Thứ Tư, 2 tháng 1, 2019

Waching daily Jan 2 2019

The Best Cauliflower Pizza Crust Recipe – DCS | Deadlicious Cooking Studio

The Best Cauliflower Pizza Crust Recipe – DCS | Deadlicious Cooking Studio

The Best Cauliflower Pizza Crust Recipe – DCS | Deadlicious Cooking Studio

The Best Cauliflower Pizza Crust Recipe – DCS | Deadlicious Cooking Studio

The Best Cauliflower Pizza Crust Recipe – DCS | Deadlicious Cooking Studio

The Best Cauliflower Pizza Crust Recipe – DCS | Deadlicious Cooking Studio

The Best Cauliflower Pizza Crust Recipe – DCS | Deadlicious Cooking Studio

The Best Cauliflower Pizza Crust Recipe – DCS | Deadlicious Cooking Studio

For more infomation >> The Best Cauliflower Pizza Crust Recipe – DCS | Deadlicious Cooking Studio - Duration: 4:30.


Vine Semti - Aykut Elmas Ocak Ayı 2019 Bomba Vine'ları Part #2 - Duration: 6:42.

For more infomation >> Vine Semti - Aykut Elmas Ocak Ayı 2019 Bomba Vine'ları Part #2 - Duration: 6:42.


2019년 새해 인사와 3번째 고양이 호비 그리고 앞으로 찍을 영상 [새해 계획!] - Duration: 8:19.

For more infomation >> 2019년 새해 인사와 3번째 고양이 호비 그리고 앞으로 찍을 영상 [새해 계획!] - Duration: 8:19.


Lullabies Lullaby For Babies To Go To Sleep Baby Song Sleep Music-Baby Sleeping Songs Bedtime Songs - Duration: 8:28:25.

Lullabies Lullaby for Babies to Go To Sleep Baby Lullaby Songs Go To Sleep Lullaby Baby Sleep Music Baby lullaby, lullabies for babies to go to sleep,

For more infomation >> Lullabies Lullaby For Babies To Go To Sleep Baby Song Sleep Music-Baby Sleeping Songs Bedtime Songs - Duration: 8:28:25.


Do the Dozen: Take the Daily Dozen Challenge! - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> Do the Dozen: Take the Daily Dozen Challenge! - Duration: 2:38.


Car Driving (by Yıldız Games) - Trailer Gameplay (Android, iOS) HQ - Duration: 6:38.

Car Driving (by Yıldız Games) - Trailer Gameplay (Android, iOS) HQ

For more infomation >> Car Driving (by Yıldız Games) - Trailer Gameplay (Android, iOS) HQ - Duration: 6:38.



Hi boy and girls

whats up i´m Etiandro Sardinha

And welcome to new video

For more infomation >> DIFERENÇAS NO PORTUGUÊS DE ANGOLA BRASIL E PORTUGAL - Duration: 11:36.


Mr Majnu Trailer Is Going to Be Released Now In Minutes| South Cine Updates - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Mr Majnu Trailer Is Going to Be Released Now In Minutes| South Cine Updates - Duration: 1:05.


Why Resolutions Fail, And How To Fix Them. (subconscious mind power, law of attraction) - Duration: 13:17.

Why resolutions fail, and what to do about it.

You resolve to make a change for the better in your


You tell your friends about it.

You put your resolution in writing.

You actually make the change.

It works.

It feels good.

You're happy about it.

Your friends are happy about it.

Your life is better.

Then you backslide.


Are you some kind of slob who has no willpower?

Not necessarily.

Backsliding is a universal experience.

Every one of us resists significant change, no matter whether it's for the worse or for

the better.

Our body, brain, and behavior have a built-in tendency

to stay the same within rather narrow limits, and to snap back when changed, and it's a

very good thing they do.

Just think about it: If your body temperature moved up or down by 10 percent, you'd be in

big trouble.

The same thing applies to your blood sugar level, and to any number of other functions

of your body.

This condition of equilibrium, this resistance to change, is called homeostasis.

It characterizes all self-regulating systems, from a bacterium

to a frog to a human individual, to a family, to an organization,

to an entire culture—and it applies to psychological

states and behavior as well as to physical functioning.

The simplest example of homeostasis can be found

in your home heating system.

The thermostat on the wall senses the room temperature; when the

temperature on a winter's day drops below the level you've

set, the thermostat sends an electrical signal that turns

the heater on.

