Thứ Tư, 2 tháng 1, 2019

Waching daily Jan 2 2019

Pangasius Fish

For more infomation >> How to Bangladeshi Fish Farmer Selling Pangasius (Pangas) Fish to Wholesale Market. - Duration: 3:17.


TOP 5 WORST FILMS OF 2018! [SUB ITA] - Duration: 7:38.

Hi guys it's Debbie! As the end of 2018 has arrived, the time has come to look

back at what the world of cinema has given us this year. I already uploaded my

first video in which I speak about the best films of 2018, you'll find that

linked down below, so make sure to check it out! But today we're diving into

something else because here come the worst films of 2018! Before entering this

world of ghastly acting, I would just like to point out one thing: Did you

notice that this year nobody is speaking about the Fifty Shades film? We were just

like... "Shh.. We've made it through.. It was the last one, we've done it guys, just just

just don't speak about it!" The first film on my list today is "Blockers" the story of a

group of parents who try to stop their kids from having sex at prom. I guess

this could be a sufficient description and reason as to why this film is on the

list today, but allow me to just point out some other features. First of all

both parents and their kids are portrayed in the most stereotyped manner

possible. On one hand we have barely 18 year old kids planning on behaving as

individuals 10 years older than themselves, going out for a night and

having wild sex. If you've ever been to an end-of-school year party you will

know that it is usually held in the school's assembly room, with your gym

teacher screaming there the music's too loud and at 10:30 you're all in bed. Then the

parents in "Blockers" are shown as absolutely clueless people, and also

there are multiple families involved, married couples, but the film

conveniently picks only three people: John Cena (Hulk dad), Leslie Mann

(cute mom) and Ike Barinholtz (sad dads)... because that just sounds more fun!

And we were in for treats such as John Cena having alcohol pumped into his

anus, chewing his daughter's underwear, ingenious jokes based on eggplant and

banana emojis, never seen on screen concepts such as a character hiding in the

bedroom (even under the bed) while people are in the room. Instead of watching

"Blockers" I would recommend watching "Lady Bird", which is a down-to-earth

coming-of-age story of a teenager, who (if we have to draw comparisons based on a

"Blockers" level) actually has realistic sex, goes to realistic end of

school parties, fights with her parents and eventually has us all in tears. The

next film on the list is "Truth or Dare", a horror story of a group of friends who

get themselves caught in a deadly game of... truth or dare,

which either forces them to reveal really painful bitter truths or carry

out dangerous dares, with no way out of the game if not by death. The idea

behind the film is not actually that bad, it's a good idea for just a simple

summer horror flick. But it wasn't. Everything in this film (not considering

the actual game) is so detached from reality that there is no way the

audience can relate to the characters and be scared for them. All these

characters are just super wealthy, ridiculously beautiful teen idols,

there is a demonic game making the characters potentially die and they seem

to be worried about the gossip then the risk of death. As viewers once

we understood how the game actually worked, we could actually predict the

scary moments with great accuracy. The third film on this list is "Life of the

party" starring Melissa McCarthy as a mother who after divorcing and going

through a rather tough moment in her life, decides to enrol in college

alongside her daughter, thus experiencing all the wonders of the

young age but while having an older and presumably more mature mindset. Sounds

fun, right? It was lost in useless moments such as our main character describing

her vagina as a vagoogle which apparently knows everything and frightens people

but in an attractive way... All the characters were so poorly written that

the daughter basically just stands next to her mum for the whole film just

shaking her head and rolling her eyes and the mean girls in college had the

emotional span of a six-year-old who makes fun of her classmate during break

because of her hairstyle. The fourth film I would like to include here today is "I

feel pretty". Now since the moment I watched the

trailer for this film I was convinced this would have been the worst film of

the year. After watching it I must admit it was not AS terrible as I

was expecting it to be. "AS". It was still terrible. So in "I feel pretty" we have

Amy Schumer as a woman who is very upset about her appearances, she doesn't feel

confident about her body and this makes her very shy and stops her from living

her life at its fullest. One day at the gym she suffers a concussion and when

she wakes up she sees herself as embodying her ideal of the perfect woman.

