I needed because now I'm like so bored the point

where as soon as I get out of this country I'm just going to experience and

absorb everything and I'm so excited so where am I going first drum roll Taiwan

I'm so so so excited um I'm really excited for Taiwan because it's not I

mean personally I don't know anyone who has been to Taiwan personally so it's

one of those like destinations that you don't see a lot of people going there

maybe like American as in like Americans or Europeans you know a lot of Asians of

course go to Taiwan because it's in their general area but like Taiwan is

not like one of those destinations that you hear of a lot of people going and

that's actually what I'm more interested in right now I'm kind of over going to

those popular destinations all those Instagram Bowl destinations that

everybody has gone to and everybody has like the same exact Instagram picture

I'm really over that so 2019 that's gonna be a my kind of like my goal is to

just make sure to visit those destinations that aren't really as

popular but are still you know beautiful and will be a great cultural experience

so that's I picked Taiwan first I was going to go

to China but then last when I was like no mm-hmm I'm going to do something

different so I am going to Taiwan and I'm so excited so first I'm going to

Taiwan so that is in two weeks so that's why I wanted to reveal to you guys and

so the rest of my vlogs upcoming will be kind of like preparing for that my

departure again because I will be gone for about two to three months so first

I'll be in Taiwan and then for my birthday I am gonna do one of those

popular destinations for my birthday I'm going to Bali I know I kind of

contradicted what I just said but actually I really want for my birthday I

want like a touch of luxury and I also want relaxation and still adventure and

stuff so in that general area Bali was like the number one option so going to

Bali for my birthday after Bali I have no idea where I'm going

um so Taiwan and Bali are plans but after that I'm just gonna kind of go

with the flow like I said I'm still looking for volunteer opportunities kind

of looking around for after Bali so I can spend some time doing that so I'm

just not sure where exactly I'm kind of tossing around a few different places

I'm kind of looking at going to the Philippines and if not the Philippines I

was actually thinking about going back to Thailand because I love Thailand so

much and I was thinking about going back there because I feel like I would feel

comfortable volunteering there because I know the people I know the culture but

anyways I'm just taking it one day at a time if that's where I end up that's

where I end up um yeah that's pretty much it this vlog is just gonna be short

and sweet I just wanted to reveal to you guys my next trip and how excited I am

so my next trip I'm going back to Southeast Asia I'm gonna visit a couple

other countries and that will be it for Southeast Asia I'm going to move on I'm

going to move on um then to other areas but I definitely

wanted to touch on more of Southeast Asia I'm so excited

two weeks and I get to start traveling again I'm just really excited to

continue this and yes you guys will see some upcoming vlogs so definitely expect

to see some packing vlogs some more tips some more travel tip type vlogs as I

prepare to go out again because it's going to be the same preparation process

it's just you know making sure to pack everything in that backpack and making

sure that I you know pack smartly lightly efficiently but also

make sure to have like enough stuff that really holds me over for this next three

month trip just answering a question um somebody asked me like about my partner

if she's gonna be in my blogs or you know why I haven't shown her um that is

her choice she doesn't really want to be on YouTube I did ask her like hey do you

want to do like a couple tag or something like that and she's not really

interested she like I said she is older she doesn't have any social media so

she's just kind of uncomfortable putting her whole life on the Internet um so

we'll see you know maybe she'll get more comfortable in the future of it right

now she's not going to be in any of my vlogs and I do post sometimes pictures

on Instagram and she's comfortable with that because it erases in 24 hours so

that's she's more comfortable with Instagram and she did say she would go

live on Instagram with me for that reason as well because it does erase

after a 24 hours so it's not like she's like on the internet forever so just

answer that question because I know several people ask me that question

um and that is the honest truth just being respectful of her wishes enough of

that thank you guys for tuning in and I hope you guys are excited to check out

time out I want with me because I'm definitely gonna do tons of

travel vlogs while I'm there and as always give me a thumbs up like comment

subscribe hit the bell so you get notifications and I love you guys

ci Sims

For more infomation >> Omg.. I'm going to.... | TraveLeah - Duration: 6:57.


GAMA STONER - *. RONIN . * - (YARDIN BEATS PROD) - 2019 ® - Duration: 5:13.

For more infomation >> GAMA STONER - *. RONIN . * - (YARDIN BEATS PROD) - 2019 ® - Duration: 5:13.


Love To The End | 끝까지 사랑 EP.98 [SUB: ENG, CHN] - Duration: 32:53.

Why you...

The employees are watching.

How could you do this to me?

Are you mad?

How do you plan to fix it

after blowing things up like this?

- Answer me. / - The ball is now in the court...

Of the 15,000 YB employees.

It's your turn to decide

what you do.


How far do you plan to take this?

The employees will expose the corruption

they are aware of.

They'll dig into whatever they can

and cut out everything that is rotten.

You should go to the main conference room.

A board meeting was called again.


Let's see

who shows up.

(Episode 98)

My gosh. Talk about dropping a bomb.

