Thứ Tư, 2 tháng 1, 2019

Waching daily Jan 2 2019

After the gargantuan festive meals, we want to prepare easy and quick dishes.

Tofu with salt, pepper and garlic is one of them.

Cut the tofu into chunks.

Mince the spring onion.

You can put a hot chili.

Finely mince it.

Chop the garlic cloves.

To prepare the dipping sauce, in a small bowl, combine:

A little of :



spring onion

¼ tsp of salt

And 2 tbsp of white rice vinegar

Now we can start cooking

Fry the tofu in the oil heated over a high heat.

Use an oil that has already been used, the tofu pieces will get a beautiful golden color

Let them fry about 3 to 4 minutes on each side.

Then remove them

In another frying pan over high heat, put 2 tbsp of oil.

When the oil is hot put the garlic and regularly stir

When it begins to lightly brown, add:

The Tofu,

½ tsp of salt

½ tsp of ground pepper,

And 1 tbsp of Shaoxing cooking wine.

Stir for 30 seconds.

Add the spring onion and the chili.

Stir for 15 seconds

And cut the fire

Bon Appétit!

The scent of the garlic and the pepper are fantastic with the tofu!

The sauce completes the dish with its acidity and flavors.

The small pieces of garlic and spring onion are delicious with rice.

Thank you for watching and sharing my video.

See you at the next homemade dish

For more infomation >> Garlic, Salt and Pepper Tofu: Easy and Quick Recipe - Morgane Recipes - Duration: 3:53.


What is Impeachment? - Duration: 5:02.

If the President, or any other government official, does something illegal, he or she

can be impeached and removed from office.

What does impeachment mean?

How does the impeachment process work?

At the Constitutional Convention in 1787, Benjamin Franklin suggested that there should

be a formalized procedure for removing chief executives from office.

As a result, the Founding Fathers wrote Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution, which states

that "the president, the vice president, and all civil officers of the United States

shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery,

or other high crimes and misdemeanors."

The term "impeach" means to formally accuse a public official of misconduct while in office.

It is comparable to the term "indict" in regular court proceedings.

It is essentially a determination of whether there is, or is not,

enough evidence to hold a trial against the official.

Impeachment proceedings take place in the House of Representatives, which has the sole

power of impeachment.

The impeachment process can be started by any member of the House of Representatives

who feels that the president or other official has done something worthy of impeachment.

Even non-members may request that impeachment proceedings be initiated.

For example, the request could come from the president, a state legislature, a grand jury,

a special prosecutor, or even a petition of the people.

After the impeachment resolution has been made, it will be referred to a committee (the

committee will largely depend on the type of offense that is being investigated).

The committee will investigate to determine whether there is enough evidence for impeachment.

If they determine that there are sufficient grounds for impeachment, the committee will

set forth specific allegations of misconduct in the form of an impeachment resolution or

articles of impeachment.

The House of Representatives will then debate the resolution and vote.

Only a simple majority is needed to pass the impeachment resolution.

If the president (or other official) is impeached, the members of the House have essentially

voted in favor of a trial taking place.

The actual trial of the president would take place in the Senate.

Members of the House of Representatives are chosen to present the case both for and against

to the Senate.

These House members are referred to as House managers.

The House managers serve the same role as a prosecutor and the district attorney in

a regular court setting, with the Senate serving as the jury.

As required by the Constitution, if the President is on trial, the Chief Justice of the Supreme

Court presides over the proceedings.

If it is another government official on trial, the proceedings will be conducted by the vice


At the conclusion of the trial, the senators will vote to either convict or acquit.

A two-thirds vote is required in order to convict.

If the person on trial is convicted, that individual is automatically removed from office

and is also barred from holding an office in the future.

Impeachments are rare, and removal from office is even rarer.

In the history of the United States, only two presidents have been impeached.

President Andrew Johnson was impeached by the House of Representatives in 1868, but

he was acquitted by the Senate.

Likewise, President Bill Clinton was impeached in 1998, but was acquitted by the Senate.

Impeachment proceedings were initiated against President Richard Nixon in 1974, but he resigned

his position before the process could be completed.

For more infomation >> What is Impeachment? - Duration: 5:02.


Modern Houses Are Extremely Cozy And Full Of Light In London | Tiny House Lover - Duration: 11:50.

Modern Houses Are Extremely Cozy And Full Of Light In London | Tiny House Lover

For more infomation >> Modern Houses Are Extremely Cozy And Full Of Light In London | Tiny House Lover - Duration: 11:50.


«Les Flammes Du Ciel» - Short Film - Duration: 2:04.

«Fire of the Sky»

I have a loot of questions

and I go often to the library to look for answers.

«inspired by the book "COSMOS" of Carl Sagan»

Where babies come from? But why the sky is blue?

In the books I had a lot of answers to my questions,

but even answers I did not ask for...

I learned evolution of Man ...

and when the man started walking on two legs, he began to speak too!

"Nice dog"

And I also know that thanks to a lightning ...

... the man learned to control the fire.

Well... We are not sure,

that's how people think it happened.

I also learned that the medieval times

people believed that the world was flat.

Today we are sure that the world is round ...

And at prehistory times?

Man believes that the world was flat?

So... what if they believe that the stars

were other people with their own fire?

it's funny they really imagine that ...!

For more infomation >> «Les Flammes Du Ciel» - Short Film - Duration: 2:04.


НОВОЧЕБОКСАРСК • РОССИЯ. Путеводитель "Привет мир" 60FPS. Зелёный город на Волге. Республика Чувашия - Duration: 5:53.

Hello, World!

Today we are in Novocheboksarsk!

It's the second biggest town in Chuvashia Republic

21st region of Russian Federation

Quiet and cozy, this young town

comfortably located on the right branch of the mighty Volga river

the biggest river in the world that is not flows into the ocean

Novocheboksarsk originates in 1960

mainly because of construction of one of the biggest chemical plant in soviet union

It was a common practice in soviet days to create lesser towns

satellites near the big ones

It was originally the fate of Novocheboksarsk

"Satellite" was even an official name at the beginning

City was fastly growing and expanding

simultaneously absorbing small villages placed nearby

that assimilated villages gives names to cities blocks

for example




In 1968 starts creation of one the most significant cities facilities

Cheboksary's water-powered plant

one of the biggest in modern Russia

Cheboksarys Dam is not only a source of energy

its used as road bridge at the same time!

Novocheboksarsk total area is nearly 51 square kilometers

The city estimated population is 126 thousand peoples

Let's compare it to the biggest neighbors cities!

just in 17 kms to the west, lies the capital of Chuvashia Republic


just in 82 to the north, is the capital of Mari-El - Yoshkar-ola city

in 150 kilometres to the east lies capital of Republic Tatarstan – Kazan

Novocheboksarsk has a moderate continental climate

with distinct winters and summers

The average temperature of summer is +17,5°C (63,5°F) winter is –11°C (12,2°F)

The young town attracts people because of its relaxed, really peaceful rhythm!

Novocheboksarsk is constantly growing

but despite of that its not hectic as big cities!

In 2008 was raised a question about combining two cities as one

Novocheboksarsk and capital – Cheboksary

the majority of Novocheboksarsk residents was against incoming combining

The proud town keeps it integrity

People of Novocheboskarsk are proud that their home

takes place on the great Volga river

The promenade is the townsfolk favorite place

of peaceful walking and relaxing.

