Thứ Tư, 2 tháng 1, 2019

Waching daily Jan 2 2019

«Fire of the Sky»

I have a loot of questions

and I go often to the library to look for answers.

«inspired by the book "COSMOS" of Carl Sagan»

Where babies come from? But why the sky is blue?

In the books I had a lot of answers to my questions,

but even answers I did not ask for...

I learned evolution of Man ...

and when the man started walking on two legs, he began to speak too!

"Nice dog"

And I also know that thanks to a lightning ...

... the man learned to control the fire.

Well... We are not sure,

that's how people think it happened.

I also learned that the medieval times

people believed that the world was flat.

Today we are sure that the world is round ...

And at prehistory times?

Man believes that the world was flat?

So... what if they believe that the stars

were other people with their own fire?

it's funny they really imagine that ...!

For more infomation >> «Les Flammes Du Ciel» - Short Film - Duration: 2:04.


НОВОЧЕБОКСАРСК • РОССИЯ. Путеводитель "Привет мир" 60FPS. Зелёный город на Волге. Республика Чувашия - Duration: 5:53.

Hello, World!

Today we are in Novocheboksarsk!

It's the second biggest town in Chuvashia Republic

21st region of Russian Federation

Quiet and cozy, this young town

comfortably located on the right branch of the mighty Volga river

the biggest river in the world that is not flows into the ocean

Novocheboksarsk originates in 1960

mainly because of construction of one of the biggest chemical plant in soviet union

It was a common practice in soviet days to create lesser towns

satellites near the big ones

It was originally the fate of Novocheboksarsk

"Satellite" was even an official name at the beginning

City was fastly growing and expanding

simultaneously absorbing small villages placed nearby

that assimilated villages gives names to cities blocks

for example




In 1968 starts creation of one the most significant cities facilities

Cheboksary's water-powered plant

one of the biggest in modern Russia

Cheboksarys Dam is not only a source of energy

its used as road bridge at the same time!

Novocheboksarsk total area is nearly 51 square kilometers

The city estimated population is 126 thousand peoples

Let's compare it to the biggest neighbors cities!

just in 17 kms to the west, lies the capital of Chuvashia Republic


just in 82 to the north, is the capital of Mari-El - Yoshkar-ola city

in 150 kilometres to the east lies capital of Republic Tatarstan – Kazan

Novocheboksarsk has a moderate continental climate

with distinct winters and summers

The average temperature of summer is +17,5°C (63,5°F) winter is –11°C (12,2°F)

The young town attracts people because of its relaxed, really peaceful rhythm!

Novocheboksarsk is constantly growing

but despite of that its not hectic as big cities!

In 2008 was raised a question about combining two cities as one

Novocheboksarsk and capital – Cheboksary

the majority of Novocheboksarsk residents was against incoming combining

The proud town keeps it integrity

People of Novocheboskarsk are proud that their home

takes place on the great Volga river

The promenade is the townsfolk favorite place

of peaceful walking and relaxing.

The one of the unquestionable advantage of the Novocheboskarsk

is the abundance of trees and "greens" in general

The largest and best-known towns park is Elnikovskaya grove

It stretches on the total area of 128 hectars

placed nearly at the towns center

Sometimes townsfolk even call their home

"The Green Town"

This big amount of trees and other plants

helps town negate one of its biggest flaws

harmful emissions from industrial area

and close proximity to the chemical plant

In the towns center stands religious relic

the Knyaz Vladimir's cathedral

another townsfolk favorite place of relaxation and meetings

Another popular place is town pedestrian walking street

the Glory alley

Novocheboksarsk have a strong emphasis on developing physical education and sport!

There are several sport oriented schools functioning in the town

Novocheboksarsk "Sportcomplex" is particularly noteworthy

inside of it you can find modern swimming pools

freshly reconstructed track-and-field athletic hall

that now meet the highest standards

and already became a home of all-Russians sport competitions

Novocheboksarsk have an ice palace as well

that named the same way as local hockey team – "The Falcon"

The Nikolaev central stadium is not only a place of football games

it hosting different concerts too

Small and not well-known

but young and cozy

the "Green" town Novocheboksarsk

lies on the bank of Volga river

He's like the flow of this river itself

attracts people by peace and tranquility

Thank you very much for your support!

