Chicken masala is being sold in the name of Shri Ram : Updesh Rana
Lulu Tries to Live Stream Subnautica but Fails at life - Duration: and you're right okay so I think this is the last time I have to end this
stream and then fix it okay now I'll be right back good
this is this is just
it is why is it doing this
I don't understand this it's and there's literally no reason why I should need
your concern
goodbye this slides gone now this is taking forever
well I'm sorry I'm trying new things
okay so I'll explain to you literally everything that's happening okay so look
all right so basically what I was trying to do is because I had to lower the
resolution for this to look good and for me to work for it so I had to said it's
a full screen but no if I said it's a full screen it turns completely black on
OBS for some stupid reason so I decided hmm maybe I should try to
use hotkeys to assert this dream but no because the hotkeys the wanted to go
straight to that slide for some reason and you couldn't see anything I was
doing okay so um I think should be the last time all of you are a pack the
slide is gone okay
okay it's working yay thank the Lord Jesus way too long mm-hmm
okay but hi I'm back with the slightly one cool with it slightly working the
way that I wanted it to you because I only had to end my stream about six
times I got some diamonds I think um hey nan want to play fort no okay now it's
just like II know look this is this is why he turned it down the resolution cuz
I knew like oh yeah what let's be ugly and I so yeah I have to turn down that
no cuz that looks weird it just looks like III can't really express my
feelings towards this like I want to make it like look proportional but like
it's like you know like that's weird and like looks worse but I need like up the
resolution and like I mean like it works like a lot better now on the like it's
weird I can like see the cells of the screen I don't like okay I'm just gonna
have to go back to this I think oh look okay but it's still slightly laggy I
mean I can put up with it I don't know the streams going to put up with it
it's okay Lulu mhm no it's not okay it's not okay with me because like I I want
to try to give that you know quality but I lack that okay tell us I'm 600 oh okay
that what this works it's it's like watching a movie now like you're in the
movie theaters like hey y'all and you got like some weird sick action scenes
going on oh I hit something okay that's nice this game games are garbage just
sometimes no be careful there's some spider crabs
I guess I've heard of those um I feel bad for the stream though cuz like it's
gonna be laggy and I don't want and like I need me some help and yeah I
mean that is lit that hi woozy I cuz it's like really really slow ish like
yeah it's like super laggy I'm looking at the stream and I like it I know
exactly what I have to do I have to I have to turn down the settings
oh dear Lord this is really slow alright bitrate let's turn the Barry don't know
how it's a 2000 um and have this be very very fast ultra-fast you might even okay
so um I think I'm sorry I was busy with a vacay oh yes I'm Denise okay no I
should be able to go back to this and then BOOM and it should run a lot oh
it's running a lot better on my end but I don't know how it's gonna work for
this stream
it works all right I guess soup nope hi Jose whose oh my god who's E
essentials I think said it right probably not I tried to say your name
multiple times oh wait no it's Josue I know this I remember you telling me this
hi how's my oh yes I said I forgot how well I like I like how um the terrifying
know the the sadness of my stream and just quality and journal just made me
figure out how terrifying this game is already I'm gonna break this hamster oh
no prob I'm pretty sure I get leid no I don't need a light I need a diamond
beautiful the sky is except for it's not because it's ugly chocolate coins are
good when they earned all the for me oh yes my computer I love I love and hate
my computer but um this is this is severely problematic because I need to
get one more diamond don't order to make an a weird laser thing I need to get
more things that requires to get more things so yeah that's just a game this
game got to be like that oh yeah I find a purple tablet last time it's been a
while since I've stream this game ok need to get the laser cutter does that
require there were cars - diamonds oh and that that it's literally terrifying
down there like Jews right there you a little loot right I didn't like 2 frames
for 10 seconds yeah I know this that's why I'm trying to flippin fix it i'ma
fix it trying to feel like we know that's not cuz it's like I'm trying to
refresh the stream but it's like wow I guess I'll die like like like once and I
tried and died in the activit toes yeah oh I like how glitchy
this water is because I just have my quality that low that's cute you know
this this stream broke my YouTube Lex it feel like
flex it fleex meow meow okay well um hopefully this game being very very low
quality makes some monsters less scary cuz I know I'm it doesn't make them
music less oh God mmm that looks like death of waiting to happen
like riddle me this riddle or am I going to die probably here um why is this no I
once thought okay no no do I want to go down there like do I have to go down
there I can't see anything in it like you watch the Reaper have like teddy
bear eyes be quiet and I know the I know it's like super like I'm trying to
flipping I tried to flicks it no I did now I tried to flex it great mhm