The one of the unquestionable advantage of the Novocheboskarsk

is the abundance of trees and "greens" in general

The largest and best-known towns park is Elnikovskaya grove

It stretches on the total area of 128 hectars

placed nearly at the towns center

Sometimes townsfolk even call their home

"The Green Town"

This big amount of trees and other plants

helps town negate one of its biggest flaws

harmful emissions from industrial area

and close proximity to the chemical plant

In the towns center stands religious relic

the Knyaz Vladimir's cathedral

another townsfolk favorite place of relaxation and meetings

Another popular place is town pedestrian walking street

the Glory alley

Novocheboksarsk have a strong emphasis on developing physical education and sport!

There are several sport oriented schools functioning in the town

Novocheboksarsk "Sportcomplex" is particularly noteworthy

inside of it you can find modern swimming pools

freshly reconstructed track-and-field athletic hall

that now meet the highest standards

and already became a home of all-Russians sport competitions

Novocheboksarsk have an ice palace as well

that named the same way as local hockey team – "The Falcon"

The Nikolaev central stadium is not only a place of football games

it hosting different concerts too

Small and not well-known

but young and cozy

the "Green" town Novocheboksarsk

lies on the bank of Volga river

He's like the flow of this river itself

attracts people by peace and tranquility

Thank you very much for your support!

Best regards from "Hello World!" team!

For more infomation >> НОВОЧЕБОКСАРСК • РОССИЯ. Путеводитель "Привет мир" 60FPS. Зелёный город на Волге. Республика Чувашия - Duration: 5:53.


Nature in Saudi - Duration: 12:18.

For more infomation >> Nature in Saudi - Duration: 12:18.


Fake Doctor News - Duration: 9:24.

what oh no wait a minute these are my degree certificates welcome back to the

channel guys over the Christmas period there was one video that I made ages ago

where I was commenting on what work a celebrity might or might not have had

done and why they look in a certain way that just went pretty crazy so in a very

short space of time it got nearly half a million views and

of course what comes with nearly half a million views is a bunch of trolls and

they were saying all the usual trolly stuff like you can't be commenting

because you know you're exactly an oil painting except I don't think they were

quite as verbally advanced as that which is cool because I guess if you make a

house on the internet then people are going to throw stones at it don't know

quite what that analogy is but there we are but the one thing that really

annoyed me about the whole experience was them questioning my professional

qualifications and my professional integrity so I wasn't making these

videos because I wanted to tear anybody down or say they look bad the whole

point of it was to show people at home what procedures celebrities have done in

order to make them look like that I'm not saying they look bad I'm saying they

look good and trying to explain why they look good the other thing actually that

annoyed me was when they were talking about the way that I dressed and how

that I looked like if you don't show these high status symbols in your videos

you'll somehow fraud but of course the shoes on the other foot now isn't it

because now I've got my Chanel my Hermes and my Instagram boyfriend to prove what an

amazing success I am 43% of my viewers are from America and over there medicine

is not an undergraduate degree it's a postgraduate degree meaning you have to

do a degree first like biochemical Sciences or something like that

and then you can go on to become a doctor or a dentist well it's not the

same here guys medicine and dentistry in the UK are undergraduate degrees and

look I have the diplomas to prove it University of Newcastle upon Tyne Cera

carries Tonks was admitted to the degree of Bachelor of Dental Surgery in 2005

kaboom so I was 23 when I graduated as a dentist long time ago now and I work for

a dentist as a few years during that time I took the membership of the

Faculty of Dental Surgery which is a postgraduate qualification over here um

I actually lost my diploma because it's like a funny size and it's like weirdly

rolled up and I think I just lost it in a house move anyway here's my

confirmation letter saying that that actually happened I then spent some

years in maxillofacial surgery the u.s. system is very different from the UK

system over here you have to have a degree in both medicine and dentistry in

order to advance up the career scale however in the US and in some of the

countries it's dental only so that's why I went back to medical school and I went

back to med school in 2009 now I was in quite a fortunate position my degree was

shortened from the usual five years to three years because the first two years

are the same as dentistry so in some cases and there are a handful of places

in the country which will allow you to do that at the time when I did that I

think I was one of four at this university and there were maybe two in

the north and two others in a Southern University as well so not many of us so

even over here when I say that I did my medical degree in three years I get

funny looks during that time I took a year off and I did a master's degree in

clinical and experimental medicine at UCL which is also in London so that was

2010 and this was kind of about how to design

drug trials and basically be a good foundation if one wanted to go on to do

a PhD which I'm sure at one point I will also during that time I took a

postgraduate certificate in advanced aesthetic dentistry that was 2012 that's

also at UCL I hesitated to put this in um

because I don't know I don't really do any dentistry at all and I haven't done

any for years but I thought why not you know I did it why not so in 2013 I was

fortunate enough to graduate from Queen Mary and Westfield University of London

and this is my medical degree this is where all the action is guys this is the

medical degree that's where you all want to see right there we are signed by the

vice-chancellor and the principal themselves definitely

no forging this and then after that that's when I started doing my work as a

doctor and at the same time I took a diploma in cosmetic science and this is

from the Society of cosmetic scientists now if you're not familiar with

postgraduate education a diploma is it's got the same foundation as a master's

degree except you don't do the thesis at the end and this one is basically all

about skincare science so when someone says to me oh why do you think that

you're not a dermatologist it really piss me off and it paid me off so much

that I decided to go back to Cardiff University and do a diploma in practical

dermatology there we are one was that 2016 and for the Eagle Eye

amongst you you will see that it is written in Welsh down there and it must

be real there's a hologram on there and everything look at that that's quality

something else that was mentioned in the comment section was oh no one cares

about your opinion well be you're wrong because this year I was profiled in

cosmopolitan UK magazine

and also had a big piece in The Saturday Times Magazine I've appeared on TV three


as well as getting some kind mentions in a bunch of other publications such as

the Daily Mail Grazia and vogue so yeah turns out that people do care amazing

another often asked question is how come you've been injecting so long if you

became a doctor in 2013 well it's because over here dentists can inject as

well and that's when I started so I took my first ever training course back in

2008 and you might not know but there isn't much regulation around who can and

can't inject and what kind of training they have so back in 2008 I just started

there and I would do evenings and weekends work particularly when I was

back at medical school and that's how I got myself through University I've been

injecting full time now since 2015 and it's now 2019 so I have picked up quite

a few tips and tricks along the way as you can imagine I'm sure you don't know

that much about the regulation around cosmetic injectables in the UK but you

don't actually have to be a healthcare professional to do it anybody can do it

your hairdresser your plumber your Builder literally anybody can inject

dermal filler and botulinum toxin so it's kind of unusual to have a doctor

doing it full-time I will give you that nevertheless that is what I do so if

you're getting confused by my lack of obvious data symbols like a stethoscope

or glasses well the joke's on you because I had my eyes lasered a couple

of years ago and it was brilliant I've got some really exciting stuff coming up

for 2019 so I'm having a friend joining me doctor Kishan he's a doctor and a

dentist like me and he also has an undergrad degree in pathology I'm

starting my second master's degree at the University of George Washington in

integrative medicine and I'm really just looking forward to seeing where YouTube

is going can't wait I'm changing the way that the Friday videos will be filmed

not yet we still have a bit of a backlog there so maybe towards perhaps April May

time you might see an exciting difference in those and you definitely

going to be seeing much more of myself and dr. Kishen in 2019 I hope you

enjoyed the video don't forget to check the General Medical Council website to

make sure that I'm not making all this up and I will see you guys again next

week see you later

For more infomation >> Fake Doctor News - Duration: 9:24.