Best regards from "Hello World!" team!

For more infomation >> НОВОЧЕБОКСАРСК • РОССИЯ. Путеводитель "Привет мир" 60FPS. Зелёный город на Волге. Республика Чувашия - Duration: 5:53.


Nature in Saudi - Duration: 12:18.

For more infomation >> Nature in Saudi - Duration: 12:18.


End Racial Preferences at Colleges? - Duration: 4:33.

A lawsuit against Harvard.

The outcome could affect the future

of affirmative action.

Harvard has been sued for

illegally discriminating against Asian-Americans.

The legal action forced the school

to make its admissions data public

for the first time.

That did reveal that Asian applicants

must score 22 points higher on the SAT than whites,

63 points higher than blacks.


Harvard denies it discriminates

against Asian Americans or any other group.

Harvard says, race is just one factor

among many.

That is just a lie.

Lee Cheng supports the students suing the school.

Harvard didn't just use race as one of many factors.

It was the determinative factor.

Harvard says many Americans of Asian descent

don't get in because they score lower in

personal attributes.

Harvard rated Asian Americans on personality,

right, on subjective factors like likability

and courage lower.

This is because Asian Americans

are boring little grade grubbers.

They just focus on getting good grades

and good test scores.

I can categorically say that's bullshit.

If you only look at grades and test scores,

it looks like a lot of discrimination against Asians.

Economist Harry Holzer,

who went to Harvard, defends the school.

Asians are not interesting?

They don't have interesting qualities?

The personal ratings reflect

a wide range of characteristics.

Now it's possible.

It's possible that some of that is anti-Asian bias,

but you certainly can't prove that.

I don't think they're discriminating against Asians

but I assume they're discriminating for

blacks and Latinos

because there's been a history of discrimination.

I wouldn't label it discrimination.

I would label it as leveling the playing field.

Isn't that discrimination?

No, no, it's,

it's race conscious assistance and

when you have a long history of discrimination

based on race,

you have to take race into account.

Hasn't Harvard,

like lots of other schools,

been deceitful about

what they're doing?

They basically lied for years.

I don't know if they were lying,

they were putting their own spin.

This case is expected to get to the Supreme Court,

and the new court may ban racial preferences.

If that happens,

you'll see a large increase

in the white student population,

and you see a precipitous decline

in the black and Latino student population,

about 50%.

50% decline in those of color.

Harvard would be a less interesting place

if that happens.

There are many, many, different ways

to achieve diversity

without discriminating against Asian Americans.

The reality is that race-focused affirmative action

helps rich people.

Seventy percent of the students

of every ethnic group at Harvard

come from the top 20 percent

of family income.

I think It's okay that some of the minorities

admitted under affirmative action come from

higher income families.

Race in America matters,

at any level of income.

The groups that are harmed the most

are actually poor whites and poor Asians.

Cheng is passionate about ending racial preferences

because when he was in the 8th grade,

he applied to San Francisco's Lowell High School.

I was just shocked when I found out

I had to score higher than kids of any other ethnic

group because I've just taken civics.

I was just taught in civics and history

that in America everybody was supposed to be equal

under the law.

Lowell High School excels in everything

from music to math.

Cheng got in to that high school, but –

The kids who were negatively affected

were the kids of the dishwashers and the seamstresses

who lived in Chinatown, who were very poor.

Cheng later went to Harvard.

He became a lawyer

and successfully sued San Francisco

over its race-based preferences.

We got rid of the quotas in San Francisco.

You Asians, we white people.

We're doing well in America.

We don't need extra help,

but some other groups do,

and there's a history of nasty discrimination

against them.

Isn't it Harvard's job to

try to make up for some of that?

The right path

out of the history of discrimination

against individuals based on race is not more

discrimination based on race.

I have three kids,

and I'll be damned if I'm going to not fight

very, very hard to make sure that they don't get

treated as second-class citizens

in the land in which they were born.

For more infomation >> End Racial Preferences at Colleges? - Duration: 4:33.


Waking up at 5AM is ruining my life - Duration: 8:06.