The heater completes the loop by sending heat to the room in which the thermostat

is located.

When the room temperature reaches the level you've set, the thermostat sends an

electrical signal back to the heater, turning it off,

thus maintaining homeostasis.

Keeping a room at the right temperature takes only

one feedback loop.

Keeping even the simplest single celled organism alive and well takes thousands.

And maintaining a human being in a state of homeostasis

takes billions of interweaving electrochemical signals

pulsing in the brain, rushing along nerve fibers,

coursing through the bloodstream.

Homeostasis in social groups brings additional feedback loops into play.

Although we might think that our culture is mad for the new,

the predominant function of all this—as with the

feedback loops in your body—is the survival of

things as they are.

The problem is, homeostasis works to keep things

as they are even if they aren't very good.

Let's say, for instance, that for the last twenty years—ever

since high school, in fact—you've been almost

entirely sedentary.

Now most of your friends are working out, and you figure that if you can't beat the

fitness revolution, you'll join it.

Buying the tights and running shoes is fun, and so are the first few steps

as you start jogging on the high school track near your


Then, about a third of the way around the first lap,

something terrible happens.

Maybe you're suddenly sick to your stomach.

Maybe you're dizzy.

Maybe there's a strange, panicky feeling in your


Maybe you're going to die.

What's more, the particular sensations you're feeling probably aren't

significant in themselves.

What you're really getting is a homeostatic alarm signal—bells clanging,

lights flashing.



Significant changes in respiration, heart rate, metabolism.

Whatever you're doing, stop doing it immediately!

Homeostasis, remember, doesn't distinguish between

what you would call change for the better and

change for the worse.

It resists all change.

After twenty years without exercise, your body regards

a sedentary style of life as "normal"; the beginning

of a change for the better is interpreted as

a threat.

So you walk slowly back to your car, figuring

you'll look around for some other revolution to join.

Take another case, involving a family of five.

The father happens to be an alcoholic who goes

on a binge every six to eight weeks.

During the time he's drinking, and for several days afterward,

the family is in an uproar.

It's nothing new.

These periodic uproars have become, in fact, the normal state

of things.

Then, for one reason or another, the father stops drinking.

You'd think that everyone in the family would be happy, and they are—for a while.

But homeostasis has strange and sneaky ways of

striking back.

There's a pretty good chance that within a very

few months some other family member (say, a teenage

son) will do something (say, get caught dealing dr^gs) to create just the type of uproar the

father's binges previously triggered.

Without wise professional counsel, the members of this family won't

realize that the son, unknowingly, has simply taken

the father's place to keep the family system in

the condition that has become stable and "normal."

No need here to count the ways that organizations and cultures resist change and backslide when

change does occur.

Just let it be said that the resistance here (as in other cases) is proportionate to the

size and speed of the change, not to whether the change

is a favorable or unfavorable one.

If an organizational or cultural reform meets tremendous resistance,

it is because it's either a tremendously bad idea or a tremendously

good idea.

Trivial change, bureaucratic meddling, is much easier to accept, and that's

one reason why you see so much of it.

In the same way, the talkier forms of psychotherapy are acceptable,

at least to some degree, perhaps because they

sometimes change nothing very much except the patient's

ability to talk about his or her problems.

But none of this is meant to condemn homeostasis.

We want our minds and bodies and organizations to hold


We want that paycheck to arrive on schedule.

In order to survive, we need stability.

Still, change does occur.

Individuals change.

Families change.

Organizations and entire cultures change.

Homeostats are reset, even though the process might cause a certain amount of anxiety, pain,

and upset.

The questions are: How do you deal with homeostasis?

How do you make change for the better easier?

How do you make it last?

These questions rise to great importance when you

embark on the path of mastery.

Say that after years of hacking around in your career, you decide

to approach it in terms of the principles of mastery.

Your whole life obviously will change, and thus

you'll have to deal with homeostasis.

But even if you should begin applying mastery to pursuits such as gardening

or tennis, which might seem less than central

to your existence, the effects of the change might

ripple out to touch almost everything you do.

Realizing significantly more of your potential in almost anything

can change you in many ways.

And however much you enjoy and profit from the change, you'll probably

meet with homeostasis sooner or later.

You might experience homeostatic alarm signals in the

form of physical or psychological symptoms.

You might unknowingly sabotage your own best efforts.

You might get resistance from family, friends, and co-workers.

Ultimately, you'll have to decide if you really do

want to spend the time and effort it takes to get on

and stay on the path.