1-2 Years For The Rest Of Your Life (Key Fitness Mindset) - Duration: 5:36.

All right, so if you're still a beginner at the whole fitness thing, you're not happy

with the shape you're in right now, maybe you're on the thinner side and you want to

put on some muscle, maybe you're overweight and you want to lean down, or you're somewhere

in the middle and you want to do both, I know that if you've never really been in great

shape before then it might seem like kind of a lofty goal right now, there's a lot of

things you're trying to keep track of; figuring out your calories, your macronutrients, food

choices, setting up a proper workout plan, getting to the gym consistently, putting in

the actual effort during your training sessions, tracking your progress, your supplements,

it definitely can feel a bit overwhelming at the start.

I've been there myself.

You might be having a tough time, you might be questioning whether or not it's even worth


But one very important thing that you have to keep in mind is that learning the ropes

in terms of building muscle and losing fat is just like any other skill.

And once you've gone through that initial grind and you've gotten accustomed to things,

you've learned about your body, you've built up the proper habits, you've achieved some

decent muscle building and fat burning results, it might be easy to just focus on the immediate

short-term game that you're gonna see, but you also have to understand that by just putting

in the work for that initial year or two you're literally setting yourself up for an entire

lifetime of benefits.

And the specific time frame it's gonna take for each person to get to that point where

they really just get it in terms of training and nutrition, and they've built a decent

physique, and everything is mostly on autopilot, that time frame is gonna differ a bit it depends

on whether you're being exposed to the right information and how closely you're dedicating

yourself to your plan, but I think in most average cases probably somewhere between a

year or two if you're getting the right informatio, that's all it takes to really get a solid

handle on things where training has just become a normal part of life, probably something

you enjoy and look forward to, at least on certain days of the week, and where nutrition

is mostly just automatic and is something that you don't really have to think too much


I mean, if you go about things properly you should be able to gain roughly 50% of the

total muscle mass you're ever gonna build just in that first year alone.

And then probably the second year will be another 25%, so within one to two years you

can make a very solid transformation if you stay consistent, and be right up around 75%

of your genetic limit.

And then the next year or two would be used to fill in most of the remaining amount.

And not everyone is even trying to be as muscular as possible, so if you're going for a leaner

more aesthetic look, then by the two-year mark you might already be carrying an amount

of muscle that you're satisfied with.

And if you compare that to the scope of your life as a whole, that's really not a long


That's seven hundred and thirty days, and it's a hundred and four weeks.

And then the other very important thing to understand in this whole equation, is the

fact that maintaining your physique after you've built it is a lot easier than the actual

process of building it from the ground up.

Not only because you'll have all the right habits in place already so they're easier

to stick to but even just physiologically as well, it doesn't require as heavy of a

training stimulus to keep your existing muscle mass intact in comparison to initially building


So once you've achieved a physique that you're happy with, at that point if you want you

can be a quite a bit looser with your training and your physique probably won't change that


And then because of muscle memory if you do happen to go off the rails a bit down the

line and fall off track a bit, which happens to most people here and there, you're going

to be able to rebuild any muscle that you might lose at a way faster pace than it took

to originally build it.

So, what I'm ultimately getting at here is that, if you're in those beginner stages,

if you're thinking this is really hard, I'm overwhelmed, I don't know if I can maintain

this, understand that there's a huge lifetime ROI involved with just buckling down and putting

in the work for the first one to two years.

Even though it might seem challenging right now, if you can just grind through and move

forward regardless, stick to your training plan, stick to your nutrition plan, continue

researching so that you can expand your knowledge further, that is going to massively benefit

you literally for the rest of your life, because it really just gets easier and easier the

longer you've been doing this.

And once you've gone through those first couple years, you'll always be in shape and have

a body that you're happy with moving forward.

You'll be healthier.

You'll be more confident and you'll have the knowledge to easily get back in shape if you

do fall off track.

One to two years is not a long time to ask for in the grand scheme.

There are a lot harder things in life than going to the gym and eating well.

Those are things that will directly benefit you not just physically but mentally as well,

so just go and do it, keep that bigger picture in mind and understand that the effort you're

putting in right now is going to have a reverberating effect ten, twenty, thirty, fifty years or

more down the line.

So, I hope this was helpful.

Like I mentioned before, having access to the proper information is a critical aspect

of helping you learn the ropes as efficiently as possible and maximizing your results in

those first couple of years, so if you do want to grab a fully structured step-by-step

plan that lays out everything you need to know in terms of training nutrition and supplementation

using a no BS science-based approach, I definitely recommend checking out my Body Transformation

Blueprint program by clicking up here or visiting

Definitely a resource that I wish I would have had when I first started.

For those who are new to the channel, my brand new science-based pre-workout fish oil and

multivitamin are also now available over at, the link is

in the description.

And make sure to hit the like button, leave a comment, and subscribe below if you haven't

already, in order to stay up to date on future videos.

Thanks for watching, guys.

And I'll see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> 1-2 Years For The Rest Of Your Life (Key Fitness Mindset) - Duration: 5:36.


『Vocal Cover』BTS JIMIN (지민) - Promise (약속) (with Acapella) - Duration: 5:11.

Sitting down alone, only my thoughts are growing

Since when have you been hurting me

Even you don't know

You are also hurt

Cause you're mine

I just wanna blow your mind

Like this, you are walking away from me again

I'm okay...

I say

But actually

I am not

I want you to be your light, babe

You should be your light

So you're no longer in pain

So you can smile

I want you to be your night, babe

You could be your night

So this night can be honest with you

You are also hurt

Cause you're mine

I just wanna blow your mind

Like this, you are walking away from me again

I'm okay...

I say

But actually

I am not

I want you to be your light, babe

You should be your light

So you're no longer in pain

So you can smile

I want you to be your night, babe

You could be your night

So this night can be honest with you

So promise me now

Even if you feel

You're alone several times in a day

Don't throw yourself away

Stop here for a second

Cross a pinky finger

And promise me now

For more infomation >> 『Vocal Cover』BTS JIMIN (지민) - Promise (약속) (with Acapella) - Duration: 5:11.


Kanal voll von Rohrreinigungs-Soforthilfe - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> Kanal voll von Rohrreinigungs-Soforthilfe - Duration: 2:39.


Imran Khan Criticized by Murtaza Wahab | Breaking News - Duration: 16:08.

Subscribe for more updates

For more infomation >> Imran Khan Criticized by Murtaza Wahab | Breaking News - Duration: 16:08.


SNAPlife: Willpower Keeps You Moving - s2e2 - Duration: 4:08.

Hi, I'm Bill Snodgrass, and in this episode we're gonna be talking about willpower.

