hi guys gameplay vids 24/7 here welcome to the first and maybe only part of my
Frostrunner gameplay walkthrough series for the PC guys frostrunner is a
free-to-play running game pretty much you have to try and beat every stage as
fast as possible without falling and dying pretty much you guys know that the
bunny hopping what's a word for it surfing I think it's called in
counter-strike terms surfing bunny hopping
either way the games that focus mainly on that let's see how well I can do I do
hope that you guys do enjoy you can play this right now and staying for free just
keep that in mind okay I try and beat my scores I am no way gonna be really good
at this game but I will give it a solid try let's see how good we can go please
remember course hit that like and subscribe and if you did enjoy leave a
comment as well tell me what you think of Ross runner I'd love to hear it
alright so yeah I'm gonna switch back to the other view now let's take it off I
will switch between scenes here and there what I want to talk to you guys
one-on-one but for now I will go to the default face cam alright let's do this
so I want to try and jump straight away here try to a skip jump dad
so 5 point 6 9 6 seconds the highest score of how early is five point five
three nine okay so that is intense let's go to the next level here that was level
one quick beginnings come and see how it's gonna go down now so I'm a little
bit worried let's see I have to jump over there should be fine just did a
jump there was a little secret then what was that what's this here you think
didn't think I saw that game but I saw that buddy achieve unlock do you did it
whatever that means they're just an achievement unlocked you did it okay so
I just got some sort of secret there no problems
nice jump jump jump nice okay got that done how fast was our five point seven
seconds highest score is five point five four five
now people pulling off these scores of five point five Wow okay
it's getting a bit intense straightaway I snowfall here we go
can we use the walls as like walking no we can't okay you can't use the walls oh
there's another secret though okay I got the secret that's fine
I thought we could maybe use the walls and like you know glide off them but you
can't not submit then enter me 5.6 seconds high scores five point four
seconds ha ha people are dominating this game that was snowfall completed good ok
finding treasures let's do this I'm gonna go for that bonus straightaway
apparently we have to collect unlockables to unlock levels cool just
died that male that's alright just wanna cut as many coins as we can yes that was
good that was actually pretty decent but I still did not manage to get even on
the top ranking man my tie is four point eight five five
highest scores again by Zeus this guy Zeus keeps destroying everyone 4.6
seconds err guys bloody h### that is intense prologue 5 final test
okay let's hear the final test I just sucked up instantly what if I jump here
nice doing alright we're gonna keep hopscotching across here hopefully this
works alright that was okay that wasn't bad right speedy beginnings did you even
read the tool tips so got a couple of treatments a lot there okay not bad dude
we did it nine point four eight three high score is nine point two oh I will
prologues completed guys through a loop okay through a loop it shouldn't be too
hard surely reims activate moving platforms I can't read the rest of it
sadly that's okay too late now Masumi just to jump through the ring yep there
we go so 5.2 seconds one with 6.5 literally
bed in that booster cross nice that was okay
5.9 seconds just then good it means a little bit better maybe
oh yes did a little bit better five point nine still how are people how
guides how are people pulling off 5.2 seconds whoever is doing this these
scores Zeus actually got beaten then so whoever
is actually pulling off these scores you guys are freaking legends out there man
I don't know how you're doing it for real you gotta show me on YouTube
definitely stair-stepper ringing - okay here we go
oh wow okay oh I'm dead I was gonna try an Abba
Scotch that they're a didn't work out at all jump jump come on keep going keep
going nice eight point eight seconds some of
the eight point seven eight but still don't get on tenth position there can I
go a little bit faster you reckon or not Marty Larry we're into next level so
this is pretty good for a free-to-play game
I've got to admit keep up okay I got keep up as long as we keep jumping like
this like a madman we should be okay I don't want to miss like that obviously
however to do is probably gonna concentrating it jump jump
nice I still don't know how to help people
going so quick by the way it baffles my mind bro I would okay then seventeen
second alright so got 11 seconds to 17 seconds ladies and gentlemen there you
