today's illustrator settings tutorial is actually a reload but not only is it
super essential for a better workflow in the straighter many of you guys would
not have seen this video before my channel so I'm reapplying it today
because I'm a very short on time after New Year celebrations but I've got
more fresh content on typography coming this Friday and then much much more into
the next week but also you can pop down suggestions for future videos in the
comment section below
the first edition in today's video on illustrator preferences for logo
designing is actually more of a setting there are various different tools that
can actually have more precise modes to them so for example I have the pen tool
selected right now and by pressing the caps lock key on your keyboard and now
have a crosshair icon instead of a pen and it's it's useful to me because it's
more precise and the pen icon tends to get in their way so when I'm designing a
logo I like to see as much of the logo design as possible and I also like to
see exactly where I'm clicking the caps lock key function doesn't apply to all
of the tools but it does work for quite a lot of them so experiment by pressing
the caps lock key and see what tools you can make more precise
moving on to the second edition in today's list of preferences is your
tolerance value you can see when I hover a direct selection tool over an anchor
point it automatically is picked up and watch how long it stays connected as I
drag the cursor away in the preference settings we can increase this up to a
maximum of 8 points and then see how far away the anchor point will stay linked
to the selection to us and move it away
with this value being this high you will accidentally select all kinds of things
in your workflow and it's already no ideal especially for a lego designer so
I'm going to advise you to lower this value down to 1 which is the lowest
setting possible for this preference and now you're not going to accidentally
select objects that you don't want to select the next preference that I'd like
to use for later designing is a zoomed object function by default if i zoom in
with the keyboard shortcut a zoomed in to the center of the screen this can be
useful but when I'm designing a logo I like to activate the zoom to selection
option this saves time and in my opinion it just makes life easier as a Lego
designer if I'm working on a specific part of the logo and I want to zoom into
it I can automatically do that without hesitation or hassle
now I've got two more main preference settings for logo designing before I
show you how to save all of your preferences as one preset though group
together this design here with a keyboard shortcut I can still move and
edit individual objects as I wish now how do I do that I double click the
design and enter into the isolation mode which is another essential preference
that I use you can use a direct selection tool as well but it is more
efficient in my opinion in the preference settings menu you can find
the setting here and it's often turned on by default but also in this menu is
the increments value and this is how far you can nudge an object by pressing the
left and the right key on your keyboard and this setting needs to be changed
over time depending on the design and the size of the airport
and the last preference setting today before the awesome tip at the end of the
video is the scaling options this design has a stroke around there and if i
duplicate it by holding down the alt option key and then make it smaller the
stroke actually scales down proportional to the design now this is handy when
resizing objects and I rarely switch the setting off when I'm designing a logo
but sometimes I do so it is handy to know where it is if I do go into the
preference settings and switch it off you will notice what happens when I
resize the logo the stroke stays the same size in numerical values but not in
relation to the scale of the design so yeah there were some preferences on
designing a logo how can we save them specifically for logo design so that
when we enter into a logo project our settings are ready for us to use so it's
a quick example let's drag out the appearance panel and also the path under
window to things that I use very often in logo designs and just to prove that
we can save forever in the settings I will change this value here to 0.25 to
test later in the video so just remember it's 0.25
when you have the preference as you wish and go into edit settings and then
exports simply type in the setting name say my settings are in place for local
designing and then select a file location to savor now that the settings
are saved and to conclude the test I'm gonna change the setting from 0.25 to 1
and then click OK and if I go back and check it is still set to 1 now if I want
to load the settings I just saved we need to go back to edit settings and
then imports find the file and then click OK an illustrator is gonna have to
restart then make sure to save all of your projects so once illustrator is
rebooted create a new document and then you're gonna notice that once my
document has been created I have the appearance panel and the Pathfinder
panel ready for me which I saved earlier and as I said the setting that I saved
of 0.25 has in fact been saved as are all of the other preference settings now
that is how you can save your settings in Illustrator I did make a video with
preference settings before so today I chose some different ones to go over and
show you something new remember to subscribe to Satori graphics if you find
my content useful and you want to boost your awareness as a graphic designer
like and share my content on social media and of course until next time
design your future today peace
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