If you're listening to this as a podcast I'd like to invite you to hop over maybe

check out the videos on my youtube channel which is billsnodgrass,

and likewise, if you're watching the video be aware that down in the

description you can find links to the podcast versions of some of the… some of

the video content. Willpower… we talked about it earlier before, and in a

previous episode we said willpower is that thing that finally moves you from

wishing that you wanted to do something to actually wanting to do it we're gonna

take a little different spin on it this time this time we're talking about

willpower as the thing that keeps you going after you have actually started to

make some sort of the life change willpower being that thing that keeps

you going I had a comment from a viewer one who said that it was like a tenacity

concept that willpower was was more that thing that keeps you back in the groove

going forward towards that thing you thought was a good idea so there's a

first supposition is that that we suppose this thing that we're trying to

do is a good idea and as you're going along that is very natural to get to the

place where you where you start to feel like it's too much work and it's not a

good thing or it's just not worth it you have to take a pause there and you have

to analyze what was it they use that started you on this path in the first

place is that still valid is that still a good reason was the reason whatever it

was that moved you from thinking it was a good idea to actually making it

something that you were going to do is that still true and is it valid and if

it's still true and it's still valid then you need to keep going and how do

you do that this is probably one of the hardest things for anyone to do this is

is delaying gratification we are so driven by the pleasure pain

well that if something is pleasurable we want to do it and we want to do it right

away yeah this this drives us to make

deferring grad gratification very very difficult and that's what is going to

make the give you the will to go on when things start getting you know a little

less desirable than than they were when you first started down the path the

ability to say that thing that I'm working for is more valuable than this

thing I want to do that prevents me from getting there that thing that I'm

working for whatever it is if it's if it is a healthier lifestyle the healthier

lifestyle is more valuable in the long run than this Snickers bar or this Milky

Way bar or this pan of chocolate fudge this bowl of ice cream that healthy

lifestyle that I'm working for is more valuable in the long run then this is in

the immediate moment that's what the light gratification is and willpower to

go on is that embracing that ability to delay gratification now someone will

come back and say well there's another aspect of willpower you haven't thought

about this and I hope you do please leaving that comment let me know and I

will try to address that in a future episode but that's all for this episode

please click the like button subscribe to channel sign up for notifications

leave me a comment a question a suggestion and idea for a future topic

that is all for this episode I will see you in the next one



For more infomation >> SNAPlife: Willpower Keeps You Moving - s2e2 - Duration: 4:08.


Minger LED Color Changing String Lights 💥Indoor/Outdoor Govee Home Review👈 - Duration: 8:10.

Hey guys I've got some fun ,color changing LED lights to look at today!

These light are from Minger and they are indoor/ outdoor string lights that can sync

to music

so these lights are 36 feet in length and include 12 bulbs now there are so

many places that you could hang these your porch your bedroom your staircase

to your living room anywhere that you seem fit and anywhere you want to have a

bit of color so these have flexible rubber strands throughout the entire

strand very easy for you to be able to put anywhere they are waterproof to IP65 so if you're in a really wet area of the nation or anything like that

you'll be fine and they are they have 12 bulbs each and each bulb is 2 watts and

the total wattage is 24 watts all the way across these are controlled with an

app on your cellular device so it's in the App Store and the Google Play you'll

be able to find that for your Android and Apple device and it's called Govee

Home and it's like I said available and most apps towards all the instructions

on how to set that up will be found in the instruction manual and that is where

you're going to find any information and answers to any of your questions so this

is operated with an AC plug not battery operated so you will need a power source

I can see that yeah alright and this is a closer look at the bulb they are very

sturdy it's a nice external sturdy plastic material so you won't have to

worry about it cracking if it hits the ground or anything like that

so let's hang these up somewhere in the house and show you what they do we just

had a Christmas celebration and as you could see or that we have draped the

lights along our cabinetry and furniture in here here's the app app is very easy

to use it's you it's called it's called Govee Home setup is very easy so you see

the lights are here lights connect via bluetooth so if I

turn them on and go here say on

they came on pretty quickly now when you select your desired lights especially if

you have more than one you have different options in the app such as

elimination fade rain drop colourful marquee and blinking you also have the

option to add and choose as many colors as you want on these individual lights

so there are so many options you can use you can also sync it with music

especially if you have a party or something you can customize your

specific color by picking one and choosing it so if you noticed all the

way over here that one turned orange because I picked that now it's yellow

but yeah this is a very handy app you can also adjust the brightness on here

and certain schedules if you want so let me turn the lights off and show you what

they look like and lower light so as you can see they're pretty bright and you

know as I said we did have a Christmas celebration here so that's why I have

the rotating of the white red and green lights you do have the option to choose

between red orange yellow green blue like a cyan cyan however you pronounce

that purple and white you also have the option to I'll show you drag your finger

along this color bar here and pick an individual shade that you choose so

there's a lot of options with gravy great for holiday season's birthday

celebrations or if you just really really really enjoy lights you can have

these up in your house and enjoy them in whatever way you'd like I'm going to

show you the different settings now in the app now we are on the colorful one

we are on colorful right there so let's try rain drop as

you can see different bulbs will change to the color or colors you choose from I

just have a rotating between red and green like I said that's what raindrop

looks like you also have fade which fade as you can see fades in and out you can

change how fast you want the fading or any of these options to be which makes

it highly customizable now this is illumination is the first option you

have on the screen it's the standard bold color great for your modern home if

you really like that style and yeah this one it doesn't appear you can change the

color of this one so here we can go to marquee which is this one right here

right there which this one rotates between all the colors you pick just

turns them on I find it very similar to raindrop but that gives you also a

better look at the different colors since this was this one was not set for

our Christmas um event in the last one we have right here is blinking see it's

loading of course yes it blinks between various colors that you choose I'm gonna

add all the other ones in there so you can see with this one especially what

color you like the most now with this one you can also adjust

the speed I believe the only one that you can't adjust the speed for is

illumination because that one is just like I mentioned earlier that is just

the you know standard light bulb color you

however adjust the brightness on all of them as well including illumination so

you don't have to worry about that I put it on raindrop again to show you all of

the colors I think it's very pretty I really like this these features I

definitely believe this would be great for your holiday seasons maybe even

birthday parties and if you just like having lights in your house and being

able to you know add color every once in a while that's a great option too

all right so that is a look at these fun colorful useful and handy lights please

check the description section below for any more information and where you

can get yours thanks for watching guys


For more infomation >> Minger LED Color Changing String Lights 💥Indoor/Outdoor Govee Home Review👈 - Duration: 8:10.


Waking up at 5AM is ruining my life - Duration: 8:06.