have it go around here we go next one I just wanted to see what happened I did
just sacrifice myself then Oh God oh well okay this is a bit intense that was
pretty fun 12 seconds is around here enjoy do I have to go on that platform I
think I have to go on that platform them at a while hey I'm just trying to figure
out the best way to do this yes nice gotta unlock nice run-up beautiful
eleven seconds just then it's got a ring to it faster than a blue hedgehog then
I'm just doing really good then I'm not because I got 11 points 16 seconds nine
point nine seconds was the highest so they are the highest one that's alright
let's go to next level dude I'm liking the game so far Lachie
I'm liking the game so far give this a try guys don't try and beat my school I
want to see how fast you guys are going right because as I said I'm not the best
spot you know I do try my hardest here slip and slide I can't even go what's
gonna happen oh yeah slip'n slide is right brother Jesus Christ
now slide off the edge yes I can't cool I've gone that far I want to show you
this unlock got it okay good I want to try and get on that edge if I can there
we go nice that was good but actually we did okay then three point three two I'm
at three point five for put a little bit better
oh come on zero point is zero zero one second slower okay that's enough for now
slipping slides done slide to the left ice - okay I want that pickup got it
nice okay all just missed them I was trying to try and slide into that
oh god it's ping pong then but I get three point nine two so that should be
good a little bit better three point eight other people at three point two
zero point zero four nine seconds three point seven seconds still people again
three point two unbelievable scores right now
half pipe press space to start okay let's do the half pipe I do it if I
could leave all the way to that side that'd be fantastic I don't know if I
can pull that off though oh man I reckon I can I kind of trying to look a little
okay big jump there we go that was nice eight point seven seconds not bad not
bad not bad keep sliding Icefall the only problem is
trying to land that jump the first time properly there we go nice
that was good four point nine eight five seconds there on the timer snow cross
press space to start here we go Oh God okay this is gonna be intense big
jump big mess I died yes game I understand cool
so obviously you can't jump why'd you hit that for Kenya a little bit fast and
last time I don't know how people got six seconds on that do that's incredible
if you get six seconds in that getting 40mm press space to start okay cool
that's click nice about six seconds there sure and sweet all right here we
go I'll do a big leap legally worked out okay for me there 8 seconds oh that's
trying a little bit faster here
nice little bit faster seven point nine seconds so so far we're doing all right
I'm not doing terribly not failing every single jump now you're hooked okay here
we go Oh God you have to climb that perfectly
okay nice Oh God straight over dude I jump
straight over the door get ready everyone I reckon I can do it this time
nice excellent straight through a little bit faster there twelve point two
seconds Wow so pretty much we we are never gonna get first place in this game
so far by looks but wall I shot myself really far then I'd say I can do here
can I be sneaky with a boost let's find out not too sure where I'll go exactly
oh okay I'll go through here apparently whoa um okay twelve seconds that was
just then somehow people actually beat me though
well bro people switched on here they're doing their tricks as well
excellent nine point seven seconds I actually did
okay that nine point seven seconds hey Candace here we go what the h###'s gonna
happen here died straightaway
- slow easy whoa nice boost there that boost was great
cool that was a quick boost 14 seconds Oh too slow for other people apparently
hope I cut through here maybe put a boost jump down I'm not too sure 13
seconds that time bling okay got it nice
hey six point six second bling - big leaps that was a big leap then cool oh
oh oh cheeky game assuming you get this guys yes beautiful I did okay look a
little bit faster ten point three four nice I'll take that air time here we go
okay I guess the game once we really start learning to use these boosts
properly that was good that was very good that was nice and
quick ten point 64 let's try and hunt down that bonus now till we get through
here time okay let's do this properly again
nice straight in beautiful ten point three seven okay
that was good watch the landing here we go a big jump just made it buddy how
this is a hike isn't it quite slow 17 seconds seventeen point eight seconds
left and right okay and try make it all the way down dad
