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Maggie Meets Mom's Heart || Episode 37 ||The Binding of Isaac Afterbirth + - Duration: 49:42.Hello everybody, my name is Hudinio and welcome back to the binding of issac afterbirth Plus
This is episode 37 and in today's episode. We are going to attempt to
Get closer to our goal of
100% completion of this save file and I did not need to do a greed mode. So let's actually get out of here
We're gonna do hard mode with Magdalene
because we are looking to get to and beat mom's heart as
Usual, alright, so Magdalene, come on, do do well here
It's basically luck of items at this point with Magdalene
I would have liked to have unlocked the SMB superfan in yesterday's challenge mode, but unfortunately, we didn't quite get there
I was having a tough time with the husk at the end
And yeah, it just it was not a good time for anybody. We did have a ton of money though
Alright speaking of money. Here's one penny and
Yeah, now we're just looking for our item room or shop in our boss the hive
Have I mentioned that I don't like spiders in this game
I don't know if I've mentioned it if I have mentioned it, please let me know in the comments
There we go big spider and you are no more oh
Oh, I didn't realize we had curse of the unknown. Okay, damage up quick its head. Thank you so much
Magdalene is no longer a wimpy baby. Ah
You know what
I know using this can unlock things. I don't know what those things are
Yet but I'm gonna look into using the cursed room
Basically, we can use it to get money we can use it to unlock
The Angels and we can get to mega Satan before
Before we unlock mega satan, so yeah, it might be worth looking into in the future
For now, it may have just been a huge mistake to use that
Come on come down here
Thank you very much and no tinted rocks you are banned a thousand today Magdalene
Is there any chance I can hit him there we go. I can't actually hit him good. Alright first floor boss. Let's see
Who do we got Widow? Hello widow?
Widow is not too bad Widow does not have a lot of HP, but widow's spawn spiders
And what is the one thing in this game? I hate the most spiders
Ok widow Widow is gonna go down fairly quickly here
Done and done. What do we get?
Curse of the unknown and that's what HP end look up. I'll take it Magdalene with almost full HP is a good thing
I do wish some of this was soul hearts because I don't have
Any deal with the devil protection at the moment, well, this is not a fun room
There's a tinted rock up here
Now we have soul heart protection now, I'm not as worried
Is there any way I can hit these fires
No, but I can just do that run in there turn them all to regular fires and then not worry about it anymore
I will be checking everything for coins. I'm hoping to get a Steam sale. I'm hoping to get to
Steam sales and a restock would probably be ideal
I think that's a gamebreaking combo right there
But for right now, we're just gonna play it one room at a time one room at a time and not get hit as often
God, I can't believe I got hit there. I will be getting this tinted rock assuming I can get another bomb
No mulligans
No, you guys don't want to walk into fires, it's not what you do best
God you got you
The ever rune ooh, okay, so if we can get that
Tinted rock and it has soul hearts in it. We will be using the arrow rune on that
There's no way for me to get this without taking that all you kidding
I'm so annoyed right now
Oh god, I am so irritated
I first used to yell Arun, okay
You can see my my annoyance at what just happened made me completely forget that we had the air Arun
We're young fat baby, come on
I need our young heart back. I
Mean having a bomb every two rooms is okay. I'll tell you what
Let's take our young heart. Then I'm going to take our bomb as well
Use the young hearts
Okay, don't forget to use Yara we have another chance here in the shop
We have half-price items. Okay. So here's what we're gonna do
You're gonna hear this
So this will give us decent amount of HP
I'm gonna come back and get three coins and use that get that broken stopwatch
Thank You flies
You very very much okay
Looking for the secret room. It could be north of this room
That's kind of what I'm hoping and where I'm gonna go with it next these guys shoot tears what they do. Do they do anything?