This boosts her confidence, it creates a series of misunderstandings, she

understands the importance of inner beauty rather than outer beauty and all that good stuff. I

said it wasn't as terrible as I was expecting

because Amy Schumer actually did a good job at the beginning of the film, we

really felt for her sadness. But instead of building up something inventive from

there, something fun, something engaging, something with a message, from there on

it was just a roller coaster of terrible terrible jokes. The kind a

thirteen-year-old would say after hearing his older brother saying bad sex

jokes. The character development is limited to: I feel confident so now I'm

entitled to just be arrogant and do useless things such as underground

bikini contests in pubs. This movie wants to be about confidence but it ends up

delivering a message in a rather childish manner I would say. The fifth

and last film I'd like to speak about today is "Slender Man". "Slender Man" is a

horror film based on the urban legend of this mysterious figure who suddenly

appears out of the shadows and haunts, follows, harms people, especially children.

I really don't know why Slender Man was picked as a potential

bait for viewers as this used to be a scary internet trend back when my

friends and I were in school. I really don't think that most of the teens today

would even know who Slender Man is. But for the purpose of this video let's just

say that they are familiar with the whole topic. The film is bad in any case.

I seriously don't remember watching such a boring horror movie in years. So it

opens with this shot of a character sneezing

and her friend saying this ominous message, something on the lines of "Our

ancestors thought sneezes were demons coming out of the body", as if we were in

some artsy A24 film like "The VVitch". But then it just procedes with thi chaotic

boring story which never engages us. When I was actually talking about the best

films of this year I ended up speaking about horror films in general and about

how one of the big problems with bad horror films is that they are completely

detached from us, the events are presented in such a cold manner that we

can't relate to the pain, the fear the characters are feeling. And this is

exactly what happened in "Slender Man". So what are the worst films of 2018 in your

opinion? Let me know with a comment down below

and remember to watch the other video in which I speak about the best films of

2018! I hope you enjoy this video, if you did make sure to subscribe and I'll see

you soon, bye!

For more infomation >> TOP 5 WORST FILMS OF 2018! [SUB ITA] - Duration: 7:38.


(EN/日) 일본에서 뮤비촬영 직전 안무연습! [소리] - Duration: 5:38.

Sori's YouTube Channel


Miku, and Nana!

So in two days, we shoot the music video, but this is the second time practicing choreography together.

Let's give our best!

Hi everyone, Sori here!

I'm currently at a studio to practice choreography for my second single, "I'm Ready"

The studio is located in Japan.

Here are two choreographers that will be featured on my music video: Miku chan and Nana chan~


- I'm Miku - and I'm Nana!

Nice to meet you~!

(in Japanese) We're gonna shoot the music video the day after tomorrow!

We're gonna practice haaaaaard!

(Sori, Miku, and Nana started the dance practice.)

We are discussing positioning and movement distance with Miku chan and Nana chan.

There was a slight change in one part of the song,

so we are coming up with new moves for that part.

So in two days, we shoot the music video, but this is the second time practicing choreography together.

Hopefully we figure everything out by the end of the day.

I think we can pull it off, needs a little more practice, but I think we can.

Why do I look so handsome today Reminds me of manga, "The Rose of Versailles"

Sori Oppa, call me oppa.

Have you eaten?

(What is this strange...whatever?)

I-I have no idea what I'm doing that came out far stranger than on top of my head.

Miku chan and Nana chan are far younger than I am.

Cute little babies~

It's not unnie, but oppa!

Since I dyed my hair and I look cool, oppa!

(What kind of logic is that?)

Isn't it cuter to say oppaya~ than oppa?

(Apparently someone knows some dialect...)

(Sori still wants to try rapping)

(Messes up!!)

Thanks for the hard work~!

It's a tough choreography.