bloody h### nice big boost across I should get me
boy nice just made that through good stuff sixteen point two four seconds man
that was intense alright so so far really liking the game
it is a h### of a challenge bro I don't know how some people are pulling off the
scores that they are then if they found exploits they found the best way to do
it I cannot wait to see people's videos on YouTube that's all I can say for real
it's a nice level gonna be chained it together
Oh God chained it together here we go
get all right mister the boost jump now the boost jump is hanging me all the way
to the end isn't it excellent 14 seconds first place got 11
seconds down the middle that's a big jump got a eight point three seconds
there guys max score was eight geez falling softly here we go I shall want
to leap off that won't I now go over the barrier I guess I can tackle and here
excellent that was all right seventeen seconds someone beat in 14 seconds
though I love it up and over okay nice boost there
directly here got a fourteen point four seconds actually did that pretty
decently legit I went okay finish line
doing okay nice big boost there
beautiful dude we did heaps good then like that
was that was good chain reaction the floor is lava 12 seconds to 0.0 to avoid
16 well that's it the game's done credits yet see we've done it everyone
alright cool bro I didn't even get a hundred
percent there either but we did actually did pretty decently pretty happy with
that these are the credits good job team
very cool man love the graphics in this game as well feel free to play game
man's pretty solid 30 minutes or so thirty minutes to an hour reckon to be
every level I know we do have any sanity ones but I probably won't bother with
them just yet as you guys that she want to see me play them there was a level
there hang on what's that level I die I wanna try and grab that bonus level p.m.
and um I like the game legit like I had no problem with it if you guys play for
Asrani please let me know in the comments below I'd love to hear it
I'd love to know what your scores were as well on what you user names are so I
can see them in the leaderboards because yeah I try my hardest but the game
punished me we think it's a pretty look we're gonna do terribly of course I've
been in attitude that bad it's just not what I I didn't get Tom to ten hello
legit under it though I think with you know okay no should I finish this credit
level here I speak very beautiful done ball bro
okay so what's this insanity what you're doing sanity I don't know what that
means and sad I get to collect all the yeah who won't worry about that just now
if you guys want to see insanity levels let me know in the comments below but
either way thank you so much for tuning in guys I hope you all enjoy today's
video a good way to start off 2019 with a fun game that keeps you on your toes
so yeah I therefore recommend you guys all try out frost runner thank you again
for tuning in catch you all later guys be sure to
subscribe I play new games every day see you and everyone
For more infomation >> FrostRunner: FREE SPEEDRUNNING GAME 2019! - Gameplay Walkthrough - Duration: 18:15.-------------------------------------------
Return to Das Herrenhaus - Teaser Trailer - Duration: 1:08.
- Doctor Schuster speaking.
- Doctor Maxis?
- Yes, yes.
Everything is going according to plan.
- We have almost opened the gateway to...
- Oh?
- The little one?
- Yes, she arrived yesterday.
- Yes, she is doing quite well.
- Oh and worry not, for she shall be safe in here.
- Rest assured that as long as I am the director of this School,
- no harm will come to your daughter...
- Oh, and Dr. Maxis.
- Heil Hitler.
Why I'm Not Going to BroadwayCon 2019 - Duration: 8:04.
It's probably the best reason ever to be missing it. Hi, my name is Jenny and
online I go under the name MagicCatJenny and if you met me a BroadwayCon
you probably met me, most likely, as MEOWexander Hamilton.
I've been to every BroadwayCon. The first one happened shortly after I moved
to the East Coast and it was this happy accident amazing wonderful thing. I went
with my cousin it was very exciting. I dressed up a few of the days I made a
new CATS costume for BroadwayCon of my favorite character Jemima. I dressed up
as Veronica from Heathers. And then the second year I created MEOWexander
Hamilton, which was a huge hit. I wore him all of the days and I even wore him
to go see CATS. It was an experience to be remembered forever! And then just this
past January, I went as MEOWexander the first day and the next two I wore the
Jemima costume again. I fixed the wig. I still hate that wig. One day I'll
remake that wig. It's not even displayed back there, it's
like this thing. Why am I not going this year? It's the only convention I go to
and cosplay at anymore, actually. I don't go to any other cons.