I'm excited don't know what I'm excited does use our bomb
Give me money
Thank you so much. You are super generous
Okay, so now I'm gonna go take the broken stopwatch
What else do we need what we needed to deal with the devil and unfortunately we completely ruined that chance
Broken stopwatch. Thank you. I don't know what it does. It probably just told me and I forgot to look
Let's try to find our boss now and get on down to the next floor
What happened to the music Oh
Broken stopwatch slowed time in here
Did it slow it permanently cuz that's amazing if it did
It has a chance to slow time Wow, okay, I honestly wasn't expecting that. I think that's pretty awesome actually
Any tinted rocks, you know, okay now we're back up to regular speed
Broken stopwatch awesome. That's an awesome item. I think I think so anyway
See if we can get it to proc another time
Okay, I'm going to move this over to our tinted rock and get two birds one stone
Just like that
And we got a bomb an actual bomb
Okay, so I think we're doing okay item Y is here
Not too too worried. I am happy that there's a red chest because it could contain a guppy item
And God, but if we get TRO bombed
Okay, um boss times who did we get monstro monstro in one of the worst possible rooms. However, he slowed thanks to our
broken stopwatch
Okay, so monster cannot jump as far
When he slowed like this, so it actually makes the fight a little more difficult
It's a little harder to predict. Okay bandages when we get HP up. Thank you so much. I
Would have liked our deal with the devil, but you know what let's head on down to the next floor
We're gonna be guaranteed to get one here. Assuming we don't take three hearts of
spirit heart damage
Coffee so good. Okay
This games starting us in one of the worst spots in this room. Luckily we had the fastest
Reaction speeds possible. We just stupid dang it and we destroyed those silkworms
All right, what do we got we got come on
Thank you so much for dying. I will be taking pills today health up. Thank you
Do we see it's got her greet heads, huh? They drop and make me drop coins on the ground
Um, did we see attempted rock anywhere while I'm fighting these guys? No adults
But tinted rocks are a little harder to see on this floor
Okay, and neat this guy just to die thank you so much and one more pluses fighter
two birds one stone maybe now
There we go, okay, ah
Seven coins I will be going into the shop
Five cent tarot card the stars stars will bring us right to the item room piercing shots. Oh, yeah, okay
Piercing shots are huge for us and we have to luck. Oh
God oh god
Got bats
And one more should do it
Super champion, right? Okay. No way to get to that chest no way to get to the red heart
Oh, okay my keyboard decided to stop working there for a second kind of scary
But in the end we made it and what did I say?
I said we didn't want to take three full soul hearts of damage. And what are we doing here?
We're almost taking three full soul hearts damage, not too happy about this
We've got to play better
Okay, you're gonna pop up
Ah, we could have a secret room here, let's give it a shot. Thank you Oh more money
Now with this money did we go back to the shop at all? I don't know
Well after two coins, okay, not the worst
These guys have crazy amounts of HP, by the way
Owl, please. Stop hitting me you hurt so bad
Which way do we go which way do we go? Let's go up
All you son of a
That's me being
Not cocky. I don't think but me being confident in our damage and that was
obviously a mistake, okay, um
Yeah beep all right, so peep least favorites one of my least favorite bosses
All right peep you just stand there and keep doing that
Luckily this room is slowed. Thanks to our broken stopwatch. However, his tears are not slowed
This is a champion version of peak because he is spawning out red hearts instead of his pea hearts or his pea
For doing all rights and
peep is
dead look
We did end up getting our deal with the devil anyway, so there's our damage up and we have enough health to take
A headless baby. Yeah, I guess we'll take headless, baby
We'll just spawn creep around the outside
He's not terrible. Now. I am gonna do something a little controversial here. I'm gonna fool clear this floor because I need soul hearts
There we go
Any soul hearts and I need items. And also if I can find the super secret room, that would be great as well
Okay, can you just you just get dead thank you so they're more ah, we have these guys, huh
What else two more
Where could super secret room be can't be there
Slowed bossfight piercing shots absolutely destroys the worm guys like the king silkworms, whatever this guy is called
It's no tinted rocks here, however
It's a very light floor for rocks it's not a whole lot going on. I already found our secret room
I like our bomb guy. Thank you. Super cool
Okay, and you're dead
Great now we get the golden key
Golden key at the end of the level not exactly what I wanted. I
will however be taking
Part in our
Mob chatroom, that's right. Okay, that's dead. It's gonna spawn a fly which is now dead. I
Assume I can get into our mob drop room. Anyway. Yes, I can what do we got?