It's endlessly sad...

That this was the only way.

This is just the beginning.

The group will struggle for a while.

I'll have to deal with it.

I have faith in the employees.


Chairman Kang looked like he gave up on everything.

I agree.

He's suddenly aged and weak.

He'll have to go to court too.

I can't wait to see what Chairman Jeong

and Sena do.

Do you still not regret

making Hyeongi the vice chairman?

At least I didn't play the recordings

for the entire building to hear.

Why aren't the directors showing up?

There's no reason to go.

It's over.


I'm sure they didn't even have the quorum.

Everyone but the two of you was in attendance.

It was a unanimous vote to sell.

That's absurd.

Are you saying those jerks betrayed me?

Are you that clueless as to the situation at hand?

Every single employee in this building

must be enraged.

Why did I create a slush fund and bribe people?

Our group wouldn't have gotten this far otherwise!

Who pays their salaries?

This isn't the time for that.

I built YB City.

Who are they to sell it? I won't stand for this.

Good going!

You build it yourself...

And you'll soon be signing the sale order too.

You must be nervous that this happened...

With 2 days left until the court

gives their decision on your case.

Once they begin the audit...

It'll take time before we are reported...

To the National Tax Service and Prosecutor's Office.

So what?

Are you saying you'll resign

and run away or something?

I can't do that.

You and I...

Must take responsibility for what we've done.

Do you think I'll just sit back and take this?

Even if you poison the water supply,

there will be some who survive!


You must have plenty of insurance...

So I'm sure you'll get out of it somehow.

Who says we'll sell YB City?

This is void.

Do you think the shareholders will agree?

I heard you don't have any shares

in YB Development.

What did you do with them?

I heard you and Yamamoto

started a company together.

What? Rudychi Korea?

How could the company CEO

make money from her own company?

Do you want to go to jail that badly?

So? Are you saying you'll report me?

No. I'm saying once we sell and

you step down as CEO, it'll be over.

- What will you do? / - Fine.

Try and sell it. But...

I wonder if anyone will even want to sell it

after the vice chairman pulled a stunt like that.

I told you Morris

was interested in buying it from the get-go.

And there's Mega Group.

Like you said, the building is flawless.

If we net out the investment amount,

we should be able to get about $400 million.

Hold on. There's one more buyer.


Don't tell me...

You mean Yamamoto.

Why not? Is there any reason why he can't?

True. Whoever makes...

The highest bid will get it.

What is it?

Can't you tell?

They are YB City's employees.

What happens to us now?

Keep doing what you have been.

It's getting a new owner, that's all.

Still, shouldn't you apologize to the employees?

I respected you as a fellow woman.

But did you become CEO by maintaining a slush fund

and running bribery errands?

Can't you get out of my way?

Do you look down on me because I'm a woman too?

Why are you doing this to me?

Take it up with Chairman Kang and Chairman Jeong.

All I did was do what they told me to!

You're the CEO of YB City!

What do you think you're doing?

It's okay.

It's okay.

You have me.

I'll buy YB City.

I'll buy it for $100 million.

No way.

Did you forget that you and I are partners?


How about 10% commission?

You said you can't live in Korea anymore anyway.

Go to Europe with me.

I can give you a new identity if you need.


That means I can have YB City again.

For just $100 million.

And I'll pocket $10 million of it.

Sure. I should take at least that much

as payment for all that I've done

for YB over the past 6 years.

But Jeonghan will oppose.

Okay. See you in the morning.

What did he say?

She'll be buying her company for cheap

and take a commission.

Is she trying to betray the company in multiple levels

and embezzle company funds?

But you're the co-CEO.

You'll have to agree to that ridiculous sale.

Well, I'll have to pretend to sign off unwillingly.

We'll have to let her know that Morris and

Mega passed on the sale.


I have to see how Sena threatens me.

I want to see if she still has moves left to make.

Are you referring to Bobby?

- Do you think Emily told her? / - I'm not sure.

We'll have to see.

- Who was that? / - Why are you here?

I'm still your friend. I should visit at least once.

Get out.

What are you here to get out of me this time?

Do you think I'll tell you? No.

Not a chance. Get out.

Get out. I said, get out!

- What's wrong with you? Calm down. / - Get out!

Get out!

Get out.

Get out.

Please leave.

Calm down.

- It's okay. / - I'll get the doctor.

It's okay.

We gave her a sedative. She should calm down soon.

- Thank you. / - Sure.

Emily, are you sleeping?

(Call log)


Go back to sleep.

What are you doing?


I'm Emily's friend.

Are you looking for Yun Jeonghan?

Okay. I'll call you back.

She was given a sedative and just fell asleep.

- Why? / - Someone named Sena came...

And she had a panic attack.

Did they talk?

No. She screamed as soon as she came in.

So she left right away.



Hey. It's me.

Go back to sleep.



Holding my phone.

Just a minute ago while I was asleep.

Was it a dream?

Yes, I'm sure it was.

Nothing happened.

I swear...