I'm doing great I English okay so I'm going to go down here and I'm gonna grab
like a diamond
okay I thought this would we're actually no hon I gotta end to the I got a I'm
not gonna work with this I'm sorry I love being able to plane all but like
III need to fix this okay your boy is back and even more son oh yeah I forgot
I'm here still you see I just don't like this this is the kind of thing that I
don't like something comes at me I'm gonna like flipping dyeing blue palm
where are the rock things I need home I need assistance
I'm like I feel like I'm like a child check out Walmart or something and it's
just terrifying because there's random people everywhere
okay the noise is getting louder I don't like any of this okay so I've concluded
what this game actually is this game is a very very real depiction of what a
child's feels when they're stuck alone at a Walmart because that's terrifying
and I'm not going down there shows time doubt that's the best thing ever Ayten
and I'm the host play there nothing you're nothing so stop talking yeah bad
cosplay stop saying bad words 16 yeah bad child
this kid Lulu I swear oh no he swears don't swear let's see why am I here this
isn't even the way out is it I don't think it is I got out the wrong way
didn't I I didn't I don't like this water I don't trust it I'm a shy to
climb around oh god I thought that thing in the water was like a shark or
something then I remembered there are things much more terrifying than sharks
in this game okay I I kind of using mice I'm kind of using my see light above
water but okay chicken nuggets bad child I forgot it fixing saline big chunga's
oh yes platoon oh my god turn down your water quality if you're longing that's
the thing though that's like the really really big thing it sang streams offline
what no it's not what the flip it sang stream is offline on my phone but it's
not I'm a big chunk of Lulu but yeah as I was saying that's the thing the water
quality is already as low as possible aka medium because this game is stupid
and not letting me go to low water quality it's only high and low I'm
trying chicken no the stream is still going on indeed Lulu turn your graphics
really low that's the thing I can't I already have them at the lowest
um like all of this stuff oh wait what the heck is dithering either way I don't
want it it's probably really killing my game why does this happen to Lulu
because this is what this is what life wants from me wants me to die in starve
okay um so here's the thing I need more
diamonds but I already mined one diamond rock up here but I don't know if there's
gonna be another one hmm so yeah like I mean I have a diamond but I need to and
I'm the stream looks fine just play the game it looks fine yeah don't tell me
lies you see I'm just I don't care III don't know what Rhett wrong either
because I changed like one thing in my settings and now like this entire world
is being obliterated by the wrath of my terrible PC um a man I need a good
keeping PC what is Ryan I'm Lulu I found a really really creepy pasta that we can
look into that we can look into later okay I guess you still like it's super
choppy though like it's even choppier than the water okay what happens if I
turn it off full screen III need to see what happens when I turn it off for now
what's up hi ice Phoenix I'm trying to fix life and um Josie can I look at it
too known in that's probable you scary for you know cuz it's still super choppy
okay I've decided this is something that's going on in OBS because it
shouldn't it's not it's on my game but like I can't really fix what's going on
here cuz I'm just confused let's see advanced yeah process maybe it's cuz I
turned up my process for II know my process Verity was there any hi
okay um I need to find help yeah cuz like I can't I can't just have
my FPS that lady zero because then it really be the wait you really need a new
computer I know I'm good I like this computer that's the thing let's see yeah
okay well no it's the game it's because he has like 50 things downloaded oh my
god Josie that's you just want to see what a what what what what's so wrong
with my computer and how things download it affect my computer oh wait oh yeah oh
wait literally everything is perfectly fine because I have like 50 things
downloaded and congratulations I know how computers work alright oh one one
and did ooh you guys a sub to Lulu you have too many things on the London
computer well what's my Josie Josie you're like that mom and that like what
if you say literally anything that's then you're the mom that's just like
that just says it's because video games
you don't even use all of them yeah I can I can already tell it if you invite
Nanjo Steve ultras and into a : right now and unmuted or my timer they are
literally going to rent and I'm like in the background 2018 okay writing I'm
glued and pull it's because pics Hector no Lulu CPU and trying to make him lose
thumbs and a video quality I need some Nautica Jesus okay um you see like like
the game the game works fine for me it's working faster than ever before but like
no so true okay I need to fix this okay keyboard clearly oh wait troubleshooting
any it no cuz it's just gonna blame my stream I don't want to blame my stream
okay I'm a did I offend anyone bring the sea
Emperor I slept a little when years or like 200 subs I think I don't ranch two
people Mustang over the funny I served a little about 70 songs and a rocking his
yeah that's I think I seen I think I met ice Phoenix and Josie in the same stream
