Thứ Tư, 2 tháng 1, 2019

Waching daily Jan 2 2019

today's illustrator settings tutorial is actually a reload but not only is it

super essential for a better workflow in the straighter many of you guys would

not have seen this video before my channel so I'm reapplying it today

because I'm a very short on time after New Year celebrations but I've got

more fresh content on typography coming this Friday and then much much more into

the next week but also you can pop down suggestions for future videos in the

comment section below

the first edition in today's video on illustrator preferences for logo

designing is actually more of a setting there are various different tools that

can actually have more precise modes to them so for example I have the pen tool

selected right now and by pressing the caps lock key on your keyboard and now

have a crosshair icon instead of a pen and it's it's useful to me because it's

more precise and the pen icon tends to get in their way so when I'm designing a

logo I like to see as much of the logo design as possible and I also like to

see exactly where I'm clicking the caps lock key function doesn't apply to all

of the tools but it does work for quite a lot of them so experiment by pressing

the caps lock key and see what tools you can make more precise

moving on to the second edition in today's list of preferences is your

tolerance value you can see when I hover a direct selection tool over an anchor

point it automatically is picked up and watch how long it stays connected as I

drag the cursor away in the preference settings we can increase this up to a

maximum of 8 points and then see how far away the anchor point will stay linked

to the selection to us and move it away

with this value being this high you will accidentally select all kinds of things

in your workflow and it's already no ideal especially for a lego designer so

I'm going to advise you to lower this value down to 1 which is the lowest

setting possible for this preference and now you're not going to accidentally

select objects that you don't want to select the next preference that I'd like

to use for later designing is a zoomed object function by default if i zoom in

with the keyboard shortcut a zoomed in to the center of the screen this can be

useful but when I'm designing a logo I like to activate the zoom to selection

option this saves time and in my opinion it just makes life easier as a Lego

designer if I'm working on a specific part of the logo and I want to zoom into

it I can automatically do that without hesitation or hassle

now I've got two more main preference settings for logo designing before I

show you how to save all of your preferences as one preset though group

together this design here with a keyboard shortcut I can still move and

edit individual objects as I wish now how do I do that I double click the

design and enter into the isolation mode which is another essential preference

that I use you can use a direct selection tool as well but it is more

efficient in my opinion in the preference settings menu you can find

the setting here and it's often turned on by default but also in this menu is

the increments value and this is how far you can nudge an object by pressing the

left and the right key on your keyboard and this setting needs to be changed

over time depending on the design and the size of the airport

and the last preference setting today before the awesome tip at the end of the

video is the scaling options this design has a stroke around there and if i

duplicate it by holding down the alt option key and then make it smaller the

stroke actually scales down proportional to the design now this is handy when

resizing objects and I rarely switch the setting off when I'm designing a logo

but sometimes I do so it is handy to know where it is if I do go into the

preference settings and switch it off you will notice what happens when I

resize the logo the stroke stays the same size in numerical values but not in

relation to the scale of the design so yeah there were some preferences on

designing a logo how can we save them specifically for logo design so that

when we enter into a logo project our settings are ready for us to use so it's

a quick example let's drag out the appearance panel and also the path under

window to things that I use very often in logo designs and just to prove that

we can save forever in the settings I will change this value here to 0.25 to

test later in the video so just remember it's 0.25

when you have the preference as you wish and go into edit settings and then

exports simply type in the setting name say my settings are in place for local

designing and then select a file location to savor now that the settings

are saved and to conclude the test I'm gonna change the setting from 0.25 to 1

and then click OK and if I go back and check it is still set to 1 now if I want

to load the settings I just saved we need to go back to edit settings and

then imports find the file and then click OK an illustrator is gonna have to

restart then make sure to save all of your projects so once illustrator is

rebooted create a new document and then you're gonna notice that once my

document has been created I have the appearance panel and the Pathfinder

panel ready for me which I saved earlier and as I said the setting that I saved

of 0.25 has in fact been saved as are all of the other preference settings now

that is how you can save your settings in Illustrator I did make a video with

preference settings before so today I chose some different ones to go over and

show you something new remember to subscribe to Satori graphics if you find

my content useful and you want to boost your awareness as a graphic designer

like and share my content on social media and of course until next time

design your future today peace


For more infomation >> Illustrator Settings For Better Workflow! *NEXT LEVEL* - Duration: 7:30.