Why not
Thank you headless, baby
Hell let's maybe actually saved our life there
And super easy, okay. So yeah, this was okay
I don't know what this item is
But I will take it cancer cancer actually brings our tears rate down which is huge for us
Okay, eight damage eight tears rates
Yeah, this is well worth it. Well, we're at the full clear
The D for D for room
What does the D for room do
Alright, I'll tell you what guys give me one second to look this up because I feel like this is important
This might be huge for us. Ah
So where do we got what we got rooms?
Dice room
D for rerolls any collectibles on the floor like the d6 wood does not reroll collectibles in the devil room angel room or shop
Okay, so actually not useful for us
since we have no collectibles on the floor that are worth getting to
Alright, I think that's gonna do it for this floor. So let's head on down to the next one
I'm not gonna worry about looking for the super secret room. I don't want to waste bombs
I'd rather just get going on this run already sixteen minutes in and I think we're only on for three
But with piercing shots and with the damage we have we're doing pretty well you have a boss trap room we have an arcade
Okay, this is a very interesting arcade
Let's go ahead and blow everything up in it
What is this Polaroid you feel faded
The Polaroid versus cancer I think cancer is a much better trinkets. So we're gonna keep cancer
Your dad and your dead and also you are dead as well
Okay, not my favorite room
But easy enough anyway
Anything worthwhile in here and no there is not no tinted rocks to get to I'm not going to waste keys on coins
That doesn't make much sense Oh
The guy came right for me, I don't know how I didn't get hit but you know what I'm happy I didn't get hit
36 percent chance for deal with the devil. I will be going to the curse room here
And this was not worth it. It could be worth it. But this time it wasn't all that for a bomb
Okay, what do we got Mulla booms old booms did not make it
What is this lusty blood perhaps no anemic toxic blood
What does Annie Mia do interesting
Okay, we could have a secret room here so let's go ahead and check since we have a bomb nope
Only a few more rooms to go
Man I wish they had all stayed lined up like that. It could have had a very easy fight with spiders
Luckily when these guys die, their little spiders died almost instantly because of the piercing tear effect
We have too much money now if I find a donation machine, I'm probably gonna end up donating money to it
Yeah, I don't need all this money
Let's go down first
There we go nothing in here
Could have a secret room here though. So let's actually check that while we have our space bar item charged
All right, here we go let's see what do we have in our shop anything good soul heart which I'll probably take and
Destroy this guy and then we'll donate a whole bunch of money to our shop donation machine
There's options has appeared in the basement. That was a max donation, by the way, which is huge
So we just got a new item unlocked
Yeah, that's actually really good for us
There's options. I don't know if it's the more options thing or if it's something different. The more options item is gold. There's options
I think might be silver
I'm gonna have to look into it to see which ones which
Will not be fallin for that trap today. Thank you very much
So we have not gotten a speed upgrade with Magdalene yet and we do really need one Maggie still has base speed
Caddies and
We're also doing very well with keys and bombs not wanting for either at the moments
Where is this boss, this boss is nowhere to be found
Some epic dodging right there on my part, here's our boss sir
Do we got hallo hallo is not gonna make it especially with piercing tears
got them and
The hollow is dead. Super dead. Not a little dead the most dead the hollow can possibly be
Okay, so we to get a mushroom. Thank you very much. HP tears up shop speed down
max tears rate with piercing shots
Damage is decent head on down
We almost have too much read health, I mean I'm not going to complain too much I know having read health is a good thing
Especially for me when you're not used to not having read health, but at the same time
Having more soul hearts is better. I think
Everything I've heard and everything I understand about this game
Soul hearts are superior. But if I had to choose, I guess I will take any type of health over no health
Ok, so are the poops immune to getting dragged into this
Seems that way
And last pub please die, thank you
Cursed room petrified poop. You're not better than cancer
such an odd sentence to say
Okay, super easy room here nothing to worry about this one's gonna split into multiple though
If it ever dies
Full charge battery
Just because we have the full charge, let's see I knew it no
Piercing shots against guys who you have to hit in a certain direction is huge makes them super easy
Okay, we're just gonna go into the big room get it over with
Thank You max tears rate is absolutely destroying everything
Um get to go here let's see next spot is down I guess
So max tears rate what would I like with this? Um,
more damage more speed for sure a
Different space bar item. I mean, I'm not unhappy with
the big bomb it's saving us a lot of bombs and it's super helpful, but
something better, maybe I
Think this is just flaming bombs, so I'm actually gonna re-roll this
Dead Sea Scrolls, no. Thanks
As this
99 bombs is the very bomb filled run, isn't it? Mom's wig?