I've seen loads of people going on about our waking up at 5 a.m. is changing

their life making this new better person about me think yeah right

an apartment we think like I could really be a better version of myself I'm

actually quite sick of like the potential people who think waking up at

5:00 a.m. makes them better than me because it

does and it's really annoying I'm trying to be better so I can look at

you guys and think 9:00 a.m. you wake up ah I remember I used to a hoping I am

oh darn a yo-yo oh boy wake up no really you know 5:00

I'm having a lie-in but sometimes I just don't sleep at all yes 11:43 now this is

how my alarm normally no 11:30 you're not who puts on for 11:30 11:57 hello

darkness my old friend my phone's there I'm gonna be going bed

right there when he gets to 5:00 a.m. I'm going to be waking up running over

to my phone banging on me alarm I'm awake no got a gap at 5:00 a.m.

this is

for a minute to be honest I think I thought I was going on holiday when I

woke up so I like a bit happy but I'm not I'm not going all day that sucks

it's so fucking early only not do so I was going to do the normal stuff I would

do all right so I've gotten ready and got to say normally it's like showering

and brushing my teeth which take the longest but today it was finding the

will to live this is the worst thing ever it's a bit later on of the day by

that I mean 6:00 a.m. apparently waking over 5 a.m. gives you

a winner mindset I do not feel like a winner feel like a loser actually cuz

for one thing why I keep falling asleep while I'm doing stuff

so I'm trying to do some work at the moment I've been saying for about half

an hour all over written I don't even know where that sentence was going I'm

sure take that away I thought this is a good representation of my life right now

just like completely empty with no meaning whatsoever waking up at 5:00

a.m. that's the best you got do it absolutely just real this is what the

top dogs do 5:00 a.m. wake up back so who's winning in this situation

situation all right so it's 10:30 now at night which I didn't has a distinguished

before 10:30 I'm not I know what you're probably

thinking go to bed early makes sense right except it doesn't let

me tell you why wild I go to bed early when I'm waking up early two wrongs

don't make a right today so basically I'm just going to stay up as late as

possible that way it's like balance in it that's

what it's like everything in moderation so you gonna have the late with the

early isn't it Oh why's your jug too Early's well how does that make sense

then you just early you got bean lake all right so this 1157 now basically I

want to get five hours sleep so I ran the numbers like five four three two one

zero I think if either their bed at zero I'll

get exactly five hours and obviously zero doesn't exist it's like 12 it's 12

p.m. because at nighttime to 12 p.m. and yeah so I did like a Google and like I

found out that it takes the average person 7 minutes to fall asleep but I

know that I'm like well quicker stuff like girls and stuff but we've both

saying or you finish so fast light or wide you finish so fast like and

obviously that's like I'm a compliment I'm not boasting about it

and then yeah ready for like a 5:00 a.m. wake up again I met on that grind I just

showed you mine I'm like you work hard you can achieve anything

who would think that I would get up at 5:00 a.m. that isn't mental I actually

can't wait to get out now I'll see you guys tomorrow

laughs night-night let the bedbugs bite

and then quite wake up with the enthusiasm I had last night

yeah just fell but I shit behind and I'm getting so excited and go to sleep but

actually just stayed awake most of time I think I probably should have gone to

bed a bit earlier I thought the logic was flawless

now I'm starting to think maybe maybe actually looks better bear earlier no no

that's not that's not I thought why I thought I even if I went to bed at 5:00

you know in the afternoon I still would have been all right all right so my food

and second day and yeah I'm feeling pretty great to be honest I'm going to

the gym because if that's what us 5 a.m. is doing that's why I call it's not 5:00

a.m. you got beginning to understand obviously energy but fighting enemies of

waking up at 5:00 a.m. so yes that's that's you can see the correlation oh

yeah I think he's lactose free gluten free dairy free protein free protein

shakes when excited actually to come tomorrow which is really anyway I'm on

this is

five minutes later well we made it it is 9:15 I just want to go back to bed

and wake up a reasonable hour such as 1:00 in the afternoon I feel like

there's a snooze button for a reason just press it and you press it ten more

times and that's how a normal functional human being should behave I was 5 a.m.

somewhere that's what they say anyway oh it's 5 a.m. somewhere shut up

For more infomation >> Waking up at 5AM is ruining my life - Duration: 8:06.


AMORE o SICUREZZA? INVIDIA BUONA o CATTIVA? RISPONDO alle vostre DOMANDE #AskColors pt.1 - Duration: 17:49.

Hi all colors welcome in this one new video "ask", it was a long time since not

I did an "ask" and I'm happy to do another: I'm shooting after Christmas

in practice, but you will see me in January. And nothing, let's start right away because I do not know

if only one part is enough or we should divide it into two parts, however

you will see it from the title and duration surely: let's start from facebook, where the

first question the "Mami" makes me, Giovanna Paolucci and asks me: hello riccardo

I begin: I ask you this question how do you consider Christmas? I primarily like

religious festival but for many it is only consumerism. In fact I have already answered

this question in the tag

I never remember if mine or yours Christmas, however, I'll put you in the

cards (although I think you've already covered it) so you can know a little about it

I think short, however briefly I also say here that it's a bit of an excuse

in my opinion to bring together people who normally during the year does not

they would be seen or seen less. I was forgetting to answer the

mom's boyfriend's question, so the youtube virtual pops,

robert king of the robert king canal comedian and writer that you

invitation to visit, then we will add the your question

he asks me: consider yourself more a father than Santa Claus or more elven of malefics

snow names? I do not know if behind "dad" the meaning that comes is hidden

given we say also in south Italy (therefore stupidotto) so no, I think I am

unfortunately too smart, sometimes I would like to be stupid dear popes and

but unfortunately it is not possible, it can not be done regress unless you pull me one

head-shot. "I ask this question because not everyone knows that day

of the nativity our spirit is reborn modeling itself in something abstract and

at the same time unpredictable: the legend tells that the heart could

be infected by a mysterious force occult, so your answer is

important to know the future respect to the whole humanity "if

let's continue with this illiteracy functional dear papino you will go, yes

will go as they say to a bad end here, then

this is my answer for you, and I hope to have been exhaustive.

Sontina Effe asks me:

You are at a crossroads: the person who it makes your heart beat faster,

the one that represents all that you want but you know it will make you suffer

a lot during your relationship, or the person laid, responsible

that loves you and that guarantees you a life serene but to which you simply want, who

choose? Kisses " Let's start by saying that the question is very very interesting, e

so I'm very happy that it is arrived first because I did not want to

arrive, as they say ... somehow tired, one

similar question, and then then answer hurriedly for the

hurry to close the video: let's say that I'm a bit 'two extremes (probably

wanted) and then I answer that surely the person must love her,

which would lead to the first option but you have to see a bit 'which

suffering, because if by suffering we intend to bear a distance

temporary is a speech that is supported for love it is tolerated, or in any case others

things like that I know he does a heavy job, we see each other very little

and then that's another thing that yes bears if suffering means

become a deer in spring, if you suffer it means for example the fact that you do not

show with you in public, the fact that somehow you are ashamed of yourself, that

does not introduce you to friends or to loved ones in some way ... then

that kind of suffering is not good for me, let's say that my person is a mixture

between the two things because I can not stay with a person I love.