because my 100 subscriber special long got me like a lot of people I haven't
been active and active little because I'm I been I am banned by my mom I said
a little after Easter yeah he had yeah yeah and he shot back okay
graphics literally everything is already alone no I can't have my graphics on hi
oh god I think my computer's biggest wooden because I turned to the graphics
on high oh no some Nautica don't crash please no oh my computer is exploding
good job me mhm only on me and my brother just destroyed something Angie
and it was so fun wow I can't hear
mmm-hmm I can hear a little ooh there we go to all those people that can't hear
me that's exactly what's going on Superman Jody is starting to feel things
oh my god okay so yeah I can't do anything Happy New Year Lou yay happy a
new year oh wait hon a little Lord okay yep I'm
gonna no all right I'm gonna I'm gonna end to the stream I'm gonna make a video
out of this you're gonna have you're gonna have more fun watching the actual
video than the stream itself so yeah good bye else you can just watch the
wheel like a network probably
Vigil held for woman killed in flood - Duration: 2:24.-------------------------------------------
Tekken 7 - Josie Season 2 Changes - Duration: 2:35.-------------------------------------------
Live Proceedings of "Europe, Oceania, The East & UP Zone 3" Seminar from Kanha Shanti Vanam - Duration: sir please we request brother sadly to come near the day us
I repeat brother sad we'll give our mobile is with us kindly come and
collect it thank you
can we all be silent Daichi is about to arrive please thank you
can we all please maintain silence
requesting everyone to please maintain silence dodgy would be coming any time
so requesting everyone to please be in silence and wait for dodgy were cut off
Josie who Claire asked you to be metronome Anthony of your serums that
Eva see you play it a nearly portable yes
that what is
children can you keep a little quiet yeah thank you
and check your mobiles once please
really put them off even if you're sitting right at the back and there's
silence your mobile can be heard all the way here people sitting in the balconies
just check your Mobile's make sure they are off it can really break the ambience
apne mobile egg bar please check le Jigga mobiles a cheater assay often hae
a peachy jota be a repertory shanti-bhai Eric a dodgy Poisson even a home game
kind attention please digesting my mobile phone socks at HHS
Connie switch fjl Senegal MonaVie thank you
look good evening everyone we have two boys Raghu and dal mesh from Australia I
think they are Lord they're loaded with questions we'll try see how can we best
balance the spiritual practice and working lives in particular how can we
let go of the sense of I or me it's a catch-22 type of a question when I am
involved even in spiritual pursuit ego will be there to some extent and that's
why Bobby says this dominance of I cannot be removed it can be defined I is
not your enemy it can be a our best friend to in work environment how we
integrate our spiritual life it it's a matter of experience when we allow the
spiritual state that we have learnt during meditation a lot of our quality
in day to day activities and mind is so internally focused with the state
spiritual condition and with that condition you are interacting with
people and you will see all few days or few months your inner nature's would
start changing in psychology they say it is the subconscious that guides the
conscious mind why would he likes us to reverse this process he says allow this
conscious mind to impact your subconscious in a big way change the
subconscious then subconscious will come to your rescue all the time and how do
you train this subconscious only through the conscious mind one good
example I can give is cycling as children how many times have you fallen
from your bicycle many times no so nothing wrong with that but when day
comes where you can just take on a bicycle right without falling you can
sing a song with your friend let go of your handles also so how did that happen
you cycle with him so it becomes automatic it becomes your nature
goodness is our nature also but we have forgotten it somehow they urgently call
it we are all spiritual being and allowed allowing the spiritual being to
manifest itself without interference from day to day you know the main thing
is your desire takes for that doesn't allow spiritual state to manifest
properly another thing is ego or how can I talk soft heartedly with people
they'll misunderstand me they don't think I'm not I'm not much of singing so
it's very easy for a person who would like to do it there is a difference
between a person who is trying to do things and a person who is enjoying
while he's doing the things readiness is good but when we are ready as well as
happy to do things then it makes a world of a difference within two months of I
would say 60 days not even three months within 60 days we can change our nature
if we constantly keep on at it constantly keep on at it as by what he
says in few days you can be changed
one must be crazy for it like children you know when you don't get to bike what
happens to you people you feel like pulling your hair and you feel like
building pulling your mother's hair also
so do you feel that madness when you miss meditation do you feel like pulling
your hair when you meditate and no I didn't enjoy this meditation can I do
this again so it has to be cultivated afterward this conscious effort will
become subconscious and it becomes very easy moment we start enjoying it and