I didn't tell anyone anything.

- I swear. / - I know.

Don't worry and go back to sleep.

Are you serious?

Hyeongi exposed the corruption

by his uncle and his dad

on the company PA system?


I heard he drew his sword. He was really determined.

But why do you look like that?

It's nothing.

Ms. Han, you have a guest.


Can I get an employee discount?

Sure, of course.

That's not why you're here, is it?

I thought you'd want to know about Bobby.

He's dangerous, isn't he?

He's a Korean gangster in L.A.


I told you that boss saved my dad's life, right?

That's why he's on the run.

Seeing how he called Emily...

That means he knows Jeonghan changed his name

to James Jang, right?

He wouldn't come to Korea

without knowing where he is.

- But... / - But what?

Boss apparently spoke with Bobby himself.

He said he'd go to the U.S. once he was done.

Once we take over YB City tomorrow,

we can catch Chief Baek.

Then it's over.


Hold onto him so he can't go anywhere afterward.

This is where my friend recommended.


We want to redo our house.

I see. As you can see, we can do the interior

of the entire home.

We want to do it all in one go.

I want something neat and unique.

You came to the right place.

We have new products for the kitchen and bathroom.

Would you like to take a look?

- Yes, please. / - Okay.

Take a look around.

It looks like a real house.

Honey, let's do it just like this.

I really like the kitchen.

Chairman Kang would like to see you.

It's been a while.

Have a seat.

It's the first time since my father passed away.

Chairman Jeong is very angry.

I was rude toward him.

I wanted to ask you why you went that far.

Gayeong and...

I know there's nothing going on between them.

Then why are you doing this now?

Chairman Jeong and I are powerless now.

Hyeongi has the power,

so he can marry whoever he wants.

You've been patient all this time.

I just have to wait quietly.

Why did I anger an elder?

That's your question, correct?

I thought it was the best way to break up for good.

I'll be frank with you.

I know that Hyeongi

isn't over you.

I want to know how you feel.

I have no intention of marrying him at all.

I feel differently from Chairman Jeong.

I'm his father by name only.

I haven't done anything for him.

Even with his first marriage...

I did something worse...

When we met your family.

That's why I asked you here

to do something as his father.

To tell you that I won't oppose your marriage.

Let me ask again.

What do you wish to do with my son?

I will...

Not marry him.

It isn't because this family is our enemy.

It's not like I don't like Hyeongi either.



Can't have children.

I assume...

You'll agree with me now.

Please convince Hyeongi for me.

Where could she have gone?

What is she doing?

Something must be bothering her

but she won't say.

Okay. Bye.


She is such a headache.

Are things not going well with Hyeongi?

Why would they not?

They've cleared up the misunderstanding.

Tell me about it.

I'm so down.

It's slippery out, so be careful.

That's right.

What's the name of the company

that Jeonghan started?

Good Friend. Great name, right?

What does it do?

I bet you'll be surprised.

What? Is he gathering all the factories that were there

and buying back the land or something?

Why are you laughing?


What's wrong? Are you sick?

I think I'm coming down with something.

Did you schedule the procedure

to remove the myoma?

Let's get that done soon.

I won't do it.

Are you insane? Why not?

I'm tired.

I don't feel like arguing with you.

- I want to sleep. / - It's not like I'm picking a fight.

You're acting strange, that's why.

Why are you back already?

You said you had to check out several

pork stew places.

We did and ours is by far the best.

Right? Ours tastes the absolute best.

You ate only the potatoes.

Do you even know what tastes good?

What about you? You were so excited

that I was only eating the potatoes,

and ate all the meat.

You weren't eating it anyway.

You know what? Forget it.

Let's reconsider our dating.

I really want to open the second location

but I can't be with you.

What? Why not?

Because I ate only the meat?

No. Because you are absolutely clueless.

What? What did I do?

This punk.

I don't know if he'll ever get married like this.

Didn't you know that Haeri doesn't like meat?

That's why we're a good fit!

Am I wrong?

What will we do with him?

She should've said if she

wanted to eat something else.

You have a mouth!


I shouldn't be laughing.

That kid.

What are Jaedong and Haeri doing?

They'll probably remain good friends for life.

Is something wrong?

You smile but then frown again. What's wrong?

Nothing's wrong.

- I'm just... / - Is it because of Chief Baek?

If Jeonghan says...

He won't get hurt and not to worry,

so I should believe him, right?

Why? Is he doing something dangerous again?

No. Just...

Gayeong! You have a guest!

I heard the broadcast from the lobby.

You dropped a major bomb.

Jeonghan said the real owner was someone else.

He was right.

They're your father and uncle, after all.

Didn't it hurt you to do that?

It did...

But not as much as before.

Then you did the right thing.

I wanted to hear that from Jeongbin.

Have you still not seen her?

Once again, she's avoiding me

or perhaps I keep missing her. I'm not sure.

You know why...

She's doing this, don't you?

I heard...

But it's not something I can say.


I came to discuss something else.

It's an address.