Why am I missing it? Well, it's probably the best reason ever to be missing it. I
am not mad at all. I am I'm so excited for what I'm going
to be doing instead and you probably have an idea if you've kept up with
what's going on. Um, but let me just show you so you can
figure it out for yourself. So I am this pregnant. It's it's very, I would say, very
pregnant. And I was thinking of going and cosplaying as a pregnant character, like
I could be a pregnant cat or I could be Jenna from Waitress or I could be Eliza
Schuyler, Eliza Hamilton, pregnant with their first child. But that's not...that's
not gonna happen. Um, it's just...it's not...just, it's not
gonna happen this year. So I will not be at the con. I will be busy. Maybe I'll be
counting down days, maybe I'll be nursing a newborn, maybe I'll be in labor. But I
will say this much, I will not be traveling come BroadwayCon. Not
traveling at all. So that's why I'm not going. I'm sorry for like the click-bait-y
thumbnail and title. It's...it's an experiment. I've never done that. I've
hated that, but I've always been really curious about that and sort of the
algorithm and how that all works. So it's kind of just like you know, my nerdy
experimental YouTube statistics spreadsheets. I love spreadsheets. Anyways...
So yeah that's why I'm not going. Um, I was sad for like a short period of time
when I found out that I probably wouldn't be able to be traveling come
BroadwayCon. But it was only a really little bit that I was sad, because I'm
gonna have a baby! So I'm just very excited about that!
However, okay! Giveaway! I am gonna do a giveaway! If
you are going to BroadwayCon I would love it if you would bring MEOWexander
Hamilton with you! How you can do that is; I've created two different cutouts of
him that you can easily print and cut out and tape or glue to maybe
cardboard or something or cardstock. And I want to see what Alexander Hamilton
gets up to at the con well I'm not there. You know, like, maybe he's gonna check out
the museum or go to a panel or shop at the merch section or maybe go to a meet
and greet. You take pictures with him and all the different other cosplays. I just
really want to see what you can come up with. You can make your own - if you have
photos of me Alexander Hamilton. There's more on my website. But I thought I'd
make two really easy ones you can print out. There's a link in the description where
you can go and you can just print one of those out or both or whatever. And then
post these pictures to social media so that I can see. Twitter or Facebook
Instagram as long as you tag @MagicCatJenny
with the little @ symbol, so that I can see the photos. And then what I'll do is I'll
pick one to win and that person will get a pin set. Cause I make pins, you know, I'm
that person as well. Um, I'll make a pin set of MEOWexander Hamilton which you
will get to have and you will also get a second pin set. So that's eight pins
total that you'll get. The second pin set can be anything you want. It could be
BroadwayCon 2019 inside jokes. Cause I wasn't planning on making that because
I'm not going, but if you have ideas and you want that I will do that for you.
Or it could be of your favorite musical. If I haven't made them yet I will work
with you to design them, maybe I'll even put them up at my shop. Or anything else
that I already have on my shop. 4 of, 4, 4 additional to the
MEOWexander pins. This will probably not happen till March at the earliest, given
everything going on in my life. I don't know when I'll make another video on
this channel, honestly. Um, it will be maybe the announcement of the winner. If
anyone even enters. I don't even know if anyone's gonna do this cause I have no
idea how much people actually care about MEOWexander Hamilton. But this is my way
of finding out. So if you're interested and you're the only one who does it then
you automatically win. So you don't have too much to lose...other than printer ink. So
I'd love to see it and it would be a fun way to kind of catch up with what
happened at the con through the eyes MEOWexander Hamilton. I just wanted to
check in with all my BroadwayCon friends. I only see some of you once a
year and I'm not going to this time. I hope you have a wonderful time sing some
Memory for me!