If you do, here are five guidelines that might help.


Be aware of the way homeostasis works.

This might be the most important guideline of all.

Expect resistance and backlash.

Realize that when the alarm bells start ringing, it doesn't necessarily

mean you're sick or crazy or lazy or that you've made

a bad decision in embarking on the journey of mastery.

In fact, you might take these signals as an indication

that your life is definitely changing—just what

you've wanted.

Of course, it might be that you have started something that's not right for you; only you

can decide.

But in any case, don't panic and give up at the

first sign of trouble.

You might also expect resistance from friends and

family and co-workers.

Say you used to struggle out of bed at 7:30 and barely

drag yourself to work at 9:00.

Now that you're on a path of mastery, you're up at 6:00 for a three-mile

run, and in the office, charged with energy, at 8:30.

You might figure that your co-workers would be

overjoyed, but don't be too sure.

And when you get home, still raring to go, do you think that

your family will welcome the change?


Bear in mind that an entire system has to change when any part

of it changes.

So don't be surprised if some of the people you love start covertly or overtly undermining

your self-improvement.

It's not that they wish you harm, it's just homeostasis at work.


Be willing to negotiate with your resistance to


So what should you do when you run into resistance, when the red lights flash and

the alarm bells ring?

Well, you don't back off, and you don't bull your way through.

Negotiation is the ticket to successful long-term change in everything

from increasing your running speed to transforming your organization.

The long-distance runner working for a faster time on a measured course negotiates

with homeostasis by using pain not as an adversary but as

the best possible guide to performance.

It also demands a determination to keep pushing, but not without


Simply turning off your awareness to the warnings deprives you of guidance and risks

damaging the system.

Simply pushing your way through despite the warning signals increases the

possibility of backsliding.

You can never be sure exactly where the resistance will pop up.

A feeling of anxiety?

Psychosomatic complaints?

A tendency toward self-sabotage?

Squabbles with family, friends, or fellow workers?

None of those?

Stay alert.

Be prepared for serious negotiations.


Develop a support system.

You can do it alone, but it helps a great deal to have other people

with whom you can share the joys and perils of

the change you're making.

The best support system would involve people who have gone through or are going

through a similar process, people who can tell their

own stories of change and listen to yours, people

who will brace you up when you start to backslide and encourage you when you don't.

The path of mastery, fortunately, almost always fosters

social groupings.

Johan Huizinga comments upon the tendency of sports and games to

bring people together.

The play community, he points out, is likely to continue even after

the game is over, inspired by "the feeling of being

'apart together' in an exceptional situation, of sharing something

important, of mutually withdrawing from the rest of the world and rejecting the usual


The same can be said about many other pursuits,

whether or not they are formally known as sports—arts

and crafts, hunting, fishing, yoga, Zen, the professions.

And what if your quest for mastery is a lonely one?

What if you can find no fellow voyagers on that particular


At the least, you can let the people close to you know what you're doing, and ask for

their support.


Follow a regular practice.

People embarking on any type of change can gain stability and

comfort through practicing some worthwhile activity

on a more or less regular basis, not so much for the

sake of achieving an external goal as simply for its own sake.

A traveler on the path of mastery is again fortunate,

for practice in this sense is the foundation of the path itself.

The circumstances are particularly happy in case you've already established a

regular practice in something else before facing the

challenge and change of beginning a new one.

It's easier to start applying the principles of mastery

to your profession or your primary relationship if you've already

established a regular morning exercise program.

Practice is a habit, and any regular practice provides

a sort of underlying homeostasis, a stable base during

the instability of change.


Dedicate yourself to lifelong learning.

We tend to forget that learning is much more than

book learning.

To learn is to change.

Education, whether it involves books, body, or behavior, is a process that

changes the learner.

It doesn't have to end at college graduation or at age forty or sixty or eighty,

and the best learning of all involves learning how

to learn— that is, to change.

The lifelong learner is essentially one who has learned to deal with homeostasis,

simply because he or she is doing it all the time.

Lifelong learning is the special province of those who travel the path of mastery,

the path that never ends.

For more infomation >> Why Resolutions Fail, And How To Fix Them. (subconscious mind power, law of attraction) - Duration: 13:17.


Shopping for My YouTube Equipment | Jill Maurer - Duration: 3:50.

365 videos this year.

I'm going to need some equipment.

This is a big project!

A video every day for 2019, and as you know Artimus does a lot of my filming, and he does

my editing.

