Thứ Ba, 1 tháng 1, 2019

Waching daily Jan 2 2019

Chicken masala is being sold in the name of Shri Ram : Updesh Rana

For more infomation >> श्री राम जी के नाम पर चिकन मसाला बेचा जा रहा है : उपदेश राणा || Updesh Rana - Duration: 16:31.


【eating sounds】Chocolate Tart Cake 大食い モッパン No talking ASMR【食事動画】【咀嚼音】 - Duration: 6:51.

For more infomation >> 【eating sounds】Chocolate Tart Cake 大食い モッパン No talking ASMR【食事動画】【咀嚼音】 - Duration: 6:51.


Các Bước Chuẩn Bị Sơn Giả Gỗ Cầu Thang, Sơn Hằng BEHR , Dân Dã Thôn Quê ? - Duration: 10:41.

For more infomation >> Các Bước Chuẩn Bị Sơn Giả Gỗ Cầu Thang, Sơn Hằng BEHR , Dân Dã Thôn Quê ? - Duration: 10:41.


3DSMAX 2018 TUTORIALS BASICS TO ADVANCED IN URDU part 2 - Duration: 12:00.

a.o.a how are you

i hope you Good

what is view i explain your previous video

how to change view port

now what is time line

what is X Y and Z

in 3ds max you must know about

what is X axis Y axis and Z axis

all tools are not importent in 3dsmax

you must know about how too work

for exemple i creat a teaport

now you see 3 axis Red green and blue

you must know about axis

axis have cordinates setting

if you all aixs 0 your 3d object in 0 point

now tell you about axis deeply

if you nkow about axis you lot of problms solve in future

now go to note pad

you know about RGB

RGB is colors

R means RED

G means GREEN

B means blue

now i explains Axis

X axis ins Red

Y axis is green

Z axis is blue

X axis RT to LF

if you you X axis in 3dsmax you go right to left

Y axis work inn 3dsmax up and down

blue means Z axis work in 3dsmax forwd and back

see on front view

axsis have cordinates

you must know about axis and axis colors

in 3dsmax you lot of work on axis

in bottom is time line and work informition

these bottons are use in 3dsmax animation

keyframe etc

now in corner have tool bar

zoom too for sigal window

next is zoom all

i creat other object for example

now press next button slected zoom

zoom slected object

next button is slected zoom all

if you pree this button all slected objects are zoom

special area zoom button

use of this button you able to zoom deeply

now hand tool or pan tool

use M>M>B to pan object

now is orbit view

if you press Alt and M.M.B you able to orbit

just slect orbit button or orbit objects

in corner button min and max

if you press Alt W alo work min and max

now see top menu bar

on top all menu in file but you have these menu icons right and lift

if you use group

slect objects and press group button and group

i make video in detaile about in future

importent is customize menu

in this button you have unit setting

you change and set units

you work feet inches meter etc

if you work in custom units

now one other option custom UI and defult swicher

this swicher change you 3ds max theme

you set skin ans press set button to change you 3dsmax theme

if you want to change them or not

undo redo

if you mistake and use undo you use this button

thanks for watching i explains next buttons in next videos

like and subcribe my channell for more updates

i hope you like my video thanks again

like share my video take care

For more infomation >> 3DSMAX 2018 TUTORIALS BASICS TO ADVANCED IN URDU part 2 - Duration: 12:00.


NEW YEAR! NEW PC! | update vid - Duration: 1:38.

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