Just find something better
Lard, okay so lard is what we get. I
Won't be taking lard either. I'm sorry lard is a speed down but an HP up I
Can't I can't lose any more speed with my balloon. Unfortunately, I don't have I just can't do it
Maglin already has such low speed she can't take anymore
Looking for our boss haven't found him yet could be anywhere. I
Had no idea that was even a champion hopper
KQ bones
Get absolutely destroyed tarot-card. Thank you very much death death to all who oppose you that's right
Okay, this looks like a room that would have a tinted Rock unfortunately it doesn't but it could have a secret room
So let's check it out
Does not are you joking?
All right. Where is our boss are we doing a full clears? It's an Excel floor. It's it is an Excel floor
so there will be two item rooms actually and
two item rooms and two bosses
Can you you just come out here, please
Ah nothing in here worth while still looking for our second item room then
Yeah, 100% I'll do this
Okay for set Tammy's head it's not cup he's head
Wheel of fortune, okay, just pop that down here. So
I think Tammy's head is huge. But Tammy's head does need a few other synergies to really work. Well
for example
Brimstone with Tammy's head is almost a game-winner, but I will take it. You know, the reusable bomb has been huge
Tammy's head it's gonna be better for us
It could be a secret room here. No. All right, it's awesome
Whoa, get out of here guys
All right, ah perhaps a guppy item
No, but a teleport into the devil deal is great, I'm not too fond of fighting Krampus, but I'll do it
Forget the lump of coal, that would be huge
Krampus is not gonna make it Krampus is dead lump of coal. What did I say called that one?
Damage up I believe
And I think it hits harder the further away you are
So yeah good on that. So now I don't have to worry about my deal to devil chance
Just because I don't have to worry about it doesn't mean I still don't want to be careful, why is that guy
Have a crown on his head
All right
Second item room. Okay, there's still also another way for us to go so I haven't fully exhausted this map yet
Cubone skit said sir, the black feather. Um, you got cancers better
okay doing all right with
We found the shop yet
No, we haven't found the shop. We haven't found the other item room
Okay, there's our second item room
So now on this floor these guys have a chance to spawn in as
Cue bones or respawn as cue bones when they die just like that
Luckily we are getting used to cue bones. They're not too too much of an issue anymore. Here's the tinted rock finally
Okay, good to go I had a room what do we have being that I don't want or usable knock back
Two coins so looks like we're going the complete opposite way now looking forward the boss looking for the shop
We're kind of full clear this entire excel floor
This is taking way too long
Where we going here straight across and down
Or anything I need to worry about remember there being spikes or anything like that
Wow absolutely destroyed where's our shop
Got it
There's our shop
Um, I need to use way too many keys to get over to the author's key or too many bombs to get over to all
Those keys so I will not be doing that. I will however be reroll Ingush because I don't want
That item chaos chaos is good, but I need one more penny
Okay, um, did we find the secret room yet we have not
Well, let's hope we get one more sense
Okay. Thank you
Let's go back to the shop. And now we're gonna purchase chaos
So chaos is going to shuffle around all the item pools
In the game so we can get deal with the devil items now in the shop we can get them in the item rooms
So yeah, it basically just made this run a little bit better in my opinion
so what's better here the euro rune or
The devil card in the air runs pretty huge let's keep that for now
The damage up with the devil card is good. I
Forgot that we had that I
Wonder if that actually hit anything it didn't look like it
Okay, good to go, uh
Yeah, this is a massive massive floor and we're probably gonna end up going all the way with it, huh
There we go, super dad, of course we went the wrong way
We had one way to go and we went the only way that was wrong
You know what I'm actually kind of happy we're doing much much better with dodging
I can't complain about too too much on this run. I
Can't complain about stuff like this though
- bombs - get over there. I only have two bombs. So I think it's worth it, honestly. Oh
I should get a room that I was stupid. Could I have so much more stuff?