German is the key do you enjoy this meditation or is it a burden or is it
end of the exercise exercise is good they ask me to run and jog etcetera but
I'm not able to do it though it is I know it's good for my health I simply
walk but some level of activities required at a physical level to maintain
health similarly for spiritual health also I
need some level of exercise should be willing exercise joyful exercise
we go on some extremes at times sometimes you know I'll meditate and
forget the whole world then extreme is also not good another extreme is where
we go into material world into business and work like crazy and forget all about
the vital aspect of our existence spirituality they do is fatal say his
mark or our hurtfulness way is all about balancing both integrating both what
does it mean by integrating material life and spiritual life as a student my
material life is fully engaged with education studies sports
as a businessman the business as a householder mother who is looking after
the family that is a world all these spheres of material life
if the imbibe spiritual qualities will become better one simple example what
would you use is that when mother is cooking cutting vegetables think that
the master is doing it for you or you are doing it for him it means there's a
prerequisite state here that you are in love with your master if you hate your
master and cut vegetables what will happen I'm cutting it for him see I had
to do this so love element has to be there but would you forgot that there
are many states we all go through in this modern age he took it for granted
the thinking of master will percolate low automatically no it doesn't do that
for some level of her joyful connection that the master is needed and when we
recall that state and work with that state many things happen work will
improve the quality of food that you are cooking will also change as they say
becomes a trick meaning it nourishes your spiritual being most importantly
when we cook in his remembrance we don't form the impressions
results are in his hands so you're not worried about what's going on see
Bolivar if a person who is eating this food partaking this food in their
membranes absorbed in his remembrance then it can remove many spiritual
diseases all kinds of potential diseases rather can be cleaned up by the simple
method partaking hood while the meaning drowned grateful that there's something
on the table one contra if you keep cursing what happens or you are in
anxiety and you keep ordering things necessarily getting angry while on the
table anger anxiety and all those things again you know have you studied science
physics no biology holy Lord you know my son before he went
for medicine you're not asking me that it's so difficult
I say look in medicine they are not going to ask you anything about which is
not within your body you know you don't have to copy a paper you just have to
look at your eyes and see oh this is my ID can copy it it was just a joke but
you know he took it very seriously inspired him somehow the musculoskeletal
thing of my palm indicated in just you'll understand everything about it
but there are many hidden things in physiology especially in neurology we
have brain but we don't understand how the mind works and when it does work we
don't know what makes it work
there's a great book by James Allen as a man thinketh I think all youngsters must
read this few times the basic thing is this it says the result of your action
if you like them it'll become happy if you don't like them will be unhappy then
he said how do you come to a certain level of action that results in
favorable results and makes you happy so he says before you act
you must think properly thinking leads to right action so here how do you think
correctly before you can have a correct action out of so many thoughts you had
to pick one line of thoughts within to study days of that or marry this one or
the other ones or to do this business not that business it little bit of
discrimination required and how do you decide that it gives a beautiful example
that if like in a forest you don't control the seeds what happens there
seeds are fallen everywhere the germinate and becomes a forest when what
happens in that beautiful garden gardener he chooses exactly Ward seeds
to plant to where roses here lilies will go here Otis will go here fruit bearing
trees will go here he plants before he seats them the seeds like thoughts or
thoughts like seeds if they were none control you let them grow everywhere it
becomes a forest but if they are regulated
then it can create a beautiful garden within yourself and how do you regulate
your mind to her rightful thoughts only through meditation say but important
thing here is missing that before results it is the action before the
action is the thought process before the thought process what what made you think
like that maybe some need but why is you need different from somebody else that
which need is different from the diamond why and it will always because you he's
your father and you're his son you will always be at Crossroads you want to show
off I'm better so when we understand this aspect that why we act in certain
way behave in certain way and then we can appreciate the samskaara theory in
size mark that what precedes thoughts behaviors etc it is your son scholar in
other words in psychology we call it as it is just a conscious playing out on
you so the right training through meditation practice how to regulate the
