Gacha Life Christmas Story
Canh Bạc Tài Xỉu Hay Nhất 2019 - Tiết Lộ Về Đồ Chơi Điều Khiển Tài Xỉu - Duration: 10:26.-------------------------------------------
YouTube Rewind 2018 || Pewdiepie Version || Junosuede Reaction - Duration: 11:29.welcome everyone to Junosuede just a commentary of course happy New Year to
all of you I know you guys have been asking where is Junosuede, Well I was
on a little vacation so as a result of that I was not able to upload videos
because of my location or I was not able to actually do the reaction video while
on vacation nonetheless it's a new year and I am back and for this first video
for 2019 I'm gonna react to a video from one the most popular YouTube creator the
most subscribed to YouTube creator that is pewdiepie i got a video request to
react to pewdiepie's version of youtube rewind which I think could most definitely be
much more interesting than the actual YouTube rewind nonetheless we are not
going to deny the fact that it was awesome that bearhug was featured on
YouTube rewind 2018 let us just go ahead and react to this video
let's see.
My name is jeff I heard that.
he is doing like will smith
it is rewind time.
it's a burn to YouTube for not doing the actual rewind that most persons were asking
we've got to admit, that they did not do the YouTube rewind most persons were expecting
however they did give control to the creators so it is almost like a win-win
that's Logan Paul that is definitely logan paul. let's put on the caption by the way
that was logan paul ...that is definitely logn paul
I reacted to a video for this. I loved it.
I've not seen this one.
That is the real YouTube rewind!
69 .... that guy is so funny and here is the chair.
i've not seen this one.
rewind time
I remembered , that should be one rewind for real.
555 5555 5555 555 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Mark Zuckerberg ... should definitely be on YouTube rewind.
oh my gosh, his eyes. That eyes is so creepy.
I remember this one, when they did the dissection
I don't watch family guy
not to sure what this was about.
the tide pod ... I remembered the tired pod.
what are we forgetting?
Yes, I think we should also.
I will never have those 8 minutes and 13 seconds back... I think this is in regards to the actual YouTube rewind.
we did boys ... the most disliked video in the history of YouTube... By YouTube
I guess the point is they still got the interaction on the video.
Oh I remembered this dance.
that is twitch is it?
ooohh wait wait wait....what?
Oh that's the girl! yes it just happened. what's her name? Wang , something wang
she copyright strike a YouTuber
who was creating video by using her videos as a new video content
And she copyright strike him, but the channel is back up.
because the power of the subscribers voice brought back the youtuber.
she retracted the copyright strike and the YouTube channel is back up.
Junosuede did get copyright strike this year and I got two copyright strike
but it expired... Of course it came from skizztv after I reacted to the video from Pasulol
yeah I got two copyright strikes so I almost lost the YouTube channel
we learnt our lesson
I remembered when they revealed the How to basic identity
Yes, they tried to get pewdiepie the most votes... oh sorry most subscriber
that was between T Series and Pewdiepie, How was that not shown on the original YouTube rewind?!
Jake paul and KSI fighting, Logan Paul and Deji fighting why were they not on YouTube rewind?
Will smith has a YouTube channel. He just created one this year.
Logan Paul and KSI , Deji and ... which every one. I don't follow them much
YouTube rewind, so far so good.
Oh my this is the serious part of YouTube rewind.
I like that. Pewdiepie gets my respect for sure, he remembered them.
of course Stephen Hawking's did pass away
That is great that he decided to do the video like that.
That is awesome. Of course Pewdiepie love the memes, he love them.
That is from a movie?
I've never seen that
of course the dance, we know the dance.
I mean this animation I've never seen it before.
rewind time everybody 5555
Usually I see her on David Dobrik videos.
Of course Fortnight
Mr. Beast donated 100, 000 sub...
Ummm Dollars ... lot of money
that was a good YouTube Rewind of course
I am not familiar with... let's just say.
Of course Tik Tok, I am familiar with this one..
I will admit I am not familiar with at-least.... half at-least
article 13, I believe that is a copyright related article.
Isn't it?
That was an awesome video course YouTube rewind 2018 of course by Pewdiepie YouTube Rewind 2018
but it's actually good thank you so very much for requesting that I react to this
video guys from PewDiePie thank you so very much and of course guys as I told
you if you like me to react to a video leave a comment below I will try my most
best reacted okay guys thank you so very much bye guys
Armahda - EuroTour 2018 - Vlog #5 - Duration: 27:58.It was worth the road.
We got to this paradise here.
Look how wonderful.
- Hey Tolmin! - Look at everyone's face, destroyed.
Take a look at this situation.
Excellent trip.
- Ale, how are you? - Destroyed, dude, but it's beautiful.