"I'm Ready is tough"

Miku chan's abs are badass!

(Some washingboard abs!)

Compare to that I'm embarrassed.

So guys, today's dance practice has come to an end.

We have the last practice tomorrow.

Wait is it the day after tomorow?

We're gonna give our best on the day of shoot too!

So cute~!

We'll work hard!

What is ganbaru in Korean?

(S-sorry my Korean's still a bit rough...)

Yolshimi haja! (Let's work hard in Korean)

For more infomation >> (EN/日) 일본에서 뮤비촬영 직전 안무연습! [소리] - Duration: 5:38.


Effect of Name on Personality | Javed Ahmad Ghamidi - Duration: 0:54.

What is the significance of name in Islam? Do the attributes indicated in one's name affect one's personality?

Does it have any connection with diseases and other matters of life?

Did the Prophet change anyone's name in the history of Islam?

The religion does not say anything about significance of the name of an individual.

Such concerns are based on the experiences of the people.

If you develop any superstition related to it, you may change the name.

The Prophet commanded to change the names bearing elements of polytheism.

For example, a person was named Abdul Uzza. Uzza was the name of a goddess.

That is why the Prophet told him to change the name.

For more infomation >> Effect of Name on Personality | Javed Ahmad Ghamidi - Duration: 0:54.



For more infomation >> SÓ ASSISTA SE VOCÊ QUER QUE DEUS FAÇA ALGO NOVO NA SUA VIDA! - Momento com Deus - Duration: 3:21.


Dùng Tay Thay Mắt - Tập 1 - Duration: 8:39.

Sao Mai Center for the Blind presents


Beadwork is now a popular craft

that is suitable for the visually impaired.

Today, we are visiting Ms. Dang Pham Diem Hong,

a blind person who succeeded in working with beads.


My name's Dang Pham Diem Hong.

I'm a member of Binh Thanh District Blind Association.

I started to learn beading 3 years ago.

I was trained at the Association.

How long did it take you to complete the training?

It took only one month.

Let me introduce you to one of my products.

That is the bunny keychain.

Now let's see how Ms. Hong prepares to make this bunny.

First, you need a pair of thread snips.

Maybe you will need a bead reamer to enlarge the holes on some beads.

These are tiny beads.

There is also a keychain ring.

This is a simple ring,

so I will attach a small bell to make it more delightful.

Is it difficult to deal with such tiny beads?

No, not really.

Because each size of bead suits a certain type of wire,

I will pick up the matching beading wire to do this.

How long does it take you to complete a bunny like this?

45 minutes at most.

It means it's no more than 45 minutes for beginners?

Yes, that's right.

These are beads for the bunny's body,

these are for the nose.

So, you have different boxes for beads in different colors,

and you need to remember where you put it?


These are for the eyes.

The bunny will have black eyes,

red nose,

white ears and paws,

and a blue body.

So it has at least 4 colors already.

This is the beading wire number 5.

as I'm going to use 6mm beads.

A blind person like me won't use a sewing meter,

but opens the arms wide to measure the wire.

I use a wire as long as my arms to make this bunny.

Now let's watch the process

of making a bunny

with these tiny beads.

You've just seen a blind person

make a bead bunny keychain all by herself.

These are other things she made.

How can you distinguish between the products

when they are in similar shapes?

I remember the colors and shapes of all the things I made,

so when I touch this,

I know it is a black bag.

This is a pink bag in a different shape.

This is a red and white bag.

Do people doubt whether these are made by sighted people

and you're just the seller?

Yes. Very often.

Many people can't believe it

when I tell them these are the blind's handicrafts.

So sometimes it's hard for us

to reach larger markets.

Who are your main customers now?

I often receive orders from my friends

or charities that want to help the blind.

Now you've known how a person with visual impairment can do crafts.

Ms. Diem Hong is a role model I would like to introduce to you.

I hope after this,

there will be a positive change in public perceptions towards the visually impaired.

This is the end of the first episode of "Eyes Off, Hands On".