conscious mind through meditation
through constant remembrance you are making consciousness percolate and make
make sure that subconscious become part and parcel of the conscious mind
poverty speaks of inner vibrations as a beginning of the spiritual state no
shelter or a job how can you recognize him in order to understand this Jabba
little meaning of Jabba recitation the condition that we arrive at in
meditation is not that of Jabba but a japa you're quoting bavuji bit
wrongly as applies totally opposite of Japan everything becomes silence within
the silence is or has also a peculiar nature I would say have you observed the
silence of your mother and she's angry
he observed her silence when she is out of meditation right
what silence is rather one is very disturbing another is very soothing if
you have to draw a graph or a spectrum of this silence in say one is it's so
fast and another is just like a flat curves even without any ripples the
earlier one is called eerie silence that disturbs you something is wrong
certain silence that we experience in meditation it's so confident skiing you
feel confident with such persons who are wearing that silence
so a japa is easily recognizable easily it can be felt it doesn't matter what
you call it call it sub tower Japan it only matters what matters is how to
experience it and I'm sure you all have experienced it the deep silence within
is that a japa
can you imagine the universe without galaxies think of it nothing there no
galaxies no black holes no stars nothing no planets no earth
some people say what was there before the creation they asked this question
simple thing is this forget the creation and see what was there erased the
creation for a moment no stars no galaxies nothing to light of things you
can visit there was all darkness
isn't it so that's what Lalaji says darkness veiled within darkness
now when you threw an object yesterday physics you said you studied the law of
inertia how far the ball will go up when you throw it in the sky it depends on
the force length and the mass of the ball if you push that ball on the ground
how far will it go same principle will apply what prevents it or what stops it
from going out if the gravitation when you throw an object where there is no
gravitation how far will it go infinitely let us see if you throw a
thing just like them in vacuum how far will it go without gravity infinitely no
so that's what happened when there was nothing absolutely nothing not even
gravitation to prevent anything from spreading all over and one bank and the
grazing continues it continues in the great vacuum which is in the frontiers
why am i citing this example with you with your question of algebra
it is they're all connected see when we remove all these things we arrive at
that nothingness similarly what identifies us is our thinking mind
imagine for a minute that you are not thinking you're not imagining you're not
cogitating you're not contemplating either in your in zero thoughts what
happens to your consciousness it somehow mimics the original state of nothingness
that's why when we enter in a state of Samadhi we like that whether there is
nothing less it is similar to the time when there was nothing in the creation
that's so it's called Samadhi Samadhi if you break down the sanskrit word some
adi some means similar to our t means that which was prevailing before the
creation the state that prevailed before the creation well there was nothing
similar things happens within has been our consciousness is just empty there's
not nothing to think about nothing to imagine nothing to worry about it is
only when we are in stress be worthy or may have anxiety or its opposite when we
are enjoying and full of joy and bliss it sets the curvature in consciousness
if you said the consciousness will bend in one direction negative if you have
been in other way both states if you are acutely converted
or acutely a band it will destroy the consciousness meaning you have gone mad
so extreme sadness or pain that recall that some Mahatma's the annoyed pain may
God gave me a lot of pain in the sleep on the bed of nails they stand in the
Sun for hours or days together on one leg why you want to bend your
consciousness and destroy yourself similar thing happens with people who
want to enjoy it's another sort of bending of consciousness and heading
towards destruction why would he says transcend all these things go beyond
consciousness itself try to find what supports this consciousness
and when we find what supports this consciousness entry amaze its
the inner voice cannot be felt before the layers of mind called
mom big shaved all right what are these layers can I deal with this tomorrow
because it's part of this our chapter spiritual training cleaning of our Anna
bhikshapathi's and below that we do every yuning actually when we say own
complexities and impurities are going away it means getting rid of all these
things three stings but Vic Shiva has many
things in there for nine other layers of it getting ready so we can go more in
detail two more on that so it's good that it is something to do it cleaning
in the chapter spiritual training there are numerous references to
achieving spiritual progress only through finding a guru of high caliber
and one that can transmit however there are those that are connected to the
divine despite not practicing heartfulness is heartfulness the only
efficient method to advance in the sphere
who is asking this are you asking it for yourself or asking on someone's behalf