All right
This is what happens when I don't get good items often. I forget to use them
All right. I will you're in this since we have another era somewhere else
For luck. All right, let's again take this error back. Boom. Still looking for the boss. Haven't found it yet
Dad dad dad
Feel her love and cancers better. Monstro - not gonna have a good day
Monstro - it's gonna have a very bad day because seriously
You did not just avoid that. Monstro. How dare you sir?
Okay, so I have to remember when there slowed they don't jump nearly as far
You're killing me sir
Get out of here
Mama mega, all right. We will be saving mama mega for the next floor. Let's leave it here for now. Oh
This is mom, okay
We're just gonna fight mom right away then
Good thing mom is not a hard fight anymore
Need to take it slow take it very very slow
And we'll be fine. You don't want to drag the fight out, but you don't want to rush through it either
There we go, yeah mom's not gonna make it here
Got her mask of infamy and I completely screwed up
I should have taken mom Omega because I didn't realize this was mom's room. Oh
So now we can't go back and get momma Omega, but we can take some damage reduction I
Have no way out of mom's room
Um quite bummed about that, you know what let's head on down to the womb let's not dwell on it too too much
All right two floors, we have a lot of HP and it doesn't mean anything in this in the womb
There's just a few wrong hits will completely destroy us
Okay, like that taking hits like that is not okay this room sucks
Okay, I can kind of hit you
Got you one more you just get just gonna stay hit in like a little chump
That was lucky
Got him. Alright, finally
Brimstone would be ideal here. I think
Oh bullshit
We do have a tinted rock but I don't have a bomb so I'm have to come back here assuming we get one I
Will not be using this I would like to explode it in the face, but I can't
Cursed room
You know, what cursed room is too good to pass up. We're gonna have to go in. Oh
Okay, that guy's just gonna be sitting there Oh
Curse room was not a good idea
Okay, we have two hearts now
Two very small hearts and
There's another tinted rock that I can't explode god. I wish we had mama mega
Mama mega would have been clutch here. I'm so annoyed
He Tammy's head isn't bad. It really isn't mama mega is better because I need bombs. I only have two hearts
Another tinted rock - when no bombs. I have a feeling we're not gonna see bombs
Yeah, there's tinted rocks all over this floor and I can't get any of them
Okay, no ten trucks here but I will take the health
I'm taking this very slow and I'm concentrating super hard here. Uh, what was just sucking me in I have no idea
Masks came in for me. You're not doing your job either by the way, you gross penny
I don't know if I want that I can't get to it anyway
So we only have eight damage
That is hysterical game. You know, that's so funny. That's the funniest thing. I think you've ever done
And your dad please give me a bomb thank you so much
All right, where were those scented rocks? I know there was one here. Boom
And there was another one
You know if that's not into rock here
Now I know we found three tinted rocks total I don't remember where they all are
Let's just keep going in the same direction. I don't want to explore more than I have to since we have
No shops. Is there an item room um in the womb I actually don't remember I don't come down here too often
More bombs, okay
No luck here this is shitty situation
Think that was worth it
Hope I don't regret that decision
Alright, well we found the first boss
It's the Fallen whom I also don't like
Thank you mask it masculine for me. You came in clutch for us there. Okay?
One's dead and okay one is not dead
We did get a deal with the devil. Somehow mom's cursed I charge shot
It's cursed I'm good. Why have I not been using Tammy's head devil deal?