Who is it?

The person who gave birth to Sena.

I received help from the police using Sena's DNA.

Her mother had already registered her DNA

and have been waiting for many years.

That means she wants to meet her.

I think...

You should meet her first.

She must be waiting for her daughter.

We don't know what will happen to Sena.

Are you asking me to explain Sena's situation?

Will that be too difficult?

Songi, shall we spend Christmas

in Switzerland?

Okay. I'd like that.

Do you know where Switzerland is?

As long as I'm with you, I'll be happy anywhere.

Me too.

I can live anywhere as long as

I have you, Songi.

Yes. You people will do

whatever it takes to lock me up.

I'll just leave with Songi before then.

Prison? Not a chance.

Grandpa, I'm going to Switzerland with mommy.

You are? You must be happy.

I don't have my company anymore,

so I have nothing to do.

I'll just take a trip.

What do you mean? You have Rudychi Korea.

Rudychi Korea?

It's the exclusive distributor of all of

Rudychi's brands in Korea.

She succeeded.

Why did you do that without discussing it with me?

- Did you do your research? / - I'm not stupid.

I find that guy Yamamoto suspicious.

Worry about yourself.


Didn't you tell him that you called

Jeongbin here yesterday?


Why are you doing this?

Uncle's bad enough. Must you do that too?

- How could you... / - Then what?

Should I go to her workplace?

I just wanted to talk to her, that's all.

You should've gone through me.

I called to apologize because

I've wronged her family so much.

And I wondered why you two broke up.

- We will not break up. / - She thinks otherwise.

Father, what did you say...

I told her I'm for your marriage, punk!

Jeongbin, wake up.

Aren't you going to work?

Do you know what time it is?


Do you feel sick?

I don't know.

I can't get up.

Hey. What's wrong? Get up.

Hold on.

Oh, my gosh. What's this?

Were you bleeding?

What's wrong? Get up.

Oh, no. Jeongbin!

Jeongbin! Wake up.

Do you have the bid request?

No. We don't need to take bids.

Just sign it.

Are you kidding me?

You know how much the YB City building is worth...

You're not the one taking a loss.

I won't sign this.

No. You'll have to.

Bobby? I called yesterday.

Yun Jeonghan is with me right now. Hold on.

What should I do?

Should I tell this man where you are,

where your son is and everything else?


If I don't sign this, you'll call Bobby back?

Sign this...

And I'll delete this number right now.


I should delete this number after I leave this country.

Who knows what you'll do before then?

Thanks, Jeonghan.

I never knew

there would come a day when I'd thank you.

Are you leaving YB like this?

Did you live like that...

Just to do this?

What do you mean just this?

I'm the CEO of Rudychi Korea.

This company, Good Friend, is our subsidiary.

So I got YB City

as an added bonus for only $100 million.

I'm sure you got a commission.

I did.

I got paid in multiple ways.

When I came to Korea...

I had only one goal.

To join the Kang family as the daughter...

And destroy YB Group completely.

I fulfilled my mom's dying wish and got revenge.

I'll never see you again.

I may change my name

and start a new life like you.

- Don't look for me. / - Fine.


The truth is...

No other company put in bids.

- What? / - Both Morris and Mega...

Had passed already.

Then why...

I wanted to see what you'd use against me.

It was...

Just Bobby?


He'd fly here on the next flight to kill you.

I told you from the start...

That I'd risk my life to catch you.

Come in.

You may take this table.

Is your name Lee Jeongin?

Yes, that's me.

Do you mind sitting with me for a minute?

My name is Han Gayeong.

It isn't me but...


I got a call from the police.

That child... My daughter...

Yes, that's why I'm here.

She's alive, right?

She's doing well, right?

For more infomation >> Love To The End | 끝까지 사랑 EP.98 [SUB: ENG, CHN] - Duration: 32:53.


Video: Cold moving back in Tuesday night - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Video: Cold moving back in Tuesday night - Duration: 3:01.


Son Heung-min scores 8th EPL goal of season in Tottenham Hotspur's 3-0 win over Cardiff City - Duration: 0:43.

tottenham hotspur forward son heung-min has carried his hot streak into 2019

helping the London club to a comfortable three nil win over Cardiff City on

Tuesday in the Premier League with a goal and an assist the South Korean

international set up Tottenham second goal of the match and scored himself in

the 26th minute of the first half it was the 5th game in a row that Shawne has

either scored or helped one of his teammates find the back of the net so

far this season the 27 year-old has scored 11 goals with 8 of those coming

in the English Premier League

For more infomation >> Son Heung-min scores 8th EPL goal of season in Tottenham Hotspur's 3-0 win over Cardiff City - Duration: 0:43.


UK police treat Manchester's New Year's Eve stabbing as terrorist attack - Duration: 0:31.

on the news police in the English city of Manchester are treating a New Year's

Eve stabbing of three people as a terrorist incident a 25r old male

suspect is in custody after the attack at Victoria were

railway station the three victims including a police officer were taken to

a nearby hospital with serious but not life-threatening injuries

the officer was discharged from hospital on Tuesday

Prime Minister Theresa May expressed concern for the victims and thanks the

first responders

For more infomation >> UK police treat Manchester's New Year's Eve stabbing as terrorist attack - Duration: 0:31.