See you next time in the next episodes

with other roles model and their amazing abilities.

series "Eyes Off, Hands On"

produced by Sao Mai Center for the Blind

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Co-ordinator: Nguyen Manh Hung

MC: Dao Thi Le Xuan

Cameraman and Editor: Phung Minh Tuan

With special thanks to all the guests and partner organizations who supported us to make this series.

For more infomation >> Dùng Tay Thay Mắt - Tập 1 - Duration: 8:39.


Bowling Club : Realistic 3D (by Nexelon inc.) - Trailer Gameplay (Android, iOS) HQ - Duration: 3:39.

Bowling Club : Realistic 3D (by Nexelon inc.) - Trailer Gameplay (Android, iOS) HQ

For more infomation >> Bowling Club : Realistic 3D (by Nexelon inc.) - Trailer Gameplay (Android, iOS) HQ - Duration: 3:39.


家で簡単に作るタピオカ [Vlog#182] - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> 家で簡単に作るタピオカ [Vlog#182] - Duration: 4:12.


"Kedarnath" Ke Baad "Sushant Singh Rajput" Ke Paas Aayi Badi Khush Khabri | Sonchiraiya - Duration: 1:49.

"Kedarnath" Ke Baad "Sushant Singh Rajput" Ke Paas Aayi Badi Khush Khabri | Sonchiraiya

For more infomation >> "Kedarnath" Ke Baad "Sushant Singh Rajput" Ke Paas Aayi Badi Khush Khabri | Sonchiraiya - Duration: 1:49.


Happy New Running Year TOP4RUNNING TV - Duration: 1:38.

What would your New Year's wish be for all the athletes, runners and fans of TOP4RUNNING?

Well, just keep smiling, love each other,

and run for fun, not because have to.

You guys enjoy it, keep doing it for yourselves,

to feel good. Because I think there's nothing like

going for a run even when you feel bad.

Really, even now in the autumn, when people had more time, it's just amazing.

A lot of kilometres next year, stay healthy and keep enjoying it.

Well, just keep running and enjoying it, because running is just awesome,

These days you just need to grab some shorts, a T-shirt, shoes and go.

Incredibly simple. And it helps so much.

I think runners live happier lives.

So just keep running and, mainly, don't forget to enjoy it.

Well, a lot of great athletic achievements and success in your personal lives.

And follow your dreams because that's the most important thing.

Stay healthy, of course, because surely everybody

who buys stuff here does sports, and no athlete,

whether professional, amateur or just an enthusiast,

would be pleased by an injury, since that often means their season is over.

So stay healthy, good luck, and enjoy doing sports.

Keep running, stay healthy, don't forget to enjoy it all,

and most importantly, don't let anyone tell you how to do it.

For more infomation >> Happy New Running Year TOP4RUNNING TV - Duration: 1:38.


2019年最初の野球あるある!お正月もみんな共感!プレゼントも! - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> 2019年最初の野球あるある!お正月もみんな共感!プレゼントも! - Duration: 3:41.


Klaar voor een spetterend voorjaar bij Eén - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> Klaar voor een spetterend voorjaar bij Eén - Duration: 4:01.


[퍼프아이돌] NCT 127 편 (PUFF IDOL : NCT 127) 예고 (ENG SUB) - Duration: 0:21.

For more infomation >> [퍼프아이돌] NCT 127 편 (PUFF IDOL : NCT 127) 예고 (ENG SUB) - Duration: 0:21.


Kitten and cat food rules - Whiskas K.I.T. - Duration: 1:04.

Here at K.I.T. we encourage our students to break all the rules

...apart from these ones. Please don't use the lasers unsupervised.

The marine biology department's specimens are not for snacking.

Don't use your hacking skills to collapse foreign economies.

And finally, don't eat adult food if you're under 12 months old.

Eat kitten food instead. It's formulated for your still growing body.

There you go you little scamp. So blaze a trail, get freaky, and think outside the box!