michele and fabio (hello guys!) ask me: would you accept a political assignment, and if

yes what would be your first law? If I'm not wrong

among other things this question had been me made to the other "ask", but since it is a lot

long (I do not want to bore you with half an hour of "ask" I answer you also here:

the important thing would certainly not become too famous, too much on the planes

high because then the private life would go a little 'walk (to say nothing else

words "family friendly"

but let's say at a not too famous level I would probably accept it, and I would do it right away

pressure for a law against homo-b i-transphobia that ... I know about these things not

we always agree after your video on homophobia, though

I would be very very strict at least a pecuniary level, especially at the level

pecunirio because then also depends on the entity, in the sense to punish an offense

verbal with the prison would seem excessive to me, while the fine

it is never excessive; if instead there are aggravating factors of the type

that you are the one who pecks - or worse you still kill her - that is absolutely prison

and indeed, in case of murder I would give just the prison for life without even

to think (for a homo-bi-transphobic matrix.) Another law is not less

since this also concerns me, one more attention to "after us" ed

to the housing emergency, which often it also affects people with disabilities,

so there must not be anyone must live with 283 euros a month,

there must not be anyone left on the street because he can not pay a

rent, because the money the state has them, so this would be another law; not

I could do only one because for me one does not exclude the other, I thank you

for this question to which surely the answer will have been different, so fine

that has emerged again. brother & sister travel me

asks: you have other tattoos scheduled or piercings in the near future or you feel

to be okay like that? So, tattoos new ones I have not planned

honestly speaking, I would like to have idea and money especially for how much

it's about a cover, a cover of mine first tattoo (that of the eagle)

because I do not like it anymore, I do not like the meaning that I do anymore

remember and I would like to cover it, but the problem is that I'm not working

too much, but we'll talk about work later, in another question and above all

I have to have a good idea because a tattoo is forever.

clay & bonny (I'm always happy when new stylists ask me questions!)

we would like to ask you what do you think of envy?

believe that it can be a feeling good to spur yourself to be better

for example, or give to this feeling a negative connotation?

So, in the meantime, I respond to this because then there's another one:

in my opinion there are both, in the sense for example, I find myself much more

often to try the first one, for example when I saw that there were some

youtuber with a love life initially not beautiful and now

made, I began to think that this thing was possible for

me ... about positive envy. At the same time there is also an envy

negative to which I am not immune absolutely, because I am a

be human like all of you, I try to keep away because it's all

negative that is not good for the spirit and to the soul, but I'm not immune

the other always question of Clay & Bonny is: if I were a character in a book, what would you be?

Well I will seem obvious but not even, because in reality

I want to enrich my answer obvious: I would be a Harry Potter but a little

stronger and a bit 'less lucky, that is .. you that you follow the saga you know what I am

speaking, in the sense that anyway Harry Potter for all seven books and eight films

I'm always a large number of exaggerated butt buttes

I, on the other hand, would like to be a Harry Potter who yes, inevitably succeeds with the ... with the help of others

however, at the same time, there is a little more ... a little more talent, a little

more than ... of attributes and also does a little more alone, a revisited Harry Potter

this is my personal version of Harry Potter, so much so that Harry Potter is not the

my favorite character of the saga strange but true.

"food mania" obviously asks me my question is: what is your favorite dish?

So dear, let's say that I first tell you what I do not eat: I do not base myself

like fennel cooked au gratin, while instead for example I would not have

problems with eating fennel salad, it is the gratin variant that I do not like

and then I do not like them beets, if anything on the

on the salty snack the cream of beetroot at its best but not

more, and ... just think, for the rest I like pretty much everything can be said

sure if I had to tell you we do so, three favorite dishes: from

good Italian pizza, especially like it is made in Naples (as it should be); in

winter pasta with lentils, while in summer I liked so much a cold pasta that made me the mother of an old friend, She was the mother of an old friend

because it was precisely vabbè pasta obviously, with pitted green olives,

gruyere, the Swiss, in other words that type of cheese there, peppers and saffron

in cooking ... very good! Then I like them very sweet also, all kinds of desserts

if anything, I avoid those with too much alcohol content because

I can not stand alcohol, nothing, zero you make me drunk because no.

the wellness channel claudia bardi with whom I also made a collaboration (which I'll put you on the cards) asks me:

what color is life seen by riccardo? kiss sweetheart! * Smack * kisses you too, hello dear <3

So, what color is life ... let's say that ... here, now comes the answer

deep .. let's say that like everyone like everyone, but maybe a little 'more than other people of my age

my life has often changed color, in the sense that as a child I was very

on clouds like all children, but then ... and therefore my life could

being kind I do not know of a beautiful blue here, a series of events have

done early to bring me a series of black events, very black blacks for which

I had changed my mind, I did not want to ... I did not want to like me anymore

before being in the world ... I do not even know how I'm still here to tell you why

they were really very, very moments ugly: now I place myself in the middle, not

I'm in black, I'm not in the rosy because however there are still many things that

I want to see made to stay Better possible,

But now I do not know pale colors pastel between black and blue.

Recipes and RISATE in a few minutes the channel of Clara and Mirella, but lately managed more by mirella

well I have to say then believe more in your mirella skills!

what is the gift you would like for Christmas and what would you do if you made your gift?

From the tone of the question I believe that a gift in the broad sense is meant no, e so I answer you in a very broad sense

the greatest gift, as I say practically in all the videos where I have the chance

(you can not stand me anymore to hear) would be the construction of one of my family, then a companion

let's say that at this moment I tell you without children, but einstein said that

only fools do not change their minds, so right now, without children, then

in life you never know .. what would I do if yes realize, well I answer you in a way

very superstitious, I'm turning this video the day after Christmas

Tomorrow I will meet a person with whom I have many common points, though

rightly he too answers "step by step "which translates into English

step by step, this thing I find myself ... I find myself deeply in this thing

so if this were the realization of my desire, a tomorrow, farther

in private I will make a good cry, but just those on tap

and then I would do my best to grow it, because love is a bit like plants, if

do not grow it dies (I see it that way) in the hope that obviously from the other

part is the same thing, and..surely I would believe more in life because so far

Yes, I learned to believe in myself but in life little, and in life

(excusing the pun) it would be necessary be able to believe both in themselves and in life itself to be more serene.

Boys in the end I decided to finish first because it was coming too long, but I announce that

there will be a second but not a third part, so forgive me if the second part

it will be a little longer, to the next video Hello!

For more infomation >> AMORE o SICUREZZA? INVIDIA BUONA o CATTIVA? RISPONDO alle vostre DOMANDE #AskColors pt.1 - Duration: 17:49.


You Can't Waste Biltong - Between the Scenes | The Daily Show - Duration: 1:37.

- [Trevor] Anything else?

Can be about anything, news, anything.

Questions about anything.

Yes sir.

- [Man] Did you bring any souvenirs back from South Africa?

- [Trevor] Did I bring any souvenirs back from South Africa.

I did, I brought back what we call biltong

Which is basically our version


I'm getting to that. So -

Which is our version of jerky, alright.

And then I get to the airport so I have all this jerky

And then I get to the airport

And then there's like a giant sign at customs that says

"No meat products coming into the US"

Right, but now there's like the gap from baggage

To customs, and this stuff is delicious.


So then I take it out and I'm like

"I'm going to have to throw it away there."

I'm like "I can't throw it away, it's biltong."

So then I just start eating this down.

But I don't even realize how shady I look

'Cause what happened is I went to a trash can

Then I was like "I'm gonna throw it away."

Then I was like "No, why am I going to throw this away?"

So now I'm at the trash can, just like eating all this stuff

And then when I'm done I like go up to the guy

And the guy is like "Hey you, over here."

Then I was like "What?"

Then he was like "What do you mean what?"

What were you doing at the trash can?"

Then I'm like "What are you-

I don't know what you're talking about."