Yeah, I mean it's gonna take away two hearts I don't have filled anyway spirit of the night so I can fly now
Temporary sites and psychic shut and Tammy's heads better. I think so. That was a waste
Okay, um
Now there was another tinted rock there were also bombs. I can take this now
Take this
So I'm just gonna go back real quick and explore the rooms that I was already in
Because I know there's more things that I needed to get out of its
Tinted rocks are around more places. I know they are there's one. Thank you
Copies Paul
Three thank you so much guppies Paul. Okay. I'm gonna keep their our single red hearts and
Wherever those bombs
These bombs are somewhere
Where does this drink adieu
wealth of flies I
think when I pick up
Money, there's a chance that spawn flies on the ground
Okay, I need to play this smart but oh I know where the bombs are I can see them on the map caps stupid
Let's go
straight down
Got them, okay
No tinted rocks here
What what else I think that's it, okay, let's get out of here
Let's head on down to the next floor. Absolutely everyone. I'm not using
Do you keep forgetting it habit? Okay
There we go. So the womb to this is mom's heart
This could be it guys. This is a long episode. I do apologize for that 39 minutes
Kirsta the lost Hey great
Okay, so what am I worried about here I can fly
Got it
It's in through our so I am gonna take this as slow as possible because I do not want to die
Okay, so having max here ray is now offset because this item I picked up is this trapped I can't tell it is trapped
Gurgling you're not gonna make it. I'm sorry
We take a damage down before I don't I
Don't know I don't know if picking up that item was worth it I
Thought it would be but now we can fly so, you know what flight makes this much much easier. Oh
Come on you died before you even shot that and you know it cubone
Well, we're not wanting four keys, that's for sure
But that's just Tovah and exploded
That was so funny
Goddamn dead, how did where did you come from? Seriously?
So in case you don't realize this game I don't need anymore anymore keys, there's no point in giving me keys
We're doing okay with hell if I'm not worried about health anymore go down
Hey Davidson not gonna be able to reach us down here. I'm asking him for me saving our life
Dead you're dead. You're dead and last one
Okay, so this charge shot from the one I picked up moms curse pearl, yeah, I don't ever want to pick this up again
We have to wait too much money as well
We've been down we have nots Oh lust okay
Yeah, last state all over that creep that's on the ground
Boys and touch poison touch is good, but not what I was expecting here
Jesus sinter ox No
Split Loki Loki is a boss. So Loki is a bit of a pain in the butt
Can I do it oh
Okay, so how are we doing this
Okay, I've seen two take out one half of Loki and then this would be much much easier
I'm asking event for me coming in clutch again you guys dead
Half of Loki, come on get get dead, sir
Oh, there we go got you and got you Jesus all that for a penny
Big Dingle not gonna be too much of an issue here. Thanks for slow time a little stopwatch
He has a lot of help though cheese
Still no tinted rocks. Oh I can see
That's what you do. You shoot brimstone, okay
Give you a pass this time
This is not good not a good room for us to be in at all
There we go
Okay, I don't know what these guys do I think they just sit there they don't think they actually do anything 17 keys
Well, I don't have an item. That's like keys or power
But we found our boss that's all that really matters two soul hearts, I'll take I could have you ever in them dang it
Alright mom's heart. Let's do it
Mom's heart slo-mo -
It's gonna be an easy fight probably not I don't think it's gonna be as difficult as it usually would be
Okay, so I'm gonna stand over here on the side see if I can get in there maybe with a bomb or two
Got her that's a good good bomb good bomb. All right
Trying to avoid tears here cuz I don't want to die
It's generally my goal most times I play this game is not dying
Good yeah, I think we're gonna do it. I'm not too too worried anymore welp. She's speeding up
Okay, mom's heart is being an absolute but oh
I forgot about this part too bad mom's heart is dead. Repeat mom's heart for the second time this time with Magdalene
So if you enjoyed this episode guys hit that like button comment below to chat with me subscribe if you haven't already
Let's check out our ending
Yeah, what's that oh
All right guys, I'll see you in the next episode bye-bye
Gamers Reactions to REAPER LEVIATIAN JUMPSCARE! | Subnautica - Duration: 6:02.What was that was it holy fuck
What does nothing all chicks? Oh no
Night oh my fucking good
What was that fucking thing Jesus Christ?
They were scarier than any horror game right? Let me service. Let me just see so there's a flippin in there
I don't know if we can get up on there though. I'm really not sure
Whoa, another one. Whoa, stay away. Stay away. Stay away scum. Andy's coming right for us
Just spawned right full of me. All right, let's go
No, no, no. No. No, it didn't even look at me. No, hang on. Hang on. No, no
No, it's not interested in me. Holy crap. No
So we just follow chop, which is maybe put myself oh
My god staying in here and I'm not leaving. Where is it? Where is it? No, it's literally, right
Where am I? How long is this shit?