I've seen loads of people going on about our waking up at 5 a.m. is changing

their life making this new better person about me think yeah right

an apartment we think like I could really be a better version of myself I'm

actually quite sick of like the potential people who think waking up at

5:00 a.m. makes them better than me because it

does and it's really annoying I'm trying to be better so I can look at

you guys and think 9:00 a.m. you wake up ah I remember I used to a hoping I am

oh darn a yo-yo oh boy wake up no really you know 5:00

I'm having a lie-in but sometimes I just don't sleep at all yes 11:43 now this is

how my alarm normally no 11:30 you're not who puts on for 11:30 11:57 hello

darkness my old friend my phone's there I'm gonna be going bed

right there when he gets to 5:00 a.m. I'm going to be waking up running over

to my phone banging on me alarm I'm awake no got a gap at 5:00 a.m.

this is

for a minute to be honest I think I thought I was going on holiday when I

woke up so I like a bit happy but I'm not I'm not going all day that sucks

it's so fucking early only not do so I was going to do the normal stuff I would

do all right so I've gotten ready and got to say normally it's like showering

and brushing my teeth which take the longest but today it was finding the

will to live this is the worst thing ever it's a bit later on of the day by

that I mean 6:00 a.m. apparently waking over 5 a.m. gives you

a winner mindset I do not feel like a winner feel like a loser actually cuz

for one thing why I keep falling asleep while I'm doing stuff

so I'm trying to do some work at the moment I've been saying for about half

an hour all over written I don't even know where that sentence was going I'm

sure take that away I thought this is a good representation of my life right now

just like completely empty with no meaning whatsoever waking up at 5:00

a.m. that's the best you got do it absolutely just real this is what the

top dogs do 5:00 a.m. wake up back so who's winning in this situation

situation all right so it's 10:30 now at night which I didn't has a distinguished

before 10:30 I'm not I know what you're probably

thinking go to bed early makes sense right except it doesn't let

me tell you why wild I go to bed early when I'm waking up early two wrongs

don't make a right today so basically I'm just going to stay up as late as

possible that way it's like balance in it that's

what it's like everything in moderation so you gonna have the late with the

early isn't it Oh why's your jug too Early's well how does that make sense

then you just early you got bean lake all right so this 1157 now basically I

want to get five hours sleep so I ran the numbers like five four three two one

zero I think if either their bed at zero I'll

get exactly five hours and obviously zero doesn't exist it's like 12 it's 12

p.m. because at nighttime to 12 p.m. and yeah so I did like a Google and like I

found out that it takes the average person 7 minutes to fall asleep but I

know that I'm like well quicker stuff like girls and stuff but we've both

saying or you finish so fast light or wide you finish so fast like and

obviously that's like I'm a compliment I'm not boasting about it

and then yeah ready for like a 5:00 a.m. wake up again I met on that grind I just

showed you mine I'm like you work hard you can achieve anything

who would think that I would get up at 5:00 a.m. that isn't mental I actually

can't wait to get out now I'll see you guys tomorrow

laughs night-night let the bedbugs bite

and then quite wake up with the enthusiasm I had last night

yeah just fell but I shit behind and I'm getting so excited and go to sleep but

actually just stayed awake most of time I think I probably should have gone to

bed a bit earlier I thought the logic was flawless

now I'm starting to think maybe maybe actually looks better bear earlier no no

that's not that's not I thought why I thought I even if I went to bed at 5:00

you know in the afternoon I still would have been all right all right so my food

and second day and yeah I'm feeling pretty great to be honest I'm going to

the gym because if that's what us 5 a.m. is doing that's why I call it's not 5:00

a.m. you got beginning to understand obviously energy but fighting enemies of

waking up at 5:00 a.m. so yes that's that's you can see the correlation oh

yeah I think he's lactose free gluten free dairy free protein free protein

shakes when excited actually to come tomorrow which is really anyway I'm on

this is

five minutes later well we made it it is 9:15 I just want to go back to bed

and wake up a reasonable hour such as 1:00 in the afternoon I feel like

there's a snooze button for a reason just press it and you press it ten more

times and that's how a normal functional human being should behave I was 5 a.m.

somewhere that's what they say anyway oh it's 5 a.m. somewhere shut up

For more infomation >> Waking up at 5AM is ruining my life - Duration: 8:06.