Then he's like "Let me search you."

Then they searched my bags, everything.

Then he's like

"Do you have any meat that you're bringing in?"

Then I was like "Not anymore."


(outro music)

For more infomation >> You Can't Waste Biltong - Between the Scenes | The Daily Show - Duration: 1:37.


За кадром: Cookiewatch | Overwatch (субтитры) - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> За кадром: Cookiewatch | Overwatch (субтитры) - Duration: 5:01.


GÜLMEMEKTEN AĞLAMA CHALLENGE (Vine Futbol) - Duration: 10:54.

For more infomation >> GÜLMEMEKTEN AĞLAMA CHALLENGE (Vine Futbol) - Duration: 10:54.


Esto NO es una BROMA! Quita el Sarro de los Dientes en 2 Minutos Sin ir al Dentista - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> Esto NO es una BROMA! Quita el Sarro de los Dientes en 2 Minutos Sin ir al Dentista - Duration: 2:40.


Haunted Beach | NIGHTTIME INVESTIGATION | Dumas Beach, India - Duration: 30:54.

Hello? Namaste?

All haunted. Number one in India.

hi guys. thank you for tuning in to amy's crypt. I have a very special episode for

you guys today. this is a first for my channel. today we're going to be

exploring and then staying around until nighttime to investigate a haunted beach.

I'm actually so excited to be at this location. I'm currently in India and this

beach was a place that a lot of my viewers, you guys, recommended to me when

you found out how it's coming to India and it has a massive reputation for

being one of the most haunted places in the country and it's just so cool to be

here. it's known as Dumas Beach. hopefully I'm saying that right because

I didn't actually look up pronounciation before we came here. now, it is

quite busy at the moment. It is a pretty bustling tourist destination by

day at least. so we're gonna walk further out towards where I assume the ocean is.

I can't actually see it but we're gonna walk out there and just see what's going

on but this is a bit sludgey so... oh my gosh I don't know how far we're gonna

get and it's like kind of deep or getting deeper.

why aren't you sinking? Light as a feather, stiff as a board.

actually my boots are already f***** anyway. Amy if this is a beach, where is the water?

I reckon its just this mud sludge all the way out cause I can't

see any water. But I seen people out there.

Maybe the tide is out? There are people walking out there. oh no that's a bush.

It sounds... Oh no, don't tell me this is another catacombs all over again.

this might be worse than the catacombs. at least the catacombs wasn't brown.

yeah so by day there's heaps of people here. they're on their camels and the

horses, they are on their motorcycles, whatever the hell that thing is.

and they're all having a good time but apparently at night everyone fake vacates

because they're so scared of ghosts. so we're gonna hang around until dark to

see if that is the case.

sorry about the noise guys. someone's ripping around on a quad bike down there

but I did want to make note about the sand and this has to do with why it is

believed that this Beach is so haunted. so supposedly they say that this used to

be a burial ground. they used to bury the dead on this beach

and the reason why the sand appears black as they say it's actually ashes

from cremated bodies being mixed with the sand that has turned it black and then I

guess there's some spirits that have left some leftover energy and they're

the ones thought to still roam the beach particularly at night. if we get down

here can you definitely see this is black sand or I mean there's definitely

black parts of the sand. so I don't know if I'm just playing with dead people

ashes here and I'm standing in them or that's a local legend or anything. it

certainly is very creepy and disturbing but that's why they say that the sand is

black here.

Is it bad to be standing under these power lines? I don't know. I mean - I thought I seen it on

like A Current Affair or something. Yeah maybe. There's a lot of these big concrete

slabs at the bottom of them and people are just hanging out it's like a picnic

spot where... I don't know.. you know you go to the beach and you're like lay out your towel

some people have little tents to pitch and all sorts. they just come and sit

under the power lines, I don't know what health concerns of that are. I'm sure

maybe it's only for like long-term exposure. I'm sure its fine for a day.

what do you think it looks like? pirate ship sale. I think it looks like a ghost. It has a head and a body.

so the Sun is setting and we're just waiting to lose our last light and we

are gonna hang around here tonight because this is a very well known place

in India for being haunted. it has quite the reputation. one of the cool things

about it which is very creepy to know is that a lot of people who have come to

the beach at night have gone missing and many people believe that this could be

the ghosts taking them. so I mentioned earlier that this was supposedly a

burial ground and people say that late at night they see apparitions walking

down the beach. there's also been strange light anomalies and what people believe

as spirit orbs captured in photographs here. but what I find really creepy is

the reports of disembodied voices coming from here. so voices, screams and strange

laughter. so it's gonna be a very interesting night and I'm very excited

to lose light and to try and reach out and see if we can make contact with any

spirits that might be here. so Jarrad, what do you think about all these missing

people? do you love it when I take you to these places? I don't care, but I mean the missing

people probably just get stuck in the mud. that is true.

there's a lot of mud out there. the tide comes in and then they drown. you think someone

could actually get stuck in that? I nearly got stuck, my boots nearly came

off as I was walking. more selfies? we got absolutely swamped by people for selfies.

how many people all surrounding us wanting to have photos of us? and that's

what we love about India. it's funny that you feel like a famous person here or

something, but we have just lost the Sun. I can't actually see anymore, so hoping

that everyone is scared of the ghost and leaves soon and we can get going with

investigating Dumas Beach.

another thing we don't actually know how we are getting home. there's nothing

really out here and we don't have phone reception, so we have no internet and a

way to call anyone. we're guessing it's gonna be about two hour walk back. I'm

sure like if we had to walk back we would find a little tuk-tuk rickshaw

thing on the way back or or someone that would pick us up, but it's gonna be a rough

night. It's always a rough night. every time we go out - with no car .if we had a car...

I know, we're too scared to drive here in a lot of these countries. particularly

India the road and traffic - all the rules here just are so foreign to us

that I feel like we couldn't adapt quick enough to be good on the roads and we

don't want to spend the money to like hire a car .

Dumas Beach. Ghosts? Haunted? Yes. Haunted. Number 1. In India. Yeah number one okay say that guy that came

up to us on the quad bike and said very haunted, very haunted, something about the

police and we have to go. We spoke to him and we showed him my

youtube and he seemed to like it I think and I think he understood that we're

here to try and film but I mean now he's saying the police - I think he was saying

the police are up here and they're clearing out the beach so maybe they

don't want us down here. he also kept insisting we got on his quad bike to

leave. I think, it seemed like he was scared that we would be here because

it's very haunted and he says this area is where the ghosts are, so I mean

knowing us we want to kind of just stay here. we told him that we're gonna walk

and follow him but I don't know what we should do now. he's left us alone.

Maybe we just walk slowly. yeah I really don't know. I read one article

that said it is completely forbidden to be on this Beach after dark and it does

look like other people have cleared out up there now. Now the f**** police are coming

at us. Just keep filming.

*unintelligible* yeah We're am I going.

okay they really want us off the beach. They say its haunted and the ghosts are dangerous and they are

scared that were on this Beach. okay so I don't actually know if that

was official police. one of them seemed kind of official and

was like telling us to get off the beach saying it's haunted whatnot. so we left but we

kinda just went across the other side of this big rock retaining wall. we're just

hiding in a bush now and just hoping everyone just leaves and we can go back

to the beach to investigate. I don't know if they're gonna patrol it or what.