Told Ruth freakin water monsters freaked me out. It's not as big as I thought it was gonna be but
Goodness, gracious. We're dead. We're dead
How can I pause the game after that where can I go I have no weapon I don't want to make weapons
I'll have a frickin shank man. And some people in the comment section said oh, don't worry. They only come at night
but no I can't I can't unpause the game like
This imagine yourself in the freaking ocean
With water all sides of you and you don't have anything but a little seat leg
I know it goes kind of fast and freaking huge
Frickin Colossus monster just swims in front of you and save it. I
Got one health Oh
Whoa, whoa, whoa whoa, whoa
No, it's bigger than anything. I've seen before huggy -
Wow Oh Frick ha ha shit. Is it coming for me? Oh, it's coming for me. Is it Oh God
What are you what do you want go away? I don't like you
This is okay Oh my house is loo. Okay
Amazing maneuvers Oh God
Priority timing. Oh no, it's goddamn CMOS Oh Frick dick make a pic Oh God
Whoa, let's wait. Look, what is that?
Nope no wait
Fuck that place
Fuck that place
Fuck that place. No way never going there again. Nope. Nope. Nope, never going there again
What the fuck oh shit
Sup, dude, and you begin long and thick?
Yeah, you can grow them like that you could do whatever the fuck you want you look like a damn boss Oh
God I'm staying away from that thing
I scan that thing
Yeah, go away
Keep bitching over there
We have to find the granary. We ain't got time for that shit get away. I got a scanner
Ain't afraid to scan you
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Best Satisfying Cupcake Decorating Compilation 🍰🍒🍔Most Amazing Cakes Styles & Ideas 2019 - Duration: 10:20.Best Satisfying Cupcake Decorating Compilation | Most Amazing Cakes Styles & Ideas 2019
Thank you for watching! Hope you enjoy & like it!
BLINDFOLDED SHOPPING CHALLENGE!! | JKrew - Duration: 14:08.we're back at the MA my favorite place in the whole entire
world and we're doing the blindfolded shopping challenge so I'm just gonna go
first of all I love shopping I really got shopping my topic was a great thing
to do the blindfolded it's hard not to mention you're picky yes I am beautiful
I like to be comfy and you'll attract like this right here this is great comfy
the center it's a trend Maddie can rock anything right yes but most of all she
likes anything girly 44 luckily year for me so I'd like to be on trend like to be
comfy and that's going to be hard to find when you're blindfolded the two
stars are going to is hmm smooth restores and the kids never pretty one
because they look kids clothes that's ridiculous
everyone if you're watching this you need subtitles and all of your stores so
let's get started for this hard subscribe to be part of the crew let's
get started okay so here are the rules one of you
girls just want to be blindfolded for example you are gonna be blindfolded
you first right yeah so Maddie will guide you around to section it could
even be the boys section she could sabotage your outfit if I can goes from
everybody straight or keep moving that way why did I do that
sure yes you can do what if I think it's supposed to feel like this is the boy
section it's okay and you can feel all the clothes - it fits look and feel soft
it feels like a girl or boy if it's big or small because man I need like seven
dates or a small and a lot of people
you bought this let's do this let's do this everybody color your eyes
almost there Priscilla
okay something hurts you top and adults make yourself
I see I'm in Japan
very cute eight top but that's the dress sounds like continuous is that how it
that's a stupid t-shirt and better be a shirt on your dresser I think you would
you're going to be max what's the like then you didn't pick it but it's like
I'm long citizens like real Antonio guys versus favorite color is yellow and she
didn't pick the yellow oh my gosh
feel like soft and stuff it feels like resizer though and this one here feels
like a picture it's a plenty in a long sleep so le
bodies and I put each of this my size so this is my baby last so over here
I've come to when I bump into me if this is a mere new body a pair of ripped
jeans I need to deal with the fool
that you did
no you're not
I kind of all time going from light use I hope these are lighting on dark
I guess these are good I mean they feel very comfy to me like you got a text
like a very soft turn feeling like um people I like building are you I feel
like Jenna the juggies feel like they're like stretch a little bit I'm getting
this because jeans oh maybe that well Portuguese came back to the accessory
sounds really cute know what much beanies