OMG 3Q | Phân tích Chân tướng Đỏ cuối - Combo - Ưu Nhược | Moon Su - Duration: 35:28.

For more infomation >> OMG 3Q | Phân tích Chân tướng Đỏ cuối - Combo - Ưu Nhược | Moon Su - Duration: 35:28.


UGP Funniest Moments Part 4 - Happy New Years with Paula & Dave! - Duration: 5:56.

Happy New Years!

from Los Angeles, California

you know what realized something here those

Uber Select divers you guys think you're better than everybody else

I do Uber X as well LOL

Party with Dave the Uber Slave and UberGirl Paula tonight in Los Angeles California

Happy New Year!

Can you believe I got Happy New Year'd today?

Alpha Driver - He's being so nice nice driving us as our personal driver tonight...

thank you Mark for doing that you're so sweet!

genuine ostrich...

Why are there so many ostriches?

Paula - What are they doing?

Officer Dingleberry - What are you doing?


What are you doing?

Office Dingleberry - Did you not see the lowers right here?

Office Dingleberry - So are you trying to hit me or what?

Petro what the F@$K?

Alpha Driver La - no I'm trying to get out of this Lane

Are you Ubering?

Alpha Driver La - Yes.

Office Dingleberry Come on man use your eyes

Office Dingleberry - Get out of here

I mean you guys look like a bunch of butt darts

Cops- We look like butt darts?

The message is clear...

don't mess with the Uber driver!

don't mess with the Uber driver!

you let you go!

You're like "yes I'm Ubering"

It's pretty smart to say you were though because

if you were working he"d be more likely to just say "get the F@$k out of here"

tonight the Commissioner has apologized

to that uber driver and the detective is being transferred to a different unit


Happy New Year to everybody out there!


Holy S@$t!

Whare the Tylenol?

You wanna go across the street to um...


Hooters! Yes let's go to Hooters!

Hooters, Hooters yum-yum-yum

Hooters Hooters on a girl that's dumb

over here we are here in the beautiful city of Los Angeles sucking it off

don't animals give me boners

For more infomation >> UGP Funniest Moments Part 4 - Happy New Years with Paula & Dave! - Duration: 5:56.


JADEN SMITH is OBSESSED with VAMPIRES - Duration: 0:45.

How old are you today?

Today I'm a hundred

I do wanna talk abou-



fuck you

I mean


Right now is a big moment for me the other day

I shot like four or five kids in school by accident and we believe it

Yeah, what is going on here people are vampires. This is not normal

This is not how things are supposed to function kids in school are vampires. I've always been obsessed with kids in school

I just don't like you. You're not an icon living. You don't got it. You're not gonna. NAH you need to work harder

NO like you're not on the path of being great. Fuck you.

For more infomation >> JADEN SMITH is OBSESSED with VAMPIRES - Duration: 0:45.


Japanese PM calls military radar incident with S. Korea "dangerous act" - Duration: 1:39.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe a has dumped fuel on the fire of Tokyo's

ongoing military radar spat with South Korea despite Seoul saying last month's

incident was nothing more than a misunderstanding they called it a

dangerous act and he urged Seoul to accept the facts he's Sanjay

with the details despite South Korea strongly rejecting claims a 3200 tons

south korean destroyer recently locked on to a japanese patrol jet Japan

continues to verbally fire back at Seoul in an interview with a site TV on

Tuesday japanese prime minister shinzo lobby called the incident a dangerous

act and South Korea must take measures to prevent something similar happening

again obby adage Seoul must accept what he

called defects this comes as Japanese media reported

Saturday that Tokyo's recent release of video footage related to the incident

was at the order of a bee himself local newspapers report to Abhi's summon

Japanese defense minister Takeshi Weija to his office and ordered the video's

immediate release in the same interview eBay also criticized the South Korean

supreme court's ruling in favor of Korean victims were forced into labor

during Japan's colonial rule of the Korean Peninsula saying it's unheard of

in international law obby also expressed interest and meeting with North Korean

leader Kim jong-un in the future to resolve issues involving Japanese

nationals were abducted by the north in the 1970s and 80s

Eason J Arirang news

For more infomation >> Japanese PM calls military radar incident with S. Korea "dangerous act" - Duration: 1:39.


"Tapup" - Afrobeat x Wizkid x Drake x Popcaan x Dancehall Type Beat - Duration: 4:27.

Buy 1 Get 3 Free at:

For more infomation >> "Tapup" - Afrobeat x Wizkid x Drake x Popcaan x Dancehall Type Beat - Duration: 4:27.