My washing project got abit delayed.
Have to wash this quickly.
Wash with yellow color.
To be perfect. Maybe Kalle will arrive too.
You never know. Of course the boys will be here.
They will come
Mika is here doing something. Yes, I came here quickly to check out what is goin on.
This is what you get for checking in.
And you got some job to do right away.
I try to get this done right away.
Damn it. It's already second time that my hand got broken.
What is situation?
Most of the vaseline cleaned?
Do we have to lift it up, to get it painted from bottom?
No.. It get passed off anyway
Do you have more of this? More plastic? Yes.
Ville, what is status of these tires? Ok good.
Have you ordered spare parts already? Yeah.
I made order from Autodoc.fi
Very handy and easy place to make order.
You just have to download app for your phone.
From Google Play Store or Apple App Store. Autodoc app...
It's simply easy to order and cheap prices.
Acutally just a moment ago I ordered from there. Driveshaft for my new plow truck.
Only 35€ and postal was maybe 10€.
It was really cheap.
Washing stuff been pretty yellow.
Have to watch out for the pedestrians. Those guys thought I'll drive over em and jumped into ditch.
We got new engine from somewhere near Turku.
Other side from river. Like how I would say it.
From Sainio. Well and...
They said that the head is broken, but nobody... Is this microphone on? Yes.
Head broken, they say, but nobody has verified it.
Only thing that makes us believe so. Is that overflow tank makes preassure.
Very sour is that washing stuff...
Let's get the engine first. Then we first need to take off the head off of it.
And then bring it to Herlevi. Kokkolan Moottorihiomo.
He can investigate it then. If it is broken or not.
And if it's broken
3-4 days to we have to sink to depression.
Then we think about it again. Do we continue or not.. :)
If it's in good condition. We are very happy people then.
Trailer was in the air. It came in pretty nice slide there.
Motor. Motor.
There is nozzles and wire harness.
He can do it? Or should I take the ride.
I think he can do it.
I could go to tell how to do it. Naah.. Let he do the job.
Good now!
It is not there.
I knew I should be there to tell how to do it.
You know what is most expensive on this trailer? Cargo strap.. Rght haha..
Should I just put it here?
Over the trailer. Aluminiun trailer. And we us this 30kg cargo strap.
Mittens would be nice to have.
This will be enough to tie it.
It's so tied to trailer you know. Yeah it is.
And we drive so nice now.
I was going to say that.
I cant say much about it.
You cant say much about it.
Let's just take bolt powertool.
Everything out from it.
Just to get top of it to Ville.
It would be awesome.
Damn my back is getting hurt.
It's been hurt again for a while.
Getting old, getting old...
Remember to buy GTI-Magazine at january.
To buy what? GTI-Magazine.
What for? There is article about me.
Prolly abit longer article. Stories about me.
I dont know if it's good or not. Anyway, it will be there.
Have you introduced KTM? I tought to do some introduce round.
Was I just too keen about to introduce it. Yeah, you was pretty keen about it.
I am so proud about it.
Damn, how difficult spot this is. I would like to use power tool to it.
Are these some kind of stunt bikes? Yes...
No front wheels at all.
Front wheels are at Björkgren Ingermars place.
Tressle from both bikes.
Other one already had icetrack tressle.
It got into service.
This little one will have same kind of tressle too.
Icetrack tressle.
I am going to...
No.. No it's just to have fun.
Drive icetrack competitions.
Big and small classes.
Those bikes are so regular that you cant success with em.
Cant speak about driver at all.
Not much icetrack experience. But it is very.. I just got involved about it at spring.
You really get feel about speed on it.
We have here new tool set. Right.. You see it on background.
You get these from Kokkolan Varaosavälitys.
Price of this one is 350€ including tax.
It very cheap right? Yes and it is very good set of tools.
Very good for a hobbyist like us.
There are wrench 10, 13, 17, 19 and everything else are already lost by us.
No matter if you buy 1000€ set. All are lost by same way.