AMORE o SICUREZZA? INVIDIA BUONA o CATTIVA? RISPONDO alle vostre DOMANDE #AskColors pt.1 - Duration: 17:49.

Hi all colors welcome in this one new video "ask", it was a long time since not

I did an "ask" and I'm happy to do another: I'm shooting after Christmas

in practice, but you will see me in January. And nothing, let's start right away because I do not know

if only one part is enough or we should divide it into two parts, however

you will see it from the title and duration surely: let's start from facebook, where the

first question the "Mami" makes me, Giovanna Paolucci and asks me: hello riccardo

I begin: I ask you this question how do you consider Christmas? I primarily like

religious festival but for many it is only consumerism. In fact I have already answered

this question in the tag

I never remember if mine or yours Christmas, however, I'll put you in the

cards (although I think you've already covered it) so you can know a little about it

I think short, however briefly I also say here that it's a bit of an excuse

in my opinion to bring together people who normally during the year does not

they would be seen or seen less. I was forgetting to answer the

mom's boyfriend's question, so the youtube virtual pops,

robert king of the robert king canal comedian and writer that you

invitation to visit, then we will add the your question

he asks me: consider yourself more a father than Santa Claus or more elven of malefics

snow names? I do not know if behind "dad" the meaning that comes is hidden

given we say also in south Italy (therefore stupidotto) so no, I think I am

unfortunately too smart, sometimes I would like to be stupid dear popes and

but unfortunately it is not possible, it can not be done regress unless you pull me one

head-shot. "I ask this question because not everyone knows that day

of the nativity our spirit is reborn modeling itself in something abstract and

at the same time unpredictable: the legend tells that the heart could

be infected by a mysterious force occult, so your answer is

important to know the future respect to the whole humanity "if

let's continue with this illiteracy functional dear papino you will go, yes

will go as they say to a bad end here, then

this is my answer for you, and I hope to have been exhaustive.

Sontina Effe asks me:

You are at a crossroads: the person who it makes your heart beat faster,

the one that represents all that you want but you know it will make you suffer

a lot during your relationship, or the person laid, responsible

that loves you and that guarantees you a life serene but to which you simply want, who

choose? Kisses " Let's start by saying that the question is very very interesting, e

so I'm very happy that it is arrived first because I did not want to

arrive, as they say ... somehow tired, one

similar question, and then then answer hurriedly for the

hurry to close the video: let's say that I'm a bit 'two extremes (probably

wanted) and then I answer that surely the person must love her,

which would lead to the first option but you have to see a bit 'which

suffering, because if by suffering we intend to bear a distance

temporary is a speech that is supported for love it is tolerated, or in any case others

things like that I know he does a heavy job, we see each other very little

and then that's another thing that yes bears if suffering means

become a deer in spring, if you suffer it means for example the fact that you do not

show with you in public, the fact that somehow you are ashamed of yourself, that

does not introduce you to friends or to loved ones in some way ... then

that kind of suffering is not good for me, let's say that my person is a mixture

between the two things because I can not stay with a person I love.

michele and fabio (hello guys!) ask me: would you accept a political assignment, and if

yes what would be your first law? If I'm not wrong

among other things this question had been me made to the other "ask", but since it is a lot

long (I do not want to bore you with half an hour of "ask" I answer you also here:

the important thing would certainly not become too famous, too much on the planes

high because then the private life would go a little 'walk (to say nothing else

words "family friendly"

but let's say at a not too famous level I would probably accept it, and I would do it right away

pressure for a law against homo-b i-transphobia that ... I know about these things not

we always agree after your video on homophobia, though

I would be very very strict at least a pecuniary level, especially at the level

pecunirio because then also depends on the entity, in the sense to punish an offense

verbal with the prison would seem excessive to me, while the fine

it is never excessive; if instead there are aggravating factors of the type

that you are the one who pecks - or worse you still kill her - that is absolutely prison