because I saw in the carryin you make you gay or something necklace over here
yep I think I'm gonna get this one okay okay are you done now okay that's right
fun that's a very scary clown scared where
is walking I thought I was gonna bump into something
I want to find a good shirt if you want to buy like a sweater or like a like
Richard Oh find a sweater I don't like that one - no fuzzy I like it it's
really nice nice and soft don't like anything over here so a new place yeah I
really really really want my what is this one I really like these stuff hmm
I'm gonna get this one good I'm gonna like it so
some paint get dressed
funny short no its gene and why do you want those okay I found much and now I
want some accessories well oh sorry yeah I really nice so nice I really like this
one or comes with like a bracelet yeah I'm definitely gonna get this bracelet
and necklace wait a little necklace I'm not sure yeah
it's just put in okay I'm gonna get this necklace and bracelet men are always on
something perfect for your hair but I want this you don't love it
ah I think it's like you think Jill doesn't air like we better leave won't
even believe it you're gonna love hey I feel like you're not tricking me so I'm
gonna go okay guys I think I'm done now let's go pay strike oh my gosh I'm so
hard what I got I mean I need sweatshirt this is really cute I like this you know
oh oh these look nice I really like you say back to my shirt
no that's what accessories like I hope I got really good one what the heck
these are no match at all I don't think I would ever buy this cut but I'm really
big heavy feel like these party bears so oh my gosh I cannot believe that let's
see this you picked the necklace usally necklace
before rose yeah but you used to love frozen yeah I mean it's money you don't
remember the song let it go he's always
so cute accessories are not my style at all I love the outside office all my
style but come on okay let's see my outfit I really want the color it's
wrong but it's really soft I love the hoodie it's so pretty I got
not only old meat she doesn't touch it all along
but wait a minute the most important part look at the side oh my poor adults
I think since 1820 seriously but it might still look cute yeah yeah a big
sigh let's kill people I totally forgot on the side I just grabbed whatever
let's go now I hope that though because I felt it
oh I love these jeans or dark dark Jean what size it
hey guys let's see in my accessories okay grab the first one
Mady the Queen you like that I always had weird me
Mady can rocket yeah let's see the left
Cooper it's not August she doesn't care
the right size of outfit so now I'm going to borrow these clothes for you
guys so be right back
this video and comment the best
A$AP Ferg Rich Life: Net Worth, House, Endorsements, Cars and Facts - Duration: 2:23.You should turn on the captions for good video experience about ASAP Ferguson, Jr.
If you are thinking that ASAP Ferg is not that much rich or not living luxurious life
then you need to watch how much he has worth, his house, Endorsements, cars, and Discography
Lets Start:
This 2013 Rookie of the Year from BET Hip Hop Awards, ASAP Ferg net worth is around
$6 million.
As per estimate he makes around $3 million US dollars per year from music and other businesses.
Ferg earned the big money by endorsement of big brands like Adidas, , Astrid Andersen
SS16 Collection Clothing, Kwasi Kessie and Trap Lord.
The exact amount of any sponsorship or endorsement is not revealed.
He also done charity for "Arms Around the Child" which rescues the children in South
ASAP Ferg lives in New York City.
His house has 3 bedrooms and 2 baths.
This house has an estimated price of $2.5 million.
I observed great features of this house like private roof, exposed brick, Central Air Conditioning,
and original weathered warehouse floors.
He owns 2018 BMW 1 SERIES BASE 5 which has market value around $65,000 USD.
You may or may not know these interesting facts about him.
For example, ASAP Ferg started his music career by doing rap battles in the streets of Harlem.
ASAP Ferg doesn't eat meat but he makes an exception for fish.
People of this category are called Pescatarian.
Before starting the career in music industry Ferg launched high end business"Devoni Clothing"
which endorsed by many A-list artists including Chris Brown, Swizz Beatz, and Diggy Simmons.
His prominent labels are A$AP Worldwide, Polo Grounds and RCA.
What about my Summary about him?
Well, ASAP Ferg is a perfectionist who succeeded in both business and music.
He totally deserves this rich lifestyle.
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