Do we need. Jack?
Rail jack. We can store it on lower shelf.
Compressed air!
What keeps it there.
As broken top, we bought it.
We never tought Mercedez have broken top or something.
We hope...
It is in good condition. Who knows...
Overflow tank have made preassure and
Maybe there can be a broken gasket only.
Hand wash.
Abit different wash than we do for machines.
Thats all Folks!
To be continued next time.
We will take top out from engine. It seems already broken tought.
I dont know if they can fix those at all.
We will see. I think those are possible to repair. Not sure.
Those blacksmiths know better. BYE!
Bird Box ALTERNATE SAVAGE ENDING REVEALED & Deleted Scenes EXPLAINED - Duration: 5:41.
what is good YouTube warstu here with a very different video today so bird box
is the movie that it's hitting the internet by storm close to 50 million
subscription views in a week on Netflix is absolutely insane and it's mostly
being driven by the crazy memes that are absolutely everywhere so this movie got
me intrigued so I watched it on New Year's Eve and I was very interested
intrigued by the fact of the the social critics what is the social critic a
social critic is someone who's not actually a real critic they're just a
random person who watches a movie and judges it so if I was gonna go by their
reviews damn this would have bad movie but it's a very interesting intriguing
and creepy movie in many ways so careful of spoilers if you haven't seen it but
if you've clicked it to video you want to know already sobered box has deleted
scenes that actually showed what the actual monsters were supposed to look
like so the story follows Malory played by Sandra Bullock and her two children
girl and boy imagine calling your children girl and boy
it will be epic it will be savage but you just wouldn't do it but towards the
end of the movie they get real names I'm not gonna ruin that for you but it's
quite interesting so essentially they are trying to attempt to escape a
mystery entity that forces people to kill themselves in a most savage
gruesome way but if you're into horror movies is not really that grosser so
right at the end the name boy and girl gets a name which is pretty cool so they
manage to get to the sanctuary at the end of the movie which is essentially a
sanctuary for the blind and obviously if you are blind this mystery entity cannot
get to you because you can't see so it's pretty awesome ending and a lot of
people are still freaking out about a movie and I can understand why so that's
a brief overview of what happened so speaking to Bloody Disgusting birdwatch
screenwriter Erik said a very Pacific scene where one of the
actual monsters was going to brought to life on screen for y'all to see there
was a time when one of the producer was like no you have to see something at
some point and forced me to write essentially a nightmare sequence where
Mallory experiences one in that house Sandra Bullock described the creature in
at the scene as a green man with a horrific baby face it was a snake-like
and I was like I don't want to see it when it first happened just bring me
into the room we shoot the seed I'll turn and he's like growl at me it's
making me laugh it was just a long fat baby but there is some visual
confirmation of what the monsters were supposed to look like because at one
part of the movie there was 20 drawings on the table you know right at the start
of the movie before they like the kind of person that came in and ruined
everything but I don't want to go into massive spoilers so it's very
interesting that they were going to show the monsters then decided not to show
the monster so essentially the whole movie is about Mallory gets into the
home for blind in order to save boy and go however the original ending of the
book was different in many ways so they found out when they got to this
sanctuary of the blind everyone had forcefully blinded
themselves in a bid to stay safe yeah pretty dark that is pretty dark imagine
the end in the movie on that note so they made a decision to kind of change
the ending the director defended her choice in an interview with polygon
considering that all her films end on a note of optimism she said that she
didn't want to make a post-apocalyptic movie that ended didn't have a hopeful
ending the movie is slightly more positive the movie is in many ways
different from the book but it's also very rooted in the book the book also
has a kind of positive ending and I would not want to do an apocalyptic
movie that didn't have a hopeful ending in a way pretty much everything I've
done has had some sort of hopeful ending I'm not particularly interested for the
audience to leave from the cinema or on their own screens
with a kind of completely bleep point of view that's not really what I believe in
so that's pretty cool so at least she explained why she didn't do the same
engine as the book and to be honest TV shows movies that 100%
based on the book or the comics so to speak that are a 100 cent exactly the
same are boring because you know exactly what's coming so guys did you personally
want to see the monsters did the movie freak you out did you have sweaty palms
throughout the whole movie did you hate it because I'm hearing a lot of
different stories when I go through certain videos from creators of reviewed
it and stuff reading like youtuber users comments and it is really interesting
how a lot of people didn't like this movie but I did so drop all your
comments down below guys would you prefer the kind of alternate ending with
the main star getting to see one of these monsters I suppose you could say
or entities anyway guys like I said I will be doing different content
different ending explainers for certain stuff that i watch so hopefully you can
still support the channel and I will catch you in another video very soon
guys catch you later
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HOMO DEUS -3.Bölüm (Sesli Kitap) - Duration: 54:57.