and indeed, in case of murder I would give just the prison for life without even

to think (for a homo-bi-transphobic matrix.) Another law is not less

since this also concerns me, one more attention to "after us" ed

to the housing emergency, which often it also affects people with disabilities,

so there must not be anyone must live with 283 euros a month,

there must not be anyone left on the street because he can not pay a

rent, because the money the state has them, so this would be another law; not

I could do only one because for me one does not exclude the other, I thank you

for this question to which surely the answer will have been different, so fine

that has emerged again. brother & sister travel me

asks: you have other tattoos scheduled or piercings in the near future or you feel

to be okay like that? So, tattoos new ones I have not planned

honestly speaking, I would like to have idea and money especially for how much

it's about a cover, a cover of mine first tattoo (that of the eagle)

because I do not like it anymore, I do not like the meaning that I do anymore

remember and I would like to cover it, but the problem is that I'm not working

too much, but we'll talk about work later, in another question and above all

I have to have a good idea because a tattoo is forever.

clay & bonny (I'm always happy when new stylists ask me questions!)

we would like to ask you what do you think of envy?

believe that it can be a feeling good to spur yourself to be better

for example, or give to this feeling a negative connotation?

So, in the meantime, I respond to this because then there's another one:

in my opinion there are both, in the sense for example, I find myself much more

often to try the first one, for example when I saw that there were some

youtuber with a love life initially not beautiful and now

made, I began to think that this thing was possible for

me ... about positive envy. At the same time there is also an envy

negative to which I am not immune absolutely, because I am a

be human like all of you, I try to keep away because it's all

negative that is not good for the spirit and to the soul, but I'm not immune

the other always question of Clay & Bonny is: if I were a character in a book, what would you be?

Well I will seem obvious but not even, because in reality

I want to enrich my answer obvious: I would be a Harry Potter but a little

stronger and a bit 'less lucky, that is .. you that you follow the saga you know what I am

speaking, in the sense that anyway Harry Potter for all seven books and eight films

I'm always a large number of exaggerated butt buttes

I, on the other hand, would like to be a Harry Potter who yes, inevitably succeeds with the ... with the help of others

however, at the same time, there is a little more ... a little more talent, a little

more than ... of attributes and also does a little more alone, a revisited Harry Potter

this is my personal version of Harry Potter, so much so that Harry Potter is not the

my favorite character of the saga strange but true.

"food mania" obviously asks me my question is: what is your favorite dish?

So dear, let's say that I first tell you what I do not eat: I do not base myself

like fennel cooked au gratin, while instead for example I would not have

problems with eating fennel salad, it is the gratin variant that I do not like

and then I do not like them beets, if anything on the

on the salty snack the cream of beetroot at its best but not

more, and ... just think, for the rest I like pretty much everything can be said

sure if I had to tell you we do so, three favorite dishes: from

good Italian pizza, especially like it is made in Naples (as it should be); in

winter pasta with lentils, while in summer I liked so much a cold pasta that made me the mother of an old friend, She was the mother of an old friend

because it was precisely vabbè pasta obviously, with pitted green olives,

gruyere, the Swiss, in other words that type of cheese there, peppers and saffron

in cooking ... very good! Then I like them very sweet also, all kinds of desserts

if anything, I avoid those with too much alcohol content because

I can not stand alcohol, nothing, zero you make me drunk because no.

the wellness channel claudia bardi with whom I also made a collaboration (which I'll put you on the cards) asks me:

what color is life seen by riccardo? kiss sweetheart! * Smack * kisses you too, hello dear <3

So, what color is life ... let's say that ... here, now comes the answer

deep .. let's say that like everyone like everyone, but maybe a little 'more than other people of my age

my life has often changed color, in the sense that as a child I was very

on clouds like all children, but then ... and therefore my life could

being kind I do not know of a beautiful blue here, a series of events have

done early to bring me a series of black events, very black blacks for which

I had changed my mind, I did not want to ... I did not want to like me anymore

before being in the world ... I do not even know how I'm still here to tell you why

they were really very, very moments ugly: now I place myself in the middle, not

I'm in black, I'm not in the rosy because however there are still many things that

I want to see made to stay Better possible,

But now I do not know pale colors pastel between black and blue.

Recipes and RISATE in a few minutes the channel of Clara and Mirella, but lately managed more by mirella

well I have to say then believe more in your mirella skills!

what is the gift you would like for Christmas and what would you do if you made your gift?