But, you know, he can't do 365 for the year.

I am going to have to learn to do some of this which means I need some equipment.

So Artimus and I went out to Best Buy to find some equipment.

Now just so you know this is not sponsored.

I will let you know below what I ended up getting, but I'm not making any money on this.

This is just the things that I selected.

So we went to Best Buy, and some of the things that we had to think about.

I didn't have a camera that was appropriate for videoing other than my phone.

So the first question was did I need another camera.

And we decided that I did, that there are some things that would be helpful with another

camera even though I probably will use my phone a lot to film.

And then we though ok do I want a DLSR or do I want another kind of camera.

And I decided against the DLSR even though that's what Artimus uses.

And the reason was I I'm not going to be behind the camera and being able to fuss with the


I wanted something that could automatically focus.

And when I'm shooting myself and doing the bags, you know, that I can do the YouTube

thing of here's the bag and it will focus.

That kind of thing.

So we chose a camera.

We also thought about the size, and I wanted something that was lightweight that I could

carry around because I wanted ... Usually I shoot in one place, or you know a couple

of different places, but I also wanted to be able to film out and about so that I could

take you with me sometimes.

And for that we had to ... I wanted a lighter camera.

And I also thought about how I wanted the mic to be, and normally I use a Snowball mic,

and it is synced up later during the editing process.

But that was going to be a lot to carry so I did get a lavalier mic which I am not wearing

at the moment, but you will notice me wear it sometimes.

So I'm at Best Buy.

It's a place I don't go very often, and we're shopping for things I don't shop for ... you

know tripods.

Again I wanted a light portable tripod, and you know little things like that.

And I thought you know ok we're picking that out and Artimus is helping me.

But you do get to go bag shopping when you get new camera equipment.

So I had a little fun with the bags in Best Buy.

Did a couple of little mod shots and picked out the perfect bag for me.

So maybe later I'll do a bag review.

Let me know if that is something you're interested in.

As I get more familiar with this equipment, I'll let you know more about how well it's

working for me.

And I might do another video later in the year about how I shoot and how I set up because

it will be very different from the last one which is how Artimus and I did it.

So that's it.

Here we embark on 2019 and shooting a video every single day ... well not necessarily

shooting every day but uploading every day.

I will do a little bit of batch shooting so that um I'm ahead of it a little bit, but

it's still.

It's an enormous thing for me to take on anyway is to do a video every day.

I hope that you are rooting for me.

I'm going to need your positive energy and your positive thoughts.

This is a big project, and we're going to see how well I learn to edit.

That will be an interesting little trick.

Thank you for being here at the beginning of the journey.

Make sure that you subscribe so we can see each other every day in 2019.

Until next time!

For more infomation >> Shopping for My YouTube Equipment | Jill Maurer - Duration: 3:50.


Star Wars 9 - THEORIE : Kylo Ren, Mustafar, Temple Sith et Visions ! - Duration: 4:33.

For more infomation >> Star Wars 9 - THEORIE : Kylo Ren, Mustafar, Temple Sith et Visions ! - Duration: 4:33.



Good looking



CĐV Thái nói lời 'cay đắng' vì đoạn clip lan truyền chóng mặt khắp Châu Á pha ghi bàn này của ĐT VN! - Duration: 24:51.

For more infomation >> CĐV Thái nói lời 'cay đắng' vì đoạn clip lan truyền chóng mặt khắp Châu Á pha ghi bàn này của ĐT VN! - Duration: 24:51.


Essence Of Murli 03-01-2019 - Duration: 7:30.

Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date Is 3rd January 2019

( Right from day one in knowledge Baba makes us firm on points of knowledge .. lets hear which are those knowledge points ... )

Essence: Sweet children, if you remember Alpha and beta, the Father and the inheritance, your mercury of happiness will remain high.

This is an easy matter of just a second.

Question: Which children have limitless happiness? What is the way to keep your mercury of happiness constantly high?

Answer: Children who practise being bodiless,

those who imbibe very well whatever the Father tells them and who inspire others to imbibe it experience limitless happiness.

In order for your mercury of happiness to remain constantly high, continue to donate the imperishable jewels of knowledge.

Bring benefit to many others.

Always have the awareness that you are now going to the peak of happiness and peace and you will remain happy

Essence for dharna: 1. In order to imbibe knowledge, first of all make your intellect golden aged.

Do not have any attachment to anything except remembrance of the Father.