Oh, and remember to file all plans for world domination with the appropriate department

For more infomation >> Kitten and cat food rules - Whiskas K.I.T. - Duration: 1:04.


Understanding Kitten Body Language and Communication : Kitten Kollege - Duration: 1:41.

Body language signals these are handy given the limited verbal communication

that your current evolutionary stage allows the tail swish this can be used

to indicate that something is bothering you but it may also imply positive

anticipation it all depends on how and where you use it fear to communicate

that you're experiencing fear the tail can be placed in upright and fluffed or

in a concave position and tucked under the body hiss and dilate your pupils for

greater effect communicating happiness and sure that your tail is upright the

tip tilted over with your ears facing forward and straight up this is worth

practicing but it should come naturally

now a lot of people have the misconception that when you're in pain

you will cry out but owners are beginning to understand that when you

hurt or ill you might frequently hide rather than share your symptoms

another sign that you're unwell is loss of appetite that's all for now thank you

For more infomation >> Understanding Kitten Body Language and Communication : Kitten Kollege - Duration: 1:41.


Kittens and Drinking - What can Kittens Drink? : Kitten Kollege - Duration: 1:02.

Overall kittens are not big drinkers you get your water through your food which

is why wet food is so important. Drink fresh clean water or specially

formulated milk for cats. If your owner is worried about your water intake they

will check you in with your vet this is a cow do not attempt to confront a cow

do not drink the milk from a cow as you share little to no biological

commonalities with the cow it is very difficult for you to digest cow milk

cows milk is for calves

For more infomation >> Kittens and Drinking - What can Kittens Drink? : Kitten Kollege - Duration: 1:02.


Understanding Kitten Sounds - Meowing, Hissing and Purring : Kitten Kollege - Duration: 1:33.

Today we'll be addressing the art of communication the meow the meow

originated as a means to communicate with your mothers at a time when you are

unable to see or hear you're likely to meow more often when you're a kitten

than when you're a cat now the purr purring is a complicated

vocalization it means different things in different contexts. I have an equation

where I've actually worked out how you'll indicate this when you're in a

situation where you're relaxed purring is a sign of contentment but when you're

poorly or you've been involved in an accident you may also purr as a means of

comforting yourself we found that when people stroke you you're purring uplifts

their moods a wonderful symbiosis there the trill yes the trill is just a

friendly greeting the hiss you hiss when you're being defensive thank you

For more infomation >> Understanding Kitten Sounds - Meowing, Hissing and Purring : Kitten Kollege - Duration: 1:33.


Amnesia my 11 level gameplay in amnesia true subway horror - Duration: 13:38.

and so friends hello everyone hello s you with you as you know probably as

you guessed the brand play and it's a game amnesia how do you remember if you watched

Past video I could not in it pass level 11

because the task was there to find some non-existent three pages about

monster but I walked around 20 tunnels

tudy syudy syudy tudy and nothing there I found therefore I do not know how now

I can play this time but I hope I somehow miss but not

sure but nonetheless let's try click start go here as you can see all

I braked at level 11 which I did I could not win because there need

had to find some mysterious 3 pages

I never found them, so let's try one more time

still pass this game can the game developer thinks no I will write

the game so that no one could beat I like the type very smart and what can not

pass yes very simple just don't give her go through it and everything seems so I already

it was here and it seems this is also level 11 which yes yes yes finans repairs about here

find three pages about monsters in general in general, friends do not know, let me alone

just run I will succeed in finding or failing

may just mind me last time zaglyuchil something but I do not know friends well

but it's just some kind of horror to be honest if now it will be the same

last time I don't know how I am pass this game further with such

gods and probably I will not pass it Further seating and buggy

and have to find out more that I did not have time read can be repeated some more

once again please i go again about give me a little note

please give me a hint there will be no hint

just adore this game last time i'm last video I talked about what

I'll contact the developer because I supposedly saw a button somewhere

contact with but it turned out not contact as a controls controls a button and so