From the tone of the question I believe that a gift in the broad sense is meant no, e so I answer you in a very broad sense

the greatest gift, as I say practically in all the videos where I have the chance

(you can not stand me anymore to hear) would be the construction of one of my family, then a companion

let's say that at this moment I tell you without children, but einstein said that

only fools do not change their minds, so right now, without children, then

in life you never know .. what would I do if yes realize, well I answer you in a way

very superstitious, I'm turning this video the day after Christmas

Tomorrow I will meet a person with whom I have many common points, though

rightly he too answers "step by step "which translates into English

step by step, this thing I find myself ... I find myself deeply in this thing

so if this were the realization of my desire, a tomorrow, farther

in private I will make a good cry, but just those on tap

and then I would do my best to grow it, because love is a bit like plants, if

do not grow it dies (I see it that way) in the hope that obviously from the other

part is the same thing, and..surely I would believe more in life because so far

Yes, I learned to believe in myself but in life little, and in life

(excusing the pun) it would be necessary be able to believe both in themselves and in life itself to be more serene.

Boys in the end I decided to finish first because it was coming too long, but I announce that

there will be a second but not a third part, so forgive me if the second part

it will be a little longer, to the next video Hello!

For more infomation >> AMORE o SICUREZZA? INVIDIA BUONA o CATTIVA? RISPONDO alle vostre DOMANDE #AskColors pt.1 - Duration: 17:49.


За кадром: Cookiewatch | Overwatch (субтитры) - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> За кадром: Cookiewatch | Overwatch (субтитры) - Duration: 5:01.


GÜLMEMEKTEN AĞLAMA CHALLENGE (Vine Futbol) - Duration: 10:54.

For more infomation >> GÜLMEMEKTEN AĞLAMA CHALLENGE (Vine Futbol) - Duration: 10:54.


Accuracy vs Fluency when Speaking English - Which One Is More Important? - Duration: 13:17.

For more infomation >> Accuracy vs Fluency when Speaking English - Which One Is More Important? - Duration: 13:17.


Afro Pop Instrumental 2019 ''Maria'' [Aya Nakamura x Davido Type Beat] - Duration: 3:28.


For more infomation >> Afro Pop Instrumental 2019 ''Maria'' [Aya Nakamura x Davido Type Beat] - Duration: 3:28.



Toy Blade Collection - Axe - Sword Shield Collection Video for Kids!



Getting Your Car Ready | Uber Support | Uber - Duration: 1:09.

Getting your car ready.

When it comes to preparing your car,

here are a few things to keep in mind

that'll keep you safe on the road.

Some cities may require you to keep your phone mounted

and have a Bluetooth headset for taking calls,

allowing you to keep your hands on the wheel.

A phone charger insures you're always powered up

and ready to take your next trip.

Many cities require drivers to have the Uber decals

clearly displayed on car windshields.

Many cities may require that your car pass an inspection

before you can go on the road.

Look for an email from your local Uber team

on the rules in your city.

We also asked some highly rated drivers

how they set themselves up for success.

A lot of drivers say they get higher ratings

and more compliments when they have a clean car

free of heavy scents.

Some drivers go the extra mile to delight their riders

with things like mints or bottled water.

With a little extra care,

you're setting yourself up for smooth cruising.

For more infomation >> Getting Your Car Ready | Uber Support | Uber - Duration: 1:09.


Yosemite - Tik Tok Mix | Nhạc Tik Tok Gây Nghiện ✅ - Duration: 1:13.

Subscribe My Channel MCT Music 🔔

For more infomation >> Yosemite - Tik Tok Mix | Nhạc Tik Tok Gây Nghiện ✅ - Duration: 1:13.



For more infomation >> COLOMBIE 🌎| VISITE DES CAÏMANS ET DES TORTUES [VLOG 6] - Duration: 8:42.


Neeru Bajwa Movies List - Duration: 1:22.

Neeru Bajwa Movies List

For more infomation >> Neeru Bajwa Movies List - Duration: 1:22.


iPhone screen locked in portrait orientation mode - Duration: 0:36.

In case if your iPhone display is stuck in horizontal or vertical mode then there is

a simple solution to fix this one.

Just open the control center and we will see this icon here with a lock and then a circle.