รีวิว อาหารกล่อง 7-11 ไต้หวัน!|เจ๋อโบ กวนจีน 哲哲X波波 - Duration: 7:41.

For more infomation >> รีวิว อาหารกล่อง 7-11 ไต้หวัน!|เจ๋อโบ กวนจีน 哲哲X波波 - Duration: 7:41.


終わらない地獄!ヴィレヴァンの福袋(ゴミ袋) Japanese (Un)lucky Bag: The Neverending Nightmare - Duration: 4:45.

Hey, kids it's me PDRsan

it's that time of the year again...

I wasn't sure if I was going to do this again, so I asked on twitter

you guys really like watching me suffer


I'm not in the mood for your shite today

before I open it

every year someone says

That's not rubbish!!!!!!

look kiddo

This is my opinion

so if I think it's rubbish


before I open it

let's admire the art on the bag

I believe it's done by the guy who did Goodnight Pun Pun and Soranin (Asano Inio)

I can't believe that you'd put rubbish in such an amazing bag

Man you suck Village Vanguard!

so I have my rubbish bag ready

This year

If I think even one of the items is decent

Village Vanguard wins

Good Product: 0 Rubbish: 0

look at this

wow this is so cool



wow I can have a water balloon war with my friends

Almost 34 year old who doesn't have many friends...

wow balloons

in case I run out during the water ballon war that I will never have

Bubble gun

Some weird puzzle

I guess this is


and the last item

They're taking the piss at this point

a extendable spoon

and that was Village Vanguards 2019 Lucky Bag

Do you

M: Happy new year


I'm gonna get wet XD

Can you stop now

so I'm gonna do a giveaway with this rubbish

I just realized

This is a kids/toy channel starter pack

wait a minute

is Village Vanguard trying to tell me something?


so If you're a parent who's thinking of exploiting your kids for money

you should enter this giveaway

(or if you just want some toys for your kids or yourself)

if you want this go to my twitter and retweet the tweet about this video and I'll choose from there

To be honest

this is probably the best one I've got so far (that's not saying much...)

I think I'd be so happy if I was 6

but I'm going to be 34 soon...


please give me a thumbs up if you enjoyed the video(^o^)b

Don't forget to subscribe!

Maybe click the bell icon to get notifications

I asked this yesterday as well, but did any of you get a lucky bag?

Did you get anything good?

also anybody get a Village Vanguard one too?

and did you get anything good?

one of my followers

got a cute Star Wars Porg plush

I thought that was kind of cool

it's definitely better than the toy channel starter set I got

Oh, yeah

it had a label that said "As seen on YouTube"

but they didn't let me keep that

also check out yesterdays video (if you haven't)

check out Mimei's video too ^^


For more infomation >> 終わらない地獄!ヴィレヴァンの福袋(ゴミ袋) Japanese (Un)lucky Bag: The Neverending Nightmare - Duration: 4:45.


BELI SEMUA PERALATAN JADI YOUTUBER TERKENAL FREE ! - Youtubers Life Gameplay - Duration: 13:30.

For more infomation >> BELI SEMUA PERALATAN JADI YOUTUBER TERKENAL FREE ! - Youtubers Life Gameplay - Duration: 13:30.


PAU VALLVÉ - Life vest under your seat (Lyric Video) - Duration: 2:15.

You won't be given any trophy

because you've held on for so long

without anyone's help

with all this suffering you feel

And when one gets stuck in the mud

the spiral swallows them, it's normal

And if they can be helped from the outside

then what's the problem?