A Blizzard- Feeding and Recovery on the Ranch - Duration: 9:18.

hi I'm Mike over the last few days we've been dealing with the biggest snowstorm

well so far this winter with about a foot of new snow and winds up to about

40 miles an hour and temps down to almost 10 below zero today we're gonna

see how the ranch deals with a blizzard and the process of starting to dig out

on our Wyoming life

Happy New Year and welcome back to our longing life you know any time around

here we never know what to expect and this year is actually proving to be no

different thanks for joining us for another year

and if you're new please subscribe and join us as we continue to explore the

ranch life and escape the ordinary now we knew we had a storm on the way we

were forecasted for up to nine inches of snow overnight but waking up we were

surprised by how it affected the entire area all of the roads in the county were

closed there was no going to town there was no going anywhere as snow along with

high winds had created some major drifting and that drifting can cause

some interesting things some areas the ranch are bare some are plagued with

four-foot snowdrifts and it's those drifts that make things fun but can also

cause problems for animals we don't get to take a snow day everybody still needs

fed water still need checked and more importantly animals have to be able to

get to the food and the water although I would much rather stay inside we have to

venture out and do our chores the process of feeding well isn't much

different just a little bit more difficult we keep a close to the house

for just such situations but sometimes getting to that hay can even be a battle

luckily we have the tractor the snow is light enough that the giant drifts don't

cause too much trouble although a running start does help the bales we

keep close by are stacked over by Aaron's high tunnels which seem to have

avoided the majority of the drifting and because the storm is still ongoing

there isn't much point in trying to clear any of the snow yet anything we

open up will drift back in and once the storm passes we'll have plenty of time

to move snow around for now our goal is just to get the cows fed water and

animals checked each patch of bare ground blowed and

somewhat clean leads to another drift some bigger than others but we move

steadily through to get the cows their food they tend to stay in the barn and

weather like this but food always brings them out and with cold temperatures

we're gonna actually feed extra as we can count on digestion to create body

heat the more they eat the warmer they're gonna be and that's one luxury

that we can afford to give them today all told they're gonna eat about 4,500

pounds of hay today hopefully enough to last them a little while and keep them

warm we also check not only the breeding cows but other cows and animals around

the ranch with the snow and the drifts the only way to get around the ranch day

is with the tractor and it becomes our sole source of transportation the pigs

are fed and steers and calves and other Corral's are checked on as drifting

happens it can sometimes limit access to water for cows and the only thing we can

do today is make sure they have an area open enough for them to get through

tanks that are currently filled with snow or filled with water and everybody

may not be happy but at least they're fed and we can wait out the rest of the

storm but the work isn't done of course days like today lend itself perfectly to

getting something done in the shop and today we're gonna work on the Gator

while it can't go anywhere and while it's snowed in our Gator is a 2011 825

eye it's been used a lot around the ranch and Gilbert originally bought it

for himself then decided that he liked his little Gator better it's much better

than going out in the winter on a four-wheeler to check cows especially at

night during camping and it has been a godsend

one thing that I've never liked about it however are the lights we've added a

spotlight to the top of it to help at night but you might as well hold the

flashlight out the window now is the time to fix that problem before calving

and before we're going to be out checking

cows at night for Christmas my mother-in-law gave me a new light for

the Gator it's a 24 inch LED light bar the plan is to mount it to the Gator and

I thought about putting it up high but I'm not sure how it'll obstruct the

spotlight so the plan is to mount it down lower on the grill guard

luckily the installation and assembly is pretty much idiot-proof which may be why

my mother-in-law got it for me in the first place the first step is to install

the switch that will control the light bar we're gonna mount it in the dash and

we're gonna make a 3/4 inch hole to accommodate it using a step drill bit we

can drill into the faceplate of the dash until we can get the wiring through and

pump the switch into place next up is power and that's gonna come off the

battery now I could wire it into the switch but I don't know if I'll ever

need the lights when the Gators not running so we're gonna wire it directly

to the battery other accessories are wired this way including the dome light

and the harness for the cake feeder but there's room for one more set of wires

the harness that was included is nice it's all-inclusive with a fuse and the

plugs needed so not much wiring is really required after hooking it up to

the battery wires are ran to the front where we can test it and see if it works

now it's time to mount it to the Gator the brackets are attached to the light

using supplied bolts and then we can attach them to the grill guard marking

our place for the holes then drilling it out and attaching it with quarter inch

bolts this thing's going to be bouncing around a lot so let's not forget lock

washers although I'm sure I'm still gonna have to remember to retighten it

after a few hours of rattling around

after getting the light mounted a was off to work in the Attic but I can't

show you any of that because we're planning on debuting a new livestream

studio in office in our next livestream which will actually take place this

Thursday to the 3rd at 7 p.m. I can tell you it's gonna be done and it looks

amazing mostly due to Aaron who's much better at

designing things like that than I am I do hope that you can pop in and join us

as we plan on having a guest here with us who without his help we never would

have got it done the storm has stopped the Sun is now shining and I'm happy to

say that the cows made it through without any problem as for the ranch

it's time to start digging out again the tractor is all that can move around even