as a font here some kind of dumb but type what kind of blood mind is something like that

and did not pay attention to this button I even somehow the subconscious thought that the

controls actually had this contact with howling war, on the contrary, I meant

in fact it was a button controls I thought this contacts take another

one shop Well let's not moving away from the box office immediately

we will go to the mountains maybe I I'll see somewhere for some

little note but I feel like last time I did

I will not find it naturally that will not lead but no friends will not

upset hope after all there is a suddenly maybe the last time just a game

zaglyuchil it can also be but it can be so

why there is no such thing too so I understand this is a long tunnel to us

need to go here all here after the third we do not need meat yet because we have

life is one hundred percent normal here a little note would be found

not bad but as you can see no little notes there is no own and honest Rome

I hope that I will find some a note

because i don't know how to hide them here game developers to be honest

I have no idea how he hid them in general last time i was looking for it was

senselessly think if dumb myself the developer then it is pointless to search for them

if the game is concluded then there is a chance yes there is chance to find some little note out

I have a note from here there was no way

and now she appeared maybe this help is not like that little note see

here is one little note how i found this little note here is one of the three see here

found one of the three i found well

pick it already pick up no


my God, my God, I'm stupid in short not on that click on the button on this on the gamepad and

it turns out I do not turn around changing weapons in the hands of 3the white

Meat you just now does not hurt yes friends so one page i found i so

Th I think that the last time rather just the game just got stuck here and i

just did not see the third page here but now I see at least the second

I saw the page more correctly

these me Monster do not like where

clean it is not necessary to stand still while shorter until I get a little bit

not yet on the load a little strength because they will beat me

a piece of meat but i'm streaking brothers below many people will kill me immediately

so friends here is another note

fuh so 2 of 3 and found a little note and

probably here 3 is not it friends

I'll take this piece of meat I want I can not eat it

I have a girlfriend waiting for Baba Yaga no wait

scum where the meat here the meat was where she

so friends this is another note should I don't know where to look for her, and by the way

do you know that as far as i remember that one the note was somewhere by the way a piece of meat

my one note was in one of the cars I think what is there to look for

it is in the car that you need to look for the note in I saw some one of the cars

note 2 i already have need to find three

so i will go to take a walk like this wagon

be somewhere here I saw a little note then not here no not here

but I remember exactly that I am in one of wagons saw a note just in the wagon

so we need to look for more wagons in tunnel I think the note will be


Well, then actually it will be possible return to the base is not here

nothing is just fine and where look for the third note wait here

here she is darling here she is dear 3 little note then here are the bits

go to hell there are still applicants and he is another

thought waiting for me yes come on you run if you want you won't miss me

parish see what it is like this and the way of i think i'm a jerk

I began to eat yes, you figure we are entering mother well friends it seems 3 little notes

I found and it seems to me that I will reach the finish line

That like this vidosiki like game is not zaglyuchila I think it did not want to go

Of course much to speak in advance but I think what is it at 99 percent exactly like that

what put your likes subscribe to the channel and see you in

the next video and with you was the mark play as always we will continue the following

passing and gonna pick me one more shop

bars it can be useful anyway

and swami was brand play subscribe to See you soon friends

and good mood for now

For more infomation >> Amnesia my 11 level gameplay in amnesia true subway horror - Duration: 13:38.


Tenn patti gold 2nd giveaway TB - Duration: 4:55.

Teen Patti Gold Poker Game 2018 Tricky Boy



Teen Patti Gold Andar Bahar new Tricky 500CR won TB

For more infomation >> Tenn patti gold 2nd giveaway TB - Duration: 4:55.


What Is A Healthy Diet For Cats? - Whiskas K.I.T. - Duration: 0:44.

What is a healthy diet for cats? We cats love our food. A bit of variety

in our diet keeps us healthy and interested. Like one pouch of wet food

morning and night, which helps keep us hydrated. 20 grams of dry food spread

throughout the day. And, a few treats to keep us happy

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