What's up?
I'm almost alive.
- Hey guys. We got to the festival.
- You mean the market, right?
- The market, but here we already consider part of the festival.
- Brasil!
What's the plan? Buy alcohol only (GORÓ)? Or food (LARICAS)?
What's up? What do you think? Will we chip in to buy poison?
Look at this viagra here.
This is poison.
It's poison and it's sensational.
I´m not responsible for who I'm going to kick.
How are we going to do?
This is where we are camped.
In this valley among several crazy mountains.
The cars here,
our beautiful tour bus.
There the tents begin.
More mountains. More mountains.
But that's a good sight.
We are setting up our tents (MOCÓ).
To protect ourselves from rain, insects,
Guys, we arrived at Metaldays and look what we´ve found.
Let's go for a swim?
Let's go?
Let's go for a swim?
Yes, come on! Look how wonderful that is.
Look at the guys going to the beach.
That´s awesome.
There are showers there...
Today is Tuesday
Heavy metal day.
Tomorrow we will play.
Yesterday had Behemoth, spectacular show,
and some other nice bands.
let's see what we have today.
Well, the big day has come.
Now the shuttle has picked up the equipment from the bands
to go to the New Forces stage.
There are people from Germany, from Indonesia, from Ecuador.
Everyone loading the van.
Since we will play at the end,
they will pick us up later.
that's it...
Now is the time. Sick!
Show the heads that band brought.
The staff brings up decorations for the stage.
Take a look.
Wednesday. Soon there will be Armahda´s gig
at the New Forces stage.
Look at the people with their buoys
going to the river.
There are gigs on the main stage right now.
On the second stage too.
And it will be fantastic.
It's summer here.
Metal music always playing.
It never stops.
Hey guys.
This is Yuri.
- Stage manager
- He is our boss tonight.
We are here to obey him.
-To obey my every command - Yes
- Be good boys on the stage.
We are Armahda, at your service.
Cool. Very cool.
In a few hours...
In a few hours we will be on stage
New Forces Stage.
- 6:15 PM
That's it.
'll show you this place here.
This is the band´s room.
We'll be back soon.
Let's see the stage.
This is backstage.
Let's see if I can show it here.
Hi guys. We are shooting something for Brazil
- Hello Brasil!
- Obrigado... - These are the guys that will save us...
- ...tonight
Well, these here are our monitors,
guitar speakers
drums, two bass drums,
Lighting. Soon we will put our banner there.
The stage is really cool, pretty cool.
Now it's empty,
but it should fill up at night when the New Forces stage bands start,
and Armahda will be the last one.
That's it. This is the sound table of the monitors
and there in front, the sound table for the PAs.
It will be cool.
That's people coming out of the river,
with the buoys going down the stream.
The river is here on the side.
Come on.
Bathroom here.
There they keep the equipment of the bands,
the heaviest.
Here by the side already has a camping.
There is a lot of camping area.
Well cool,
and that's it.
I hope it's a really awesome gig today, and in a little while it's going to be full.
Fuck, we're coming in!
Fuck yeahhh!!
- One more song! One more song!...
Man, we're at the after show and you have no idea of how broken we are.
It was awesome.
Not awesome. It was way better than awesome.
It was absurd...
Look here. The sweat.
It was a tsunami...
...of sweat. Crazy heat!
We heard what we wanted to hear.
We have just played.
Actually, it's been about 15 minutes since we played.
It was spectacular. Good equipment,
good sound,
and the main thing:
they demanded another song after we played "Paiol em Chamas".
One more song! One more song! One more song!
And the stage guy allowed!
- So we played another song… - Queen Mary Insane,
and the show ended in an insane way!
That is the last word of the lyrics of this song,
which is the best way to describe how this show was. Insane!
And that was it. The crowd demanded,
and we played Queen Mary, which was not in the setlist.
People went crazy,
we toss T-shirts, we sold some CDs,
and now they invited us for an interview.
We're at the backstage of the festival.
- VIP area. The Armahda is VIP.
Yep. With the big bands. Then today it may be possible to meet Max Cavalera.
Stay tuned.
It was a great show,
and we are planning to record a new album
on the second half of the year.
I wanna say that we always try not
to choose a political stand.
We keep in mind that we are
a band that tells chapters of Brazilian History
no matter what our politics views are...
And since we are a country made by immigrants,
we have cultural parts from all over the world.
We are an independent Brazilian band playing at Metaldays.
You have no idea
how happy we are. We´ve crossed an ocean to get to you, to be here.
Hey scums! It's dawn here and look who's rocking.
Hello people.
I'm going to make a video
of the backstage area
of the main stage here at Metaldays 2018.
This is the entrance.
The staff having a snack.