the Bobcat would probably get stuck and after attaching the bucket we can start

the process of moving snow and making paths

time it's sometimes a short supply around here but a snow day for us just

means more time to get something else done that might have waited until we

really needed it trying to stay ahead of the project list

is just as much a part of the list as marking things off and thanks for coming

along today there's plenty of more snow to move and I can't wait to get the

Gator out and try out this new light yes that's gonna have to wait until dark

again I hope that you can join us Thursday for the live stream there are

always a lot of fun and a chance for us to get to hang out with you and

hopefully being in a new space the whole thing goes off without a hitch but I

guess we'll just have to wait and see on that

thanks again be sure to subscribe and give this video a big thumbs up and if

you don't mind do me a favor and comment below what's your favorite video of 2018

was maybe one that sticks in your mind maybe it was a project list video maybe

it was anything else but I think it'd be fun to see what you guys really like and

then we can do more of that I'm gonna go move some more snow and I'll see you on

Thursday until then have a great week and thanks for joining us in our Wyoming


For more infomation >> A Blizzard- Feeding and Recovery on the Ranch - Duration: 9:18.


Free Fire ศึกแย่งปืน คนดูอยากใส่หมู่ ก็มาดิครับ!! - Duration: 10:21.

For more infomation >> Free Fire ศึกแย่งปืน คนดูอยากใส่หมู่ ก็มาดิครับ!! - Duration: 10:21.


Spider-Man Far Home Movie DELAYED!? Disney Not Happy With Sony! Where Is The Spider-Man FFH Trailer? - Duration: 6:02.

what is good YouTube war Stu here with a video on Spider-Man Far From Home

month far from home is are already causing controversy and it's not even

out yet so this started of the week when we got the second Captain Marvel trailer

the first Avengers 4 trailer because we were meant to get the Spider Man far

from home trailer the very same week but then automatically it got stored and got

delayed so what happened is at CC XP Brazil Comic Con they revealed the

trailer to the audience but didn't reveal it to anyone else even no Tom

Holland Jake Gyllenhaal they all destroyed what happened in the trailer

there's multiple clips in literally loads of youtubers loads of Instagram

loads of social media people talking about what happened in the trailer so

for some reason Sony have decided to distance themselves from Avengers 4

because apparently from what's going around apparently Marvel is annoyed at

Sony about the proach they are taken to market their own movie so what's gonna

happen is vengers 4 it's gonna come out in April then spider-man far from home

is got the July slot so it's coming out a brief moment after Avengers 4 but it

seems that Marvel seemed to think that promoting spider-man far from home at

the same time as Avengers 4 is going to ruin the credibility of their actual

movie so also something that I don't really thinks the reason is at cc XP the

black spider-man stealth suit was on the show and generally what happens is a

publication like Entertainment Weekly or something like that they tend to get an

exclusive for a magazine say like insane weekly but it was revealed at CC XP so

they didn't get that so maybe that's the reason why it's being delayed and also I