it's a blue user if you ask for somebody
but one has to fill the transmission and most of our people they do fill
translations the question is are there gurus who are transmitting in the world
she asked me the question that way then I would say even this little girl is
transmitting but she doesn't know what she is transmitting and what would you
talks of transmission is this divine effulgence and it happens automatically
in the presence of a master of caliber that is true true
the riddle master saucepans me much is written in bavuji's literature that such
a transmitter will always be one one in human time
he's also written the subsequent sentence there he'll find no departed
soul can guide you on this some people so my father I loved him so much and
he's guiding me there are many cultures who believe in
this nothing wrong in believing this you can love your parents you can love your
grandfather and so he's guiding me good that guidance is of a different nature
but spiritual guiding even a department guru cannot transmit to you how do you
call what would you today and say please transmit to me I dare say he will fail
some people would say oh come Lisbon has become arrogant read his words
and when M did forget accomplished by look for another day that's the way up
sighs mark next question when his help comes from the girl of the master the
spiritual life is awakened and the higher powers of the soul aroused to
help our growth can you please talk about the high house of the soul that
held baccarat I mentioned that that is yesterday only the same thing how it
displays out see simple way to imagine how does let's understand the process of
how in the first place we created layers around the soul that prevents it from
manifesting its own powers well that let us imagine a candle around the candle
put one glass allowed the candle to burn for some time a day two three four five
six seven days like they continue what will happen to the glass that surrounds
his candle yes it become darker you put another another layer put another red
glass around it you'll see less Lightning you put another toss around it
yellow color how much light will come out of it not much so that's how we are
playing with our own light interfere because of desires every desire every
ways to display from within creates a layer
billions infinite layers around the soul we are created as if we remove one by
one by one then we see the beauty of Italy take for example your traveling
both hands of film one hand as your baby and second as your head has the bag that
you carry okay there is a burden on both hands when it's a joyful burden on their
left side you're carrying a baby but let us say your wife comes since I let me
carry baby you had know how much relief you find tremendous so many burdens
whereas they are removed you become lighter and as you become lighter you
become mightier your strength returns somehow it's not that he didn't have a
strength your strength was consumed in something else so once that is broken
new energy is released in chemistry it's like that when you study bonds and bonds
are broken energy is released so it's the case in the modeling world and the
bonds of attachments are broken soul is released and it is freed up with
tremendous energy
so we'll this is the last question of the Union poverty has repeated twice
that souls are lost forever if they are practicing the wrong practice is this
really true a little fight with Bapuji I do believe that you know if you bring a
wrong practice take for example you your mother think that you're going to
college then you go somewhere else to get drugged and drunk what will happen
to your education you won't get the degree no that means you're finished no
one will marry you worst thing happens in spiritual carriers the one will marry
you it's ok they can still live with it
someone will get you money maybe some Australian Social Security will give you
some footsteps and you'll survive but when the bond with God is broken
what keeps us going is despawned little maker despite of everything
he continues to help us try imagine at night your soul tells you how much I'm
doing the body you won't come for meditation tomorrow and say have you
thought of it that before you go to sleep image in soul leaves the body
that's it this point of our disagreement when the souls directions it continues
to give us life until in its wisdom it finds ok it's time to go now he's not
listening oh my job is done then to signal you
later he'll go happily or get fed up and say now it's enough so we have to make
the choice whether to allow it to go happily or it gets fed up in see ok now
let me go take another opportunity in better circumstances
so that he might listen to the NCO he'll follow my directions but again we get
trapped and trapped and trapped again in a game-day so when we realize this I
think it's time to drop everything aside and focus mainly in spirituality see I'm
not advocating that creature education or which a business know that will shine
even more when you meditate better be building when you meditate your you are
sacrificing your time in education no yesterday's will they actually become
so good when you meditate well with less efforts you
having good grades same thing in the business world the inner guidance will
take you what not to do and what to do love it
same thing happens in family life key thing is practice that's all so it's
nice setup here no I I don't think we ever had such a full circle here go
ahead and don't sleep if you don't sleep tonight you'll sleep in meditation but