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Free Aggressive Rap Beat Instrumental x Hard Trap Type Beat 2019 "REVENGE" - Duration: 3:49.
Hard trap rap beat 2019
Aggressive Rap Beat Instrumental 2019
hard trap type beat
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Aloo ke Papad || आलू के पापड़ -- in 3 flavours || 3 फ्लेवर में - Duration: 9:20.
Boiled Potatoes - 2 kg
Salt to Taste
Red Chilly Powder
Cumin Seeds
Fenugreek Leaves
Fresh Coriander Leaves
Add Salt as per taste
Add Red Chilly Powder as per taste
Divide in to three part for three flavours
Add Cumin Seeds for Cumin Flavour
Add Fenugreek Leaves for Fenugreek Flavour
Add Coriander Leaves for Coriander Flavour
Under the Sun
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KREAM (크림) - 가져가요 (Take all of me) (demo) - Duration: 5:10.
오랫동안 가까이에 머물렀지만 We stayed close to each other for a long time
알지 못했어 but I didn't realize
미안해요 I'm sorry
조금 더 일찍 너에게 찾아가 안아주지 못해서 I haven't come to you and put my arms around you little earlier
이젠 From now on
너의 곁에 남아 I'll be by your side
내가 가진 모든 것을 주려 해 and will give all of me
다 가져가요 Take all of me
다 가져가요 Take all of me
행복하다면 If you can be happy
웃을 수 있다면 If you can smile
그걸로 내게는 충분해요 That's enough for me
어떤 기대도 I don't want nothing from you
어떤 대가도 바라지 않으니 I ask nothing of you
미안해 하지 말고 Don't be sorry
나에게서 다 가져가 Take all of me
너를 보고 I look to you
너를 듣고 I listen to you
마음에 평화를 찾게 되었죠 Found peacefulness in my heart
고마워요 I thank you
많이 부족한 나인데 I'm not a good man
너의 품에서 잠들 수 있게 해줘서 but you letting me sleep in your arms
오래도록 For a long time
곁에 남아 I'll stay with you
나의 모든걸 아낌없이 주려 해 and will give all of me generously
다 가져가요 Take all of me
다 가져가요 Take all of me
행복하다면 If you can be happy
웃을 수 있다면 If you can smile
그걸로 나는 만족해요 I'm satisfied
어떤 기대도 I don't want nothing from you
어떤 대가도 바라지 않으니 I ask nothing of you
미안해 하지 말고 Don't be sorry
전부 다 가져가요 Take everything of me
혹시 내 곁을 떠나려거든 If you are going to leave me
어떤 이유도 묻지 않을테니 I will not ask for any reason
다만 단 한가지 약속해줘 But promise me one thing
행복했다고 You were happy
후회없다고 You had no regret
영원히 너의 기억속에서 추억해 주겠다고 You will remember me in your memory Eternally
가져가요 Take all of me
가져가요 Take all of me
Oddly Satisfying Videos Relaxation Truly Relaxes Mentally In Your Life - Duration: 10:01.
Oddly Satisfying Videos Relaxation Truly Relaxes Mentally In Your Life
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