There's the press room behind
for interviews with the bands.
Very nice.
The guys relax, have a beer.
Jonis there, using the internet, the wifi here,
sending a message to the love of his life.
Taking advantage of the internet signal.
Here is the press room I had spoken of.
Ale is there too, sending messages.
They're interviewing bands here.
Let's take a look over...
there on the main stage.
Yesterday Judas Priest played.
Maybe it's the most important band at this year's festival.
This is stage One.
It is named after Lemmy
Lemmy Kilmister.
I'll see if I can show you a piece.
Now it's empty because it's early.
It's the last day of the festival.
It is empty but goes to more than twenty thousand people.
Very nice.
A very nice area, always with nature.
There's a lot of trees here,
lots of green space.
The place here is surrounded by mountains.
Amazing. Amazing.
It is far ahead of many great festivals in Europe,
which does not have what they have here.
There's a band doing the soundcheck.
That's it.
Today there will be
Epica, Children of Bodom...
We're having fun...
Armahda´s gig was the day before yesterday
at the New Forces Stage.
Was great! It was crowded.
There was more nature where we played.
More mountains, there is the river.
Today is the last day
Everyone is already very tired, rotten.
But that's it.
It was amazing. We hope to return more often.
Thank you!
Cradle of Bavaria!
Very good beer!
We should have rented some bikes around here.
Look at the trouts down there.
What a beautiful place.
And this is a beach in Munich.
We're looking for a biergarten.
Having a meal here in Munich.
- to cure the hangover.
- and a... - child here, a baby
A little beer.
Take a look here at a ghost from São Paulo.
Show me the wound, Ale.
I'm cured now.
It fits!!
And we are not drunk right now.
we are not drunk
We are here
at Backstage with our brother Adrian.
- Nice to meet you guys.
one, two, three
We're here at the airport.
Now is the time to travel back to Brasil.
This tour was insane. It was awesome.
We had a lot of fun. We got pretty tired too.
There were people who came from Sweden
just to go to our show. Tooking a plane...
We passed through Poland, Czech Republic, France,
Amsterdam in Netherlands.
There were even some Brazilian guys
who lived in these cities and they came to see us.
Awesome. They began the moshpit.
And the final show at Metaldays festival was absurdly fanstastic.
They went crazy.
And they demanded "one more song"!
My heart was pounding. I almost freaked out,
but it was okay.
Now we need to think about the next tour,
New album!
New album!
New album!!!!!!!!!!!
See, all hurt, with knife cuts.
Ale took a stab,
and we bandaged it,
some Nazis bothered us in Poland
but we got rid of them.
We're alive. Third-world rats, always watchful.
All that is good comes to an end.
All that is good has an end. The tour has come to an end.
We enjoy it a lot, we learned a lot of things.
It was worth every difficulty,
every fatigue, every pain in the body
that we all had.
It was worth growing this beggar´s beard.
But it was sensational. Unique experience.
Life´s dream accomplished.
I think I speak in the name of each one of the band when I say that.
Next year we'll find a way to do it again.
And better. That's it.
That´s it. Last day here in Europe.
There were 22 days of touring,
many miles,
lots of learning, mainly.
Learning is an important word in this tour.
Lots of nice trips, nice people, good surprises,
Polish people are crazy and very friendly.
Metaldays was a fantastic experience, closer than I ever got from paradise.
So I think it was really worth
all the energy to be here,
all the effort we've made to be here.
And this is just the beginning, because
it is something that vitiates
and next year has more. Stay tuned.
Hello guys. Countdown to go home.
After three weeks of beating.
Having fun, sometimes wanting to cry too,
but the balance is positive.
in general the shows were good.
Metaldays staff was wonderful.
We have great prospects now.
Everything indicates that next year we will be back here.
That's it.
After hours and hours of road,
three thousand kilometers wheeled,
seven countries,
fifty-five hours on the road driving,
I want to thank everyone involved. Everyone who attented the concerts,
Europeans, Brazilians,
and all who gave this opportunity to Armahda.
Everyone who believed in this madness of taking Brazilian History to Europe.
We had a very positive balance.
It was amazing to end the tour at Metaldays,
one of the biggest festivals in Europe and the World,
a superb place.
Now let's go back, back to Brasil
to continue the production of the new album.
Who knows if next year, we may be back?
Thank you all again. Stay tuned. Keep strong!
Bầu Cua 2019 - Bản Game Bầu Cua Hack Hay Nhất 2019 - Duration: 13:40.-------------------------------------------
TMC के गुंडो का BJP कार्यकर्ताओ के ऊपर एक और हमला : अनामिका घोष - Duration: 8:19.TMC gundo another attack on BJP workers : Anamika Ghosh
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