that's good thing the nights when you cannot sleep don't struggle just lie
down and in that position you can drown in that meditative state think about G
and cuddling when that's okay old man I'm with you our better would be old man
here with me okay thank you thank you and good night
everyone such a joy to be here with you
SHOUTOUT | OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO | SHETTY SAA | SHETTY PRODUCTION | 2019 - Duration: 4:50.-------------------------------------------
【eating sounds】Chocolate Tart Cake 大食い モッパン No talking ASMR【食事動画】【咀嚼音】 - Duration: 6:51.-------------------------------------------
Wednesday looking mild with some morning fog and a few showers - Duration: 1:23.-------------------------------------------
Government shutdown impacts the community - Duration: 1:27.-------------------------------------------
Community runs and rallies for Bellevue mom and children hurt in crash - Duration: 2:12.-------------------------------------------
Cold with clouds tonight - Duration: 2:51.-------------------------------------------
Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba has big expectations for 2019 - Duration: 1:18.-------------------------------------------
TỰ LÀM PHÁO THĂNG THIÊN CHÚC MỪNG NĂM CON LỢN | HAPPY NEW YEAR | HSN Vlogs - Duration: 6:58.-------------------------------------------
MONA VAYDA | HOW TO LIVE AN INCREDIBLE LIFE - Duration: you want to live the life of your dreams do you want happiness and success
not just once in a blue moon but all the time then this channel is for you I
believe human development is essential for progress and success as individuals
and as human beings and I believe and feel strongly that more people should
invest time in themselves to better themselves
I'm Mona vayda I'm a motivational speaker a business growth strategist and a life
coach and I have been doing this for over 8 and 1/2 years now and I can truly
say I genuinely love what I do I spoken to large groups small groups
individuals on a one-on-one basis and now I'm here to share my experience with
you this channel is all about motivation and inspiration and helping you get to
that next level in your life in terms of success both on a financial and personal
level happiness and overall being able to live the life of your dreams the kind
of life you truly want to live my mission is to get you to that next level
in your life I'll be posting videos twice a week every Tuesday and Friday so
if you haven't subscribed please do so by hitting the red subscription button
below and of course don't forget to ring the bell icon so you don't miss out
on any new videos remember you can live an incredible life why because you
deserve it any comments you might have any
suggestions for new videos in terms of motivation and inspiration please do put
in the comments section below I look forward to reading them all thank you
for watching take care of yourself this is my Mona Vayda
【攻略】布羅利Rising Battle-50 全紅戰隊組隊通關教學|七龍珠 激戰傳說 DRAGON BALL LEGENDS - Duration: 4:50.-------------------------------------------
3DSMAX 2018 TUTORIALS BASICS TO ADVANCED IN URDU part 2 - Duration: 12:00.a.o.a how are you
i hope you Good
what is view i explain your previous video
how to change view port
now what is time line
what is X Y and Z
in 3ds max you must know about
what is X axis Y axis and Z axis
all tools are not importent in 3dsmax
you must know about how too work
for exemple i creat a teaport
now you see 3 axis Red green and blue
you must know about axis
axis have cordinates setting
if you all aixs 0 your 3d object in 0 point
now tell you about axis deeply
if you nkow about axis you lot of problms solve in future
now go to note pad
you know about RGB
RGB is colors
R means RED
G means GREEN
B means blue
now i explains Axis
X axis ins Red
Y axis is green
Z axis is blue
X axis RT to LF
if you you X axis in 3dsmax you go right to left
Y axis work inn 3dsmax up and down
blue means Z axis work in 3dsmax forwd and back
see on front view
axsis have cordinates
you must know about axis and axis colors
in 3dsmax you lot of work on axis
in bottom is time line and work informition
these bottons are use in 3dsmax animation
keyframe etc
now in corner have tool bar
zoom too for sigal window
next is zoom all
i creat other object for example
now press next button slected zoom
zoom slected object
next button is slected zoom all
if you pree this button all slected objects are zoom
special area zoom button
use of this button you able to zoom deeply
now hand tool or pan tool
use M>M>B to pan object
now is orbit view
if you press Alt and M.M.B you able to orbit
just slect orbit button or orbit objects
in corner button min and max
if you press Alt W alo work min and max
now see top menu bar
on top all menu in file but you have these menu icons right and lift
if you use group
slect objects and press group button and group
i make video in detaile about in future
importent is customize menu
in this button you have unit setting
you change and set units
you work feet inches meter etc
if you work in custom units
now one other option custom UI and defult swicher
this swicher change you 3ds max theme
you set skin ans press set button to change you 3dsmax theme
if you want to change them or not
undo redo
if you mistake and use undo you use this button
thanks for watching i explains next buttons in next videos
like and subcribe my channell for more updates
i hope you like my video thanks again
like share my video take care
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