If it is active like this then just deactivate it.

So, this is portrait orientation lock.

So, deactivate it and then you should be able to rotate the screen now.

For more infomation >> iPhone screen locked in portrait orientation mode - Duration: 0:36.


That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Episode 3 English Dub - Duration: 25:30.

That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Episode 1 English Dub

That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Episode 1 English Dub

For more infomation >> That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Episode 3 English Dub - Duration: 25:30.


K-391 - Summertime (Sunshine) [NSC Release] - Duration: 4:44.

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For more infomation >> K-391 - Summertime (Sunshine) [NSC Release] - Duration: 4:44.


Stossel: End Racial Preferences at Colleges? - Duration: 4:23.

A lawsuit against Harvard.

The outcome could affect the future

of affirmative action.

Harvard has been sued for

illegally discriminating against Asian-Americans.

The legal action forced the school

to make its admissions data public

for the first time.

That did reveal that Asian applicants

must score 22 points higher on the SAT than whites,

63 points higher than blacks.


Harvard denies it discriminates

against Asian Americans or any other group.

Harvard says, race is just one factor

among many.

That is just a lie.

Lee Cheng supports the students suing the school.

Harvard didn't just use race as one of many factors.

It was the determinative factor.

Harvard says many Americans of Asian descent

don't get in because they score lower in

personal attributes.

Harvard rated Asian Americans on personality,

right, on subjective factors like likability

and courage lower.

This is because Asian Americans

are boring little grade grubbers.

They just focus on getting good grades

and good test scores.

I can categorically say that's bullshit.

If you only look at grades and test scores,

it looks like a lot of discrimination against Asians.

Economist Harry Holzer,

who went to Harvard, defends the school.

Asians are not interesting?

They don't have interesting qualities?

The personal ratings reflect

a wide range of characteristics.

Now it's possible.

It's possible that some of that is anti-Asian bias,

but you certainly can't prove that.

I don't think they're discriminating against Asians

but I assume they're discriminating for

blacks and Latinos

because there's been a history of discrimination.

I wouldn't label it discrimination.

I would label it as leveling the playing field.

Isn't that discrimination?

No, no, it's,

it's race conscious assistance and

when you have a long history of discrimination

based on race,

you have to take race into account.

Hasn't Harvard,

like lots of other schools,

been deceitful about

what they're doing?

They basically lied for years.

I don't know if they were lying,

they were putting their own spin.

This case is expected to get to the Supreme Court,

and the new court may ban racial preferences.

If that happens,

you'll see a large increase

in the white student population,

and you see a precipitous decline

in the black and Latino student population,

about 50%.

50% decline in those of color.

Harvard would be a less interesting place

if that happens.

There are many, many, different ways

to achieve diversity

without discriminating against Asian Americans.

The reality is that race-focused affirmative action

helps rich people.

Seventy percent of the students

of every ethnic group at Harvard

come from the top 20 percent

of family income.

I think It's okay that some of the minorities

admitted under affirmative action come from

higher income families.

Race in America matters,

at any level of income.

The groups that are harmed the most

are actually poor whites and poor Asians.

Cheng is passionate about ending racial preferences

because when he was in the 8th grade,

he applied to San Francisco's Lowell High School.

I was just shocked when I found out

I had to score higher than kids of any other ethnic

group because I've just taken civics.

I was just taught in civics and history

that in America everybody was supposed to be equal

under the law.

Lowell High School excels in everything

from music to math.

Cheng got in to that high school, but –

The kids who were negatively affected

were the kids of the dishwashers and the seamstresses

who lived in Chinatown, who were very poor.

Cheng later went to Harvard.

He became a lawyer

and successfully sued San Francisco

over its race-based preferences.

We got rid of the quotas in San Francisco.

You Asians, we white people.

We're doing well in America.

We don't need extra help,

but some other groups do,

and there's a history of nasty discrimination

against them.

Isn't it Harvard's job to

try to make up for some of that?

The right path

out of the history of discrimination

against individuals based on race is not more

discrimination based on race.

I have three kids,

and I'll be damned if I'm going to not fight

very, very hard to make sure that they don't get

treated as second-class citizens

in the land in which they were born.

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