That bell is creepy. That bell is was creepy. everything here is creepy.

We're trying to not have any lights on either so people can't see us. so we're just

standing here in the dark basically waiting. oh my gosh I just want to

investigate if the beach truly is as haunted as they say we need to get out


I can't tell if they're coming to us or not.

Did you hear that?

*Bells Ringing*

Ok so I don't know what the f*** we both just saw

it was like a massive flash of light in the sky

It actually looked like lightning, but

there's no clouds around anything. I could think is maybe it's something

man-made. the power cables zapping or something? Do they

do that in the dark? I have no idea. but I feel like you came from anywhere it came

from that way which is away from the power lines.

what's that

Sounded like a drum?

At a distance. Does it sound like there is still people on the beach?

Do you want me to go look over the stones?

Let's go have a look. So I think they are

still clearing off the beach. there's still people out there with lights, but I

think it's people clearing up the shops that have been out there. I don't think

it's anyone from the public, so I think they're just finishing up. we're not

gonna go on the beach again just yet because I reckon they still need to, well

they've got a motorbike, I can hear it out there. what's interesting is we just seen

another light up the entire sky flash of light. both of us seen it again.

again, not companied by any sound. no planes. there's no plane. there is an

airport nearby maybe it's something I have no idea what it could be. there was no

no planes at the time though. no planes, no sound, just a massive - it's

almost like when there's a massive strike of lightning and it lights or

illuminates the entire night sky, except there was no thunder. yeah there's no

thunder to go with it. there's no actual light source. we just see it light up

the sky. so we've had it happen twice now both off-camera.

I don't know if anyone's watching from around here and you know what it might

be. Is it something from the airport? or who knows

*Man Singing*

I can hear a man's voice, almost singing or chanting.

that sounds like its over a speaker or something.

okay guys I am about to run a ghost tube. I'm gonna hit

it right now. I have hindi set so we might receive words.

you can probably hear motorbikes in the background. there's motorbikes, there's

music going on. we've been waiting for a long time for this place to quiet

down and it hasn't. we don't know where people are, they don't seem to be

on the beach anymore. there is a fire going out there though.

so we don't want to get too close to it.

it's going to be super difficult to pick up

EVPs just because we're not going to be able to establish what it is that

we're hearing there's so much noise pollution here.

my magnetic readings look quite steady actually. we wer'nt

really sure how these electrical...


so we just got a word. because I don't speak Hindi I don't know what that word

was so I'm gonna have to translate it afterwards. I do feel,

I gotta say I feel like this place is scary, but that's more because we kind of

almost got chased off the beach and everyone seemed really concerned that we

were here. we've seen some weird light anomalies and it just was like an odd

place with all these cables these power cables

at night, and I can definitely picture people coming out here and getting super

scared. I'm really interested to know what that word might have been, and just

because we received a word it doesn't mean that it's paranormal at all. it

could just be just a random anomaly that we received. we'll see if it is relevant

to any of the backstory of this Beach which is that it was a burial ground a

long time ago. the reason the sand is black is because it is mixed with ashes.

Or so they say. yeah, supposedly. I don't know if that's just one of these rumors

that accumulates over time or there's another reason why the sand is the color

that it. there are a lot of factories around. that is true. I'm going to

stop the ghost tube now just for a sec just to give it a rest

I don't really if you are kind of feeling this too...

normally with paranormal you talk about sudden temperature drops and then people

say the spirits around it gets super cold but I keep getting wafts of - it feels

like hot air. I'm not getting that but I think I did just say some lights

behind you in the distance. just over your right shoulder.

I think I did you see but I think I did you see but I think I did you see

it was interesting because they say light anomalies is a big thing that they

capture or people's sight at this Beach. I want to know what those lights were

that were above our heads earlier. I know I'm very interested in that.

all right guys so we're actually on the beach now. we just

scaled the rock retaining wall. I'm just gonna go for a walk. I'm just gonna go

for a walk. I'm not gonna use my spirit box, or maybe I should, I haven't decided

yet. just because

we don't want to get caught, or get in trouble or like kicked off so I think

what we might do is go for a walk and just be really raw with this

investigation. I will let you know if I am feeling anything. I don't claim to be

sensitive or anything like that but I think one thing that I don't do on my

channel is to use myself as the investigation tool, which everyone says

that you should you know follow your feelings or intuitions or senses or

whatever. I can hear music in the background so I feel like we can't really listen out the EVPs.

anything that we're recording now is kind of polluted footage or polluted sound

because there is so much noise around me. I kind of hear the buzzing of the

electricity lines.

I actually feel almost like a static prickling sensation all over my head and

I'm not claiming it's paranormal effect but, I'm not even claiming it's in effect

from these power line, it could just completely be in my head but I think

just the noise that is there it's making me feel - it's like when you talk about

bugs and you suddenly feel itchy. it's making me feel like that with these

power lines here on the beach, so I don't know if that's relevant to debunking

anything here, but we're gonna do a spirit box. I'm just gonna man up and do

one. I am going to be speaking in Hindi and I don't actually speak Hindi but I

have got some questions written out from Google Translate on my phone and we're

just gonna see how we go y

Ok so I didn't wanna do one for too long.

we did get voices through. nothing to me that sounded really distinct, but again I

don't speak Hindi. if you do speak Hindi and you're watching this and you noticed

a word or something that sounded like a phrase or an answer to any of those

questions, please drop me a comment I would love to know your interpretation

of what you heard. it is frustrating not knowing in the moment if anything came

through. we did hear something that sounded like "yeah" to one of the

questions but that could just be our brains you know wired to hear and

understand English that that's what we could kind of pick out, so.

I am really f***** scared.

we're trying to find our way out of here just walking along the beach. We

don't actually know that we're going there's no reception or internet or

anything out here. we haven't even been this way down the beach we're just

heading down it now hoping that we can get to kinda what looks like a town

because there's lights there and then hoping we can get a taxi to take us back

to our hotel otherwise it would two hour walk.

We are kind stranded a bit.

Thank you guys so much for watching.

that was actually a pretty scary adventure. so I just wanted to fill you in

and let you know that I made it back to the hotel room safely. not before though

Jarrad and I had to walk for about 40 minutes in the pitch black of night on a

beach that was haunted and that we weren't allowed to be on and then as we

ascended that big rock retaining wall there was a dog, there was completely

nothing around us, and we walked for a lot longer down a really dodgy road. We

actually made it to the little town of Dumas and we were lucky because we went

to an ice cream shop and not only did we get ice cream but we also had someone

help us organize a driver who got us back to the hotel room, so we're very

thankful for that adventure ending safely. If ou did enjoy this video please

remember to Like comment share and subscribe that'll really helps me out. if

you want to read more about Dumas Beach or other haunted places I visited in

India, head to and remember guys until next time stay

spooky. I actually read online that dogs are affected by the paranormal activity

at this beach and some of them really don't like it and I know that animals

you know there's theories that they can sense spirits presence and that. we've

seen a few dogs here and they don't really seem to care or minds. there's

some really cute puppies out here too.

I don't know they're eating whatever it is it's making them less

cute. crabs or something?

I think they are just hungry.

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