Push all these fears aside

Push all these complexes away

Enough with being prideful

Let's start opening windows

Life's only a day or two

and it's not worth it living them in a well

Leave your embarrassments aside

and let yourself go

and let's toast for all we've bloomed

You know I'm here for you

Translator: Joana Martí Payés

For more infomation >> PAU VALLVÉ - Life vest under your seat (Lyric Video) - Duration: 2:15.


Wildfire in Yangyang extinguished after 20 hours - Duration: 0:38.

A wildfire that started in South Korea's Gangwon-do Province on New Year's Day was finally extinguished

after 20 hours on Wednesday.

More than 20 hectares of land in Yangyang County were burned to the ground.

Fire authorities are going through a last checkup to make sure there are no risks of

additional fires starting afterwards.

2-hundred-97 residents, who were evacuated from the vicinities of the fire, have been

given permission to return to their homes.

More than a dozen helicopters and some 16-hundred emergency personnel worked on extinguishing

the blaze.

The fire department is still trying to determine the source of the wildfire.

For more infomation >> Wildfire in Yangyang extinguished after 20 hours - Duration: 0:38.


ROK Air Force selects its very first female test pilot Jung Da-jung - Duration: 0:43.

South Korea's first female air force test pilot started her 46-week training earlier


The nation's Air Force announced Wednesday that captain Jung Da-jung... has been selected

as one of three test-pilots this year,... and their nearly-year-long training has begun

at the 281st Flight test squadron.

She entered the Air Force Academy back in 2005,... and has been serving as a KF-16 jet

fighter pilot,... clocking up about one-thousand flight hours so far.

Since 1990, the nation's air force has selected 42 test-pilots, all males,... after a rigorous

selection process,... as their job of testing the safety of newly-developed aircraft is

more dangerous than flying regular fighter jets.

For more infomation >> ROK Air Force selects its very first female test pilot Jung Da-jung - Duration: 0:43.


Acceptez le processus de croissance mis en place par le Saint-Esprit - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Acceptez le processus de croissance mis en place par le Saint-Esprit - Duration: 2:03.


Thu Nhập 1 Tháng Của Youtuber Khá Bảnh Là Bao Nhiêu?-Tom Hello - Duration: 10:14.

For more infomation >> Thu Nhập 1 Tháng Của Youtuber Khá Bảnh Là Bao Nhiêu?-Tom Hello - Duration: 10:14.


Kim Jong-un shows strong will to improve relations with S. Korea, U.S.: experts - Duration: 3:08.

Kim Jong-un's 2019 New Year's Address was different from previous years in many ways.

A much milder atmosphere than the past, with messages that show a strong will to further

improve relations with South Korea and the U.S.

Oh Jung-hee provides an analysis of the speech with the help of some experts.

Standing at a podium, speaking in a hard and stiff tone,... while highlighting the nuclear

button on his desk.

That was North Korean leader Kim Jong-un making his New Year's Address at the start of 2018.

But this year, Kim Jong-un went with a softer, warmer approach.

Walking into a nicely decorated study holding papers, he addressed his people sitting down

on a sofa,... in a format that the Seoul government called... "unconventional."

And for the first time, Kim Jong-un promised 'complete denuclearization' of the Korean

Peninsula with his own voice.

"It is our invariable stand and my firm will to build a lasting and durable peace regime

and advance towards complete denuclearization."

Kim also stressed that North Korea has not been making any nuclear weapons -- which is

a fairly new claim that adds to the regime's moratorium on nuclear tests -- aiming to remove

the international community's concerns on nuclear weapons production.

Kim did warn of having to find a (quote)"new path" unless the U.S. takes reciprocal measures.

But he, at the same time, toned it down by leaving it as a possibility.

Some in the U.S. say that Pyeongyang offered an olive branch with sharp thorns -- but this

expert sees it differently: "Kim is not threatening to walk the new path.

He's putting much more weight on complete denuclearization and North Korea-U.S. negotiations.

He's saying that he can't help but look for a new path if the U.S. keeps on unilaterally

forcing Pyeongyang without corresponding measures.

The 'new path' is only rhetoric."