don't really think this is a problem because it's an independent movie that's

got nothing to do with vengeance for yes spider-man is a pinnacle part of the

future of Avengers but not really at the moment he was decimated so I can

understand while general viewers will be confused of how Nick Fury

he'll and also Peter Parker spider-man are gonna show up in a movie that is set

after Avengers 4 so it appears like maybe Sony cuz obviously Sony's in

marketing some people getting confused saying Marvel but obviously it was made

by Marvel it sparked the MCU but it's funded and marketed by Sony

Pictures some people are getting confused about that so it is a bit

strange to a general viewer how how could you market a movie with three

characters that are supposed to be decimated in Avengers 4 but this is

always gonna be the problem they've always known about this time

slot it's nothing new in that we knew about the spider-man deal we knew how to

movies had so that apparently Marvel isn't happy with how Sony is gonna be

launching their movie their trailers so close so apparently that's the reason

why there is no spider-man far from home trailer at the moment because it's

supposed to be come out every single week since the Avengers 4 trailer is not

coming and now I'm hearing conspiracy theories that Sony are going to get that

cold feet that they are going to delay their own movie post you lie and put it

in a different time slot maybe the the venom timeslot in October no this is not

going to happen they've got a nice time slot in July there's no other superhero

movies coming out around that time I believe so no the movie isn't gonna be

delayed but some people are thinking because the trade has been delayed the

movies gonna be late no Sony would not swap around their time

zone just for Marvel they've got a partnership they are lucky to have

spider-man as part of the MCU so I don't really understand why the problem why

Sony are having to rethink their marketing strategy just because Marvel

apparently annoyed but they knew about this

they knew there's so many spoilers are there through the film and they filmed

by one father mostly outside so Nick Fury was seen walking around London he

was seen in Italy so the spoilers are already there and of course there is no

Avengers endgame spoiler inside the first trailer there won't be they don't

have to address it at all they can address it inside the movie which most

likely will have Tom Holland having post dramatic stress disorder he's most

likely gonna have that once Ironman has died I mean obviously I think half half

the audience are gonna have that when they walk out an Ironman is no longer in

the MCU or is the interesting type point so guys don't worry I've no idea I

presume the trains gonna have to come out soon because they are losing

credibility in my opinion they shouldn't bow down to Marvel because they are in

charge of their own movie I understand that maybe some stuff leaked that they

didn't want to leak but obviously Nick Fury Maria Hill and Peter Parker were

always going to be seen so I see I've got a question for you guys where the

hell is the first trailer and I don't really understand why people are trying

to say Oh spy my father my movie is now getting delayed no no it's just not

happening this videos are more informal raw one cut to get my ideas out there

about why the trailer hasn't come and is the movie going to be delayed it

wouldn't really make any difference if they did delay the movie but it's

supposed to be set after Avengers 4 and supposed to be supposed to kick the MCU

phase for going forward so realistically no Sony will not change their timeslot

from July anyway guys I would love to hear all your theories down below of

what is going on why are they delay in the first trailer makes absolutely no

sense because like I said Sony movie nothing to do with Marvel anyway guys

please like subscribe and comment and I will catch you in another video a very

soon Katya Elena

For more infomation >> Spider-Man Far Home Movie DELAYED!? Disney Not Happy With Sony! Where Is The Spider-Man FFH Trailer? - Duration: 6:02.


Hopes For 2019 [CC] - Duration: 6:32.

Hey guys!

Welcome to my channel!

My name is Cheyenne Roby.

This video is not scripted.

It's not planned.

So, I have no idea how many jumpcuts I'm gonna have to put into this while editing, but we

gonna do this!

Another New Year's tradition I though I'd try and start on this channel is to kinda

talk about my hopes for the following year.

So I though Id make a little video on some things that I hope happen next year.

I am hoping that I can learn more and more about things I can do in regards to calming

down if I'm having a lot of anxiety about something or if I'm just kinda feeling down.

I'm hoping that this year that it is less often, and also that I can gain more tools

on how to manage it.

Another thing that I hope happens is tattoos!

I would love to get tattooed; I think that the idea of having artwork on my body is so


I have one that I want really REALLY badly.

I want a lion on my forearm.

Black and grey.

Hey guys!

So, I am currently editing.

I filmed this video Christmas Eve.

Little did I know that one of my Christmas presents was that I was going to go get my

lion tattoo!

And, it's not QUITE done yet, and I will talk more about that sometime later, but I thought

I'd give you that update and I have my lion tattoo!

And I love it so much!

It is black and grey, like I mentioned.

Hes pretty awesome!

And I love him, but I thought I'd put that in there since I mentioned that I want that


So, I definitely still wanna finish this tattoo, and I wanna maybe get more tattoos.

I don't know.

I'm excited about that!

I'm hoping that my channel grows more, of course.

I'm hoping that more of you guys come and join this wonderful group of people, and that

I can continue to spread awareness for disability!

Maybe I can talk about LGBTQ+ stuff.

Maybe I can talk about mental health.

Maybe I can talk about all sorts of things.

I really want this next year to be kind of a period of exploration, kind of.

I definitely wanna do more storytimes.

I actually have a notebook where I've been tracking video ideas.

I also have an idea for a series where I just sit down and talk to you guys about various

things, whether that be something to do with disability, whether it be something to do

with mental health, whether that be an event that's going on, or a life event.

And I really want to work on (both online and in-person) being more open.

I talk and talk and talk, but I have a hard time talking about what bothering me.

I also wanna work on speaking up for myself because I kind of have a fear of confrontation.

So, when I get my feelings hurt, I end up not saying anything at all, which is not good.

And then I tend to bottle things up inside, and THAT'S not good.

And I want to work on that.

I am going to college this year!

Like...away to college!

And that's both exciting, and terrifying, and I will talk about that later.

Maybe I'll do one for that series I was talking to you guys about.

But, it's definitely a bit terrifying, the idea of moving away.

But, it's also going to be pretty exciting because I'll be able to try new things, I'll

be able to---I always look at moving as a chance to start over.

You can reinvent yourself, as my Dad says.

So, I'm excited to see what happens there.

I'm excited to see who my "flatmates" are.

More on that later!

Another thing that I am hoping for 2019, is that I will learn a whole lot more sign language

because I am going into the American Sign Language/English interpreting program!

And I am so excited about that!

So so excited!

And I'm not 100% sure where I wanna go with that degree.

But, I do know that that is definitely what I want to pursue.

Another thing that I am hoping is that I can start being healthier, living a healthier


So, eating a little bit healthier, exercising, and just for psychological and muscular....improvement.

I can't think of anything else right now because I am constantly coming up with goals for myself

that I hope to achieve.

And, I just hope that this year is a great one for me and for all of you.

May 2019 be the best year we've had yet!

And I love you guys so much!

Comment below what some of your hopes are for 2019.

Some of your goals.

Rather they be personal goals or otherwise.

Things that you hope will happen in 2019.

Love you guys so much!

And I'll see you later!


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