2. In order to attain the karmateet stage and return home, practise being bodiless.

Examine your behaviour to see that you do not cause sorrow for anyone.

Have I become as sweet as the Father?

Blessing: May you be a master ocean of love who turns stone to water with the natural nature of your Brahmin life.

People of the world say that love can turn stone to water.

In the same way, the natural nature of you Brahmins is to be master oceans of love.

You have such a power of soul-conscious love and God's love that you can transform different natures.

Just as the Ocean of Love with His eternal nature of being the embodiment of love made you children belong to Him,

in the same way, you become master oceans of love & also give souls of the world true selfless spiritual love

so their natures will then be transformed.

Slogan: Keep your specialities in your awareness and use them for service and you will continue to fly in the flying stage.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada

The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

Special effort to become equal to Father Brahma.

To stay in the stage of introspection and then to come into extroversion – to practise this, you need to pay personal attention to yourself.

When you remain in the introverted stage then the things of extroversion will not disturb you because you would be far away from body consciousness.

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> Essence Of Murli 03-01-2019 - Duration: 7:30.


Коротко об игровой и интернет-зависимости - Duration: 4:50.

Hi, my name's Vicki and l'm an addict.

Hackers (1995)

Hi. My name's Hank and l'm an addict.

My name's Joey, but...

l'm not an addict.

No, really. Listen.

l got in trouble with my computer.

My lawyer told the judge l'm an addict, but l'm not addicted to my computer.

No, really.

l'm not an addict.

l'm not.

Can l get some more coffee?

Shut up!

Control yourself, not the computer control you.

That's all.

I'll install all the games.

Get out!

I'll scream all night.

Get out!

I'll scream all night.

Get out!


Minecraft is my life, b**ch. MINECRAFT!!!!

And when they were come to the multitude,

there came to him a certain man, kneeling down to him, and saying,

Lord, have mercy on my son:

for he is lunatic, and sore vexed:

for ofttimes he falleth into the fire, and oft into the water.

And I brought him to thy disciples, and they could not cure him.

Then Jesus answered and said,

O faithless and perverse generation,

how long shall I be with you?

how long shall I suffer you?

bring him hither to me.

And Jesus rebuked the devil;

and he departed out of him:

and the child was cured from that very hour.

Then came the disciples to Jesus apart, and said,

Why could not we cast him out?

And Jesus said unto them,

Because of your unbelief:

for verily I say unto you,

If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed,

ye shall say unto this mountain,

Remove hence to yonder place;

and it shall remove;

and nothing shall be impossible unto you.

Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.

And now Fedya tell Vassia what you said before,

only this time the way honest citizens speak.

Cut to the chase.

For more infomation >> Коротко об игровой и интернет-зависимости - Duration: 4:50.



For more infomation >> BISCOTTI FIT AL CACAO SOLO 3 INGREDIENTI - Duration: 1:07.


Библия. Ветхий Завет. Левит 9 глава. - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> Библия. Ветхий Завет. Левит 9 глава. - Duration: 4:19.


S. Korean air force selects its first female test pilot - Duration: 1:52.

South Korea's Air Force selected the country's very first female test pilot in the air force's


Captain Jung Da-jung... is the fearless individual making history by taking on this challenging


Park Ji-won gets us better acquainted with this trailblazer.

South Korea's first female air force test pilot started her 46-week training earlier

Wednesday,... the second day of this new year.

The Republic of Korea Air Force announced that captain Jung Da-jung has been selected

as one of this year's three new test pilots,... along with captain Lee Cheol-soo and captain

Woo Yong-kyun . Their training, almost a year long, started

at the 281st flight test squadron, located in the southeastern city of Sacheon in Gyeongsangnam-do


She entered the Air Force Academy back in 2005... and has been serving as a KF-16 jet

fighter pilot,... clocking up about one-thousand flight hours so far.

"I started dreaming of becoming an Air Force test pilot because I wanted to be the first

to examine a wide range of aircraft equipment.

I will do my best to live up to the title of first female test pilot,... and will help

my fellow fighter pilots who conduct military operations."

After her training,... Jung is expected to conduct various kinds of testing missions,

including the development of the South Korean-made KF-X,... which the military aims to complete

sometime around 2022 or later.

Since 1990, the nation's air force has selected 42 test-pilots, all males,... after a rigorous

selection process because their job of testing the safety of newly-developed aircraft is

more dangerous than flying regular fighter jets.

Park Ji-won, Arirang News.

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