In terms of inter-Korean relations, Kim hinted... that Pyeongyang's main focus this year will

be on resuming the joint factory park, the Gaeseong Industrial Complex,... and South

Korean tours to the North's Mount Geumgangsan.

"When North and South hold hands firmly and join forces, no external sanctions and pressure,

challenges and trials will be able to get in our way towards national prosperity."

"It's a message that South Korea should move to persuade the U.S. and the international

community to lift sanctions."

Pundits believe that Pyeongyang has a strong will to enhance its relations with Seoul and

Washington in the new year, while continuing domestic efforts to boost economic growth.

They also say that declaring an end to the Korean War and signing a peace treaty may

become a major agenda in 2019,... as Kim called for multilateral negotiations on ending the

armistice status... and setting lasting peace.

Oh Jung-hee, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Kim Jong-un shows strong will to improve relations with S. Korea, U.S.: experts - Duration: 3:08.


[NEW] Kodak Black x Kevin Gates|The Long Way By Beat Nabors(West Coast Bangers) - Duration: 4:30.

Don't forget to Subscribe !!!

For more infomation >> [NEW] Kodak Black x Kevin Gates|The Long Way By Beat Nabors(West Coast Bangers) - Duration: 4:30.


Game Balapan Mobil Di android - Duration: 6:38.

For more infomation >> Game Balapan Mobil Di android - Duration: 6:38.



What's going on guys welcome back to our video this is gonna be our first toy

Unboxing which we're gonna do also a toy review in a way and it's gonna be on this big gun. It's a mega

twin shooter

It shoots two bullets at the same time. So it's really awesome. I didn't expect to be this big

It's like ginormous compared like to me. This is object almost got and they had me

Know it's about the same size and the bullets are quite big bullets also

So human uses really to tear down structures or whatever

So let's start unboxing this

There we go, we just took all the things out that took five six Birds that's a ton of work

Okay, so we got this big gun right here. It's really big. I mean

Yeah, we're gonna do some testings

Much bigger it's bigger than my head. Look

These are the books. Look how big they are

They're like as big as my hand

They're really big another normal size. So how about we charge them up and maybe we'd have a little shooting test or something

Yeah, I think you should turn on me internet should've known. You know, how do you shoot me?

Lucy how strong is yes?

Really? It is actually his very big was quite light


And it contains ten bullets this lock

Is gonna go shooting this gun


God, this guy's ginormous compared to you Oh guys, we're gonna end this video right here

This gun is quite cool. I mean it's very big and

Sorry, I mean he says this is heavy for me. It's not that heavy

Yeah, so he said how many it likes you to get on this video?

My likes yes, I was thinking maybe one or two, but okay

If you haven't seen the first video that we did yesterday go check it out links in the description

I tell it was know our names and

All the rest of the things Jeremy thing also save you

Subscribe now, don't we okay subscribe now. Okay word this videos gonna be coming out

Second of January probably I don't know this go be today or tomorrow cuz to taste the 2nd of January tomorrow's gonna be the third

but yeah, so

Hopefully by the end of the year we can get to maybe a hundred subscribers

but other than that

bye guys


For more infomation >> TWIN SHOCK NERF GUN UNBOXING AND TOY REVIEW! - Duration: 4:58.


Upin & Ipin Berjualan Es - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Upin & Ipin Berjualan Es - Duration: 1:31.


TIB ET TATOUM - Le fantôme des prunes - Duration: 12:01.

For more infomation >> TIB ET TATOUM - Le fantôme des prunes - Duration: 12:01.


S. Korea's stock markets close lower on first trading day of 2019 - Duration: 0:34.

Seoul's stock markets closed lower on their first trading session of 2019.

The Kospi, fell one-point-five percent to 20-10, the lowest level in two months... on

investor concerns about a slowing Chinese economy.

The benchmark index opened the session higher, but started falling at around 11 AM after

Beijing released its Purchasing Managers' Index for December, which is based on a survey

of how businesses are doing.

At 47-point-7, it fell below 50 for the first time in 19 months.

The tech-heavy KOSDAQ also closed lower by about 1 percent.

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